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Transgenic corn, Zea mays L., expressing the Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner (Bt) protein Cry1F has been registered for Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) control since 2003 in the USA. Unexpected damage to Cry1F corn was reported in 2006 in Puerto Rico, and Cry1F resistance in S. frugiperda from Puerto Rico was documented. The study of fitness costs associated with insect resistance to Bt insecticidal proteins is important for understanding resistance evolution and for evaluating resistance management practices used to mitigate resistance to transgenic corn. Currently, no studies have addressed the fitness costs associated with Cry1F resistance in S. frugiperda. In this study, susceptible and resistant strains with similar genetic background and their reciprocal crosses were used to estimate Cry1F resistance fitness costs. Comparisons between life‐history traits and population growth rates of homozygous susceptible, heterozygous and homozygous resistant S. frugiperda were used to determine whether the resistance is associated with fitness costs. Major fitness costs were not apparent in either heterozygotes or homozygous resistant insects. However, there was a slight indication of hybrid vigour in the heterozygotes. Additionally, two lines in which the frequency of the resistant alleles was fixed at 0.5 were followed for seven generations, after which the frequency of resistant alleles slightly decreased in both lines. The lack of strong fitness costs associated with Cry1F resistance in S. frugiperda indicates that initial allele frequencies may be higher than expected in field populations and will tend to remain stable in field populations in the absence of selection pressure (e.g. Puerto Rico).  相似文献   

转Bt基因玉米对甜菜夜蛾幼虫存活和发育的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在室内测定了2种转Cry1Ab基因的Bt玉米MON810和Bt11不同组织对甜菜夜蛾 Spodoptera exigua (Hübner)初孵幼虫以及心叶对4龄幼虫存活和发育的影响,在田间比较了甜菜夜蛾幼虫取食Bt 和非Bt玉米雌穗的存活和为害情况。结果表明,转Cry1Ab基因的Bt玉米的不同组织对甜菜夜蛾初孵幼虫都具有明显的杀虫活性,取食Bt玉米心叶、苞叶、籽粒时甜菜夜蛾均在幼虫期死亡; 取食MON810和Bt11雄穗的初孵幼虫化蛹率分别为5.2%和2.1%,羽化率为2.1%和1.0%;取食MON810和Bt11花丝的初孵幼虫化蛹率分别为1.0%和2.1%,但不能羽化。4龄幼虫取食MON810玉米心叶的化蛹率与对照差异不显著,而取食Bt11的化蛹率与对照差异显著; 取食两种Bt玉米心叶的4龄幼虫化蛹后的雌、雄蛹重和羽化率与对照组差异显著,但蛹期和平均单雌产卵量差异不显著,虽然对照组羽化的成虫平均产卵量高于Bt玉米组。田间接种初孵幼虫10 天后的调查结果表明,在MON810和Bt11玉米花丝上幼虫存活率分别为1.3%和0.3%, 而对照组分别为12.9%和16.2%;MON810和Bt11玉米雌穗被害率分别为18.3%和5.0%,而对照组分别为93.3%和95.0%,均显著低于对照组。  相似文献   

Understanding the behavior of pests targeted with Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner (Bt) crops is important to define resistance management strategies. Particularly the study of larval movement between plants is important to determine the feasibility of refuge configurations. Exposure to Bt maize, Zea mays L. (Poaceae), has been suggested to increase larval movement in lepidopteran species but few studies have examined the potential for resistance to interact with behavioral responses to Bt toxins. Choice and no‐choice experiments were conducted with Spodoptera frugiperda (JE Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) to determine whether Cry1F resistance influences neonate movement. Leaf discs of Cry1F maize and the corresponding isoline were used to characterize behavioral responses. In both experiments, the location (on or off of plant tissues) and mortality of susceptible and Cry1F resistant neonates was recorded for 5 days, but the analysis of larvae location was performed until 7 h. Our results indicated no strong difference between resistant and susceptible phenotypes in S. frugiperda and O. nubilalis, although a small percentage of susceptible neonates in both species abandoned maize tissue expressing Cry1F. However, significant behavioral differences were observed between species. Ostrinia nubilalis exhibited increased movement between leaf discs, whereas S. frugiperda selected plant tissue within the first 30 min and remained on the chosen plant regardless of the presence of Cry1F. Spodoptera frugiperda reduced larval movement may have implications to refuge configuration. This study represents the first step toward understanding the effects of Cry1F resistance on Lepidoptera larval behavior. Information regarding behavioral differences between species could aid in developing better and more flexible resistance management strategies.  相似文献   

