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Abstract. 1. As a spring-feeding moth committed to immature foliage, the autumnal moth Epirrita autumnata (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) must have egg hatch synchronised with the bud-burst of its host plants. Due to large individual variation in the length of the pupal period, however, E. autumnata populations exhibit a prolonged period of flight and oviposition. Because the timing of oviposition in autumn is associated with the timing of egg hatch in the following spring, the time window for egg hatch expands and more potential hosts may become attainable. This suggestion was evaluated under field conditions by rearing E. autumnata eggs and larvae on four different hosts.
2. The performance of E. autumnata was measured by using estimates for fecundity (pupal mass) as well as survivorship of eggs and larvae. Based on the availability of foliage and phenological synchrony between larval and leaf development, early-laid eggs and the larvae originating from them were predicted to perform better on the hosts that have early-flushing leaves. On the late-flushing hosts, the larvae that hatched later were predicted to perform better than the larvae that hatched earlier. Half of the trials were exposed to predators and parasitoids, while the rest were conducted inside mesh-bags preventing larval dispersal and mortality due to natural enemies.
3. The results of the experiment did not support the simple predictions. In particular, host-plant quality and natural enemies appeared to operate discordantly between early- and late-laid eggs. Larvae from the late-laid eggs had rapid development during the larval stages and pupated at the same time and with the same pupal mass as the larvae hatched from the early-laid eggs.
4. The results indicate an occurrence of several, unknown selective forces in E. autumnata populations maintaining variation in the length of the pupal period, timing of oviposition, and timing of egg hatch.  相似文献   

  • 1 We studied within-tree variation in leaf quality of the mountain birch, Betula pubescens ssp. tortuosa, for larvae of the autumnal moth, Epirrita autumnata.
  • 2 The purpose of the study was to determine the possible occurrence of systematic differences in larval growth on short shoot leaves (i.e. leaves of the same age): among leaves facing in different compass directions, between leaves of lower and upper branches, among leaves on different positions within a branch and among leaves of different sizes within a short shoot. We also measured larval growth between short shoot and long shoot leaves (i.e. between leaves of different age).
  • 3 The larvae grew best on leaves on the north side of trees and most poorly on south side leaves, the east and west sides being intermediate. Leaves from the upper branches supported larval growth better than leaves from the lower ones. The larvae grew better on the smallest leaf of each short shoot and were able to utilize it more efficiently than the two larger leaves. Short shoot leaves from the basal and middle parts of the upper branches of the trees were of better quality for the larvae than short shoot leaves from the tip part of the branches. The larval growth rate did not differ between short shoot and long shoot leaves. In general, within-tree variation in the larval growth rate was lower than variation among different trees.
  • 4 Damage to leaves can decrease leaf quality for herbivores in the same year (rapidly inducible responses) or the following year(s) (delayed inducible responses). Our results show that systematic within-tree variation in larval growth can be as great as the effects of rapidly inducible responses and that variation among individual trees can be as great as the mean effects of delayed inducible responses.

Soil amelioration by a wood-ant species and its consequences for the larval performance of autumnal moths feeding on mountain birch were studied at various distances from the nest mound. Soil nitrate and ammonium nitrogen did not show any clear relationship with distance. However, trees growing in the mound had over 20% more foliar nitrogen than more distant trees. When moth larvae were experimentally protected from predation, their survival rate and final weight tended to decrease with increasing distance. In a laboratory experiment with detached leaves, the relative growth rate of larvae was roughly 30% higher on leaves from trees located on the mound. Differences in larval performance refute the Plant Stress Hypothesis proposed by T.C.R. White and support P.W. Price's Plant Vigor Hypothesis. Predation by ants was examined along the same gradient in trees with and without a glue band that excluded ants from the canopy. Reduction in the daily survival rate of larvae attributable to ant predation was about 35% in trees growing in the mound and around 5% at a distance of 20 m. Other things being equal, about 25 times more larvae entering the penultimate instar would achieve the pupal stage outside the wood-ant territory than in the vicinity of the mound. While both the fertilizing and predatory influence of wood ants is clear, the domain of predation is much larger than the area where trees and their herbivores can exploit enhanced nutrient levels in and around ant mounds. The existence of undamaged green islands around ant mounds in otherwise totally defoliated mountain-birch forests cannot be explained by soil amelioration by wood ants but rather by their predatory activity. Received: 21 November 1996 / Accepted: 8 September 1997  相似文献   

