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The damaging effects of UVB light have been described previously and include a number of changes to multiple cell types. At previous meetings of this society, we have shown that Langerhans' cells are the most susceptible to UVB induced damage which can be shown as ultrastructural changes in dendrites, nucleus and cytoplasm by transmission electron microscopy. We have also shown that their patterns of migration from skin to regional lymph node and their ability to present antigens to autologous T cells have been profoundly altered by UVB irradiation. The aim of this work was to establish if it was possible to reverse any of the damage done to Langerhans' cells by UVB exposure by topical application of a DNA repair enzyme such as T4N5 endonuclease. These experiments were undertaken in a sheep model that allowed collection of cells as they migrate from the skin. This allowed for a direct examination of the migration characteristics and ultrastructural features of all Langerhans' cells before, during, and for 2 weeks after exposure to a single dose of UVB. Results obtained from this project indicate that treatment by topical application of DNA repair enzyme immediately after UVB irradiation may restore a number of normal immune parameters associated with the structure and function of migrating Langerhans' cells. It appears that there is a dose related correction of the increased tempo of cell migration and some improvements in the number of ultrastructurally damaged Langerhans' cells have also been associated with application of higher doses of DNA repair enzyme. These preliminary findings indicate that some potential therapeutic benefits are associated with the use of such agents in reversing the immunological damage caused by exposure to erythemal doses of UVB light.  相似文献   


The damaging effects of UVB light have been described previously and include a number of changes to multiple cell types. At previous meetings of this society, we have shown that Langerhans' cells are the most susceptible to UVB induced damage which can be shown as ultrastructural changes in dendrites, nucleus and cytoplasm by transmission electron microscopy. We have also shown that their patterns of migration from skin to regional lymph node and their ability to present antigens to autologous T cells have been profoundly altered by UVB irradiation.

The aim of this work was to establish if it was possible to reverse any of the damage done to Langerhans' cells by UVB exposure by topical application of a DNA repair enzyme such as T4N5 endonuclease. These experiments were undertaken in a sheep model that allowed collection of cells as they migrate from the skin. This allowed for a direct examination of the migration characteristics and ultrastructural features of all Langerhans' cells before, during, and for 2 weeks after exposure to a single dose of UVB.

Results obtained from this project indicate that treatment by topical application of DNA repair enzyme immediately after UVB irradiation may restore a number of normal immune parameters associated with the structure and function of migrating Langerhans' cells. It appears that there is a dose related correction of the increased tempo of cell migration and some improvements in the number of ultrastructurally damaged Langerhans' cells have also been associated with application of higher doses of DNA repair enzyme. These preliminary findings indicate that some potential therapeutic benefits are associated with the use of such agents in reversing the immunological damage caused by exposure to erythemal doses of UVB light.  相似文献   

Some fern species form spore banks — reservoirs in the soil of viable spores which remain dormant while buried but germinate in light if brought to the surface. The recently discovered characteristics of these spore banks are described. Enough is now known to suggest that they might have a role in the conservation of endangered fern species as alternatives toex situ collections of sporophytes, gametophytes and spores, the relative merits of which are also considered. Mature sporophytes of several British species have now been raised from natural spore banks in soil samples; if this proves to be possible also for endangered species, some interesting options become available. The possibilities are discussed of augmenting surviving populations and increasing their genetic diversity, even perhaps of retrieving lost populations, by reintroduction of spore bank-derived plants or by stimulating regeneration from spore banksin situ. Botanic gardens are well placed to provide the further research, the regular monitoring of endangered populations, and the taxonomic and horticultural support required to realise these possiblities.  相似文献   

