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Bactrocera cacuminata (Hering) is a nonpest member of the Bactrocera dorsalis complex offering a platform to check hypotheses extrapolated from the more studied pest species. Six polymorphic microsatellite loci were isolated from enriched genomic libraries constructed using a biotin/streptavidin capture protocol. Allele number varied between three and nine; the expected heterozygosity ranged between 0.29 and 0.81. No significant deviations from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium or linkage disequilibrium were found. These microsatellite markers have potential to be used to examine population structure and mating systems in this tropical fruit fly.  相似文献   

The common lizard (Lacerta vivipara) is a small live-bearing lacertid that reproduces once a year. In order to document the poorly known mating system of this species, we present here an assessment of multiple paternity using microsatellite markers. Paternities were established within 122 clutches belonging to two wild populations from contrasted areas and to four seminatural enclosed populations. The proportion of multiply sired clutches was found to be very high (between 50.0% and 68.2%) and similar among populations, which suggests that the mating system of this species may be insensitive to environmental and population conditions.  相似文献   

Johnson SL  Yund PO 《Molecular ecology》2007,16(15):3253-3262
For free-spawning marine invertebrates, fertilization processes control the genetic diversity of offspring. Each egg can potentially be fertilized by a sperm from a different male, and hence genetic diversity within a brood varies with levels of multiple paternity. Yet, few studies have characterized the frequency of multiple paternity in natural spawns. We analysed patterns of multiple paternity in two populations of the colonial ascidian Botryllus schlosseri using microsatellites. Because previous studies have shown that at moderate to high population densities, competition among male-phase B. schlosseri colonies results in the nearest male dominating the paternity of a brood, we specifically tested the effect of population density on patterns of paternity. Paternity was estimated using three multilocus indices: minimum number of fathers, counts of sperm haplotypes, and effective paternity (K(E)). Multiple paternity was evident in more than 92% of the broods analysed, but highly variable, with a few broods displaying unequal contributions of different males. We found no effect of population density on multiple paternity, suggesting that other factors may control paternity levels. Indirect benefits from increasing the genetic diversity of broods are a possible explanation for the high level of multiple paternity in this species.  相似文献   

We describe the isolation and characterization of 11 polymorphic microsatellite loci from the recently discovered fruit fly pest, Bactrocera invadens. The polymorphism of these loci was tested in individual flies from two natural populations (Sri Lanka and Democratic Republic of Congo). Allele number per locus ranged from three to 15 and eight loci displayed a polymorphic information content greater than 0.5. These microsatellite loci provide useful markers for studies of population dynamics and invasion history of this pest species.  相似文献   

Similar to many other pinniped species, harbour seals ( Phoca vitulina ) mate exclusively at sea. Here we present the first attempt to measure male mating success in an aquatically mating pinniped. Male mating success was estimated by paternity analysis in two cohorts of pups born at Sable Island, Nova Scotia, Canada, using microsatellite DNA markers. The genotypes of 275 pups born in 1994 and 1995 were compared to those of 90 candidate males at six microsatellite loci using a likelihood approach to resolve paternity. Paternity could be assigned for two, 22, 40 and 85 pups at confidence levels of 95, 80, 65 and 50%, respectively. Most successful males were assigned the paternity of a single offspring, suggesting a low variance in male mating success relative to most pinniped species. The proportion of paternal half sibs within cohorts and between maternally related sibs estimated by maximum likelihood were not significantly different from zero. It is thus unlikely that most offspring were sired by a small number of highly successful unsampled males, and that female harbour seals do not usually exhibit fidelity to the same male in sequential breeding seasons. A low level of polygyny in Sable Island harbour seals is consistent with predictions based on their breeding ecology, as females are highly mobile and widely dispersed in the aquatic mating environment at Sable Island.  相似文献   

