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The neuregulins (NRGs) are a family of four structurally related growth factors that are expressed in the developing and adult brain. NRG-1 is essential for normal heart formation and has been implicated in the development and maintenance of both neurons and glia. NRG-2 was identified on the basis of its homology to NRG-1 and, like NRG-1, is expressed predominantly by neurons in the central nervous system. We have generated mice with the active domain of NRG-2 deleted in an effort to characterize the biological function of NRG-2 in vivo. In contrast to the NRG-1 knockout animals, NRG-2 knockouts have no apparent heart defects and survive embryogenesis. Mutant mice display early growth retardation and reduced reproductive capacity. No obvious histological differences were observed in the major sites of NRG-2 expression. Our results indicate that in vivo NRG-2 activity differs substantially from that of NRG-1 and that it is not essential for normal development in utero.  相似文献   



Telomeres at the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes play a critical role in maintaining the integrity and stability of the genome and participate in the initiation of DNA damage/repair responses.


We performed a case-control study to evaluate the role of three SNPs (TERT-07, TERT-54 and POT1-03) in telomere maintenance genes previously found to be significantly associated with breast cancer risk. We used sister-sets obtained from the New York site of the Breast Cancer Family Registry (BCFR). Among the 313 sister-sets, there were 333 breast cancer cases and 409 unaffected sisters who were evaluated in the current study. We separately applied conditional logistic regression and generalized estimating equations (GEE) models to evaluate associations between the three SNPs and breast cancer risk within sister-sets. We examined the associations between genotype, covariates and telomere length among unaffected sisters using a GEE model.


We found no significant associations between the three SNPs in telomere maintenance genes and breast cancer risk by both conditional logistic regression and GEE models, nor were these SNPs significantly related to telomere length. Among unaffected sisters, shortened telomeres were statistically significantly correlated with never hormone replacement therapy (HRT) use. Increased duration of HRT use was significantly associated with reduced telomere length. The means of telomere length were 0.77 (SD = 0.35) for never HRT use, 0.67 (SD = 0.29) for HRT use <5yrs and 0.59 (SD = 0.24) for HRT use ≥5yrs after adjusting for age of blood donation and race and ethnicity.


We found that exogenous hormonal exposure was inversely associated with telomere length. No significant associations between genetic variants and telomere length or breast cancer risk were observed. These findings provide initial evidence to understand hormonal exposure in the regulation of telomere length and breast cancer risk but need replication in prospective studies.  相似文献   

This is the first study reporting the inactivation of a member of the mouse gene family of toxin-related ecto-ADP-ribosyltransferases (ARTs). Transfer of the ADP-ribose moiety from NAD onto extracellular arginine residues on T-cell membrane proteins is mediated by glycosylphosphatidylinositol-linked cell surface ARTs. Exposure of T cells to ecto-NAD blocks T-cell activation and induces T-cell apoptosis. To determine a possible role of ecto-ART2.1 and ART2.2 in these processes, we generated ART2.1/ART2.2 double-knockout mice. ART2-deficient mice were healthy and fertile and showed normal development of lymphoid organs. ART2-deficient T cells showed a dramatically reduced capacity to ADP-ribosylate cell surface proteins, indicating that most if not all ART activity on the T-cell surface can be attributed to the ART2s. Moreover, ART2-deficient T cells were completely resistant to NAD-induced apoptosis and partially resistant to NAD-mediated suppression of proliferation. These results demonstrate that the ART2 ectoenzymes are an essential component in the regulation of T-cell functions by extracellular NAD, e.g., following release of NAD upon lysis of cells in tissue injury and inflammation.  相似文献   

