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This study investigates the frequency of apparent and permanent expression of marker change following two types of tissue culture, conventional callus and direct regeneration cultures, and for two markers it relates this frequency to that following breeding. Each clone was used for only one marker. After conventional callus culture, plants of the sugarcane clone Arundoid B, a clone having a growth habit with shortened internodes and leaves, were freed of this marker at a rate of 1 in 172 plants. Marker remission in a second clone with a leaf blotch was enhanced in the presence of a mutagen. Callus culture alone gave a remission rate of 1/280 plants, while treatment of callus with ethyl methanesulfonate gave a remission rate of 1/42 plants. Of two markers subjected to vegetative and sexual transmission, the first, a leaf marker, was stable in callus culture with no remissions; crossing with non-marker parents produced progeny with 54% lacking the marker. The second, a stalk marker (multibud), showed epigenetic effects during two generations of vegetative propagation; plants lacking the multibud marker produced vegetative progeny in which the marker reappeared. Nine crosses to nonmarker parents produced progeny of which an average of 29% had the marker. The use of stalk chimeras as markers demonstrated that passage through conventional callus or direct regeneration culture resulted in the loss of the donor phenotype in all plants regenerated. Phenotypic variation in plants derived from callus culture appears to arise from several sources; chimeral segregants, epigenetic transients, and mutational variants.  相似文献   

Embryogenic calluses of sugarcane capable of regenerating green plants after long-term culture were sought. The largest quantities of embryogenic calluses were produced on Murashige & Skoog medium, but cultures maintained on Chu N6 medium remained embryogenic and totipotent longer. Both media contained 4.5 M 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-d). The effect of supplements on somatic embryogenesis was examined. Kinetin (0.5 M) and 10% (v/v) coconut water in callus initiation medium were inhibitory to subsequent embryogenesis. Embryogenic calluses on N6 medium increased in fresh weight with proline concentration up to 90 mM. Maximum fresh weight was achieved with 5% sucrose. Although genotypic differences were observed, embryogenesis occurred in all 17 sugarcane clones tested. Embryogenic calluses of one cultivar regenerated green plants after 16 months, but suspensions were totipotent for only 8 months. Total number of regenerated plants decreased with time in culture, while the number of pale green plants increased starting after 5 months in culture.Published as Paper No. 785 in the journal series of the Experiment Station, HSPA  相似文献   

Sucrose accumulation and enzyme activities in callus culture of sugarcane   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The activities of sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS), sucrose synthase (SUSY), neutral invertase (NI) and soluble acid invertase (SAI) were measured in callus cultures of four Mexican sugarcane cultivars (Saccharum spp.) with a different capacity to accumulate sucrose in stem parenchyma cells. The results indicated that sucrose accumulation in callus was positively correlated to the activity of SPS and SUSY and negatively to the activity of SAI and NI while SPS explained most of the variation found for sucrose accumulation and NI least.The research was funded by the department of Biotechnology and Bioengineering CINVESTAV Mexico City, and F. G.-M. received grant-aided support from CONACyT, Mexico.  相似文献   

Summary Plantlets were regenerated from calli derived from leaf expiants of three genotypes of Solanum melongena (two parental genotypes and their hybrid). The cytological analysis showed that a) plants regenerated were all mixoploid, b) toxic medium (basal medium added with filtrate culture of Verticillium dahliae) was able to evidence karyotypic differences between genotypes not displayed by plants regenerated from callus grown on control medium, c) chromosomal mosaicism persists up to plant maturity and also in the selfed progeny. The results are discussed in terms of a selective process involving genes controlling chromosome number and/or a direct effect of toxic medium on the activity of the same genes.This research is supported by a grant from ERSO (Ente per la Ricerca e Sperimentazione in Ortoflorifrutticoltura e Sementi) — Regione Emilia Romagna  相似文献   

Summary The temporary immersion bioreactor has been found to be an important tool for sugarcane micropropagation, allowing higher shoot formation rates and cost reduction. This research was conducted to demonstrate the agricultural value of temporary immersion bioreactor-derived sugarcane plants. The experiment was carried out for about 2 yr to study the field performance of these plants. Two control treatments were also evaluated representing the conventional forms of micro- and macropropagation. Growth of sugarcane stools, first ratoon and the use of micropropagated plants for macropropagation were recorded. Some botanical and chemical characteristics were evaluated. Differences among propagation systems were only found in the first 6 mo. of field growth, regarding the stem length and diameter. Such differences disappeared with the course of the experiment.  相似文献   

