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Swift and efficient onset of feeding on host tissue by phytopathogenic fungi is a requisite event for their successful infection and propagation. Necrotrophic fungi colonizing host cell walls appear to obtain carbon and energy sources from plant wall degradants, but what they actually utilize for nutrition after host invasion remains unclear. Here we focus on plant wall xylan, the major hemicellulosic polysaccharide in cereal plants, and study its participation in post-invasion nutrition of the maize necrotrophic pathogen Bipolaris maydis (syn: Cochliobolus heterostrophus). Using a fluorescence reporter assay, we demonstrated that a B. maydis β-xylosidase gene, BmXyp1, is strongly upregulated at the beginning of infection, specifically within invading hyphae. Additionally, our time-course measurements of mRNA expression during maize infection revealed that xylan degradation and assimilation are concomitantly induced during an early infection stage. These findings suggest that this fungus can access xylan degradants as an early in planta nutrient source after host penetration; however, mutant strains deficient in xylan-assimilation ability still retained virulence, although the lesion size was decreased as compared with the wild-type strain. Overall, we conclude that xylan degradation and assimilation by B. maydis are initial post-invasion events but do not play an essential role in fungal nutrient acquisition.  相似文献   

Polymeric substances produced by microbes play a key role for the development of soil aggregates. Here, we investigated the dynamics of bacterial families contributing to the formation of exopolysaccharides and lipopolysaccharides, major constituents of polymeric substances, at a managed land reclamation site of a post-mining area. We collected soil samples from the initial and the agricultural management phase and expected a peak in the abundance of bacteria capable for exopolysaccharide and lipopolysaccharide production at the points of the biggest disturbances. We used shotgun metagenomic sequencing in combination with measurements of exopolysaccharide concentrations. Our results underline the importance of exopolysaccharide and lipopolysaccharide-producing bacteria after nutrient input combined with structural disturbance events, caused here by the initial planting of alfalfa and the introduction of a tillage regime together with organic fertilization in the agricultural management phase. Moreover, the changes in management caused a shift in the exopolysaccharide/lipopolysaccharide-producing community. The initial phase was dominated by typical colonizers of oligotrophic environments, specifically nitrogen fixers (Rhizobiaceae, Comamonadaceae, Hyphomicrobiaceae), while bacteria common in agricultural soils, such as Sphingomonadaceae, Oxalobacteraceae and Nitrospiraceae, prevailed in the agricultural management phase.  相似文献   

Greenhouse bioassays were used to examine the ability of selected strains of the rhizobacteria Sinorhizobium meliloti, Bacillus flexus and B. megaterium to solubilize phosphorus (P) and to affect growth promotion and phosphorus nutrition in maize. These bacterial strains were found to decrease the pH and solubilize some forms of insoluble P, such as tricalcium phosphate and hydroxyapatite, as well as to exhibit acid and alkaline phosphatase enzymatic activities in culture medium, properties that are possibly involved in P solubilization. Inoculation of the strains separately and as a consortium of the three bacteria (S. meliloti, B. flexus and B. megaterium) in P-deficient soil (4.33 w/v P) fertilized without P improved plant height, shoot and root dry weight, as well as P nutrition in the maize plants. Use of the B. flexus and B. megaterium strains separately and in a consortium positively affected several growth parameters and P nutrition in plants supplemented with insoluble P. No effect was observed when pots in which the seedlings were growing were supplied with soluble fertilizer. A second assay using a P-deficient soil (6.64 w/v P) showed that inoculation with the consortium of B. flexus and B. megaterium significantly increased growth and total P content in maize plants. A dose–response P fertilization experiment using sterile P-deficient soil led us to conclude that inoculation to soil of the mixture of B. flexus and B. megaterium may improve P nutrition and growth to a level previously attained by the addition of soluble P-fertilizer at 40 w/v P. A non-sterile experiment showed a beneficial response with B. megaterium but not with B. flexus. We propose utilizing these bacteria in P-deficient alkaline soils in future field trials in order to evaluate their potential as biofertilizers.  相似文献   

