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In insects, thoracic pattern generators are modulated by the two head ganglia, the supraesophageal ganglion (brain) and the subesophageal ganglion, which act as higher-order neuronal centers. To explore the contribution of each head ganglion to the initiation and maintenance of specific motor behaviors in cockroaches (Periplaneta americana), we performed specific lesions to remove descending inputs from either the brain or the subesophageal ganglion or both, and quantified the behavioral outcome with a battery of motor tasks. We show that ‘emergency’ behaviors, such as escape, flight, swimming or righting, are initiated at the thoracic level independently of descending inputs from the head ganglia. Yet, the head ganglia play a major role in maintaining these reflexively initiated behaviors. By separately removing each of the two head ganglia, we show that the brain excites flight behavior and inhibits walking-related behaviors, whereas the subesophageal ganglion exerts the opposite effects. Thus, control over specific motor behaviors in cockroaches is anatomically and functionally compartmentalized. We propose a comprehensive model in which the relative permissive versus inhibitory inputs descending from the two head ganglia, combined with thoracic afferent sensory inputs, select a specific thoracic motor pattern while preventing the others.  相似文献   

The parasitic wasp Ampulex compressa stings a cockroach Periplaneta americana in the neck, toward the head ganglia (the brain and subesophageal ganglion). In the present study, our aim was to identify the head ganglion that is the target of the venom and the mechanisms by which the venom blocks the thoracic portion of the escape neuronal circuitry. Because the escape responses elicited by a wind stimulus in brainless and sham-operated animals were similar, we propose that the venom effect is on the subesophageal ganglion. Apparently, the subesophageal ganglion modulates the thoracic portion of the escape circuit. Recordings of thoracic interneuron responses to the input from the abdominal giant interneurons showed that the thoracic interneurons receive synaptic drive from these interneurons in control and in stung animals. Unlike normal cockroaches, which use both fast and slow motoneurons for producing rapid escape movements, stung animals activate only the slow motoneuron. However, we show that in stung animals, the fast motoneuron still can be recruited with bath application of pilocarpine, a muscarinic agonist. These results indicate that the descending control from the subesophageal ganglion is presumably exerted on the premotor thoracic interneurons to motoneurons connection of the thoracic escape circuitry. Accepted: 19 December 1998  相似文献   

Two major classes of Descending Neurones (DNs) originate in fly cerebral ganglia: (1) uniquely identifiable DNs, most of which arise preorally in duetocerebral neuropil of the supraoesophageal ganglion, the brain proper (2) parallel projecting DNs (PDNs) most originating in the suboesophageal ganglion. Brain DNs receive inputs directly from sensory systems and indirectly via higher center and peptidergic interconnections of the protocerebrum. Direct inputs include primary mechanosensory afferents, first order relay neurones from the olfactory lobes and ocellar receptor cups, and higher order visual neurones that interact with retinotopic inputs from compound eyes. Uniquely identifiable DNs arising in the brain are arranged in uniquely identifiable clusters. Each cluster receives a unique combination of inputs which are shared wholly or in part by the dendritic trees of its constituent DNs. Axons arising from a cluster diverge to different targets in the thoracic ganglia. PDNs form groups of as many as 40 neurones, as determined from outgoing axon bundles. Dendrites of PDNs are thin and diffuse, and arborize amongst collaterals from through-going axons of descending neurones arising in the brain. Axon bundles of PDNs are typically organized in rather simple ladder-like patterns in thoracic ganglion. A third type of uniquely identifiable DN also arises in the suboesophageal ganglion but does not seem to be arranged in clusters.  相似文献   

