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Batesian mimicry is a striking example of Darwinian evolution, in which a mimetic species resembles toxic or unpalatable model species, thereby receiving protection from predators. In some species exhibiting Batesian mimicry, nonmimetic individuals coexist as polymorphism in the same population despite the benefits of mimicry. In a previous study, we proposed that the abundance of mimics is limited by that of the models, leading to polymorphic Batesian mimicry in the swallowtail butterfly, Papilio polytes, on the Ryukyu Islands in Japan. We found that their mimic ratios (MRs), which varied among the Islands, were explained by the model abundance of each habitat, rather than isolation by distance or phylogenetic constraint based on the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) analysis. In the present study, this possibility was reexamined based on hundreds of nuclear single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of 93 P. polytes individuals from five Islands of the Ryukyus. We found that the population genetic and phylogenetic structures of P. polytes largely corresponded to the geographic arrangement of the habitat Islands, and the genetic distances among island populations show significant correlation with the geographic distances, which was not evident by the mtDNA‐based analysis. A partial Mantel test controlling for the present SNP‐based genetic distances revealed that the MRs of P. polytes were strongly correlated with the model abundance of each island, implying that negative frequency‐dependent selection interacting with model species shaped and maintained the mimetic polymorphism. Taken together, our results support the possibility that predation pressure, not isolation by distance or other neutral factors, is a major driving force of evolution of the Batesian mimicry in P. polytes from the Ryukyus.  相似文献   

Aldabrachelys gigantea (Aldabra giant tortoise) is one of only two giant tortoise species left in the world and survives as a single wild population of over 100,000 individuals on Aldabra Atoll, Seychelles. Despite this large current population size, the species faces an uncertain future because of its extremely restricted distribution range and high vulnerability to the projected consequences of climate change. Captive‐bred A. gigantea are increasingly used in rewilding programs across the region, where they are introduced to replace extinct giant tortoises in an attempt to functionally resurrect degraded island ecosystems. However, there has been little consideration of the current levels of genetic variation and differentiation within and among the islands on Aldabra. As previous microsatellite studies were inconclusive, we combined low‐coverage and double‐digest restriction‐associated DNA (ddRAD) sequencing to analyze samples from 33 tortoises (11 from each main island). Using 5426 variant sites within the tortoise genome, we detected patterns of within‐island population structure, but no differentiation between the islands. These unexpected results highlight the importance of using genome‐wide genetic markers to capture higher‐resolution genetic structure to inform future management plans, even in a seemingly panmictic population. We show that low‐coverage ddRAD sequencing provides an affordable alternative approach to conservation genomic projects of non‐model species with large genomes.  相似文献   

Analysis of genetic diversity and population structure among Quercus fabri populations is essential for the conservation and utilization of Q. fabri resources. Here, the genetic diversity and structure of 158 individuals from 13 natural populations of Quercus fabri in China were analyzed using genotyping‐by‐sequencing (GBS). A total of 459,564 high‐quality single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were obtained after filtration for subsequent analysis. Genetic structure analysis revealed that these individuals can be clustered into two groups and the structure can be explained mainly by the geographic barrier, showed gene introgression from coastal to inland areas and high mountains could significantly hinder the mutual introgression of genes. Genetic diversity analysis indicated that the individual differences within groups are greater than the differences between the two groups. These results will help us better understand the genetic backgrounds of Q. fabri.  相似文献   

Interpreting contemporary patterns of population structure requires an understanding of the interactions among microevolutionary forces and past demographic events. Here, 4,122 SNP‐containing loci were used to assess structure in southern flounder (Paralichthys lethostigma) sampled across its range in the US Atlantic Ocean (Atlantic) and Gulf of Mexico (Gulf) and relationships among components of genomic variation and spatial and environmental variables were assessed across estuarine population samples in the Gulf. While hierarchical amova revealed significant heterogeneity within and between the Atlantic and Gulf, pairwise comparisons between samples within ocean basins demonstrated that all significant heterogeneity occurred within the Gulf. The distribution of Tajima''s D estimated at a genome‐wide scale differed significantly from equilibrium in all estuaries, with more negative values occurring in the Gulf. Components of genomic variation were significantly associated with environmental variables describing individual estuaries, and environment explained a larger component of variation than spatial proximity. Overall, results suggest that there is genetic spatial autocorrelation caused by shared larval sources for proximal nurseries (migration/drift), but that it is modified by environmentally driven differentiation (selection). This leads to conflicting signals in different parts of the genome and creates patterns of divergence that do not correspond to paradigms of strong local directional selection.  相似文献   

