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The synthesis of the cyclic 20-31 sequence of bovine brain calmodulin corresponding to the loop of the hypothetical calcium binding site I of the protein has been accomplished by classical solution methods. The interaction of the synthetic cyclic fragment with calcium ions has been investigated by CD spectroscopy in water and in 98% trifluoroethanol solution. Calcium ions have no effect on the dichroic absorption of aqueous solution of the cyclic dodecapeptide in the wavelength range 200-250 nm. In 98% trifluoroethanol the CD spectrum of the cyclic compound in the absence of calcium ions is almost identical to that of the linear dodecapeptide in the presence of saturation concentrations of calcium. This result supports our previous hypothesis of a folding of the linear sequence upon interaction with the metal ion. The cyclic peptide also interacts with calcium ions in 98% trifluoroethanol forming a 1:1 complex.  相似文献   

F G Walz 《Biochemistry》1976,15(20):4446-4450
The binding of ribonuclease T1 with guanosine (Guo) and deoxyguanosine (dGuo) was studied in experiments employing ultraviolet difference spectroscopy in the pH range 3-9 at 0.2 M ionic strength and 25 degrees C. Similar experiments were also conducted with psi-carboxymethyl-glutamate-58 ribonuclease T1 at pH 5.0. At most pH values the characteristic difference spectrum and association constant were obtained. The binding constant for dGuo was approximately 550 M-1 and did not significantly vary in the pH range 3.5-9.0. The binding constant for Guo increased from pH 3.5 to 5.0, was constant between pH 5.0 and 7.0 (approximately 3200 M-1), and decreased at higher pH values. The binding of Guo and dGuo with ribonuclease T1 could also be distinguished in terms of the wavelength for maximal difference absorbance, lambdamax, between pH 5.0 and 7.0. At higher and lower pH values, lambdamax for Guo approached that found fr dGuo. On the other hand, the value of the binding constant (approximately6500 M-1) and the nature of the difference spectra for Guo and dGuo binding with lambdamax-carboxymethyl-glutamate-58-ribonuclease T1 at pH 5.0 were identical. These results suggest that the discrete interaction of the Guo 2'-hydroxyl group with ribonuclease T1 involves the lambda-carboxylate of glutamate-58 and an imidazolium group at the active site.  相似文献   

Antigen-specific anti-phosphocholine antibodies: binding site studies   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The present investigation extends our initial evaluation of the evolution of antigen selection mechanisms for antibodies of a "single" specificity. The binding sites of 11 mouse anti-PC antibodies produced in response to the bacterium P. morganii or the nematode A. suum were characterized for both hapten and hapten plus carrier specificity. All of the anti-P. morganii HP belonged to the M603 anti-PC antibody family, whereas all the A. suum HP belonged to the M511 family. Of the eight anti-P. morganii HP, six exhibited a fine specificity profile for PC and choline analogues only slightly different from M603 Id+ HP induced by S. pneumoniae and PC-protein. These six and a seventh HP, whose hapten binding profile was unique, were also unusual in showing strong reactivity for a soluble PC containing extract from P. morganii. All three anti-A. suum-specific HP studied in detail had hapten-binding profiles remarkably similar to each other, a finding that is in contrast to M511 Id+ HP to S. pneumoniae and PC-protein. All three HP also showed evidence for preferential binding activity for A. suum, although this was not as dramatic as that seen with the anti-P. morganii HP. These data support our hypothesis that antigen selection of anti-PC antibodies occurs not so much for PC itself as it does for the carrier (microbial) determinants to which PC is attached.  相似文献   

In ligand binding studies, it is often difficult to apply kinetic analyses because of an uncertainty in experimental data obtained at high ligand concentrations. Under such circumstances, Kd value (an index of the affinity) and the binding site concentration may be estimated more accurately from the binding of a fixed concentration of labelled ligand observed in the presence of various concentrations of the non-labelled ligand, if the fraction of both labelled and non-labelled ligand bound is small. When there is no cooperative effect of the ligand binding, the Kd value may be calculated by subtracting the concentration of the labelled drug from the concentration of the non-labelled drug to cause a 50% reduction of the saturable binding of the labelled drug. From above values, the binding site concentration may be calculated. The proposed method is capable of examining the cooperativity of the ligand binding, the labelled drug concentration and the specific radioactivity of the labelled drug and does not require large amounts of the labelled drug.  相似文献   