1.  The wasp Ampulex compressa hunts cockroaches as food for her offspring. Stung cockroaches show little spontaneous movement although they are able to move. Wind stimuli to the cerci, which normally produce escape responses, are no longer effective in stung cockroaches. In the present paper, we have searched for neural correlates responsible for the impairment of the escape behavior by the venom.
2.  In control cockroaches, a typical motor response in the coxal depressor muscle to wind or tactile stimuli consists of an initial burst of the fast and slow depressor motoneurons followed by rhythmic discharges. In stung cockroaches, both stimuli evoke only a burst in the slow but no discharge activity in the fast depressor neuron. Intracellular recordings from the fast depressor motoneuron in stung cockroaches demonstrate that it still receives synaptic input, though subthreshold, from thoracic interneurons associated with the wind mediated escape circuitry. Discharge activity of the slow motoneuron lacks the rhythmic bursting pattern characteristic for slow walking in control animals.
3.  Yet, the venom affects neither the response of descending mechanosensitive giant interneurons to tactile stimuli nor the response of the abdominal giant interneurons to wind stimuli, both of which are known to excite the thoracic interneurons. The venom has also no effect on neuromuscular signal transmission.

1. The escape behavior of the cockroach, Periplaneta americana, is known to be modulated under various behavioral conditions (Camhi and Volman 1978; Camhi and Nolen 1981; Camhi 1988). Some of these modulatory effects occur in the last abdominal ganglion (Daley and Delcomyn 1981a, b; Libersat et al. 1989) and others in the thoracic ganglia (Camhi 1988). Neuromodulator substances are known to underlie behavioral modulation in various animals. Therefore, we have sought to determine whether topical application of putative neuromodulators of the escape circuit enhance or depress this circuit, and whether these effects differ in the last abdominal vs. the thoracic ganglia. 2. Topical application of the biogenic amines serotonin and dopamine to the metathoracic ganglion modulates the escape circuitry within this ganglion; serotonin decreases and dopamine enhances the response of leg motoneurons to activation of interneurons in the abdominal nerve cord by electrical or wind stimulation. 3. The neuropil of the thoracic ganglia contains many catecholamine-histofluorescent processes bearing varicosities, providing a possible anatomical substrate for dopamine release sites. 4. Topical application of octopamine to the terminal abdominal ganglion enhances the response of abdominal interneurons to wind stimulation of the cerci. In contrast, serotonin and dopamine have no effect at this site. 5. It is proposed that release of these biogenic amines may contribute to the known modulation of the cockroach escape response.  相似文献   

Three large median cell bodies with a diameter between 40 and 70 μm that exhibit octopamine immunoreactivity were identified in the posterior part of the suboesophageal ganglion of the tobacco hawkmoth larva, Manduca sexta. These neurons possess bilaterally symmetrical axons in the posterior neck connectives, and at least one of them extends through the whole ventral nerve cord to the terminal abdominal ganglion. Therefore, these neurons belong to the class of descending ventral unpaired median neurons. From each cell body, a primary neurite ascends anteriorly, which after bending dorsally turns posteriorly and then bifurcates to give rise to two descending axons. From the primary neurite two main dendritic branches ascend anteriorly, and four characteristic branches can be distinguished originating from them: two descending dendritic branches and two ascending dendritic branches. Dense arborizations from all these branches exist in all neuromeres of the suboesophageal ganglion. Intracellular recordings from these neurons show that in contrast to the ventral unpaired median neurons of thoracic and abdominal ganglia, they do not produce overshooting action potentials but exhibit passive soma spikes only. During pharmacologically evoked fictive motor patterns these neurons show coupling to various motor patterns such as crawling, feeding and molting.  相似文献   

A group of six dorsal unpaired median (DUM) neurons of the suboesophageal ganglion (SOG) of locusts was studied with neuroanatomical and electrophysiological techniques. The neurons are located posteriorly in the SOG and have axons that descend into the ganglia of the ventral nerve cord, some as far as the terminal abdominal ganglion. Within thoracic ganglia the neurons have profuse dendritic ramifications in many neuropiles, including ventral sensory neuropiles. Based on their projection patterns three different morphological types of neurons can be distinguished. These neurons receive excitatory inputs through sensory pathways that ascend from the thoracic ganglia and are activated by limb movements. They may be involved in the modulation of synaptic transmission in thoracic ganglia.  相似文献   