Studies in ecology, evolution, and conservation often rely on noninvasive samples, making it challenging to generate large amounts of high‐quality genetic data for many elusive and at‐risk species. We developed and optimized a Genotyping‐in‐Thousands by sequencing (GT‐seq) panel using noninvasive samples to inform the management of invasive Sitka black‐tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus sitkensis) in Haida Gwaii (Canada). We validated our panel using paired high‐quality tissue and noninvasive fecal and hair samples to simultaneously distinguish individuals, identify sex, and reconstruct kinship among deer sampled across the archipelago, then provided a proof‐of‐concept application using field‐collected feces on SGang Gwaay, an island of high ecological and cultural value. Genotyping success across 244 loci was high (90.3%) and comparable to that of high‐quality tissue samples genotyped using restriction‐site associated DNA sequencing (92.4%), while genotyping discordance between paired high‐quality tissue and noninvasive samples was low (0.50%). The panel will be used to inform future invasive species operations in Haida Gwaii by providing individual and population information to inform management. More broadly, our GT‐seq workflow that includes quality control analyses for targeted SNP selection and a modified protocol may be of wider utility for other studies and systems where noninvasive genetic sampling is employed.  相似文献   

Ecological, environmental, and geographic factors all influence genetic structure. Species with broad distributions are ideal systems because they cover a range of ecological and environmental conditions allowing us to test which components predict genetic structure. This study presents a novel, broad geographic approach using molecular markers, morphology, and habitat modeling to investigate rangewide and local barriers causing contemporary genetic differentiation within the geographical range of three white‐crowned sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys) subspecies: Z. l. gambelii, Z. l. oriantha, and Z. l. pugetensis. Three types of genetic markers showed geographic distance between sampling sites, elevation, and ecosystem type are key factors contributing to population genetic structure. Microsatellite markers revealed white‐crowned sparrows do not group by subspecies, but instead indicated four groupings at a rangewide scale and two groupings based on coniferous and deciduous ecosystems at a local scale. Our analyses of morphological variation also revealed habitat differences; sparrows from deciduous ecosystems are larger than individuals from coniferous ecosystems based on principal component analyses. Habitat modeling showed isolation by distance was prevalent in describing genetic structure, but isolation by resistance also had a small but significant influence. Not only do these findings have implications concerning the accuracy of subspecies delineations, they also highlight the critical role of local factors such as habitat in shaping contemporary population genetic structure of species with high dispersal ability.  相似文献   

Species delimitation has seen a paradigm shift as increasing accessibility of genomic‐scale data enables separation of lineages with convergent morphological traits and the merging of recently diverged ecotypes that have distinguishing characteristics. We inferred the process of lineage formation among Australian species in the widespread and highly variable genus Pelargonium by combining phylogenomic and population genomic analyses along with breeding system studies and character analysis. Phylogenomic analysis and population genetic clustering supported seven of the eight currently described species but provided little evidence for differences in genetic structure within the most widely distributed group that containing P. australe. In contrast, morphometric analysis detected three deep lineages within Australian Pelargonium; with P. australe consisting of five previously unrecognized entities occupying separate geographic ranges. The genomic approach enabled elucidation of parallel evolution in some traits formerly used to delineate species, as well as identification of ecotypic morphological differentiation within recognized species. Highly variable morphology and trait convergence each contribute to the discordance between phylogenomic relationships and morphological taxonomy. Data suggest that genetic divergence among species within the Australian Pelargonium may result from allopatric speciation while morphological differentiation within and among species may be more strongly driven by environmental differences.  相似文献   

Natural hybridization of plants can result in many outcomes with several evolutionary consequences, such as hybrid speciation and introgression. Natural hybrid zones can arise in mountain systems as a result of fluctuating climate during the exchange of glacial and interglacial periods, where species retract and expand their territories, resulting in secondary contacts. Willows are a large genus of woody plants with an immense capability of interspecific crossing. In this study, the sympatric area of two diploid sister species, S. foetida and S. waldsteiniana in the eastern European Alps, was investigated to study the genomic structure of populations within and outside their contact zone and to analyze congruence of morphological phenotypes with genetic data. Eleven populations of the two species were sampled across the Alps and examined using phylogenetic network and population genetic structure analyses of RAD Seq data and morphometric analyses of leaves. The results showed that a homoploid hybrid zone between the two species was established within their sympatric area. Patterns of genetic admixture in homoploid hybrids indicated introgression with asymmetric backcrossing to not only one of the parental species but also one hybrid population forming a separate lineage. The lack of F1 hybrids indicated a long‐term persistence of the hybrid populations. Insignificant isolation by distance suggests that gene flow can act over large geographical scales. Morphometric characteristics of hybrids supported the molecular data and clearly separated populations of the parental species, but showed intermediacy in the hybrid zone populations with a bias toward S. waldsteiniana. The homoploid hybrid zone might have been established via secondary contact hybridization, and its establishment was fostered by the low genetic divergence of parental species and a lack of strong intrinsic crossing barriers. Incomplete ecological separation and the ability of long‐distance dispersal of willows could have contributed to the spatial expansion of the hybrid zone.  相似文献   