Bactrocera correcta (Bezzi) is one of the most destructive insect pests of fruits and vegetables in tropical and subtropical regions. At present, this fly is primarily distributed in Southeast Asia. Twelve microsatellite loci were isolated from an enriched genomic library based on a biotin/streptavidin capture protocol. The polymorphism of these loci was tested on 74 individual flies from two natural populations. Allele number ranged from 6 to 14 and 10 loci demonstrated a polymorphic information content (PIC) greater than 0.5. The pairwise F ST value between the two populations was 0.0048 (P > 0.05). These microsatellite loci have potential utility for studies of population genetic structure in this species.  相似文献   

This investigation examines multiple paternity in Ixodes ricinus (Acari: Ixodidae). Previous studies have shown that multiple mating occurs in this tick, but this is the first evaluation of multiple paternity. Three family groups were examined by a panel of polymorphic microsatellite loci; all ticks were bred from wild-collected engorged females with a copulating male attached. For most larvae, the attached males could be excluded as possible sire, and in the 3 tested families, at least 2 of 3 females mated successfully with more than 1 male. This finding suggests that multiple paternity is a common reproductive strategy in I. ricinus, which may have consequences for the ticks' dispersal success by increasing the genetic diversity in broods from single females colonizing new sites.  相似文献   

Many aspects of sea turtle biology are difficult to measure in these enigmatic migratory species, and this lack of knowledge continues to hamper conservation efforts. The first study of paternity in a sea turtle species used allozyme analysis to suggest multiple paternity in loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) clutches in Australia. Subsequent studies indicated that the frequency of multiple paternity varies from species to species and perhaps location to location. This study examined fine-scale population structure and paternal contribution to loggerhead clutches on Melbourne Beach, FL, USA using microsatellite markers. Mothers and offspring from 70 nests collected at two locations were analysed using two to four polymorphic microsatellite loci. Fine-scale population differentiation was not evident between the sampled locations, separated by 8 km. Multiple paternity was common in loggerhead nests on Melbourne Beach; 22 of 70 clutches had more than one father, and six had more than two fathers. This is the first time that more than two fathers have been detected for offspring in individual sea turtle nests. Paternal genotypes could not be assigned with confidence in clutches with more than two fathers, leaving the question of male philopatry unanswered. Given the high incidence of multiple paternity, we conclude that males are not a limiting resource for this central Florida nesting aggregate.  相似文献   

The population of peach fruit fly during 2011 season increased gradually starting from the fourth week of July to reach its first major peak throughout the second week of September with 1340?flies/trap/day for traps suspended at 1?m height and during the third week of September with 909?flies/trap/day for traps hung at 2?m heights. Afterwards, the population trend showed a slight but gradual declining trend from the third week of September up to the third week of October. The population was then increased to reach its second major peak during the fourth week of October with 696 and 595?flies/trap/day for traps hung at 1 and 2?m heights, respectively. The greatest drop in the trapped population at both trap heights was observed from the second week of November until the end of the season (second week of December). A total of 105270?flies/trap at both 1 and 2?m trap heights during the entire seasons of 2011 were recorded. In 2012 season, the population followed nearly the same trend as that observed during 2011 season with minor variations. One major peak of abundance was recorded during the first week of October with 1344 and 955?flies/trap/day for traps hung at 1 and 2?m, respectively. The second major peak (1104 and 894?flies/trap/day) was observed during the fourth week of October for traps suspended at 1 and 2?m, respectively. A remarkable decrease in the population could be seen from the first week of December until the end of the season (fourth week of December). Statistical analysis of the data showed highly significant differences between fruit fly population captured at 1?m trap height (Mean = 446.9 ± 97?flies/trap/day) and that captured at 2?m trap heights (Mean = 321 ± 72?flies/trap/day) with paired t of 4.7** and p-value of 0.0001**.  相似文献   

To obtain a set of microsatellite markers for the Queensland fruit fly Bactrocera tryoni , a genomic library was screened with a number of simple repeat oligonucleotide probes. Sequencing recovered 22 repeat loci. The microsatellite sequences were short, with repeat numbers ranging from five to 11. Of these, 16 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primer sets yielded amplifiable products, which were tested on 53 flies from five widely separated sites. All loci showed polymorphism in the population sample, with the number of alleles ranging from two to 16. Several dinucleotide repeats showed alleles separated by single-base differences and multiple steps, suggesting a mutation process more complex than the stepwise mutation model.  相似文献   