Human activities often cause habitat fragmentation and how forest fragments affect species range distributions has implications for ecology and conservation. However, few studies have considered communities within the same landscape. Here, we analyzed metacommunity structure to determine the range distributions for species in four taxonomic groups (amphibians, birds, social wasps, and trees) in a patchy landscape of semi‐deciduous Atlantic forest in southwestern Brazil. Although trees are a key component of the environment for animals in forested patches, the ranges of bird, wasp, and amphibian species did not change in concert with the species ranges of trees. The species ranges of amphibians and social wasps were unaffected by fragmentation gradients and exhibited independent distribution patterns (i.e., random structure). In contrast, birds and trees exhibited range turnover along different fragmentation gradients, indicating that species show idiosyncratic responses to abiotic factors (i.e., Gleasonian structure). For birds, some less‐resilient species occurred only in fragments with a large area of native vegetation at a radius of 5 km from the center of the sampled forest fragments, whereas other more stress‐tolerant species occurred only in sites with small areas of native vegetation. For trees, some later succession species (e.g., animal‐dispersed seeds) occurred only in fragments with high connectivity, whereas earlier‐recruiting species (e.g., wind‐dispersed seeds) occurred in fragments with low connectivity. Thus, determining the effects of human‐modified landscapes on species range distributions, even within the same landscape, might not be a trivial task.  相似文献   

Summary We have analyzed the footprints left by a single Ac transposable element during its intragenic transposition to different positions in the maize P gene. One site appears to have been visited twice by transposons, indicating that it may be an insertion hot spot. Implications of this finding for the origin of the P-vv allele are discussed. Analysis of transposon footprints may prove generally useful for establishing pedigree relationships among gene alleles.  相似文献   

Nanodiscs are self-assembled ∼50-nm2 patches of lipid bilayers stabilized by amphipathic belt proteins. We demonstrate that a well ordered dense film of nanodiscs serves for non-destructive, label-free studies of isolated membrane proteins in a native like environment using neutron reflectometry (NR). This method exceeds studies of membrane proteins in vesicle or supported lipid bilayer because membrane proteins can be selectively adsorbed with controlled orientation. As a proof of concept, the mechanism of action of the membrane-anchored cytochrome P450 reductase (POR) is studied here. This enzyme is responsible for catalyzing the transfer of electrons from NADPH to cytochrome P450s and thus is a key enzyme in the biosynthesis of numerous primary and secondary metabolites in plants. Neutron reflectometry shows a coexistence of two different POR conformations, a compact and an extended form with a thickness of 44 and 79 Å, respectively. Upon complete reduction by NADPH, the conformational equilibrium shifts toward the compact form protecting the reduced FMN cofactor from engaging in unspecific electron transfer reaction.  相似文献   

We estimated the light use efficiency (LUE ) via vegetation canopy chlorophyll content (CCC canopy) based on in situ measurements of spectral reflectance, biophysical characteristics, ecosystem CO 2 fluxes and micrometeorological factors over a maize canopy in Northeast China. The results showed that among the common chlorophyll‐related vegetation indices (VI s), CCC canopy had the most obviously exponential relationships with the red edge position (REP ) (R 2 = .97, <  .001) and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI ) (R 2 = .91, <  .001). In a comparison of the indicating performances of NDVI , ratio vegetation index (RVI ), wide dynamic range vegetation index (WDRVI ), and 2‐band enhanced vegetation index (EVI 2) when estimating CCC canopy using all of the possible combinations of two separate wavelengths in the range 400?1300 nm, EVI 2 [1214, 1259] and EVI 2 [726, 1248] were better indicators, with R 2 values of .92 and .90 (<  .001). Remotely monitoring LUE through estimating CCC canopy derived from field spectrometry data provided accurate prediction of midday gross primary productivity (GPP ) in a rainfed maize agro‐ecosystem (R 2 = .95, <  .001). This study provides a new paradigm for monitoring vegetation GPP based on the combination of LUE models with plant physiological properties.  相似文献   