Based on the lack of correlation between the ability of various hexoses to serve as substrate and the ability of the corresponding hexose 6-phosphates to inhibit brain hexokinase (ATP:D-hexose 6-phosphotransferase, EC, R. K. Crane and A. Sols (1954, J. Biol. Chem. 210, 597-606) proposed that this enzyme possesses two discrete sites capable of binding hexose moieties, one serving as the substrate binding site and a second, regulatory in function, to which inhibitory 6-phosphates bind. Subsequent work has provided further experimental support for this proposal. The pioneering work by Crane and Sols focused primarily on the specificity of these sites with respect to requirements for orientation of hydroxyl substituents at the various positions of the pyranose ring. The present study explores additional aspects of the specificity of these sites, namely, the effect of substitution of a sulfur atom in place of the oxygen in the pyranose ring on ability to serve as substrate or inhibitor, and the effect of modification in charge of the substituent at the 6-position on inhibitory effectiveness. 5-Thioglucose is a linear competitive (versus glucose) inhibitor of rat brain hexokinase, with a Ki of about 0.2 mM, and is a linear mixed inhibitor (versus ATP), with Ki values in this same range. 5-Thioglucose is not, however, readily phosphorylated by brain hexokinase. Thus, although 5-thioglucose binds with moderate affinity to the glucose binding site, it is not effectively used as a substrate of the enzyme. Inhibition of brain hexokinase by glucose 6-phosphate or its analogs has been found to require a dianionic substituent at the 6-position. The 6-fluorophosphate derivative and glucose 6-sulfate are poor inhibitors of the enzyme, and the Ki for inhibition by 1,5-anhydroglucitol 6-phosphate increases markedly at pH values below the pK of the 6-phosphate group, indicating that the monoanionic form is ineffective as an inhibitor. In contrast to the detrimental effect that substitution of the oxygen atom in the pyranose ring with a sulfur has on ability to serve as substrate, 5-thio analogs are considerably more effective as inhibitors, the Ki for inhibition by 5-thioglucose 6-phosphate being 10-fold lower than that seen with glucose 6-phosphate. This effect of the heteroatom substitution can partially offset the decreased inhibition resulting from monoanionic character at the 6-position, but the 6-fluorophosphate derivative of 5-thioglucose 6-phosphate still inhibits with a Ki about 1000-fold greater than that seen with 5-thioglucose 6-phosphate.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Radioligand binding studies were performed in order to elucidate the mechanism of action of anxiolytic-neuroleptic homophthalazines. Rat striatal membrane preparations were found to bind 3H-EGIS 6775 [3H-GYKI-52 322, 3H-(1-(4-aminophenyl)-4-methyl-7,8-dimethoxy-5H-homophthalazine)] in a specific and displaceable manner. Several other brain regions tested were devoid of similar binding activity. Saturation analysis revealed that binding affinity was in the 10(-8)-10(-7) M range. Binding was enhanced by Mg2+ ions and, to a smaller extent by Ca2+ ions. The binding principle was sensitive to heat or trypsin treatment. This specific binding site appears, according to competition studies, different from the receptors whose presence in the rat striatum has been reported earlier.  相似文献   

Binding studies of SV40 T-antigen to SV40 binding site II.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
SV40 T-Antigen binding site II was synthesized, cloned and analyzed for its ability to bind purified SV40 T-antigen. We report the binding constant of T-antigen for isolated site II. Using a filter binding assay the calculated binding constant was 6-8 fold less efficient than site I previously reported. Binding constants were calculated using two methods. The first was a direct calculation using a protein titration curve (KD). The second was by the ratio of measured association and dissociation rates. Both methods gave similar constants. Protection studies with SV40 T-antigen on the T-antigen binding sites in the wild-type array demonstrated that the binding constants of site I and site II are similar to those calculated for the individual sites. These results demonstrate that SV40 T-antigen does not bind cooperatively to sites one and two as earlier believed and are in agreement with recent observations emanating from several laboratories.  相似文献   

