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Simple method for screening aflatoxin-producing molds by UV photography   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
UV absorption by aflatoxins was monitored in GY agar medium by UV photography. In the UV photographs, aflatoxin-producing molds were identified as gray or black colonies, whereas aflatoxin-nonproducing molds appeared as white colonies. By cellophane transplantation experiments and silica gel thin-layer chromatography, the products absorbing UV light substantially were found to be mainly aflatoxins B1 and G1 excreted from the mold mycelium into the agar medium. UV absorption did not occur when the agar medium contained aflatoxin-noninducible carbon sources instead of glucose. Various inhibitors of aflatoxin production, such as dichlorovos and dimethyl sulfoxide, also decreased the intensity of UV absorption. These results indicate that this technique can be used as a simple, safe, and rapid method of screening aflatoxin-producing molds.  相似文献   

杨应忠  王亚平  胥瑾  格日力 《遗传》2017,39(2):135-142
高原肺水肿(high-altitude pulmonary edema, HAPE)是一种高原特发性疾病,其发病与遗传因素有一定关联。本研究对一个HAPE相关的家系展开遗传学调查,然后利用外显子组测序筛查了包括先证者在内的6名HAPE病史成员以及先证者的母亲共7个成员的遗传变异,结果发现18个HAPE相关的潜在遗传变异(9个SNVs和9个Indels)。利用SIFT,PolyPhen-2和PROVEAN等3种软件对这些遗传变异进行蛋白功能危害性分析,结果发现定位于CFHR4基因的SNV(p.L85F)以及定位于OXER1基因的SNV(p.R176C)具有高危害性,且OXER1的功能与HAPE低氧诱导通路存在高度关联,它们可作为该家系中HAPE相关的候选病理性变异。此外,还有部分SNVs(NMB p.S150P、APOB p.I4194T和EIF4ENIF1 p.Q763P)以及Indels(KCNJ12 p.EE333-334E、ANKRD31 p.LMN251-253LN和OR2A14 p.HFFC175-178HFC),其遗传变异同样具有一定危害,可作为潜在的HAPE相关遗传变异。本研究首次通过外显子组测序直接筛选与一中国HAPE家系相关的遗传变异,为后续揭示HAPE发病机制提供了新线索。  相似文献   

Rozhkov SP 《Biofizika》2001,46(1):53-59
It is shown that water-ion homeostasis in a water-biopolymer-salt system is realized when proportion of the concentrations of the components changes in the definite range. The mechanism of instantaneous osmotic regulating reaction is discussed, which is based on the ability of the system to physicochemical redistribution of the components of the solution and the formation of supramolecular structures in the form of dynamic biopolymer clusters. Quasiequilibrium biopolymer<-->cluster leads to changes in the properties of the hydration water phase that provide the stabilization of water activity and the ability of hydration water to dissolve electrolyte ions. It regulates osmotic pressure and surface tension in water-protein matrix. This process supports a balance of stabilizing and destabilizing forces that affect protein structure and determine its functional activity.  相似文献   

K Yabe  Y Ando  M Ito    N Terakado 《Applied microbiology》1987,53(2):230-234
UV absorption by aflatoxins was monitored in GY agar medium by UV photography. In the UV photographs, aflatoxin-producing molds were identified as gray or black colonies, whereas aflatoxin-nonproducing molds appeared as white colonies. By cellophane transplantation experiments and silica gel thin-layer chromatography, the products absorbing UV light substantially were found to be mainly aflatoxins B1 and G1 excreted from the mold mycelium into the agar medium. UV absorption did not occur when the agar medium contained aflatoxin-noninducible carbon sources instead of glucose. Various inhibitors of aflatoxin production, such as dichlorovos and dimethyl sulfoxide, also decreased the intensity of UV absorption. These results indicate that this technique can be used as a simple, safe, and rapid method of screening aflatoxin-producing molds.  相似文献   

