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Shallow thermokarst ponds are a conspicuous landscape element of the Arctic Siberian tundra with high biogeochemical variability. Little is known about how microbes from the regional species pool assemble into local pond communities and how the resulting patterns affect functional properties such as dissolved organic carbon (DOC) remineralization and greenhouse gas (GHG) turnover. We analysed the pelagic microbiomes of 20 ponds in north-eastern Siberia in the context of their physico-chemical properties. Ponds were categorized as polygonal or trough according to their geomorphological origin. The diversity of bacteria and eukaryotic microbes was assessed by ribosomal gene tag sequencing. Null model analysis revealed an important role of stochastic assembly processes within ponds of identical origin, in particular for genotypes only occurring in few systems. Nevertheless, the two pond types clearly represented distinct niches for both the bacterial and eukaryotic microbial communities. Carbon dioxide concentration, indicative of heterotrophic microbial processes, varied greatly, especially in the trough ponds. Methane concentrations were lower in polygonal ponds and were correlated with the estimated abundance of methanotrophs. Thus, the overall functional variability of Arctic ponds reflects the stochastic assembly of their microbial communities. Distinct functional subcommunities can, nevertheless, be related to GHG concentrations.  相似文献   

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Despite their importance to host health and development, the communities of microorganisms associated with humans and other animals are characterized by a large degree of unexplained variation across individual hosts. The processes that drive such inter-individual variation are not well understood. To address this, we surveyed the microbial communities associated with the intestine of the zebrafish, Danio rerio, over developmental time. We compared our observations of community composition and distribution across hosts with that predicted by a neutral assembly model, which assumes that community assembly is driven solely by chance and dispersal. We found that as hosts develop from larvae to adults, the fit of the model to observed microbial distributions decreases, suggesting that the relative importance of non-neutral processes, such as microbe-microbe interactions, active dispersal, or selection by the host, increases as hosts mature. We also observed that taxa which depart in their distributions from the neutral prediction form ecologically distinct sub-groups, which are phylogenetically clustered with respect to the full metacommunity. These results demonstrate that neutral processes are sufficient to generate substantial variation in microbiota composition across individual hosts, and suggest that potentially unique or important taxa may be identified by their divergence from neutral distributions.  相似文献   

Synopsis Numerous studies have attempted to determine whether stream fish communities are structured primarily by deterministic or stochastic processes. Previous work has assumed that stream fish communities will show either persistence about an equilibrium because of strong density-dependent processes or random variation in structure as a result of environmental stochasticity. In a 10-year study of a California stream, fish community structure changed under the influence of storm-induced high discharge events that impacted recruitment. Species' relative abundances were altered as pre-recruitment stream discharges differentially influenced year-class strength among species with contrasting life histories. Simulation of stream fish community assembly under flow-driven recruitment variation indicates that community structure will vary depending on how particular high-flow events affect species' relative abundances and ongoing density-dependent processes, including competition and predation. Results suggest that stream fish communities are likely to show alternate states rather than a single persistent equilibrium. However, community assembly will not be random but will depend on situation-specific interactions between density-independent and density-dependent processes.  相似文献   

Both ‘species fitness difference’‐based deterministic processes, such as competitive exclusion and environmental filtering, and ‘species fitness difference’‐independent stochastic processes, such as birth/death and dispersal/colonization, can influence the assembly of soil microbial communities. However, how both types of processes are mediated by anthropogenic environmental changes has rarely been explored. Here we report a novel and general pattern that almost all anthropogenic environmental changes that took place in a grassland ecosystem affected soil bacterial community assembly primarily through promoting or restraining stochastic processes. We performed four experiments mimicking 16 types of environmental changes and separated the compositional variation of soil bacterial communities caused by each environmental change into deterministic and stochastic components, with a recently developed method. Briefly, because the difference between control and treatment communities is primarily caused by deterministic processes, the deterministic change was quantified as (mean compositional variation between treatment and control) – (mean compositional variation within control). The difference among replicate treatment communities is primarily caused by stochastic processes, so the stochastic change was estimated as (mean compositional variation within treatment) – (mean compositional variation within control). The absolute of the stochastic change was greater than that of the deterministic change across almost all environmental changes, which was robust for both taxonomic and functional‐based criterion. Although the deterministic change may become more important as environmental changes last longer, our findings showed that changes usually occurred through mediating stochastic processes over 5 years, challenging the traditional determinism‐dominated view.  相似文献   

