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d-Amino acids have been shown to play an increasingly diverse role in bacterial physiology, yet much remains to be learned about their synthesis and catabolism. Here we used the model soil- and rhizosphere-dwelling organism Pseudomonas putida KT2440 to elaborate on the genomics and enzymology of d-amino acid metabolism. P. putida KT2440 catabolized the d-stereoisomers of lysine, phenylalanine, arginine, alanine, and hydroxyproline as the sole carbon and nitrogen sources. With the exception of phenylalanine, each of these amino acids was racemized by P. putida KT2440 enzymes. Three amino acid racemases were identified from a genomic screen, and the enzymes were further characterized in vitro. The putative biosynthetic alanine racemase Alr showed broad substrate specificity, exhibiting measurable racemase activity with 9 of the 19 chiral amino acids. Among these amino acids, activity was the highest with lysine, and the kcat/Km values with l- and d-lysine were 3 orders of magnitude greater than the kcat/Km values with l- and d-alanine. Conversely, the putative catabolic alanine racemase DadX showed narrow substrate specificity, clearly preferring only the alanine stereoisomers as the substrates. However, DadX did show 6- and 9-fold higher kcat/Km values than Alr with l- and d-alanine, respectively. The annotated proline racemase ProR of P. putida KT2440 showed negligible activity with either stereoisomer of the 19 chiral amino acids but exhibited strong epimerization activity with hydroxyproline as the substrate. Comparative genomic analysis revealed differences among pseudomonads with respect to alanine racemase genes that may point to different roles for these genes among closely related species.  相似文献   

Hazardous materials, such as heavy metals, are the major sources of health risk. Using genetically modified organisms (GMOs) to dispose heavy metals has the advantages of strong environmental compatibility and high efficiency. However, the biosecurity of GMOs used in the environment is a major concern. In this study, a self-controlled genetic circuit was designed and carefully fine-tuned for programmable expression in Pseudomonas putida KT2440, which is a widely used strain for environmental bioremediation. The cell behaviours were controlled by automatically sensing the variation of Hg2+ concentration without any inducer requirement or manual interventions. More than 98% Hg2+ was adsorbed by the engineered strain with a high cell recovery rate of 96% from waterbody. The remaining cells were killed by the suicide module after the mission was accomplished. The escape frequency of the engineered P. putida strain was lower than 10−9, which meets the recommendation of US NIH guideline for GMOs release (<10−8). The same performance was achieved in a model experiment by using natural lake water with addition of Hg2+. The microbial diversity analysis further confirmed that the remediation process made little impact on the indigenous ecosystem. Thus, this study provides a practical method for environmental remediation by using GMOs.  相似文献   

We engineered P. putida for the production of isobutanol from glucose by preventing product and precursor degradation, inactivation of the soluble transhydrogenase SthA, overexpression of the native ilvC and ilvD genes, and implementation of the feedback‐resistant acetolactate synthase AlsS from Bacillus subtilis, ketoacid decarboxylase KivD from Lactococcus lactis, and aldehyde dehydrogenase YqhD from Escherichia coli. The resulting strain P. putida Iso2 produced isobutanol with a substrate specific product yield (YIso/S) of 22 ± 2 mg per gram of glucose under aerobic conditions. Furthermore, we identified the ketoacid decarboxylase from Carnobacterium maltaromaticum to be a suitable alternative for isobutanol production, since replacement of kivD from L. lactis in P. putida Iso2 by the variant from C. maltaromaticum yielded an identical YIso/S. Although P. putida is regarded as obligate aerobic, we show that under oxygen deprivation conditions this bacterium does not grow, remains metabolically active, and that engineered producer strains secreted isobutanol also under the non‐growing conditions.  相似文献   

Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology - Pseudomonas putida was metabolically engineered to produce medium chain length polyhydroxyalkanoate (mcl-PHA) from acetate, a promising...  相似文献   

Lignin is one largely untapped natural resource that can be exploited as a raw material for the bioproduction of value-added chemicals. Meanwhile, the current petroleum-based process for the production of adipic acid faces sustainability challenges. Here we report the successful engineering of Pseudomonas putida KT2440 strain for the direct biosynthesis of adipic acid from lignin-derived aromatics. The devised bio-adipic acid route features an artificial biosynthetic pathway that is connected to the endogenous aromatics degradation pathway of the host at the branching point, 3-ketoadipoyl-CoA, by taking advantage of the unique carbon skeleton of this key intermediate. Studies of the metabolism of 3-ketoadipoyl-CoA led to the discovery of crosstalk between two aromatics degradation pathways in KT2440. This knowledge facilitated the formulation and implementation of metabolic engineering strategies to optimize the carbon flux into the biosynthesis of adipic acid. By optimizing pathway expression and cultivation conditions, an engineered strain AA-1 produced adipic acid at 0.76 g/L and 18.4% molar yield under shake-flask conditions and 2.5 g/L and 17.4% molar yield under fermenter-controlled conditions from common aromatics that can be derived from lignin. This represents the first example of the direct adipic acid production from model compounds of lignin depolymerization.  相似文献   

