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Proteins that are modified by chemical conjugation require at least two separate purification processes. First the bulk protein is purified, and then after chemical conjugation, a second purification process is required to obtain the modified protein. In an effort to develop new enabling technologies to integrate bioprocessing and protein modification, we describe the use of disulfide‐bridging conjugation to conduct PEGylation during protein refolding. Preliminary experiments using a PEG‐mono‐sulfone reagent with partially unfolded leptin and unfolded RNAse T1 indicated that the cysteine thiols underwent disulfide‐bridging conjugation to give the PEGylated proteins. Interferon‐β1b (IFN‐β1b) was then expressed in E.coli as inclusion bodies and found to undergo disulfide bridging‐conjugation during refolding. The PEG‐IFN‐β1b was isolated by ion‐exchange chromatography and displayed in vitro biological activity. In the absence of the PEGylation reagent, IFN‐β1b refolding was less efficient and yielded protein aggregates. No PEGylation was observed if the cysteines on IFN‐β1b were first modified with iodoacetamide prior to refolding. Our results demonstrate that the simultaneous refolding and disulfide bridging PEGylation of proteins could be a useful strategy in the development of affordable modified protein therapeutics.  相似文献   

Current purification of the glycoprotein equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) from horse serum includes consecutive precipitation steps beginning with metaphosphoric acid pH fractionation, two ethanol precipitation steps, and dialysis followed by a numerous of fixed‐bed chromatography steps up to the specific activity required. A promising procedure for a more economic purification procedure represents a simplified precipitation process requiring only onethird of the solvent, followed by the usage of magnetic ion exchange adsorbents employed together with a newly designed ‘rotor‐stator’ type High Gradient Magnetic Fishing (HGMF) system for large‐scale application, currently up to 100 g of magnetic adsorbents. Initially, the separation process design was optimized for binding and elution conditions for the target protein in mL scale. Subsequently, the magnetic filter for particle separation was characterized. Based on these results, a purification process for eCG was designed consisting of (i) pretreatment of the horse serum; (ii) binding of the target protein to magnetic ion exchange adsorbents in a batch reactor; (iii) recovery of loaded functionalized adsorbents from the pretreated solution using HGMF; (iv) washing of loaded adsorbents to remove unbound proteins; (v) elution of the target protein. Finally, the complete HGMF process was automated and conducted with either multiple single‐cycles or multicycle operation of four sequential cycles, using batches of pretreated serum of up to 20 L. eCG purification with yields of approximately 53% from single HGMF cycles and up to 80% from multicycle experiments were reached, with purification and concentration factors of around 2,500 and 6.7, respectively. © 2014 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 31:78–89, 2015  相似文献   

Porcine trypsin was glycated with glucose and covalently immobilized through its carboxyl groups onto aminated glass beads to produce porcine immobilized glycated-trypsin (IGT). On incubation at 60 °C and pH 8, IGT retained its full activity for 8 h and 50% of its activity after 24 h. In comparison, under the same conditions porcine native trypsin lost 80% of its activity in 2 h and was completely inactivated in less than 4 h. The rate of autolysis of porcine glycated-trypsin at 37 °C was 40% that of native trypsin and with IGT there was no significant autolysis, even at elevated temperatures as high as 60 °C. Glycation significantly increased the stability of trypsin and immobilization also significantly increased the stability of trypsin. The remarkable thermostability of IGT is attributed to a synergistic effect when these two modifications are combined. Tryptic fragmentation of denatured proteins with IGT can be performed at 60 °C for shorter digestion times and with smaller amounts of enzyme than normally employed to achieve complete digestion with soluble forms of trypsin. Prior denaturation of proteins for tryptic digestion is not required with IGT as in situ denaturation and digestion can be achieved simultaneously at 60 °C with an enzyme:protein mass ratio as low as 1:1000.  相似文献   

We present a straightforward method to create spatial gradients of substrate bound protein for live cell studies using only mechanical parts. Protein concentration gradients on a micron scale can be fabricated in several minutes for a relatively low cost using a method that is generally applicable to any protein and substrate combination. We describe the details of the device construction, and provide examples of mammalian cells grown on substrates patterned with protein concentration gradients using this technique.  相似文献   