Studies on insect food intake and utilization are important for determining the degree of insect/plant association and host species’ resistance, and also for helping design pest management programs by providing estimates of potential economic losses, techniques for mass breeding of insects, and identifying physiological differences between species. We studied the feeding and development of fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (JE Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), on transgenic (Bt) and non‐transgenic (non‐Bt) cotton. The larvae of S. frugiperda fed on Bt cotton had a longer development period (23.0 days) than those fed on non‐Bt cotton (20.2 days). Survivorship of S. frugiperda larvae fed on Bt cotton (74.1%) was lower than that of larvae fed on non‐Bt cotton (96.7%). Pupal weight of larvae fed on Bt cotton (0.042 g) was lower than that of larvae fed on non‐Bt cotton (0.061 g). The cotton cultivar significantly affected food intake, feces production, metabolization, and food assimilation by S. frugiperda larvae. However, it did not affect their weight gain. Intake of Bt‐cotton leaf (0.53 g dry weight) per S. frugiperda larva was lower than the intake of non‐Bt‐cotton leaf (0.61 g dry weight). Larvae fed on Bt‐cotton leaves produced less feces (0.25 g dry weight) than those fed on non‐Bt‐cotton leaves (0.37 g dry weight). Weight gain per S. frugiperda larva fed on Bt‐cotton leaves (0.058 g dry weight) was similar to the weight gain for larvae fed on non‐Bt‐cotton leaves (0.056 g dry weight). The cotton cultivar significantly affected the relative growth, consumption, and metabolic rates, as well as other nutritional indices: the figures were lower for larvae fed on Bt‐cotton leaves than for larvae fed on non‐transgenic cotton leaves.  相似文献   

转Bt基因抗虫玉米对亚洲玉米螟幼虫取食行为的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
室内研究了转cry1Ab杀虫蛋白基因的Bt抗虫玉米MON81 0和Bt1 1对亚洲玉米螟Ostriniafurnacalis初孵幼虫和3龄幼虫的取食行为、取食选择性和存活率的影响。在48h的非选择性试验中玉米螟初孵幼虫在MON81 0和Bt1 1玉米心叶组织上的幼虫取食率随时间的增加而下降,在对照玉米上的幼虫取食率随时间的增加而上升,两者间差异极显著。初孵幼虫接虫到MON81 0和Bt1 1玉米叶片48h的累计死亡率分别为67 .5 %和47 .5 % ,而在对照玉米上死亡率均为0. 3龄幼虫在Bt和非Bt玉米穗轴组织上的幼虫取食率随时间的增加呈上升趋势,第48h时在Bt和非Bt玉米上的幼虫取食率分别达到77 5 %和1 0 0 % ,差异极显著。选择性试验中,第4~48h内,初孵幼虫在Bt玉米上的幼虫取食率呈下降趋势,第48h时MON81 0和Bt1 1与各自非Bt对照的组合中初孵幼虫的累计死亡率分别为2 5 .0 %和1 7. 5 % ,二者差异不显著。3龄幼虫在Bt玉米和非Bt玉米上的幼虫取食率均随时间的延长而增加,但在非Bt玉米的幼虫取食率增加速度快,与Bt玉米差异极显著。Bt玉米对玉米螟幼虫取食有抑制和忌避作用。  相似文献   

We investigated the consequences of cannibalism for some correlatesof fitness in the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).The benefits gained by cannibals were ascertained by comparing survival,development rate, and pupal weight of larvae that had the opportunityto cannibalize with those that did not, at two levels of food availability.Larvae in the cannibalism treatments were provided with a conspecificone instar younger than themselves on five dates throughoutlarval development. Cannibalism was frequent; given the opportunityall larvae predated at least one younger conspecific. The frequencyof cannibalism was not affected by the sex of the cannibal orby the availability of alternative food. However, cannibalssuffered a significant reduction in survival at both high andlow food availability. Furthermore, cannibals had a lower pupal weightin the high food treatment and a reduced development rate inthe low food treatment. The only detectable fitness benefitassociated with cannibalism was a positive correlation betweenthe number of victims consumed and development rate under conditionsof low food availability. On balance, cannibalism appears tobe costly; alternative explanations for its occurrence in thisspecies are discussed.  相似文献   