The tRNA(Gm18) methyltransferase (TrmH) catalyzes the 2'-O methylation of guanosine 18 (Gua18) of tRNA. We solved the crystal structure of Thermus thermophilus TrmH complexed with S-adenosyl-L-methionine at 1.85 A resolution. The catalytic domain contains a deep trefoil knot, which mutational analyses revealed to be crucial for the formation of the catalytic site and the cofactor binding pocket. The tRNA dihydrouridine(D)-arm can be docked onto the dimeric TrmH, so that the tRNA D-stem is clamped by the N- and C-terminal helices from one subunit while the Gua18 is modified by the other subunit. Arg41 from the other subunit enters the catalytic site and forms a hydrogen bond with a bound sulfate ion, an RNA main chain phosphate analog, thus activating its nucleophilic state. Based on Gua18 modeling onto the active site, we propose that once Gua18 binds, the phosphate group activates Arg41, which then deprotonates the 2'-OH group for methylation.  相似文献   

In investigating the agonist binding site of the human brain cholecystokininB receptor (CCKBR), we employed the direct protein chemical approach using a photoreactive tritiated analogue of sulfated cholecystokinin octapeptide, which contains the p-benzoylbenzoyl moiety at the N-terminus, followed by purification of the affinity-labeled receptor to homogeneity. This probe bound specifically, saturably, and with high affinity (KD = 1.2 nM) to the CCKBR and has full agonistic activity. As the starting material for receptor purification, we used stably transfected HEK 293 cells overexpressing functional CCKBR. Covalent labeling of the WGA-lectin-enriched receptor revealed a 70-80 kDa glycoprotein with a protein core of about 50 kDa. Identification of the agonist binding site was achieved by the application of subsequent chemical and enzymatical cleavage to the purified receptor. A radiolabeled peptide was identified by Edman degradation amino acid sequence analysis combined with MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. The position of the radioactive probe within the identified peptide was determined using combined tandem electrospray mass spectrometry and peptide mapping. The probe was covalently attached within the sequence L52ELAIRITLY61 that represents the transition between the N-terminal domain and predicted transmembrane domain 1. Using this interaction as a constraint to orientate the ligand within the putative receptor binding site, a model of the CCK-8s-occupied CCKBR was constructed. The hormone was found to be placed in a binding pocket built from both extracellular and transmembrane domains of CCKBR with its N-terminus mainly interacting with residues Arg57 and Tyr61.  相似文献   

Erythrocyte ankyrin is a member of a family of proteins that mediate the linkage between membrane proteins and the underlying spectrin-actin-based cytoskeleton. Ankyrin has been shown to interact with a variety of integral membrane proteins such as the anion exchanger, the Na+K(+)-ATPase, and the voltage-dependent sodium channel (NaCh) in brain. To understand how ankyrin interacts with these proteins and maintains its specificity and high affinity for the voltage-dependent NaCh, we have mapped the binding site on ankyrin for the NaCh by examining the binding of purified ankyrin subfragments, prepared by proteolytic cleavage, to the purified rat brain NaCh incorporated into liposomes. 125I-Labeled ankyrin and the radiolabeled 89- and 43-kDa fragments of ankyrin bind to the NaCh with high affinities and with Kd values of 34, 22, and 63 nM, respectively, and have stoichiometries of approximately 1 mol/mol NaCh. The 72-kDa spectrin binding domain is inactive and does not bind to the NaCh. Dissection of ankyrin reveals that the 43-kDa domain retains all the binding properties of native ankyrin to the NaCh. Analysis of the primary structure reveals that the NaCh binding site is confined to a domain of ankyrin consisting entirely of the 11 terminal 33-amino acid repeats and is distinct from the ankyrin domains that interact with spectrin and the Na+K(+)-ATPase.  相似文献   

A glucose analog, N-(bromoacetyl)-D-glucosamine (GlcNBrAc), previously used to label the glucose binding sites of rat muscle Type II and bovine brain Type I hexokinases, also inactivates rat brain hexokinase (ATP:D-hexose 6-phosphotransferase, EC with pseudo-first-order kinetics. Inactivation occurs predominantly via a "specific" pathway involving formation of a complex between hexokinase and GlcNBrAc, but significant nonspecific (i.e., without prior complex formation) inactivation also occurs, and equations to describe this behavior are derived. Inactivation is dependent on deprotonation of a residue with an alkaline pKa, consistent with the modified residue being a sulfhydryl group as reported to be the case with the hexokinase of bovine brain. The affinity label modifies three residues (per molecule of enzyme) at indistinguishable rates, but only one of these residues appears to be critical for activity. Amino acid analysis of the modified enzyme indicates derivatization of three cysteine residues; there was no indication of modification of other residues potentially reactive with haloacetyl derivatives. Kinetic analysis and effects of protective ligands were consistent with location of the critical sulfhydryl at the glucose binding site. Peptide mapping techniques permitted localization of the critical residue, and thus the glucose binding site, in a 40-kDa domain at the C-terminus of the enzyme. This is the same domain recently shown to include the ATP binding site. Thus, catalytic function is assigned to the C-terminal domain of rat brain hexokinase.  相似文献   

