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Understanding how urbanization alters functional interactions among pollinators and plants is critically important given increasing anthropogenic land use and declines in pollinator populations. Pollinators often exhibit short‐term specialization and visit plants of the same species during one foraging trip. This facilitates plant receipt of conspecific pollen—pollen on a pollinator that is the same species as the plant on which the pollinator was foraging. Conspecific pollen receipt facilitates plant reproductive success and is thus important to plant and pollinator persistence. We investigated how urbanization affects short‐term specialization of insect pollinators by examining pollen loads on insects’ bodies and identifying the number and species of pollen grains on insects caught in urban habitat fragments and natural areas. We assessed possible drivers of differences between urban and natural areas, including frequency dependence in foraging, species richness and diversity of the plant and pollinator communities, floral abundance, and the presence of invasive plant species. Pollinators were more specialized in urban fragments than in natural areas, despite no differences in the species richness of plant communities across site types. These differences were likely driven by higher specialization of common pollinators, which were more abundant in urban sites. In addition, pollinators preferred to forage on invasive plants at urban sites and native plants at natural sites. Our findings reveal indirect effects of urbanization on pollinator fidelity to individual plant species and have implications for the maintenance of plant species diversity in small habitat fragments. Higher preference of pollinators for invasive plants at urban sites suggests that native species may receive fewer visits by pollinators. Therefore, native plant species diversity may decline in urban sites without continued augmentation of urban flora or removal of invasive species.  相似文献   

Calotropis procera (Ait.) R.Br. (Apocynaceae), an invasive woody milkweed, has expanded its range in northern Australia affecting rangeland and pastoral productivity. While self‐compatibility should enhance the species range expansion, spread of C. procera is limited by the availability of larger wasp and bee species that are able to vector its solid pollinia. Pollination efficiency is thus likely dependent on both pollinator abundance and plant density. Calotropis procera flowers year round in Australia but fruiting is limited to the warm months of the year when pollinators are most abundant, indicating that seasonal regulation of reproduction may be due to pollinator limitation. We examine the propositions that C. procera reproduction is regulated by the interaction between plant population density and pollinator pressure and that low pollinator pressure causes low per capita plant fecundity. All pollinators belonged to Order Hymenoptera and pollinator composition was similar at six of the seven sites. Fruit production per plant (fecundity) was lower above and below intermediate densities (350–550 plants ha?1) of flowering plants with evidence of a weak Allee effect at lower plant density. Pollinator visitation rates per plant were low at high and low plant densities, and greatest at intermediate densities, while pollen supplementation experiments showed that C. procera is pollen limited (Pollen Limitation Indexfruit = 0.9) even at intermediate densities. Pollen limitation caused by low pollinator pressure at low plant densities and pollinator satiation at high plant densities may account for these fruit production trends. Management should be conducted in the colder months when pollinator pressure is low and plants are not reproducing. In addition, where stand eradication cannot be achieved in one attempt, management should reduce flowering plants to below intermediate densities where the fecundity per plant is low.  相似文献   

Sarah M. Swope 《Oecologia》2014,174(1):205-215
Herbivore damage often deters pollinator visitation and many invasive plants in North America are pollinator-dependent. This has important implications for the biological control of invasive plants because it means that agents that deter pollinators may have a larger than expected impact on the plant. Yet interactions between pollinators and biocontrol agents are rarely evaluated. Centaurea solstitialis, one of the most problematic invasive species in California, is dependent on pollinators for reproduction. I factorially manipulated infection by a biocontrol pathogen and pollen supplementation to test for (1) pollen limitation in C. solstitialis, (2) whether infection increased pollen limitation, and (3) whether this varied across a soil moisture gradient. Plants growing on north-facing slopes where soil moisture was higher experienced mild pollen limitation in the absence of the pathogen and more pronounced pollen limitation when they were infected. Plants on drier south-facing slopes did not suffer from pollen limitation but instead appeared to suffer from resource limitation. Pathogen infection directly reduced seed set in C. solstitialis by 67–72 %. On north-facing slopes, infection had an additional, indirect effect by increasing the degree of pollen limitation plants experienced. The trait that mediates this indirect pathogen–pollinator interaction is the number of inflorescences plants produced: infected plants made fewer inflorescences which led to greater pollen limitation. Although in the present study this outcome is dependent on abiotic factors that vary over small spatial scales, exploiting other invasive plants’ dependence on pollinators by selecting agents that deter visitation may enhance agent impact.  相似文献   