The microbial community composition and biogeochemical dynamics of coastal permeable (sand) sediments differs from cohesive (mud) sediments. Tide- and wave-driven hydrodynamic disturbance causes spatiotemporal variations in oxygen levels, which select for microbial generalists and disrupt redox cascades. In this work, we profiled microbial communities and biogeochemical dynamics in sediment profiles from three sites varying in their exposure to hydrodynamic disturbance. Strong variations in sediment geochemistry, biogeochemical activities, and microbial abundance, composition, and capabilities were observed between the sites. Most of these variations, except for microbial abundance and diversity, significantly correlated with the relative disturbance level of each sample. In line with previous findings, metabolically flexible habitat generalists (e.g., Flavobacteriaceae, Woeseaiceae, Rhodobacteraceae) dominated in all samples. However, we present evidence that aerobic specialists such as ammonia-oxidizing archaea (Nitrosopumilaceae) were more abundant and active in more disturbed samples, whereas bacteria capable of sulfate reduction (e.g., uncultured Desulfobacterales), dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA; e.g., Ignavibacteriaceae), and sulfide-dependent chemolithoautotrophy (e.g., Sulfurovaceae) were enriched and active in less disturbed samples. These findings are supported by insights from nine deeply sequenced metagenomes and 169 derived metagenome-assembled genomes. Altogether, these findings suggest that hydrodynamic disturbance is a critical factor controlling microbial community assembly and biogeochemical processes in coastal sediments. Moreover, they strengthen our understanding of the relationships between microbial composition and biogeochemical processes in these unique environments.Subject terms: Water microbiology, Biogeochemistry  相似文献   

Co‐occurrence network analysis based on amplicon sequences is increasingly used to study microbial communities. Patterns of co‐existence or mutual exclusion between pairs of taxa are often interpreted as reflecting positive or negative biological interactions. However, other assembly processes can underlie these patterns, including species failure to reach distant areas (dispersal limitation) and tolerate local environmental conditions (habitat filtering). We provide a tool to quantify the relative contribution of community assembly processes to microbial co‐occurrence patterns, which we applied to explore soil bacterial communities in two dry ecosystems. First, we sequenced a bacterial phylogenetic marker in soils collected across multiple plots. Second, we inferred co‐occurrence networks to identify pairs of significantly associated taxa, either co‐existing more (aggregated) or less often (segregated) than expected at random. Third, we assigned assembly processes to each pair: patterns explained based on spatial or environmental distance were ascribed to dispersal limitation (2%–4%) or habitat filtering (55%–77%), and the remaining to biological interactions. Finally, we calculated the phylogenetic distance between taxon pairs to test theoretical expectations on the linkages between phylogenetic patterns and assembly processes. Aggregated pairs were more closely related than segregated pairs. Furthermore, habitat‐filtered aggregated pairs were closer relatives than those assigned to positive interactions, consistent with phylogenetic niche conservatism and cooperativism among distantly related taxa. Negative interactions resulted in equivocal phylogenetic signatures, probably because different competitive processes leave opposing signals. We show that microbial co‐occurrence networks mainly reflect environmental tolerances and propose that incorporating measures of phylogenetic relatedness to networks might help elucidate ecologically meaningful patterns.  相似文献   

植物根际微生物群落构建的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
植物根际是指植物根系与土壤的交界面,是根系自身生命活动和代谢对土壤影响最直接、最强烈的区域,其物理、化学和生物性质不同于土体土壤。在这个区域里,与植物发生相互作用的大量微生物,被称为根际微生物。根际微生物在植物的生长发育和植物病虫害的生物防治等方面都具有十分重要的意义。本文总结了根际微生物群落构建的研究现状,介绍了根际微生物的经典和最新的研究方法,包括根箱法、同位素技术以及高通量测序、菌群定量分析、高通量分离培养等方法在根际微生物研究中的应用,讨论了植物根系分泌物(碳水化物、氨基酸、黄酮类、酚类、激素及其信号物质)和土壤物理化学性质对根际微生物群落的影响,概述了根际微生物-植物的互作机制,以及根际微生物群落对植物的促生作用、提高植物抗逆性和抑制作用,并对根际微生物群落研究中存在的问题和未来发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

