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The genomic structure of integrins is important to our understanding of the evolution of this complex family. The alpha subunit of the leukocyte integrin p150,95 (CD11c) is a transmembrane polypeptide of 1144 residues whose long extracellular region contains three putative divalent cation binding repeats and a 200- amino acid inserted or "I" domain. The p150,95 alpha subunit gene extends over 25 kilobases and is comprised of at least 31 exons grouped in five clusters. The I domain, which is only present in some integrins and is homologous to domains in von Willebrand factor, cartilage matrix protein, complement factor B and the alpha 1 and alpha 2 chains of collagen type VI, is distributed in four exons. Each one of the three divalent cation binding repeats is encoded by a separate exon. Surprisingly, a sequence homologous to the first two putative divalent cation binding repeats is present in an inverted orientation in the intron following the last exon of the I domain. Both the signal peptide and the transmembrane domain are split in two exons. Putative proteolytic cleavage sequences in other integrin alpha subunits align as inserts within the p150,95 alpha subunit gene falling at exon boundaries. The organization of the p150,95 alpha subunit gene provides further insights into the structure and evolution of the integrins.  相似文献   

The p150,95 cell surface protein is a member of a family of heterodimeric leukocyte adhesion proteins that have homologous alpha subunits, each noncovalently associated with a common beta subunit. In this report we have metabolically labeled the U937 cell line at various timepoints during its phorbol myristic acetate-induced maturation to examine the kinetics of synthesis of these proteins during monocytic differentiation, and their maturation and glycosylation. The p150,95 alpha subunit was immunoprecipitated with p150,95-specific monoclonal antibody (MAb), or an antiserum to the denatured, purified alpha X subunit. The glycosylation and polypeptide chain length of the p150,95, Mac-1, and lymphocyte function associated antigen (LFA-1) alpha and beta subunits were compared by immunoprecipitation with subunit specific MAb and antisera, and by digestion with Endo H and N-glycanase. The p150,95 alpha subunit is synthesized as a precursor of 146,000 Mr, has five to six N-linked oligosaccharides, and has a polypeptide chain backbone of 132,000 Mr. Over 50% of the carbohydrate on the mature alpha subunit of 150,000 Mr was sensitive to Endo H digestion. The p150,95 alpha and beta precursors can associate before maturation into the mature form. Conversion to the mature form was accompanied by loss of reactivity with the antiserum to the denatured alpha X subunit, suggesting a change in conformation. Mac-1 and LFA-1 alpha subunits have precursors of 160,000 Mr and 165,000 Mr, respectively, and contain N-linked carbohydrates. The polypeptide chain length for the Mac-1 alpha subunit is 137,000 Mr, and for LFA-1 is 149,000 Mr. Only 14% of the oligosaccharide on the mature LFA-1 alpha subunit was sensitive to Endo H, suggesting that unlike p150,95, most is converted to the complex type. The differences noted in the Mr of the three homologous alpha subunits are therefore due to differences in both polypeptide chain length and carbohydrate processing during biosynthesis.  相似文献   

The human plasma metallo-protease carboxypeptidase N of Mr 280,000 consists of two small, enzymatically active subunits of Mr 50,000 and two large subunits. Only the large subunits are glycosylated. They may have a function in stabilizing the complex in plasma. The N-terminal sequence of the small subunit was determined from the isolated protein and used to specify a unique 59-mer oligonucleotide probe. A cDNA clone of 1.7 kbp containing the entire coding sequence of the small subunit of carboxypeptidase N was isolated from a human-liver cDNA library. The cDNA clone encodes a signal sequence of 20 amino acids and the 438 amino acids of the mature subunit. There is a remarkable primary structure similarity of 49% to bovine carboxypeptidase E (enkephalin convertase). A more distant relationship to the bovine pancreatic, digestive carboxypeptidases A and B or even to the metallo-endopeptidases is based mainly on the occurrence of conserved, mechanistically important residues.  相似文献   