Factor H (FH) of the complement system acts as a regulatory cofactor for the factor I-mediated cleavage of C3b and binds to polyanionic substrates. FH is composed of 20 short consensus/complement repeat (SCR) domains. A set of 12 missense mutations in the C-terminal domains between SCR-16 to SCR-20 is associated with haemolytic uraemic syndrome. Recent structural models for intact FH permit the molecular interpretation of these amino acid substitutions. As all nine SCR-20 substitutions correspond to normal amounts of FH in plasma, and were localised in mostly surface-exposed positions, these are inferred to lead to a functional defect in FH. The nine substitutions occur in the same spatial region of SCR-20. As this surface coincides with conserved basic residues in the C-terminal SCR-20 domain, the substitutions provide direct evidence for a polyanionic binding surface. The positions of these conserved basic residues coincide with those of heparin-binding residues in the crystal structure of the acidic fibroblast growth factor-heparin complex. A tenth substitution and another conserved basic residue in SCR-19 are proximate to this binding site. As the remaining FH substitutions could also be correlated with their proximity to conserved basic residues, haemolytic uraemic syndrome may result from a failure of FH to interact with polyanions at cell surfaces in the kidney.  相似文献   

The homologous recombination (HR) DNA repair pathway participates in telomere length maintenance in yeast but its putative role at mammalian telomeres is unknown. Mammalian Rad54 is part of the HR machinery, and Rad54-deficient mice show a reduced HR capability. Here, we show that Rad54-deficient mice also show significantly shorter telomeres than wild-type controls, indicating that Rad54 activity plays an essential role in telomere length maintenance in mammals. Rad54 deficiency also resulted in an increased frequency of end-to-end chromosome fusions involving telomeres compared to the controls, suggesting a putative role of Rad54 in telomere capping. Finally, the study of mice doubly deficient for Rad54 and DNA-PKcs showed that telomere fusions due to DNA-PKcs deficiency were not rescued in the absence of Rad54, suggesting that they are not mediated by Rad54 activity.  相似文献   

DNA-PKcs is the catalytic subunit of the DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) complex that functions in the non-homologous end-joining of double-strand breaks, and it has been shown previously to have a role in telomere capping. In particular, DNA-PKcs deficiency leads to chromosome fusions involving telomeres produced by leading-strand synthesis. Here, by generating mice doubly deficient in DNA-PKcs and telomerase (Terc(-/-)/DNA-PKcs(-/-)), we demonstrate that DNA-PKcs also has a fundamental role in telomere length maintenance. In particular, Terc(-/-)/DNA-PKcs(-/-) mice displayed an accelerated rate of telomere shortening when compared with Terc(-/-) controls, suggesting a functional interaction between both activities in maintaining telomere length. In addition, we also provide direct demonstration that DNA-PKcs is essential for both end-to-end fusions and apoptosis triggered by critically short telomeres. Our data predict that, in telomerase-deficient cells, i.e. human somatic cells, DNA-PKcs abrogation may lead to a faster rate of telomere degradation and cell cycle arrest in the absence of increased apoptosis and/or fusion of telomere-exhausted chromosomes. These results suggest a critical role of DNA-PKcs in both cancer and aging.  相似文献   

Telomeres are nucleoprotein structures that protect the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes and play important roles in ensuring the genome’s integrity. Telomere length is maintained by complex mechanisms that ensure length homeostasis. Recent work has linked telomere length maintenance to the Tor protein kinases, which are central regulators of cellular growth. Here we summarize these results, which suggest a link between nutrient availability, telomere length maintenance and chronological lifespan.  相似文献   