土壤微生物群落构建是当前的热点研究领域,中国学者对此开展了大量研究,发表了众多高水平论文。采用文献计量方法,对2003-2022年期间WOS (Web of Science)核心合集数据库收录的该研究领域论文的数量、被引频次、作者、国家(地区)、研究机构、期刊以及关键词进行统计。基于VOSviewer可视化软件分析贡献居前的作者、国家(地区)、研究机构、期刊以及重要关键词,借助Scimago Graphica软件将不同国家(地区)的发文数量可视化,利用bibliometrix包(R语言)分析研究热点的演变趋势。结果表明:在2003-2022年间,中国学者在本研究领域共发表论文374篇,排名世界第一;根据年度发文量,该领域的研究历程大体可分为三个阶段,分别为萌芽期(2003-2005年)、波动发展期(2006-2011年)和指数增长期(2012-2021年);Zhou JZ (周集中)、Li XZ (李香真)和Chu HY (褚海燕)是本研究领域的核心作者,中国科学院是核心研究机构,Frontiers in Microbiology为WOS数据库文献的主要来源期刊;本领域研究热点词的演变与测序技术的发展紧密关联,测序技术从454焦磷酸测序发展到高通量测序和宏基因组测序,推动了该领域从优先效应和中性理论等概念的引入发展到通过模型确定确定性过程和随机性过程相对贡献的定量研究。在系统描述2003-2022年土壤微生物群落构建领域的研究现状及研究热点的基础上,提出了未来可能的一些重要研究方向,有助于相关学者加深对该研究领域的理解,对进一步聚焦土壤微生物群落构建领域的研究方向具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   


Background: Tropical sand dunes are ideal systems for understanding drivers of community assembly as dunes are subject to both deterministic and stochastic processes. However, studies that evaluate the factors that mediate plant community assembly in these ecosystems are few.

Aims: We evaluated phylogenetic community structure to elucidate the role of deterministic and stochastic processes in mediating the assembly of plant communities along the north of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico.

Methods: We used plastid genetic markers to evaluate phylogenetic relationships in 16 sand-dune communities. To evaluate the role of climate in shaping plant community structure we carried out linear regressions between climatic variables and mean phylogenetic distance. We estimated the Net Relatedness Index and Nearest Taxon Index to identify ecological processes mediating community assembly.

Results: Observed phylogenetic structure was not different from random, suggesting that stochastic processes are the major determinants of community assembly. Climate was slightly correlated with phylogenetic diversity suggesting that abiotic environment plays a minimal role in community assembly.

Conclusions: Random assembly appears to be the primary factor structuring the studied sand dune plant communities. Environmental filters may represent a secondary factor contributing to the observed phylogenetic structure. Thus, both processes may act simultaneously to mediate the assembly of sand-dune plant communities.  相似文献   

A major goal of microbial community ecology is to understand the forces that structure community composition. Deterministic selection by specific environmental factors is sometimes important, but in other cases stochastic or ecologically neutral processes dominate. Lacking is a unified conceptual framework aiming to understand why deterministic processes dominate in some contexts but not others. Here we work toward such a framework. By testing predictions derived from general ecological theory we aim to uncover factors that govern the relative influences of deterministic and stochastic processes. We couple spatiotemporal data on subsurface microbial communities and environmental parameters with metrics and null models of within and between community phylogenetic composition. Testing for phylogenetic signal in organismal niches showed that more closely related taxa have more similar habitat associations. Community phylogenetic analyses further showed that ecologically similar taxa coexist to a greater degree than expected by chance. Environmental filtering thus deterministically governs subsurface microbial community composition. More importantly, the influence of deterministic environmental filtering relative to stochastic factors was maximized at both ends of an environmental variation gradient. A stronger role of stochastic factors was, however, supported through analyses of phylogenetic temporal turnover. Although phylogenetic turnover was on average faster than expected, most pairwise comparisons were not themselves significantly non-random. The relative influence of deterministic environmental filtering over community dynamics was elevated, however, in the most temporally and spatially variable environments. Our results point to general rules governing the relative influences of stochastic and deterministic processes across micro- and macro-organisms.  相似文献   

高程  郭良栋 《生物多样性》2022,30(10):22429-23168
微生物主要包括细菌、真菌、古菌、病毒等类群, 是地球上出现时间最早、分布最广泛、个体数量最多, 以及物种和基因多样性十分丰富的生物类群。为了适应各种生境, 微生物衍生出腐生、寄生、共生等多样的生存策略, 在生物地球化学循环、生态系统演替与稳定性、环境修复以及人类健康等方面发挥着重要作用。传统的微生物监测方法限制了我们对微生物多样性的认知; 但是, 近年来高通量测序技术和生物信息学的发展极大推动了微生物多样性的研究进展。本文概述了近年来在微生物多样性分布格局与维持、群落构建以及功能属性多样性的最新进展; 总结分析了细菌、古菌、真菌的多样性纬度分布格局及其驱动因子, 选择、扩散、成种、漂变等过程对细菌、古菌、真菌的群落构建的贡献, 以及细菌和真菌的形态、生理生化、生长繁殖、扩散、基因组等功能性状的多样性; 提出了未来微生物多样性研究的重要领域: 环境宏真菌组研究, 微生物多样性与生态系统多功能性的关系研究, 以及微生物互作网络的生态功能研究。  相似文献   

