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Density‐dependent breeding performance due to habitat heterogeneity has been shown to regulate populations of territorial species, since the progressive occupation of low quality territories as breeding density increases may cause a decline in the mean per capita fecundity of a population while variation in fecundity increases. Although the preemptive use of sites may relegate low quality individuals to sites of progressively lower suitability, few studies on density dependence have tried to separate the effects of territory quality from individual quality, and none have simultaneously considered the effects of heterospecific competitors. Using two long‐term monitored populations, we assessed the relative contribution of habitat heterogeneity and bird quality (in terms of age) on the productivity of sympatric golden Aquila chrysaetos and Bonelli's eagles Hieraaetus fasciatus under different scenarios of intra‐ and inter‐specific competition. Productivity (number of offspring fledged) varied among territories and average annual productivity was negatively related to its variability in both species and populations, thus giving some support to the habitat heterogeneity hypothesis. However, the effect of habitat heterogeneity on productivity became non‐significant when parental age and local density estimators were included in multivariate analyses. Therefore, temporal changes in bird quality (age) combined with intra‐ and interspecific competition explained variability in territory productivity rather than habitat heterogeneity among territories per se. The recruitment of subadult breeders, a surrogate of mortality in eagles, strongly varied among territories. Habitat heterogeneity in productivity may thus arise not because sites differ in suitability for reproduction but because of differences in factors affecting survival. Territories associated with high mortality risks have a higher probability of being occupied by young birds, whose lower quality, interacting with the density competitors, leads to a reduction of productivity. Site‐dependent variability in adult survival and interspecific competition may be extensive, but so far largely overlooked, factors to be seriously considered for the site‐dependent population regulation framework.  相似文献   

Density-dependence effects acting on fecundity can be explained by two competing hypotheses. The individual adjustment hypothesis (IAH) states that, as population density increases, interference among individuals negatively affects their breeding performance. The second hypothesis, the habitat heterogeneity hypothesis (HHH), proposes that, as more individuals occupy the space available, lower quality habitats are increasingly used, causing average population fecundity to decline. In territorial species, it is often predicted that interference mechanisms (IAH) should be of less importance than spatial heterogeneity (HHH). Here, we test this prediction in Golden Eagles, using 35 years of reproduction monitoring data from a population that has been recolonizing the grounds of a French National Park (Ecrins) in the Alps. During the study period, the Eagle population increased from c. 11 to 41 territorial pairs, providing a good opportunity to explicitly assess fecundity across a gradient of densities. Under the IAH, we expect the fecundity of all territories to diminish as density rises. Under strict HHH, older territories should maintain higher fecundity across time, and a positive relationship between fecundity and the seniority of a territory should be observed. A density-dependent pattern was clearly detected at the population level. At the territory level, the decrease of fecundity was strongly related to population size but not to territory seniority. Fecundity decreased similarly in all territories, suggesting that the IAH better explains the observed pattern. Two alternative mechanisms, related to the IAH, could be at play in this population: (1) negative interference by neighbours and non-territorial Eagles and (2) the contraction of individual territories over time. Our results provide new insights into density dependence in territorial raptors, suggesting that, in addition to habitat heterogeneity, interference mechanisms might actually also play an important role.  相似文献   

Site-quality is a major determinant of fitness but its effect can be confounded by individual quality, a relationship that has been little studied in large, long-lived vertebrates. The fitness effects of quality estimates depend on the assumption of co-variation between individual and territory quality and can be framed as five working hypotheses: no effect on fitness, exclusive effect of individual quality, exclusive effect of site quality, and independent or interactive effects of the two. We explored such a framework using a medium-sized raptor, the black kite Milvus migrans, as a model species. Individual and territory quality co-varied, but the strength of the relationship varied across different estimates of individual quality (age, body size, or mass residuals). Short-term production of fledglings was related to the independent effects of both individual and territory quality. However, longer-term production of recruits was related solely to territory quality. The disappearance of individual quality effects over the long-term may be caused by antagonistic selective pressures acting during different stages of the life cycle. Our results contribute to a growing appreciation of the long-term fitness-benefits of advantages experienced in early life and highlight the importance of a long-term perspective in studies assessing the effects of individual and territory quality. In our case study, prioritizing sites for conservation on the basis of territory quality may be a feasible pathway to maintain the viability of the population. However, scenarios where such a method could be inefficient have been previously reported, suggesting caution in its application. More studies are needed to understand the generality of the efficiency of priority-setting approaches based on site quality.  相似文献   

