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Discharges from aortic and carotid body chemoreceptor afferents were simultaneously recorded in 18 anesthetized cats to test the hypothesis that aortic chemoreceptors, because of their proximity to the heart, respond to changes in arterial blood gases before carotid chemoreceptors. We found that carotid chemoreceptor responses to the onset of hypoxia and hypercapnia, and to the intravenously administered excitatory drugs (cyanide, nicotine, and doxapram), preceded those of aortic chemoreceptors. Postulating that this unexpected result was due to differences in microcirculation and mass transport, we also investigated their relative speed of responses to changes in arterial blood pressure. The aortic chemoreceptors responded to decreases in arterial blood pressure before the carotid chemoreceptors, supporting the idea that the aortic body has microcirculatory impediments not generally present in the carotid body. These findings strengthened the concept that carotid bodies are more suited for monitoring blood gas changes due to respiration, whereas aortic bodies are for monitoring circulation.  相似文献   

Respiratory responses arising from both chemical stimulation of vascularly isolated aortic body (AB) and carotid body (CB) chemoreceptors and electrical stimulation of aortic nerve (AN) and carotid sinus nerve (CSN) afferents were compared in the anesthetized dog. Respiratory reflexes were measured as changes in inspiratory duration (TI), expiratory duration (TE), and peak averaged phrenic nerve activity (PPNG). Tonic AN and AB stimulations shortened TI and TE with no change in PPNG, while tonic CSN and CB stimulations shortened TE, increased PPNG, and transiently lengthened TI. Phasic AB and AN stimulations throughout inspiration shortened TI with no changes in PPNG or the following TE; however, similar phasic stimulations of the CB and CSN increased both TI and PPNG and decreased the following TE. Phasic AN stimulation during expiration decreased TE and the following TI with no change in PPNG. Similar stimulations of the CB and CSN decreased TE; however, the following TI and PPNG were increased. These findings differ from those found in the cat and suggest that aortic chemoreceptors affect mainly phase timing, while carotid chemoreceptors affect both timing and respiratory drive.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to test the hypothesis that in neonatal piglets there would be no hypoventilation after sham denervation or aortic denervation (AOD) alone, but there would be transient hypoventilation after carotid body denervation (CBD) and the hypoventilation would be greatest after combined carotid and aortic denervation (CBD+AOD). There was a significant (P < 0.05) hypoventilation in CBD and CBD+AOD piglets denervated at 5, 15, and 25 days of age. The hypoventilation in CBD+AOD piglets denervated at 5 days of age was greater (P < 0.05) than that of all other groups. Conversely, sham-denervated and AOD piglets did not hypoventilate after denervation. Injections of sodium cyanide showed that aortic chemoreceptors were a site of recovery of peripheral chemosensitivity after CBD. This aortic sodium cyanide response was abolished by prior injection of a serotonin 5a receptor blocker. Residual peripheral chemosensitivity after CBD+AOD was localized to the left ventricle. We conclude that 1) aortic chemoreceptors contribute to eupneic breathing in piglets that were carotid denervated at 5 days of age and 2) there are multiple sites of residual peripheral chemosensitivity after CBD.  相似文献   

Adenosine triphosphate, acting through purinergic P2X receptors, has been shown to stimulate ventilation and increase carotid body chemoreceptor activity in adult rats. However, its role during postnatal development of the ventilatory response to hypoxia is yet unknown. Using whole body plethysmography, we measured ventilation in normoxia and in moderate hypoxia (12% fraction of inspired O?, 20 min) before and after intraperitoneal injection of suramin (P2X? and P2X? receptor antagonist, 40 mg/kg) in 4-, 7-, 12-, and 21-day-old rats. Suramin reduced baseline breathing (~20%) and the response to hypoxia (~30%) in all rats, with a relatively constant effect across ages. We then tested the effect of the specific P2X? antagonist, A-317491 (150 mg/kg), in rats aged 4, 7, and 21 days. As with suramin, A-317491 reduced baseline ventilation (~55%) and the hypoxic response (~40%) at all ages studied. Single-unit carotid body chemoreceptor activity was recorded in vitro in 4-, 7-, and 21-day-old rats. Suramin (100 μM) and A-317491 (10 μM) significantly depressed the sinus nerve chemosensory discharge rate (~80%) in normoxia (Po? ~150 Torr) and hypoxia (Po? ~60 Torr), and this decrease was constant across ages. We conclude that, in newborn rats, P2X purinergic receptors are involved in the regulation of breathing under basal and hypoxic condition, and P2X?-containing receptors play a major role in carotid body function. However, these effects are not age dependent within the age range studied.  相似文献   

