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  • 1 Carpenter bees (Xylocopa californica arizonensis) in west Texas, U.S.A., gather pollen and ‘rob’ nectar from flowers of ocotillo (Fouquieria splendens). When common, carpenter bees are an effective pollen vector for ocotillo. We examined ocotillo's importance as a food source for carpenter bees.
  • 2 The visitation rate of carpenter bees to ocotillo flowers in 1988 averaged 0.51 visits/flower/h and was 4 times greater than that of queen bumble bees (Bombus pennsylvanicus sonorus), the next most common visitor. Nectar was harvested thoroughly and pollen was removed from the majority of flowers. Hummingbird visits were rare.
  • 3 Pollen grains from larval food provisions were identified from sixteen carpenter bee nests. On average, 53% of pollen grains sampled were ocotillo, 39% were mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa), and 8% were Zygophyllaceae (Larrea tridentata or Guaiacum angustifolium). Carpenter bee brood size averaged 5.8 per nest.
  • 4 We measured the number of flowers, and production of pollen and nectar per flower by mature ocotillo plants, as well as the quantity of pollen and sugar in larval provisions. An average plant produced enough pollen and nectar sugar to support the growth of eight to thirteen bee larvae. Ocotillo thus has the potential to contribute significantly to population growth of one of its key pollinators.
  • 5 Although this carpenter bee species, like others, is a nectar parasite of many plant species, it appears to be engaged in a strong mutualism with a plant that serves as both a pollen and as a nectar source during carpenter bee breeding periods.

厦门大屿岛三种鹭的种群动态和营巢   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对厦门大屿岛白鹭保护区的夜鹭(Nycticorax nycticorax)、白鹭(Eegrtta garzetta)和池鹭(Ardeola bacchus)进行种群动态和营巢观察研究。3种鸟的数量季节变化都很大,5~7月数量高峰期,每月总数都达5000只左右。5月底共5610只,3种鸟的比例分别为50.8%、32.0%和17.2%。4月开始大量在相思树梢上营巢,5月中至6月初巢数多达6000多个。结果表明,3种鸟都是厦门的繁殖鸟和留鸟。  相似文献   

Modeling pollination ecosystem services requires a spatially explicit, process‐based approach because they depend on both the behavioral responses of pollinators to the amount and spatial arrangement of habitat and on the within‐ and between‐season dynamics of pollinator populations in response to land use. We describe a novel pollinator model predicting flower visitation rates by wild central‐place foragers (e.g., nesting bees) in spatially explicit landscapes. The model goes beyond existing approaches by: (1) integrating preferential use of more rewarding floral and nesting resources; (2) considering population growth over time; (3) allowing different dispersal distances for workers and reproductives; (4) providing visitation rates for use in crop pollination models. We use the model to estimate the effect of establishing grassy field margins offering nesting resources and a low quantity of flower resources, and/or late‐flowering flower strips offering no nesting resources but abundant flowers, on bumble bee populations and visitation rates to flowers in landscapes that differ in amounts of linear seminatural habitats and early mass‐flowering crops. Flower strips were three times more effective in increasing pollinator populations and visitation rates than field margins, and this effect increased over time. Late‐blooming flower strips increased early‐season visitation rates, but decreased visitation rates in other late‐season flowers. Increases in population size over time in response to flower strips and amounts of linear seminatural habitats reduced this apparent competition for pollinators. Our spatially explicit, process‐based model generates emergent patterns reflecting empirical observations, such that adding flower resources may have contrasting short‐ and long‐term effects due to apparent competition for pollinators and pollinator population size increase. It allows exploring these effects and comparing effect sizes in ways not possible with other existing models. Future applications include species comparisons, analysis of the sensitivity of predictions to life‐history traits, as well as large‐scale management intervention and policy assessment.  相似文献   

Species around the world have suffered collapses, and a key question is why some populations are more vulnerable than others. Traditional conservation biology and evidence from terrestrial species suggest that slow-growing populations are most at risk, but interactions between climate variability and harvest dynamics may alter or even reverse this pattern. Here, we test this hypothesis globally. We use boosted regression trees to analyse the influences of harvesting, species traits and climate variability on the risk of collapse (decline below a fixed threshold) across 154 marine fish populations around the world. The most important factor explaining collapses was the magnitude of overfishing, while the duration of overfishing best explained long-term depletion. However, fast growth was the next most important risk factor. Fast-growing populations and those in variable environments were especially sensitive to overfishing, and the risk of collapse was more than tripled for fast-growing when compared with slow-growing species that experienced overfishing. We found little evidence that, in the absence of overfishing, climate variability or fast growth rates alone drove population collapse over the last six decades. Expanding efforts to rapidly adjust harvest pressure to account for climate-driven lows in productivity could help to avoid future collapses, particularly among fast-growing species.  相似文献   