The regulation of Mac-1, LFA-1, and p150,95 expression during leukocyte differentiation was examined. LFA-1 was present on almost all cell types studied. Both Mac-1 and p150,95 were present on the more mature cells of the myelomonocytic series, but only p150,95 was detected on some B cell lines and cloned cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) stimulation of B chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells dramatically increased p150,95 expression. The resultant Mac-1, LFA-1, p150,95 phenotype resembled hairy cell leukemia, a B cell plasmacytoid leukemia. The promonocytic cell line U937 and the promyeloblastic cell line HL-60 expressed only LFA-1. Monocytic differentiation of U937 cells was stimulated by PMA, and induced the concomitant expression of Mac-1 and p150,95, with more p150,95 induced than Mac-1. Granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) stimulation of U937 cells gave similar results. PMA-stimulated monocytic differentiation of the HL-60 cell line also induced expression of both Mac-1 and p150,95. The number of p150,95 molecules on PMA-stimulated U937 and HL-60 cells were 5 X 10(5) and 3 X 10(5), respectively. Retinoic acid stimulated myeloid differentiation of HL-60 cells and induced expression of both Mac-1 and p150,95. These cells acquired a Mac-1, LFA-1, p150,95 profile that resembled that of granulocytes, with more Mac-1 than p150,95 induced. GM-CSF stimulation of HL-60 cells induced a similar Mac-1 and p150,95 phenotype. The contributions of Mac-1, LFA-1, and p150,95 to aggregation of PMA-differentiated U937 cells were assessed. Monoclonal antibodies to the beta subunit and the LFA-1 alpha subunit, but not those to p150,95 or Mac-1 alpha subunit, inhibited this homotypic adherence.  相似文献   

beta2 integrins on leukocytes play important roles on cell-cell or cell-matrix adhesion through their ability to bind multiple ligands. The alpha subunits of leukocyte CD11/CD18 integrins contain an approximately 200-amino-acid inserted domain (I-domain) which is implicated in ligand binding function. To understand the characteristics of ligand binding to the alpha subunit of beta2 integrin p150,95 (CD11c/CD18), a recombinant form of the I-domain of CD11c was generated and analyzed for the interaction with fibrinogen, one of the ligands of p150,95. It was found that the CD11c I-domain bound fibrinogen specifically. Fibrinogen binding to the CD11c I-domain was inhibited by a molar excess of fragment E, a central domain of fibrinogen, and not by that of fragment D, a distal domain of fibrinogen, suggesting that CD11c/CD18 recognizes a central domain of fibrinogen. Divalent cations such as Mg(2+) and Mn(2+) were required for fibrinogen binding to the CD11c I-domain. Also alanine substitutions on the putative metal binding sites of the CD11c I-domain such as Asp(242) and Tyr(209) reduced its ability to bind fibrinogen. These data reinforce the fact that the divalent cation is a prerequisite for ligand binding of the CD11c I-domain.  相似文献   

Mac-1 (CD 11b/CD18) is a leukocyte adhesion heterodimeric glycoprotein which functions both as a receptor for iC3b (CR3) and in several cell-cell and cell-substrate adhesive interactions. We describe full-length cDNA clones for the alpha subunit of Mac-1. Mac-1 alpha subunit message was detected in blood monocytes and phorbol-12-myristate acetate-induced myeloid cell lines, but not in cells of the T or B lineages, correlating with Mac-1 protein surface expression. The alpha subunit of Mac-1 is a transmembrane protein of 1137 residues with a long extracellular domain (1092 residues) and a 19-amino acid cytoplasmic tail. The extracellular domain contains three putative divalent cation-binding sequences and 19 potential N-glycosylation sites. The amino acid sequence of Mac-1 alpha shows that it is a member of the integrin superfamily; Mac-1 alpha shows 63% identity to the alpha subunit of the leukocyte adhesion glycoprotein p150.95 and 25% to the alpha subunits of the extracellular matrix receptors platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa, the fibronectin receptor, and the vitronectin receptor. The Mac-1 alpha subunit putative divalent cation-binding sites and the flanking regions exhibit a high degree of identity both to the p150.95 alpha subunit (87% identity at the amino acid level) and to the rest of the integrin alpha subunits (38%). The alpha subunit of Mac-1, like the p150.95 alpha subunit, contains a domain of 187 amino acids in the extracellular region which is absent in other integrins. This leukocyte or "L" domain is homologous to the A domains of von Willebrand factor, which in turn are homologous to regions of the C3-binding proteins factor B and C2. These findings draw attention to this region of Mac-1 as a potential binding site for iC3b.  相似文献   

