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The C4 pathway: an efficient CO2 pump   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The C4 pathway is a complex combination of both biochemical and morphological specialisation, which provides an elevation of the CO2 concentration at the site of Rubisco. We review the key parameters necessary to make the C4 pathway function efficiently, focussing on the diffusion of CO2 out of the bundle sheath compartment. Measurements of cell wall thickness show that the thickness of bundle sheath cell walls in C4 species is similar to cell wall thickness of C3 mesophyll cells. Furthermore, NAD-ME type C4 species, which do not have suberin in their bundle sheath cell walls, do not appear to compensate for this with thicker bundle sheath cell walls. Uncertainties in the CO2 diffusion properties of membranes, such as the plasmalemma, choroplast and mitochondrial membranes make it difficult to estimate bundle sheath diffusion resistance from anatomical measurements, but the cytosol itself may account for more than half of the final calculated resistance value for CO2 leakage. We conclude that the location of the site of decarboxylation, its distance from the mesophyll interface and the physical arrangement of chloroplasts and mitochondria in the bundle sheath cell are as important to the efficiency of the process as the properties of the bundle sheath cell wall. Using a mathemathical model of C4 photosynthesis, we also examine the relationship between bundle sheath resistance to CO2 diffusion and the biochemical capacity of the C4 photosynthetic pathway and conclude that bundle sheath resistance to CO2 diffusion must vary with biochemical capacity if the efficiency of the C4 pump is to be maintained. Finally, we construct a mathematical model of single cell C4 photosynthesis in a C3 mesophyll cell and examine the theoretical efficiency of such a C4 photosynthetic CO2 pump. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Light activation of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase from the leaves of the C4 plant Setaria verticillata (L.) is more pronounced at low CO2 levels. The 2-fold activation observed at physiological ambient CO2 becomes 3.64-fold at 5 L/L and completely abolished above 700 L/L. When the stomata close under the influence of abscisic acid at 330 L/L CO2, the extent of light activation is high (3.59-fold), probably because the increased diffusive resistance keeps the internal CO2 at much lower levels. Under darkness. CO2 and absicisic acid do not affect the extractable phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase activity. Internal CO2 levels may determine phosphoenolpyruvate concentratio in the cytoplasm through the control of its utilization by phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase. We have recently proposed (Samaras et al. 1988) that photosynthetically produced phosphoenolpyruvate could be an activator of the enzyme. It is therefore suggested that CO2 indirectly affects the activation state of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase by controlling the levels of phosphoenolpyruvate which may act as an activator.Abbreviations PEPCase phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase - PEP phosphoenolpyruvate - PAR photosynthetically active radiation - G6P glucose-6-phosphate - ABA abscisic acid - MDH malate dehydrogenase - PPDK pyruvate, Pi, dikinase - CAM Crassulacean Acid Metabolism  相似文献   

Summary Detailed growth analysis in conjunction with information on leaf display and nitrogen uptake was used to interpret competition between Abutilon theophrasti, a C3 annual, and Amaranthus retroflexus, a C4 annual, under ambient (350 l l-1) and two levels of elevated (500 and 700 l l-1) CO2. Plants were grown both individually and in competition with each other. Competition caused a reduction in growth in both species, but for different reasons. In Abutilon, decreases in leaf area ratio (LAR) were responsible, whereas decreased unit leaf rate (ULR) was involved in the case of Amaranthus. Mean canopy height was lower in Amaranthus than Abutilon which may explain the low ULR of Amaranthus in competition. The decrease in LAR of Abutilon was associated with an increase in root/shoot ratio implying that Abutilon was limited by competition for below ground resources. The root/shoot ratio of Amaranthus actually decreased with competition, and Amaranthus had a much higher rate of nitrogen uptake per unit of root than did Abutilon. These latter results suggest that Amaranthus was better able to compete for below ground resources than Abutilon. Although the growth of both species was reduced by competition, generally speaking, the growth of Amaranthus was reduced to a greater extent than that of Abutilon. Regression analysis suggests that the success of Abutilon in competition was due to its larger starting capital (seed size) which gave it an early advantage over Amaranthus. Elevated CO2 had a positive effect upon biomass in Amaranthus, and to a lesser extent, Abutilon. These effects were limited to the early part of the experiment in the case of the individually grown plants, however. Only Amaranthus exhibited a significant increase in relative growth rate (RGR). In spite of the transitory effect of CO2 upon size in individually grown plants, level of CO2 did effect final biomass of competitively grown plants. Abutilon grown in competition with Amaranthus had a greater final biomass than Amaranthus at ambient CO2 levels, but this difference disappeared to a large extent at elevated CO2. The high RGR of Amaranthus at elevated CO2 levels allowed it to overcome the difference in initial size between the two species.This study was supported by a grant from the US Department of Energy  相似文献   

