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The effects of ketamine anesthesia (15 mg/kg body weight) on hematological and serum biochemical values were examined in six female cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) who were born in the wild. As control, another six female cynomolgus monkeys of the same origin were injected with physiological saline. The white blood cell count, total protein concentration, albumin concentration and calcium concentration decreased after the injection of ketamine, whereas the red blood cell count, hematocrit value, hemoglobin concentration, total cholesterol concentration, free cholesterol concentration, triglyceride concentration, transaminase activities (GOT, GPT) and alkaline phosphatase activity were not affected. A transient increase of the serum glucose level was observed within 10 minutes after ketamine injection. The relationship between these effects of ketamine anesthesia and serum cortisol levels measured by radioimmunoassay was discussed.  相似文献   

Glucose tolerance tests were performed with fourteen cynomolgus monkeys. They were divided into two groups with regard to the serum glucose level at the time of routine health-examination. Nine of them had normal glucose level (below 123 mg/dl, the normal group) and the other five monkeys exhibited hyperglycemia (the abnormal group). Fifty per cent glucose solution was administered into the saphenous vein at a dose of 4 ml/head. Blood samples were taken just before and 5, 10, 20, 30, 60 and 120 minutes after the glucose administration. K-value (K = 0.693/t 1/2 X 100) as the decreasing rate of serum glucose during from 5 to 60 minutes after the administration was calculated. Average K-value for eight monkeys of the normal group was 3.12 +/- 0.48. Both immunoreactive insulin level (IRI) and C-peptide immunoreactivity (CPR) increased just after the glucose administration and began to decrease 5 to 30 minutes after the administration in all the eight animals. Remaining one animal (No. 009) of the normal group showed 1.03 in K-value. For the abnormal group, K-value averaged 0.75 +/- 0.25. IRI was slightly higher in this group than in the 8 monkeys of the normal group. Furthermore, the abnormal group did not show any definite change of a certain trend in IRI and CPR. In conclusion, the former 8 monkeys were judged to be normal in the function of pancreatic beta-cells, and the latter 5 monkeys and No. 009 monkey were judged to be suffering from type II (noninsulin dependent) diabetes mellitus at different stages of the disease.  相似文献   

Cynomolgus monkeys were divided into two groups in terms of the reactivity of their lymphocytes with the FN18 monoclonal antibody, which is directed to the CD3 of rhesus monkeys. It was shown that 24 (12.2%) out of 196 monkeys did not have lymphocytes that reacted with the FN18, although T cells from those animals responded well to mitogenic stimulation. We have determined the nucleotide sequences of the CD3delta, CD3gamma, and CD3epsilon chains and found that two amino acids of the CD3epsilon chain of the FN18 non-reactive monkeys were different when compared with the FN18 reactive monkeys. Our results indicated that the CD3epsilon molecule of cynomolgus monkeys is polymorphic at the epitope level, which is recognized by the FN18 monoclonal antibody.  相似文献   

Cerebral artery structure has not been extensively studied in primates. The aim of this study was to examine the cerebrovascular anatomy of cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis), which are one of the most commonly used primates in medical research on human diseases, such as cerebral infarction and subarachnoid hemorrhage. In this study, we investigated the anatomy and diameter of cerebral arteries from 48 cynomolgus monkey brain specimens. We found three anatomical differences in the vascular structure of this species compared to that in humans. First, the distal anterior cerebral artery is single. Second, the pattern in which both the anterior inferior cerebellar artery and posterior inferior cerebellar artery branch from the basilar artery is the most common. Third, the basilar artery has the largest diameter among the major arteries. We expect that this anatomical information will aid in furthering research on cerebrovascular disease using cynomolgus monkeys.  相似文献   

Three egg-yolk diluents, which have been used successfully in cryopreservation of human spermatozoa, were compared for their ability to protect macaque semen against cryodamage. TEST (Tes + Tris + egg yolk), TEST with 20% skim milk (TSM), and egg yolk-citrate (EYC), each with 3 or 5% glycerol were compared using 12 ejaculates from 6 male cynomolgus macaques. Computer-aided analysis of sperm motion was used to determine the percentage motility (%M), curvilinear velocity (VCL), and linearity (LIN) of spermatozoa after thawing. The supravital stain Hoechst 33258 and a fluoresceinated pea lectin were used to determine the % of viable spermatozoa with intact acrosomes. TSM and TEST were superior to EYC in terms of % M and of % viable, acrosome-intact spermatozoa. TSM and TEST produced equivalent VCL and LIN values, while EYC had clearly reduced VCL and LIN. There were no interactions between diluent and glycerol level. The 3% glycerol level gave superior results to 5% glycerol for %M. EYC, which is widely used for cryopreservation of human spermatozoa, was not suitable for cynomolgus monkey semen. Artificial insemination with semen cryopreserved in TSM resulted in a healthy, full-term infant.  相似文献   