Crenate broomrape (Orobanche crenata Forsk.) is a serious long‐standing parasitic weed problem in Algeria, mainly affecting legumes but also vegetable crops. Unresolved questions for parasitic weeds revolve around the extent to which these plants undergo local adaptation, especially with respect to host specialization, which would be expected to be a strong selective factor for obligate parasitic plants. In the present study, the genotyping‐by‐sequencing (GBS) approach was used to analyze genetic diversity and population structure of 10 Northern Algerian O. crenata populations with different geographical origins and host species (faba bean, pea, chickpea, carrot, and tomato). In total, 8004 high‐quality single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (5% missingness) were obtained and used across the study. Genetic diversity and relationships of 95 individuals from 10 populations were studied using model‐based ancestry analysis, principal components analysis, discriminant analysis of principal components, and phylogeny approaches. The genetic differentiation (F ST) between pairs of populations was lower between adjacent populations and higher between geographically separated ones, but no support was found for isolation by distance. Further analyses identified four genetic clusters and revealed evidence of structuring among populations and, although confounded with location, among hosts. In the clearest example, O. crenata growing on pea had a SNP profile that was distinct from other host/location combinations. These results illustrate the importance and potential of GBS to reveal the dynamics of parasitic weed dispersal and population structure.  相似文献   

Marine populations are typically characterized by weak genetic differentiation due to the potential for long‐distance dispersal favouring high levels of gene flow. However, strong directional advection of water masses or retentive hydrodynamic forces can influence the degree of genetic exchange among marine populations. To determine the oceanographic drivers of genetic structure in a highly dispersive marine invertebrate, the giant California sea cucumber (Parastichopus californicus), we first tested for the presence of genetic discontinuities along the coast of North America in the northeastern Pacific Ocean. Then, we tested two hypotheses regarding spatial processes influencing population structure: (i) isolation by distance (IBD: genetic structure is explained by geographic distance) and (ii) isolation by resistance (IBR: genetic structure is driven by ocean circulation). Using RADseq, we genotyped 717 individuals from 24 sampling locations across 2,719 neutral SNPs to assess the degree of population differentiation and integrated estimates of genetic variation with inferred connectivity probabilities from a biophysical model of larval dispersal mediated by ocean currents. We identified two clusters separating north and south regions, as well as significant, albeit weak, substructure within regions (FST = 0.002, = .001). After modelling the asymmetric nature of ocean currents, we demonstrated that local oceanography (IBR) was a better predictor of genetic variation (R2 = .49) than geographic distance (IBD) (R2 = .18), and directional processes played an important role in shaping fine‐scale structure. Our study contributes to the growing body of literature identifying significant population structure in marine systems and has important implications for the spatial management of P. californicus and other exploited marine species.  相似文献   

In recent years, single‐cell sequencing (SCS) technologies have continued to advance with improved operating procedures and reduced cost, leading to increasing practical adoption among researchers. These emerging technologies have superior abilities to analyse cell heterogeneity at a single‐cell level, which have elevated multi‐omics research to a higher level. In some fields of research, application of SCS has enabled many valuable discoveries, and musculoskeletal system offers typical examples. This article reviews some major scientific issues and recent advances in musculoskeletal system. In addition, combined with SCS technologies, the research of cell or tissue heterogeneity in limb development and various musculoskeletal system clinical diseases also provides new possibilities for treatment strategies. Finally, this article discusses the challenges and future development potential of SCS and recommends the direction of future applications of SCS to musculoskeletal medicine.  相似文献   

Third‐generation sequencing technologies, such as Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) and Pacific Biosciences (PacBio), have gained popularity over the last years. These platforms can generate millions of long‐read sequences. This is not only advantageous for genome sequencing projects, but also advantageous for amplicon‐based high‐throughput sequencing experiments, such as DNA barcoding. However, the relatively high error rates associated with these technologies still pose challenges for generating high‐quality consensus sequences. Here, we present NGSpeciesID, a program which can generate highly accurate consensus sequences from long‐read amplicon sequencing technologies, including ONT and PacBio. The tool includes clustering of the reads to help filter out contaminants or reads with high error rates and employs polishing strategies specific to the appropriate sequencing platform. We show that NGSpeciesID produces consensus sequences with improved usability by minimizing preprocessing and software installation and scalability by enabling rapid processing of hundreds to thousands of samples, while maintaining similar consensus accuracy as current pipelines.  相似文献   