  • 1 We studied among-tree and within-tree variation in the growth of larvae of a geometrid, Epirrita autumnata, on mountain birch (Betula pubescens ssp. tortuosa) leaves at different hierarchical levels: among trees (genets), among ramets within trees, among branches within ramets, among shoots within branches and among leaves within shoots. We used only short shoot leaves, which burst simultaneously in spring.
  • 2 Trees accounted for most of the variation in larval growth rate, but there was substantial variation also among ramets within trees, among branches within ramets, and among short shoots within branches. Variation among leaves within short shoots was negligible. When the probabilities from different experiments were combined, the differences were statistically significant at the tree, ramet and branch levels, and approached significance at the shoot level.
  • 3 In different experiments, larval growth was from 9% to 54% lower on the worst tree than on the best tree of the experiment. On average, larval growth rate was in different experiments from 11% to 32% lower on the worst ramet than on the best ramet within tree, from 8% to 18% lower on the worst than on the best branch within ramet, and from 12% to 30% lower on the worst than on the best shoot within branch.
  • 4 The amount of among-and within-tree variation shown by our results may have ecological and evolutionary implications: among-tree variation should select for discrimination by ovipositing females and dispersing larvae, within-tree variation should select also for optimal foraging behaviour of larvae.

The morphology, ultrastructure, density and distribution of trichomes on leaves of Betula pendula, B. pubescens ssp. pubescens, B. pubescens ssp. czerepanovii and B. nana were examined by means of light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The composition of flavonoids in ethanolic leaf surface extracts was analysed by high pressure liquid chromatography. All taxa examined contained both glandular and non-glandular trichomes (short and/or long hairs) but differed from each other in trichome ultrastructure, density and location on the leaf. Leaves of B. pubescens were more hairy than those of B. pendula, but the latter species had a higher density of glandular trichomes. Of the two subspecies of B. pubescens, leaves of ssp. pubescens had more short hairs on the leaf surface and four times the density of glandular trichomes of leaves of ssp. czerepanovii, whereas, in the latter subspecies, short hairs occurred largely on leaf veins, as in B. nana. The glandular trichomes were peltate glands, consisting of medullar and cortical cells, which differed structurally. Cortical cells possessed numerous small, poorly developed plastids and small vacuoles, whereas medullar cells had several large plastids with well-developed thylakoid systems and fewer vacuoles. In B. pubescens subspecies, vacuoles of the glandular cells contained osmiophilic deposits, which were probably phenolic, whereas in B. pendula, vacuoles of glandular trichomes were characterized by the presence of numerous myelin-like membranes. The composition of epicuticular flavonoids also differed among species. The two subspecies of B. pubescens and B. nana shared the same 12 compounds, but five of these occurred only in trace amounts in B. nana. Leaf surface extracts of B. pendula contained just six flavonoids, three of which occurred only in this species. In summary, the structure, density and distribution of leaf trichomes and the composition of epicuticular flavonoids represent good taxonomic markers for Finnish birch species.  相似文献   

High- and low-altitude ecotypes of mountain birch (Betula pubescens ssp. czerepanovii) showed clear differences in their responses to various experimental conditions, including two temperature regimes and four fertilisation rates. There was, however, no simple way to characterise the elevational ecotypes in terms of relative growth rate, nitrogen (N) productivity, or root N uptake rate. The leaf N concentration was generally higher in the high-altitude seedlings than in the low-altitude seedlings. At low temperature, high-altitude mountain birch maintained a relatively high growth rate by combining high root N uptake rate and high leaf N concentration with high N productivity. An increase in temperature and/or fertiliser rate resulted in a marginal increase in N productivity in the high-altitude seedlings but resulted in a strong increase in N productivity in the low-altitude seedlings. In parallel, increased temperature resulted in a pronounced decrease in leaf N concentration only in the low-altitude seedlings. Our results suggest that the weak growth response to increased temperature in high-altitude mountain birch is functionally related to high leaf N concentration. The high leaf N concentration of high-altitude mountain birch is genetically determined and has an adaptive value in a cold environment. This suggests that there is a trade-off between high N productivity at low temperature and a strong response of N productivity to temperature. Received: 21 March 1998 / Accepted: 1 December 1998  相似文献   