Shot hole disease is one of the most important diseases of stone fruit trees in Iran. The disease is wide spread among orchards of Prunus spp. During spring and summer of 2007, 80 monoconidial isolates of the pathogen were recovered from infected leaves, fruits and twigs of different Prunus spp. in West Azerbaijan, Tehran, Ghazvin and Razavi Khorasan provinces of Iran and were studied taxonomically. Based on morphological and physiological characteristics and growth optimal temperature, all isolates were identified as Wilsonomyces carpophilus. Seedlings of stone fruits (apricot, almond, peach, nectarine, plum, sweet cherry and sour cherry) were used for pathogenicity tests. All seedlings were susceptible to the fungal isolates and showed disease symptoms on twigs, leaves, buds and petioles. Genetic diversity of 28 selected fungal isolates was investigated based on DNA fingerprinting by random amplified polymorphic DNA-polymerase chain reaction (RAPD-PCR), using four random primers. Based on cluster analysis of the PCR results from the four primers, 10 fingerprinting groups (clonal lineages) and 27 haplotypes were identified. Clonal lineages “C”, “D” and “E”, each with six haplotypes formed the biggest clonal lineages, but other clonal lineages (“B”, “F”, “G”, “H”, “I” and “J”) included only one isolate. No correlation was detected among clonal lineages with the location of selected isolates and their host species. A correlation was found between the substrate (fruit, twig or leaf) and clonal lineages, particularly in “C” clonal lineage. The results showed that the fungus population had high genetic diversity which is distributed among the different areas of Iran.  相似文献   

Colonial breeding is characteristic of seabirds but nesting at high density has both advantages and disadvantages and may reduce survival and fecundity. African penguins (Spheniscus demersus) initiated breeding at Robben Island, South Africa in 1983. The breeding population on the island increased in the late 1990s and early 2000s before decreasing rapidly until 2010. Before the number breeding peaked, local nest density in the areas where the colony was initiated plateaued, suggesting that preferred nests sites were mostly occupied, and the area used by breeding birds expanded. However, it did not contract again as the population decreased, so that nesting density varied substantially. Breeding success was related positively to the prey available to the breeding birds and negatively to local nest density, particularly during the chick-rearing period, suggesting a density-dependence operating through social interactions in the colony, possibly exacerbated by poor prey availability when the breeding population was large. Although nest density at Robben Island was not high, nesting burrows, which probably reduce the incidence of aggressive encounters in the colony, are scarce and our results suggest that habitat alteration has modified the strength of density-dependent relationships for African penguins. Gaining a better understanding of how density dependence affects fecundity and population growth rates in colonial breeders is important for informing conservation management of the African penguin and other threatened taxa.  相似文献   

潭清苏铁的生境、种群结构与动态的研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
对小黑江流域潭清苏铁的生境、种群结构与动态进行了研究。结果表明.小黑江流域的自然地带性植被主要为热带雨林,海拔600m以下的原生植被为典型热带北缘季雨林,而海拔600~1000m的原生植被为山地雨林。其原生植被遭到破坏后,土壤流失严重.生态环境向干旱、贫瘠化发展,从而导致其次生植被都向山地雨林演化,加上人类活动的继续存在,不可能在短期内恢复成原生植被类型——热带季雨林或山地雨林。醛管其生态环境发生了显著的变化,但潭清苏铁的生存、繁衍正常。这也表明潭清苏铁对其环境变化有一定的适应能力。潭清苏铁种群的年龄结构基本呈金字塔形,属较稳定的结构。但是.种群的成年个体数明显偏小,成了潭清苏铁种群生存繁衍的“瓶颈”.也反映出了潭清苏铁曾经遭受过严重破坏的事实.虽然潭清苏铁对生态环境的变化有一定的适应能力.似抗人为破坏的能力较弱。潭清苏铁生长发育很缓慢.种群恢复的周期较长,大约是30~40a。目前.潭清苏铁种群正处于恢复、上升阶段。就地保护可能是其最有效的保护途径之一。目前,潭清苏铁被列为国家一级保护植物,其分布区——小黑江流域已成为黄连山国家级自然保护区的一部分。如果其现有的生态环境得到有效保护,且在没有人为破坏的前提下.潭清苏铁不会沦为濒危物种。  相似文献   

