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Asexual reproduction through seeds, or apomixis, is widespread in angiosperms, although does not happen frequently. It occurs in no major crop plant, but its deployment in major crops would afford advantages for breeding and maintenance of hybrid genotypes. Deployment is still a long-term goal, however, since the genetic mechanisms underlying apomixis in nature have not been determined nor has the isolation of apomictic mutants in sexual plants been achieved. Nevertheless, an increasing intensity of research toward these goals over the last decade has greatly expanded our knowledge of genome structure and gene expression in naturally occurring apomicts and female gametophyte development in sexual plants. A common working hypothesis is that apomixis is a “deregulation” of sexual processes and is increasingly supported by gene expression data. Nevertheless, the search for a unique trigger that initiates apomictic development still cannot be disqualified. Further characterization of female gametophyte-related genes and genomes of apomicts and model sexual plants will be fruitful for identifying overlaps in developmental networks.


Eigenfunction analyses have been widely used to model patterns of autocorrelation in time, space and phylogeny. In a phylogenetic context, Diniz-Filho et al. (1998) proposed what they called Phylogenetic Eigenvector Regression (PVR), in which pairwise phylogenetic distances among species are submitted to a Principal Coordinate Analysis, and eigenvectors are then used as explanatory variables in regression, correlation or ANOVAs. More recently, a new approach called Phylogenetic Eigenvector Mapping (PEM) was proposed, with the main advantage of explicitly incorporating a model-based warping in phylogenetic distance in which an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (O-U) process is fitted to data before eigenvector extraction. Here we compared PVR and PEM in respect to estimated phylogenetic signal, correlated evolution under alternative evolutionary models and phylogenetic imputation, using simulated data. Despite similarity between the two approaches, PEM has a slightly higher prediction ability and is more general than the original PVR. Even so, in a conceptual sense, PEM may provide a technique in the best of both worlds, combining the flexibility of data-driven and empirical eigenfunction analyses and the sounding insights provided by evolutionary models well known in comparative analyses.  相似文献   

Ambophily, the mixed mode of wind and insect pollination is still poorly understood, even though it has been known to science for over 130 years. While its presence has been repeatedly inferred, experimental data remain regrettably rare. No specific suite of morphological or ecological characteristics has yet been identified for ambophilous plants and their ecology and evolution remain uncertain. In this review we summarise and evaluate our current understanding of ambophily, primarily based on experimental studies. A total of 128 ambophilous species – including several agriculturally important crops – have been reported from most major habitat types worldwide, but this probably represents only a small subset of ambophilous species. Ambophilous species have evolved both from wind- and insect-pollinated ancestors, with insect-pollinated ancestors mostly representing pollination by small, generalist flower visitors. We compiled floral and reproductive traits for known ambophilous species and compared our results to traits of species pollinated either by wind or by small generalist insects only. Floral traits were found to be heterogeneous and strongly overlap especially with those of species pollinated by small generalist insects, which are also the prominent pollinator group for ambophilous plants. A few ambophilous species are only pollinated by specialised bees or beetles in addition to pollination by wind. The heterogeneity of floral traits and high similarity to generalist small insect-pollinated species lead us to conclude that ambophily is not a separate pollination syndrome but includes species belonging to different insect- as well as wind-pollination syndromes. Ambophily therefore should be regarded as a pollination mode. We found that a number of ecological factors promoted the evolution of ambophily, including avoidance of pollen limitation and self-pollination, spatial flower interference and population density. However, the individual ecological factors favouring the transition to ambophily vary among species depending on species distribution, habitat, population structure and reproductive system. Finally, a number of experimental studies in combination with observations of floral traits of living and fossil species and dated phylogenies may indicate evolutionary stability. In some clades ambophily has likely prevailed for millions of years, for example in the castanoid clade of the Fagaceae.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Floral variation, pollination biology and mating patterns were investigated in sunbird-pollinated Babiana (Iridaceae) species endemic to the Western Cape of South Africa. The group includes several taxa with specialized bird perches and it has been proposed that these function to promote cross-pollination.


Pollinator observations were conducted in 12 populations of five taxa (B. ringens subspp. ringens, australis, B. hirsuta, B. avicularis, B. carminea) and geographic variation in morphological traits investigated in the widespread B. ringens. Experimental pollinations were used to determine the compatibility status, facility for autonomous self-pollination and intensity of pollen limitation in six populations of four taxa. Allozyme markers were employed to investigate mating patterns in four populations of three species.