Influences of inbreeding and genetics on telomere length in mice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We measured telomere lengths of blood leukocytes in several inbred and outbred mammalian species, using a telomere-specific fluorescent probe and flow cytometry. Humans, non-human primates, and three outbred populations of Peromyscus mice (Peromyscus leucopus, Peromyscus maniculatus, and Peromyscus polionotus) have short telomeres. Two common strains of laboratory mice, C57BL/6J and DBA/2J, have telomeres several times longer than most other mammals surveyed. Moreover, the two inbred laboratory mouse strains display significantly different telomere lengths, suggesting the existence of strain-specific genetic determinants. To further examine the effects of inbreeding, we studied three Peromyscus leucopus inbred lines (GS109, GS16A1, and GS16B), all derived from the outbred P. leucopus stock. Telomeres of all three inbred lines are significantly lengthened relative to outbred P. leucopus, and the three lines display strain-specific significantly different telomere lengths, much like the C57BL/6J and DBA/2J strains of M. musculus. To further characterize the genetic inheritance of telomere length, we carried out several crosses to obtain hybrid F1 mice between parental strains displaying the phenotype of long and short telomeres. In all F1 mice assayed, peripheral blood leukocyte telomere length was intermediate to that of the parents. Additionally, we generated F2 mice from a cross of the (P. leucopus outbred × GS16B)F1. Based on the distribution of telomere length in the F2 population, we determined that more than five loci contribute to telomere length regulation in Peromyscus. We concluded that inbreeding, through unknown mechanisms, results in the elongation of telomeres, and that telomere length for a given species and/or sub-strain is genetically determined by multiple segregating loci.  相似文献   

Deficiency of NEIL3, a DNA repair enzyme, has significant impact on mouse physiology, including vascular biology and gut health, processes related to aging. Leukocyte telomere length (LTL) is suggested as a marker of biological aging, and shortened LTL is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease. NEIL3 has been shown to repair DNA damage in telomere regions in vitro. Herein, we explored the role of NEIL3 in telomere maintenance in vivo by studying bone marrow cells from atherosclerosis-prone NEIL3-deficient mice. We found shortened telomeres and decreased activity of the telomerase enzyme in bone marrow cells derived from Apoe?/?Neil3?/? as compared to Apoe?/? mice. Furthermore, Apoe?/?Neil3?/? mice had decreased leukocyte levels as compared to Apoe?/? mice, both in bone marrow and in peripheral blood. Finally, RNA sequencing of bone marrow cells from Apoe?/?Neil3?/? and Apoe?/? mice revealed different expression levels of genes involved in cell cycle regulation, cellular senescence and telomere protection. This study points to NEIL3 as a telomere-protecting protein in murine bone marrow in vivo.  相似文献   

TMEFF2 is a single-transmembrane protein containing one EGF-like and two follistatin-like domains. Some studies implicated TMEFF2 as a tumor suppressor for prostate and other cancers, whereas others reported TMEFF2 functioning as a growth factor for neurons and other cells. To gain insights into the apparently conflicting roles of TMEFF2, we generated a null allele of Tmeff2 gene by replacing its first coding exon with human placental alkaline phosphatase cDNA (Tmeff2(PLAP)). Tmeff2(PLAP/PLAP) homozygous mutant mice are born normal, but show growth retardation and die around weaning age. Tmeff2 is widely expressed in the nervous system, and the Tmeff2(PLAP) knock-in allele enables the visualization of neuronal innervations of skin and internal organs with a simple alkaline phosphatase staining. Tmeff2 is also highly expressed in prostate gland and white adipose tissues (WAT). However, with the exception of reduced WAT mass, extensive anatomical and molecular analyses failed to detect any structural or molecular abnormalities in the brain, the spinal cord, the enteric nervous system, or the prostate in the Tmeff2 mutants. No tumors were found in Tmeff2-mutant mice. The Tmeff2(PLAP/PLAP) knock-in mouse is an useful tool for studying the in vivo biological functions of TMEFF2.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of fission yeast replication genes on telomere length maintenance and identified 20 mutant alleles that confer lengthening or shortening of telomeres. The telomere elongation was telomerase dependent in the replication mutants analyzed. Furthermore, the telomerase catalytic subunit, Trt1, and the principal initiation and lagging-strand synthesis DNA polymerase, Polalpha, were reciprocally coimmunoprecipitated, indicating these proteins physically coexist as a complex in vivo. In a polalpha mutant that exhibited abnormal telomere lengthening and slightly reduced telomere position effect, the cellular level of the Trt1 protein was significantly lower and the coimmunoprecipitation of Trt1 and Polalpha was severely compromised compared to those in the wild-type polalpha cells. Interestingly, ectopic expression of wild-type polalpha in this polalpha mutant restored the cellular Trt1 protein to the wild-type level and shortened the telomeres to near-wild-type length. These results suggest that there is a close physical relationship between the replication and telomerase complexes. Thus, mutation of a component of the replication complex can affect the telomeric complex in maintaining both telomere length equilibrium and telomerase protein stability.  相似文献   