  • Most angiosperms rely on animal pollination for reproduction, but the dependence on specific pollinator groups varies greatly between species and localities. Notably, such dependence may be influenced by both floral traits and environmental conditions. Despite its importance, their joint contribution has rarely been studied at the assemblage level.
  • At two elevations on the Caribbean island of Dominica, we measured the floral traits and the relative contributions of insects versus hummingbirds as pollinators of plants in the Rubiaceae family. Pollinator importance was measured as visitation rate (VR) and single visit pollen deposition (SVD), which were combined to assess overall pollinator effectiveness (PE).
  • In the wet and cool Dominican highland, we found that hummingbirds were relatively more frequent and effective pollinators than insects, whereas insects and hummingbirds were equally frequent and effective pollinators at the warmer and less rainy midelevation. Furthermore, floral traits correlated independently of environment with the relative importance of pollinators, hummingbirds being more important in plant species having flowers with long and wide corollas producing higher volumes of dilute nectar.
  • Our findings show that both environmental conditions and floral traits influence whether insects or hummingbirds are the most important pollinators of plants in the Rubiaceae family, highlighting the complexity of plant–pollinator systems.

Identifying how plant-enemy interactions contribute to the success of introduced species has been a subject of much research, while the role of plant-pollinator interactions has received less attention. The ability to reproduce in new environments is essential for the successful establishment and spread of introduced species. Introduced plant species that are not capable of autonomous self-fertilization and are unable to attract resident pollinators may suffer from pollen limitation. Our study quantifies the degree of autogamy and pollination ecology of 10 closely related pairs of native and introduced plant species at a single site near St. Louis, Missouri, USA. Most of these species pairs had similar capacities for autogamy; however, of those that differed, the introduced species were more autogamous than their native congeners. Most introduced plants have pollinator visitation rates similar to those of their native congeners. Of the 20 species studied, only three had significant pollen limitation. We suggest that the success of most introduced plant species is because they are highly autogamous or because their pollinator visitation rates are similar to those of their native relatives. Understanding and identifying traits related to pollination success that are key in successful introductions may allow better understanding and prediction of biological invasions.  相似文献   

Failures in the process of pollen transfer among conspecific plants can severely impact female reproductive success. Thus, pollen limitation can cause selection on plant mating systems and floral traits. The relationships between pollen limitation and floral traits might be partly mediated by the quantity and identity of pollinator visits. However, very little is known about the relationship between pollinator visits and pollen limitation. We examined the relationships between pollen limitation and floral traits at the community level to connect them to community ecology processes. We used 48 plant species from two contrasting communities: one species‐rich lowland community and one species‐poor alpine community. In addition, we calculated visitation rates and ecological pollination generalization for 38 of the species to examine the relationship between pollinator visitation and pollen limitation at the community level. We found low overall levels of pollen limitation that did not differ significantly between the alpine and the lowland community. In both communities, species with evolutionary specialized flowers were more pollen limited than species with unspecialized flowers. Species’ visitation rates and selfing capability were negatively related to pollen limitation in the alpine community, where pollinators are scarcer. However, flower size/number, ecological generalization of plants and flowering onset had greater effects on pollen limitation levels at the lowland community, indicating that the identity of the visitors and plant‐plant competitive interactions are more decisive for plant reproduction in this species‐rich community. There, pollen limitation increased with flower size and flowering onset, and decreased with ecological generalization, but only in species with evolutionary specialized flowers. Our study suggests that selection on plant mating system and floral traits may be idiosyncratic to each particular community and highlights the benefits of conducting community‐level studies for a better understanding of the processes underlying evolutionary responses to pollen limitation.  相似文献   