Molecular cloning of cDNA of S100 alpha subunit mRNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The primary structure of the bovine S-100 alpha mRNA on the basis of molecular cloning and sequence analysis of the cDNA are described. The sequence is composed of 532 bp which include the 282 bp of the complete coding region, 89 bp at the 5'-noncoding region, 161 bp at the 3'-noncoding region, polyadenylation signal, ATTAAA and poly(A) tail. Northern blot analysis shows that the size of S-100 alpha mRNA is about 700-800 bases long and a single mRNA occurs in bovine brain. Bovine brain contains both S100 alpha and beta subunits and their mRNAs. In contrast, the rat brain contains only S100 beta subunit and its mRNA.  相似文献   

Activated monocytic cells and neutrophils adhere to substrates coated with a wide variety of proteins including albumins, catalase, casein, and various extracellular matrix proteins. This adhesion can be specifically inhibited by antibodies directed to the beta 2 integrin subunit. This adhesion to protein substrates shares some similarities with two known protein-protein recognition systems with little apparent binding specificity, namely, the interactions of heat shock proteins and histocompatibility antigens with denatured proteins or peptides. Cell adhesion and affinity chromatography experiments were performed to test the hypothesis that monocytes and neutrophils adhere to and migrate on protein substrates due to the presence of cell surface receptors that recognize common protein structures such as denatured protein epitopes. Adhesion experiments revealed that activated monocytic cells adhere more rapidly and extensively on substrates coated with denatured protein versus native protein. Both adhesion and migration on such substrates in vitro was dependent on beta 2 integrins since blocking antibodies completely interfered with these cellular responses. Affinity chromatography experiments revealed that the Mac-1 and p150,95 integrins could be isolated from monocyte-differentiated HL-60 cells or neutrophils on a denatured protein-Sepharose column. Much greater yields of the receptors were obtained on a denatured versus native protein Sepharose column. The binding of these receptors was specific in that the LFA-1 beta 2 integrin did not bind to the denatured protein column. These data provide evidence that the adhesion of activated monocytes and neutrophils to many protein substrates in vitro is due to the ability of Mac-1 and p150,95 to directly bind to denatured proteins. A model of leukocyte adhesion and invasion whereby activated leukocytes denature extracellular proteins during diapedesis, making them suitable for recognition by beta 2 integrins, is proposed.  相似文献   

P G Board  I M Jones  A K Bentley 《Gene》1986,44(1):127-131
A cDNA clone has been isolated from a pEX expression library that encodes alpha 1 acid glycoprotein. We present the complete nucleotide sequence encoding this protein and compare the derived amino acid sequence with pre-existing data.  相似文献   

The lymphocyte-function-associated antigen-1 (LFA-1), the complement receptor type 3 (CR3) and the antigen p150,95 are cell-surface glycoproteins. They are heterodimeric complexes, each containing a unique alpha-subunit noncovalently associated with a common beta-subunit. We have purified the beta-subunit from human spleen and obtained limited peptide sequences. What appears to be the complete primary structure for the fully processed beta-subunit was obtained by cDNA sequencing of clones from a phorbol ester (PMA) stimulated U937 cDNA library. There are five possible glycosylation sites and a transmembrane segment. The sequence contains a high level of cysteine (7.6%), with 24 of the 57 cysteine residues being found in three repeating units each with eight residues. The entire primary structure has 47% identity to a subunit of a fibronectin binding protein from chicken fibroblasts. It seems that LFA-1, CR3 and p150,95 antigens may belong to an extended family of cell surface molecules including the fibronectin binding protein.  相似文献   

Null mutations in the glucokinase (GCK) gene can cause autosomal dominant type 2 diabetes (maturity onset diabetes of the young, MODY); however, MODY is genetically heterogeneous. In both liver and pancreatic islet, glucokinase is subject to inhibition by a regulatory protein (GCKR). Given the role of GCK in MODY, GCKR is itself a candidate type 2 diabetes susceptibility gene. Here we describe the structure of full-length (2.2 kb) cDNA for human GCKR, from the hepatoblastoma cell line HepG2. The human GCKR translation product has 625 amino acids and a predicted molecular weight of 68,700. It has 88% amino acid identity to rat GCKR. Yeast artificial chromosomes (YAC clones) containing human GCKR were isolated, and the gene was mapped to Chromosome (Chr) 2p23 by fluorescent in situ hybridization and somatic cell hybrid analysis.EMBL database accession numbers: Z48475 and Z48476.  相似文献   