Key Results

Sunbirds were the primary pollinators of the five Babiana taxa investigated. Correlated geographical variation in perch size, flower size and stigma–anther separation was evident among B. ringens populations. Experimental pollinations demonstrated that B. ringens and B. avicularis were self-compatible with variation in levels of autonomous self-pollination and weak or no pollen limitation of seed set. In contrast, B. hirsuta was self-incompatible and chronically pollen limited. Estimates of outcrossing rate indicated mixed mating with substantial self-fertilization in all species investigated.


Despite the possession of specialized bird perches in B. ringens and B. avicularis, these structures do not prevent considerable selfing from occurring, probably as a result of autonomous self-pollination. In eastern populations of B. ringens, smaller flowers and reduced herkogamy appear to be associated with a shift to predominant selfing. Relaxed selection on perch function due to increased selfing may explain the increased incidence of apical flowers in some populations.  相似文献   

Cicadas usually sing and mate in the higher parts of trees. Studies addressing the effects of different acoustic signals on mate choice in Cicadidae are very limited. We investigated the effects of both acoustical features and morphological traits on mate choice in an East Asian cicada Platypleura kaempferi. Males produce high-rate calling songs that attract females, then produce low-rate courtship songs to secure mating when a female is attracted. Higher calling song rate (CR), shorter single-pulse duration, and shorter pulse period of the calling song, together with lower courtship song rate and longer echeme period of the courtship song, are the most desirable traits used by females to choose a mate. These traits indicate that the more a male can raise the rate of song production, the higher the probability he is sexually selected by the female. No correlation was found between morphological traits and mating success. After mating, a minority of males started emitting calling songs again, but the CR was significantly lower than before mating and none of them attracted a new mate later. This promotes females mating with unmated males. We hypothesize that P. kaempferi may have the best of both worlds due to the unique song modulation and the mechanism of female mate choice: males change energetically, costly acoustic signals to achieve mates, while females choose a mate based on males’ acoustic properties. Our results contribute to better understanding the diversity of mating preference and enrich the mechanism of mate choice in acoustic insects.  相似文献   

Apomixis represents an alteration of classical sexual plant reproduction to produce seeds with essentially clonal embryos, stimulating wide interest from biologists and plant breeders for its ability to fix heterosis. Eulaliopsis binata (Poaceae), is identified here as a new apomictic species. Embryological investigation indicates that the developmental pattern of embryo sac formation in E. binata represents gametophytic apospory, the embryo originating from an unreduced cell, without fertilization and the mode of endosperm development was autonomous. Sexual embryo sacs were found with a frequency of 1–4% depending on the biotype. The DNA content of nuclei (C-value) in mature seeds was screened by flow cytometry (FCSS) and demonstrated that the endosperm was derived autonomously without fertilization and the three biotypes of E. binata showed varying degrees of apomixis. The Wide-leaf type showed obligate apomixis whereas the Slender-leaf and the Red-haulm type displayed facultative apomixis. In addition, adventitious embryos were observed on the wall of ovary, integument and nucellus cells, indicating that E. binata produces embryos via a mixture of apospory and adventitious embryony.  相似文献   

The complex and dynamic history of the Anatolian Peninsula during the Pleistocene set the stage for species diversification. However, the evolutionary history of biodiversity in the region is shrouded by the challenges of studying species divergence in the recent, dynamic past. Here, we study the Poecilimon bosphoricus (PB) species group to understand how the bush crickets' diversification and the regions' complex history are coupled. Specifically, using sequences of two mitochondrial and two nuclear gene segments from over 500 individuals for a comprehensive set of taxa with extensive geographic sampling, we infer the phylogenetic and geographic setting of species divergence. In addition, we use the molecular data to examine hypothesized species boundaries that were defined morphologically. Our analyses of the timing of divergence confirm the recent origin of the PB complex, indicating its diversification coincided with the dynamic geology and climate of the Pleistocene. Moreover, the geography of divergence suggests a history of fragmentation followed by admixture of populations, suggestive of a ring species. However, the evolutionary history based on genetic divergence conflicts with morphologically defined species boundaries raising the prospects that incipient species divergences may be relatively ephemeral. As such, the morphological differences observed in the PB complex may not to be sufficient to have prevented homogenizing gene flow in the past. Alternatively, with the recent origin of the complex, the lack of time for lineage sorting may underlie the discord between morphological species boundaries and genetic differentiation. Under either hypothesis, geography—not taxonomy—is the best predictor of genetic divergence.  相似文献   

