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Tephritidae fruit fly larvae develop entirely in the host chosen by the females. To improve the fitness of their progeny, females would benefit from rejecting previously exploited hosts. Anastrepha fraterculus and Ceratitis capitata are two species of fruit flies having similar nutritional requirements and overlapping in their distribution. Previous studies found that competition between the larvae of these species might reach high levels, suggesting that cross-recognition would be an adaptive trait. In this work, we tested the ability of A. fraterculus and C. capitata females to recognize and avoid fruits previously infested by both conspecific and heterospecific females. In laboratory behavioural arenas, females were presented with fruits that had been previously exposed to either conspecific or heterospecific females. Then, we conducted choice and non-choice assays to compare the response of A. fraterculus and C. capitata females to infested and non-infested fruits. In non-choice tests, the females from both species rejected fruits previously infested by conspecific and heterospecific individuals. However, the rejection occurred at different steps of the sequence leading to oviposition: A. fraterculus showed a lower rate of visits to infested fruits, whereas C. capitata visited both infested and non-infested fruits, but the latency to visit a fruit and the rejection frequency were higher and the duration of the visit to infested fruit was lower. In choice assays, the rejection of heterospecific infested fruit was higher than that of conspecific infested fruits, for both species. Our results suggest that, regardless of the sensory mechanism used by females, the recognition of previous infestation is bidirectional and females of both species, belonging to different genera, recognize fruit infested by heterospecifics. These responses indicate that cross-recognition, supposedly a highly beneficial trait, could be occurring in nature, thus reducing interspecific competition and contributing to the coexistence of these species.  相似文献   

Interspecific competition between individuals of different species can result in reductions in their fecundity, growth or survival, reflecting differential exploitation of resources that become intensified due to spatial co-occurrence, ecological similarity and increased population densities. As two species cannot occupy the same niche, coexistence is only possible if the available resources are used in non-overlapping manners such as niche partitioning or the use of refuges. Among agricultural insect pests, such as fruit flies of the family Tephritidae, competitive interactions can result in competitive displacement, host changes, or the expansion or restriction of the numbers of hosts utilized that can have negative consequences for human agricultural activities. We evaluated the competitive interactions between two fruit fly species of the genus Anastrepha, Anastrepha obliqua (Macquart, 1835) and Anastrepha fraterculus (Wiedmann, 1830), on their respective preferred hosts (mangoes and guava). Experiments of larval competition and competition for ovipositioning sites by adult females were performed to compare the parameters of larval development time, numbers of pupae and emerged adults and numbers of ovipositions in the presence or absence of interspecific competition. We observed that the interactions between those species were asymmetrical and hierarchical, and our results suggest a competitive displacement of A. fraterculus by A. obliqua when those two species are present on the same fruit, whether mangoes or guavas.  相似文献   

Reproductive opportunities in insects that deposit their eggs in discrete resource patches are frequently limited because the availability of oviposition substrates is often spatially and temporally restricted. Such environmental variability leads individuals to confront time‐ or egg‐limitation constraints. Additionally, species with different oviposition strategies (i.e. single egg layers vs clutch layers) commonly deal with different structural and ecological characteristics of larval host plants. To test the hypothesis that oviposition strategies such as laying eggs singly or in batches (clutches) are related to these constraints (i.e. egg vs time limitation), we compared the lifetime oviposition patterns of two closely related sympatric species of Anastrepha (Diptera: Tephritidae) with different oviposition strategies. We exposed five cohorts of A. obliqua and A. ludens females, over the course of their adult lifetimes, to three conditions of “habitat quality” (measured as host density per cage): unpredictable habitat quality (host density varied randomly from day to day between 1, 5, 15, 30 and 60 hosts/cage), low habitat quality (fixed density of one host/cage) and high habitat quality (fixed density of 60 hosts/cage).
Responses to host density conditions were strikingly different in the two species. (1) Frequency of host visits and oviposition events increased in A. obliqua but not in A. ludens when host densities increased. (2) Anastrepha ludens females accepted low quality hosts (i.e. fruits on which eggs had already been laid and were therefore partially covered with host marking pheromone) significantly more often than A. obliqua females did. (3) Females of A. obliqua adjusted their oviposition activity to variations in host density, whereas A. ludens females exhibited a constant oviposition pattern (i.e. did not respond to variations in host density). Based on the above, it is likely that in A. obliqua oviposition is governed by egg‐limitation and in A. ludens by time‐limitation constraints. We discuss the relationship between the oviposition strategies of each fly species and the fruiting phenology and density of their native host plants. We also address the possible influence of oogenesis modality and parasitism by braconid wasps in shaping oviposition behaviour in these insects.  相似文献   