Phenolic compounds are commonly regarded as the main chemical defenses of deciduous woody plants against insects. To examine how indices of leaf maturation (water content, toughness, and sugar/protein ratio) modified larval consumption and growth relative to phenolics and phenolic-related leaf traits, we measured consumption and growth of fourth-instar Epirrita autumnata (Bkh.) (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) larvae on three different days on young, normal, and mature leaves, respectively, from the same mountain birch (Betula pubescens ssp. czerepanovii (Orlova) Hämet-Ahti) trees. The larvae achieved the same growth rates on young and normal leaves, but had to consume 40% more on the latter. On more mature leaves, larval growth was poorer and was positively correlated with sugar/protein ratios (although the ratio peaked at that time). Indices of leaf maturation correlated with several phenolics in data pooled over the three study days, but poorly in any individual day. Similarly, in the pooled data, larval consumption and growth correlated with several leaf traits, but correlations between leaf and insect traits were few on any of the three days, and no trait was significant on each of the three days.We next examined whether variation in the maturation indices modified the associations of phenolics with insect consumption and growth. When interactions between phenolics and leaf maturation indices were taken into account, the number of phenolic compounds displaying significant associations with insect traits more than doubled. The relative importance of interactive versus direct associations increased with leaf maturation: on young leaves five phenolics showed direct and eleven interactive associations with insect traits, while in mature leaves we found two phenolics to display direct and thirteen phenolics interactive associations. Leaf water content, either alone or together with toughness and sugar/protein ratio, generally explained more of the variance in Epirrita growth (up to 59%) than any phenolic or phenolic-related trait alone (highest value 20%). Including interactive effects between phenolics and indices of leaf maturation in the model increased the proportion explained of variance in larval growth between 49 and 73%. Maturation indices explained 0 to 23% of variance in consumption, and the phenolic compound with the highest (positive!) correlation alone up to 28%, but taking into account interactions between phenolics and maturation indices raised the degree of explanation much (namely, 32 to 53%) over that explained by indices of leaf maturation alone. This indicates strong interactive effects on consumption between phenolics and indices of leaf maturation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Sub-arctic mountain birch Betula pubescens var. pumila communities in the North Atlantic region are of variable stature, ranging from prostrate scrubs to forests with trees up to 12 m high. Four hypotheses were tested, relating growth and population characteristics of sub-arctic birch woodland and scrub to tree stature; i.e. the variable stature of birch woods is due to differences in (1) the mean growth rate; (2) the age-related patterns of growth rate; (3) the life expectancy of stems; or (4) the tree form. Methods: A stratified random sample of 300 birch trees was drawn from the total population of indigenous birch woodlands and scrub in Iceland, yielding 286 valid sample genets. The population was divided into three sub-populations with dominant trees 0-2, 2-4 and 4-12 m tall, referred to as birch scrub, birch scrub-woodland and birch forest, respectively. KEY RESULTS: Trees in the scrub population were of more contorted growth form than birch in the scrub-woodland and forest populations. Mean growth rates, mean age and median life expectancies increased significantly with sub-population of greater tree stature. At the population level, annual increment and longevity of birch stems was apparently interrelated as the stems in vigorously growing birch sub-populations had a longer life expectancy than those of slower growth. However, no difference was observed between sub-populations in age-related patterns of extension growth rate. CONCLUSIONS: The results were consistent with hypotheses (1), (3) and (4), but hypothesis (2) was rejected. Hence, mountain birch of more vigorous growth attains a greater stature than birch of lesser increment due to faster extension growth rate and a longer lifespan. In addition, the more contorted stem form of scrub populations contributes to their low stature.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. The work reported here analysed host utilisation by the pine processionary moth Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Lepidoptera: Thaumetopoeidae), the relationship between moth oviposition patterns and larval performance, the chemical characteristics of the plant in relation to the performance of different larval instars, and the role of these factors in the outbreak capacity of the species. In order to do this, a combination of field and laboratory techniques was used to study three pine species differing in nutritional characteristics.
2. Moths oviposited in the three pine species analysed, although cluster pine received a lower number of batches. Late-instar larvae were able to feed on all three pine species, however first-instar larvae developed on Scots and black pine but died on cluster pine. Consequently, oviposition in cluster pine can be considered an oviposition mistake, and indicates that moths are rather unselective when ovipositing on different pine species.
3. Chemical analysis of needles suggested that the quantity of nitrogen was the main factor responsible for the difference in survival of larvae.
4. The oviposition pattern of the moth and the larval susceptibility to food quality in Thaumetopoea pityocampa agree with the theory that unselective oviposition of the moth is a precondition for eruptive dynamics in phytophagous insects.
5. The success of the larvae depends mainly on the probability of the moth finding a suitable host. This probability is determined strongly by the changes of structure and coverage in Mediterranean pine woodlands, due to human management.  相似文献   

