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Pathogen type 3 secretion systems (T3SS) manipulate host cell pathways by directly delivering effector proteins into host cells. In Vibrio parahaemolyticus, the leading cause of bacterial seafood‐borne diarrheal disease, we showed that a T3SS effector, VgpA, localizes to the host cell nucleolus where it binds Epstein–Barr virus nuclear antigen 1‐binding protein 2 (EBP2). An amino acid substitution in VgpA (VgpAL10A) did not alter its translocation to the nucleus but abolished the effector’s capacity to interact with EBP2. VgpA‐EBP2 interaction led to the re‐localization of c‐Myc to the nucleolus and increased cellular rRNA expression and proliferation of cultured cells. The VgpA‐EBP2 interaction elevated EBP2’s affinity for c‐Myc and prolonged the oncoprotein’s half‐life. Studies in infant rabbits demonstrated that VgpA is translocated into intestinal epithelial cells, where it interacts with EBP2 and leads to nucleolar re‐localization of c‐Myc. Moreover, the in vivo VgpA‐EBP2 interaction during infection led to proliferation of intestinal cells and heightened V. parahaemolyticus’ colonization and virulence. These observations suggest that direct effector stimulation of a c‐Myc controlled host cell growth program can contribute to pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Gram‐negative pathogens often use conserved type three secretion systems (T3SS) for virulence. The Shigella type three secretion apparatus (T3SA) penetrates the host cell membrane and provides a unidirectional conduit for injection of effectors into host cells. The protein Spa47 localizes to the base of the apparatus and is speculated to be an ATPase that provides the energy for T3SA formation and secretion. Here, we developed an expression and purification protocol, producing active Spa47 and providing the first direct evidence that Spa47 is a bona fide ATPase. Additionally, size exclusion chromatography and analytical ultracentrifugation identified multiple oligomeric species of Spa47 with the largest greater than 8 fold more active for ATP hydrolysis than the monomer. An ATPase inactive Spa47 point mutant was then engineered by targeting a conserved Lysine within the predicted Walker A motif of Spa47. Interestingly, the mutant maintained a similar oligomerization pattern as active Spa47, but was unable to restore invasion phenotype when used to complement a spa47 null S. flexneri strain. Together, these results identify Spa47 as a Shigella T3SS ATPase and suggest that its activity is linked to oligomerization, perhaps as a regulatory mechanism as seen in some related pathogens. Additionally, Spa47 catalyzed ATP hydrolysis appears to be essential for host cell invasion, providing a strong platform for additional studies dissecting its role in virulence and providing an attractive target for anti‐infective agents.  相似文献   

Protein–protein interactions (PPIs) in all the molecular aspects that take place both inside and outside cells. However, determining experimentally the structure and affinity of PPIs is expensive and time consuming. Therefore, the development of computational tools, as a complement to experimental methods, is fundamental. Here, we present a computational suite: MODPIN, to model and predict the changes of binding affinity of PPIs. In this approach we use homology modeling to derive the structures of PPIs and score them using state‐of‐the‐art scoring functions. We explore the conformational space of PPIs by generating not a single structural model but a collection of structural models with different conformations based on several templates. We apply the approach to predict the changes in free energy upon mutations and splicing variants of large datasets of PPIs to statistically quantify the quality and accuracy of the predictions. As an example, we use MODPIN to study the effect of mutations in the interaction between colicin endonuclease 9 and colicin endonuclease 2 immune protein from Escherichia coli. Finally, we have compared our results with other state‐of‐art methods.  相似文献   

Cellular functions are always performed by protein complexes. At present, many approaches have been proposed to identify protein complexes from protein–protein interaction (PPI) networks. Some approaches focus on detecting local dense subgraphs in PPI networks which are regarded as protein‐complex cores, then identify protein complexes by including local neighbors. However, from gene expression profiles at different time points or tissues it is known that proteins are dynamic. Therefore, identifying dynamic protein complexes should become very important and meaningful. In this study, a novel core‐attachment–based method named CO‐DPC to detect dynamic protein complexes is presented. First, CO‐DPC selects active proteins according to gene expression profiles and the 3‐sigma principle, and constructs dynamic PPI networks based on the co‐expression principle and PPI networks. Second, CO‐DPC detects local dense subgraphs as the cores of protein complexes and then attach close neighbors of these cores to form protein complexes. In order to evaluate the method, the method and the existing algorithms are applied to yeast PPI networks. The experimental results show that CO‐DPC performs much better than the existing methods. In addition, the identified dynamic protein complexes can match very well and thus become more meaningful for future biological study.  相似文献   

