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Plant and Soil - Rare earth elements (REEs) and normalized REE patterns determined in plant and soil samples represent powerful tools to trace biogeochemical processes during weathering, soil...  相似文献   

Plant species leave a chemical signature in the soils below them, generating fine-scale spatial variation that drives ecological processes. Since the publication of a seminal paper on plant-mediated soil heterogeneity by Paul Zinke in 1962, a robust literature has developed examining effects of individual plants on their local environments (individual plant effects). Here, we synthesize this work using meta-analysis to show that plant effects are strong and pervasive across ecosystems on six continents. Overall, soil properties beneath individual plants differ from those of neighbours by an average of 41%. Although the magnitudes of individual plant effects exhibit weak relationships with climate and latitude, they are significantly stronger in deserts and tundra than forests, and weaker in intensively managed ecosystems. The ubiquitous effects of plant individuals and species on local soil properties imply that individual plant effects have a role in plant–soil feedbacks, linking individual plants with biogeochemical processes at the ecosystem scale.  相似文献   

Summary Dried digested sewage sludge (cake) was mixed, in varied proportions, with three contrasting soils and cropped intermittently to ryegrass or young barley over a period of 710 days. Results are presented for periods 1–4, 13–16 and 22–23 months after the sludge and soil were mixed. At any given time the quantities of Cu or Zn that wereextractable (by EDTA or acetic acid) from a given soil showed a simple relationship to the ‘total’ quantities of Cu and Zn present. Theavailability of these elements to test crops also showed a simple relationship to their ‘total’ quantities. As a result the quantities available or extractable at any given time appeared to be related to each other also. However, though the extractabilities of Cu and Zn changed with time in some cases, and the availabilities of Cu and Zn changed with time in some cases, the changes were not matched. Increased extractability did not necessarily lead to increased uptake, and in some cases uptake increased even when extractability did not. It should not be assumed too readily therefore that because, at a given time after a soil is sludged, the quantities of added Cu and Zn that are extractable or available are sometimes correlated, the former actually measures the latter.There is no reason to assume that extractants remove all or only the forms of combination of Cu or Zn that may be taken up by crops.  相似文献   

It is shown that chromosome painting is as yet not possible for plants with very complex genomes, neither intra- nor interspecific. The reasons are inefficient blocking of dispersed repetitive sequences and insufficient signal intensity of short unique sequences. Future perspective are indicated.  相似文献   

During the Gulf Crisis, the State of Kuwait was subjected to hazards caused by the oil well fires. The discharged oil formed over 300 oil lakes, covering land areas in excess of 49 km2. In addition, deposits from aerial fallout covered massive areas of Kuwait's desert soil. It has been widely recognized that the heavily oil‐contaminated soil must be remediated in order to avoid total damage to the land, water ecosystems, and/or the eventual release of hazardous particulate compositions to the atmosphere. A large number of diverse technological options were being considered for the remediation of contaminated soil. Bioremediation techniques involving enhanced landfarming was selected and evaluated at pilot scale

The experiments were initiated in November 1992 at the Burgan oil field in which 16 landfarming plots of 120 m2 each were constructed. The study continued for 18 months, during which time petroleum hydrocarbon concentration, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH), and heavy metals were monitored regularly. The result obtained showed that landfarming treatment resulted in more than 80% reduction of oil contamination within 15 months. The treatment also resulted in a substantial reduction of the PAHs concentrations.  相似文献   

Analyses of multicultural state-dictated social categories are often governed by those same categories, even while they deconstruct them. Nonetheless, these categories are often used in public spheres such as national imaginary or ethno-political activism. Taking a different point of departure, that of representations rather than the categories themselves, the aim of our paper is to understand the modes of classification that are relevant among four populations in Colombia and Mexico who would, a priori, be categorized as ‘black’ or ‘Indian’. The daily reality of these groups indicates other possible internal, sometimes even intersecting, kinds of categorizations, which, far from naturalizing the ‘Indian’ and ‘black’ categories, in fact reveal place-based social identifications. These identifications seem closer to the everyday lives and practices of the people in question, and underscore the local conceptions of their presence and agency in a given spot.  相似文献   