8-Azido-ATP serves as a substrate for rat brain hexokinase (ATP:D-hexose 6-phosphotransferase, EC Irradiation of hexokinase in the presence of this photoactivatable ATP analog results in inactivation of the enzyme. ATP and hexose 6-phosphates (Glc-6-P, 1,5-anhydroglucitol-6-P) previously shown to competitively inhibit nucleotide binding protect the enzyme from photoinactivation; other hexose 6-phosphates do not. Hexoses (Glc, Man) previously shown to enhance nucleotide binding also protect against photoinactivation; other hexoses do not. These effects of hexoses and hexose 6-phosphates can be interpreted in terms of the conformational changes previously shown to result from the binding of these ligands and to influence the characteristics of the nucleotide binding site (M. Baijal and J. E. Wilson (1982) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 218, 513-524). Limited tryptic cleavage of the enzyme produces three major fragments having molecular weights of about 10K, 40K, and 50K, and thought to represent major structural domains within the enzyme (P. G. Polakis and J. E. Wilson (1984) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 234, 341-352). Tryptic cleavage of the enzyme, photoinactivated in the presence of 14C-labeled azido-ATP, discloses prominent labeling of the 10K and 40K domains, which are known to originate from the N- and C-terminal regions, respectively. Labeling of the 40K domain is influenced by ligands in a manner that corresponds to the effectiveness of these ligands in protecting against photoinactivation whereas labeling of the 10K domain is not affected by these same ligands. It is concluded that the 40K domain includes the binding site for nucleotide substrates. More refined two-dimensional peptide mapping techniques demonstrate that the predominant site of labeling is a peptide segment, molecular weight approximately 20K, that is located in the central and/or C-terminal region of the 40K domain. Labeling of the 10K domain is attributed to nonspecific interaction of azido-ATP with the hydrophobic sequence shown to be located at the N-terminus of brain hexokinase (P. G. Polakis and J. E. Wilson (1985) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 236, 328-337).  相似文献   

Binding sites for thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) were labelled with [3H](2-Me-His3)TRH ([3H]MeTRH) on membranes from rat brain regions at 0°C for 5 h. Amygdaloid membranes bound [3H]MeTRH with high-affinity (K d=3.1±0.5 nM (n=4)). Five TRH analogs competed for this binding with the same rank order and with affinities that matched the pharmacological specificity of pituitary TRH receptors. Substance P (SP) and its C-terminal fragments reduced amygdaloid TRH receptor binding in a concentration dependent manner (IC50 for SP=65 M). The rank order of potency of SP analogs at inhibiting TRH receptor binding was: SP>nonapeptide (3–11)>hexapeptide (6–11)>heptapeptide (5–11)>pentapeptide (7–11). However, other tachykinins were inactive in this system. SP was a potent inhibitor of [3H]MeTRH binding in hippocampus> spinal cord>retina>n. accumbens>hypothalamus>amygdaloid>olfactory bulb pituitary>pons/medulla in parallel assays. In amygdaloid membranes SP (50 M) reduced the apparent maximum receptor density by 39% (p<0.01) without altering the binding affinity, and 100 M SP induced a biphasic dissociation of [3H]MeTRH with kinetics faster than those induced by both TRH (10 M) and serotonin (100 M). In contrast, other neuropeptides such as neurotensin, proctolin, angiotensin II, bombesin and luteinizing hormone releasing hormone did not significantly inhibit [3H]MeTRH binding to amydaloid membranes. Thus, the SP site with low affinity in the rat brain is not like any of the previously described tachykinin/neurokinin binding sites but resembles the site found on neuroblastoma cells (108CC15) and on adrenal chromaffin cells that modulate cation permeability and nicotinic receptors respectively. The physiological role of these atypical SP sites in the rat brain remains to be determined.A preliminary account of these studies has been presented to the British Pharmacological Society (9).  相似文献   