The olfactory responses of the native parasitoids Doryctobracon areolatus (Szépligeti) and Asobara anastrephae (Muesebeck) and of the exotic parasitoid Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Ashmead) to guava (Psidium guajava L.) infested or not with fruit fly larvae were evaluated. D. areolatus and D. longicaudata females responded to the odors of uninfested rotting guavas, although D. areolatus was also attracted to fruits at the initial maturation (turning) stage. The females of these species recognized the volatiles of guavas containing Ceratitis capitata (Wied.) larvae. However, in bioassays involving fruits with larvae of different instars, D. longicaudata females were not able to separate between fruits containing C. capitata larvae at the initial instars and larvae at the third instar. In the evaluations of volatiles released by guavas containing C. capitata and Anastrepha fraterculus (Wied.) larvae, the D. longicaudata females were oriented toward the volatiles of fruits containing both host species, but differed significantly from volatiles of guavas containing C. capitata larvae. The D. areolatus females also showed responses to both species, although with a preference for volatiles of fruits containing A. fraterculus larvae. The A. anastrephae females were oriented toward the odors of fruits infested with both fruit fly species. In the shade house, D. longicaudata females were oriented to volatiles of rotting fruits containing larvae or not, but could not significantly differentiate between hosts. D. areolatus females were not attracted toward fruits on the ground in the shade house, regardless of host, suggesting that this parasitoid does not forage on fallen fruits.  相似文献   

Species-specific differences in dynamics of agonistic interactions may influence the outcome of interspecific competition and potentially contribute to competitive advantage of one species over another. In this study, we compared the dynamics of agonistic interactions of one of the most successful crayfish invaders of European freshwater ecosystems, the signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) and the widespread native European species currently undergoing range expansion in Croatia and Europe, the narrow-clawed crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus). Comparisons between P. leniusculus pairs and the A. leptodactylus pairs demonstrated significant differences in frequency and duration of agonistic encounters: P. leniusculus dyads engaged in fewer fights, but their duration was significantly longer. In staged interactions between size-matched interspecific pairs, agonistic behaviour of P. leniusculus individuals translated into dominance over their A. leptodactylus counterparts. This indicates that the success of P. leniusculus in agonistic encounters with the native competitor might stem from its readiness to continue fighting for a longer time period, and could lead to ecological advantages during niche competition even when facing a successful native crayfish species.  相似文献   

Abstract. Aggressive behaviour occurring in intrasexual competition is an important trait for animal fitness. Although female intrasexual aggression is reported in several insect species, little is known about female competition and aggressive interactions in polygynous male lekking species. The interactions of female Mediterranean fruit flies, Ceratitis capitata (a male lekking species), with other females and mating pairs under laboratory conditions are investigated. Mature, unmated (virgin) females are aggressive against each other and against mating pairs, whereas immature females are not. Female aggression against other females decreases dramatically after mating; however, mated females maintain aggression against mating pairs. In addition, higher intrasexual aggression rates are observed for mature, virgin females than for virgin males of the same age. The results show that female aggressiveness is virginity related, suggesting female competition for mates. These findings have important implications for understanding the physiological aspects of a complex social behaviour such as aggression and should stimulate further research on female agonistic behaviour in male lekking mating systems.  相似文献   