Landscape heterogeneity in floral communities has the potential to modify pollinator behavior. Pollinator foraging varies with the diversity, abundance, and spatial configuration of floral resources. However, the implications of this variation for pollen transfer and ultimately the reproductive success of insect pollinated plants remains unclear, especially for species which are rare or isolated in the landscape. We used a landscape‐scale experiment, coupled with microsatellite genotyping, to explore how the floral richness of habitats affected pollinator behavior and pollination effectiveness. Small arrays of the partially self‐compatible plant Californian poppy (Eschscholzia californica) were introduced across a landscape gradient to simulate rare, spatially isolated populations. The effects on pollinator activity, outcrossing, and plant reproduction were measured. In florally rich habitats, we found reduced pollen movement between plants, leading to fewer long‐distance pollination events, lower plant outcrossing, and a higher incidence of pollen limitation. This pattern indicates a potential reduction in per capita pollinator visitation, as suggested by the lower activity densities and richness of pollinators observed within florally rich habitats. In addition, seed production reduced by a factor of 1.8 in plants within florally rich habitats and progeny germination reduced by a factor of 1.2. We show this to be a consequence of self‐fertilization within the partially self‐compatible plant, E. californica. These findings indicate that locally rare plants are at a competitive disadvantage within florally rich habitats because neighboring plant species disrupt conspecific mating by co‐opting pollinators. Ultimately, this Allee effect may play an important role in determining the long‐term persistence of rarer plants in the landscape, both in terms of seed production and viability. Community context therefore requires consideration when designing and implementing conservation management for plants which are comparatively rare in the landscape.  相似文献   

Summary During recent years, much work has focused on which factors limit the reproductive success in plants. Several studies show a strong influence of either resource limitation, pollen limitation or a combined effect of both. The theoretical arguments for resource limitation are abundant, but there has been very little work done concerning the effect of pollinator availability. In this paper we construct a model to study how the reproductive success in plants is influenced by the foraging behaviour of the pollinators. The pollinator population is assumed to have a constant population density. A functional response function for the pollinators is derived. It is similar to a Holling type II functional response. It is shown that, since the pollinators are regulated by factors not included in the model and their capability to pollinate is limited by the functional response, this is sufficient for regulating the plant population. There also exists a threshold condition for the persistence of the plant population that depended on the search rate of the pollinators and the demographic parameters of the plant population. If this threshold condition is not satisfied the plant population cannot persist and will become extinct. If the condition is satisfied the plant population grows until it is limited at the equilibrium mentioned above.  相似文献   

The loss and fragmentation of natural habitats by human activities are pervasive phenomena in terrestrial ecosystems across the Earth and the main driving forces behind current biodiversity loss. Animal-mediated pollination is a key process for the sexual reproduction of most extant flowering plants, and the one most consistently studied in the context of habitat fragmentation. By means of a meta-analysis we quantitatively reviewed the results from independent fragmentation studies throughout the last two decades, with the aim of testing whether pollination and reproduction of plant species may be differentially susceptible to habitat fragmentation depending on certain reproductive traits that typify the relationship with and the degree of dependence on their pollinators. We found an overall large and negative effect of fragmentation on pollination and on plant reproduction. The compatibility system of plants, which reflects the degree of dependence on pollinator mutualism, was the only reproductive trait that explained the differences among the species' effect sizes. Furthermore, a highly significant correlation between the effect sizes of fragmentation on pollination and reproductive success suggests that the most proximate cause of reproductive impairment in fragmented habitats may be pollination limitation. We discuss the conservation implications of these findings and give some suggestions for future research into this area.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation and reduction of population size have been found to negatively affect plant reproduction in 'new rare' species that were formerly common. This has been attributed primarily to effects of increased inbreeding but also to pollen limitation. In contrast, little is known about the reproduction of 'old rare' species that are naturally restricted to small and isolated habitats and thus may have developed strategies to cope with long-term isolation and small population size. Here we study the effects of pollen source and quantity on reproduction of the 'old rare' bumblebee-pollinated herb, Astragalus exscapus. In two populations of this species, we tested for pollen autodeposition, inbreeding depression and outbreeding depression. Caged plants were left unpollinated or were pollinated with pollen from the same plant, from the same population or from a distant population (50 km). Additionally, we tested for pollen limitation by pollen supplementation in four populations of different size and density. In the absence of pollinators, plants did not produce seed whereas self-pollinated plants did. This indicates a self-compatible breeding system dependent on insect pollination. Both self-pollination and, in one of the two populations, cross-pollination with pollen from plants from the distant population resulted in a lower number of seeds per flower than cross-pollination with pollen from plants from the resident population, indicating inbreeding and outbreeding depression. Pollen addition enhanced fruit set and number of seeds per flower in three of the four populations, indicating pollen limitation. The degree of pollen limitation was lowest in the smallest but densest population. Our results suggest that, similar to 'new rare' plant species, also 'old rare' species may be at risk of inbreeding depression and pollen limitation.  相似文献   

