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We describe here T cell cultures and clones established from the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of three patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) and one chronic meningitis patient with pleocytosis. Most of the cultures were activated with phytohemagglutinin (PHA) before growth in mitogen-free interleukin 2 (IL 2), and were never restimulated. Some of the clones obtained have been propagated for over 1 yr and are strictly IL 2-dependent. Immunofluorescence analysis performed with various monoclonal antibodies revealed that the CSF-derived lines had the characteristics of activated T cells with a stable expression of either suppressor/cytotoxic or helper/inducer surface antigens. Most of the clones established had a predominantly suppressor phenotype (OKT8+), except for the clones derived from one MS patient, which expressed only the helper phenotype (anti-Leu-3a+). Consistent with these data, the CSF-derived cultures displayed a variety of immunoregulatory functions, such as the ability to lyse nonspecific and PHA-stimulated target cells, to produce IL 2 upon mitogenic activation, and to modulate polyclonally induced Ig responses. The availability of long-term CSF T cell cultures derived from MS patients at various disease stages might provide a useful tool in investigating the factor(s) involved in the etio-pathogenesis of the disease.  相似文献   

A panel of 17 myelin basic protein (MBP)-specific T lymphocyte clones were generated from four multiple sclerosis (MS) patients. All T cell clones expressed CD4 phenotype and 14 clones exhibited substantial cytotoxic activity on MBP-coated target cells. T cell recognition sites of the clones on human MBP were identified by using MBP fragments and synthetic peptides. Despite the fact that at least three epitopes were defined, these T cell clones displayed a striking bias to the C-terminal peptide 149-171 independent of differences in HLA-DR and DQ expression. In addition, the T cell responses of the clones appeared to be restricted by HLA-DR molecules irrespective of peptide specificities. The present study suggests an immunodominant property of the C-terminal peptide for HLA-DR-restricted T cell responses to MBP. However, its association with encephalitogenicity in humans and its potential pathologic importance in MS await further clarification.  相似文献   

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a neurological disease in which 60% of patients are DR2 (versus 20% in controls). Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) associated with T cell receptor alpha-chain and beta-chain genes have been analysed in a sample of 46 MS patients and compared with those of 142 controls. The alpha-chain gene polymorphism is localized to the V-J region and consists of 3 Bgl II alleles (alpha a = 3.2 kb; alpha b = 2.9 kb; alpha c = 2.8 kb). A significant difference was found in the distribution of these three alleles since 97% of DR2 patients versus 60% in DR2 non-MS individuals were found to be homozygotes alpha a/alpha a. These results suggest the influence of T cell antigen receptor germ line repertoire on the etiopathology of this disease.  相似文献   

The induction of antigen-specific tolerance in mice by conjugates of ovalbumin (OVA) and monomethoxypolyethylene glycol (mPEG) previously had been shown to be associated with the generation of antigen-specific suppressor T (Ts) cells. For the elucidation of the nature of these Ts cells, five nonhybridized OVA-specific Ts cell clones were generated from the spleen cells of a BDF1 mouse which had been immunosuppressed by the tolerogenic conjugate, OVA(mPEG)12. The cloned Ts cells were maintained in vitro by periodic stimulation with OVA and feeder cells and were able to suppress the in vitro antibody production in an OVA-specific and MHC class I (H-2Kd or H-2Dd)-restricted manner. All these Ts cell clones were shown to be Thy1.2+, CD4-, CD5-, CD8+, and to express CD3 and the alpha beta heterodimer of the T cell receptor. The cell-free extracts of these cells contained soluble suppressor factors which could mimic in vitro the suppressive activity of the intact cells. In contrast to cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL), none of the cloned Ts cells were endowed with cytolytic activity as revealed in the perforin-mediated microhemolysis and in the 18-hr51Cr release assays. These results demonstrate that (i) OVA-specific Ts cell clones can be generated from mice pretreated with OVA(mPEG)12 by employing conventional T cell culture techniques, and (ii) these Ts cells are functionally different from conventional CD8+ CTL.  相似文献   

Rabies virus-specific T cell clones isolated from a human vaccine recipient were studied for their fine specificity and genetic restriction using synthetic peptides of the viral Ag and mouse fibroblasts transfected with human MHC genes. Two clones were found to react with an epitope present in the rabies glycoprotein, which was presented by the HLA-DR7 molecule. Other T cell clones recognized synthetic epitopes corresponding to the rabies nucleoprotein in association with the HLA-DR7 or HLA-DQw3 molecule, and one clone responded to the viral nucleocapsid Ag in the presence of HLA-DPw4. T cell clones that exhibited different cross-reactivity patterns among several virus strains were found to recognize closely situated epitopes (within 15 amino acid residues), which were presented in the context of the same MHC molecule. The lack of recognition of a particular virus strain by a T cell clone was attributable in some cases to amino acid variations of the Ag that appear to affect the T cell's receptor for Ag specificity and not the ability of that epitope to associate with the corresponding MHC molecule. Comparisons of the T cell cross-reactivity patterns with various rabies and rabies-related viruses, the fine antigenic specificity, and MHC restriction may aid in understanding the role of individual amino acid variations among virus strains in the induction of cross-protective immunity.  相似文献   