Feeding strategies of copepods were studied during a dinoflagellate-dominated bloom in the North Sea in August 2001. The aim of this study was to evaluate the importance of mesozooplankton grazing as a biological loss factor of harmful algal blooms under natural conditions. Therefore, ingestion, egestion and egg production experiments were performed with the most abundant copepod species Calanus helgolandicus, Temora longicornis and Acartia sp. feeding on the natural phytoplankton community. Dinophysis norvegica and Ceratium furca were the most abundant dinoflagellate species at the time of the experiments. Grazing experiments as well as examination of fecal pellet content revealed C. helgolandicus fed efficiently on D. norvegica. Ingestion rates up to 47 cells female−1 h−1 were measured and a large proportion of the C. helgolandicus fecal pellets contained intact D. norvegica cells. Dinophysis cells were rarely seen in fecal pellets produced by T. longicornis, and never observed in pellets produced by Acartia sp. The ingestion rate of C. furca, which was the dominating Ceratium species, mimicked that of D. norvegica. C. helgolandicus grazed significantly on C. furca (16 cells female−1 h−1), while the ingestion rate of T. longicornis was low and Acartia sp. was not able to graze on C. furca. Egg production experiments revealed that 92% of the C. helgolandicus females produced eggs. The specific egg production rate and the proportion of females producing eggs among T. longicornis were low. This field experiment clearly shows that some copepod species feed efficiently on D. norvegica and C. furca under natural conditions, which may affect the bloom development of these dinoflagellates.  相似文献   

Rising atmospheric CO2 and ocean acidification are fundamentally altering conditions for life of all marine organisms, including phytoplankton. Differences in CO2 related physiology between major phytoplankton taxa lead to differences in their ability to take up and utilize CO2. These differences may cause predictable shifts in the composition of marine phytoplankton communities in response to rising atmospheric CO2. We report an experiment in which seven species of marine phytoplankton, belonging to four major taxonomic groups (cyanobacteria, chlorophytes, diatoms, and coccolithophores), were grown at both ambient (500 μatm) and future (1,000 μatm) CO2 levels. These phytoplankton were grown as individual species, as cultures of pairs of species and as a community assemblage of all seven species in two culture regimes (high‐nitrogen batch cultures and lower‐nitrogen semicontinuous cultures, although not under nitrogen limitation). All phytoplankton species tested in this study increased their growth rates under elevated CO2 independent of the culture regime. We also find that, despite species‐specific variation in growth response to high CO2, the identity of major taxonomic groups provides a good prediction of changes in population growth and competitive ability under high CO2. The CO2‐induced growth response is a good predictor of CO2‐induced changes in competition (R2 > .93) and community composition (R2 > .73). This study suggests that it may be possible to infer how marine phytoplankton communities respond to rising CO2 levels from the knowledge of the physiology of major taxonomic groups, but that these predictions may require further characterization of these traits across a diversity of growth conditions. These findings must be validated in the context of limitation by other nutrients. Also, in natural communities of phytoplankton, numerous other factors that may all respond to changes in CO2, including nitrogen fixation, grazing, and variation in the limiting resource will likely complicate this prediction.  相似文献   