The relative influence of consumers (top down) and resources (bottom up) on the distribution and abundance of organisms remains a key question in ecology. We examined the relationships between consumer and resource variables along a productivity gradient for a dominant predator–prey interaction in a marine soft‐sediment system. We 1) quantified density and size of the clam Macoma balthica (prey species) in six replicate sites at each of four habitat types (shallow mud, deep mud, muddy sand and detrital mud) in the Rhode River, Chesapeake Bay. We selected one habitat type of high food availability and clam density (shallow mud) and another of low food availability and clam density (muddy sand) for manipulative experiments. Then, we 2) measured M. balthica survival and growth through transplants, 3) measured food availability as sedimentary organic carbon content, 4) quantified predator density, and 5) calculated predator foraging efficiency in the two habitat types. Clam density in the four habitat types differed and was related to sedimentary carbon availability and predator density. One of the habitats, detrital mud, appeared to be a population sink because it only held juvenile Macoma that never survived to reproductive age. Macoma size and growth, and predator (mainly blue crab Callinectes sapidus) densities were positively correlated with productivity and were higher in shallow mud than muddy sand. In contrast, Macoma mortality, local ‘interaction strength’, and predator foraging efficiency were lower in the productive habitat (shallow mud). Thus, predation intensity was inversely correlated with productivity (food availability); consumer and resource effects differed by habitat type; and, at a relatively small spatial scale, consumer and resource forces jointly determined population dynamics in this soft‐sediment marine system.  相似文献   

Individual phenotypic differences are increasingly recognized as key drivers of ecological processes. However, studies examining the relative importance of these differences in comparison with environmental factors or how individual phenotype interacts across different environmental contexts remain lacking. We performed two field experiments to assess the concurrent roles of personality differences and habitat quality in mediating individual mortality and dispersal. We quantified the predator avoidance response of mud crabs, Panopeus herbstii, collected from low‐ and high‐quality oyster reefs and measured crab loss in a caging experiment. We simultaneously measured the distance crabs traveled as well as the stability of personalities across reef quality in a separate reciprocal transplant experiment. Habitat quality was the primary determinant of crab loss, although the distance crabs traveled was governed by personality which interacted with habitat quality to control the fate of crabs. Here, crabs on low‐quality reefs rapidly emigrated, starting with the boldest individuals, and experienced modest levels of predation regardless of personality. In contrast, both bold and shy crabs would remain on high‐quality reefs for months where bolder individuals experienced higher predation risk. These findings suggest that personalities could produce vastly different population dynamics across habitat quality and govern community responses to habitat degradation.  相似文献   

Ecological relationships of animals and their environments are known to vary spatially and temporally across scales. However, common approaches for evaluating resource selection by animals assume that the processes of habitat selection are stationary across space. The assumption that habitat selection is spatially homogeneous may lead to biased inference and ineffective management. We present the first application of geographically weighted logistic regression to habitat selection by a wildlife species. As a case study, we examined nest site selection by greater prairie-chickens at 3 sites with different ecological conditions in Kansas to assess whether the relative importance of habitat features varied across space. We found that 1) nest sites were associated with habitat conditions at multiple spatial scales, 2) habitat associations across spatial scales were correlated, and 3) the influence of habitat conditions on nest site selection was spatially explicit. Post hoc analyses revealed that much of the spatial variability in habitat selection processes was explained at a regional scale. Moreover, habitat features at local spatial scales were more strongly associated with nest site selection in unfragmented grasslands managed intensively for cattle production than they were in fragmented grasslands within a matrix of farmland. Female prairie-chickens exhibited spatial variability in nest site selection at multiple spatial scales, suggesting plasticity in habitat selection behavior. Our results highlight the importance of accounting for spatial heterogeneity when evaluating the ecological effects of habitat components. © 2013 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Shiel  R. J.  Koste  W.  Tan  L. W. 《Hydrobiologia》1989,(1):239-245
The results of four field surveys for Rotifera in Tasmania are summarized. Most new species and records in a 1987 survey were from acid waters (pH < 4.0) of dune lakes on the west coast (42° S). Marked intra- and interhabitat differences in rotifer communities of lakes and ponds were demonstrated by cluster analysis and related to habitat heterogeneity.  相似文献   