Reproductive fitness of a plant is ultimately determined by both number and quality of seed offspring. This is determined by sexual selection of pollen microspores and ovules during pollination and fertilization. These processes may include pollen competition and seed abortion, which reduce the number of microspores and ovules available for final seed production. Thus, even an excess of pollen microspores to ovules does not result in fertile seeds equal to ovule number. We investigated pollen requirements of highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum cultivar 'Bluecrop') for maximal seed production and how fertile seed number translates into fruit quality, since fruit quality would ultimately determine the dispersal of its offspring. We demonstrate that individual blueberry flowers with a mean of 106 ovules reach their maximum fruit set and mass and minimum time to ripen when 125 outcross pollen tetrads pollinate a flower, compared to 10 or 25. Three hundred tetrads resulted in the increase of fertile seeds, but did not result in a further increase of fruit mass or fruit set, or decrease in time to ripen. We also examined the effect of pure and mixed loads of self and outcross pollen (25 and 125 tetrads), and found no differences in fertile seed number, fruit mass, or percentage fruit set when pollen loads were either 25 self or outcross pollen tetrads, although number of days to ripen was significantly shorter by 8 d with 25 outcross tetrads. When the pollen load of 125 tetrads consisted of self or a 50:50 mixture of self and outcross pollen, fruit mass, days to ripen, and percentage fruit set were not different from loads of 125 outcross pollen. In addition, a pollen load of 25 outcross tetrads resulted in fertile seed number and fruit quality in between that of 25 self, and 125 self, 125 mixed, or 125 outcross tetrads. Large, small, and flat seed types were identified, and only large seeds (length = 1.7 mm) were fertile. These results improve our understanding of pollen load size and source requirements of a crop plant and the limits to pollen transfer when translated to fruit growth.  相似文献   

1. The effects of changes in habitat size and quality on the expected population density and the expected time to extinction of Sorex araneus are studied by means of mathematical models that incorporate demographic stochasticity.
2. Habitat size is characterized by the number of territories, while habitat quality is represented by the expected number of offspring produced during the lifetime of an individual.
3. The expected population density of S. araneus is shown to be mainly influenced by the habitat size. The expected time to extinction of S. araneus populations due to demographic stochasticity, on the other hand, is much more affected by the habitat quality.
4. In a more general setting we demonstrate that, irrespective of the actual species under consideration, the likelihood of extinction as a consequence of demographic stochasticity is more effectively countered by increasing the reproductive success and survival of individuals then by increasing total population size.  相似文献   

Background: Epiphyte removal forms part of routine management in shade coffee plantations.

Aims: Assess the current status of three population orchids growing in Mexican shaded coffee plantations and evaluate the effect of perturbing the transient behaviour of different life stages.

Methods: We modelled the short-term response of eliminating I) non-reproductive juveniles, or II) reproductive adult plants from coffee bushes, on populations of Oncidium poikilostalix, Lepanthes acuminata and Telipogon helleri (Orchidaceae). First, we calculated the transient dynamics per se and second, we made a perturbation analysis on population inertia. Finally, we made a comparison with a traditional sensitivity analysis.

Results: All three species showed different positive asymptotic growth rate: O. poikilostalix (λmax = 1.106), L. acuminata (λmax = 1.209), and T. helleri (λmax = 1.012). The effect of eliminating the major part of the juvenile or adult orchids gave population inertia in relation to steady state, respectively, (+19%, -24%) for O. poikilostalix, (+17%, -28%) for T. helleri and (+57%, -35%) for L. acuminata.

Conclusions: Eliminating juveniles or adults affects in different ways the short-term dynamics due to differential impact on size stages that have the non-linear effects associated with important disturbances that currently affect orchids growing in coffee plantations.  相似文献   

The effect of changing climatic conditions on wild populations has been the subject of much recent research. Most attention has been on the direct effects of climate changes on species of lower trophic levels and on the negative consequences of climate change. However, a deeper understanding of how climate change affects apex predators is vital, as they are keystone species that have a disproportionate effect on ecosystems. Studying survival in an apex predator requires individual‐based data from long‐term studies and is complicated by the integration of climatic effects on lower trophic levels. Here we assess how climate affects the survival of the Common Buzzard Buteo buteo. We analysed the survival of 670 males and 669 females over the period 1989–2011, during which time our study population quadrupled. We used mark–recapture survival analysis of individual resightings of breeding adults to identify the environmental factors best explaining survival. A decrease in the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index increased survival to an extent that largely explains the population increase. This might be caused by higher Common Vole Microtus arvalis survival in drier conditions and under snow cover. Buzzard survival appeared to increase more for males than for females, possibly due to the males' higher sensitivity to winter food availability resulting from their smaller body mass. However, we also found that the effect of NAO strongly depended on the area in which individuals lived, especially for females. This may have been caused by the recolonization of Eagle Owls Bubo bubo in some parts of our study area. This study suggests that climatic changes can have complex effects on species of higher trophic levels via an interaction with their prey.  相似文献   