1. Unravelling the strength and modes of interspecific interactions between resident and introduced species is necessary in order to understand the basis of their coexistence or the displacement of the former by the latter. In Argentina, the indigenous Tephritidae fly Anastrepha fraterculus overlaps its distribution and host fruit with the introduced species Ceratitis capitata. 2. This study focused on the relative strength of intra‐ and interspecific competition during the larval stage as a potential factor supporting coexistence. Classical competition experiments (addition and substitution) were conducted between larvae of the two species reared in artificial larval diet. The study evaluated whether a temporal separation between oviposition events affects the outcome of the competition. 3. When both species started to consume the resource at the same time, A. fraterculus experienced a negative effect in larval survival, pupal weight and duration of larval stage, while for C. capitata, pupal weight decreased. When A. fraterculus started feeding 1 day earlier than C. capitata, the negative effects became milder, and when the temporal separation increased, these effects were reversed. Substitution experiments showed an increase in pupal weight when larvae had to share the resource with heterospecific larvae, and showed negative effects suffered for both species when they shared the resource with conspecific individuals. 4. These results suggest that intraspecific competition is stronger than interspecific competition, and a differential oviposition preference could generate an asynchrony of these species in nature. Such mechanisms could favour coexistence between A. fraterculus and C. capitata in an environment previously occupied only by the former.  相似文献   

Casual observations suggested that female Mediterranean fruit flies (Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann) exploit fruit wounds (including pre-existing oviposition punctures) as oviposition sites. This behaviour was quantified under field conditions in a citrus grove on the Greek island of Chios. Fruit wounds influenced oviposition behaviour in three ways. First, females were more likely to land on oranges (Citrus sinensis) that were artificially wounded than into unwounded control oranges. Second, having landed, females were more likely to attempt oviposition into a wounded orange than into control oranges. Third, females that attempted oviposition into wounded oranges usually did so directly into or very near the wound. The diameter and depth of the wound significantly influenced the tendency for female flies to land on a fruit but not their propensity, having landed, to attempt oviposition in or near the wound. The significance of this behavior in nature and implications for management of the Mediterranean fruit fly are discussed.
Résumé Des observations fortuites nous ont suggéré que C. capitata Weidemann utilise les blessures des fruits, y compris d'anciennes piqûres de ponte, pour déposer ses oeufs. Ce comportement a été quantifié dans une orangeraie de l'île grecque de Chios. Les blessures des fruits influent sur la ponte de 3 façons. D'abord, les femelles atterissent plus fréquemment sur les oranges, Citrus sinensis, artificiellement blessées que sur les fruits intacts. Ensuite, après atterrissage, les femelles tentent plus souvent de pondre sur une orange blessée que sur des oranges intactes. Enfin, les femelles pondent directement dans la blessure ou à proximité. Le diamètre et la profondeur de la blessure influent sur la tendance à l'atterrissage, mais non sur les tentatives de ponte dans la blessure ou près d'elle. La signification de ce comportement dans la nature et ses conséquences sur la lutte contre C. capitata sont discutées.

Host acceptability and suitability Psyttalia concolor (Szépligeti) is a koinobiont, larval parasitoid of tephritid fruit flies. Individuals of P. concolor were field-collected from coffee in the central highlands of Kenya, and cultured initially on Mediterranean fruit fly (medfly), Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann). They were then examined for their ability to oviposit in and develop on five other tephritid species that are pests in Kenya. In addition to the medfly, acceptability for oviposition and suitability for development were tested against the mango fruit fly, Ceratitis cosyra (Walker), the Natal fruit fly, Ceratitis rosa Karsch, Ceratitis fasciventris (Bezzi), Ceratitis anonae Graham and the melon fruit fly, Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coquillett). Ceratitis capitata and C. cosyra were accepted as hosts significantly more often than the other species. Superparasitism was recorded only from C. capitata and C. cosyra. Two days after oviposition, parasitoid eggs in C. fasciventris and B. cucurbitae were encapsulated, whereas those in C. rosa and C. anonae were encapsulated, and often melanized. Ceratitis capitata was the most suitable host for Kenyan populations of Psyttalia concolor in terms of progeny production, and proportion of female progeny.  相似文献   

In field-cage studies, we investigated how the foraging behavior of tephritid fruit flies is modified by experience immediately prior to release on host plants. We observed females of a relatively monophagous species,Rhagoletis mendax (blueberry maggot fly), an oligophagous species,Rhagoletis pomomella (apple maggot fly), and a polyphagous species,Ceratitis capitata (Mediterranean fruit fly). Just prior to release on a host plant, the following kinds of stimuli were supplied: (1) single oviposition in a host fruit, (2) contact with 20% sucrose, (3) contact with a mixture of protein food (bird feces and sucrose), (4) contact with water, and (5) a walk over a host-plant leaf. When flies foraged on host plants without resources, search was most intensive (as measured by number of leaves visited) following a single oviposition in fruit, but residence time generally was the same following exposure to sugar, protein, and fruit stimuli.Rhagoletis mendax andC. capitata females visited the fewest leaves following exposure to water or host leaves, whereasR. pomonella foraged equally intensively following exposure to food stimuli, water, or leaves. On host plants containing resources (fruit and protein food), a single oviposition dramatically increased the number of females of all three species that found fruit compared to females that received experience with food, water or foliar stimuli. We found no significant effect of recent brief experience with any of the stimuli on subsequent attraction to protein food. Overall,C. capitata exhibited a higher propensity to abandon host plants than eitherR. mendax orR. pomonella. We suggest that this may reflect adaptations to differences in distribution of host plants in nature, strategies of dispersal, and host range.  相似文献   