During a toxicology study in cynomolgus (long-tailed or crab-eating) monkeys (Macaca fascicularis), a randomly distributed incidence of significantly increased hepatic enzyme activity was observed. Premedication hepatic enzyme activity in all monkeys of this study was normal, but increased alanine aminotransferase (ALT) activity was found in 4 of the 24 animals 2 weeks after initiation of the study and in 10 of 24 at 4 weeks. A drug-related effect was considered unlikely initially because the increases were not doserelated, and a 3-year review of 655 cynomolgus monkeys revealed a 15–20% incidence of increased hepatic enzyme activity. Good correlation was subsequently established between increased hepatic enzyme activity, active hepatitis A virus (HAV) infection, and histomorphologic confirmation of hepatitis (chronic periportal inflammation). Follow-up viral serodiagnostic screening of resident macaques revealed an overall incidence of anti-HAV IgG in 80% (155/193) of cynomolgus and in 70% (14/20) of rhesus monkeys. Serial screening demonstrated that several initially negative monkeys became seropositive for anti-HAV IgG, and a few acquired active infection (anti-HAV IgM). Among newly acquired cynomolgus monkeys, 2.5% (2/80) had an acute HAV infection, and 35% (28/80) eventually tested positive for anti-HAV IgG while quarantined in the primate facility. The characterization of an enzootic HAV infection in incoming monkeys posed a significant risk for the primate colony and handlers. Rigorous sanitation, isolation, and quarantine procedures, including personnel training and additional protective clothing for personnel working in the primate colony, reduced tho potential for transmission and arrested the outbreak. Experimenters should be cautious in ascribing toxicity to a test article based solely on increased hepatic enzyme activity associated with chronic periportal inflammation.  相似文献   

Depressive disorders are prevalent, costly, and poorly understood. Male rodents in stress paradigms are most commonly used as animal models, despite the two-fold increased prevalence of depression in women and sex differences in response to stress. Although these models have provided valuable insights, new models are needed to move the field forward. Social stress-associated behavioral depression in adult female cynomolgus macaques closely resembles human depression in physiological, neurobiological, and behavioral characteristics, including reduced body mass, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis perturbations, autonomic dysfunction, increased cardiovascular disease risk, reduced hippocampal volume, altered serotonergic function, decreased activity levels, and increased mortality. In addition, behaviorally depressed monkeys also have low ovarian steroid concentrations, even though they continue to have menstrual cycles. Although this type of ovarian dysfunction has not been reported in depressed women and is difficult to identify, it may be the key to understanding the high prevalence of depression in women. Depressive behavior in female cynomolgus monkeys is naturally occurring and not induced by experimental manipulation. Different social environmental challenges, including isolation vs. subordination, may elicit the depression-like response in some animals and not others. Similarly, social subordination is stressful and depressive behavior is more common in socially subordinate monkeys. Yet, not all subordinates exhibit behavioral depression, suggesting individual differences in sensitivity to specific environmental stressors and enhanced risk of behavioral depression in some individuals. The behavior and neurobiology of subordinates is distinctly different than that of behaviorally depressed monkeys, which affords the opportunity to differentiate between stressed and depressed states. Thus, behaviorally depressed monkeys exhibit numerous physiological, neurobiological, and behavioral characteristics same as those of depressed human beings. The nonhuman primate model represents a new animal model of depression with great promise for furthering our understanding of this prevalent and debilitating disease and identifying novel therapeutic targets.  相似文献   

2 outbreaks of acute fatal enteric disease involving 20 animals in a breeding unit of approximately 200 cynomolgus monkeys were diagnosed as yersiniosis; Yersinia pseudotuberculosis was isolated from 50% of the clinically affected animals. Post-mortem findings included enlarged mesenteric lymph nodes with some enterocolitis and necrotic foci in liver and spleen. Approximately 7% of clinically healthy monkeys were found to be excreting Y. pseudotuberculosis and a further 5% Y. enterocolitica. Rectal swabs, though less convenient, were better than faecal samples for the detection of Yersinia spp. in 'healthy' monkeys. Efficiency of the cold saline technique and direct plating for isolating Yersinia spp. were compared. It is thought likely that the infection was introduced into the unit by asymptomatic infected monkeys.  相似文献   

Sclerotic changes were found histologically in the myometrial vessels of 27 out of 33 cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis). The sclerosis was composed of fibrous proliferations and intimal thickening. These changes were not observed in nulliparous cases, but were found only in multiparous ones. The findings suggest that the sclerotic changes in the myometrial vessels of cynomolgus monkeys are a pregnancy-induced phenomenon.  相似文献   