The predicted amino acid sequence of the alpha subunit of the rat liver mitochondrial ATP synthase has been obtained by sequencing a cDNA for the alpha subunit. Analysis of the sequence shows that it contains the A and B consensus sequences found in many nucleotide-binding proteins. Twelve amino acids of the rat liver alpha subunit differ from the sequence of the bovine heart alpha subunit; four of these involve differences in charge. The rat liver alpha subunit, from arginine 15 to the C-terminal proline 510, has been overexpressed in Escherichia coli using the alkaline phosphatase promoter (phoA) and leader peptide to direct the export of the expressed protein to the bacterial periplasm. By treating the cells with lysozyme, osmotic shock, and alkaline pH washes, the alpha subunit can be extracted in high yield (greater than 25 mg/liter) and in a high state of purity. The expressed alpha subunit remains soluble at pH 9.5 or greater and precipitates when treated with Mg2+ ions at low millimolar concentration. The bacterially expressed alpha subunit interacts with 2'(3')-O-(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)adenosine 5'-triphosphate (TNP-ATP), resulting in a marked fluorescence enhancement upon binding. An enhancement of fluorescence is also observed upon the interaction of the alpha subunit with TNP-ADP. Preincubating the alpha subunit with 1.5 mM ATP significantly reduces the fluorescence enhancement seen with TNP-ATP. The alpha subunit binds TNP-ATP with an apparent Kd in the low micromolar range (1-5 microM) and binds TNP-ADP with an affinity at least 10-fold lower. This work shows that the rat liver alpha subunit can be overexpressed in E. coli to yield a large amount of functional protein. With the acquisition of the overexpressed alpha subunit, it is now possible to test the reconstitution of ATPase activity from a mixture of recombinant and rat liver-derived subunits and to test the formation of complexes by the overexpressed alpha and beta subunits of the rat liver F1-ATPase.  相似文献   

The complete amino acid sequence of a galactose-specific lectin from the plasma of the ascidian Halocynthia roretzi has been determined by sequential Edman degradation analysis of peptide fragments derived by proteolytic fragmentation and chemical cleavage of the reductive S-pyridylethylated lectin. Peptide fragments were separated by reverse-phase HPLC. The N-terminal and C-terminal amino acid sequences were determined by Edman degradation and enzymatic digestion. The H. roretzi plasma lectin is a single-chain protein consisting of 327 amino acids and four disulfide bonds, one of which was found to be cross-linked intramolecularly. A comparison of the amino acid sequence of the H. roretzi plasma lectin with the sequences of other proteins reveals that the H. roretzi lectin has a structure consisting of a twice-repeated sequence, a fibrinogen-related sequence and a C-type lectin-homologous sequence. The above amino acid sequence was verified by cDNA cloning of this lectin. Three cDNA clones that have single ORFs encoding the lectin precursor were isolated from an H. roretzi hepatopancreas cDNA library. The deduced amino acid sequences in the three cDNA clones contain the same sequence of the mature lectin molecule and the same putative signal sequence. In addition, it was demonstrated that this lectin can enhance phagocytosis by H. roretzi hemocytes. Thus, the plasma lectin is constructed into an oligomer structure via intermolecular disulfide bonds and plays a role in the biological defense of H. roretzi as a defense molecule.  相似文献   

