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The respiratory losses and the pattern of carbon supply froma leaf of unicuim barley were examined during a complete diurnalperiod using a steady state 14C-labelling technique. After a delay of c. 1 h a portion of the 14C exported from acontinuously assimilating leaf was lost in respiration in thelight. This respiratory loss amounted to c. 20% of the total14C fixed. A further 28% of the total 14C fixed was respiredduring the dark period. In the light, carbon was fixed at a rate of c. 8·9 mgC dm–2 h–1 and exported from the leaf at c. 5·3mg C dm–2 h–1. Dark export averaged c. 31% of theday-time rate. Carbohydrate was stored in the leaf during the day and was almostcompletely remobilized during the dark. Sucrose, the major reservecarbohydrate, was exported first whilst the starch level remainedconstant. After some 9 h of darkness, sucrose declined to alow level and starch remobilization began.  相似文献   

Shishido, Y., Challa, H. and Krupa, J. 1987. Effects of temperatureand light on the carbon budget of young cucumber plants studiedby steady-state feeding with 14CO°2J. exp. Bot. 38: 1044–1054. The effect of temperature on the fate of 14C assimilated insteady-state by the expanding third leaf of cucumber seedlingswas studied at irradiances of either 30 or 75 W m–2 (PAR)with a daylength of 8 h. The irradiance did not affect the relativedistribution of 14C assimilated by the source leaf between growth,respiration and export. In the range 15–30°C risesin temperature generally increased the proportion of carbonexported. The average rate of carbon exported during the nightwas about half the rate in the day. About 45% of the exportedcarbon was lost by respiration. The distribution pattern ofcarbon exported during the day differed considerably from thatof carbon exported during the night. The intensity of irradiance did not affect the proportion oflabelled carbon recovered from the roots. Thus the decreasedshoot/root ratio generally observed with increased irradianceis not directly controlled by carbohydrate supply. We found that the distribution patterns of exported 14C do notnecessarily represent the real carbon distribution, due to differencesin specific activity of imported carbon of individual organs.Consequently distribution patterns of 14C observed in experimentswith one source leaf have to be considered with caution. Key words: Carbon budget, 14C, 14C steady-state feeding, translocation, respiration, assimilate distribution, cucumber, temperature  相似文献   

A semi-closed system to label with 14C and trace photoassimilatesunder steady state conditions is described. It was used to elucidatethe effects of night temperature on the carbon budget of tomato The third leaf kept at 25 °C in 8 h light of 36 W m–1(PAR) assimilated 13·77 mg C . d–1. By the endof the photoperiod, 46% of the carbon assimilate was exportedto the sinks, out of which 27% was respired and 19% was accumulatedin the sinks, respectively The plants were then kept in the dark for 16 h at 15, 20, 25and 30%C. The export in the night-time increased with nighttemperature, reaching 18–27% of the carbon assimilated.Thus, the total export in a whole day amounted to 63–72%of the carbon assimilated, out of which 35 and 42% were lostby respiration and 29 and 31% was accumulated in the sinks at15 and 30 °C, respectively. Thus, accumulation in the sinksdiffered little with night temperature, while that in the sourceleaf, and hence the total accumulation, decreased with increasingnight temperature The export started early in the morning and was much greaterin the light than in the dark. In addition, the day/night ratioof export was lower at higher night temperatures The percentage distribution of 14C-assimilates to the lowerparts decreased, while that to the upper parts increased withincreasing night temperature. The calculated respiratory lossin individual sinks seemed to correspond to the distributionpattern of 14C-assimilates Carbon budget, 14C, 14C steady state feeding, translocation, respiration, assimilate distribution, temperature, tomato  相似文献   