在实验室内对橘小实蝇Bactrocera dorsalis(Hendel)的交配行为进行了观察。描述了橘小实蝇交配中雄虫的“求偶场”,雄雄相遇、雌雌相遇、雌雄相遇时的相互反应,雌雄虫的交配行为与交配后行为。  相似文献   

In many bat species, the opportunity for sperm competition or other mechanisms of post-copulatory paternity biasing is thought to be great, due to the long delay between copulation and fertilization, demonstrated sperm storage capabilities, and observed promiscuity. We present the results of the first study to assess whether litters of big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) containing dizygotic twins share the same father. We sampled 26 mother-offspring triads from three colonies in Indiana and Illinois, as well as 299 additional adults (237 females and 62 males) from these colonies and six other maternity colonies in the same area in 1997-1998. All individuals were genotyped at nine highly variable autosomal microsatellite loci and one X-linked locus. We assessed multiple paternity using autosomal and X-linked locus exclusions, and using maximum-likelihood methods. All methods confirmed multiple paternity within litters, and the maximum-likelihood analyses indicated that almost half of the sampled litters were composed of maternal half-siblings rather than full-siblings. Our results highlight the potential importance of post-copulatory mechanisms of paternity determination in the mating system of big brown bats, and have important implications for gene flow and population structuring in this species.  相似文献   

Microsatellite polymorphisms are playing an increasingly vital role in primatological research, and are particularly useful for paternity exclusion in both wild and captive populations. Although vervet monkeys (Chlorocebus aethiops) are commonly studied in both settings, few previous studies have utilized microsatellite markers for assessing genetic variation in this species. In a pilot project to assess paternity in the UCLA-VA Vervet Monkey Research Colony (VMRC), we screened 55 commercially available human microsatellite markers chosen from a panel of 370 that have been shown to be polymorphic in baboons (Papio hamadryas). Using a standard PCR protocol, 43 (78%) loci produced amplifiable product. Of these, 14 were polymorphic and 11 were genotyped in 51 individuals, including 19 offspring and 14 potential sires. The average heterozygosity across the 11 loci was.719. In all 19 paternity cases all but one male was excluded as the true sire at two or more loci. This includes successfully distinguishing between two maternal half-sib brothers who were potential sires in most of the paternity cases. Given that the colony is descended from 54 wild-caught founders trapped between 1975 and 1987 from an introduced population on St. Kitts, West Indies, these values imply high microsatellite variability in natural vervet populations. Our results provide a panel of markers derived from the human genome that is suitable for assessing genetic variation and paternity in vervets.  相似文献   

Data on multiple paternity within broods has been gathered in several animal species, and comparable data in plants would be of great importance to understand the evolution of reproductive traits in a common framework. In this study, we first isolated and characterized six microsatellite loci from the dioecious plant Silene latifolia (Caryophyllaceae). The polymorphism of the loci was assessed in 60 individual females from four different populations. Two of the investigated loci showed a pattern of inheritance consistent with X-linkage. These microsatellite loci were highly polymorphic and therefore useful tools for parentage analysis. We then used four of the markers to determine paternity within naturally pollinated fruits in four European populations. This study revealed widespread multiple paternity in all populations investigated. The minimum number of fathers per fruit varied from one to nine, with population means ranging from 3.4 to 4.9. The number of fathers per fruit was not significantly correlated with offspring sex ratios. High prevalence of multiple paternity within fruits strongly suggest that pollen competition is likely to occur in this species. This may substantially impact male reproductive success and possibly contribute to increase female and offspring fitness, either through postpollination selection or increased genetic diversity. Wide variation in outcrossing rates may be an overlooked aspect of plant mating systems.  相似文献   