The two most generally diagnosed Neurodegenerative diseases are the Alzheimer and Parkinson diseases. So this paper presents a fully automated early screening system based on the Capsule network for the classification of these two Neurodegenerative diseases. In this study, we hypothesized that the Neurodegenerative diseases-Caps system based on the Capsule network architecture accurately performs the multiclass i.e. three class classification into either the Alzheimer class or Parkinson class or Healthy control and delivers better results in comparison other deep transfer learning models. The real motivation behind choosing the capsule network architecture is its more resilient nature towards the affine transformations as well as rotational & translational invariance, which commonly persists in the medical image datasets. Apart from this, the capsule networks overcomes the pooling layers related deficiencies from which conventional CNNs are mostly affected and unable to delivers accurate results especially in the tasks related to image classification. The various Computer aided systems based on machine learning for the classification of brain tumors and other types of cancers are already available. Whereas for the classification of Neurodegenerative diseases, the amount of research done is very limited and the number of persons suffering from this type of diseases are increasing especially in developing countries like India, China etc. So there is a need to develop an early screening system for the correct multiclass classification into Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Normal or Healthy control cases. The Alzheimer disease and Parkinson progression (ADPP) dataset is used in this research study for the training of the proposed Neurodegenerative diseases-Caps system. This ADPP dataset is developed with the aid of both the Parkinson''s Progression Markers Initiative (PPMI) and Alzheimer’s disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) databases. There is no such early screening system exist yet, which can perform the accurate classification of these two Neurodegenerative diseases. For the sake of genuine comparison, other popular deep transfer learning models like VGG19, VGG16, ResNet50 and InceptionV3 are implemented and also trained over the same ADPP dataset. The proposed Neurodegenerative diseases-Caps system deliver accuracies of 97.81, 98, 96.81% for the Alzheimer, Parkinson and Healthy control or Normal cases with 70/30 (training/validation split) and performs way better as compare to the other popular Deep transfer learning models.Supplementary InformationThe online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s11571-022-09787-1.  相似文献   

About 95% of the ultraviolet (UV) photons reaching the Earth’s surface are UV-A (315–400 nm) photons. Plant responses to UV-A radiation have been less frequently studied than those to UV-B (280–315 nm) radiation. Most previous studies on UV-A radiation have used an unrealistic balance between UV-A, UV-B, and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). Consequently, results from these studies are difficult to interpret from an ecological perspective, leaving an important gap in our understanding of the perception of solar UV radiation by plants. Previously, it was assumed UV-A/blue photoreceptors, cryptochromes and phototropins mediated photomorphogenic responses to UV-A radiation and “UV-B photoreceptor” UV RESISTANCE LOCUS 8 (UVR8) to UV-B radiation. However, our understanding of how UV-A radiation is perceived by plants has recently improved. Experiments using a realistic balance between UV-B, UV-A, and PAR have demonstrated that UVR8 can play a major role in the perception of both UV-B and short-wavelength UV-A (UV-Asw, 315 to ∼350 nm) radiation. These experiments also showed that UVR8 and cryptochromes jointly regulate gene expression through interactions that alter the relative sensitivity to UV-B, UV-A, and blue wavelengths. Negative feedback loops on the action of these photoreceptors can arise from gene expression, signaling crosstalk, and absorption of UV photons by phenolic metabolites. These interactions explain why exposure to blue light modulates photomorphogenic responses to UV-B and UV-Asw radiation. Future studies will need to distinguish between short and long wavelengths of UV-A radiation and to consider UVR8’s role as a UV-B/UV-Asw photoreceptor in sunlight.

In sunlight, UVR8 mediates the perception of both UV-B and short-wavelength UV-A radiation with its sensitivity moderated by blue light perceived through cryptochromes.  相似文献   

Dispersal among sites can affect within-site competitive outcomes via source-sink dynamics. Source-sink dynamics are thought to affect competitive outcomes primarily via spatial subsidies: by redistributing individuals from sources to sinks, source-sink dynamics can alter competitive outcomes in both sources and sinks. However, dispersal also can affect competitive outcomes via demography modification, which occurs when dispersal alters the parameters governing species' per capita demographic rates. For instance, dispersal of exploitative competitors might cause extinction of some of the resources for which competition occurs, thereby altering the competition coefficients. I used protist microcosms as a model system to test whether spatial subsidies alone could explain the effects of source-sink dynamics on competitive outcomes. I examined the long-term outcome of exploitative competition among three bacterivorous ciliate protists in microcosms of high enrichment (sources) and low enrichment (sinks) in both the presence and the absence of dispersal. Dispersal altered competitive outcomes. Fitting mathematical models to the population dynamics revealed that spatial subsidies were insufficient to account for the effects of dispersal. Fitting alternative models strongly suggested that demography modification was an important determinant of competitive outcomes. These results provide the first evidence that dispersal does not simply redistribute competitors but can alter their per capita demographic rates.  相似文献   