The steady-state end-tidal CO2 tension (PCO2) was examined during control and 1% CO2 inhalation periods in awake beagle dogs with an intact airway breathing through a low dead-space respiratory mask. A total of eight experiments were performed in four dogs, comprising 31 control observations and 23 CO2 inhalation observations. The 1% inhaled CO2 produced a significant increase in the steady-state end-tidal PCO2 comparable to the expected 1 Torr predicted from conventional CO2 control of ventilation. We conclude that 1% inhaled CO2 results in a hypercapnia. Any protocol that is to resolve the question of whether mechanisms are acting during low levels of inhaled CO2 such that ventilation increases without any change in arterial PCO2 must have sufficient resolving power to discriminate changes in gas tension in magnitude predicted from conventional (i.e., arterial PCO2) control of ventilation.  相似文献   

Poorter  Hendrik 《Plant Ecology》1993,104(1):77-97
The effect of a doubling in the atmospheric CO2 concentration on the growth of vegetative whole plants was investigated. In a compilation of literature sources, the growth stimulation of 156 plant species was found to be on average 37%. This enhancement is small compared to what could be expected on the basis of CO2-response curves of photosynthesis. The causes for this stimulation being so modest were investigated, partly on the basis of an experiment with 10 wild plant species. Both the source-sink relationship and size constraints on growth can cause the growth-stimulating effect to be transient.Data on the 156 plant species were used to explore interspecific variation in the response of plants to high CO2. The growth stimulation was larger for C3 species than for C4 plants. However the difference in growth stimulation is not as large as expected as C4 plants also significantly increased in weight (41% for C3 vs. 22% for C4). The few investigated CAM species were stimulated less in growth (15%) than the average C4 species. Within the group of C3 species, herbaceous crop plants responded more strongly than herbaceous wild species (58%vs. 35%) and potentially fast-growing wild species increased more in weight than slow-growing species (54%vs. 23%). C3 species capable of symbiosis with N2-fixing organisms had higher growth stimulations compared to other C3 species. A common denominator in these 3 groups of more responsive C3 plants might be their large sink strength. Finally, there was some tendency for herbaceous dicots to show a larger response than monocots. Thus, on the basis of this literature compilation, it is concluded that also within the group of C3 species differences exist in the growth response to high CO2.Abbreviations LAR leaf area ratio - LWR leaf weight ratio - NAR net assimilation rate - PSa rate of photosynthesis per unit leaf area - RGR relative growth rate - RWR root weight ratio - SLA specific leaf area  相似文献   