The rate of carbon import by tomato fruits has been relatedto their carbon metabolism by examining the effects of fruittemperature on the metabolism of imported assimilates. 14C–sucrose,–glucose, –fructose, –malic acid and –citricacid were injected individually into young growing tomato fruitswhich were subsequently maintained at 25 or 5 °C for 48h. Fruit temperature greatly affected the proportions of 14Clost from the fruits by export and respiration. Only 40 percent of the injected 14C from 14C–sugars and 20 per centfrom 14C–acids was recovered from fruits at 25 °C.Less than 10 per cent of the injected 14C was exported, thebalance being respired. In contrast, more than 50 per cent ofthe injected 14C was recovered from cooled fruits, in whichthe import rate of carbon was presumably reduced, and 20–36per cent of injected 14C was exported. Cooling enhanced thesynthesis of 14C–sucrose from injected 14C–hexosesand inhibited the incorporation of 14C into starch and insolubleresidue. When 14C–sugars were injected, radioactivityexported from the cooled fruits was detected as sucrose in thephloem of the peduncles; radioactivity was also detected instems and roots when fruits were cooled. In almost fully–grownfruits injected 14C–compounds were metabolized less readilythan in smaller fruits. Conversion of 14C–hexoses to 14C–sucrosewas again enhanced by cooling (5 °C, but was less in fruitsmaintained at 35 °C than in controls. Lycopersicon esculentum, tomato, fruit, translocation, carbon metabolism  相似文献   

Estimation of the Annual Cost of Kiwifruit Vine Growth and Maintenance   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Elemental analysis (for carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and sulphur)and ash data for kiwifruit [Actinidia deliciosa (A. Chev.) C.F. Liang et A. R. Ferguson var. deliciosa cv. Hayward] stems,leaves and fine roots were used to calculate the specific costs(kg carbohydrate kg-1 dry matter) of organ synthesis with ammoniacalnitrogen supply. Those costs ranged between 1·19 and1·35 for stems and 1·19 and 1·27 for leaves.The mean annual specific cost for fine roots was 1·17.Seasonal vine growth costs were calculated by multiplying thespecific costs by biomass data for a typical vine. Total costof synthesis was 57·2 kg carbohydrate per vine year-1,taking fine root turnover as three times per season. Nitratenitrogen supply increased that cost by 6·6% to 61·0kg carbohydrate per vine year-1. Fruit growth accounted forthe largest proportion of synthetic costs. Vine growth respiration(expressed in terms of carbohydrate equivalents) accounted forapproximately 11·5% of the total cost of synthesis. Maintenancerespiration was estimated to be 5·28, 8·44, 1·90,8·62 and 13·3 kg carbohydrate per organ year-1for stems, leaves, fruit, above-ground perennial componentsand roots, respectively. Total annual cost of growth and maintenancefor a mature vine was 94·7 and 98·5 kg carbohydrateper vine year-1 with ammoniacal and nitrate nitrogen supply,respectively. Both values are similar to an estimate of vinephotosynthesis. Maintenance respiration accounted for approximately40% of the total annual cost of vine growth, regardless of theform of nitrogen supplied. Peak carbohydrate demand was duringthe period from 60 to 160 d after budbreak.Copyright 1995, 1999Academic Press Actinidia deliciosa, kiwifruit, carbon economy, growth respiration, maintenance respiration  相似文献   

HO  L. C. 《Annals of botany》1976,40(6):1153-1162
The rate of carbon transport from an old tomato leaf (54 days),grown at 80 W m–2, was measured under light flux densitiesbetween 7 and 90 W m–2. Under low light, the rate of carbontransport over a 6 h period was about 1 mg C dm–2 h–1,well in excess of the concurrent photosynthetic rate. The lossfrom these leaves of 14C-leaf assimilate which was fixed beforethe experimental period amounted to 62 per cent of the totalinitial uptake and was higher than that from leaves with higherconcurrent photosynthetic rates. The higher loss of 14C fromleaves with low photosynthetic rates was due to a greater contributionof 14C from the starch and residue fractions. The rate of transportappeared to be determined by the concentration of the labilesucrose, not the total sucrose concentration. In comparisonwith young fully-expanded tomato leaves (Ho, 1976) the sizeof the labile sucrose pool appeared to decrease with age. Thephotosynthesistranslocation coefficient was low (k1k2=0•21)for an old tomato leaf. Based on these results a scheme of carbonpartitioning in relation to translocation is proposed. Criteriafor assessing the efficiency of translocation in leaves arediscussed.  相似文献   