To estimate the genetic variability of two subspecies of cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis fascicularis and M. f. aurea) using microsatellite markers, 26 microsatellite markers were selected from previous reports. Seventeen markers showed high polymorphism in a subset of monkeys and were used for the assessment of genetic diversity in the larger sample. The effective number of alleles, the polymorphism information content (PIC) and the expected heterozygosity of M. f. aurea monkeys were all statistically significantly higher than those of M. f. fascicularis monkeys (P < 0.05), suggesting the M. f. aurea monkeys had a higher degree of genetic variation than the M. f. fascicularis monkeys. Substantial differences in allele distribution were also detected between the two subspecies of cynomolgus monkeys. Private alleles restricted to the M. f. fascicularis or the M. f. aurea monkeys were found throughout the selected 17 loci. These private alleles may allow the discrimination of the two subspecies of cynomolgus monkeys. The selected markers could also be used to estimate the genetic variation for other subspecies of cynomolgus monkeys. Further work using additional animals obtained from native or independent sources will be important for a more complete understanding of the genetic differences between these two subgroups.  相似文献   

The mode of inheritance of macular degeneration was determined with 45 cynomolgus monkeys (18 females and 27 males) who were the offspring of one breeding male with typical macular degeneration. In the first generation, 27 offspring (10 females and 17 males) were born from mating between the macular degeneration-affected founder male and 5 normal female breeders. Among them, 18 monkeys (9 females and 9 males) were judged as having macular degeneration (affected). Next, the distribution of affected offspring was examined with 18 offspring who were born from 3 different mating pairs, normal vs normal, affected vs normal and affected vs affected, when they became 2 years old. All of the 9 monkeys (4 females and 5 males) obtained from the 2 pairs of normal vs normal were normal. On the other hand, 6 affected monkeys (3 females and 3 males) were detected in 8 offspring from the mating pair of affected vs normal, and the single offspring produced by the mating pair of affected vs affected was affected. These results showed that this degeneration must be early onset familial macular degeneration controlled by autosomal dominant gene(s).  相似文献   

Estrogen receptors (ER) and androgen receptors (AR) were evaluated in the hepatic cytosol from cynomolgus macaques to determine if there were differences associated with gender and endogenous hormone secretion. Saturable, high affinity binding (Kd = 0.2-0.8 nM) was demonstrated for both ER and AR from either male or female monkeys. Displacement of tritiated estradiol from the ER was estrogen specific (including ethinyl estradiol). Both androgens and the synthetic progestins (levonorgestrel and norethindrone) displaced tritiated mibolerone from the AR. Both 8S and 4S molecular forms of ER and AR were demonstrated on 5-20% sucrose density gradients. The ER levels were higher in females in the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle (40.5 +/- 1.9 fmol/mg protein) than levels in males (26.4 +/- 4.8 fmol/mg protein; P less than 0.01) or levels in luteal phase females (31.8 +/- 2.4 fmol/mg protein; P less than 0.05). AR levels were not different between females during different phases of the menstrual cycle (65.8 +/- 4.6 and 69.5 +/- 4.3 fmol/mg protein, follicular and luteal, respectively), but there was a tendency (P less than 0.10) for the levels in males (54.4 +/- 6.6 fmol/mg protein) to be lower than female levels. The demonstration of saturable, high affinity binding of androgens and estrogens in liver tissue of these primates, along with differences associated with gender and the stage of the menstrual cycle, suggests that hepatic receptors are functional and may play an important role in hepatic protein secretion.  相似文献   

T Yoshida  K Ohtoh  F Cho 《Jikken dobutsu》1992,41(4):499-504
The effects of nursing on maternal hematological and serum biochemical values were analyzed in cynomolgus monkeys reared in indoor cages at Tsukuba Primate Center. In our breeding system, infants are usually separated from their mothers at the age of 121 to 180 days. Mother monkeys of such infants were studied hematologically and biochemically (Group B), as were mother monkeys who happened to have nursed their infants past 181 days after parturition (Group A). During the period with their infants, mother monkeys in the latter group showed lower white blood cell counts (WBC) and higher red blood cell counts (RBC), hematocrit values (Ht) and blood urea nitrogen concentrations (BUN) than the mother monkeys who had been separated from their infants. Also, serum calcium concentrations (Ca) were decreased with prolonged nursing periods, indicating that lactation by the mother monkey probably continues even for a period from 181 days to about one year after parturition if she nurses her infant. Lactation during this period may accelerate hematogenesis and protein metabolism in the mother monkey.  相似文献   