Summary An electric field-mediated transformation (i.e. electroporation) was performed to determine optimal conditions for P. putida transformation. The effects of culture age, electroporation buffer composition, electric field strength, pulse time constant and DNA concentration on transformation efficiency were examined. When plasmid DNA of 8 to 11 kb in size was used with an electroporation buffer containing 1 mM HEPES (pH 7.0), maximum transformation efficiency of 1.0 × 107 transformants/g DNA was obtained at field strength of 12 kV/cm with pulse time of 2.5 millisecond. A linear increase in the number of transformants was observed as DNA concentration was increased over 4 orders of magnitude. A linear relationship was observed between growth phase and transformation efficiency up to OD600 = 2.0. This reliable and simple method should be useful for introduction of plasmid DNA into intact P. putida cells.  相似文献   

A methodology was developed for the extraction of medium-chain-length poly-3-hydroxyalkanoates (mcl-PHA) from Pseudomonas putida. It was determined that if dry P. putida biomass containing mcl-PHA was washed in 20 volumes of methanol for 5 min followed by Soxhlet extraction in 10 volumes of acetone for 5 h, almost all of the PHA could be recovered with no detectable loss of molecular weight. Biomass containing higher amounts of PHA required less methanol during the pretreatment step but more acetone in the solvent extraction step than biomass containing less PHA. Further purification could be achieved by redissolving the PHA in acetone and reprecipitating in cold methanol. UV spectroscopy at 241 and 275 nm could be used as an indication of product purity.  相似文献   

Global features of the Pseudomonas putida KT2440 genome sequence   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
The compositional bias of the G+C, di- and tetranucleotide contents in the 6 181 862 bp Pseudomonas putida KT2440 genome was analysed in sliding windows of 4000 bp in steps of 1000 bp. The genome has a low GC skew (mean 0.066) between the leading and lagging strand. The values of GC contents (mean 61.6%) and of dinucleotide relative abundance exhibit skewed Gaussian distributions. The variance of tetranucleotide frequencies, which increases linearly with increasing GC content, shows two overlapping Gaussian distributions of genome sections with low (minor fraction) or high variance (major fraction). Eighty per cent of the chromosome shares similar GC contents and oligonucleotide bias, but 105 islands of 4000 bp or more show atypical GC contents and/or oligonucleotide signature. Almost all islands provide added value to the metabolic proficiency of P. putida as a saprophytic omnivore. Major features are the uptake and degradation of organic chemicals, ion transport and the synthesis and secretion of secondary metabolites. Other islands endow P. putida with determinants of resistance and defenceor with constituents and appendages of the cell wall. A total of 29 islands carry the signature of mobile elements such as phage, transposons, insertion sequence (IS) elements and group II introns, indicating recent acquisition by horizontal gene transfer. The largest gene carries the most unusual sequence that encodes a multirepeat threonine-rich surface adhesion protein. Among the housekeeping genes, only genes of the translational apparatus were located in segments with an atypical signature, suggesting that the synthesis of ribosomal proteins is uncoupled from the rapidly changing translational demands of the cell by the separate utilization of tRNA pools.  相似文献   


Ferulic acid is a fraction of the phenolics present in cereals such as rice and corn as a component of the bran. Substantial amounts of waste bran are generated by the grain processing industry and this can be valorized via extraction, purification and conversion of phenolics to value added chemical products. Alkaline alcohol based extracted and purified ferulic acid from corn bran was converted to vanillic acid using engineered Pseudomonas putida KT2440. The strain was engineered by rendering the vanAB gene nonfunctional and obtaining the mutant defective in vanillic acid metabolism. Biotransformation of ferulic acid using resting Pseudomonas putida KT2440 mutant cells resulted in more than 95?±?1.4% molar yield from standard ferulic acid; while the corn bran derived ferulic acid gave 87?±?0.38% molar yield. With fermentation time of less than 24?h the mutant becomes a promising candidate for the stable biosynthesis of vanillic acid at industrial scale.  相似文献   

L-lysine catabolism in Pseudomonas putida KT2440 was generally thought to occur via the aminovalerate pathway. In this study we demonstrate the operation of the alternative aminoadipate pathway with the intermediates D-lysine, L-pipecolate, and aminoadipate. The simultaneous operation of both pathways for the use of L-lysine as the sole carbon and nitrogen source was confirmed genetically. Mutants with mutations in either pathway failed to use L-lysine as the sole carbon and nitrogen source, although they still used L-lysine as the nitrogen source, albeit at reduced growth rates. New genes were identified in both pathways, including the davB and davA genes that encode the enzymes involved in the oxidation of L-lysine to delta-aminovaleramide and the hydrolysis of the latter to delta-aminovalerate, respectively. The amaA, dkpA, and amaB genes, in contrast, encode proteins involved in the transformation of Delta1-piperidine-2-carboxylate into aminoadipate. Based on L-[U-13C, U-15N]lysine experiments, we quantified the relative use of pathways in the wild type and its isogenic mutants. The fate of 13C label of L-lysine indicates that in addition to the existing connection between the D- and L-lysine pathways at the early steps of the catabolism of L-lysine mediated by a lysine racemase, there is yet another interconnection at the lower end of the pathways in which aminoadipate is channeled to yield glutarate. This study establishes an unequivocal relationship between gene and pathway enzymes in the metabolism of L-lysine, which is of crucial importance for the successful colonization of the rhizosphere of plants by this microorganism.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas putida dried in the presence of hydroxyectoine or trehalose can withstand exposure to organic solvents and therefore can be encapsulated inside plastics such as polystyrene. Here we show that P. putida in a plastic-encapsulated dried tablet exhibits remarkable tolerance to chemical stress, comparable to that of spores of Bacillus subtilis.  相似文献   

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