Secretion systems are employed by bacteria to transport macromolecules across membranes without compromising their integrities. Processes including virulence, colonization, and motility are highly dependent on the secretion of effector molecules toward the immediate cellular environment, and in some cases, into the host cytoplasm. In Type II and Type III secretion systems, as well as in Type IV pili, homomultimeric complexes known as secretins form large pores in the outer bacterial membrane, and the localization and assembly of such 1 MDa molecules often relies on pilotins or accessory proteins. Significant progress has been made toward understanding details of interactions between secretins and their partner proteins using approaches ranging from bacterial genetics to cryo electron microscopy. This review provides an overview of the mode of action of pilotins and accessory proteins for T2SS, T3SS, and T4PS secretins, highlighting recent near‐atomic resolution cryo‐EM secretin complex structures and underlining the importance of these interactions for secretin functionality.  相似文献   

The small heat shock protein (sHsp) chaperones are important for stress survival, yet the molecular details of how they interact with client proteins are not understood. All sHsps share a folded middle domain to which is appended flexible N‐ and C‐terminal regions varying in length and sequence between different sHsps which, in different ways for different sHsps, mediate recognition of client proteins. In plants there is a chloroplast‐localized sHsp, Hsp21, and a structural model suggests that Hsp21 has a dodecameric arrangement with six N‐terminal arms located on the outside of the dodecamer and six inwardly‐facing. Here, we investigated the interactions between Hsp21 and thermosensitive model substrate client proteins in solution, by small‐angle X‐ray scattering (SAXS) and crosslinking mass spectrometry. The chaperone‐client complexes were monitored and the Rg‐values were found to increase continuously during 20 min at 45°, which could reflect binding of partially unfolded clients to the flexible N‐terminal arms of the Hsp21 dodecamer. No such increase in Rg‐values was observed with a mutational variant of Hsp21, which is mainly dimeric and has reduced chaperone activity. Crosslinking data suggest that the chaperone‐client interactions involve the N‐terminal region in Hsp21 and only certain parts in the client proteins. These parts are peripheral structural elements presumably the first to unfold under destabilizing conditions. We propose that the flexible and hydrophobic N‐terminal arms of Hsp21 can trap and refold early‐unfolding intermediates with or without dodecamer dissociation.  相似文献   

Chaperones of the heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) family engage in protein–protein interactions with many cochaperones. One “hotspot” for cochaperone binding is the EEVD motif, found at the extreme C terminus of cytoplasmic Hsp70s. This motif is known to bind tetratricopeptide repeat domain cochaperones, such as the E3 ubiquitin ligase CHIP. In addition, the EEVD motif also interacts with a structurally distinct domain that is present in class B J-domain proteins, such as DnaJB4. These observations suggest that CHIP and DnaJB4 might compete for binding to Hsp70’s EEVD motif; however, the molecular determinants of such competition are not clear. Using a collection of EEVD-derived peptides, including mutations and truncations, we explored which residues are critical for binding to both CHIP and DnaJB4. These results revealed that some features, such as the C-terminal carboxylate, are important for both interactions. However, CHIP and DnaJB4 also had unique preferences, especially at the isoleucine position immediately adjacent to the EEVD. Finally, we show that competition between these cochaperones is important in vitro, as DnaJB4 limits the ubiquitination activity of the Hsp70–CHIP complex, whereas CHIP suppresses the client refolding activity of the Hsp70–DnaJB4 complex. Together, these data suggest that the EEVD motif has evolved to support diverse protein–protein interactions, such that competition between cochaperones may help guide whether Hsp70-bound proteins are folded or degraded.  相似文献   

For the optimal use of β‐lactoglobulin nanofibrils as a raw material in biological composites an in‐depth knowledge of their interactions with other constituents is necessary. To understand the effect of electrostatic interactions on the morphology of resulting complexes, β‐lactoglobulin nanofibrils were allowed to interact with pectins in which the amount of available negative charge was controlled by selecting their degree of methylesterification. In this study, citrus pectins having different degrees of methylesterification (~48, 67, 86, and 97%) were selected and interacted with nanofibrils at pH 2 and pH 3, where they possess a net positive charge. Electrostatic complexes formed between β‐lactoglobulin nanofibrils and all pectin types, except for the sample having a degree of methylesterification of 97%. The morphology of these complexes, however, differed significantly with the degree of methylesterification of the pectin, its concentration, and the pH of the medium, revealing that distinct desired biological architectures can be attained relatively easily through manipulating the electrostatic interactions. Interestingly, the pectin with a degree of methylesterification of 86% was found to crosslink the β‐lactoglobulin nanofibrils into ordered ‘nanotapes’.  相似文献   