  • 1 Abundance of leaf-mining larvae of the outbreak species Eriocrania spp. was monitored in northern Sweden in 1955–67 and 1984–92 in a mountain birch forest rejuvenated by an Epirrita autumnata outbreak in 1954–55.
  • 2 Eriocrania mine density fluctuated in a regular biennial pattern, probably due to a semivoltine life cycle. The alternate year fluctuations had shifted phase between the two study periods.
  • 3 The density fluctuated at a significantly higher mean level and with a lower amplitude in the c. 10-year-old forest in the 1960s than in the 30-year-old forest in the 1980s. However, no difference was found in mine density between c. 30- and >60-year-old stands in the 1980s.
  • 4 Significant correlations between the density of mines in high-density years and date of budburst, and between rate of change between high-density years and the time between snow-melt and budburst indicate effects of weather. No correlation was found between yearly average mine density and date of budburst, precipitation or temperatures in May or June.
  • 5 No correlation was found between the mean densities of Eriocrania mines and E.autumnata caterpillars in the same and the two preceding years. However, in the first (1955) and highest of three studied E.autumnata peaks a negative effect on population density of Eriocrania was indicated.
  • 6 A significant, negative correlation between the number of Eriocrania mines and E.autumnata caterpillars on single branches was found in three out of eighteen years. The separation of caterpillars and mines at branch level indicates an effect of avoidance at intermediate population densities.

1. Predictions from the Phylogenetic Constraints Hypothesis were tested for the first time in a tropical system using the pasture pest Deois flavopicta Stal, which oviposits into the ground and not into plant tissues. The prediction that there is no oviposition preference–larval performance linkage was supported. The absence of such a link provides an evolutionary basis for eruptive population dynamics. 2. The effects of host species and host plant quality on the preference of ovipositing females of D. flavopicta and performance of their offspring on the selected host plants were tested at the population level. 3. Female oviposition behaviour was affected by the presence of the host plant. Females of D. flavopicta showed a strong preference to oviposit close to host plants. The number of eggs was higher in pots containing Brachiaria ruziziensis (121.88 ± 13.70) than in pots containing only the wet oviposition substrate (5.2 ± 1.98) or dry oviposition substrate (0.067 ± 0.067). Ovipositing females did not, however, discriminate between plants of Brachiaria decumbens and Axonopus marginatus and did not show a strong oviposition preference in relation to differences in plant quality (protein and fibre content). They did show oviposition preference for plants under the high watering regime. The mean number of eggs collected from pots with non water‐stressed plants was 60% higher than the mean number of eggs collected on pots with water‐stressed plants. 4. Although females did not show ovipositional preference, spittlebug larval performance, measured as percentage survival and duration of nymphal period, was better on plants of high protein and low fibre content. These results indicate that there is not a linkage between female oviposition preference and subsequent nymphal performance in relation to differences in protein and fibre content in the host plants. There was, however, a limited linkage between oviposition preference and nymphal performance in relation to plant water content. Females showed preference for moist sites that have high survival of newly hatched nymphs. 5. Evidence indicates that for D. flavopicta, the influences of natality and female oviposition behaviour in response to plant quality are not the major factors driving population outbreaks, which is in accordance with the Phylogenetic Constraints Hypothesis.  相似文献   