The role of T cells in Ig isotype regulation is still unclear. To address this question, we generated mitogen-stimulated T cell clones from normal human lymphoid follicles of the gut-associated lymphoid tissue (appendix). Both the T cell clones and clonal supernatants provided preferential help for IgA secretion by PWM-stimulated B cells. Many of these CD3+, CD4+, 4B4+, DR+ helper clones co-expressed Fc-gamma and Fc-alpha R, but there was poor correlation between the expression of Fc-alpha R and IgA help (p = 0.31). Most of the T cell clones helped both IgM+A- and IgM-A+ B cell populations to secrete IgA, suggesting that they mediate switch of isotype-uncommitted B cells as well as post-switch expansion of IgA-committed B cells; however, some of the T cell clones helped IgM+A- B cell populations much more than IgM-A+ B cell populations, suggesting that, in this case, the regulatory effect is predominantly at the level of B cell switch. In all, these results show that the mucosal immune system contains individual T cells which are capable of positively regulating IgA-specific isotype differentiation at two levels of B cell development, thus allowing for efficient generation of IgA-secreting B cells.  相似文献   

Core peptide (CP) is a unique peptide derived from thetransmembrane sequence of T cell antigen receptor (TCR)-alpha chain and is capable of inhibiting the immuneresponse both in vitro and in animal models of Tcell mediated inflammation. The structure of CP, withsequence GLRILLLKV, is similar to the amphipathic regionof many peptides. Unlike antimicrobial peptides,however, which damage cell membranes, electron microscopyand propidium iodide exclusion assays on cell membranessuggest that CP does not create pores and may act byinterfering with signal transduction at the membranelevel. To investigate this effect further we report theresults of 31P and 2H solid-state NMRspectroscopy of CP on model membranes. As predicted,even at high concentrations of CP, the structure of modelmembranes was not significantly perturbed. Only at thevery high peptide-to-lipid molar ratio of 1:10significant effects on the model membranes were observed. We conclude that CP does not destroy the integrity of thelipid bilayer.  相似文献   

Summary Core peptide (CP) is a unique peptide derived from the transmembrane sequence of T cell antigen receptor (TCR)-alpha chain and is capable of inhibiting the immune response both invitro and in animal models of T cell mediated inflammation. The structure of CP, with sequence GLRILLLKV, is similar to the amphipathic region of many peptides. Unlike antimicrobial peptides, however, which damage cell membranes, electron microscopy and propidium iodide exclusion assays on cell membranes suggest that CP does not create pores and may act by interfering with signal transduction at the membrane level. To investigate this effect further we report the results of31P and2H solid-state NMR spectroscopy of CP on model membranes. As predicted, even at high concentrations of CP, the structure of model membranes was not significantly perturbed. Only at the very high peptide-to-lipid molar ratio of 1∶10 significant effects on the model membranes were observed. We conclude that CP does not destroy the integrity of the lipid bilayer.  相似文献   

Human cytotoxic T cell clones were generated against autologous EBV-transformed B lymphocytes. Whereas the majority of the clones expressed the T8 surface glycoproteins and showed a specificity for class I MHC gene products on the target cell, a minority expressed the T4 surface glycoprotein and demonstrated a class II specificity. Monoclonal antibodies to T4 and T8 inhibited cytotoxic effector function of reactive clones in a fashion analogous to their effect on alloreactive CTL clones. Each autoreactive T cell clone was cytotoxic for EBV-transformed B lymphocytes but not pokeweed mitogen-activated or resting autologous lymphocytes, suggesting a dual specificity for an MHC gene product as well as an antigen induced and/or encoded by virus. Taken together, the present findings provide further support for the notion that T4 and T8 serve as associative recognition elements on T lymphocytes for MHC gene products.  相似文献   