HO  L. C.; SHAW  A. F. 《Annals of botany》1979,43(1):45-54
The changes in f. wt, d. wt, nitrogen, potassium, calcium, phosphorus,magnesium and carbon of the seventh leaf of a tomato plant weremeasured at seven occasions from 10 days to 30 days after leafemergence. Measurements of CO2 exchange by the leaf during bothlight (70 W m–2, 7 h) and dark (17 h) periods and thechange in carbon content over these two periods enabled a carbonbalance to be constructed on these seven occasions. Changesin the sugars and starch contents of the leaf over these twoperiods at each occasion were measured. With the exception of calcium the rates of accumulation of allsubstances increased to their maxima when the leaf was 22–24-days-old.Carbon fixation per unit f. wt. increased to a maximum whenthe leaf was 16-days-old. In a 10-day-old leaf the rate of carbonfixation was already four-fifths of maximum and one-quartermore than that at 30 days. The rate of night respiratory lossof carbon per unit fresh weight decreased as the leaf expanded.In a 10-day-old leaf, the amount of carbon lost by night respirationaccounted for one-quarter of that fixed in the same day. Thisfraction fell to one-tenth when the leaf was 22-days-old andremained constant thereafter. The amount of carbon being importedto the leaflets of a 10-day-old leaf was less than one-quarterof that accumulated in 1 day. Thus, the contribution of theimported carbon to the leaf growth up to this stage is relativelysmall. The transition of the seventh leaf from being a net importerto being a net exporter occurred when the leaf was 13-days-old. The sucrose content per unit f. wt was higher in the youngerthan in the older leaves and was not correlated to the transitionfrom net import to net export. The accumulation and breakdownof starch in a leaf were related not only to the growth of theleaf but also to the development of the whole plant. Lycopersicon esculentum, tomato, leaf, accumulation of minerals, water content, carbon budget  相似文献   

L. C. HO   《Annals of botany》1979,43(4):437-448
Simultaneous measurement of export from leaves and import tofruits were made on tomato plants reduced to one fully expandedleaf and one fruit. Experimental leaves were exposed to sixlight flux densities (0.5–100 W m–2) for 24 h whilerapidly growing fruits were kept in the dark at 22 °C. The rates of export of assimilate from these leaves varied from70 to 120 mg C leaf–1 day–1 corresponding with ratesof carbon fixation from 3 to 290 mg C leaf–1 day–1.Export from leaves with the lowest carbon fixation rates weremaintained by a loss of up to one-sixth of their initial carbon.In contrast, leaves with the highest carbon fixation rates exportedonly half the newly fixed carbon. The rates of import of assimilate to similar-sized fruits (c.16 cm3) were between 80 and 110 mg C fr–1 day–1but differed from the export rates of the source leaves. Thespecific growth rates and the specific respiration rates ofthe fruits were related to their initial carbon content at thebeginning of the experiment. Thus, over 24 h, the rate of importwas predetermined by the developmental stage of the fruit unalteredby the rate of current carbon fixation in the source leaf. Translocationof assimilate was regulated by sink demand under both source-and sink-limiting conditions in this short-term situation. The dynamic relationship between assimilate production in leavesand its utilization in fruits is discussed together with therole of sucrose concentration in these organs in regulatingtransport. Lycopersicon esculentumL, tomato assimilate translocation, source-sink relationships  相似文献   