采用ELISA方法检测了实验室汰选的对Cry1Ab产生107倍抗性的亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis (Guenée)种群与敏感种群3龄幼虫取食表达Cry1Ab杀虫蛋白的Bt玉米心叶后,杀虫蛋白在幼虫体内的分布情况。结果表明:Cry1Ab杀虫蛋白在抗性种群幼虫中的组织分布情况与敏感种群相近,主要存在于中肠组织和血淋巴中。抗、感种群中均以含有内含物的中肠组织中含量最高,分别为277.2 ng/g 和104.9 ng/g;其次为血淋巴,分别为93.7 ng/g 和69.5 ng/g;不含内含物的中肠组织中52.7 ng/g 和40.1 ng/g;在丝腺和马氏管组织的含量很低,丝腺中分别为8.5 ng/g和11.7ng/g,而马氏管中分别为6.7 ng/g和6.5 ng/g。脂肪体、生殖器官中未检测到杀虫蛋白。抗性种群中肠组织(含有内含物和不含内含物)中Cry1Ab的含量显著高于敏感种群。幼虫期取食过Bt玉米的亚洲玉米螟发育的蛹、成虫及其卵中均不含杀虫蛋白,说明Bt杀虫蛋白不会通过幼虫取食向蛹、成虫及卵传递。  相似文献   

采用ELISA法研究了田间种植条件下转Bt基因玉米MON810生育期根际土壤及还田秸秆中Cry1Ab蛋白的田间残留降解动态,并分别用移动对数模型、指数模型和双指数模型对秸秆分解释放Cry1Ab蛋白的田间降解动态进行拟合,估算了DT5o和DT90值.结果表明:Bt玉米不同生育期根际土壤中Cry1 Ab蛋白含量差异较大,但总体随生育期的延长而显著降低.收获后地表覆盖和埋入土壤两种秸秆还田方式下,秸秆中Cry1Ab蛋白在土壤中的降解规律基本一致,均呈现前期大量快速降解,中后期极少量稳定降解两个阶段.秸秆还田7d内,地表覆盖处理的Cry1Ab蛋白降解率均极显著高于埋入土壤处理;10 d时两处理的降解率基本一致,分别为88.8%和88.6%;20 d后,两处理秸秆中Cry1Ab蛋白的降解日趋缓慢;至180 d时仍能检测到少量的Cry1Ab蛋白.3种模型均能较好地反映秸秆中Cry1Ab蛋白的田间降解规律,从相关系数(R)及DTgo值与实测值的吻合程度来看,双指数模型最优.  相似文献   

A seed blend refuge has been implemented in the U.S. Corn Belt for Bt maize resistance management. The fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith), is a target pest of Bt maize in the Americas. The larvae of this pest are mobile, which may affect the efficacy of seed blend refuges. In this study, field and greenhouse trials were conducted to determine the performance of Bt-susceptible (aabb) and -heterozygous dual-gene-resistant (AaBb) genotypes of S. frugiperda in seed blends of non-Bt and pyramided Bt maize. Three field trials evaluated larval survival, larval growth, and plant injury with aabb in seed blends of Bt maize expressing Cry1A.105/Cry2Ab2/Vip3A with 0–30% non-Bt seeds. Greenhouse tests investigated the performance of aabb and AaBb in seed blends of Cry1A.105/Cry2Ab2 with 0–30% non-Bt seeds. In pure non-Bt maize plots, after 9–13 d of neonates being released on the plants, 0.39 and 0.65 larvae/plant survived with leaf injury ratings of 4.7 and 5.9 (Davis's 1–9 scale) in the field and greenhouse, respectively. In contrast, live larvae and plant injury were virtually not observed on Bt plants across all planting patterns. Larval occurrence and plant injury by aabb on non-Bt plants were similar between seed blends and pure non-Bt plantings, suggesting that the blended refuges could provide an equivalent susceptible population as structured refuge under the test conditions. In the greenhouse, the two insect genotypes in seed blends performed similarly, indicating that the seed blends did not provide more favorable conditions for AaBb over aabb. The information generated from this study should be useful in managing S. frugiperda and evaluating if send blends could be suitable refuge options for Bt resistance management in the regions where the insect is a primary target pest.  相似文献   