Breeding systems vary widely in birds, from monogamous pairs through to complex group systems where subordinates assist breeding individuals to rear young each season. The Australian magpie varies geographically both in plumage patterns and social organization. Some populations of both eastern and western plumage forms are plural breeders with group size varying from three to over 15 mature individuals. This study used variation at microsatellite loci to determine the level of extra-group paternity in a population of the western form near Perth in Western Australia. Extra-group paternity was the highest recorded for any bird species to date (82%) and indicates that few offspring within a territory are sired by the social partner of the female. In addition, the data indicated that nearly 10% of juveniles were not the genetic offspring of any female within their territory, suggesting some intraspecific brood parasitism. Taken together, these findings are remarkable considering the highly territorial nature of the species and the extent of territorial defence practised by all members of the group towards extra-group conspecifics during daylight hours.  相似文献   

Abstract  The sympatric tephritid fruit flies Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt) (Queensland fruit fly) and B. neohumeralis (Hardy) differ in time of mating and for the colour of the humeral callus ('shoulder pad'), which is typically entirely yellow in B. tryoni and typically entirely brown in B. neohumeralis . Field collections in sympatric regions usually include at least 1% of individuals whose humeral calli show mixed patches of yellow and brown ('intermediates'). Over 40 years, a number of studies have debated the possibility that these intermediates are interspecific hybrids. In the present study, we have used microsatellites to show that few if any of these intermediates are hybrids. Instead, most variation humeral callus appears to be confined to one species, B. tryoni . We discuss these results in the context of geneflow between the two species and suggest directions for future research.  相似文献   

We employ microsatellite markers to assess mating tactics in Lepomis marginatus. Genetic assignments for 1015 progeny in 23 nests indicate that about 95% of the offspring were sired by their respective nest-guardians, a finding consistent with the apparent absence of a brood parasitic morphotype in this species. Allopaternal care was documented in two nests, one resulting from a nest takeover, the other from cuckoldry by an adjoining nest-tender. Clustered de novo mutations also were identified. About 2.5 females (range 1-7) contributed to the offspring pool within a typical nest. Results are compared to those for other Lepomis species.  相似文献   

Molecular genetic studies have suggested that apparently nonbreeding males ('floaters') may account for a significant proportion of extra-pair paternity (EPP) in avian populations. Attempts to determine the influence of breeding density on EPP are therefore confounded by the presence of a subpopulation of floaters whose numbers are difficult to estimate. To study EPP in a tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) population with few floaters, we chose a nestbox grid on an island with an excess of available breeding sites and very few floaters. We obtained DNA samples from 13 complete families and performed DNA profiling on them using four microsatellite loci. For comparison, we also obtained a sample of 58 extra-pair young (EPY) from a mainland population typed at five microsatellite loci. Paternity assignments among resident males in both populations were made using the microsatellite profiles and a likelihood-based statistical method. Of the 67 island nestlings typed, we found 37 (55%) nestlings from 11 (85%) different nests that were EPY. The proportion of nestlings that were EPY and the proportion of broods containing EPY did not differ significantly between island and mainland populations studied previously. There was no significant difference between island and mainland populations in the proportion of extra-pair paternities assigned among neighbouring resident males. Male breeding density does not appear to affect the ability of female tree swallows to obtain extra-pair fertilizations, at least over the range of densities studied so far. The rate of EPP has remained remarkably consistent over many years, studies and populations implying an important role of active female choice in determining EPP.  相似文献   

Abstract  The importance of male aggregation size for female visitation and initiation of male pheromone-calling was investigated in Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt) (Diptera: Tephritidae) using artificial male aggregations in large laboratory cages. Female B. tryoni visited the largest aggregation more frequently than single males in association with a higher proportion of calling males, but there was no correlation between aggregation size and female visitation. Female B. tryoni had a limited capacity to perceive a difference between the number of calling males. Calling propensity of male B. tryoni was increased by the presence of conspecific males. Increased calling propensity in larger groups of male B. tryoni may be due to social facilitation of male calling behaviour. Female visitation at aggregations was only weakly associated with male calling, suggesting that aggregation size and the number of pheromone-calling males are not the only factors important in locating mates in B. tryoni , and it is possible that low-density populations could persist so long as females can encounter single males.  相似文献   

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