This study shows the behaviour of sugarcane plants cv. CP-5243 derived from artificial seed compared with traditional and isolated bud methods. Artificial seed-acclimatised plants were planted in field conditions simultaneously with two-control treatments previously germinated: macropropagated plants derived from stems of three buds and axillary buds isolated from field-grown plants. Plants from artificial seed were taller and had a smaller diameter at 8 months, but these differences disappeared at 12 months. With respect to sugar analysis and yield, no differences in all parameters evaluated were found between artificial seed-derived plants and plants derived from the two other methods.  相似文献   

Summary Efficient shoot regeneration of sugarcane (Saccharum spp. hybrid cv. CP84-1198) from embryogenic callus cultures has been obtained using thidiazuron (TDZ). Callus was placed on modified Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium containing 2.3 μM 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), or 9.3 μM kinetin and 22.3 μM naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and compared with the same MS medium supplemented with 0.5, 1.0, 2.5, 5.0 or 10.0 μMTDZ, A11 TDZ treatments resulted in faster shoot regeneration than the kinetin/NAA treatment, and more shoot production than either the 2,4-D or kinetin/NAA treatments. Maximum response, as determined by total number of shoots (26 per explant) and number of shoots greater than 1 cm (4 per explant) 4 wk after initiation, was obtained with 1.0 μM TDZ. The shoots rooted efficiently on MS medium supplemented with 19.7 μM indole-3-butyric acid (IBA). These results indicate that TDZ effectively stimulates sugarcane plant regeneration from embryogenic callus, and may be suitable to use in genetic transformation studies to enhance regeneration of transgenic plants.  相似文献   

Salinity restricts crop productivity in many arid environments. Inadvertent selection for tolerance to osmotic stress may occur under cell or tissue culture conditions and could affect the performance of regenerated plants. The effect of NaCl on forage produced by alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) plants regenerated from non-saline callus cultures was examined in this study. Plants of Regen-S, which was selected for improved callus growth and regeneration in non-saline cultures, had higher forage weight when grown on SHII medium at NaCl levels up to 100 mM compared to its parental cultivars, Saranac and DuPuits. Five additional original-regenerant plant pairs, each derived from non-saline callus cultures of different alfalfa plants, were evaluated in a solid (soil-like) substrate under saline and non-saline conditions. Weight of forage produced by rooted stem cuttings of regenerated plants was 33% higher at 50 mM NaCl compared to cuttings of explant donor plants. Self progenies from four of five regenerants had higher relative forage weight at 100 mM NaCl (percent of 0 NaCl treatment) than the original plants indicating increased NaCl tolerance.  相似文献   

Summary Haploid and diploid anther-derivedZea mays callus lines were treated with the antimicrotubule herbicide pronamide to produce mixed ploidy callus as determined by flow cytometry. The ploidy levels of the plants regenerated from the callus were determined by counting the leaf epidermal guard cell chloroplast numbers. The proportion of diploid regenerated plants was somewhat lower than the proportion of diploid cells of the callus. The diploid plants regenerated somewhat faster than the haploids. The proportion of tetraploids regenerated from the pronamide treated diploid callus, which originated by spontaneous chromosome doubling, was much lower than the proportion of cells indicating that tetraploid cells survive or regenerate plants at a lower frequency than diploid cells.  相似文献   

Summary Resistance of potato leaflets to culture filtrates of Phytophthora infestans is correlated with lower growth of the congenial parasite but not with lower sporulation.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) organization of primary hexaploid cytoplasmic male-sterile (CMS) triticale regenerants containing Triticum timopheevi cytoplasm was analysed by hybridization experiments and compared with the mitochondrial genome organization of the corresponding regenerants with maintainer cytoplasm. Callus cultures had been derived from immature embryos, and 623 triticale plants were regenerated via somatic embryogenesis after three to four subcultures. The chondriome of 159 regenerants was investigated with regard to somaclonal variation. Six different mitochondrial gene probes and four different restriction enzymes were used for Southern blot analyses by the non-radioactive digoxigenin labeling technique. Alloplasmic regenerants showed a gain or loss of hybridization signals up to a high percentage, while euplasmic ones revealed only minor variability with respect to band stoichiometries. In 24 cases rearrangements in the mtDNA were proved. We suppose that recombination processes and selective amplification events are responsible for these findings.  相似文献   