Water stress has been reported to alter morphology and physiology of plants affecting chlorophyll content, stomatal size and density. In this study, drought stress mitigating effects of CO2 enrichment was assessed in greenhouse conditions in the hot climate of UAE. Commercially purchased maize (Zea mays L.) and alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) were seeded in three different custom-built cage structures, inside a greenhouse. One cage was kept at 1000 ppm CO2, the second at 700 ppm CO2, and the third at ambient greenhouse CO2 environment (i.e. 435 ppm). Three water stress treatments HWS (200 ml per week), MWS (400 ml per week), and CWS (600 ml per week) were given to each cage so that five maize pots and five alfalfa pots in each cage received same water stress treatments. In maize, total chlorophyll content was similar or higher in water stress treatments compared to control for all CO2 concentrations. Stomatal lengths were higher in enriched CO2 environments under water stress. At 700 ppm CO2, stomatal widths decreased as water stress increased from MWS to HWS. At both enriched CO2 environments, stomatal densities decreased compared to ambient CO2 environment. In alfalfa, there was no significant increase in total chlorophyll content under enriched CO2 environments, even though a slight increase was noticed.  相似文献   

In many species, naïve first‐time migrants undertake migration without adults, supposedly on the basis of a ‘simple’ vector programme that combines an innate directional preference with a temporal programme that specifies distance. In strongly dimorphic species in which the sexes show distinct ecological requirements, the innate mechanisms of navigation may be expected to diverge between males and females with respect to their specific destinations. Based on captures of juvenile Ruff Philomachus pugnax at a migratory stopover over 21 years, a correlation was found between the year‐specific sex ratio and the global magnetic field disturbance during the 2 weeks prior to the peak of captures in that year. This suggests that males and females respond differently to geomagnetic disturbance with changes in either the direction of migration or the level of migratory activity, and implies sex‐specificity in the use of their geomagnetic navigational ‘toolbox’.  相似文献   

Aims: To monitor seasonal variations in the microbiology of maize silage and to determine whether the risk of fungal spoilage varies during whole‐year storage. Methods and Results: A continuous survey of 20 maize silage stacks was conducted over a period from three to 11 months after ensiling. Filamentous fungi, yeasts and lactic acid bacteria (LAB) were enumerated at five time‐points, and cultivable species of filamentous fungi were identified. Significant differences in the numbers of filamentous fungi, yeast and LAB were detected. The highest numbers of fungi were five to seven and the lowest 11 months after ensiling, while the LAB decreased in numbers during the study. Filamentous fungi were isolated from all stacks at all time‐points. The most abundant toxigenic mould species were Penicillium roqueforti, Penicillium paneum and Aspergillus fumigatus. Conclusions: There are significant variations in the microbiology of maize silage over a whole storage season. The risk of fungal spoilage was highest 5–7 months after ensiling and lowest after 11 months. Significance and Impact of the Study: This information is valuable in the assessment of health risks connected with spoiled maize silage and may be useful in the management of maize silage stacks, when whole‐season storage is applied.  相似文献   

