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Pinus mutoi is described as a new species on the basis of a permineralized seed cone from the Upper Cretaceous of Hokkaido, Japan. The cone is at least 20 cm long and up to 6 cm in diameter, consisting of a cone axis and numerous cone-scale complexes that are arranged helically around the axis. Two winged seeds are borne on the adaxial surface of each ovuliferous scale. Each complex receives a single trace from the vascular cylinder of the cone axis. In the scale base, all the resin canals occur abaxially to the vascular strand. The spatulate bract of the fossil is unique to the specimen among the cones of both living and fossil Pinus. The central umbo, broad sclerotic cortex of cone axis, and absence of serotinous features of the fossil cone suggest affinity with the subsection Sylvestres of the section Pinus, subgenus Pinus. This is the first record of permineralized preserved Pinus cone from the Cretaceous of Eastern Eurasia.  相似文献   

沙质海岸黑松分枝格局特征及其抗风折能力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
沙质海岸空间梯度上环境差异较大, 黑松(Pinus thunbergii)在长期的适应过程中树冠结构变化也很大。为揭示黑松树冠结构与环境间的适应机制, 在山东省胶南市灵山湾国家森林公园距海岸线0-50、200-250和400-450 m梯度内各设置1个样带, 记为带I、带II、带III, 采用枝构型的理论和方法, 对黑松的分枝格局进行了研究, 并采用模拟自然风法测定了黑松枝条的抗风折能力。结果表明: 1)在海岸梯度上黑松分枝格局差异较大, 随着距离海岸越来越远, 黑松各级枝的分枝长度、总体分枝率均逐渐增大, 而枝径比和逐步分枝率逐渐减小, 各级分枝角度表现为带I >带III >带II。2)带I树冠背风面与迎风面相比, 分枝长度、分枝角度、分枝数量、枝条干枯率分别是迎风面的1.62、1.38、2.65和0.59倍, 随着距离海岸越来越远, 这种不对称性逐渐减弱, 至带III树冠基本对称。3)海风是影响带I分枝角度偏转、枝条干枯和冠型不对称现象的主要原因。4)带III枝条的抗风折能力高于带I, 且两个样带模拟风速与枝条所承受的拉力之间的关系均符合逻辑斯蒂方程, 相关系数R2均达0.97以上。该研究揭示了不同海岸梯度上黑松分枝格局的形成机制及其抗风折能力, 可为沿海黑松防护林的合理经营提供科学依据。  相似文献   

研究了盐度(0、0.02、0.04和0.08 mol·L~(-1))和黑松母树大小对山东半岛北部海防林的主要造林树种黑松种子萌发和幼苗早期生长的影响.结果表明:盐度对黑松种子的发芽率有显著影响,随着NaCl浓度的升高,种子萌发率逐渐下降;盐分抑制黑松幼苗的早期生长,随着盐浓度升高,黑松幼苗的根长、芽长及根干质量均显著降低;母树大小在总体上对种子萌发率没有影响,但显著影响黑松幼苗的根长、芽长和芽干质量;盐度和母树大小的相互作用显著影响黑松幼苗的根长和芽长.而对黑松种子萌发率、幼苗根干质量和芽干质量的影响不显著.
Pinus thunbergii is the main forestation tree species of coastal protection forests in northern Shandong Peninsula of China. Its seed germination and seedling early growth were stud-ied under the conditions of different water salinity (0, 0. 02, 0. 04, and 0. 08 mol·L~(-1)) and mother tree sizes. With increasing sea water salinity, the seed germination rate, root-and plu-mule length, and the dry weights of root and plumule decreased significantly. Mother tree size had little effects on the seed germination rate, but affected the root-and plumule length and the plumule dry weight significantly. The interaction of sea water salinity and mother tree size affect-ed the root-and plumule length significantly, but less affected the germination rate and the dry weights of root and plumule.  相似文献   

对福建五一林场马尾松(PinusmasonianaLamb.)种子园20个无性系的种子品质及单株球果产量进行了统计分析,结果表明:无性系间在种子品质上存在着极显著差异,而无性系内除种子千粒重差异不显著外,其他性状(果径、果长、单果重和单果出籽数)差异极显著。20个无性系的单株球果产量大多逐年上升。同时对不同年份无性系结实的稳定性进行分析,划分出较稳定的无性系和较不稳定的无性系,评选出了种子高产品质优良的无性系。  相似文献   

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