Abutilon theophrasti (C3) and Amaranthus retroflexus (C4), were grown from seed at four partial pressures of CO2: 15 Pa (below Pleistocene minimum), 27 Pa (pre-industrial), 35 Pa (current), and 70 Pa (future) in the Duke Phytotron under high light, high nutrient, and wellwatered conditions to evaluate their photosynthetic response to historic and future levels of CO2. Net photosynthesis at growth CO2 partial pressures increased with increasing CO2 for C3 plants, but not C4 plants. Net photosynthesis of Abutilon at 15 Pa CO2 was 70% less than that of plants grown at 35 Pa CO2, due to greater stomatal and biochemical limitations at 15 Pa CO2. Relative stomatal limitation (RSL) of Abutilon at 15 Pa CO2 was nearly 3 times greater than at 35 Pa CO2. A photosynthesis model was used to estimate ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (rubisco) activity (Vcmax), electron transport mediated RuBP regeneration capacity (J max), and phosphate regeneration capacity (PiRC) in Abutilon from net photosynthesis versus intercellular CO2 (AC i) curves. All three component processes decreased by approximately 25% in Abutilon grown at 15 Pa compared with 35 Pa CO2. Abutilon grown at 15 Pa CO2 had significant reductions in total rubisco activity (25%), rubisco content (30%), activation state (29%), chlorophyll content (39%), N content (32%), and starch content (68%) compared with plants grown at 35 Pa CO2. Greater allocation to rubisco relative to light reaction components and concomitant decreases in J max and PiRC suggest co-regulation of biochemical processes occurred in Abutilon grown at 15 Pa CO2. There were no significant differences in photosynthesis or leaf properties in Abutilon grown at 27 Pa CO2 compared with 35 Pa CO2, suggesting that the rise in CO2 since the beginning of the industrial age has had little effect on the photosynthetic performance of Abutilon. For Amaranthus, limitations of photosynthesis were balanced between stomatal and biochemical factors such that net photosynthesis was similar in all CO2 treatments. Differences in photosynthetic response to growth over a wide range of CO2 partial pressures suggest changes in the relative performance of C3 and C4 annuals as atmospheric CO2 has fluctuated over geologic time.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) is the major nutrient limiting phytoplankton growth and productivity over large ocean areas. Dinoflagellates are important primary producers and major causative agents of harmful algal blooms in the ocean. However, very little is known about their adaptive response to changing ambient N. Here, we compared the protein profiles of a marine dinoflagellate Prorocentrum donghaiense grown in inorganic N‐replete, N‐deplete and N‐resupplied conditions using 2‐D fluorescence differential gel electrophoresis. The results showed that cell density, chlorophyll a and particulate organic N contents presented low levels in N‐deplete cells, while particulate organic carbon content and glutamine synthetase (GS) activity maintained high levels. Comparison of the protein profiles of N‐replete, N‐deplete and N‐resupplied cells indicated that proteins involved in photosynthesis, carbon fixation, protein and lipid synthesis were down‐regulated, while proteins participating in N reallocation and transport activity were up‐regulated in N‐deplete cells. High expressions of GS and 60 kDa chaperonin as well as high GS activity in N‐deplete cells indicated their central role in N stress adaptation. Overall, in contrast with other photosynthetic eukaryotic algae, P. donghaiense possessed a specific ability to regulate intracellular carbon and N metabolism in response to extreme ambient N deficiency.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis Research - Alternative electron fluxes such as the cyclic electron flux (CEF) around photosystem I (PSI) and Mehler reaction (Me) are essential for efficient photosynthesis because...  相似文献   

The community structure of zooplankton was studied in a eutrophic,fishless Japanese pond. The ecosystem was dominated by a dinoflagellate,Ceratium hirundinella, two filter-feeding clado-cerans, Daphniarosea and Ceriodaphnia reticulata, and an invertebrate predator,the dipteran Chaoborus flavicans. The midsummer zooplanktoncommunity showed a large change in species composition (theDaphnia population crashed) when a heavy Ceratium bloom occurred.It is shown that (i) the rapid density decline of D.rosea inmid-May was mainly caused by a shortage of edible phytoplankton,which was facilitated by the rapid increase in Chirundinellaabundance; (ii) the low density of D.rosea in June-July wasconsidered to be mainly caused by the blooming of Ceratium hirundinella(which may inhibit the feeding process of D.rosea), while predationby Cflavicans larvae, the changing temperature, the interspecificcompetition and the scarcity of edible algae were not judgedto be important; (iii) the high summer biomass of the planktonicCflavicans larvae was maintained by the bloom of C.hirundinella,because >90% of the crop contents of C.flavicans larvae wereC.hirundinella during this period. The present study indicatesthat the large-sized cells or colonies of phytoplankton arenot only inedible by most cladocerans, but the selective effectof the blooming of these algae can also influence the compositionand dominance of the zooplankton community, especially for thefilter-feeding Cladocera, in a similar way as the selectivepredation by planktivorous fish. The large-sized phytoplanktoncan also be an important alternative food for ominivorous invertebratepredators such as Chaoborus larvae, and thus may affect theinteractions between these predators and their zooplanktonicprey. In this way, such phytoplankton may play a very importantrole in regulating the dynamics of the aquatic food web, andbecome a driving force in shaping the community structure ofzooplankton.  相似文献   