During nine years of study, we detected a mechanism corresponding to site dependence operating in a population of the sedge warbler Acrocephalus schoenobaenus inhabiting a natural wetland of high within-habitat heterogeneity. Sites with a larger share of cover by tall wetland vegetation were preempted during spring settlement; they were occupied in more breeding seasons and by more experienced males. The fitness of males occupying these sites was higher in terms of local recruit production. The total area occupied by the population expanded or contracted depending on its population size. This mechanism increased or decreased the mean site quality, influencing local recruitment of young, although mainly by changing the share of unproductive sites in the total pool of occupied sites. The results indicate that population demographic rates may depend on the spatial heterogeneity of resources at the level of individuals.  相似文献   

1. Territoriality is commonly associated with resource defence polygyny, where males are expected to gain access to females by anticipating how resources will influence female distribution and competing for resource-rich sites to establish their zone of dominance. 2. We tested this hypothesis in European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) by simultaneously assessing the influence of resources on female distribution and the influence of female distribution on male distribution and breeding success using paternity analyses. 3. Females did not fully distribute themselves among male territories in relation to resources. As a result, relative female abundance in a male's territory depended on territory size, but not on its habitat quality. In turn, relative female abundance in a male's territory determined, at least partially, his breeding success. 4. Interestingly, male territory size, and hence access to females, was partly determined by male body mass (all males) and by residual antler size (subadults only). The latter result suggests that large antlers may be important to young males for establishing their first territory, which is then usually retained for all subsequent reproductive seasons. 5. To conclude, although territoriality of male roe deer has certainly evolved as a tactic for ensuring access to mates, our results suggest that it does not really conform to a conventional resource defence polygyny strategy, as males seem to gain no obvious benefit from defending a territory in an area of high habitat quality in terms of enhanced access to mates. 6. This may explain the stability of male territories between years, suggesting that male territoriality conforms to an 'always stay' and 'low risk-low gain' mating strategy in roe deer.  相似文献   

To learn more about the degree of individual variation in resource use by lake trout Salvelinus namaycush , ultrasonic telemetry was used to study their habitat use in a lake without pelagic schooling fish prey. Individuals spent most of their time within the metalimnion in favourable water temperatures. They also made frequent excursions, however, into lake temperatures exceeding their optimum for physiological performance at all temporal scales considered. Their frequent use of nearshore habitats suggested that feeding in littoral areas may be common. Habitat use was highly variable among individuals, but spatial habitat use by individuals showed remarkable consistency between years. In particular, some lake trout exhibited high site fidelity to shallow, nearshore areas, whereas others used deep areas extensively. This level of between-individual variation indicated niche partitioning by depth and the possibility of alternative foraging strategies.  相似文献   