The relationships between photosynthesis, dry matter accumulationand translocation have been studied during the development ofthe first true leaf of cucumber. The leaf was grown in an irradianceof 50W m–2 photosynthetically active radiation for 10h–1 at 20 C and 2 g m–3 CO2. The maximum rate of net photosynthesis, on a leaf area basis,occured at full expansion. Photochemical efficiency, based onincident radiation, also increased up to this stage and wasrelated to the concentration of chlorophyll in the leaf. Darkrespiration and the light compensation point fell over the wholeperiod of leaf expansion. A carbon budget analysis showed that the rate of carbon accumulationin the leaf reached a peak at 70 percent expansion. The leafchanged from a net importer to a net exporter of carbon whenit was about 30 percent expanded. The rate of export increasedwith leaf expansion (and with net photosynthesis) and was twiceas high in the day an in the night at full expansion. At fullleaf expansion there was a reduction in the amount of starchlost overnight, and the carbon exported amounted to 80 per centof the daily net carbon fixed. Cucumber, Cumic satinu L., leaf development, photosynthesis, translocation, carbon budget, mineral content  相似文献   

Root growth in chickpea (Cicer arietinum) has been studied fromthe early vegetative phase to the reproductive stage in orderto elucidate its growth and maintenance respiration and to quantifythe translocation of assimilates from shoot to root. A carbonbalance has been drawn for this purpose using the growth andrespiration data. The increase in the sieve tube cross-sectionalarea was also followed simultaneously. Plants growing in a nutrient culture medium were studied todetermine the relative growth rate (RGR) 5–60 d aftergermination. RGR declined from 113 to 41 mg d–1 g–1during the measurement period. Simultaneous with the RGR analysis,respiration rate was also measured using an oxygen electrode.The respiration rate declined as the plants aged and a drasticreduction was recorded following anthesis. The relationshipbetween RGR and respiration rate was used to extrapolate themaintenance respiration (m) and growth respiration (1/YEG).The respiration quotient (r.q.) of the roots was 1.2 and theQ10 in the range 20–25 °C was 2·2. A carbon balance for the roots was constructed by subtractingthe carbon lost during respiration from that gained during growth.The roots were found to respire no less than 80% of the carbontranslocated. The increase in the cross-sectional area composed of sieve tubeswas measured near the root-shoot junction as the plants grew.Chickpea has storied sieve plates which simplifies these measurements.Their cross-sectional area increased during growth mainly becauseof an increase in sieve tube number. The diameter of individualsieve tubes remained constant. Specific mass transfer (SMT) values for seive tubes into theroots have been computed during various stages of growth. SMTvalues were relatively constant before anthesis (approx. 6·5g h–1 cm–2), but decreased following anthesis. Wedid not evaluate possible retranslocation from roots: any suchretranslocation would have the effect of increasing our SMTvalues. Chickpea, Cicer arietinum, legume, root, respiration, phloem, translocation, carbon balance, specific mass transfer, sieve-tube dimensions  相似文献   

The use of 11C as a tracer has allowed repetitive measurementsof the speed of assimilate translocation to be made on singlemaize plants throughout prolonged periods of light and darkness.The speed appeared to double when the light was switched on.The time required to achieve a maximum speed, usually about3·5 cm min–1, depended on the duration of the previousdark period. When the plant was transferred to darkness thespeed immediately decreased by about 20 per cent and continuedto decrease over the next 20 h to values of 0·5 to 0·9cm min–1. The mean speed of translocation in tomato in the light, andother C3 plants, was usually about 1 cm min–1. It wasreduced by 15–30 per cent when the fruit was removed orcooled from 26 to 10°C.  相似文献   