Haploid/doubled haploid (DH) technology can aid plant breeding programs by accelerating production of homozygous lines, provided enough viable DH progeny can be obtained from diverse haploid genotypes. In cases where there is a low frequency of spontaneous doubling, chromosome doubling procedures are required to achieve fecundity. We produced 63 parthenogenetic melon plantlets via pollination with γ-irradiated pollen, cloned them by nodal cuttings, and tested the effects of in vitro and in vivo colchicine treatment on survival, ploidy, pollen production, and fruit recovery. The most effective procedure was in vitro exposure of 3 cm shoot tip explants to 500 mg/l colchicine for 3 h. This treatment gave 83% survival of explants and 26% conversion to diploidy. Fruit recovery rate was 60% among plants with good pollen production. In vivo exposure of the tops of young plants to 5000 mg/l for 2 and 4 h yielded some fruits but also resulted in less survival and more morphological abnormalities. Strategies for recovery of progeny from parthenogenetic melon plants are recommended. To our knowledge, this study represents the first comprehensive study of recovery of fruits and viable seeds from parthenogenetic melon plants.  相似文献   

Flowering companion plants and plants producing extrafloral nectar are being proposed to enhance biological control in apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) orchards. This experiment evaluated the impact of floral and extrafloral resources on predation of spirea aphid (Aphis spiraecola Patch) on apple by adult Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) under greenhouse conditions. Predation of spirea aphids was not affected by the presence of flowering buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) as compared with either buckwheat with flowers removed or an uninfested apple shoot. However, there was a significant reduction in predation of spirea aphids on an apple shoot in the presence of a peach shoot with extrafloral nectar glands compared with either a peach shoot of the same cultivar without nectar glands or an uninfested apple shoot. These findings demonstrate that alternative food resources potentially could interfere with rates of biological control and, therefore, need to be carefully evaluated before incorporating in an orchard design. More studies are needed to adequately gauge the net effects of adding floral or extrafloral resources in orchards for conservation biological control.  相似文献   

The effect of 12 plant species on the persistence of Paecilomyces lilacinus strain 251 in soil was investigated. After incorporating formulated conidia into non-sterile soil followed by transplanting different test plants, the population dynamic of the fungus was determined over 100 days. At termination of the experiment, the fungal population in the planted soil was compared to the density of P. lilacinus in the rhizosphere and the percent increase or decrease was calculated for each crop. In addition, the potential of P. lilacinus strain 251 to colonize roots endophytically was investigated. Comparison of the slopes describing the population dynamics of the fungus showed no significant differences between soil without plants and soil from the root zone of the majority of the test plants. Bean was the only plant species consistently exerting a negative effect on the persistence of P. lilacinus strain 251 in the soil. For the first time, P. lilacinus strain 251 was isolated in significant numbers from healthy root tissue of barley plants.  相似文献   

The flight activity of yellow stem borer Scirpophaga incertulas (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) peaked in the months of April-May, May-June, August-September and October. The number of egg masses and the number of adults attracted to light sources were the indicators of S. incertulas flight activity. The rice varieties TKM6, IR22, IR60, IR66 and IR74 were infested at 7, 10, 12 and 16 wk after planting with 5, 10, 20 and 40 neonates of S. incertulas. All varieties except IR66 were susceptible to dead heart damage by S. incertulas. When the rice varieties TKM6, BPIRi2, BPIRi4, IR22, IR36, IR60, IR66 and IR74 were treated with carbofuran insecticide at the time of peak oviposition by S. incertulas in the field, the dead heart damage on all the varieties was significantly reduced in comparison with the untreated plots. Indiscriminate routine insecticidal treatments (fixed schedule) can be replaced by a treat-when-necessary schedule based on the population dynamics of S. incertulas.  相似文献   