The heart is the first organ in the embryo to form. Its structural and functional complexity is the result of a thorough developmental program, where sphingolipids play an important role in cardiogenesis, heart maturation, angiogenesis, the regulation of vascular tone and vessel permeability. Sphingolipids are necessary for signal transduction and membrane microdomain formation. In addition, recent evidence suggests that sphingolipid metabolism is directly interconnected to the modulation of oxidative stress. However, cardiovascular development is highly sensitive to excessive reactive species production, and disturbances in sphingolipid metabolism can lead to abnormal development and cardiac disease. Therefore, in this review, we address the molecular link between sphingolipids and oxidative stress, connecting these pathways to cardiovascular development and cardiovascular disease.  相似文献   

Multiple mating by both sexes is common among sexually reproducing animals. Small hive beetles (SHB), Aethina tumida, are parasites of bee nests endemic to sub-Saharan Africa and have become a widespread invasive species. Despite the considerable economic damages they can cause, their basic biology remains poorly understood. Here we show that male and female small hive beetles can mate multiple times, suggesting that costs for mating are low in this species. In an invasive A. tumida population in the United States, a combination of laboratory experiments for males and paternity analysis with eight polymorphic DNA microsatellite markers for field-caught females were used to estimate the number of mating by both sexes. The data show that females and males can mate multiple times—females mated with up to eight males, whereas males mated with at least seven females. The results also showed that A. tumida displayed a skewed paternity, although this was not consistent among the tested females. Thus, first or last male advantage seem to be unlikely in A. tumida. Our observations that individuals of both sexes of A. tumida can mate multiple times opens new research avenues for examining drivers of multiple mating and determining the role it may play in promoting biological invasions.  相似文献   

We examined invasions of non-native fishes into the Eel River, California. At least 16 species of fish have been introduced into the drainage which originally supported 12–14 fish species. Our study was prompted by the unauthorized introduction in 1979 of Sacramento squawfish, Ptychocheilus grandis, a large predatory cyprinid. From 1986 to 1990, we conducted growth and diet studies of squawfish, conducted intensive surveys of the distribution and habitat associations of both native and introduced species, and examined the nature of species-habitat and interspecies relationships. We found no evidence for increased growth or expanded feeding habits, compared to native populations, of Sacramento squawfish as they invaded the Eel River drainage. Ten of the introduced species were well established, with four species limited to a reservoir and six species established in streams. The success or failure of introductions of stream species appeared to be a function of the ability of a species to survive the fluctuating, highly seasonal, flow regime. The present mixture of native and exotic species has not formed stable fish assemblages but it seems likely that four habitat-associated assemblages will develop. The overall effect of the successful species introductions has been to assemble a group of species, with some exceptions, that are native to and occur together in many California streams. The assemblages now forming are similar to those found in other California streams. The assemblage characterized by squawfish and suckers is likely to be resistant to invasion, in the absence of human caused habitat modifications.  相似文献   

In this study we revise the cheilostome bryozoan genus Buffonellaria Canu & Bassler, 1927 and its Mediterranean and north-east Atlantic species, thereby addressing several existing problems. First, a lectotype for the type species, Buffonellaria divergens (Smitt, 1873) from Florida, is chosen, which proves to be distinct from the European species. Second, the two hitherto established north-east Atlantic species [ Buffonellaria nebulosa ( Jullien & Calvet, 1903 ) and Buffonellaria porcellanum Arístegui Ruiz, 1987], are redescribed, which were poorly documented until now. Third, close inspection of material, collected from Spitsbergen to tropical West Africa, using scanning electron microscopy reveals that the actual number of species, all previously referred to either B. divergens or Stephanosella biaperta (Michelin, 1848), is distinctly greater in the north-east Atlantic than has been previously acknowledged. As a result, seven new species are introduced ( Buffonellaria acorensis sp. nov. , Buffonellaria antoniettae sp. nov. , Buffonellaria arctica sp. nov. , Buffonellaria harmelini sp. nov. , Buffonellaria jensi sp. nov. , Buffonellaria muriella sp. nov. , and Buffonellaria ritae sp. nov. ), whereas two are left in open nomenclature. With the increase in number of species, the extremely broad geographical range of distribution assumed for B. divergens breaks down to numerous restricted areas. However, although most species have only been reported from a single location, B. arctica sp. nov. seems to have a fairly wide distribution in the Arctic region.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 152 , 537–566.  相似文献   