RXLR effectors encoded by Phytophthora species play a central role in pathogen–plant interactions. An understanding of the biological functions of RXLR effectors is conducive to the illumination of the pathogenic mechanisms and the development of disease control strategies. However, the virulence function of Phytophthora parasitica RXLR effectors is poorly understood. Here, we describe the identification of a P. parasitica RXLR effector gene, PPTG00121 (PpE4), which is highly transcribed during the early stages of infection. Live cell imaging of P. parasitica transformants expressing a full-length PpE4 (E4FL)-mCherry protein indicated that PpE4 is secreted and accumulates around haustoria during plant infection. Silencing of PpE4 in P. parasitica resulted in significantly reduced virulence on Nicotiana benthamiana. Transient expression of PpE4 in N. benthamiana in turn restored the pathogenicity of the PpE4-silenced lines. Furthermore, the expression of PpE4 in both N. benthamiana and Arabidopsis thaliana consistently enhanced plant susceptibility to P. parasitica. These results indicate that PpE4 contributes to pathogen infection. Finally, heterologous expression experiments showed that PpE4 triggers non-specific cell death in a variety of plants, including tobacco, tomato, potato and A. thaliana. Virus-induced gene silencing assays revealed that PpE4-induced cell death is dependent on HSP90, NPK and SGT1, suggesting that PpE4 is recognized by the plant immune system. In conclusion, PpE4 is an important virulence RXLR effector of P. parasitica and recognized by a wide range of host plants.  相似文献   

Isoflavonoids are specialized plant metabolites, almost exclusive to legumes, and their biosynthesis forms a branch of the diverse phenylpropanoid pathway. Plant metabolism may be coordinated at many levels, including formation of protein complexes, or ‘metabolons’, which represent the molecular level of organization. Here, we have confirmed the existence of the long‐postulated isoflavonoid metabolon by identifying elements of the complex, their subcellular localizations and their interactions. Isoflavone synthase (IFS) and cinnamate 4–hydroxylase (C4H) have been shown to be tandem P450 enzymes that are anchored in the ER, interacting with soluble enzymes of the phenylpropanoid and isoflavonoid pathways (chalcone synthase, chalcone reductase and chalcone isomerase). The soluble enzymes of these pathways, whether localized to the cytoplasm or nucleus, are tethered to the ER through interaction with these P450s. The complex is also held together by interactions between the soluble elements. We provide evidence for IFS interaction with upstream and non‐consecutive enzymes. The existence of such a protein complex suggests a possible mechanism for flux of metabolites into the isoflavonoid pathway. Further, through interaction studies, we identified several candidates that are associated with GmIFS2, an isoform of IFS, in soybean hairy roots. This list provides additional candidates for various biosynthetic and structural elements that are involved in isoflavonoid production. Our interaction studies provide valuable information about isoform specificity among isoflavonoid enzymes, which may guide future engineering of the pathway in legumes or help overcome bottlenecks in heterologous expression.  相似文献   

Nicotiana benthamiana leaves display a visible plant cell death response when infiltrated with a high titer inoculum of the non-host pathogen, Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria (Xcv). This visual phenotype was used to identify overlapping cosmid clones from a genomic cosmid library constructed from the Xcv strain, GM98-38. Individual cosmid clones from the Xcv library were conjugated into X. campestris pv. campestris (Xcc) and exconjugants were scored for an altered visual high titer inoculation response in N. benthamiana. The molecular characterization of the cosmid clones revealed that they contained a novel gene, xopX, that encodes a 74-kDa type III secretion system (TTSS) effector protein. Agrobacterium-mediated transient expression of XopX in N. benthamiana did not elicit the plant cell death response although detectable XopX protein was produced. Interestingly, the plant cell death response occurred when the xopX Agrobacterium-mediated transient expression construct was co-inoculated with strains of either XcvDeltaxopX or Xcc, both lacking xopX. The co-inoculation complementation of the plant cell death response also depends on whether the Xanthomonas strains contain an active TTSS. Transgenic 35S-xopX-expressing N. benthamiana plants also have the visible plant cell death response when inoculated with the non-xopX-expressing strains XcvDeltaxopX and Xcc. Unexpectedly, transgenic 35S-xopX N. benthamiana plants displayed enhanced susceptibility to bacterial growth of Xcc as well as other non-xopX-expressing Xanthomonas and Pseudomonas strains. This result is also consistent with the increase in bacterial growth on wild type N. benthamiana plants observed for Xcc when XopX is expressed in trans. Furthermore, XopX contributes to the virulence of Xcv on host pepper (Capsicum annuum) and tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum) plants. We propose that the XopX bacterial effector protein targets basic innate immunity in plants, resulting in enhanced plant disease susceptibility.  相似文献   