Molecular tools based on 16S rRNA geneidentification are revolutioning microbialecology. After a short presentation of theadvantages and drawbacks of these new tools,the paper gives a succinct review of theirpossibilities as they have been applied to themicrobial ecology of water pollution removal.Examples of applications are presented in thefields of anaerobic digestion, nitrogen andphosphorus removal, filamentous bacteria andbioaugmentation. The data provided give someinsights about microbial diversity, populationdynamics, ecosystems stability and specificmicrobial population activity.  相似文献   

Background and AimsThere is a paucity of empirical research and a lack of predictive models concerning the interplay between spatial scale and disturbance as they affect the structure and assembly of plant communities. We proposed and tested a trait dispersion-based conceptual model hypothesizing that disturbance reinforces assembly processes differentially across spatial scales. Disturbance would reinforce functional divergence at the small scale (neighbourhood), would not affect functional dispersion at the intermediate scale (patch) and would reinforce functional convergence at the large scale (site). We also evaluated functional and species richness of native and exotic plants to infer underlying processes. Native and exotic species richness were expected to increase and decrease with disturbance, respectively, at the neighbourhood scale, and to show similar associations with disturbance at the patch (concave) and site (negative) scales.MethodsIn an arid shrubland, we estimated species richness and functional dispersion and richness within 1 m2 quadrats (neighbourhood) nested within 100 m2 plots (patch) along a small-scale natural disturbance gradient caused by an endemic fossorial rodent. Data for the site scale (2500 m2 plots) were taken from a previous study. We also tested the conceptual model through a quantitative literature review and a meta-analysis.Key ResultsAs spatial scale increased, disturbance sequentially promoted functional divergence, random trait dispersion and functional convergence. Functional richness was unaffected by disturbance across spatial scales. Disturbance favoured natives over exotics at the neighbourhood scale, while both decreased under high disturbance at the patch and site scales.ConclusionsThe results supported the hypothesis that disturbance reinforces assembly processes differentially across scales and hampers plant invasion. The quantitative literature review and the meta-analysis supported most of the model predictions.  相似文献   

Understanding biogeographical patterns and underlying processes of belowground community assembly is crucial for predicting soil functions and their responses to global environmental change. However, little is known about potential differences of belowground community assembly among bacteria, fungi, protists and soil animals, particularly for alpine ecosystems. Based on the combination of large-scale field sampling, high-throughput marker-gene sequencing and multiple statistical analyses, we explored patterns and drivers of belowground community assembly in alpine grasslands on the Tibetan Plateau. Our results revealed that the distance–decay rates varied among trophic levels, with organisms of higher trophic level having weaker distance–decay pattern. The spatial and environmental variables explained limited variations of belowground communities. By contrast, the stochastic processes, mainly consisting of dispersal limitation and drift, played a primary role in regulating belowground community assembly. Moreover, the relative importance of stochastic processes varied among trophic levels, with the role of dispersal limitation weakening whereas that of drift enhancing in the order of bacteria, fungi, protists and soil animals. These findings advance our understanding of patterns and mechanisms driving belowground community assembly in alpine ecosystems and provide a reference basis for predicting the dynamics of ecosystem functions under changing environment.  相似文献   

Communities assemble through a combination of stochastic processes, which can make environmentally similar communities divergent (high β-diversity), and deterministic processes, which can make environmentally similar communities convergent (low β-diversity). Top predators can influence both stochasticity (e.g. colonization and extinction events) and determinism (e.g. size of the realized species pool), in community assembly, and thus their net effect is unknown. We investigated how predatory fish influenced the scaling of prey diversity in ponds at local and regional spatial scales. While fish reduced both local and regional richness, their effects were markedly more intense at the regional scale. Underlying this result was that the presence of fish made localities within metacommunities more similar in their community composition (lower β-diversity), suggesting that fish enhance the deterministic, relative to the stochastic, components of community assembly. Thus, the presence of predators can alter fundamental mechanisms of community assembly and the scaling of diversity within metacommunities.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic environmental changes may affect community assembly through mediating both deterministic(e.g., competitive exclusion and environmental filtering) and stochastic processes(e.g., birth/death and dispersal/colonization). It is traditionally thought that environmental changes have a larger mediation effect on stochastic processes in structuring soil microbial community than aboveground plant community; however, this hypothesis remains largely untested. Here we report an unexpected patt...  相似文献   

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