VLA-4 is a cell surface heterodimer in the integrin superfamily of adhesion receptors. Anti-VLA-4 antibodies inhibited cytolytic T cell activity, with inhibitory activity directed against the effector T cells rather than their targets. Thus, whereas other VLA receptors appear to mediate cell--matrix interactions, VLA-4 may have a cell--cell adhesion function. To facilitate comparative studies of VLA-4 and other integrins, cDNA clones for the human alpha 4 subunit of VLA-4 were selected and then sequenced. The 3805 bp sequence encoded for 999 amino acids, with an N-terminus identical to that previously obtained from direct sequencing of purified alpha 4 protein. The alpha 4 amino acid sequence was 17-24% similar to other integrin alpha chains with known sequences. Parts of the alpha 4 sequence most conserved in other alpha chains include (i) the positions of 19/24 cysteine residues, (ii) three potential divalent cation binding sites of the general structure DXDXDGXXD and (iii) the transmembrane region. However, alpha 4 stands apart from all other known integrin alpha subunit sequences because (i) alpha 4 has neither an inserted I-domain, nor a disulfide-linked C-terminal fragment, (ii) its sequence is the most unique and (iii) only alpha 4 has a potential protease cleavage site, near the middle of the coding region, which appears responsible for the characteristic 80,000 and 70,000 Mr fragments of alpha 4.  相似文献   

Galactoprotein b3 is one of the cell membrane glycoproteins of fibroblasts showing enhanced expression in association with oncogenic transformation. Analysis of cDNA for this glycoprotein from hamster fibroblasts indicated that the glycoprotein is a member of the integrin superfamily [Tsuji, T., Yamamoto, F., Miura, Y., Takio, K., Titani, K., Pawar, S., Osawa, T., & hakomori, S. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 7016-7021]. In the present study, we examined the change in the amounts of mRNA for the mouse and human counterparts in fibroblasts after oncogenic transformation by Northern blot analysis using hamster galactoprotein b3 cDNA as a probe. In both human and murine fibroblasts transformed with SV-40, the homologous mRNA to galactoprotein b3 was also found to increase as compared with the progenitor cells. The human homologue of galactoprotein b3 cDNA was cloned from human bladder carcinoma cell line (T24) cDNA library. The cDNA codes for a single polypeptide of which the N-terminal sequence (21 amino acids) is identical with that of human VLA-3 alpha subunit. Based on this sequence identity and the structural similarities (i.e. the positions of most cysteine residues, the presence of a transmembrane domain near the C-terminus and the presence of metal binding sequences) with other integrins so far cloned, we conclude that human galactoprotein b3 is an integrin alpha 3 subunit. The mature integrin alpha 3 polypeptide was composed of 1,019 amino acid residues, and the overall structure was quite similar to the hamster counterpart.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The complete primary structure of the alpha subunit of protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase has been determined by automated Edman degradation and carboxypeptidase digestionof the intact alpha chain and of peptides derived from trypsin (N.A. Kohlmiller and J.B. Howard (1979) J. Biol. Chem. 254, 7302-7308) and Staphylococcus aureus protease digestion, and from hydroxylamine and dilute acid cleavage. The alpha chain was found to consist of 200 residues in the following sequence from the NH2-terminal end: (formula: see text).  相似文献   

A cDNA-clone library was constructed from poly-adenylated RNA of Fischer rat striatum and screened for inserts coding for the enkephalin precursor preproenkephalin. The insert of one positive clone, pRPE2, was sequenced and found to contain the coding sequence (810 bases), as well as 316 and 155 bases of the 3' and 5' untranslated regions, respectively, of rat preproenkephalin mRNA. The primary structure of rat preproenkephalin (269 amino acids, Mr 30,932) is similar to those of previously sequenced bovine and human preproenkephalins (78 and 82% matched residues, respectively), and contains four copies of Met-enkephalin, one of Leu-enkephalin, one of Met-enkephalin-Arg6-Gly7-Leu8, and one of Met-enkephalin-Arg6-Phe7. Cell-free translation of rat striatal mRNA selected by hybridization with pRPE2 DNA resulted in the synthesis of a 31,000-Da protein. Southern analysis of rat genomic DNA with 32P-labeled pRPE2 fragments is consistent with a single preproenkephalin gene. A 32P-labeled pRPE2 fragment hybridized specifically with preproenkephalin mRNA (approximately 1500 bases) on Northern blots of polyadenylated or total RNA of all brain regions but not liver. Relative abundances of preproenkephalin mRNA in total RNA of specific regions of the rat central nervous system, determined by a sensitive dot-blot hybridization assay, had the following order: striatum much greater than hypothalamus, pons-medulla, spinal cord greater than cerebellum, midbrain, frontal cortex greater than hippocampus, thalamus. The pRPE2 probe is useful for the analysis of the dynamics of preproenkephalin mRNA in rat neurons.  相似文献   

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