Intergeneric Fragaria vesca x Potentilla fruticosa hybrids were produced using in vitro culture. Hybrid plants were not obtained by direct embryo rescue, but were regenerated from cotyledon-derived callus. Experiments with F. vesca indicated that using cotyledon halves was not more productive than using entire cotyledons. A polarity was observed in cotyledons and in cotyledon halves, with callus and regenerated shoots produced more frequently from proximal ends. Cotyledons from 17% of hybrid embryos produced callus and regenerated mature plants. The technique enabled rapid multiplication of some embryos, with the production of more than one hybrid plant. In some cases more than 100 shoots were obtained from one embryo, demonstrating the potential usefulness of this technique for the production of intergeneric hybrids.Abbreviations BA 6-benzylaminopurine - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - NAA -naphthaleneacetic acid  相似文献   

Summary Hybrids of Hordeum vulgare (HV) x H. jubatum (HJ) were synthesized for purposes of introgressive breeding, but were sterile and the recovery of pure diploid tillers by colchicine applications in vivo was difficult. Plant regeneration from colchicine-treated callus cultures of the hybrid (HV x HJ) was investigated as a means to produce high numbers of pure diploid, fertile intermediates. 10 of 50 plants regenerated in this manner exhibited variable chromosome numbers with means of approximately 37 (expected diploid number = 42). Cytological examinations of microsporogenesis in all such plants revealed a high incidence of bivalent formation at metaphase I (as compared to nearly complete asynapsis in the F1), but spindle and chromosome abnormalities in later meiotic stages led to complete sterility. Approximately 40% of HJ plants regenerated from colchicine-treated calli appeared to be pure tetraploids of high fertility. These techniques are hence useful for high frequency production of diploid or polyploid plants.  相似文献   

Factors affecting the division of cells derived from leaf and cotyledon protoplasts from Brassica oleracea L. var. italica (Green Comet hybrid broccoli) were examined to optimize conditions for plant regeneration and to determine whether there was a genetic basis for improved regeneration from protoplasts derived from plants previously regenerated from tissue cultures [15]. When leaf protoplasts from different plants grown from hybrid seed were isolated and cultured simultaneously, division efficiencies of 1–95% were obtained. Cells from some plants showed high division efficiencies in consecutive experiments while cells from other plants had consistently low division rates. More plants from hybrid seed gave high division efficiencies when cotyledon protoplasts were used. However, cotyledon or leaf protoplasts from selfed progeny of regenerated plants produced more vigorous calli and more shoots than protoplasts from hybrid seed. These results suggest that there may be a genetic component to the increased totipotency of Brassica oleracea protoplasts.  相似文献   

Long-term regeneration of sugarcane (Saccharum spp. hybrid and Saccharum spontaneum L.) callus cultures was achieved by selection of green callus on MS agar medium containing 0.5 mgl-1 picloram or 2,4-D. Newly initiated sugarcane callus cultures were a complex mixture of different tissue types including white, nonregenerative and green, regenerative tissues. The proportion of the tissue types changed as a function of time in culture, genotype, and amount and kind of auxin. Green callus on picloram media always regenerated green plants. Nine hybrids and ten wild relatives of sugarcane produced green calli on picloram media whereas only three hybrids were grown as green calli on 2,4-D media in long-term culture. Green calli were inoculated into liquid MS medium with 0.5 mgl-1 picloram for suspension culture. These cultures were totipotent after 19 months. For routine culture, we initiated callus cultures on modified MS medium with 3 mgl-1 2,4-D, then in two to three weeks we subcultured callus on MS medium with 0.5 mgl-1 picloram and selected for green callus. Green calli regenerated large numbers of green plants after more than four years.  相似文献   