Huda N  Tanaka H  Herbert BS  Reed T  Gilley D 《Aging cell》2007,6(5):709-713
During aging, chromosome ends, or telomeres, gradually erode or shorten with each somatic cell division. Loss of telomere length homeostasis has been linked to age-related disease. Remarkably, specific environmental assaults, both physical and psychological, have been shown to correlate with shortened telomeres. However, the extent that genetic and/or environmental factors may influence telomere length during later stages of lifespan is not known. Telomere length was measured in 686 male US World War II and Korean War veteran monozygotic (MZ) and dizygotic (DZ) twins (including 181 MZ and 125 DZ complete pairs) with a mean age of 77.5 years (range 73-85 years). During the entire process of telomere length measurement, participant age and twin status were completely blinded. White blood cell mean telomere length shortened in this elderly population by 71 base pairs per year (P < 0.0001). We observed no evidence of heritable effects in this elderly population on telomere length maintenance, but rather find that telomere length was largely associated with shared environmental factors (P < 0.0001). Additionally, we found that individuals with hypertension and cardiovascular disease had significantly shorter telomeres (P = 0.0025 and 0.002, respectively). Our results emphasize that shared environmental factors can have a primary impact on telomere length maintenance in elderly humans.  相似文献   

Telomeres are structures composed of repetitive DNA and proteins that protect the chromosomal ends in eukaryotic cells from fusion or degradation, thus contributing to genomic stability. Although telomere length varies between species, in all organisms studied telomere length appears to be controlled by a dynamic equilibrium between elongating mechanisms (mainly addition of repeats by the enzyme telomerase) and nucleases that shorten the telomeric sequences. Two previous studies have analyzed a collection of yeast deletion strains (deleted for nonessential genes) and found over 270 genes that affect telomere length (Telomere Length Maintenance or TLM genes). Here we complete the list of TLM by analyzing a collection of strains carrying hypomorphic alleles of most essential genes (DAmP collection). We identify 87 essential genes that affect telomere length in yeast. These genes interact with the nonessential TLM genes in a significant manner, and provide new insights on the mechanisms involved in telomere length maintenance. The newly identified genes span a variety of cellular processes, including protein degradation, pre-mRNA splicing and DNA replication.  相似文献   

Terminal restriction fragment analysis is the only method currently available for measuring telomere length in Caenorhabditis elegans. Its limitations include low sensitivity and interference by the presence of interstitial telomeric sequences in the C.elegans genome. Here we report the adaptation of single telomere length analysis (STELA) to measure the length of telomeric repeats on the left arm of chromosome V in C.elegans. This highly sensitive PCR-based method allows telomere length measurement from as few as a single worm. The application of STELA to eight wild-type C.elegans strains revealed considerable strain-specific differences in telomere length. Within individual strains, short outlying telomeres were observed that were clearly distinct from the bulk telomere length distributions, suggesting that processes other than end-replication losses and telomerase-mediated lengthening may generate telomere length heterogeneity in C.elegans. The utility of this method was further demonstrated by the characterization of telomere shortening in mrt-2 mutants. We conclude that STELA appears to be a valuable tool for studying telomere biology in C.elegans.  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Mre11p, Rad50p, and Xrs2p function as a multiprotein complex that has a central role in several DNA repair mechanisms. Though Mre11p has both single-stranded and double-stranded 3'-5' exonuclease activity in vitro, null mutants of MRE11, RAD50, and XRS2 exhibit reduced 5'-3' resection of HO-induced double-strand breaks (DSBs) in vivo. In this study, we analyzed four mre11 mutants harboring changes in the N-terminus of Mre11p where the four phosphoesterase motifs specify the in vitro nuclease activities of Mre11p and its homologues. We find that the 5'-3' resection defects in vivo do not correlate with several mitotic phenotypes: non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ), telomere length maintenance, and adaptation to the DNA damage-inducible G2/M checkpoint. Overexpression of the 5'-3' exonuclease Exo1p in a mre11Delta strain partially increased 5'-3' resection and partially suppressed both methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) hypersensitivity and adaptation phenotypes, but did not affect telomere length or NHEJ. Surprisingly, the co-expression of two alleles, mre11-58S and mre11-N113S, each of which confers MMS hypersensitivity and short telomeres, can fully complement the MMS sensitivity and shortened telomere length of mre11Delta cells. We propose that at least two separate activities associated with the N-terminus of Mre11p are required for its mitotic function.  相似文献   