The number and location of neurons, in the central nervous system, that project into the frontal connective was studied in the locust by using retrograde neurobiotin staining. Staining one frontal connective revealed some 70 neurons in the brain. Most of these were located within both tritocerebral lobes. Additional groups of neurons were located within the deutocerebrum and protocerebrum. Some 60 neurons were labelled in the suboesophageal ganglion. These formed nine discernable populations. In addition, two neurons were located in the prothoracic ganglion and two neurons in the first abdominal neuromere of the metathoracic ganglion. Thus, some 250 neurons located within the head ganglia, and even neurons in thoracic ganglia, project into the ganglia of the enteric nervous system. This indicates that the coordination between the central and enteric ganglia is much more complex than previously thought. With the exception of some previously described dorsal unpaired median neurons and a few motor neurons in the head ganglia, the identity and function of most of these neurons is as yet unknown. Possible functions of the neurons in the thoracic ganglia are discussed.  相似文献   

In the escape behavior of the cockroach, all six legs begin to make directed movements nearly simultaneously. The sensory stimulus that evokes these leg movements is a wind puff. Posterior wind receptors excite giant interneurons that carry a multi-cellular code for stimulus direction — and thus for turn direction-to the three thoracic ganglia, which innervate the three pairs of legs. We have attemptd to discriminate among various possible ways that the directional information in the giant interneurons could be distributed to each leg's motor circuit. Do the giant interneurons, for instance, inform separately each thoracic ganglion of wind direction? Or is there one readout system that conveys this information to all three ganglia, and if so, might the identified thoracic interneurons, which are postsynaptic to the giant interneurons, subserve this function? We made mid-sagittal lesions in one or two thoracic ganglia, thus severing the initial segments of all the known thoracic interneurons in these ganglia, and thus causing their projection axons to the other thoracic ganglia to degenerate. This lesion did not sever the giant interneurons, however (Fig. 5). Following such lesions, the legs innervated by the intact thoracic ganglia made normally directed leg movements (Figs. 4, 6, 7). Thus, the projection axons of the thoracic interneurons are not necessary for normal leg movements. Rather, the giant interneurons appear to specify to each thoracic ganglion in which direction to move the pair of legs it innervates.  相似文献   

The number of fibers was analysed on cross section electron micrographs (x 1.000 and 4.500). About 300 axons of motoneurons leave the Ist thoracic ganglion. Approximately 180.000 sensory fibers enter the ganglion by lateral nerves. More than 90% of these fibers terminate on the ganglion neurons. The ganglion has descending connections with more caudally lying portions of the cord. The suboesophageal ganglion is closely associated with the 1st thoracic and other ganglia, and presumably contains a large vegetative center. The brain receives considerable information from the body via primary as well as secondary fibers, and controls the activity of the nerve cord through the system of various descending connective fibers.  相似文献   