Pepper weevils, Anthonomus eugenii Cano (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), feed and oviposit in flower buds and small fruits of plants in the genus Capsicum, as well as several species of Solanum (Solanaceae). Females chew a small hole into the fruit, deposit a single egg within the cavity, and seal the hole with a clear anal secretion that hardens into an ‘oviposition plug’. Female oviposition behavior was studied in a series of small‐arena bioassays to determine whether previous oviposition in Jalapeño pepper fruit deterred subsequent oviposition and to determine what specific cues from an infested fruit influence female behavior. In choice and no‐choice tests, females preferred clean fruit to fruit that had received four eggs 24 h previously (i.e., infested fruit), whether the fruit was infested with conspecific eggs or their own eggs. Further bioassays demonstrated that the presence of female frass, or oviposition plugs alone, in the absence of eggs or any fruit damage, was sufficient to deter oviposition. In addition, females given the choice between an infested fruit with the oviposition plug removed or an unaltered infested fruit preferred the fruit with no plugs, even when eggs, frass, and feeding damage were still present. To determine whether females would avoid infested peppers under more natural conditions, we quantified oviposition on infested and uninfested sentinel pepper fruit within individually caged plants and on clean and infested plants caged together. Females consistently laid more eggs on clean fruit than on infested fruits and moved within and among pepper plants to search for more acceptable oviposition sites. We conclude that oviposition plugs, along with contaminated female, but not male, frass contain a deterrent that, in the absence of any other cue, is enough to alert a female that a patch is occupied.  相似文献   

Gary P. Fitt 《Oecologia》1986,69(1):101-109
Summary The relative importance of adult preferences or specialisations of larval physiology in restricting the host range of five species of Dacine fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) was examined, with particular emphasis on their utilization of cultivated fruits. The species; D. tryoni, D. jarvisi, D. cucumis, D. musae and D. cacuminatus differ widely in host range with D. tryoni being highly polyphagous while D. cacuminatus is virtually monophagous. Laboratory experiments showed that larvae of all species survived and developed in many cultivated fruits in which the specialists never occur in the field. By contrast the oviposition preferences and specificity of adult females differed widely between species. Female D. tryoni oviposited in most species of fruit. The specialised species; D. cucumis, D. musae and D. cacuminatus strongly preferred their usual hosts and would not oviposit in novel fruits even in the absence of the preferred host. In contrast, D. jarvisi consistently preferred its main native host but when this was not offered readily accepted cultivated fruits. These differences in preference are consistent with the pattern of infestation displayed by each species in the field. The study indicate that, in general, the occurrence of these species of Dacus in cultivated fruits is constrained more by the behavioural preferences of adult females than by larval specialisations. A genetic change in some aspect of host recognition or acceptance would be necessary for the specialised species to regularly infest cultivated fruits though no change in larval characteristics may be needed. As the types and concentrations of defensive secondary compounds may differ between native and cultivated fruits this conclusion cannot be extended to host shifts among native fruits.  相似文献   

  1. Several animal species are known to distinguish between their own eggs and eggs of unrelated conspecifics. However, the cues involved in this discrimination are often unknown. These cues were studied using the predatory mite Gynaeseius liturivorus Ehara.
  2. Adult females of these predatory mites oviposit in clusters and avoid oviposition close to eggs laid by other females, resulting in reduced cannibalism between offspring. Because predatory mites are blind, it was tested whether volatiles of eggs were used as a cue for egg recognition.
  3. Adult female predatory mites were offered volatile cues of their own eggs and of unrelated conspecific eggs, and females were prevented from contacting the eggs. Predatory mites oviposited closer to their own eggs than to unrelated eggs. This preference was observed even when one own and one unrelated egg were offered as a volatile source.
  4. These results suggest that adult female predatory mites can determine kinship using volatiles released from the eggs.