Using a space-for-time substitution approach, we investigated the effects of a typhoon on the vegetation and soil development trajectories of monospecific stands of Rhizophora mucronata mangroves of different ages (6-, 8- 10-, 11-, 12-, 17-, 18- and 50-year stands). The vegetation and soil parameters were compared to a reference system comprised of mature, natural mangrove stands. Pre-typhoon measures of vegetation and soil parameters were compared with 1-mo, 7-mo and 9-mo post-typhoon. Prior to the occurrence of the typhoon, there were clear patterns of vegetation and soil development with age of the stands. The development trajectory was however interrupted by the occurrence of the typhoon. Severe damage was more apparent in older mangrove stands (11- and 18- year stands) with very low to no damage in the younger stands. The typhoon-impacted sites experienced a number of changes, including: complete defoliation; reduced living tree densities of 61–69 %; decreased above-ground biomass of 70–79 %; increased soil nutrient levels of 40–60 %; more waterlogged soils by at least 113 % and increased soil temperature of 8–10 °C. Cumulative tree mortality, compounded by the lack of seedling recruits and unfavourable soil conditions may limit long-term recovery of the typhoon-impacted stands.  相似文献   

Three sterilized acid soils were inoculated with inocula of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Soils were limed and/or P fertilized to produce different fertility levels. Most inocula consisted of mixtures of fine + coarse type endophytes. Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) was seeded in pots and grown in a glasshouse for 4 months. Root colonization by VAM fungi, the relative infection byGlomus tenue compared to that by coarse VAM fungi and the effect of inoculation on red clover growth and mineral nutrition (P, K, Ca and Mg) were studied. Spores were also checked and tentatively identified.Results showed that root colonization by VAM fungi was higher than 50% in most cases, the lower values being found in the soil with the highest P content. Inocula containingG. mosseae + G. tenue infected plant roots only in limed (pH>5.7) soils. A study of the relative colonization by fine and coarse endophytes showed that the competitive ability againstG. tenue followed the orderG. fasiculatum > G. mosseae > G. epigaeum > G. macrocarpum, although soil properties and fertility were crucial factors.Glomus lacteum was tentatively identified in two of the three experimental soils. The inoculum in whichGlommus tenue was most infective was also the most efficient in improving plant growth and nutrient uptake. The effect of inoculation on P and Mg uptake followed a similar pattern.  相似文献   

Thallium is an extremely toxic metal which, due to its similarities to K, is readily taken up by plants grown in Tl-contaminated soils. Thallium is also a precious metal nearly as economically valuable as gold. Thallium is efficiently hyperaccumulated in Iberis intermedia as aqueous Tl(I) with highest concentrations within the vascular network of leaves. In this study we examine the utility of synchrotron X-ray differential absorption-edge computed microtomography (CMT) in determining the distribution and compartmentalization of thallium (Tl) in Iberis intermedia. We found Tl to be distributed in solution throughout the vascular system of I. intermedia. Current laboratory experiments are examining the characteristics and potential recovery of Tl by I. intermedia with the objectives to remediate its toxic risks and to facilitate its reclamation for reuse. However, the recovery and reuse of Tl from I. intermedia by way of phytomining requires knowledge on the speciation, distribution and compartmentalization of thallium. CMT shows great promise for application in a wide variety of metal-related structural issues due to its high 3D resolution and being a non-destructive analysis tool. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with a Filipino psychic surgeon confronted by a particularly challenging case of a kind perhaps unprecedented in his practice. The paper describes and analyzes how the practitioner modified his usual clinical performance and adapted his actions to demands of an extremely difficult situation. The case is viewed in wider perspective relative to the significance of performative acts of healing in a pluralistic medical setting.  相似文献   

The effects of expressing a chimeric gene consisting of a soybean heat shock gene promoter and a sequence that encodes an enzyme catalyzing the synthesis of a potent phytohormone, the cytokinin iPMP, have been analyzed in transgenic tobacco plants. The production of cytokinin endogenously produced several effects previously undocumented. The differentiation of shoots independent of exogenous cytokinin from heat-treated transgenic plant leaf explants demonstrates that long-term heat treatments do not interfere with complex developmental processes. This extends the potential usefulness of heat shock gene promoters to conditionally express genes during windows of development that span several weeks.  相似文献   