The data described here complete the principal components of the cockroach wind-mediated escape circuit from cercal afferents to leg motor neurons. It was previously known that the cercal afferents excite ventral giant interneurons which then conduct information on wind stimuli to thoracic ganglia. The ventral giant interneurons connect to a large population of interneurons in the thoracic ganglia which, in turn, are capable of exciting motor neurons that control leg movements. Thoracic interneurons that receive constant short latency inputs from ventral giant interneurons have been referred to as type A thoracic interneurons (TIAs). In this paper, we demonstrate that the motor response of TIAs occurs in adjacent ganglia as well as in the ganglion of origin for the TIA. We then describe the pathway from TIAs to motor neurons in both ganglia. Our observations reveal complex interactions between thoracic interneurons and leg motor neurons. Two parallel pathways exist. TIAs excite leg motor neurons directly and via local interneurons. Latency and amplitude of post-synaptic potentials (PSPs) in motor neurons and local interneurons either in the ganglion of origin or in adjacent ganglia are all similar. However, the sign of the responses recorded in local interneurons (LI) and motor neurons varies according to the TIA subpopulation based on the location of their cell bodies. One group, the dorsal posterior group, (DPGs) has dorsal cell bodies, whereas the other group, the ventral median cells, (VMC) has ventral cell bodies. All DPG interneurons either excited postsynaptic cells or failed to show any connection at all. In contrast, all VMC interneurons either inhibited postsynaptic cells or failed to show any connection. It appears that the TIAs utilize directional wind information from the ventral giant interneurons to make a decision on the optimal direction of escape. The output connections, which project not only to cells within the ganglion of origin but also to adjacent ganglia and perhaps beyond, could allow this decision to be made throughout the thoracic ganglia as a single unit. However, nothing in these connections indicates a mechanism for making appropriate coordinated leg movements. Because each pair of legs plays a unique role in the turn, this coordination should be controlled by circuits dedicated to each leg. We suggest that this is accomplished by local interneurons between TIAs and leg motor neurons.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Dose-response curves are presented for the diuretic activity in aqueous extracts of brain, retrocerebral complex, and ventral nerve cord ganglia from Acheta domesticus . Diuretic activity is highest in extracts of brain and corpora cardiaca. In comparison with such extracts, those of the suboesophageal ganglia and thoracic ganglia I-III produce truncated responses, whilst abdominal ganglia 1–4 show evidence of an inhibition of the diuretic response at high doses. ED50 values, obtained from Hill plots, are similar for extracts of brain, corpora cardiaca, corpora allata, and abdominal ganglia, but are 3–4 times higher for extracts of suboesophageal and thoracic ganglia.
Separation of aqueous extracts of corpora cardiaca by reversed-phase HPLC yields a number of fractions which stimulate fluid secretion in isolated tubules. Diuretic activity in these fractions is destroyed by treatment with Pronase E, and on this basis is identified as peptidic. In general, diuretic activity is found in the same RP-HPLC fractions prepared from aqueous extracts of brain, suboesophageal ganglia, thoracic ganglia I-III, and abdominal ganglia 1–4.  相似文献   

In order to understand the neural mechanisms of pheromone-oriented walking in male silkworm moths, Bombyxmori, we have characterized olfactory responses and three-dimensional structure of two clusters (Group-I, Group-II) of descending interneurons in the brain by intracellular recording and staining with lucifer yellow. Neurons were imaged with laser-scanning confocal microscopy. Group-I and Group-II descending interneurons were classified into three morphological types, respectively. In response to the sex pheromone, bombykol, Type-A Group-I descending interneurons showed characteristic flipflopping activity. The Group-I descending interneurons had dendritic arborizations in the lateral accessory lobe and varicose profiles in the posterior-lateral part of the suboesophageal ganglion where the dendritic arborizations of a neck motor neuron (i.e., cv1 NMN) reside. Other types of Group-I descending interneurons exhibited long-lasting suppression of firing. The pheromonal responses of Group-II descending interneurons fell into two classes: brief excitation and brief inhibition. Type-A Group-II descending interneurons showing brief excitation had blebby processes in the posterior-lateral part of the suboesophageal ganglion. Type-B and Type-C Group-II descending interneurons did not have varicose profiles there. Therefore, the neck motor neuron regulating head turning, which accompanies the pheromone-oriented walking, may be controlled by these two types, flipflop and phasic excitation, of descending activity patterns. Accepted: 2 November 1998  相似文献   

Unlike other venomous predators, the parasitoid wasp Ampulex compressa incapacitates its prey, the cockroach Periplaneta americana, to provide a fresh food supply for its offspring. We first established that the wasp larval development, from egg laying to pupation, lasts about 8 days during which the cockroach must remain alive but immobile. To this end, the wasp injects a cocktail of neurotoxins to manipulate the behavior of the cockroach. The cocktail is injected directly into the head ganglia using biosensors located on the stinger. The head sting induces first 30 min of intense grooming followed by hypokinesia during which the cockroach is unable to generate an escape response. In addition, stung cockroaches survive longer, lose less water, and consume less oxygen. Dopamine contained in the venom appears to be responsible for inducing grooming behavior. For the hypokinesia, our hypothesis is that the injected venom affects neurons located in the head ganglia, which send descending tonic input to bioaminergic neurons. These, in turn, control the thoracic premotor circuitry for locomotion. We show that the activity of identified octopaminergic neurons from the thoracic ganglia is altered in stung animals. The alteration in the octopaminergic neurons' activity could be one of the mechanisms by which the venom modulates the escape circuit in the cockroach's central nervous system and metabolism in the peripheral system.  相似文献   