Nck is a ubiquitously expressed, primarily cytosolic adapter protein consisting of one SH2 domain and three SH3 domains. It links receptor and nonreceptor tyrosine kinases to actin cytoskeleton reorganizing proteins. In T lymphocytes, Nck is a crucial component of signaling pathways for T cell activation and effector function. It recruits actin remodeling proteins to T cell receptor (TCR)‐associated activation clusters and thereby initiates changes in cell polarity and morphology. Moreover, Nck is crucial for the TCR‐induced mobilization of secretory vesicles to the cytotoxic immunological synapse. To identify the interactome of Nck in human T cells, we performed a systematic screen for interaction partners in untreated or pervanadate‐treated cells. We used GST fusion proteins containing full length Nck, the combined SH3 domains or the individual SH3 and SH2 domains to precipitate putative Nck interactors from cellular lysates. Protein bands were excised from gels, processed by tryptic in‐gel digestion and analyzed by mass spectrometry. Using this approach, we confirmed previously established interactions (e.g., with Slp76, CD3ε, WASP, and WIPF1) and identified several novel putative Nck‐binding proteins. We subsequently verified the SH2 domain binding to the actin‐binding protein HIP55 and to FYB/ADAP, and the SH3‐mediated binding to the nuclear proteins SFPQ/NONO. Using laser scanning microscopy, we provide new evidence for a nuclear localization of Nck in human T cells. Our data highlight the fundamental role of Nck in the TCR‐to‐cytoskeleton crosstalk and point to yet unknown nuclear functions of Nck also in T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

UIS3 is a malaria parasite protein essential for liver stage development of Plasmodium species, presumably localized to the membrane of the parasitophorous vacuole formed in infected cells. It has been recently proposed that the soluble domain of UIS3 interacts with the host liver fatty acid binding protein (L‐FABP), providing the parasite with a pathway for importing exogenous lipids required for its rapid growth. This finding may suggest novel strategies for arresting parasite development. In this study, we have investigated the interaction between human L‐FABP and the soluble domain of Plasmodium falciparum UIS3 by NMR spectroscopy. The amino acid residue‐specific analysis of 1H,15N‐2D NMR spectra excluded the occurrence of a direct interaction between L‐FABP (in its unbound and oleate‐loaded forms) and Pf‐UIS3. Furthermore, the spectrum of Pf‐UIS3 was unchanged when oleate or phospholipids were added. The present investigation entails a reformulation of the current model of host‐pathogen lipid transfer, possibly redirecting research for early intervention against malaria.  相似文献   

RNase T is a classical member of the DEDDh family of exonucleases with a unique sequence preference in that its 3′‐to‐5′ exonuclease activity is blocked by a 3′‐terminal dinucleotide CC in digesting both single‐stranded RNA and DNA. Our previous crystal structure analysis of RNase T‐DNA complexes show that four phenylalanine residues, F29, F77, F124, and F146, stack with the two 3′‐terminal nucleobases. To elucidate if the π–π stacking interactions between aromatic residues and nucleobases play a critical role in sequence‐specific protein–nucleic acid recognition, here we mutated two to four of the phenylalanine residues in RNase T to tryptophan (W mutants) and tyrosine (Y mutants). The Escherichia coli strains expressing either the W mutants or the Y mutants had slow growth phenotypes, suggesting that all of these mutants could not fully substitute the function of the wild‐type RNase T in vivo. DNA digestion assays revealed W mutants shared similar sequence specificity with wild‐type RNase T. However, the Y mutants exhibited altered sequence‐dependent activity, digesting ssDNA with both 3′‐end CC and GG sequences. Moreover, the W and Y mutants had reduced DNA‐binding activity and lower thermal stability as compared to wild‐type RNase T. Taken together, our results suggest that the four phenylalanine residues in RNase T not only play critical roles in sequence‐specific recognition, but also in overall protein stability. Our results provide the first evidence showing that the π−π stacking interactions between nucleobases and protein aromatic residues may guide the sequence‐specific activity for DNA and RNA enzymes.  相似文献   

We studied the interaction of the SH3 domain of Bin1 with a 15‐mer peptide of HCV NS5A and show its potency to competitively displace a 15‐mer human c‐Myc fragment, which is a physiological ligand of Bin1, using NMR spectroscopy. Fluorescence spectroscopy and ITC were employed to determine the affinity of Bin1 SH3 to NS5A(347–361), yielding a submicromolar affinity to NS5A. Our study compares the binding dynamics and affinities of the relevant regions for binding of c‐Myc and NS5A to Bin1 SH3. The result gives further insights into the potential role of NS5A in Bin1‐mediated apoptosis. Copyright © 2014 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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