Understanding the relationship between functional and species diversity as well as their association with habitat heterogeneity can help reveal the mechanisms of species coexistence in ecological communities. However, these interactions have been poorly studied in subtropical forests. In this paper, we evaluated functional diversity (as measured by Rao’s Q) and traditional species diversity (based on Simpson’s index) in a 24 ha forest plot in a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest (EBLF) in China. We compared the sensitivities of functional and species diversity to topographic variables (elevation, convexity, slope and aspect) at multiple spatial scales based on 10 × 10, 20 × 20, 40 × 40 and 50 × 50 m quadrats. Functional and species diversity were found to have different distribution patterns along a topographical gradient, with functional diversity better explained by topography than was species diversity using a spatial autocorrelation regression error model. Furthermore, functional diversity had a significantly greater association with topographic variables than species diversity in both adult and young trees; in both cases, the strength of the diversity-habitat association increased with quadrat size. We conclude that functional diversity reflects a greater diversity-habitat association in EBLF than does species diversity, and that the association depends on the spatial scale and life stages of the woody plants under evaluation.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1988,36(2):517-528
If females choose breeding situations to maximize their fitness, then those features of the male and/or territory that are important in mate selection by females should affect female fitness, be assessable prior to mating, and vary among males. The purpose of this study was to identify characteristics of male quality and territory quality that fit these criteria for marsh wrens Cistothorus palustris. The male's contribution to nest defence appeared not to affect female success or choice. However, females that received male assistance with feeding young produced more and heavier fledglings than females without assistance. Males that fed young did not attract more mates. Few males in this population fed young, and no relationship was found between feeding effort and physical or behavioural features of the male. Results of multivariate analyses suggest that, within sites, the measures of territory quality used here cannot explain the variance in the number of young fledged per female or male harem size. The examination of arbitrary territories showed that male pairing success, female settlement order and predation patterns were not significantly correlated between years. The results suggest that territory quality does not influence female success or choice. These results are discussed in the light of earlier attempts to relate features of males and territories to mate selection by female passerines.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: In clonal plants, internode connections allow translocation of photosynthates, water, nutrients and other substances among ramets. Clonal plants form large systems that are likely to experience small-scale spatial heterogeneity. Physiological and morphological responses of Fragaria vesca to small-scale heterogeneity in soil quality were investigated, together with how such heterogeneity influences the placement of ramets. As a result of their own activities plants may modify the suitability of their habitats over time. However, most experiments on habitat selection by clonal plants have not generally considered time as an important variable. In the present study, how the foraging behaviour of clonal plants may change over time was also investigated. METHODS: In a complex of environments with different heterogeneity, plant performance was determined in terms of biomass, ramet production and photosynthetic activity. To identify habitat selection, the number of ramets produced and patch where they rooted were monitored. KEY RESULTS: Parent ramets in heterogeneous environments showed significantly higher maximum and effective quantum yields of photosystem II than parents in homogeneous environments. Parents in heterogeneous environments also showed significantly higher investment in photosynthetic biomass and stolon/total biomass, produced longer stolons, and had higher mean leaf size than parents in homogeneous environments. Total biomass and number of offspring ramets were similar in both environments. However, plants in homogeneous environments showed random allocation of offspring ramets to surrounding patches, whereas plants in heterogeneous environments showed preferential allocation of offspring to higher-quality patches. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that F. vesca employs physiological and morphological strategies to enable efficient resource foraging in heterogeneous environments and demonstrate the benefits of physiological integration in terms of photosynthetic efficiency. The findings indicate that short-term responses cannot be directly extrapolated to the longer term principally because preferential colonization of high-quality patches means that these patches eventually show reduced quality. This highlights the importance of considering the time factor in experiments examining responses of clonal plants to heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Å. Berg 《Bird Study》2013,60(3):355-366
This study investigated the importance of habitat quality and habitat heterogeneity for the abundance and diversity of breeding birds in continuous forest and in forest fragments surrounded by farmland in central Sweden. Positive correlations were found between species number and area, volume of Aspen Populus tremula and habitat heterogeneity. Spatial segregation of habitats at a relatively fine-grained scale is suggested to allow for the co-occurrence of more species. The abundance of at least 18 of the species in this study was influenced by fragmentation, and nine of these species preferred fragments to forest sites. The total density of birds was higher in fragments than in forest sites, probably because several fragment species forage in farmland surrounding the sites and a few also forage at edges. Nine species were more common in forest sites than in fragments, but only one species was restricted to continuous forest. However, several fragments were relatively close to forests (150 m) and forest was common in larger scale contexts. The abundance of most species (25 of 33 species) in this study was correlated with habitat quality variables (i.e. variables measuring the size, volume and diversity of ‘tree species’). Among these habitat variables the most important was the occurrence of deciduous trees which seemed to be important for 14 species. The second most important habitat factor seemed to be the diameter of trees, which was positively correlated with the abundance of eight species of which five are hole-nesters. Among coniferous trees, six species were positively correlated with the volume of Norway Spruce Picea abies, whereas no species seemed to be correlated with the volume of Pine Pinus sylvestris.  相似文献   