The data described here complete the principal components of the cockroach wind-mediated escape circuit form cercal afferents to leg motor neurons. It was previously known that the cercal afferents excite ventral giant interneurons which then conduct information on wind stimuli to thoracic ganglia. The ventral giant interneurons connect to a large population of interneurons in the thoracic ganglia which, in turn, are capable of exciting motor neurons that control leg movements. Thoracic interneurons that receive constant short latency inputs from ventral giant interneurons have been referred to as type A thoracic interneurons (TIAs). In this paper, we demonstrate that the motor response of TIAs occurs in adjacent ganglia as well as in the ganglion of origin for the TIA. We then describe the pathway from TIAs to motor neurons in both ganglia. Our observations reveal complex interactions between thoracic interneurons and leg motor neurons. Two parallel pathways exist. TIAs excite leg motor neurons directly and via local interneurons. Latency and amplitude of post-synaptic potentials (PSPs) in motor neurons and local interneurons either in the ganglion of origin or in adjacent ganglia are all similar. However, the sign of the responses recorded in local interneurons (LI) and motor neurons varies according to the TIA subpopulation based on the location of their cell bodies. One group, the dorsal posterior group, (DPGs) has dorsal cell bodies, whereas the other group, the ventral median cells, (VMC) has ventral cell bodies. All DPG interneurons either excited postsynaptic cells or failed to show any connection at all. In contrast, all VMC interneurons either inhibited postsynaptic cells or failed to show any connection. It appears that the TIAs utilize directional wind information from the ventral giant interneurons to make a decision on the optimal direction of escape. The output connections, which project not only to cells within the ganglion of origin but also to adjacent ganglia and perhaps beyond, could allow this decision to be made throughout the thoracic ganglia as a single unit. However, nothing in these connections indicates a mechanism for making appropriate coordinated leg movements. Because each pair of legs plays a unique role in the turn, this coordination should be controlled by circuits didicated to each leg. We suggest that this is accomplished by local interneurons between TIAs and leg motor neurons.  相似文献   

Summary We have used immunohistochemical methods to investigate the morphology of identified, presumptive serotonergic neurons in the antennal lobes and suboesophageal ganglion of the worker honeybee. A large interneuron (deutocerebral giant, DCG) is described that interconnects the deutocerebral antennal and dorsal lobes with the suboesophageal ganglion and descends into the ventral nerve chord. This neuron is accompanied by a second serotonin-immunoreactive interneuron with projections into the protocerebrum. Two pairs of bilateral immunoreactive serial homologues were identified in each of the three suboesophageal neuromeres and were also found in the thoracic ganglia. With the exception of the frontal commissure, no immunoreactive processes could be found in the peripheral nerves of the brain and the suboesophageal ganglion. The morphological studies on the serial homologues were extended by intracellular injections of Lucifer Yellow combined with immunofluorescence.  相似文献   

In crickets (Gryllus campestris, Gryllus bimaculatus) the contribution of the suboesophageal ganglia (SOG) and thoracic ganglia to the generation of antennal movements during visual tracking, walking and flight was investigated by the transection of connectives. Transection of one circumoesophageal connective abolished the movements and postures of the antenna ipsilateral to the lesion, while the contralateral antenna behaved normally. Simple antennal reflexes remained. Transection of one neck connective reduced fast components of antennal movements during tracking and walking. During flight the ipsilateral antenna could not be maintained in a prolonged forward position. Antennal movements during tracking and walking appeared normal after transection of one connective between pro- and mesothoracic ganglia. However, the antennal flight posture required uninterrupted connections between brain and mesothoracic ganglion. The ablation of more posterior ganglia had no effect on the antennal behaviours investigated. Recordings from an antennal motor nerve revealed a unilateral net excitation relayed via the SOG to the brain. Two ascending interneurones with activity closely correlated with antennal movements are candidates for such a relay function. The data show that the brain is not sufficient to generate antennal movements and postures as integral parts of several behaviours. The SOG and the thoracic ganglia are required in addition. Accepted: 12 March 1997  相似文献   