Well-nodulated soya bean (Glycine max L.) plants were allowedto assimilate 13CO2 for 10 h in the light, under steady-stateconditions in which CO2 concentration and 13C abundance wereboth strictly controlled at constant levels. The respiratoryevolution of 13CO2 from roots and nodules and 13C incorporationinto various metabolic fractions were measured during the 13CO2feeding and subsequent 48 h chase period. CO2 respired from nodules was much more rapidly labelled with13C than that from roots. The level of labelling (percentageof carbon currently assimilated during the 13COM2 feeding period)of CO2 respired from nodules reached a maximum of about 87 percent after 4 h of steady-state l3CO2 assimilation and thereafterremained fairly constant. The absolute amount of labelled carbonevolved by the respiration of the nodules during the 10 h 13CO2feeding period was 1·5-fold that of root respiration.These results demonstrated that the currently assimilated (labelled)carbon was preferentially used to support nodule respiration,while root respiration relied considerably on earlier (non-labelled)carbon reserved in the roots. Sucrose pools were mostly composed of currently assimilatedcarbon in all tissues of the plants, since the levels of labellingaccounted for 86–91 per cent at the end of the 13CO2 feeding.In the nodules, the kinetics and levels of sucrose labellingwere in fairly good agreement with those of respired CO2, whilein the roots, the level of labelling of respired CO2 was significantlylower than that of sucrose. Succinate and malate were highly labelled in both roots andnodules but they were labelled much more slowly than sucroseand respired CO2. The kinetics and levels of labelling of theseKrebs cycle intermediates resembled those of major amino acidswhich are derived directly from Krebs cycle intermediates. Itis suggested that large fractions of organic acids in noduleswere physically separate from the respiration site. Glycine max L., Soya bean, 13CO2 assimilation, respiratory evolution of 13CO2, carbon metabolism in root nodules  相似文献   

The Carbon Economy of Rubus chamaemorus L. II. Respiration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
MARKS  T. C. 《Annals of botany》1978,42(1):181-190
Respiratory activity and seasonal changes in carbohydrate contentof the storage organs of Rubus chamaemorus L. have been investigated.Leaf dark respiration rate increases in a non-linear mannerfrom 0·7 mg CO2 evolved dm–2 h–1 at 0 °Cto 4·6 rng CO2 evolved dm–2 hh–1 at 30 °C.Root and rhizome respiration rates increase from 1 µ1O2 uptake g–1 fresh weight h–1 at 0.7 ° C to10 µ10, uptake g–1 f. wt h–1 at 20 °C.Rhizome carbohydrate reserves decline from a September peakof 33 per cent alcohol insoluble d. wt to 16 per cent in May. The circumpolar distribution of R. chamaemorus is discussedin relation to the evidence presented here and in the precedingpaper of the series.  相似文献   

The rate of carbon transport based on the carbon balance overa 6-h period from a mature tomato leaf was measured overa rangeof net photosynthetic rates from 0.1 to 4.9 mg C dm–2h–1 under light flux densities from 4 to 140 W m–2.A proportional relationship was demonstrated between the rateof carbon transport and carbon fixation when the carbon fixationrate was higher than 2 mg C dm–2 h–1.Below a carbonfixation rate of 1 mg C dm–2 h–1, the rate of carbonexport was maintained at 1 mg C dm–2 h–1 at theexpense of the breakdown of starch. A highly significant correlationwas observed between sucrose concentration and the rate of carbontransport. The sucrose concentration in the leaf appears tobe the factor controlling carbon export.  相似文献   

We investigated the seasonal occurrence, wet : dry : carbon: nitrogen weight ratios, population biomass, gastric pouchcontents, and rates of feeding, growth and respiration of thescyphomedusa Aurelia aurita in the central part of the InlandSea of Japan. Aurelia aurita medusae began to appear in January/Februaryas ephyrae, reached annual maximum body size in July/August,and disappeared, presumably due to death, by November. Initialslow growth in early spring was followed by a period of exponentialgrowth (mean growth rate: 0.069 d–1) between April andJuly. In the Ondo Strait, which is characterized by strong tidalmixing, the A. aurita population (mean carbon biomass: 66.0mg C m–3) overwhelmingly dominated the zooplankton-communitybiomass (mean biomass of micro- and mesozooplankton: 23.7 mgC m–3) between May and early August The gastric contentanalysis revealed that A. aurita ate almost all micro- and mesozooplankters,of which small copepods were most important. On the basis ofdigestion time for small copepods (60 min) and their abundancein the gastric pouch of field-collected A. aurita, we determinedthe weight specific feeding rates and clearance rates. The formerincreases linearly with increasing copepod abundance, but thelatter was relatively constant irrespective of the food supply.We also measured the respiration rates of A. aurita and expressedthem as functions of body weight and temperature. These physio-ecologicalparameters enabled us to construct the carbon budget of theA. aurita population typical of early summer in the Ondo Strait.Predicted population-feeding rate (6.07 mg C m–3 d–1)was higher than the population-food requirement for both metabolismand growth (4.55 mg C m–3 d–1), indicating thatfood supply was sufficient to sustain the observed growth rate.This feeding rate was equivalent to 26% of micro- and mesozooplanktonbiomass, a significant impact on zooplankton.  相似文献   