The role of a C(4) pathway in photosynthetic carbon fixation by marine diatoms is presently debated. Previous labeling studies have shown the transfer of photosynthetically fixed carbon through a C(4) pathway and recent genomic data provide evidence for the existence of key enzymes involved in C(4) metabolism. Nonetheless, the importance of the C(4) pathway in photosynthesis has been questioned and this pathway is seen as redundant to the known CO(2) concentrating mechanism of diatoms. Here we show that the inhibition of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPCase) by 3,3-dichloro-2-dihydroxyphosphinoylmethyl-2-propenoate resulted in a more than 90% decrease in whole cell photosynthesis in Thalassiosira weissflogii cells acclimated to low CO(2) (10 microm), but had little effect on photosynthesis in the C(3) marine Chlorophyte, Chlamydomonas sp. In 3,3-dichloro-2-dihydroxyphosphinoylmethyl-2-propenoate-treated T. weissflogii cells, elevated CO(2) (150 microm) or low O(2) (80-180 microm) restored photosynthesis to the control rate linking PEPCase inhibition with CO(2) supply in this diatom. In C(4) organic carbon-inorganic carbon competition experiments, the (12)C-labeled C(4) products of PEPCase, oxaloacetic acid and its reduced form malic acid suppressed the fixation of (14)C-labeled inorganic carbon by 40% to 50%, but had no effect on O(2) evolution in photosynthesizing diatoms. Oxaloacetic acid-dependent O(2) evolution in T. weissflogii was twice as high in cells acclimated to 10 microm rather than 22 microm CO(2), indicating that the use of C(4) compounds for photosynthesis is regulated over the range of CO(2) concentrations observed in marine surface waters. Short-term (14)C uptake (silicone oil centrifugation) and CO(2) release (membrane inlet mass spectrometry) experiments that employed a protein denaturing cell extraction solution containing the PEPCKase inhibitor mercaptopicolinic acid revealed that much of the carbon taken up by diatoms during photosynthesis is stored as organic carbon before being fixed in the Calvin cycle, as expected if the C(4) pathway functions as a CO(2) concentrating mechanism. Together these results demonstrate that the C(4) pathway is important in carbon accumulation and photosynthetic carbon fixation in diatoms at low (atmospheric) CO(2).  相似文献   

The photosynthetic efficiency of the CO2‐concentrating mechanism in two forms of single‐cell C4 photosynthesis in the family Chenopodiaceae was characterized. The Bienertioid‐type single‐cell C4 uses peripheral and central cytoplasmic compartments (Bienertia sinuspersici), while the Borszczowioid single‐cell C4 uses distal and proximal compartments of the cell (Suaeda aralocaspica). C4 photosynthesis within a single‐cell raises questions about the efficiency of this type of CO2‐concentrating mechanism compared with the Kranz‐type. We used measurements of leaf CO2 isotope exchange (Δ13C) to compare the efficiency of the single‐cell and Kranz‐type forms of C4 photosynthesis under various temperature and light conditions. Comparisons were made between the single‐cell C4 and a sister Kranz form, S. eltonica[NAD malic enzyme (NAD ME) type], and with Flaveria bidentis[NADP malic enzyme (NADP‐ME) type with Kranz Atriplicoid anatomy]. There were similar levels of Δ13C discrimination and CO2 leakiness (?) in the single‐cell species compared with the Kranz‐type. Increasing leaf temperature (25 to 30 °C) and light intensity caused a decrease in Δ13C and ? across all C4 types. Notably, B. sinuspersici had higher Δ13C and ? than S. aralocaspica under lower light. These results demonstrate that rates of photosynthesis and efficiency of the CO2‐concentrating mechanisms in single‐cell C4 plants are similar to those in Kranz‐type.  相似文献   