Diminishing fossil fuel resources as well as growing environmental and energy security concerns, in parallel with growing demands on raw materials and energy, have intensified global efforts to utilize wood biopolymers as a renewable resource to produce biofuels and biomaterials. Wood is one of the most abundant biopolymer composites on earth that can be converted into biofuels as well as used as a platform to produce bio-based materials. The major biopolymers in wood are cellulose, hemicelluloses, and lignin which account for >90% of dry weight. These polymers are generally associated with each other in wood cell walls resulting in an intricate and dynamic cell wall structure. This mini-review provides an overview of major wood biopolymers, their structure, and recent developments in their utilization to develop biofuels. Advances in genetic modifications to overcome the recalcitrance of woody biomass for biofuels are discussed and point to a promising future.  相似文献   

A number of single gene mutations dramatically reduce the ability of fruit flies to learn or to remember. Cloning of the affected genes implicated the adenylyl cyclase second-messenger system as key in learning and memory. The expression patterns of these genes, in combination with other data, indicates that brain structures called mushroom bodies are crucial for olfactory learning. However, the mushroom bodies are not dedicated solely to olfactory processing; they also mediate higher cognitive functions in the fly, such as visual context generalization. Molecular genetic manipulations, coupled with behavioral studies of the fly, will identify rudimentary neural circuits that underly multisensory learning and perhaps also the circuits that mediate more-complex brain functions, such as attention.  相似文献   

The spiroplasmas that occur naturally in several species of Drosophila were the first spiroplasmas ever observed, even though their discoverers, D.F. Poulson and B. Sakaguchi, in 1961 described them as being "treponema-like spirochetes." These Drosophila spiroplasmas are transovarially, or maternally, transmitted by infected females whose progenies are composed entirely of females. A more recently discovered Drosophila spiroplasma found in flies originating in Ito, Japan, is also maternally inherited but does not result in the elimination of males from the progeny of infected females. In spite of their early discovery, their high numerical density in the hemolymph of infected females (10(6)-10(7)/microliters), and numerous attempts at in vitro cultivation, they remain prime examples of non-cultivable spiroplasmas. It is the purpose of this paper to recount some of the approaches used in attempts at their cultivation.  相似文献   

Cellular microbiology: can we learn cell physiology from microorganisms?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cellularmicrobiology is a new discipline that is emerging at the interfacebetween cell biology and microbiology. The application of moleculartechniques to the study of bacterial pathogenesis has made possiblediscoveries that are changing the way scientists view thebacterium-host interaction. Today, research on the molecular basis ofthe pathogenesis of infective diarrheal diseases of necessity transcends established boundaries between cell biology, bacteriology, intestinal pathophysiology, and immunology. The use of microbial pathogens to address questions in cell physiology is just now yieldingpromising applications and striking results.  相似文献   

William Godsoe 《Ecography》2012,35(9):769-779
A major problem in ecology is to understand how environmental requirements change over space and time. To this end, numerous authors have attempted to use comparisons of species’ distributions as a surrogate for comparisons of environmental requirements. Unfortunately, it is currently unclear when comparisons of species’ distributions produce reliable inferences about changes in environmental requirements. To address this problem, I develop an analytic model that identifies the conditions under which a comparison of species’ distribution models can serve as surrogate for a comparison of environmental requirements. This work demonstrates that 1) comparisons of species’ distributions typically produce biased comparisons of environmental requirements, 2) assuming distribution models are fit appropriately, it is possible to compare environmental requirements of distinct taxa, 3) there are multiple biologically relevant questions we can address using comparisons of distribution models, with each question corresponding to a distinct measure of the difference between distribution models. By developing an analytic model for comparisons of species’ distributions this work helps to clarify and remedy poorly understood sources of error associated with existing methods.  相似文献   

A number of single gene mutations dramatically reduce the ability of fruit flies to learn or to remember. Cloning of the affected genes implicated the adenylyl cyclase second-messenger system as key in learning and memory. The expression patterns of these genes, in combination with other data, indicates that brain structures called mushroom bodies are crucial for olfactory learning. However, the mushroom bodies are not dedicated solely to olfactory processing; they also mediate higher cognitive functions in the fly, such as visual context generalization. Molecular genetic manipulations, coupled with behavioral studies of the fly, will identify rudimentary neural circuits that underly multisensory learning and perhaps also the circuits that mediate more-complex brain functions, such as attention.  相似文献   