The authoritative talk by Professor Fowler (Fowler et al ., 1998), emphasized the huge increase in the rate of NOx (NO and NO2) emissions into the atmosphere due to fossil fuel combustion, from 1 Tg N y−1 to over 20 Tg N y−1 during the 100 yr between 1880 and 1980. He went on to predict that this rate of emission from anthropogenic sources would increase to 46 Tg N y−1 by the year 2025. In addition, NO can also be released from the soil following microbial action, a process that is very dependent upon soil temperature, nitrogen availability and water content. Later in the meeting, Professor Raven (Raven & Yin, 1998) pointed out that terrestrial plants, though not necessarily each individual species, have over the past 450 million yr coped with large changes in nitrogenous compounds in the environment. Nevertheless, this is no basis for complacency about the current situation because the rates of change caused by man's activities are probably unprecedented. Furthermore, the fact that terrestrial plant life in some form can continue, despite massive changes in environmental chemistry, does not necessarily indicate that the systems on which we ourselves are dependent will be conserved.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) is now recognized as an important signaling molecule and there has been an increasing bulk of studies regarding the various functions of NO in plants exposed to environmental stimulus. There is also emerging evidence, although not extensive, that NO plays systemic signaling roles during the establishment of salt tolerance in many plant species. In this mini-review, we highlight several candidate mechanisms as being functional in this NO systemic signaling action. In addition, we outline data supporting that plants possess prime-like mechanisms that allow them to memorize previous NO exposure events and generate defense responses following salt stress.Key words: nitric oxide, nitrosative stress, priming, salinity, systemic signaling  相似文献   

Interactions between plants and soil microbes are important for plant growth and resistance. Through plant–soil-feedbacks, growth of a plant is influenced by the previous plant that was growing in the same soil. We performed a plant–soil feedback study with 37 grass, forb and legume species, to condition the soil and then tested the effects of plant-induced changes in soil microbiomes on the growth of the commercially important cut-flower Chrysanthemum in presence and absence of a pathogen. We analysed the fungal and bacterial communities in these soils using next-generation sequencing and examined their relationship with plant growth in inoculated soils with or without the root pathogen, Pythium ultimum. We show that a large part of the soil microbiome is plant species-specific while a smaller part is conserved at the plant family level. We further identified clusters of plant species creating plant growth promoting microbiomes that suppress concomitantly plant pathogens. Especially soil inocula with higher relative abundances of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi caused positive effects on the Chrysanthemum growth when exposed to the pathogen. We conclude that plants differ greatly in how they influence the soil microbiome and that plant growth and protection against pathogens is associated with a complex soil microbial community.  相似文献   

Sequences encoding the immunoglobulin heavy-chain variable (VH) domains were engineered in a new general purpose vector to transform plants via Agrobacterium. The expression of an isolated VH domain (IVD) after introduction into the plant genome has been monitored by northern, western and immuno-histochemical analysis. Immunoblotting showed that the polypeptide was stably expressed and accounted for up to 1% of the soluble protein fraction. It is therefore proposed that single immunoglobulin domains of suitable specificity expressed in plants may constitute an effective system to inhibit the activity of molecules involved in plant pathology or plant development.  相似文献   

The deinstitutionalization of psychiatric patients is a deeply cultural as well as political task. It entails the sharing of responsibility for human distress with family and community. Consequently, the locus of social control has also shifted from psychiatric and medical expertise to community and legal institutions. Diagnosis and treatment models must be more compatible with lay explanatory models. This paper explores the various meanings of going mental and being mental in the white, working class, ethnic neighborhood of South Boston. The data are extracted from a study of the impact of deinstitutionalization on a cohort of middle-aged, psychiatric patients discharged from Boston State Hospital in the attempt to return them to community living. Individual, family, and community responses to, and interpretations of, the symptoms of mental distress are discussed. The study indicates that even seriously disturbed individuals are sensitive to cultural meanings and social cues regarding the perception, expression, and content of psychiatric episodes. While madness invariably disenfranchises, it does not necessarily deculturate the individual.  相似文献   

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