Effects of oligomycin on carotid chemoreceptor responses to O2 and CO2 were investigated using an in situ perfusion technique. Cats were anesthetized, paralyzed, and artificially ventilated. To avoid a possible reaction between an oligomycin-ethanol mixture and blood, we administered oligomycin to the carotid body via cell- and protein-free perfusate. Except for the perfusion periods, the carotid body received its own natural blood supply. Responses to O2, CO2, sodium cyanide, and nicotine of the same carotid chemoreceptor afferents were studied before and after each perfusion. An appropriate low dose of oligomycin completely blocked carotid chemoreceptor response to O2 while preserving the CO2 response. At the same time cyanide response was attenuated leaving nicotine response intact. Additional doses of oligomycin attenuated carotid chemoreceptor response to CO2 as well. Perfusion with a blank solution containing ethanol did not change the carotid body chemoreceptor responses. These effects of oligomycin on carotid chemoreceptor responses to O2 and CO2 were reversible, and restoration of the response to CO2 preceded that to O2. In addition, oligomycin administered into the blood with close intra-arterial injection produced similar differential blockade of O2 and CO2 chemoreception, preserving the nicotine and dopamine effects. This study confirmed the previous findings and provided new evidence showing that 1) the responses of carotid chemoreceptor to O2 and CO2 were separable by oligomycin due to the inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation and 2) the responses to nicotine and dopamine were intact even after blockade of O2 response.  相似文献   

Carotid and aortic chemoreceptor function in the rat   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

The carotid body (CB) is a chemosensory organ that detects changes in chemical composition of arterial blood and maintains homeostasis via reflex control of ventilation. Thus, in response to a fall in arterial PO(2) (hypoxia), CB chemoreceptors (type I cells) depolarize, and release neurotransmitters onto afferent sensory nerve endings. Recent studies implicate ATP as a key excitatory neurotransmitter released during CB chemoexcitation, but direct evidence is lacking. Here we use the luciferin-luciferase bioluminescence assay to detect ATP, released from rat chemoreceptors in CB cultures, fresh tissue slices, and whole CB. Hypoxia evoked an increase in extracellular ATP, that was inhibited by L-type Ca(2+)channel blockers and reduced by the nucleoside hydrolase, apyrase. Additionally, iberiotoxin (IbTX; 100 nM), a blocker of O(2)-sensitive Ca(2+)-dependent K(+) (BK) channels, stimulated ATP release and largely occluded the effect of hypoxia. These data strongly support a neurotransmitter role for ATP in carotid body function.  相似文献   

Carotid body chemoreceptors are complex secondary receptors. There are chemical and electric connections between glomus cells (GC/GC) and between glomus cells and carotid nerve endings (GC/NE). Chemical secretion of glomus cells is accompanied by GC/GC uncoupling. Chemical GC/NE transmission is facilitated by concomitant electric coupling. Chronic hypoxia reduces GC/GC coupling but increases G/NE coupling. Therefore, carotid body chemoreceptors use chemical and electric transmission mechanisms to trigger and change the sensory discharge in the carotid nerve.  相似文献   

Many bacteria concentrate their chemoreceptors at the cell poles. Chemoreceptor location is important in Escherichia coli, since chemosensory responses are sensitive to receptor proximity. It is not known, however, whether chemotaxis in other bacteria is similarly regulated. To investigate the importance of receptor-receptor interactions in other bacterial species, we synthesized saccharide-bearing multivalent ligands that are designed to cluster relevant chemoreceptors. As has been shown with E. coli, we demonstrate that the behaviors of Bacillus subtilis, Spirochaete aurantia, and Vibrio furnissii are sensitive to the valence of the chemoattractant. Moreover, in B. subtilis, chemotactic responses to serine were increased by pretreatment with saccharide-bearing multivalent ligands. This result indicates that, as in E. coli, signaling information is transferred among chemoreceptors in B. subtilis. These results suggest that interreceptor communication may be a general mechanism for modulating chemotactic responses in bacteria.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of carotid body denervation on ventilatory responses to normoxia (21% O2 in N2 for 240 s), hypoxic hypoxia (10 and 15% O2 in N2 for 90 and 120 s, respectively), and hyperoxic hypercapnia (5% CO2 in O2 for 240 s) in the spontaneously breathing urethane-anesthetized mouse. Respiratory measurements were made with a whole body, single-chamber plethysmograph before and after cutting both carotid sinus nerves. Baseline measurements in air showed that carotid body denervation was accompanied by lower minute ventilation with a reduction in respiratory frequency. On the basis of measurements with an open-circuit system, no significant differences in O2 consumption or CO2 production before and after chemodenervation were found. During both levels of hypoxia, animals with intact sinus nerves had increased respiratory frequency, tidal volume, and minute ventilation; however, after chemodenervation, animals experienced a drop in respiratory frequency and ventilatory depression. Tidal volume responses during 15% hypoxia were similar before and after carotid body denervation; during 10% hypoxia in chemodenervated animals, there was a sudden increase in tidal volume with an increase in the rate of inspiration, suggesting that gasping occurred. During hyperoxic hypercapnia, ventilatory responses were lower with a smaller tidal volume after chemodenervation than before. We conclude that the carotid bodies are essential for maintaining ventilation during eupnea, hypoxia, and hypercapnia in the anesthetized mouse.  相似文献   

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