Specific substrate-induced structural changes in the heme pocket are proposed for human cytochrome P450 aromatase (P450arom) which undergoes three consecutive oxygen activation steps. We have experimentally investigated this heme environment by resonance Raman spectra of both substrate-free and substrate-bound forms of the purified enzyme. The Fe-CO stretching mode (nu(Fe)(-)(CO)) of the CO complex and Fe(3+)-S stretching mode (nu(Fe)(-)(S)) of the oxidized form were monitored as a structural marker of the distal and proximal sides of the heme, respectively. The nu(Fe)(-)(CO) mode was upshifted from 477 to 485 and to 490 cm(-)(1) by the binding of androstenedione and 19-aldehyde-androstenedione, substrates for the first and third steps, respectively, whereas nu(Fe)(-)(CO) was not observed for P450arom with 19-hydroxyandrostenedione, a substrate for the second step, indicating that the heme distal site is very flexible and changes its structure depending on the substrate. The 19-aldehyde-androstenedione binding could reduce the electron donation from the axial thiolate, which was evident from the low-frequency shift of nu(Fe)(-)(S) by 5 cm(-)(1) compared to that of androstenedione-bound P450arom. Changes in the environment in the heme distal site and the reduced electron donation from the axial thiolate upon 19-aldehyde-androstenedione binding might stabilize the ferric peroxo species, an active intermediate for the third step, with the suppression of the formation of compound I (Fe(4+)=O porphyrin(+)(*)) that is the active species for the first and second steps. We, therefore, propose that the substrates can regulate the formation of alternative reaction intermediates by modulating the structure on both the heme distal and proximal sites in P450arom.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanisms governing γ‐secretase cleavage specificity are not fully understood. Herein, we demonstrate that extending the transmembrane domain of the amyloid precursor protein‐derived C99 substrate in proximity to the cytosolic face strongly influences γ–secretase cleavage specificity. Sequential insertion of leucines or replacement of membrane‐anchoring lysines by leucines elevated the production of Aβ42, whilst lowering production of Aβ40. A single insertion or replacement was sufficient to produce this phenotype, suggesting that the helical length distal to the ε–site is a critical determinant of γ‐secretase cleavage specificity. Replacing the lysine at the luminal membrane border (K28) with glutamic acid (K28E) increased Aβ37 and reduced Aβ42 production. Maintaining a positive charge with an arginine replacement, however, did not alter cleavage specificity. Using two potent and structurally distinct γ–secretase modulators (GSMs), we elucidated the contribution of K28 to the modulatory mechanism. Surprisingly, whilst lowering the potency of the non‐steroidal anti‐inflammatory drug‐type GSM, the K28E mutation converted a heteroaryl‐type GSM to an inverse GSM. This result implies the proximal lysine is critical for the GSM mechanism and pharmacology. This region is likely a major determinant for substrate binding and we speculate that modulation of substrate binding is the fundamental mechanism by which GSMs exert their action.  相似文献   

Desert truffles, hypogeous Pezizales (Ascomycota), are difficult to identify due to evolutionary convergence of morphological characters among taxa that share a similar habitat and mode of spore dispersal. Also, during their symbiotic phase, these are barely distinguishable morphologically, and molecular probes are needed for their identification. We have developed a PCR-based method for the identification of Picoa juniperi and Picoa lefebvrei based on internal transcribed spacers of rDNA. Two PCR primers specific for P. lefebvrei (FLE/RLE) and two specific for P. juniperi (FJU/RJU) were designed. A collection of samples from different geographical areas representing diversity of these species were examined for unique regions of internal transcribed spacers 1, 2 and 5.8S gene of rDNA (ITS) compared to other closely related species. Annealing temperatures and extension times were optimized for each set of primers for maximum specificity and efficiency. They proved to be efficient to specifically detect the presence of P. juniperi and P. lefebvrei by PCR and neither set amplified purified DNA from other truffle species as well as some ascomycetous fungi. The partial small subunit of ribosomal DNA genes of P. juniperi were amplified with the genomic DNA extracted from Helianthemum ledifolium var. ledifolium roots by nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using the universal fungal primer pair ITS1/ITS4 and specific primer pair FTC/RTC, which was designed based on internal transcribed spacer 1, 2 and 5.8S gene of rDNA sequences of P juniperi. The nested-PCR was sensitive enough to re-amplify the direct-PCR product, resulting in a DNA fragment of 426 bp. The efficacy of nested-PCR showed that it could re-amplify the direct-PCR product and detect 200 fg genomic DNA.  相似文献   

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