Young trees 0.03-1.7 m high of three coexisting Betula species were investigated in four sites of varying soil fertility, but all in full daylight, to separate nutrient and plant size controls on leaf dry mass per unit area (MA), light-saturated foliar photosynthetic electron transport rate (J) and the fraction of plant biomass in foliage (F(L)). Because the site effect was generally non-significant in the analyses of variance with foliar nitrogen content per unit dry mass (N(M)) as a covariate, N(M) was used as an explaining variable of leaf structural and physiological characteristics. Average leaf area (S) and dry mass per leaf scaled positively with N(M) and total tree height (H) in all species. Leaf dry mass per unit area also increased with increasing H, but decreased with increasing N(M), whereas the effects were species-specific. Increases in plant size led to a lower and increases in N(M) to a greater FL and total plant foliar area per unit plant biomass (LAR). Thus, the self-shading probably increased with increasing N(M) and decreased with increasing H. Nevertheless, the whole-plant average M(A), as well as M(A) values of topmost fully exposed leaves, correlated with N(M) and H in a similar manner, indicating that scaling of MA with N(M) and H did not necessarily result from the modified degree of within-plant shading. The rate of photosynthetic electron transport per unit dry mass (J(M)) scaled positively with N(M), but decreased with increasing H and M(A). Thus, increases in M(A) with tree height and decreasing nitrogen content not only resulted in a lower plant foliar area (LAR = F(L)/M(A)), but also led to lower physiological activity of unit foliar biomass. The leaf parameters (J(M), N(M) and M(A)) varied threefold, but the whole-plant characteristic FL varied 20-fold and LAR 30-fold, indicating that the biomass allocation was more plastically adjusted to different plant internal nitrogen contents and to tree height than the foliar variables. Our results demonstrate that: (1) tree height and N(M) may independently control foliar structure and physiology, and have an even greater impact on biomass allocation; and (2) the modified within-plant light availabilities alone do not explain the observed patterns. Although there were interspecific differences with respect to the statistical significance of the relationships, all species generally fit common regressions. However, these differences were consistent, and suggested that more competitive species with inherently larger growth rates also more plastically respond to N and H.  相似文献   

Denuded landscapes adjacent to big polluters represent an extremely harsh environment for plants due to a unique combination of soil toxicity and physical stress. In a 5‐year experiment we tested whether survival and performance of seedlings of Mountain birch (Betula pubescens ssp. czerepanovii) planted in two barren sites around the nickel–copper smelter at Monchegorsk, northwestern Russia, can be enhanced by physical sheltering and how large the supposed benefits to survival and performance are in relation to liming. Seedling performance was assessed by measuring growth parameters and chlorophyll fluorescence. Physical sheltering was found to be beneficial in some conditions: when soil characteristics were not so harsh as to cause 100% mortality, sheltering increased both survival and performance of birch seedlings. Although the benefits of liming on seedling performance and survival were stronger than the benefits of sheltering, sheltering may still have its uses in restoration when large‐scale liming is not applicable, for example, when the ecological side effects of liming are to be avoided.  相似文献   

Life history theory often assumes a positive relationship between offspring size and fitness, although the strength and form of this relationship is expected to vary with environmental conditions. In arthropods, surprisingly few studies have examined the influence of larval environment on the offspring size–fitness relation. In phytophagous insects, the few studies that have examined variation in larval host plants have found a negative correlation between host plant nutritional quality and the strength of selection favoring larger offspring size, suggesting that this pattern might be general. I present experimental evidence for such a relationship in a population of the moth Rothschildia lebeau feeding on its three primary host plant species. Unlike previous studies, I consider the effect of offspring size on growth and survival at two levels, both among families and among siblings within families. Neonate caterpillar mass had a significant effect on growth and survival. The effect on growth, however, was weak, resulted primarily from variation among families, and did not differ among host plant diets. The effect on survival was stronger and varied among host plant diets, among families, and within families on different host plants in a manner that was generally consistent with the hypothesized negative correlation between host plant nutritional quality and the strength of selection favoring larger offspring size. Overall, results suggest that the consequences of variation in offspring size for survival within and among families are host plant-dependent in this system.  相似文献   

 Effects of fluctuating and constant temperatures on budburst time, and respiration in winter buds were studied in Betula pubescens Ehrh. Dormant seedlings were chilled at 0°C for 4 months and then allowed to sprout in long days (LD, 24 h) at constant temperatures of 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 and 21°C, and at diurnally fluctuating temperatures (12/12 h, LD 24 h) with means of 9, 12, 15 and 18°C. No difference in thermal time requirements for budburst was found between plants receiving constant and fluctuating temperatures. The base temperature for thermal time accumulation was estimated to 1°C. Respiration in post-dormant (dormancy fully released) excised winter buds from an adult tree increased exponentially with temperature and was 20 times as high at 30°C than at 0°C. However, respiration in buds without scales was 30% higher at 0°C, and it was 2.7 times higher at 24°C than in intact buds. Thus, the tight bud scales probably constrain respiration and growth and are likely to delay budburst in spring. Arrhenius plots of the respiration data were biphasic with breaks at 13–15°C. However, this phase transition is unlikely to be associated with chilling sensitivity since the present species is hardy and adapted to a boreal climate. Received: 10 January 1997 / Accepted: 23 June 1997  相似文献   

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