A universally applicable labelling and purification process was established to prepare biologically active proteins with a stoichiometric 1:1 ratio of attached dye-label. The dye-label is linked to a specific DNA sequence, which acts as a barcode-like tag for affinity purification. The DNA-dye tag is covalently bound to the target protein, which is present in excess to assure the binding of not more than one dye per molecule. Affinity purification occurs at magnetic beads that are functionalized with oligonucleotides that are complementary to the DNA-tag of the labelled proteins but for one or two mismatches. Washing removes all unbound, unlabelled molecules. The labelled protein is subsequently released by the addition of a fully complementary oligonucleotide. This process allows a gentle purification of a protein fraction that has exactly one label attached to each molecule under conditions that preserve protein structure.  相似文献   

Magnetic separation processes are known as integrated bioanalytical protein purification method since decades and are well described. However, use of magnetic separation processes in a regulated industrial production environment has been prevented by the lack of suitable process equipment and prejudice against the productivity of the process and its qualification for cleaning‐in‐place operation. With the aim of overcoming this prejudice, a comprehensive process development approach is presented, based on a GMP‐compliant magnetic separator, including an optimization of the batch adsorption process, implementation into a technical‐scale, and the development and validation of cleaning routines for the device. By the implementation of a two‐step counter‐current binding process, it was possible to raise the yields of the magnetic separation process even for very low concentrated targets in a vast surplus of competing proteins, like the hormone equine chorionic gonadotropin in serum, from 74% to over 95%. For the validation of the cleaning process, a direct surface swabbing method combined with a total organic carbon analysis was established for the determination of two model contaminants. The cleanability of the process equipment was proven for both model contaminants by reliably meeting the 10 ppm criteria.  相似文献   

Glycosylated proteins on the cell surface have been shown to be essential for cell-cell interactions in development and differentiation. Our ultimate goal is to identify Asn-linked oligosaccharides that are directly involved in these critical in vivo functions. Because such oligosaccharides would be expected to reside on the integral plasma membrane proteins, and conventional two-dimensional gel techniques are ineffective at separating such proteins, we have developed a new approach to their identification on a proteomics scale from Caenorhabditis elegans. Membrane proteins are solubilized in guanidine-HCl, precipitated, and digested with trypsin. The glycopeptides are then separated by lectin chromatography. Next, glycopeptidase F digestion removes the oligosaccharides from the peptides and converts to Asp each Asn to which one was attached. The peptides are then analyzed by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization quadrupole time-of-flight (MALDI-Q-TOF) mass spectrometry. Thus, the membrane glycoproteins are identified through the sequence tags of these peptides and the conversion of at least one deduced Asn residue to Asp at the Asn-X-Ser/Thr consensus sequence. To validate the utility of this approach, we have identified 13 membrane-bound N-glycosylated proteins from the major peaks observed on MALDI-Q-TOF analysis of our total glycopeptide fraction.  相似文献   

Constructing anti-fouling and self-cleaning membrane surfaces based on covalent attachment of trypsin on poly(methacrylic acid)-graft-polyethersulfone (PMAA-g-PES) membrane was reported. The carboxylic acid groups enriched on asymmetric PMAA-g-PES membrane surface were activated with 1-ethyl-(3-3-dimethylaminopropyl)-carbodiimide hydrochloride (EDC)/N-hydroxysuccinimide (NHS) and employed as chemical anchors for the conjugation with amino groups of trypsin. Activity assays showed that such chemically immobilized trypsin was much more active and stable than that of the physically adsorbed counterpart. Trypsin covalently attached on membrane surface could substantially resist protein fouling in dynamic flow process. The considerable enhancement of protein solution permeation flux was observed as a consequence of rapid enzymatic degradation of protein deposited onto membrane surface. The permeation flux of the membrane could be recovered upon simple hydraulic flush after protein filtration, suggesting superior self-cleaning property. After multi-cycle BSA filtration over 15-day period, the active self-cleaning membrane maintained more than 95.0% of its initial flux.  相似文献   

Insoluble expression of heterologous proteins in Escherichia coli is a major bottleneck of many structural genomics and high-throughput protein biochemistry projects. Many of these proteins may be amenable to refolding, but their identification is hampered by a lack of high-throughput methods. We have developed a matrix-assisted refolding approach in which correctly folded proteins are distinguished from misfolded proteins by their elution from affinity resin under non-denaturing conditions. Misfolded proteins remain adhered to the resin, presumably via hydrophobic interactions. The assay can be applied to insoluble proteins on an individual basis but is particularly well suited for high-throughput applications because it is rapid, automatable and has no rigorous sample preparation requirements. The efficacy of the screen is demonstrated on small-scale expression samples for 15 proteins. Refolding is then validated by large-scale expressions using SEC and circular dichroism.  相似文献   