Female cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) were kept under 3 different housing conditions: individually in type A cages (45 X 45 X 60 cm), individually in type B cages (70 X 70 X 100 cm) and as couples in type B cages. Primigravida did not show early embryonic mortality, differing significantly from 11.5% early losses in multigravida. Early embryonic mortality was not affected by housing condition. Further reproductive failure rates did not differ significantly for primigravid (18.5%) and multigravid females (24.0%), though abortion tended to occur more frequently in primigravida. Perinatal mortality (16.1%) accounted for most of the losses under each housing condition. More successful pregnancies (90%) were recorded for females housed individually in type B cages than for females housed in type A cages (68%). About 50% of the couples originally established remained until weaning of their infants, yielding 77% viable offspring. For multigravid females statistical evaluation showed a significant effect of housing conditions on reproductive outcome (X2-test 0.01 less than P less than 0.05) that could be entirely attributed to low losses in females housed individually in type B cages. It is concluded that housing conditions can have a profound influence on reproductive success in cynomolgus monkeys.  相似文献   

To examine the synthesis and release of steroids in intestinal tissues from cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis), we performed the following experiments: 1) incubated prepared intestinal tissues with [(3)H]testosterone to study the conversion to other steroids; 2) used a radioimmunoassay to determine steroid levels in six segments of intestinal tissues and contents (duodenum, jejunum, ileum, cecum, colon, and rectum); 3) localized testosterone in the six intestinal segments by immunofluorescence histochemistry; and 4) determined steroid levels in feces from males and females of various ages by radioimmunoassay to examine a correlation between steroid levels and age or sex. In prepared intestinal tissues, testosterone was converted into androstenedione, 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone, and an unidentified substance; all of these steroids were detected in all segments of the intestinal tissues and contents by radioimmunoassay. Immunofluorescence showed that testosterone was located in all segments of intestinal epithelia. Androstenedione, testosterone, 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone, and the unidentified substance were also detected in feces, and their levels were not affected by the age or sex of the animal. The present findings in cynomolgus monkeys led us to conclude that 1) steroids were synthesized in the intestines; 2) intestinal steroids were released from the six intestinal tissues to the intestinal cavities and excreted outside the body with feces; and 3) intestinal steroids were released irrespective of age or sex of the animal. Intestinal steroids seem to be paracrine or exocrine agents and to have different characteristics from classical serum steroids.  相似文献   

T Yoshida  K Ohtoh  F Cho  S Honjo  N Goto 《Jikken dobutsu》1988,37(3):257-262
Hematological and serum biochemical data obtained from 45 non-pregnant and 142 pregnant cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) were analyzed by discriminant analyses. All animals used had been reared under uniform environmental conditions at Tsukuba Primate Center for Medical Science, N. I. H., Japan. The examination items were as follows: red blood cell count(RBC), hematocrit value(Ht), hemoglobin concentration(Hb), mean corpuscular volume(MCV), white blood cell count(WBC), total protein (TP), albumin (ALB), glucose (GLU), total cholesterol (TCHO), free cholesterol (FCHO), triglyceride (TG), and albumin-globulin ratio (A/G). The pregnant animals were divided into four groups according to their gestation ages (Group I: 1-40 days; II: 41-80 days; III: 81-120 days; and IV: more than 121 days). During pregnancy period (Groups II, III and IV), significant decrease of TP, ALB, TCHO, FCHO and TG was observed. RBC, Ht and Hb decreased in the last of the four periods of pregnancy (Group IV). Discrimination was possible between each of these four pregnant groups and the non-pregnant group on the basis of the Mahalanobis' generalized distance. To clarify the relationship among groups, canonical discriminant analysis (discriminant analysis with reduction of dimensionality) was carried out. As a result, the non-pregnant group and the pregnant I group could be clearly discriminated from the other pregnant groups (II, III, and IV) by the first canonical variate. Judging from the relative eigenvector value of each variable for the first canonical variate, the effective discriminant variables were RBC, Ht, Hb, MCV, TP and A/G.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In search of the relevant difference between mother rearing and surrogate rearing with respect to the emergence of neophobic behavior in macaques, we tested the hypothesis that mobility of surrogate mothers prevents the development of neophobic behavior in cynomolgus macaques. The experimental group consisted of ten surrogate-reared subjects which during their first year got rides on surrogate mothers moving through the cage. The control group consisted of nine subjects reared with immobile surrogate mothers. Between the age of 7 and 27 months the reactions to two different novel objects were tested. First exposure to one object occurred at 6 months of age and to the other object at 20 months. The kind of object and the age of first exposure made no difference. Contrary to our expectations mobility of surrogates did not affect the incidence of neophobia: most subjects in both groups persistently avoided the objects. This finding seems to support Hofer's hypothesis that the mother acts as a regulator of the infant's behavior and physiology.  相似文献   

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