An air puff stimulus to the cerci of a cricket (Gryllus bimaculatus) evokes flying when it is suspended in air, while the same stimulus evokes swimming when it is placed on the water surface. After bilateral dissection of the connectives between the suboesophageal and the prothoracic ganglia or between the brain and the suboesophageal ganglion, the air puff stimulus evokes flying even when the operated cricket is placed on the water surface. A touch stimulus on the body surface of crickets placed on the water surface elicits only flying when the connectives between suboesophageal and prothoracic ganglia are dissected, while the same stimulus elicits either swimming or flying when the connectives between the brain and the suboesophageal ganglion are dissected. These results suggest that certain neurons running through the ventral nerve cords between the brain and the suboesophageal ganglion or between the suboesophageal and the prothoracic ganglia play important but different roles in the initiation and/or switching of swimming and flying. In the suboesophageal ganglion, we physiologically and morphologically identified four types of "swimming initiating neurons". Depolarization of any one of these neurons resulted in synchronized activities of paired legs with a similar temporal sequence to that observed during swimming.  相似文献   

Few studies in arthropods have documented to what extent local control centers in the thorax can support locomotion in absence of inputs from head ganglia. Posture, walking, and leg motor activity was examined in cockroaches with lesions of neck or circumoesophageal connectives. Early in recovery, cockroaches with neck lesions had hyper-extended postures and did not walk. After recovery, posture was less hyper-extended and animals initiated slow leg movements for multiple cycles. Neck lesioned individuals showed an increase in walking after injection of either octopamine or pilocarpine. The phase of leg movement between segments was reduced in neck lesioned cockroaches from that seen in intact animals, while phases in the same segment remained constant. Neither octopamine nor pilocarpine initiated changes in coordination between segments in neck lesioned individuals. Animals with lesions of the circumoesophageal connectives had postures similar to intact individuals but walked in a tripod gait for extended periods of time. Changes in activity of slow tibial extensor and coxal depressor motor neurons and concomitant changes in leg joint angles were present after the lesions. This suggests that thoracic circuits are sufficient to produce leg movements but coordinated walking with normal motor patterns requires descending input from head ganglia.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of gastrin/CCK-like immunoreactive material has been studied in the retrocerebral complex of Calliphora. The material reacts with antisera specific for the common COOH terminus of gastrin and CCK but not with N-terminal antisera. The three thoracic ganglia and the fused abdominal ganglia each contain a specific number of symmetrically arranged immunoreactive cells both dorsally and ventrally in pairs on either side of the midline in a sagittal plane. The neuropil of these ganglia also contains a considerable amount of immunoreactive fibres and droplets. Reconstructed axonal pathways suggest that some of the nerve fibres have their origins within the brain and/or the suboesophageal ganglion. Immunoreactive material may also be seen apparently leaving the thoracic ganglion posteriorly via the abdominal nerves, and there is strong evidence of a neurohaemal organ within the dorsal sheath in the region of the metathoracic and abdominal ganglia. There appears to be a direct correlation between the content of peptidergic material of cells and fibres and the age and diet of the flies. The corpus cardiacum contains COOH-terminal specific gastrin/CCK-like material within the intrinsic cells and in the neuropil. It is present also in the cardiac-recurrent nerve entering the corpus cardiacum anteriorly and in the nerves leaving the gland dorsoposteriorly, the aortic or cardiac nerves. It is not observed, however, in the nerves leaving the corpus cardiacum ventroposteriorly, the so-called oesophageal, gastric or crop-duct nerves. The corpus allatum and the hypocerebral ganglion do not contain immunoreactive material of this type. Gastrin/CCK-like and secretin-like immunoreactive materials appear to co-exist in the cells of the corpus cardiacum and co-existence of gastrin/CCK-like and pancreatic polypeptide like substances occurs within certain cells of the thoracic ganglion.  相似文献   

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