转Bt基因玉米Bt11花粉对玉米螟赤眼蜂繁殖和存活的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在室内评价了表达Cry1Ab杀虫蛋白的转基因抗虫玉米Bt11花粉作为食物对玉米螟赤眼蜂Trichogramma ostriniae雌蜂寿命、繁殖力、子代羽化数和性比的影响。结果显示,Bt11玉米花粉中含有115.13±7.29 ng/g FW Cry1Ab杀虫蛋白。饲喂水+Bt玉米花粉和水+对照玉米花粉的雌蜂寿命、繁殖力和子代羽化数明显高于只提供水的处理,但性比没有显著差异。饲喂10%蜂蜜水的雌蜂寿命、繁殖力和子代羽化数与饲喂10%蜂蜜水+Bt玉米或10%蜂蜜水+对照玉米花粉的处理雌蜂相似,没有显著差异。饲喂水+玉米花粉和只提供水的各处理的寿命、繁殖力和子代羽化数均显著低于蜂蜜水+玉米花粉和只提供蜂蜜水的各个处理,但性比显著高。饲喂水+Bt玉米花粉与水+对照玉米花粉之间以及蜂蜜水+Bt玉米花粉与蜂蜜水+对照玉米花粉之间的寿命、繁殖力和子代羽化数没有显著差异。由此得出结论,同只提供水相比,玉米花粉可以提高玉米螟赤眼蜂的寿命和繁殖力。表达Cry1Ab杀虫蛋白的Bt11玉米花粉对玉米螟赤眼蜂的寿命、繁殖力、子代羽化数和性比无不利影响。  相似文献   

RNA interference (RNAi) is a promising technology for the development of next-generation insect pest control products. Though RNAi is efficient and systemic in coleopteran insects, it is inefficient and variable in lepidopteron insects. In this study, we explored the possibility of improving RNAi in the fall armyworm (FAW), Spodoptera frugiperda by conjugating double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) with biodegradable chitosan (Chi). dsRNA conjugated with chitosan was protected from degradation by endonucleases present in Sf9 cell-conditioned medium, hemolymph, and midgut lumen contents collected from the FAW larvae. Chi–dsRNA complexes showed reduced accumulation in the endosomes of Sf9 cells and FAW tissues. Exposing chitosan formulated dsRNA in Sf9 cells and the tissues induced a significant knockdown of endogenous genes. Chi–dsIAP fed to FAW larvae induced knockdown of iap gene, growth retardation, and mortality. Processing of dsRNA into small interfering RNA was detected with chitosan-conjugated 32P-UTP-labeled ds green fluorescent protein in Sf9 cells and FAW larval tissues. Overall, these data suggest that dsRNA conjugated with chitosan helps dsRNA escape from the endosomes and improves RNAi efficiency in FAW cells and tissues.  相似文献   

Transgenic cotton that produces insecticidal proteins from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), often referred to as Bt cotton, is widely grown in many countries. Bt cotton with a single cry1A gene and stacked also with cry2A gene has provided satisfactory protection against the damage by the lepidopteran bollworms, especially the cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) which is considered as a key pest. The baseline susceptibility of the larvae of H. armigera to Cry1Ac and other toxins carried out in many countries has provided a basis for monitoring resistance. There is no evidence of development of field-level resistance in H. armigera leading to the failure of Bt cotton crop anywhere in the world, despite the fact that Bt cotton was grown on the largest ever area of 12.1 million hectares in 2006 and its cumulative cultivation over the last 11 years has surpassed the annual cotton area in the world. Nevertheless, the Bt resistance management has become a necessity to sustain Bt cotton and other transgenic crops in view of potential of the target insects to evolve Cry toxin resistance.  相似文献   