Are microorganisms more effective than plants at competing for nitrogen?   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Plant scientists have long debated whether plants or microorganisms are the superior competitor for nitrogen in terrestrial ecosystems. Microorganisms have traditionally been viewed as the victors but recent evidence that plants can take up organic nitrogen compounds intact and can successfully acquire N from organic patches in soil raises the question anew. We argue that the key determinants of 'success' in nitrogen competition are spatial differences in nitrogen availability and in root and microbial distributions, together with temporal differences in microbial and root turnover. Consequently, it is not possible to discuss plant-microorganism competition without taking into account this spatiotemporal context.  相似文献   

Cargo cult: Strange stories of desire from Melanesia and beyond, by Lamont Lindstrom. University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, 1993. xiv, 247pp., references, index, maps and photos. ISBN 0–8248–1563–7 (paperback).  相似文献   

In recent years, systematic searches of both prokaryote and eukaryote genomes have identified a staggering number of small RNAs, the biological functions of which remain unknown. Small RNA-based regulators are well known from bacterial plasmids. They act on target RNAs by sequence complementarity; that is, they are antisense RNAs. Recent findings suggest that many of the novel orphan RNAs encoded by bacterial and eukaryotic chromosomes might also belong to a ubiquitous, heterogeneous class of antisense regulators of gene expression.  相似文献   

We analyzed an extensive dataset of over 9000 benthic and suprabenthic species found throughout the Gulf of Mexico (GoMx) to assess whether mesophotic coral ecosystems represent distinct assemblages and evaluate their potential to serve as refugia for shallow reef communities. We assessed community structure of the overall benthic community from 0 to 300 m via non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) of species presence across depth bands. We used the Jaccard index of similarity to calculate the proportion of shared species between adjacent depth bands, measure species turnover with depth, and assess taxonomic overlap between shallow reefs versus progressively deeper depth bands. NMDS ordinations showed that the traditionally defined mesophotic range (30–150 m) as a whole is not a distinct community. In contrast, taxonomically distinct communities, determined by hierarchical clustering, were found at 0–70, 60–120, 110–200, and 190–300 m. Clustering highlighted an important separation in the benthic community at ~60 m, which was especially important for actinopterygian fishes. Species turnover between adjacent depths decreased with depth for all taxa combined and individual taxa, with peaks at ~60, 90–120, and 190–200 m. Fishes showed lower turnover from shallow to upper mesophotic depths (0–50 m) than all taxa combined, a substantial peak at 60 m, followed by a precipitous and continued decline in turnover thereafter. Taxonomic overlap between shallow (0–20 m) and progressively deeper zones declined steadily with depth in all taxa and individual taxa, suggesting that mid- and lower mesophotic habitats have less (but not inconsequential) potential to serve as refugia (60–150 m, 15–25% overlap with shallow habitats) than upper mesophotic zones (30–60 m, 30–45% overlap with shallow habitats) for all taxa combined. We conclude that the traditional mesophotic zone is home to three ecological communities in the GoMx, one that is confluent with shallow reefs, a distinct mesophotic assemblage spanning 60–120 m, and a third that extends onto the outer continental shelf.  相似文献   

Medlin LK 《Gene》2007,406(1-2):180-183
Marine phytoplanktons are highly dispersed with large population sizes and are often considered to be homogenous over their entire range. Thus, using this definition, one would predict that everything is everywhere for these microbes. However, recent molecular analyses have shown both spatial and temporal compartmentalisation in phytoplankton communities, thus calling into question the idea that everything is everywhere, especially if they do not share a global gene pool. Examples are present to document the range of biogeography that has been reported in the phytoplankton and a hypothesis as to how this relates to species evolution on a geological time scale is provided.  相似文献   

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