Pollinator and/or mate scarcity affects pollen transfer, with important ecological and evolutionary consequences for plant reproduction. However, the way in which the pollen loads transported by pollinators and deposited on stigmas are affected by pollination context has been little studied. We investigated the impacts of plant mate and visiting insect availabilities on pollen transport and receipt in a mass‐flowering and facultative autogamous shrub (Rhododendron ferrugineum). First, we recorded insect visits to R. ferrugineum in plant patches of diverse densities and sizes. Second, we analyzed the pollen loads transported by R. ferrugineum pollinators and deposited on stigmas of emasculated and intact flowers, in the same patches. Overall, pollinators (bumblebees) transported much larger pollen loads than the ones found on stigmas, and the pollen deposited on stigmas included a high proportion of conspecific pollen. However, comparing pollen loads of emasculated and intact flowers indicated that pollinators contributed only half the conspecific pollen present on the stigma. At low plant density, we found the highest visitation rate and the lowest proportion of conspecific pollen transported and deposited by pollinators. By contrast, at higher plant density and lower visitation rate, pollinators deposited larger proportion of conspecific pollen, although still far from sufficient to ensure that all the ovules were fertilized. Finally, self‐pollen completely buffered the detrimental effects on pollination of patch fragmentation and pollinator failure. Our results indicate that pollen loads from pollinators and emasculated flowers should be quantified for an accurate understanding of the relative impacts of pollinator and mate limitation on pollen transfer in facultative autogamous species.  相似文献   

Pollinator foraging behavior has direct consequences for plant reproduction and has been implicated in driving floral trait evolution. Exploring the degree to which pollinators exhibit flexibility in foraging behavior will add to a mechanistic understanding of how pollinators can impose selection on plant traits. Although plants have evolved suites of floral traits to attract pollinators, flower color is a particularly important aspect of the floral display. Some pollinators show strong innate color preference, but many pollinators display flexibility in preference due to learning associations between rewards and color, or due to variable perception of color in different environments or plant communities. This study examines the flexibility in flower color preference of two groups of native butterfly pollinators under natural field conditions. We find that pipevine swallowtails (Battus philenor) and skippers (family Hesperiidae), the predominate pollinators of the two native Texas Phlox species, Phlox cuspidata and Phlox drummondii, display distinct patterns of color preferences across different contexts. Pipevine swallowtails exhibit highly flexible color preferences and likely utilize other floral traits to make foraging decisions. In contrast, skippers have consistent color preferences and likely use flower color as a primary cue for foraging. As a result of this variation in color preference flexibility, the two pollinator groups impose concordant selection on flower color in some contexts but discordant selection in other contexts. This variability could have profound implications for how flower traits respond to pollinator‐mediated selection. Our findings suggest that studying dynamics of behavior in natural field conditions is important for understanding plant–pollinator interactions.  相似文献   

The interplay between insect and plant traits outlines the patterns of pollen transfer and the subsequent plant reproductive fitness. We studied the factors that affect the pollination efficiency of a pollinator community of Dictamnus albus L. by evaluating insect behaviour and morphological characteristics in relation to flowering phenology. In order to extrapolate the pollinator importance of single taxa and of the whole pollinator guild, we calculated an index distinguishing between potential (PPI) and realized (RPI) pollinator importance. Although the pollinator species spectrum appeared rather constant, we found high intra‐ and inter‐annual variability of pollinator frequency and importance within the insect community. Flower visitation rate strictly depended on insect abundance and on the overlap between their flying period and flower blooming. All the pollinators visited flowers from the bottom to the top of the racemes, excluding intra‐plant geitonogamous pollination, and most of them showed high pollen fidelity. Only medium large‐sized bees could contact the upward bending stiles while feeding on nectar, highlighting a specialisation of the plant towards bigger pollinators. Moreover, we found evidence of functional specialisation, since all pollinators were restricted to a single taxonomic group (order: Hymenoptera; superfamily: Apoidea). Both the PPI and RPI indices indicate Habropoda tarsata as the most important pollinator of D. albus. Following hand cross‐pollination experiments we revealed the presence of pollination limitation in 1 of the 3 years of field study. We discuss this result in relation to flowering abundance and to possible mismatches of phenological periods between plants and insects.  相似文献   