A cyanophyte dominated mat, desert crust, forms the ground cover in areas measuring hundreds of square meters in Utah and smaller patches in Colorado. The algal mat shows stromatolitic features such as sediment trapping and accretion, a convoluted surface, and polygonal cracking. Sand and clay particles are immobilized by a dense network of filaments of the two dominating cyanophyte species,Microcoleus vaginatus andM. chthonoplastes, which secrete sheaths to which particles adhere. These microorganisms can tolerate long periods of desiccation and are capable of instant reactivation and migration following wetting. Migration occurs in two events: 1. immediately following wetting of dry mat, trichomes are mechanically expelled from the sheath as it swells during rehydration, and 2. subsequently, trichomes begin a self-propelled gliding motility which is accompanied by further production of sheath. The maximum distance traveled on solid agar by trichomes ofMicrocoleus vaginatus during a 12 hour period of light was 4.8 cm. This corresponds to approximately 500 times the length of the fastest trichome, and provides a measure of the potential for spreading of the mat in nature via the motility of the trichomes.Dehydration resistence of the sheath modifies the extracellular environment of the trichomes and enables their transition to dormancy. Following prolonged wetting and evaporative drying of the mat in the laboratory, a smooth wafer-like crust is formed by the sheaths ofMicrocleus trichomes that have migrated to the surface. Calcium carbonate precipitates among the algal filaments under experimental conditions, indicating a potential for mat lithification and fossilization in the form of a caliche crust. It is suggested that limestones containing tubular microfossils may, in part, be of such an origin.The formation of mature Precambrian soils may be attributable to soil accretion, stabilization, and biogenic modification by blue-green algal land mats similar to desert crust.  相似文献   

Caenorhabditis elegans has a number of distinct advantages that are useful for understanding the basis for cellular and organismal dysfunction underlying age-associated diseases of protein misfolding. Although protein aggregation, a key feature of human neurodegenerative diseases, has been typically explored in vivo at the single-cell level using cells in culture, there is now increasing evidence that proteotoxicity has a non-cell-autonomous component and is communicated between cells and tissues in a multicellular organism. These discoveries have opened up new avenues for the use of C. elegans as an ideal animal model system to study non-cell-autonomous proteotoxicity, prion-like propagation of aggregation-prone proteins, and the organismal regulation of stress responses and proteostasis. This Review focuses on recent evidence that C. elegans has mechanisms to transmit certain classes of toxic proteins between tissues and a complex stress response that integrates and coordinates signals from single cells and tissues across the organism. These findings emphasize the potential of C. elegans to provide insights into non-cell-autonomous proteotoxic mechanisms underlying age-related protein-misfolding diseases.KEY WORDS: Caenorhabditis elegans, Cell non-autonomous proteotoxicity, Prion-like spreading  相似文献   

1. The release of neurotransmitters, hormones, and enzymes involves exquisitely regulated events which ultimately result in the fusion of the secretory vesicle with the cell's plasma membrane, releasing the vesicle contents into the extracellular space. 2. The biochemical and cellular mechanisms mediating exocytosis have been extensively studied in a model system of primary cultured adrenal chromaffin cells. 3. This paper briefly reviews current understanding, and directions of future studies in exocytosis using this model system.  相似文献   



The mortality of lung cancer (LC), increases each year in the world, in spite of any advances, in development of new drugs to advance stages of LC. The high incidence of LC has been associated with smoking habit, genetic diversity and environmental pollution. Antofagasta region has been reported to have the highest LC mortality rate in Chile and its inhabitants were exposed to arsenic in their drinking water in concentrations as high as 870 μg/L. Non-invasive techniques such as biomarkers (Automatic Quantitative Cytometry: AQC and DR70) and Auto Fluorescence Bronchoscopy (AFB) might be potentially useful as a supplementary diagnostic approach and early detection. Early detection is one of the most important factors to intervene and prevent cancer progression in LC. This is a work of an ongoing prospective bimodality cancer surveillance study in high risk LC volunteers. Enrolment was done in subjects from Antofagasta and Metropolitan regions. In addition, we enrolled subjects who were suspected of having lung cancer. AQC, DR70 and AFB were used as tools in the detection of pre-neoplastic (PNL) and neoplastic lesions (NL).