The Tetrahymena group I intron catalyzes self-splicing through two consecutive transesterification reactions, using a single guanosine-binding site (GBS). In this study, we constructed a model RNA that contains the GBS and a conserved guanosine nucleotide at the 3'-terminus of the intron (omegaG). We determined by NMR the solution structure of this model RNA, and revealed the guanosine binding mechanism of the group I intron. The G22 residue, corresponding to omegaG, participates in a base triple, G22 xx G3 x C12, hydrogen-bonding to the major groove edge of the Watson-Crick G3 x C12 pair. The G22 residue also interacts with A2, which is semi-conserved in all sequenced group I introns.  相似文献   

L D Ward  S N Timasheff 《Biochemistry》1988,27(5):1508-1514
The high-affinity metal divalent cation Mg2+, associated with the exchangeable guanosine 5'-triphosphate (GTP) binding site (E site) on purified tubulin, has been replaced by the transition metal ion Co2+ on tubulin as well as on the tubulin-colchicine, tubulin-allocolchicine and tubulin-8-anilino-1-naphthalenesulfonic acid (tubulin-ANS) complexes. While pure native tubulin readily incorporated 0.8 atom of Co2+ per tubulin alpha-beta dimer, incorporation was reduced to 0.4 atom of Co2+ per mole of tubulin when it was complexed with colchicine, indicating that the conformational change induced in tubulin by the binding of colchicine leads to a reduced accessibility of the divalent cation binding site linked to the E site without necessarily changing the intrinsic binding constant. The fluorescence emission spectra of tubulin-bound colchicine, allocolchicine, and ANS displayed a strong overlap with the Co2+ absorption spectrum, identifying these as adequate donor-acceptor pairs. Fluorescence energy-transfer measurements were carried out between tubulin-bound colchicine (or allocolchicine) and ANS as donors and tubulin-complexed Co2+ as acceptor. It was found that the distance between the ANS and the high-affinity divalent cation binding sites is greater than 28 A, while that between the colchicine and the divalent cation binding sites is greater than 24 A.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In ligand binding studies, it is often difficult to apply kinetic analyses because of an uncertainty in experimental data obtained at high ligand concentrations. Under such circumstances, Kd value (an index of the affinity) and the binding site concentration may be estimated more accurately from the binding of a fixed concentration of labelled ligand observed in the presence of various concentrations of the non-labelled ligand, if the fraction of both labelled and non-labelled ligand bound is small. When there is no cooperative effect of the ligand binding, the Kd value may be calculated by subtracting the concentration of the labelled drug from the concentration of the non-labelled drug to cause a 50% reduction of the saturable binding of the labelled drug. From above values, the binding site concentration may be calculated. The proposed method is capable of examining the cooperativity of the ligand binding, the labelled drug concentration and the specific radioactivity of the labelled drug and does not require large amounts of the labelled drug.  相似文献   

Temperature-jump relaxation kinetic studies were undertaken at 25 degrees C with ribonuclease T1 (RNase T1) alone and in the presence of guanosine (Guo) and 3'-guanylic acid (3'-GMP). No relaxations were observed in the absence of ligands and only one process was observed in their presence which reflected a simple on-off reaction in both cases. Apparent association rate constants, k(on), and dissociation rate constants, k(off), were evaluated at several pH values and their ratios, k(on)/k(off), were contrasted with independently determined values of the equilibrium association constant, Ka(eq). The value of k(on)/k(off) for Guo was significantly greater than Ka(eq), whereas Ka(eq) was significantly greater than k(on)/k(off) for 3'-GMP. The simplest interpretation of the result for Guo is that free RNase T1 undergoes a relatively slow undetected isomerization and Guo can bind only with one isomer. 3'-GMP can be considered to bind with the same preference, but in this case the initial enzyme complex undergoes a relatively slow undetected isomerization. These results are consistent with a recent NMR study which suggested that RNase T1 binding with Guo and 3'-GMP are coupled to slow exchange processes in a ligand dependent manner (Shimada, I. and Inagaki, F. (1990) Biochemistry 29, 757-764). It is tentatively concluded that binding of Guo and 3'-GMP at the active site of RNase T1 is limited to a sub-population of conformers involving the base-recognition site and that the phosphomonoester group of the nucleotide can engage in additional conformationally linked interactions at the adjacent catalytic site.  相似文献   

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