The wheat stem sawfly, Cephus cinctus Norton (Hymenoptera: Cephidae), is a major pest of wheat grown on the Northern Great Plains and Canadian Prairies of North America, causing economic losses of as much as $350 million annually. Two species that parasitize wheat stem sawfly larvae in wheat stems are Bracon cephi (Gahan) and B. lissogaster Muesebeck (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). Carbohydrate-rich diets increase adult parasitoid longevity and reproductive parameters, enhancing their success as natural enemies. In previous studies, these species had increased longevity, egg load, and volume when fed sucrose solutions, encouraging further research on their nutritional needs. Therefore, we conducted experiments with artificial diets using adult females fed sucrose, glucose, and fructose solutions. Females were also fed these sugars in combination with a mixture of amino acids. We assessed individuals daily for longevity. Both species benefited from diets containing carbohydrates, with an increase in longevity from an average of 9 to 51 days for B. cephi, and from 6 to 34 days for B. lissogaster. Additional experiments assessed egg load and volume after 2, 5, and 10 days of cumulative feeding in B. cephi. These females produced 1.4-fold more eggs when fed amino acids, 2.5-fold more with sugar, and 2.7-fold more when fed sugar with amino acids. They had a 1.3-fold increase in egg volume when fed amino acids, 1.9-fold with sugar, and 2.1-fold when fed sugar with amino acids. Our study reveals the nutritional requirements of these braconid parasitoids and the benefits of nutritional sources when implementing conservation biological control strategies.  相似文献   

1. The passive or active movement of organisms between habitat patches plays important roles in achieving ecosystem resilience to disturbance and long-term control of population levels. However, causal mechanisms of disturbance-induced movements of mobile biota across heterogeneous habitat patches at a relatively short time-scale are little understood. 2. We experimentally tested the effects of food resource values on macroinvertebrate colonization of hydraulic refugia from spates in a second-order creek. Experimental cages were colonized by macroinvertebrates with combinations of resource types (natural or polyester leaves), and extent of exposure to stream flow (exposed to or sheltered from current); one half of each set was collected before and after a spate. This experiment was repeated over three spates of varying magnitude and seasonal contexts. 3. Pre-spate colonization was consistently greater for the cages with natural leaves relative to artificial leaves regardless of the extent of flow exposure. Two autumn spates with relatively low and stable antecedent flow conditions caused large movements of organic matter and macroinvertebrates across the stream, showing community-level accumulations into hydraulically sheltered patches independent of food treatment. The smallest spate with high and variable antecedent flows during winter resulted in negligible responses, which we interpret to be a result of depletion of easily transportable organic matter and organisms. 4. Two detritivorous taxa, the mayfly Paraleptophlebia spp. and stonefly Despaxia augusta (Banks) were the most responsive to autumn spates, and had disproportionately higher colonization rates of cages when provided with natural leaves during the largest autumn spate. Preferential settlement in food-enriched hydraulic refugia was attributable to taxon-specific mobility related to efficient acquisition of detritus resource, whose availability varies spatially and temporally. 5. Our findings suggest (1) detritivorous macroinvertebrate colonization of hydraulic refugia can be influenced by hydraulic controls as well as food resource value, and (2) pre-spate environmental conditions in terms of resource distribution and availability may pre-condition organisms' susceptibility to spates and also affect refugium usage, at least in food-limited, detritus-based stream systems.  相似文献   

食物、捕食和种间竞争对东方田鼠种群动态的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨月伟  刘震  刘季科 《生态学报》2009,29(12):6311-6324
采用2×2×2析因实验设计,在野外围栏条件下,测定食物、捕食和竞争物种黑线姬鼠(Apodemus agrarius)对东方田鼠(Microtus fortis)种群动态作用的格局.食物可利用性、捕食及种间竞争的独立作用对种群最小存活数均具有极显著的效应,除捕食与种间竞争的交互作用接近显著水平外,食物与种间竞争、食物与捕食者以及三者间的交互作用均不显著;三类外部因子对种群补充量的独立作用效应均达到极显著水平,且对种群补充量的作用具有累加效应;食物可利用性、捕食及种间竞争对种群繁殖成体的比例具有极显著的作用;三类外部因子对种群幼体与成体的比例具有极显著的作用.对种群年龄结构而言,与捕食者及种间竞争比较,食物可利用性是相对较弱的影响因子,在任何捕食与种间竞争交互作用条件下,食物的作用均不显著;三类外部因子均能显著地影响东方田鼠的体重增长率,但三者的交互作用对其影响不显著;MANOVA结果表明,捕食对成体存活率的作用最强烈,其次,为食物可利用性,种间竞争的作用最弱,但三者的交互作用效应不显著.对幼体的存活时间,除捕食的作用接近显著水平外,食物可利用性及种间竞争的作用均不显著.结果提供了食物可利用性、捕食和种间竞争对东方田鼠种群动态作用的充分证据,验证了食物、捕食和种间竞争对田鼠类种群动态具有独立或累加效应的总假设.  相似文献   

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