A response surface was developed by regression analysis to quantifythe seasonal respiratory losses by a kiwifruit [Actinidia deliciosa(A. Chev.) C. F. Liang et A. R. Ferguson var. deliciosa cv.Hayward] berry growing in Fresno, CA. The equation of the surfacewas LNRESP = 1·622 + 0·0697 x TEMP –0·0472x DAY + 0·000165 x DAYSQ, where LNRESP is the naturallogarithm of the respiration rate (nmol CO2 g d. wt–1s–1), TEMP is fruit temperature (°C), DAY is the numberof days after flowering, and DAYSQ is the square of the numberof days after flowering. Respiratory losses for a fruit witha final dry mass of 18·5 g were calculated to be 5·57and 5·92 g glucose per fruit per season in 1985 and 1986,respectively. Maintenance respiration was estimated to be 2·84and 3·19 g glucose per fruit per season for 1985 and1986, respectively. The total calculated bioenergetic cost ofkiwifruit berry growth and respiration was 25·25 and25·60 g glucose per fruit per season for 1985 and 1986,respectively. Respiratory losses, expressed as a proportionof the total carbohydrate required for fruit growth, were significant(mean 22·6%). The cost of fruit growth was estimatedto be very similar for two cooler sites (Davis and Watsonville)but estimates of maintenance respiration based on Fresno fruitrespiration data were unrealistically low for the Watsonvillesite. Actinidia deliciosa (A. Chev.) C. F. Liang et A. R. Ferguson var. deliciosa cv. Hayward, kiwifruit, growth respiration, maintenance respiration, bioenergetic costs, model  相似文献   

Young plants of uniculm barley were grown singly in pots ina growth room at 23/21 °C, and an irradiance of 655 µEm–2s–1 during each 12 h photoperiod. At the fifth leaf stage,they were subjected to 80 h of continuous darkness during whichthe rates of CO2 efflux of vegetative shoot meristems, and maturefully expanded leaves, were separately monitored. Respiratoryefflux from the meristematic tissue was initially high, 12–15mg CO2 g–1 h–1, equivalent to a daily loss in weightof 20–25 per cent. It remained high, or even rose slightly,during what would have been the normal dark period, but thenfell sharply. Even so, it was still three times that of themature tissue at the end of the experimental period. The rateof CO2 efflux of the mature tissue began low, and fell evenfurther during the first 12 h of darkness. It then levelledoff at a rate of 2·0–2·5 mg CO2 g–1h–1, equivalent to a daily loss in weight of about 3 percent. It is suggested that the rate of ‘mature tissue’respiration, established after 12–24 h of darkness, mightbe a useful selection criterion to employ in attempts to increasethe total dry matter yield of the grass crop by breeding. Hordeum vulgare L., barley, respiration, synthetic respiration, maintenance respiration, meristem, mature tissue respiration, simulated sward  相似文献   

