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We previously identified the novel gene, periodontal ligament-associated protein-1 (PLAP-1)/asporin and reported that PLAP-1/asporin inhibited bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2)-induced cytodifferentiation of periodontal ligament (PDL) cells probably by direct interaction with BMP-2. Here, we elucidated the detailed regulatory mechanism of this protein on BMP-2-induced cytodifferentiation of PDL cells. Recombinant PLAP-1/asporin inhibited BMP-2-induced cytodifferentiation of PDL cells and competitively prevented BMP-2 from binding to the BMP receptor-IB (BMPR-IB), resulting in inhibition of BMP-dependent activation of Smad proteins. The induction of mutation to the leucine-rich repeat (LRR) motif, especially LRR5, within PLAP-1/asporin rescued the inhibitory effect of PLAP-1/asporin on BMP-2. By contrast, a 26-amino acid peptide in the PLAP-1/asporin LRR5 sequence inhibited BMP-2 activity. Our findings indicate that PLAP-1/asporin inhibits BMP-2-induced differentiation of PDL cells resulting from inactivation of the BMP-2 signaling pathway and that LRR, especially LRR5 of PLAP-1/asporin, plays an important role in the PLAP-1/asporin-BMP-2 interaction.  相似文献   

The S-locus F-box (SLF/SFB) protein, recently identified as the pollen determinant of S-RNase-based self-incompatibility (SI) in Solanaceae, Scrophulariaceae and Rosaceae, has been proposed to serve as the subunit of an SCF (SKP1-CUL1-F-box) ubiquitin ligase and to target its pistil counterpart S-RNase during the SI response. However, the underlying mechanism is still in dispute, and the putative SLF-binding SKP1-equivalent protein remains unknown. Here, we report the identification of AhSSK1, Antirrhinum hispanicumSLF-interacting SKP1-like1, using a yeast two-hybrid screen against a pollen cDNA library. GST pull-down assays confirmed the SSK1-SLF interaction, and showed that AhSSK1 could connect AhSLF to a CUL1-like protein. AhSSK1, despite having a similar secondary structure to other SKP1-like proteins, appeared quite distinctive in sequence and unique in a phylogenetic analysis, in which no SSK1 ortholog could be predicted in the sequenced genomes of Arabidopsis and rice. Thus, our results suggest that the pollen-specific SSK1 could be recruited exclusively as the adaptor of putative SCF(SLF) in those plants with S-RNase-based SI, providing an important clue to dissecting the function of the pollen determinant.  相似文献   

Previously we reported that CFL-1, the single LRR-type F-box protein in the Caenorhabditis elegans genome, affected defecation behavior and daumone response. CFL-1 is highly homologous to the FBXL20 in mammals, which regulates synaptic vesicle release by targeting its substrate Rim1 for ubiquitin-mediated degradation. The worm homolog of Rim1 is UNC-10, a presynaptic membrane protein that triggers synaptic vesicle fusion through interaction with RAB-3 GTPase. To examine if CFL-1 exerts its modulatory effect on the defecation and daumone response via ubiquitination of UNC-10, we performed RNAi knock-down of CFL-1 in the unc-10(e102) mutant background. We noticed additive increase in defecation interval when the activities of both CFL-1 and UNC-10 were compromised. Also, the degree of dauer formation upon daumone treatment in unc-10 mutants treated with CFL-1 RNAi decreased further than the level observed in untreated mutants or wild type N2 worms with CFL-1 RNAi knock-down. Our data suggest that CFL-1 affects defecation frequency and daumone response in C. elegans through the ubiquitination of UNC-10.  相似文献   

We have characterized the Toxoplasma gondii protein phosphatase type 1 (TgPP1) and a potential regulatory binding protein belonging to the leucine-rich repeat protein family, designated TgLRR1. TgLRR1 is capable of binding to TgPP1 to inhibit its activity and to override a G(2)/M cell cycle checkpoint in Xenopus oocytes. In the parasite, TgLRR1 mRNA and protein are both highly expressed in the rapidly replicating and virulent tachyzoites, while only low levels are detected in the slowly dividing and quiescent bradyzoites. TgPP1 mRNA and protein levels are equally abundant in tachyzoites and bradyzoites. Affinity pull down and immunoprecipitation experiments reveal that the TgLRR1-TgPP1 interaction takes place in the nuclear subcompartment of tachyzoites. These results are consistent with those of localization studies using both indirect immunofluorescence with specific polyclonal antibody and transient transfection of T. gondii vector expressing TgLRR1 and TgPP1. The inability to obtain stable transgenic tachyzoites suggested that overexpression of TgLRR1 and TgPP1 may impair the parasite's growth. Together with the activation of Xenopus oocyte meiosis reinitiation, these data indicate that TgLRR1 protein could play a role in the regulation of the T. gondii cell cycle through the modulation of phosphatase activity.  相似文献   