指示种、伞护种和旗舰种等的运用常常可以作为解决保护生物学问题的捷径。指示种被用来评价环境中人为干扰因素的程度,监测其他物种的种群动态,或用于确定生物多样性较高的区域;伞护种则常用来确定需保护生境的类型和面积;而旗舰种被用于引起公众对保护行为的关注。本文试图对上述术语和概念在使用上加以明确区分,并对其应用提出一些指导性原则。认为针对上述不同类型的代理种,使用的目的和选择的标准应有所不同,彼此不能混淆使用。  相似文献   

福建东山石珊瑚伴生物种多样性   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文记录了福建东山锯齿刺星珊瑚(Cyphastrea serrailia)、标准菊花珊瑚(Favia speciosa)和盾形陀螺珊瑚(Turbinaria peltata)等6种造礁石珊瑚。石珊瑚的立体生境中,栖息着埋栖、穴栖、缝栖、附着和游动等5种栖息习性的154种伴生物种。埋栖的连贵藤壶和穴栖的羽膜石蛏、珊瑚绒贻贝等是造礁石珊瑚伴生物种的表征。  相似文献   

长江河口浮游动物的种类组成、群落结构及多样性   总被引:71,自引:10,他引:71  
于1999年枯水期(2—3月份)、丰水期(8月份)、2000年枯水期(2—3月份)对长江河口浮游动物采样调查,研究了长江河口浮游动物的种类组成、群落结构及多样性并初步探讨了三峡工程对长江河口浮游动物的影响及长江河口水环境的生物监测。调查共发现浮游动物87种,甲壳动物占绝对优势,共59种。在所有浮游动物中挠足类31种。其次为水母类,有9种,此外,枝角类、毛颚类各8种。3次采样浮游动物的优势种主要有河口半咸水种和近岸低盐种类如华哲水蚤(Sinocalanus sinensis)、火腿许水蚤(Schmackeria poplesia)、虫肢歪水蚤(Tortanus vermiculus),真刺唇角水蚤(Labidocera euchaeta)等,还有长江径流带到河口的淡水种如近领剑水蚤(Cyclops vicinus vicinus)、英勇剑水蚤(Cyclops strenuus)、透明溞(Daphnia hyalina)等。一些浮游动物可作为水系指示种,其分布、数量反映了不同水系分布变化,长江河口浮游动物有;类水系指示种。通过对长江河口浮游动物群落聚类分析发现。1999、2000年枯水期浮游动物群落结构相似。可分为河口类群、近岸类群和近外海类群。1999年丰水期只形成近岸和近外海类群。浮游动物种类数由口门内向口门外方向有逐渐增加的趋势。浮游动物种类数由北向南变化趋势一致。大潮与小潮、涨憩与落强等潮汐作用对浮游动物影响往往因采样时间与区域等的不同而不同。对长江河口3次采样的物种多样性指数和均匀度指数进行了计算,结果表明:浮游动物多样性指数1999年枯水期最低,1999年丰水期最高。  相似文献   

Most high‐performing species distribution modelling techniques require both presences, and either absences or pseudo‐absences or background points. In this paper, we explore the effect of sample size, towards developing improved strategies for modelling. We generated 1800 virtual species with three levels of prevalence using ten modelling techniques, while varying the number of training presences (NTP) and the number of random points (NRP representing pseudo‐absences or background sites). For five of the ten modelling techniques we built two versions of models: one with an equal total weight (ETW) setting where the total weight for pseudo‐absence is equivalent to the total weight for presence, and another with an unequal total weight (UTW) setting where the total weight for pseudo‐absence is not required to be equal to the total weight for presence. We compared two strategies for NRP: a small multiplier strategy (i.e. setting NRP at a few times as large as NTP), and a large number strategy (i.e. using numerous random points). We produced ensemble models (by averaging the predictions from 30 models built with the same set of training presences and different sets of random points in equivalent numbers) for three NTP magnitudes and two NRP strategies. We found that model accuracy altered as NRP increased with four distinct patterns of performance: increasing, decreasing, arch‐shaped and horizontal. In most cases ETW improved model performance. Ensemble models had higher accuracy than the corresponding single models, and this improvement was pronounced when NTP was low. We conclude that a large NRP is not always an appropriate strategy. The best choice for NRP will depend on the modelling techniques used, species prevalence and NTP. We recommend building ensemble models instead of single models, using the small multiplier strategy for NRP with ETW, especially when only a small number of species presence records are available.  相似文献   

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