We report here the results of elastic incoherent neutron scattering experiments on three globular proteins (trypsin, lysozyme and β-lactoglobulin) in different pressure intervals ranging from 1 bar to 5.5 kbar. A decrease of the mean square hydrogen fluctuations, 〈u2〉, has been observed upon increasing pressure. Trypsin and β-lactoglobulin behave similarly while lysozyme shows much larger changes in 〈u2〉. This can be related to different steps in the denaturing processes and to the high propensity of lysozyme to form amyloids. Elastic incoherent neutron scattering has proven to be an effective microscopic technique for the investigation of pressure induced changes in protein flexibility.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine whether exposure to magnetic fields (MFs) relevant for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in clinical routine influences cell cycle progression in two tumor cell lines in vitro. HL60 and EA2 cells were exposed to four types of MFs: (i) static MF of 1.5 and 7.05 T, (ii) extremely low frequency magnetic gradient fields (ELFMGFs) with +/- 10 mT/m and 100 Hz, as well as +/- 100 mT/m and 100 Hz, (iii) pulsed high frequency MF in the radiofrequency (RF) range (63.6 MHz, 5.8 microT), and (iv) a combination of (i-iii). Exposure periods ranged from 1 to 24 h. Cell cycle distribution (G(0)/G(1), S, and G(2)/M phases) was analyzed by flow cytometry. Cell cycle analysis did not reveal differences between the exposed and the control cells. As expected, positive controls with irradiated (8 Gy) HL60 and EA2 cells showed a strong G(2)/M arrest. Using conditions that are relevant for patients during MRI, no influence of MFs on cell cycle progression was observed in these cell lines. Care was taken to control secondary parameters of influence, such as vibration by the MR scanner or temperature to avoid false positive results.  相似文献   

Protein backbone dynamics is often characterized using model-free analysis of three sets of 15N relaxation data: longitudinal relaxation rate (R 1), transverse relaxation rate (R 2), and 15N–{H} NOE values. Since the experimental data is limited, a simplified model-free spectral density function is often used that contains one Lorentzian describing overall rotational correlation but not one describing internal motion. The simplified spectral density function may be also used in estimating the overall rotational correlation time, by making the R 2/R 1 largely insensitive to internal motions, as well as used as one of the choices in the model selection protocol. However, such approximation may not be valid for analysis of relaxation data of large proteins recorded at high magnetic field strengths since the contribution to longitudinal relaxation from the Lorentzian describing the overall rotational diffusion of the molecule is comparably small relative to that describing internal motion. Here, we quantitatively estimate the errors introduced by the use of the simplified spectral density in model-free analysis for large proteins at high magnetic field strength.  相似文献   

The magnetic flux density of MRI for clinical diagnosis has been steadily increasing. However, there remains very little biological data regarding the effect of strong static magnetic fields (SMFs) on human health. To evaluate the effects of strong SMFs on biological systems, we cultured insulin-secreting cells under exposure to sham and SMF conditions (3-10 T of magnetic flux density, and 0-41.7 T/m of magnetic field gradient) for 0.5 or 1 h, and analyzed insulin secretion, mRNA expression, glucose-stimulated insulin secretion, insulin content, cell proliferation and cell number. Exposure to SMF with a high magnetic field gradient for 1 h significantly increased insulin secretion and insulin 1 mRNA expression. Exposure to SMF with a high magnetic flux density for 0.5 h significantly enhanced responsiveness to glucose stimulation. Exposure to SMF did not affect the insulin content, cell proliferation or cell number. Our results suggested that MRI systems with a higher magnetic flux density might not cause cell proliferative or functional damages on insulin-secreting cells, and that SMF with a high magnetic field gradient might be used clinically after thorough in vivo investigations are conducted.  相似文献   

We describe a mass spectrometric method for distinguishing between free and modified forms of the C‐terminal carboxyl group of peptides and proteins, in combination with chemical approaches for the isolation of C‐terminal peptides and site‐specific derivatization of the C‐terminal carboxyl group. This method could most advantageously be exploited to discriminate between peptides having C‐terminal carboxyl groups in the free (COOH) and amide (CONH2) forms by increasing their mass difference from 1 to 14 Da by selectively converting the free carboxyl group into methylamide (CONHCH3). This method has been proven to be applicable to peptides containing aspartic and glutamic acids, because all the carboxyl groups except the C‐terminal one are inert to derivatization, according to oxazolone chemistry. The efficiency of the method is illustrated by a comparison of the peaks of processed peptides obtained from a mixture of adrenomedullin, calcitonin, and BSA. Among these components of the mixture, only the C‐terminal peptide of BSA exhibited the mass shift of 13 Da upon treatment, eventually unambiguously validating the C‐terminal amide structures of adrenomedullin and calcitonin. The possibility of extending this method for the analysis of C‐terminal PTMs is also discussed.  相似文献   