The large majority of angiosperm species depend on animals for pollination, including many agricultural crops, and plant‐pollinator interactions have been extensively studied. However, not all floral visitors actually transfer pollen, and efforts to distinguish true pollinators from mere visitors are particularly scarce among the bat pollination literature. To determine whether Old World bat species are equally effective pollinators in mixed‐agricultural areas of southern Thailand, we examined six night‐blooming plant taxa and quantified pollinator importance (PI) of seven common nectarivorous bat species. PI was calculated as the product of nightly bat visitation rate (obtained from mist‐netting data) and pollen transfer efficiency (estimated from bat pollen loads). We found that PI varied by both bat species and plant species. In general, the nectar‐specialist bat species were more important pollinators, yet their order of importance differed across our focal plant species. In addition, PI was dictated more by pollen transfer effectiveness than visitation rate. Our findings highlight the importance of Old World bat pollinators within southern Thailand's mixed‐agricultural landscape and illustrate how seemingly similar floral visitors can have very different contributions toward plant pollination success.  相似文献   

The plant life cycle is often affected by animal–plant interactions. In insect‐pollinated plants, interaction with pollinators is very important. When pollen transfer due to a lower abundance of pollinators limits seed production, selection pressures on plant traits related to plant attraction to pollinators might occur, e.g. on flowering phenology, height or number of flowerheads. Landscape changes (e.g. habitat fragmentation or changed habitat conditions) may cause plant–pollinator systems to lose balance and consequently affect population dynamics of many plant species. We studied the relationship between measured plant traits, environmental variables and pollinator preferences in Scorzonera hispanica (Asteraceae), a rare perennial, allogamous herb of open grasslands. We estimated the pollen limitation by comparing seed set of supplemental‐pollinated plants with that of open‐pollinated ones. Pollinators selected plants based on position within the locality (isolated plants close to trees) rather than on their traits. In spite of a high proportion of undeveloped seeds on the plants, we demonstrated that they are not pollen limited. Instead, seed set and weight of seeds was correlated with plant size traits (height and flowerhead number), with larger plants producing more and larger seeds. This suggests that the studied plants are likely resource limited. Overall, the results suggest that pollinators are not a selection factor in this system, in contrast to studies on various plant species, including self‐compatible species of the Asteraceae. The lack of any effect of pollinators in the system may be caused by a strong negative effect of ungulate herbivores, which could play a decisive role in functioning of the system.  相似文献   

The balance of pollination competition and facilitation among co-flowering plants and abiotic resource availability can modify plant species and individual reproduction. Floral resource succession and spatial heterogeneity modulate plant–pollinator interactions across ecological scales (individual plant, local assemblage, and interaction network of agroecological infrastructure across the farm). Intraspecific variation in flowering phenology can modulate the precise level of spatio-temporal heterogeneity in floral resources, pollen donor density, and pollinator interactions that a plant individual is exposed to, thereby affecting reproduction. We tested how abiotic resources and multi-scale plant–pollinator interactions affected individual plant seed set modulated by intraspecific variation in flowering phenology and spatio-temporal floral heterogeneity arising from agroecological infrastructure. We transplanted two focal insect-pollinated plant species (Cyanus segetum and Centaurea jacea, n = 288) into agroecological infrastructure (10 sown wildflower and six legume–grass strips) across a farm-scale experiment (125 ha). We applied an individual-based phenologically explicit approach to match precisely the flowering period of plant individuals to the concomitant level of spatio-temporal heterogeneity in plant–pollinator interactions, potential pollen donors, floral resources, and abiotic conditions (temperature, water, and nitrogen). Individual plant attractiveness, assemblage floral density, and conspecific pollen donor density (C. jacea) improved seed set. Network linkage density increased focal species seed set and modified the effect of local assemblage richness and abundance on C. segetum. Mutual dependence on pollinators in networks increased C. segetum seed set, while C. jacea seed set was greatest where both specialization on pollinators and mutual dependence was high. Abiotic conditions were of little or no importance to seed set. Intra- and interspecific plant–pollinator interactions respond to spatio-temporal heterogeneity arising from agroecological management affecting wild plant species reproduction. The interplay of pollinator interactions within and between ecological scales affecting seed set implies a co-occurrence of pollinator-mediated facilitative and competitive interactions among plant species and individuals.  相似文献   