Mice lacking cryptochromes (mCry1-/- mCry2-/-) were kept in a 16h light, 8h dark, light-dark (16:8 LD) cycle and were given additional pulses of light of different brightness, starting 2h after dark onset and lasting for 1h. The suppression of wheel running during these light pulses (i.e., masking) was compared to that of wild types. No evidence of any decrement in the masking response to light was detected. As well as studying masking, minor bouts of activity occurring in the main light portion of a light-dark cycle were quantified. One possible explanation of such predark activity is that some damped endogenous process is spared in mCry1/mCry2 double-knockout mice. (Chronobiology International, 18(4), 613-625, 2001)  相似文献   

Ataxin-2, the gene product of the Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 2 (SCA2) gene, is a protein of unknown function with abundant expression in embryonic and adult tissues. Its interaction with A2BP1/Fox-1, a protein with an RNA recognition motif, suggests involvement of ataxin-2 in mRNA translation or transport. To study the effects of in vivo ataxin-2 function, we generated an ataxin-2 deficient mouse strain. Ataxin-2 deficient mice were viable. Genotypic analysis of litters from mating of heterozygous mice showed segregation distortion with a significant reduction in the birth of Sca-/- females. Detailed macroscopic and microscopic analysis of surviving nullizygous Sca2 knockout mice showed no major histological abnormalities. On a fat-enriched diet, ataxin-2 deficient animals had increased weight gain. Our results demonstrate that ataxin-2, although widely expressed, is not essential in development or during adult survival in the mouse, but leads to adult-onset obesity.  相似文献   

The mucin Muc2 or Mycin2 (Muc2), which is the main structural component of the protective mucus layer, has shown to be upregulated during chemotherapy-induced mucositis. As Muc2 has shown to have protective capacities, upregulation of Muc2 may be a counter reaction of the intestine protecting against mucositis. Therefore, increasing Muc2 protein levels could be a therapeutic target in mucositis prevention or reduction. Our aim was to determine the role of Muc2 in chemotherapy-induced mucositis. Mucositis was induced in Muc2 knockout (Muc2(-/-)) and wild type (Muc2(+/+)) mice by injecting methotrexate (MTX). Animals were weighed and sacrificed on Days 2-6 after MTX treatment and jejunal segments were analyzed. Before MTX treatment, the small intestine of Muc2(+/+) and Muc2(-/-) mice were similar with respect to epithelial morphology and proliferation. Moreover, sucrase-isomaltase and trefoil factor-3 protein expression levels were comparable between Muc2(+/+) and Muc2(-/-) mice. Up to Day 3 after MTX treatment, percentages of weight-loss did not differ. Thereafter, Muc2(+/+) mice showed a trend towards regaining weight, whereas Muc2(-/-) mice continued to lose weight. Surprisingly, MTX-induced intestinal damage of Muc2(-/-) and Muc2(+/+) mice was comparable. Prior to MTX-injection, tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-10 mRNAs were upregulated in Muc2(-/-) mice, probably due to continuous exposure of the intestine to luminal antigens. Muc2 deficiency does not lead to an increase in chemotherapy-induced mucositis. A possible explanation is the mechanism by which Muc2 deficiency may trigger the immune system to release interleukin-10, an anti-inflammatory cytokine before MTX-treatment.  相似文献   

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