Q. Q. Ma  Y. F. Lv  Y. Gu  N. Dong  D. S. Li  A. S. Shan 《Amino acids》2013,44(4):1215-1224
Antimicrobial peptides represent ancient host defense effector molecules present in organisms across the evolutionary spectrum. Lots of antimicrobial peptides were synthesized based on well-known structural motif widely existed in a variety of lives. Leucine-rich repeats (LRRs) are sequence motifs present in over 60,000 proteins identified from viruses, bacteria, and eukaryotes. To elucidate if LRR motif possesses antimicrobial potency, two peptides containing one or two LRRs were designed. The biological activity and membrane–peptide interactions of the peptides were analyzed. The results showed that the tandem of two LRRs exhibited similar antibacterial activity and significantly weaker hemolytic activity against hRBCs than the well-known membrane active peptide melittin. The peptide with one LRR was defective at antimicrobial and hemolytic activity. The peptide containing two LRRs formed α-helical structure, respectively, in the presence of membrane-mimicking environment. LRR-2 retained strong resistance to cations, heat, and some proteolytic enzymes. The blue shifts of the peptides in two lipid systems correlated positively with their biological activities. Other membrane-peptide experiments further provide the evidence that the peptide with two LRRs kills bacteria via membrane-involving mechanism. The present study increases our new understanding of well-known LRR motif in antimicrobial potency and presents a potential strategy to develop novel antibacterial agents.  相似文献   

Human cIAP1 protein is a member of the inhibitor of apoptosis proteins (IAPs) that are involved in apoptosis regulation and an increasing number of other functions, including cell cycle and intracellular signal transduction. In order to identify novel proteins involved in cIAP1 regulation, we performed a yeast two-hybrid screen and identified an F-box protein Fbxo7 as a cIAP1 interacting protein. Co-immunoprecipitation assay showed that cIAP1 can interact with Fbxo7 in human cells. When co-expressed in cells, cIAP1 and Fbxo7 co-localized remarkably both in the cytoplasm and nucleus, and considerable amounts of these often co-localized at one or few distinct Golgi-like structures close to the nucleus. Furthermore, we showed that overexpression of Fbxo7 promotes the ubiquitination of cIAP1. Since F-box proteins are specificity determining subunits of SCF ubiquitin protein ligases, our results suggest that Fbxo7 can mediate the ubiquitination of cIAP1 by SCF ubiquitin protein ligase and thus have important implication in the regulation of cIAP1 function.  相似文献   

Both G1 and mitotic cyclins have been implicated in regulating Candida albicans filamentous growth. We have investigated the functions of Grr1 whose orthologue in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is known to mediate ubiquitin-dependent degradation of the G1 cyclins Cln1 and Cln2. Here, we report that deleting C. albicans GRR1 causes significant stabilization of two G1 cyclins Ccn1 and Cln3 and pseudohyphal growth. grr1Delta cells are highly heterogeneous in length and many of them fail to separate after cytokinesis. Interestingly, some isolated rod-like G1 cells of similar sizes are present in the grr1Delta culture. Time-lapse microscopy revealed that the rod-shaped G1 cells first grew exclusively in width before budding and then the bud grew exclusively by apical extension until after cytokinesis, yielding rod-like daughter cells. Consistently, actin patches persistently localize to the bud tip until around the time of cytokinesis. Despite the pseudohyphal phenotype, grr1Delta cells respond normally to hyphal induction. Hyperphosphorylated Cln3 isoforms accumulate in grr1Delta cells, indicating that Grr1 selectively mediates their degradation in wild-type cells. grr1Delta pseudohyphal growth requires neither Hgc1 nor Swel, two important regulators of cell morphogenesis. Furthermore, the cellular level of Hof1, a protein having a role in cytokinesis, is also significantly increased in grr1Delta cells.  相似文献   