The highly contagious Delta variant of SARS‐CoV‐2 has become a prevalent strain globally and poses a public health challenge around the world. While there has been extensive focus on understanding the amino acid mutations in the Delta variant’s Spike protein, the mutational landscape of the rest of the SARS‐CoV‐2 proteome (25 proteins) remains poorly understood. To this end, we performed a systematic analysis of mutations in all the SARS‐CoV‐2 proteins from nearly 2 million SARS‐CoV‐2 genomes from 176 countries/territories. Six highly prevalent missense mutations in the viral life cycle‐associated Membrane (I82T), Nucleocapsid (R203M, D377Y), NS3 (S26L), and NS7a (V82A, T120I) proteins are almost exclusive to the Delta variant compared to other variants of concern (mean prevalence across genomes: Delta = 99.74%, Alpha = 0.06%, Beta = 0.09%, and Gamma = 0.22%). Furthermore, we find that the Delta variant harbors a more diverse repertoire of mutations across countries compared to the previously dominant Alpha variant. Overall, our study underscores the high diversity of the Delta variant between countries and identifies a list of amino acid mutations in the Delta variant’s proteome for probing the mechanistic basis of pathogenic features such as high viral loads, high transmissibility, and reduced susceptibility against neutralization by vaccines.  相似文献   

For nearly all organisms, dispersal is a fundamental life‐history trait that can shape their ecology and evolution. Variation in dispersal capabilities within a species exists and can influence population genetic structure and ecological interactions. In fungus‐gardening (attine) ants, co‐dispersal of ants and mutualistic fungi is crucial to the success of this obligate symbiosis. Female‐biased dispersal (and gene flow) may be favored in attines because virgin queens carry the responsibility of dispersing the fungi, but a paucity of research has made this conclusion difficult. Here, we investigate dispersal of the fungus‐gardening ant Trachymyrmex septentrionalis using a combination of maternally (mitochondrial DNA) and biparentally inherited (microsatellites) markers. We found three distinct, spatially isolated mitochondrial DNA haplotypes; two were found in the Florida panhandle and the other in the Florida peninsula. In contrast, biparental markers illustrated significant gene flow across this region and minimal spatial structure. The differential patterns uncovered from mitochondrial DNA and microsatellite markers suggest that most long‐distance ant dispersal is male‐biased and that females (and concomitantly the fungus) have more limited dispersal capabilities. Consequently, the limited female dispersal is likely an important bottleneck for the fungal symbiont. This bottleneck could slow fungal genetic diversification, which has significant implications for both ant hosts and fungal symbionts regarding population genetics, species distributions, adaptive responses to environmental change, and coevolutionary patterns.  相似文献   

Pseudotaxus chienii, belonging to the monotypic genus Pseudotaxus (Taxaceae), is a relict conifer endemic to China. Its populations are usually small and patchily distributed, having a low capacity of natural regeneration. To gain a clearer understanding of how landscape variables affect the local adaptation of P. chienii, we applied EST‐SSR markers in conjunction with landscape genetics methods: (a) to examine the population genetic pattern and spatial genetic structure; (b) to perform genome scan and selection scan to identify outlier loci and the associated landscape variables; and (c) to model the ecological niche under climate change. As a result, P. chienii was found to have a moderate level of genetic variation and a high level of genetic differentiation. Its populations displayed a significant positive relationship between the genetic and geographical distance (i.e., “isolation by distance” pattern) and a strong fine‐scale spatial genetic structure within 2 km. A putatively adaptive locus EMS6 (functionally annotated to cellulose synthase A catalytic subunit 7) was identified, which was found significantly associated with soil Cu, K, and Pb content and the combined effects of temperature and precipitation. Moreover, P. chienii was predicted to experience significant range contractions in future climate change scenarios. Our results highlight the potential of specific soil metal content and climate variables as the driving force of adaptive genetic differentiation in P. chienii. The data would also be useful to develop a conservation action plan for P. chienii.  相似文献   

Vitamin B6 is necessary to maintain normal metabolism and immune response, especially the anti‐inflammatory immune response. However, the exact mechanism by which vitamin B6 plays the anti‐inflammatory role is still unclear. Here, we report a novel mechanism of preventing excessive inflammation by vitamin B6 via reduction in the accumulation of sphingosine‐1‐phosphate (S1P) in a S1P lyase (SPL)‐dependent manner in macrophages. Vitamin B6 supplementation decreased the expression of pro‐inflammatory cytokines by suppressing nuclear factor‐κB and mitogen‐activated protein kinases signalling pathways. Furthermore, vitamin B6–reduced accumulation of S1P by promoting SPL activity. The anti‐inflammatory effects of vitamin B6 were inhibited by S1P supplementation or SPL deficiency. Importantly, vitamin B6 supplementation protected mice from lethal endotoxic shock and attenuated experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis progression. Collectively, these findings revealed a novel anti‐inflammatory mechanism of vitamin B6 and provided guidance on its clinical use.  相似文献   

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