Myelin basic protein (MBP) is a candidate Ag for the autoimmune process believed to be involved in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis (MS). To investigate the fine specificity and HLA restriction of human MBP-specific CTL, long term T cell lines (TCL) were established from 22 MS patients and 16 healthy individuals by repeated antigenic restimulation. By using this approach, MBP-specific cytotoxic TCL were generated from 81% of the lines from MS patients and 69% of those from controls. TCL from both groups expressed the CD3+, CD4+, CD8- phenotype and secreted substantial amounts of IFN-gamma. By using large enzymatic and small synthetic peptides of MBP, TCL were primarily specific for the C-terminal part of the molecule and to a lesser extent for the N-terminal portion. Two regions of the molecule, MBP peptide 87-106 and MBP peptide 154-172, were recognized by the majority of the polyspecific lines and by four and three of 14 monospecific TCL, respectively. These highly immunogenic regions are of interest because they include sequences encephalitogenic in other species. The HLA restriction of each line was determined by using antibody blocking as well as various target cells including EBV-transformed B cells, homozygous typing cells, and fibroblasts transfected with cDNA for DR-alpha and DR-beta genes. All TCL were restricted by HLA-DR Ag. Several HLA-DR molecules restricted multiple cathepsin D-derived and synthetic MBP peptides, including the regions of peptides 87-106 and 154-172 which, respectively, were recognized in conjunction with four and three HLA-DR types. Three of these HLA-DR types are overrepresented in MS patients in different geographic regions. Together, these findings suggest that the MBP-specific cytotoxic T cell response, although not sufficient for disease, may be important for the pathogenesis of MS.  相似文献   

Activated suppressor cell function, induced with either concanavalin A or OKT3 and mediated by either unfractionated mononuclear cells or "panning" enriched T8+ cells, freshly isolated from peripheral blood, is reduced in patients with progressive multiple sclerosis (MS) as compared with control donors. In this study, we generated T8+ cell lines from the peripheral blood of these same patients and controls. Suppressor activity, mediated by T8+ cells exposed to OKT3 on days 1, 7, and 14 of culture and then treated with mitomycin C on day 16, was significantly reduced in the MS group (mean percent suppression 13% +/- 5) as compared with the control group (68% +/- 6, n = 8, p less than 0.001). No differences were noted in [3H]thymidine uptake by the OKT3-stimulated T8+ cell lines of MS and control groups. Mean percent suppression mediated by T4+ cell lines did not differ between MS and control groups (15% +/- 4, n = 3, vs 22% +/- 2, n = 4). These current data suggest that the previously observed defect in T8+ cell-mediated activated suppressor cell function in MS is a persistent one, favoring the postulate that the defect reflects intrinsic alterations in this cell population rather than a transient effect of serum factors on T8+ cell function.  相似文献   

It has been assumed, without direct evidence, that T cell hybridomas and non-transformed T cell clones are both good models of normal Ag-specific T cells. To compare directly the difference in activation of cloned normal T cells and T hybridoma cells with the same TCR, cloned T hybridoma cells were obtained by fusing pre-established, myoglobin-specific, Iad-restricted T cell clones (14.5 and 9.27) with BW5147 cells. T cell clones were pre-activated with IL-2 as well as specific Ag before fusion. Cloned T hybridoma A3.4C6 was derived from Lys 140-specific and I-Ed-restricted clone 14.5. The other cloned T hybridoma, C7R14, was a fusion product of Glu 109-specific and I-Ad-restricted clone 9.27. Both T hybridomas showed the same Ag specificity and Ia restriction as the parental cloned T cells. However, C7R14 showed higher apparent affinity and broader cross-reactivity than 9.27. Clone 14.5, but not hybridoma A3.4C6, appeared to stimulate splenic cells to secrete cytokines inhibiting HT-2A cell proliferation. The most striking difference between the clones and hybridomas was that both clones, but neither of the matched hybridomas, were induced to synthesize IL-1 on stimulation with Ag. Finally, both cloned T cells and T hybridomas killed Ag-pulsed Iad-bearing B lymphoma target cells. This evidence suggests that killing function can be inherited from clones to hybridomas. However, the clones were much more efficient at killing than the hybridomas, and the hybridomas were more efficient at IL-2 production than the clones. Thus, matched pairs of clones and hybridomas differ in their capacity to mediate the two functions or may tend to be selected differently during cloning. Thus, although our results generally support the validity of T cell hybridomas as faithful models of the corresponding T cell clones, a number of subtle and not-so-subtle differences indicate that caution must be used in such an extrapolation.  相似文献   

The murine T cell response to sperm whale myoglobin was analyzed for polyclonal and monoclonal T cells. For polyclonal T cells, the immunodominant epitope included residue Glu 109 when the antigen-presenting cells expressed I-Ad, whereas a Lys 140-containing epitope was immunodominant when the antigen-presenting cells expressed I-Ed only. Monoclonal T cells specific for each epitope were derived from a polyclonal line. T cell clones specific for the Glu 109 epitope were restricted to I-Ad, whereas the clones specific for the Lys 140 epitope were restricted to I-Ed. Thus, for an antigen that can be presented in association with either I-Ad or I-Ed, the immunodominance of particular epitopes depends strongly on the restriction element used. The immunodominance of each epitope-Ia combination may be due to a limited repertoire of T cells or selective presentation of epitope and Ia by accessory cells.  相似文献   