  • 1 Delia flavifrons Zetterstedt (Diptera: Anthomyiidae) visits flowers of Silene vulgaris (Moench) Garcke (Caryophyllaceae), where the adults feed, mate, lay their eggs, and the larvae feed on developing seeds. The objective of the study was to examine how an ovipositing female fly assures a food resource for her progeny.
  • 2 Ovipositing females preferred young, non-pollinated flowers over older pollinated ones. The flies did not pollinate the flowers and survival of the larvae depended on the flowers being pollinated by moths.
  • 3 Flowers containing fly eggs were pollinated more often than expected from chance, probably as a result of both flies and moths visiting particular flowers.
  • 4 Eggs were laid singly, and multiple oviposition occurred randomly. Although most eggs hatched, only about half produced larvae that made their way into the fruits. As a result, the probability of competition arising from multiple oviposition may be reduced to such an extent that selection does not favour females that avoid flowers with conspecific eggs.
  • 5 Moth larvae of the noctuid genus Hadena also feed on the seed pods of S. vulgaris and will kill any fly larvae they encounter. However, there was no deviation from random oviposition by the flies in relation to eggs laid by the moths, but the competitively weaker fly usually started to lay eggs towards the end of the moth's egg-laying period.
  • 6 The relationship between Delia flavifrons and Silene vulgaris superficially parallels that for known pollinator/predator systems, but floral adaptations to hypothetically pollinating flies seems not to have taken place.

  • 1 In field cage and field tests, female Mediterranean fruit flies, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), in trees alighted in significantly greater numbers upon sticky-coated (non-odour-emitting) kumquats, Fortunella japonica, that were in the vicinity of odorous natural proteinaceous food (bird faeces) or synthetic food odour than on similar kumquats distant from bird faeces or synthetic food odour.
  • 2 In field cage tests, oviposition in non-sticky kumquats nearby bird faeces was significantly greater than in non-sticky kumquats distant from bird faeces.
  • 3 In field tests, medflies laid significantly more eggs in host kumquat and non-host hawthorn, Crataegus mollis, fruit adjacent to bird faeces and synthetic food odour than in fruit of these types distant from food-type stimuli.
  • 4 These findings suggest that odour of natural food of medflies could lure flies to plants whose fruit emit little or no attractive odour and are not permanent hosts but which are nonetheless susceptible to egg-laying and larval development, resulting in temporary expansion of host range.

In this study, we investigated the attraction of West Indian fruit fly, Anastrepha obliqua (Macquart) (Diptera: Tephritidae), to volatiles of three mango [Mangifera indica L. (Anacardiaceae)] cultivars in field cage tests. The number of flies captured with Multilure traps baited with Amate mature green mangoes was significantly higher than that captured in traps baited with Coche and Ataulfo fruits. There was no significant difference between the number of flies captured in traps baited with Coche or Ataulfo mangoes. Gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry analysis of mango fruit volatiles identified 24, 22, and 19 compounds for Amate, Ataulfo, and Coche mango cultivars, respectively. A principal component analysis of the volatiles revealed that the Amate mango was more distant from the Ataulfo mango, and the latter cultivar was closer to the Coche mango. The compounds myrcene, α‐pinene, β‐selinene, and trans‐β‐ocimene were the most abundant in Amate mangoes, whereas 3‐carene, β‐selinene, terpinolene, and α‐pinene were the predominant compounds of Ataulfo cultivars. In the Coche mango, the predominant compounds were 3‐carene, β‐selinene, terpinolene, and limonene. Traps baited with a blend of myrcene, α‐pinene, and trans‐β‐ocimene captured more A. obliqua females and males than control traps. Flies were more attracted to the Super Q volatile extracts of Amate mango than to the three‐component blend formulated in a ratio of 1:1:1. However, there was no significant difference between the number of flies caught by traps baited with Amate mango extracts and that caught by traps baited with the three‐blend component when this was formulated according to the relative proportions in the mango extracts. Traps baited with myrcene, the major component, caught fewer flies than traps baited with Amate mango extracts.  相似文献   

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