For the first time, several models have been used to aid in the understanding of the bloom dynamics of Pyrodinium bahamense var. compressum, the major causal organism of toxic algal blooms in Manila Bay and several areas in the tropical world. The complex life cycle of Pyrodinium includes the formation of cysts that settle at the sediments, which can serve as the inoculum for the next bloom.The seasonal variation of temperature and salinity reflects the combined effects of convection and water column stability, which can control vertical movement of plankton and other parameters essential to its growth. The significance of wind forcing appears to be related to the potential to resuspend cysts. In the absence of wind, tidal currents in the inner part of the bay may be too weak to induce resuspension. The addition of wind results in a significant increase in bottom current velocity. Off Cavite at the southeast, bottom velocity is enhanced by orbital motion due to waves, one of the reasons why sediments off this area are dominated by sandy material. The strong vertical mixing of the water column at depths of less than 10 m may influence nutrient and consequently, plankton populations.The wave field during the southwest monsoon indicates that its contribution to the bottom velocity dominates in this area of the bay.Bloom simulations using combined bio-physical parameters show that direction of advection is almost always along wind direction. The dispersal distances increases if the Pyrodinium cells are found higher in the water column. For cells originating from southeastern (Cavite) sources, the direction of transport is slightly towards the north. In either case, the formation of cysts after a bloom is adjacent to the northern area (Pampanga) for blooms originating from the western side (Bataan) and along the eastern side (Parañaque–Manila) for blooms originating from the southeastern side (Cavite). Comparison with a few records of bloom occurrences in Manila Bay shows some consistent features. Reports of these blooms also showed that they occurred almost always during spring tides. There appears to be two main systems for bloom formation: one fed by cyst beds in the west (Bataan) which is advected along the west–northwest coast (Bataan–Bulacan) while the other one is fed by the southeast (Cavite) cyst beds that dominates in the east-southeast (Parañaque–Cavite) area.  相似文献   

Summary Six early successional plant species with differing photosynthetic pathways (3 C3 species and 3 C4 species) were grown at either 300, 600, or 1,200 ppm CO2 and at either 0.0 or 0.25 ppm SO2. Total plant growth increased with CO2 concentration for the C3 species and varied only slightly with CO2 for the C4 species. Fumigation with SO2 caused reduced growth of the C3 species at 300 ppm CO2 but not at the higher concentrations of CO2. Fumigation with SO2 reduced growth of the C4 species at high CO2 and increased growth at 300 ppm CO2. Leaf area increased with increasing CO2 for all plant species. Fumigation with SO2 reduced leaf area of C3 plants more at low CO2 than at high CO2 while leaf area of C4 plants was reduced more at high CO2 than at low CO2. These results support the notion that C3 species are more sensitive to SO2 fumigation than are C4 species at concentrations of CO2 equal to that found in normal ambient air. However, the difference in sensitivity to SO2 between C3 and C4 species was found to be reversed at higher concentrations of CO2. A possible explanation for this reversal based upon differences in stomatal response to elevated CO2 between C3 and C4 species is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The growth and photosynethetic responses to atmospheric CO2 enrichment of 4 species of C4 grasses grown at two levels of irradiance were studied. We sought to determine whether CO2 enrichment would yield proportionally greater growth enhancement in the C4 grasses when they were grown at low irradiance than when grown at high irradiance. The species studied were Echinochloa crusgalli, Digitaria sanguinalis, Eleusine indica, and Setaria faberi. Plants were grown in controlled environment chambers at 350, 675 and 1,000 l 1-1 CO2 and 1,000 or 150 mol m-2 s-1 photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD). An increase in CO2 concentration and PPFD significantly affected net photosynthesis and total biomass production of all plants. Plants grown at low PPFD had significantly lower rates of photosynthesis, produced less biomass, and had reduced responses to increases in CO2. Plants grown in CO2-enriched atmosphere had lower photosynthetic capacity relative to the low CO2 grown plants when exposed to lower CO2 concentration at the time of measurement, but had greater rate of photosynthesis when exposed to increasing PPFD. The light level under which the plants were growing did not influence the CO2 compensation point for photosynthesis.  相似文献   

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