Half of the samples, classified as suspicious by AFB, were confirmed as metaplasia or dysplasia by histopathology. For LC, DR70 showed a higher sensitivity (95.8%) and specificity (91.9%) than AQC. However, for PNL AQC showed a higher sensitivity (91.9%) than DR70 (27.3%), although both with low PPV values. As a pre screener, both biomarkers might be employed as complementary tools to detect LC, especially as serially combined tests, with a sensitivity of 60% and a PPV of 65.2%. Additionally, the use of parallel combined tests might support the detection of PNL (sensitivity 91.2%; PPV 49.1%).


This work adds information on cellular and molecular biomarkers to complement imaging techniques for early detection of LC in Latin America that might contribute to formulate policies concerning screening of LC. Supported by INNOVA-CORFO, Chile.  相似文献   

The ability of the Planktothrix rubescens to stratify in Lake Zürich is related to the size and shape of the cyanobacterial filaments. Detailed measurements made in the lake are used in a dynamic computer model of buoyancy regulation to investigate the vertical movements of filaments tracking the depth at which the irradiance would support neutral buoyancy. The movement of the filament lags behind the constantly changing target depth owing to (a) the time taken for the filament to respond to the irradiance by changing its density and (b) the time it takes to move by sinking down or floating up through the water column. The model simulates the stratification depth over a 5-month period of the summer from the continuous measurements of irradiance and weekly measurements of light attenuation and temperature, without any further adjustment over the period. Models using filaments of the size observed in Lake Zürich explain several details of the observed depth changes: smaller planktonic cyanobacteria (e.g. Limnothrix sp.) are unable to migrate fast enough and larger ones (e.g. Anabaena spp.) will overshoot and become entrained in the epilimnion. The model can be used to simulate recruitment of Planktothrix filaments from different depths after vernal stratification. Recruitment of filaments from depths down to 45 m will contribute to the metalimnetic population increase in early July.  相似文献   

The dramatic increase in the mortality of lip- and oral cancers in Hungary in the last decades points to the importance of primary and secondary prevention. Stomato-oncological screening examinations belong to the latter category, and might represent useful tools in the early diagnosis and treatment of oral carcinomas and precancerous lesions. The aim of the paper is to review the methods, results and effectivity of stomato-oncological screening examinations in Hungary. Between 1962 and 2000 nine screening examinations were performed: one on a population sample, one in an industrial setting, four connected to X-ray lung-screening examinations (one with the help of a mobile unit), one on voluntary persons, one on high risk people (homeless), one in general medical practice. Among these, in the last five years, in the course of the stomato-oncological examination of 17325 individuals, oral carcinoma has been found in 0.12%, and oral precanceroses in 2.63%. Although the general dentist is obliged by law to perform a stomato-oncological examination on the patients appearing in the practice, unfortunately, about 50-to-90% of the population does not visit a dentist regularly. The regular examination of these - high risk - groups by the help of the above methods, including the help of general medical practitioners is highly recommended.  相似文献   

2020年全球乳腺癌(breast cancer,BC)新发病例达226万例,占全部肿瘤新发病例的11.7%,是全世界发病率最高的癌症。早期发现、早期诊断和早期治疗是降低乳腺癌死亡率及改善预后的关键。尽管乳房X光筛查被广泛用作乳腺癌筛查的工具,但其假阳性、辐射性和过度诊断仍是亟待解决的问题。因此,亟需开发易于获取且稳定可靠的生物标志物,用于乳腺癌无创筛查和诊断。近年来多项研究显示来自乳腺癌患者血液中的循环肿瘤细胞DNA(circulating tumor cell DNA,ctDNA)、癌胚抗原(carcinoembryonic antigen,CEA)、糖类抗原15-3(carbohydrate antigen 15-3,CA15-3)、细胞外囊泡(extracellular vesicles,EV)、循环miRNA和BRCA基因突变等生物标志物,以及来自人体尿液、呼出气体(volatile organic compounds,VOCs)和乳头吸出液(nipple aspirate fluid,NAF)中的磷脂、miRNA、苯乙酮和十六烷等多种生物标志物与乳腺癌早期筛查和诊断密切相关。本文综述了上述生物标志物在乳腺癌早期筛查和诊断中的应用。  相似文献   

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