  • Plant species that are effective colonisers of transient habitats are expected to have a capacity for uniparental reproduction and show flexibility in pollination systems. Such traits may enable populations to be established from a small number of founding individuals without these populations succumbing to reductions in fecundity arising from pollinator limitation.
  • We tested these predictions for Aloe thraskii (Xanthorrhoeaceae), a succulent treelet that colonises shifting coastal dunes and has both bird and bee pollinators. We performed hand‐pollination experiments, and selectively excluded bird visitors to determine differences in pollinator effectiveness. We measured pollinator visitation rates and fecundity in populations varying in their size, density and isolation distance.
  • Controlled hand‐pollinations revealed that unlike most other Aloe species, A. thraskii is self‐compatible and thus capable of uniparental reproduction. The species does however depend on pollinators and is visited by various bird species as well as by bees. Fruit and seed set are not affected by selective exclusion of birds, thus indicating that bees are effective pollinators. Bird visitation rates increased with increasing plant height and population size, while bee visitation rates increased with increasing population size and density. We found that seed set per flower was lower in large populations than in small populations.
  • These results suggest that establishment of populations of A. thraskii from a small number of individuals is unlikely to be limited by the fecundity of individual plants.

 The reproductive ecology of Euphrasia willkommii (Scrophulariaceae), an endemic species from the Mediterranean alpine environments of the SE Spain, has been experimentally studied during two reproductive seasons. The flowers of this plant species were visited by very few insects belonging only to two generalist taxa, thrips and ants. Nevertheless, reproduction is not pollen limited in E. willkommii. Hand-pollinations demonstrated that this plant species is capable of selfing, reproductive success being similar in autogamous and allogamous crosses. Moreover, pollinator-exclusion experiments also showed that, under natural conditions, this plant relies predominantly on selfing, seed production being similar in presence or absence of pollinators. Selfing in E. willkommii is presumably an ecological mechanism to ensure successful reproduction in a harsh environment where pollinator availability is extremely low. Received May 2, 2001 Accepted December 6, 2001  相似文献   

Pollen limitation may have important consequences for the reproduction and abundance of plant species. It may be especially harmful to endangered and endemic plants with small populations. In this study, we quantify the effect of pollen limitation on seed production and seedling emergence in an endangered narrow endemic crucifer, Erysimum popovii. We conducted a pollen addition experiment across the entire geographic distribution of the species, and explored the effect of pollinator assemblage, plant population size and density, and other habitat variables on pollen limitation intensity in 13 populations. We supplemented flowers in 20 plants per population with allogamous pollen. To account for potential resource reallocation, we used two types of control untreated flowers: internal control flowers from the same individual as the supplemented flowers, and external control flowers from other individuals. Our results indicate that E. popovii is pollen-limited in most of the populations studied, but only through seed production, since pollen supplementation did not enhance seedling emergence. Beefly abundance was associated with among-population differences in pollen limitation intensity. Populations in which beeflies were more abundant were less pollen-limited. In contrast, the abundance of other flower visitors, such as large bees or butterflies, was not associated with pollen limitation. Annual rainfall and bare soil cover were associated with the intensity of pollen limitation across populations.  相似文献   

Although there are many reasons to expect distinct pollinator types to differentially affect a plant's reproductive success, few studies have directly examined this question. Here, we contrast the impact of two kinds of pollinators on reproductive success via male and female functions in the Rocky Mountain columbine, Aquilegia coerulea . We set up pollinator exclusion treatments in each of three patches where Aquilegia plants were visited by either day pollinators (majority bumble bees), by evening pollinators (hawkmoths), or by both (control). Day pollinators collected pollen and groomed, whereas evening pollinators collected nectar but did not groom. Maternal parents, potential fathers and progeny arrays were genotyped at five microsatellite loci. We estimated female outcrossing rate and counted seeds to measure female reproductive success and used paternity analysis to determine male reproductive success. Our results document that bumble bees frequently moved pollen among patches of plants and that, unlike hawkmoths, pollen moved by bumble bees sired more outcrossed seeds when it remained within a patch as opposed to moving between patches. Pollinator type differentially affected the outcrossing rate but not seed set, the number of outcrossed seeds or overall male reproductive success. Multiple visits to a plant and more frequent visits by bumble bees could help to explain the lack of impact of pollinator type on overall reproductive success. The increase in selfing rate with hawkmoths likely resulted from the abundant pollen available in experimental flowers. Our findings highlighted a new type of pollinator interactions that can benefit a plant species.  相似文献   

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