Summary A method for high frequency in vitro regeneration from petiole explants was tested on nine breeding lines of Beta vulgaris L. from the haploid, diploid and tetraploid levels. Regenerants could be obtained without a callus step, from excised petioles derived either from axillary buds sprouted in vitro or from field grown plants, by plating the explants on MS medium supplemented with TIBA (2,3,5-triiodobenzoïc acid) and BAP (6-Benzylaminopurine). The multiple shoots obtained were then rooted in vitro and transferred to soil. In some cases, these adventitious shoots were also used as a petiole explant source for further petiole culture cycles, and the phenotypic characteristics and ploidy status of the regenerants were investigated after one or three petiole culture cycles. Conventional shoot apex culture was used as an in vitro control. Phenotypic variations such as differences in morphology and changes in in vitro growth behaviour, were noticed. Chloroplast and chromosome counts indicated that the alterations in morphogenetic pathway could not be explained by the occurrence of gross cytogenetic abnormalities such as aneuploidy or myxoploidy. Our results suggest that the altered morphology is caused by the presence of the exogenous antiauxin (TIBA) during the in vitro phase. Following transfer to the greenhouse, none of these variations persisted and cytogenetic analyses revealed karyotypic stability in all the plants studied, even after three petiole culture cycles. An assessment of the in vitro petiole culture method as a true-to-type multiplication method for Beta vulgaris is made.  相似文献   

Russell L. Malmberg 《Planta》1979,146(2):243-244
Sixteen genetic lines of peas were screened for their ability to regenerate whole plants from callus cultures. Epicotyl sections from germinating seeds were placed on callus-inducing medium; the resulting callus was subcultured monthly and was tested every other month for its regeneration ability. Six lines were found that would regenerate after 2 months' growth as callus. Four of these continued to regenerate after 4 months and, of these, two after 6 months. The cultivars Frosty and Alaska were among the lines that would not regenerate at all.Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station Journal Article No. 8932  相似文献   

Vascular bundles and contiguous tissues of leaf blades of sugarcane (Saccharum interspecific hybrid L62–96) were examined with light and transmission electron microscopes to determine their cellular composition and the frequency of plasmodesmata between the various cell combinations. The large vascular bundles typically are surrounded by two bundle sheaths, an outer chlorenchymatous bundle sheath and an inner mestome sheath. In addition to a chlorenchymatous bundle sheath, a partial mestome sheath borders the phloem of the intermediate vascular bundles, and at least some mestome-sheath cells border the phloem of the small vascular bundles. Both the walls of the chlorenchymatous bundlesheath cells and of the mestome-sheath cells possess suberin lamellae. The phloem of all small and intermediate vascular bundles contains both thick- and thin-walled sieve tubes. Only the thin-walled sieve tubes have companion cells, with which they are united symplastically by pore-plasmodesmata connections. Plasmodesmata are abundant at the Kranz mesophyll-cell-bundlesheath-cell interface associated with all sized bundles. Plasmodesmata are also abundant at the bundle-sheathcell-vascular-parenchyma-cell, vascular-parenchyma-cellvascular-parenchyma-cell, and mestome-sheath-cell-vascular-parenchyma-cell interfaces in small and intermediate bundles. The thin-walled sieve tubes and companion cells of the large vascular bundles are symplastically isolated from all other cell types of the leaf. The same condition is essentially present in the sieve-tube-companion-cell complexes of the small and intermediate vascular bundles. Although few plasmodesmata connect either the thin-walled sieve tubes or their companion cells to the mestome sheath of small and intermediate bundles, plasmodesmata are somewhat more numerous between the companion cells and vascular-parenchyma cells. The thick-walled sieve tubes are united with vascular-parenchyma cells by pore-plasmodesmata connections. The vascular-parenchyma cells, in turn, have numerous plasmodesmatal connections with the bundle-sheath cells.This study was supported by National Science Foundation grants DCB 87-01116 and DCB 90-01759 to R.F.E. and a University of Wisconsin-Madison Dean's Fellowship to K. R.-B. We also thank Claudia Lipke and Kandis Elliot for photographic and artistic assistance, respectively.  相似文献   

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