Ostrinia nubilalis Hübner (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), a major pest of corn in temperate climates, can feed on other crops due to its polyphagous behaviour. In particular, this species became a serious problem in some sweet pepper commercial glasshouses in south‐eastern Spain repeatedly sprayed with Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) products to control Spodoptera exigua Hübner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). The susceptibility of an O. nubilalis colony established from individuals collected in these Bt‐sprayed glasshouses was compared with a reference laboratory colony. Differences in susceptibility between the two colonies to Cry1Aa, Cry1Ab, Cry1Ac and Cry2Aa proteins were found. However, our results indicate that the O. nubilalis control failure in the glasshouse was not due to selection for resistance. Intraspecific variation probably accounts for differences between the glasshouse‐derived population and the laboratory strain. This conclusion is based on several lines of evidence: the glasshouse‐derived population retained its susceptibility to a Bt standard product and to most of its individual components (both in the form of protoxins and in the form of activated toxins), and it did not respond to laboratory selection with high doses of Cry1Ab.  相似文献   

Speciation is the process through which reproductive isolation develops between distinct populations. Because this process takes time, speciation studies often necessarily examine populations within a species that are at various stages of divergence. The fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith), is comprised of two strains (R = Rice & C = Corn) that serve as a novel system to explore population divergence in sympatry. Here, we use ddRADSeq data to show that fall armyworm strains in the field are largely genetically distinct, but some interstrain hybridization occurs. Although we detected F1 hybrids of both R‐ and C‐strain maternal origin, only hybrids with R‐strain mtDNA were found to contribute to subsequent generations, possibly indicating a unidirectional barrier to gene flow. Although these strains have been previously defined as “host plant‐associated,” we recovered an equal proportion of R‐ and C‐strain moths in fields dominated by C‐strain host plants. As an alternative to host‐associated divergence, we tested the hypothesis that differences in nightly activity patterns could account for reproductive isolation by genotyping temporally collected moths. Our data indicates that strains exhibit a significant shift in the timing of their nightly activities in the field. This divergence in phenology creates a prezygotic reproductive barrier that likely maintains the genetic isolation between strains. Thus, we conclude that it may be ecologically inaccurate to refer to the C‐ and R‐ strain as “host‐associated” and they should more appropriately be considered “allochronic strains.”  相似文献   

In mid‐May, 2019, the fall armyworm (FAW) Spodoptera frugiperda invaded Jiangxi Province, China, and caused extensive damage to corn crops. However, little attention has been given to the life‐history traits of the FAW. In the present study, we systematically investigated the life‐history traits of the newly invasive FAW on corn leaves at 19, 22, 25, 28, and 31°C under a photoperiod of LD 15:9 hr. The FAW thrived on the corn leaves with short developmental periods, high survival rates of larvae and pupae, very high mating success rates, and high fecundity. The pupal developmental stage was significantly longer in males than females at all temperatures, thus resulting in a protogyny phenomenon. The pupal weight was heaviest after a relatively shorter larval development stage at a higher temperature (25°C); thus, the FAW did not follow the temperature–size rule. Females were smaller than males, indicating sexual size dimorphism. A small proportion of females delayed their pre‐oviposition period and began to lay eggs on the 7th to 9th day after adult emergence. There were positive relationships between pupal weight and larval developmental time and between adult weight and fecundity. There was a negative relationship between fecundity and longevity. These findings can help us to predict the population dynamics of the FAW on corn and to develop a suitable and practical management strategy.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to determine the genetics of Cry1C resistance in Spodoptera litura. Selection of S. litura (Fab.) with Cry1C was done for eight generations to develop resistance. Reciprocal crosses between resistant and susceptible populations were made to understand the population genetics of Cry1C resistance in S. litura. Generation wise selection with Cry1C was evaluated for resistance development in S. litura. The LC50 of Cry1C was 0.14 µg/cm2 for the first selected generation and it increased to 23.98 µg/cm2 after eight selected generations, which is a 285.47-fold increase in resistance compared with the susceptible strain. The estimated realized heritability (h2) after eight generations of selection with Cry1C insecticidal protein was 0.44. The number of generations required for the tenfold increase in LC50 (1/R) was estimated to be 3.33. Response to Cry1C selection in S. litura was 0.30, the estimated selection differential was 0.69 and the pheonotypic standard deviation (dP) was 0.24. Reciprocal crosses between Cry1C resistant and susceptible strain of S. litura showed autosomal resistance.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Changes in the frequency of Cry1Ac resistance genes and shifts in tolerance of cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera , to the Cry1Ac toxin were assessed using bioassays of F1 and F2 offspring of isofemale lines from Anci County of Hebei Province (a multiple-crop system including corn, soybean, peanut, and Bt cotton) and Xiajin County of Shandong Province (an intensive Bt cotton planting area) in Northern China during 2002–2005.
2. A conservative analysis of the overall results indicated that there was a small increase in the frequency of major, non-recessive resistance genes over time.
3. The relative average development ratings [RADR – growth rate of a line on a Bt diet in proportion to the growth rate on a non-Bt (NBT) diet] of the bollworm larvae in F1 tests increased significantly from year to year, indicating a gradual trend towards higher tolerance to Cry1Ac in the field populations.
4. There were also significant positive correlations between RADR of the lines in the F1 generation and the RADR of their F2 offspring, indicating that the tolerance was genetically based.
5. Quantitative genetic simulation analysis showed that resistance of H . armigera to Bt cotton in Xiajin could evolve to a high level in 11–15 years if no effective resistance management measures are carried out.  相似文献   