The phytohormone gibberellin (GA) controls growth and development in plants. Previously, we identified a rice F-box protein, gibberellin-insensitive dwarf2 (GID2), which is essential for GA-mediated DELLA protein degradation. In this study, we analyzed the biological and molecular biological properties of GID2. Expression of GID2 preferentially occurred in rice organs actively synthesizing GA. Domain analysis of GID2 revealed that the C-terminal regions were essential for the GID2 function, but not the N-terminal region. Yeast two-hybrid assay and immunoprecipitation experiments demonstrated that GID2 is a component of the SCF complex through an interaction with a rice ASK1 homolog, OsSkp15. Furthermore, an in vitro pull-down assay revealed that GID2 specifically interacted with the phosphorylated Slender Rice 1 (SLR1). Taken these results together, we conclude that the phosphorylated SLR1 is caught by the SCFGID2 complex through an interacting affinity between GID2 and phosphorylated SLR1, triggering the ubiquitin-mediated degradation of SLR1.  相似文献   

The suppressor of the dis2 mutant (sds22+) has been shown to be an essential regulator in cell division of fission and budding yeast where its deletion causes mitotic arrest. Its role seems to take place through the activation of PP1 (protein phosphatase type 1) in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. In the trematode Schistosoma mansoni, we have identified the Sds22 homologue (SmSds), and the PP1 (SmPP1). We showed by using a GST (glutathione S-transferase) pull-down assay that the SmSds gene product interacts with SmPP1 and that the SmSds-SmPP1 complex is present in parasite extracts. Furthermore, we observed that SmSds inhibited PP1 activity. Functional studies showed that the microinjection of SmSds into Xenopus oocytes interacted with the Xenopus PP1 and disrupted the G2/M cell-cycle checkpoint by promoting progression to GVBD (germinal vesicle breakdown). Similar results showing the appearance of GVBD were observed when oocytes were treated with anti-PP1 antibodies. Taken together, these observations suggest that SmSds can regulate the cell cycle by binding to PP1.  相似文献   

Leucine-rich repeat proteins (LRRs) function in a number of signal transduction pathways via protein–protein interactions. The gene encoding a small protein of pepper, CaLRR1 , is specifically induced upon pathogen challenge and treatment with pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs). We identified a pepper hypersensitive induced reaction (CaHIR1) protein that interacts with the LRR domain of the CaLRR1 protein using yeast two-hybrid screening. Ectopic expression of the pepper CaHIR1 gene induces cell death in tobacco and Arabidopsis, indicating that the CaHIR1 protein may be a positive regulator of HR-like cell death. Because transformation is very difficult in pepper plants, we over-expressed CaLRR1 and CaHIR1 in Arabidopsis to determine cellular functions of the two genes. The over-expression of the CaHIR1 gene, but not the CaLRR1 gene, in transgenic Arabidopsis confers disease resistance in response to Pseudomonas syringae infection, accompanied by the strong expression of PR genes, the accumulation of both salicylic acid and H2O2, and K+ efflux in plant cells. In Arabidopsis and tobacco plants over-expressing both CaHIR1 and CaLRR1 , the CaLRR1 protein suppresses not only CaHIR1 -induced cell death, but also PR gene expression elicited by CaHIR1 via its association with HIR protein. We propose that the CaLRR1 protein functions as a novel negative regulator of CaHIR1-mediated cell death responses in plants.  相似文献   

Receptor-like protein kinases (RLKs) containing an extracellular leucine-rich repeat (eLRR) domain, a transmembrane domain and a cytoplasmic kinase domain play important roles in plant disease resistance. Simple eLRR domain proteins structurally resembling the extracellular portion of the RLKs may also participate in signalling transduction and plant defence response. Yet the molecular mechanisms and subcellular localization in regulating plant disease resistance of these simple eLRR domain proteins are still largely unclear. We provided the first experimental evidence to demonstrate the subcellular localization and trafficking of a novel simple eLRR domain protein (OsLRR1) in the endosomal pathway, using both confocal and electron microscopy. Yeast two-hybrid and in vitro pull-down assays show that OsLRR1 interacts with the rice hypersensitive-induced response protein 1 (OsHIR1) which is localized on plasma membrane. The interaction between LRR1 and HIR1 homologs was shown to be highly conserved among different plant species, suggesting a close functional relationship between the two proteins. The function of OsLRR1 in plant defence response was examined by gain-of-function tests using transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana . The protective effects of OsLRR1 against bacterial pathogen infection were shown by the alleviating of disease symptoms, lowering of pathogen titres and higher expression of defence marker genes.  相似文献   



Nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates are the elected drugs for the treatment of diseases in which excessive bone resorption occurs, for example, osteoporosis and cancer-induced bone diseases. The only known target of nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates is farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase, which ensures prenylation of prosurvival proteins, such as Ras. However, it is likely that the action of nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates involves additional unknown mechanisms. To identify novel targets of nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates, we used a genome-wide high-throughput screening in which 5,936 Saccharomyces cerevisiae heterozygote barcoded mutants were grown competitively in the presence of sub-lethal doses of three nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates (risedronate, alendronate and ibandronate). Strains carrying deletions in genes encoding potential drug targets show a variation of the intensity of their corresponding barcodes on the hybridization array over the time.


With this approach, we identified novel targets of nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates, such as tubulin cofactor B and ASK/DBF4 (Activator of S-phase kinase). The up-regulation of tubulin cofactor B may explain some previously unknown effects of nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates on microtubule dynamics and organization. As nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates induce extensive DNA damage, we also document the role of DBF4 as a key player in nitrogen-containing bisphosphonate-induced cytotoxicity, thus explaining the effects on the cell-cycle.


The dataset obtained from the yeast screen was validated in a mammalian system, allowing the discovery of new biological processes involved in the cellular response to nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates and opening up opportunities for development of new anticancer drugs.  相似文献   

Extracellular matrix protein 1 (ECM1), a widely expressed glycoprotein, has been shown to harbor mutations in lipoid proteinosis (LP), an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by profound alterations in the extracellular matrix of connective tissue. The biological function of ECM1 and its role in the pathomechanisms of LP are unknown. Fibulins comprise a family of extracellular matrix components, and the prototype of this family, fibulin-1, is expressed in various connective tissues and plays a role in developmental and pathologic processes. In this study, we demonstrate that ECM1, and specifically the second tandem repeat domain which is alternatively spliced, interacts with the C-terminal segments of fibulins 1C and 1D splice variants which differ in their C-terminal domain III. The interactions were detected by yeast two-hybrid genetic system and confirmed by co-immunoprecipitations. Kinetics of the binding between ECM1 and fibulin-1D, measured by biosensor assay, revealed a K(d) of 5.71 x 10(-8) M, indicating a strong protein-protein interaction. Since distinct splice variants of ECM1 and fibulin-1 have been shown to be co-expressed in tissues affected in LP, we propose that altered ECM1/fibulin-1 interactions may play a role in the pathogenesis of this disease as well as in a number of processes involving the extracellular matrix of connective tissues.  相似文献   

Extracellular leucine-rich repeat (LRR) receptor-like proteins (RLPs) represent a unique class of cell-surface receptors, as they lack a functional cytoplasmic domain. Our knowledge of how RLPs that do not contain a kinase or Toll domain function is very limited. The tomato RLP receptor LeEix2 signals to induce defense responses mediated by the fungal protein ethylene-inducing xylanase (EIX). The movement of FYVE-positive endosomes before and after EIX application was examined using spinning disc confocal microscopy. We found that while FYVE-positive endosomes generally observe a random movement pattern, following EIX application a subpopulation of FYVE-positive endosomes follow a directional movement pattern. Further, cellular endosomes travel greater distances at higher speeds following EIX application. Time-course experiments conducted with specific inhibitors demonstrate the involvement of endosomal signaling in EIX-triggered defense responses. Abolishing the existence of endosomes or the endocytic event prevented EIX-induced signaling. Endocytosis/endosome inhibitors, such as Dynasore or 1-butanol, inhibit EIX-induced signaling. Moreover, treatment with Endosidin1, which inhibits an early step in plasma membrane/endosome trafficking, enhances the induction of defense responses by EIX. Our data indicate a distinct endosomal signaling mechanism for induction of defense responses in this RLP system.  相似文献   

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