Magnetic nanoparticles prepared from an alkaline solution of divalent and trivalent iron ions could covalently bind protein via the activation ofN-ethyl-N-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide (EDC). Trypsin and avidin were taken as the model proteins for the formation of protein-nanoparticle conjugates. The immobilized yield of protein increased with molar ratio of EDC/nanoparticle. Higher concentrations of added protein could yield higher immobilized protein densities on the particles. In contrast to EDC, the yields of protein immobilization via the activation of cyanamide were relatively lower. Nanoparticles bound with avidin could attach a single-stranded DNA through the avidin-biotin interaction and hybridize with a DNA probe. The DNA hybridization was confirmed by fluorescence microscopy observations. Immobilized DNA on nanoparticles by this technique may have widespread applicability to the detection of specific nucleic acid sequence and targeting of DNA to particular cells.  相似文献   

Construction and microscopic imaging of protein fusions to green fluorescent protein (GFP) have revolutionised our understanding of bacterial structure and function. We have undertaken a systematic study of the localisation of over 100 Bacillus subtilis proteins, following the development of high-throughput construction and analysis procedures. We focused on proteins linked in various ways to the DNA replication machinery, as well as on proteins exemplifying a range of other cellular functions and structures. The results validate the approach as a way of obtaining systematic protein localisation information. They also provide a range of novel biological insights, particularly through the identification of a number of proteins not previously known to be associated with the DNA replication factory.  相似文献   

目的:开发冻干人用狂犬病疫苗(鸡胚成纤维细胞)的连续流蔗糖密度梯度离心纯化工艺。方法:分别比较两种不同初始蔗糖浓度和不同上样速度对纯化效果的影响,初步确定纯化工艺;通过多批次实验确定样品收集范围;比较不同浓缩倍数条件下杂质去除和抗原回收情况,确定合适的收获液浓缩比例;比较不同批次样品纯化后的杂质去除率和重复性,判定本纯化工艺的稳定性。结果:选取60%作为初始蔗糖浓度,在上样速度为150~200ml/min时,可以有效地对10倍浓缩的病毒收获液进行纯化;卵清蛋白、牛血清白蛋白和庆大霉素去除率分别达到99%,95%和95%,且工艺具有极好的稳定性。结论:开发的连续流蔗糖密度梯度离心技术可以作为冻干人用狂犬病疫苗(鸡胚成纤维细胞)的产业化纯化工艺。  相似文献   

Summary A novel protocol for isotopically labeling bacterially expressed proteins is presented. This method circumvents problems related to poor cell growth, commonly associated with the use of minimal labeled media, and problems with protein induction encountered, less commonly, when using enriched labeled media. The method involves initially growing the bacterial cells to high optical density in a commercially available enriched labeled medium. Following a suitable growth period, the cells are transferred to a different (minimal) labeled medium, appropriate for induction. The method is demonstrated using the protein melanoma growth stimulating activity (MGSA).  相似文献   

MassMatrix is a program that matches tandem mass spectra with theoretical peptide sequences derived from a protein database. The program uses a mass accuracy sensitive probabilistic score model to rank peptide matches. The MS/MS search software was evaluated by use of a high mass accuracy dataset and its results compared with those from MASCOT, SEQUEST, X!Tandem, and OMSSA. For the high mass accuracy data, MassMatrix provided better sensitivity than MASCOT, SEQUEST, X!Tandem, and OMSSA for a given specificity and the percentage of false positives was 2%. More importantly all manually validated true positives corresponded to a unique peptide/spectrum match. The presence of decoy sequence and additional variable PTMs did not significantly affect the results from the high mass accuracy search. MassMatrix performs well when compared with MASCOT, SEQUEST, X!Tandem, and OMSSA with regard to search time. MassMatrix was also run on a distributed memory clusters and achieved search speeds of ~100 000 spectra per hour when searching against a complete human database with eight variable modifications. The algorithm is available for public searches at http://www.massmatrix.net.  相似文献   

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