Certain strains of mice develop a symmetrical polyarthritis after immunization with type II collagen. The incidence of arthritis after such immunization is variable. To study the arthritogenic potential of T cells reactive with type II collagen, we isolated draining lymph node cells from mice that had developed arthritis after immunization with bovine type II collagen. From these immune lymph node cells we were able to clone T cells reactive with type II collagen. Two separate sets of T cell clones were isolated. The first set reacted with either native bovine or native chick type II collagen, but did not react with type I collagen. The second set of T cell clones reacted with bovine type II collagen, but did not respond to either native chick type II collagen or type I collagen. These clones will be tested for their influence on the development of arthritis in vivo.  相似文献   

Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) is an encephalitogenic myelin protein and a likely autoantigen in human multiple sclerosis (MS). In this work, we describe the fine specificity and cytokine profile of T cell clones (TCC) directed against MOG in three nuclear families, comprised of four individuals affected with MS and their HLA-identical siblings. TCC were generated from PBMC by limiting dilution against a mixture of eleven 20-mer overlapping peptides corresponding to the encephalitogenic extracellular domain of human MOG (aa 1-120). The frequency of MOG peptide-reactive T cells was surprisingly high (range, 1:400 to 1:3,000) and, unexpectedly, cloning efficiencies were highest at low seeding densities of 10(2) or 10(3) PBMC per well. A total of 235 MOG peptide-reactive TCC were produced, all of which were CD4(+)CD8(-)TCRalphabeta(+)TCRgammadelta(-). All 11 MOG peptides were recognized by the TCC, and different epitopes of MOG appeared to be immunodominant in the HLA-identical siblings. The patterns of cytokine secretion by TCC from single individuals were generally similar. The healthy individuals exhibited Th2-, Th0-, and T regulatory cell 1-like cytokine profiles, whereas TCC from one sibling with MS had a striking Th1-like phenotype, producing high levels of IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha, and low IL-4 levels. Thus, MOG-reactive T cells appear to constitute an important part of the natural T cell repertoire, a finding that could contribute to the development of autoimmunity to this protein.  相似文献   

Imbalances in T cell subpopulations in multiple sclerosis patients.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abnormal proportions of a distinct T cell subpopulation able to bind IgG immune complexes (T.G cells) were found in peripheral blood samples from patients with MS. About 50% of the patients examined had an overabundance of T.G cells. The possible role of these cells in the pathogenesis of MS is considered.  相似文献   

T cells were directly cloned from autopsied MS brain plaque tissue and reactivity was measured with the major encephalitogenic neuroantigens, myelin basic protein (MBP), and proteolipid protein (PLP). Control clones were simultaneously derived from the blood. The proportion of T4+ and T8+ T cell clones from the brain tissue differed from that of peripheral blood T cell clones derived at the same time, suggesting that the clones were not derived from the peripheral blood. None of 57 brain-derived T cell clones proliferated to either MBP or PLP, although they responded well to PHA and IL 2. An additional 235 clones derived from the cerebrospinal fluid and 126 clones from the peripheral blood of other subjects with multiple sclerosis also did not proliferate to MBP or PLP. In contrast, five of nine T4+ clones from the CSF of a subject with postinfectious encephalomyelitis exhibited low but clear reactivity to human MBP, supporting the possible role of MBP as the target antigen in this disease. These studies, the first to clone T cells directly from MS plaque tissue, suggest that the lack of consistent T cell reactivity to MBP or PLP in the peripheral blood of MS patients does not appear to be secondary to the sequestration of a large number of these cells in the brain.  相似文献   

Clones of human cytotoxic T cells (Tc) specific for Epstein Barr virus (EBV) were isolated from peripheral blood lymphocyte (PBL) cultures stimulated repeatedly with autologous EBV-transformed lymphoblastoid cell line (LCL) cells in vitro. The method employed to clone EBV-specific Tc was a limiting dilution technique utilizing T cell growth factor (TCGF). The EBV specificity of Tc clones was determined by showing that they were significantly cytotoxic for autologous LCL cells but not for either autologous PBL or (natural killer-sensitive) K-562 cells. Eight EBV-specific Tc clones derived from a single donor exhibited distinct cytotoxic patterns against allogeneic LCL targets. Two clones were cytotoxic to LCL targets sharing both HLA-A26 and B15 antigens with effectors, and killing by two other clones was strongly restricted to autologous LCL cells. The four remaining clones showed cytotoxicities against various allogeneic LCL targets irrespective of HLA antigen expression. Eight EBV-specific Tc clones derived from a second donor also exhibited a wide spectrum of cytotoxicity to allogeneic LcL targets. We conclude that EBV-specific Tc, induced in vitro, consist of a number of clones with respect to restrictions imposed by the major histocompatibility complex. The determinants regulating these restrictions may include not only private HLA antigenic determinants that are defined by the HLA serotyping, but also undefined HLA antigenic determinants.  相似文献   

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