Identifying factors shaping variation in resource selection is central for our understanding of the behaviour and distribution of animals. We examined summer habitat selection and space use by 108 Global Positioning System (GPS)-collared moose in Norway in relation to sex, reproductive status, habitat quality, and availability. Moose selected habitat types based on a combination of forage quality and availability of suitable habitat types. Selection of protective cover was strongest for reproducing females, likely reflecting the need to protect young. Males showed strong selection for habitat types with high quality forage, possibly due to higher energy requirements. Selection for preferred habitat types providing food and cover was a positive function of their availability within home ranges (i.e. not proportional use) indicating functional response in habitat selection. This relationship was not found for unproductive habitat types. Moreover, home ranges with high cover of unproductive habitat types were larger, and smaller home ranges contained higher proportions of the most preferred habitat type. The distribution of moose within the study area was partly related to the distribution of different habitat types. Our study shows how distribution and availability of habitat types providing cover and high-quality food shape ungulate habitat selection and space use.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that Blue Tits Cyanistes caeruleus and Great Tits Parus major from low quality habitat (small woods) would have less yellow ventral plumage than those from high quality habitat (large woods) because they moult faster and/or their diet contains fewer carotenoids. They moult faster because they moult later in the season and are subject to more rapidly shortening daylengths. We tested this using a database of the plumage coloration (chroma, hue and lightness) of birds breeding in woods of different sizes, by manipulating the speed of moult in captive Blue Tits, and by counting the abundance and size of caterpillars (the major source of dietary carotenoids) in the diet of nestlings. In accordance with our hypothesis, juveniles of both species (which moult about three weeks later than adults) were about 8% less saturated in colour (lower chroma) than adults, but there was no significant difference in chroma between habitats. However, both species did differ significantly in hue between large and small woods. Blue Tits forced to moult faster in captivity, at a rate similar to that caused by a month's delay in the start of moult, had yellow flank feathers that were 32% less saturated in colour than those allowed to moult more slowly. Blue Tit nestlings in large woods consumed 47% more caterpillar flesh (per gram of faecal material voided) than those in small woods, and Great Tit pulli 81% more. When habitat effects were controlled for in ANOVAs, Blue Tits mated assortatively on the basis of flank hue and Great Tits on the basis of flank lightness. Flank colour therefore has the capacity to provide information about the potential quality of both habitats, and individual birds, to potential colonists and sexual partners.  相似文献   

Aim In a selected literature survey we reviewed studies on the habitat heterogeneity–animal species diversity relationship and evaluated whether there are uncertainties and biases in its empirical support. Location World-wide. Methods We reviewed 85 publications for the period 1960–2003. We screened each publication for terms that were used to define habitat heterogeneity, the animal species group and ecosystem studied, the definition of the structural variable, the measurement of vegetation structure and the temporal and spatial scale of the study. Main conclusions The majority of studies found a positive correlation between habitat heterogeneity/diversity and animal species diversity. However, empirical support for this relationship is drastically biased towards studies of vertebrates and habitats under anthropogenic influence. In this paper, we show that ecological effects of habitat heterogeneity may vary considerably between species groups depending on whether structural attributes are perceived as heterogeneity or fragmentation. Possible effects may also vary relative to the structural variable measured. Based upon this, we introduce a classification framework that may be used for across-studies comparisons. Moreover, the effect of habitat heterogeneity for one species group may differ in relation to the spatial scale. In several studies, however, different species groups are closely linked to ‘keystone structures’ that determine animal species diversity by their presence. Detecting crucial keystone structures of the vegetation has profound implications for nature conservation and biodiversity management.  相似文献   

1. Individuals should benefit from settling in high-quality habitats, but dispersers born under favourable conditions have a better physical condition and should therefore be more successful at settling in high-quality habitats. 2. We tested these predictions with root voles (Microtus oeconomus) by a manipulation of individual condition through litter-size enlargement and reduction during lactation combined with a manipulation of habitat quality through degradation of the vegetation cover. We accurately monitored movements of 149 juveniles during a settlement and breeding period of 3 months. 3. The litter size treatment had long-lasting effects on body size, life-history traits and home range size, but did not influence dispersal behaviour. 4. Different stages of dispersal were influenced by habitat quality. In low-quality patches, females dispersed earlier, spent more time prospecting their environment before settling, and settlers had a smaller adult body size than in high-quality patches. Preference and competition for high-quality patches is likely adaptive as it increased fitness both in terms of survival and reproduction. 5. We found no interactive effect of individual condition and habitat quality on natal dispersal and habitat selection. 6. These findings suggest that immediate conditions are more important determinants of dispersal decisions than conditions experienced early in life.  相似文献   

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