Bt toxins ingested by insect pests can bind to midgut receptors and cause death, although several steps in this process remain unclear. Multiple Bt toxin receptors have been identified in Lepidoptera, including a cadherin-like protein (CaLP), which is central to several models explaining Bt toxins’ mode of action. Mutations in the Plutella xylostella ATP-dependent binding cassette transporter C2 (Px-abcc2), rather than CaLP, are genetically linked with Bt Cry1Ac resistance. Here we expressed Px-abcc2 in Drosophila and performed larval bioassays to determine whether this protein acts as an effective Bt receptor. Cry1Ac had no effect on larvae expressing Px-abcc2 in salivary glands, yet larvae expressing Px-abcc2 in the midgut were highly susceptible to both Cry1Ac protoxin and trypsin activated toxin. Furthermore, the CaLP orthologue has been lost from the Drosophila genome, making this a useful system for investigating the role of CaLP peptides from Manduca sexta (CR12-MPED), which are known to act as Bt synergists in larval feeding assays. Drosophila larvae expressing Px-ABCC2 in the midgut were fed LD50 concentrations of Cry1Ac toxin or protoxin, plus purified CR12-MPED cloned from M. sexta or P. xylostella. The M. sexta CR12-MPED protein acted synergistically with Cry1Ac protoxin and activated toxin significantly more effectively than the P. xylostella peptide. This work demonstrates ABCC2 is the major functional Cry1Ac receptor for P. xylostella and the importance of CaLP proteins in Bt mode of action may vary between different lepidopteran species.  相似文献   

The fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda, an invasive insect pest native to the Americas, has established populations throughout eastern China. The North China Plain—a key corn-producing area in East China with a unique topography—was invaded by fall armyworm in 2019 and is seriously threatened by this migratory pest. However, the spatiotemporal extent of the migratory movements of fall armyworm from the North China Plain remains poorly understood. Using an air transport-based trajectory modeling approach that incorporates flight behavior, we simulated the potential nocturnal migration trajectories of fall armyworm from the North China Plain based on historical meteorological data from June to October of 2015–2019, and examined the night-time atmospheric conditions associated with their possible flights. The emigration patterns showed monthly variation in the main landing area and common migration direction. The displacement of newly emerged moths from the North China Plain was concentrated in the Northeast China Plain (including Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang provinces) before late summer, after which they were most likely to undertake return flights to the south (especially into Hubei, Anhui and Hunan provinces). This southwest-northeast aerial migration corridor follows the topography of East China and is affected by the East Asian monsoon. These topographic-atmospheric conditions have resulted in the North China Plain becoming a key stopover for fall armyworm populations engaging in multigenerational long-distance migration across East China. These findings contribute to our knowledge of fall armyworm migration and will aid in the implementation of management and control strategies against this highly migratory agricultural pest.  相似文献   

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