Much of the work on the distribution of 14C-labelled assimilatesin tomato has been done in winter under low light intensities,and consequently the reported distribution patterns of 14C maynot be representative of plants growing in high light. Further,there are several somewhat conflicting reports on patterns ofdistribution of 14C-assimilates in young tomato plants. We soughtto clarify the situation by studying the distribution of 14C-assimilatesin tomato plants of various ages grown in summer when the lightintensity was high. In addition, the role of the stem as a storageorgan for carbon was assessed by (a) identifying the chemicalfractions in the stem internode below a fed leaf and monitoring14 C activity in these fractions over a period of 49 d, and(b) measuring concentrations of unlabelled carbohydrates inthe stem over the life of the plant. The patterns of distribution of 14C-assimilates we found fortomato grown under high light intensity confirmed some of thosedescribed for plants grown under low light, but export of 14Cby fed leaves was generally higher than reported for much ofthe earlier work. Lower leaves of young plants exported over50% of the 14C they fixed, although export fell sharply as theplants aged. Initially, the roots and apical tuft were strongsinks for assimilates, but they had declined in importance bythe time plants reached the nine-leaf stage. On the other hand,the stem became progressively more important as a sink for 14C-assimilates.Older, lower leaves exported more of their 14C-assimilates tothe upper part of the plant than to the roots, whereas youngleaves near the top of the plant exported more of their assimilatesto the roots. The stem internode immediately below a fed leafhad about twice the 14C activity of the internode above theleaf. Mature leaves above and below a fed leaf rarely importedmuch 14C, even when in the correct phyllotactic relationshipto the fed leaf. In the first 3 d after feeding leaf 5 of nine-leaf plants, theorganic and amino acid pools and the neutral fraction of theinternode below the fed leaf had most of the 14C activity, butby 49 d after feeding, the ethanolic-insoluble, starch and lipidfractions had most of the 14C activity. Glucose, fructose andsucrose were the main sugars in the stem. Although concentrationsof these sugars and starch declined in the stem as the plantsmatured, there was little evidence to indicate their use infruit production. Stems of plants defoliated at the 44-leafstage had lower concentrations of sugars and starch at maturity,and produced less fruit than the controls. It was concludedthat tomato is sink rather than source limited with respectto carbon assimilates, and that the storage of carbon in thestem for a long period is possibly a residual perennial traitin tomato.Copyright 1994, 1999 Academic Press Lycopersicon esculentum, tomato, assimilate distribution, 14C, internode storage, sink-source relationships, starch, stem reserves, sugars  相似文献   

The population carbon budget and seasonality of Boeckella minutain a newly formed subtropical reservoir were examined 3 yearsafter the reservoir filled. Average daily biomass was 26.4 mgC m–3 and the annual population carbon budget was: consumption2470, egestion 1482, assimilation 988, production 493 and respiration495, mg C m–3 year–1, and the average P/B and P/Aratios were 0.08 and 0.5 respectively. Clutch size and reproductiveeffort (egg production/assimilation) were low, and the proportionof males decreased throughout the population cycle. The seasonalabundance pattern changed from perennial (pre-filling years)to a 7 month cycle. It is suggested that eutrophication andthe spring bloom of cyanobacteria may have accentuated a seasonaldecrease in reproductive effort and survival, leading to anabsence of planktonic stages during summer, and that restingeggs facilitated population survival during the summer periodof stratification.  相似文献   

KOUCHI  H.; YONEYAMA  T. 《Annals of botany》1984,53(6):875-882
A long-term, steady-state 13CO2 assimilation system at a constantCO2 concentration with a constant 13C abundance was designedand applied to quantitative investigations on the allocationof photoassimilated carbon in nodulated soya bean (Glycine maxL.) plants. The CO2 concentration in the assimilation chamberand its 13C abundance were maintained constant with relativevariances of less than ±0.5 per cent during an 8-h assimilationperiod. At the termination of 8-h 13CO2 assimilation by plantsat early flowering stage, the currently assimilated carbon relativeto total tissue carbon (measured by the degree of isotopic saturation)were for young leaves (including flower buds), 13.9 per cent;mature leaves, 15.7 per cent; stems+petioles, 5.9 per cent;roots, 5.4 per cent and nodules, 6.9 per cent, 48 h after theend of the 13CO2 assimilation period, they were 12.3, 7.5, 7.4,6.8 and 6.1 per cent, respectively. The treatment with a highconcentration of nitrate in the nutrient media significantlydecreased the allocation of 13C into nodules. Experiments on13CO2 assimilation by plants at the pod-filling stage were alsoconducted. Labelling by 13C was weaker than at the early floweringstage, but an intense accumulation of 13C into reproductiveorgans was observed. Glycine max L., nodulated soya bean plants, 13CO2 assimilation, carbon dynamics  相似文献   

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