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Three new coccoid zoospore-producing green algae includingAxilococcus clingmanii gen. & spec. nov.,Lautosphaeria monsfumosa gen. & spec. nov., andDictylochloris pulchra spec. nova (Chlorococcales, Chlorophyceae) are described.Dedicated to Prof. DrLothar Geitler on the occasion of his 90th birthday.  相似文献   

Two new genera and four new species of Ichneumonidae are described from the Upper Cretaceous ambers of the Taimyr Peninsula: Agapia sukatchevae gen. et sp. nov., Agapteron popovi gen. et sp. nov., Eubaeus abdominalis sp. nov., and Urotryphon baikurensis sp. nov. New detailed diagnoses are provided for the genera Urotryphon and Eubaeus. The genera Catachora, Urotryphon, and Eubaeus, previously placed in the subfamily Tryphoninae, are transferred to the subfamily Labenopimplinae, as well as the new genera Agapia and Agapteron. Possible causes of the miniaturization in ichneumonid wasps in the Cretaceous are discussed.  相似文献   



Lacewings (insect order Neuroptera), known in the fossil record since the Early Permian, were most diverse in the Mesozoic. A dramatic variety of forms ranged in that time from large butterfly-like Kalligrammatidae to minute two-winged Dipteromantispidae.

Principal Findings

We describe the intriguing new neuropteran family Parakseneuridae fam. nov. with three new genera and 15 new species from the Middle Jurassic of Daohugou (Inner Mongolia, China) and the Early/Middle Jurassic of Sai-Sagul (Kyrgyzstan): Parakseneura undula gen. et sp. nov., P. albomacula gen. et sp. nov., P. curvivenis gen. et sp. nov., P. nigromacula gen. et sp. nov., P. nigrolinea gen. et sp. nov., P. albadelta gen. et sp. nov., P. cavomaculata gen. et sp. nov., P. inflata gen. et sp. nov., P. metallica gen. et sp. nov., P. emarginata gen. et sp. nov., P. directa gen. et sp. nov., Pseudorapisma jurassicum gen. et sp. nov., P. angustipenne gen. et sp. nov., P. maculatum gen. et sp. nov. (Daohugou); Shuraboneura ovata gen. et sp. nov. (Sai-Sagul). The family comprises large neuropterans with most primitive wing venation in the order indicated by the presence of ScA and AA1+2, and the dichotomous branching of MP, CuA, CuP, AA3+4, AP1+2. The phylogenetic position of Parakseneuridae was investigated using a phylogenetic analysis of morphological scoring for 33 families of extinct and extant Neuropterida combined with DNA sequence data for representatives of all extant families. Parakseneuridae were recovered in a clade with Osmylopsychopidae, Prohemerobiidae, and Ithonidae.


The presence of the presumed AA1+2 in wings of Parakseneuridae is a unique plesiomorphic condition hitherto unknown in Neuropterida, the clade comprising Neuroptera, Megaloptera, Raphidioptera. The relative uncertainty of phylogenetic position of Parakseneuridae and the majority of other families of Neuroptera reflects deficient paleontological data, especially from critical important periods for the order, earliest Triassic and latest Triassic/earliest Jurassic.  相似文献   

Two new genera and five new species of Archegocimicidae are described from the Upper Jurassic of the Shar-Teg locality in Mongolia: Shartegocimex rasnitsyni, gen. et sp. nov., S. distans, sp. nov., Shartegocorpus paranotalis, gen. et sp. nov., Saldonia formosa, sp. nov., S. insolita, sp. nov.  相似文献   

Three freshwater scuticociliates, Apouronema harbinensis gen. nov. spec. nov., Cyclidium vorax spec. nov., and C. glaucoma Müller, 1773, collected from rivers in Hulan District, Harbin, northeastern China, were investigated using morphological and phylogenetic criteria. Apouronema gen. nov., assigned to the family Uronematidae, is mainly distinguished from the other genera of the family by its paroral membrane extending anteriorly to the middle of membranelle 1. Apouronema harbinensis spec. nov. is defined by body size in vivo about 45–55 × 20–25 μm, buccal field about 70–80% of cell length; 12 or 13 somatic kineties; membranelle 1 having two rows, with 16–18 basal bodies in each kinety; membranelle 2 and membranelle 3 both having two rows each; scutica X-shaped with five pairs of basal bodies. Cyclidium vorax spec. nov. is characterized by the following features: body size 35–40 × 18–20 μm in vivo; 9 or 10 somatic kineties; membranelle 1 having two longitudinal rows, much shorter than M2; M2 triangle-shaped. The phylogenetic analyses show that: (1) Apouronema clustered in the Uronematidae clade, and grouped with genera Uronemita and Uronema; (2) Cyclidium vorax spec. nov. grouped with C. glaucoma and C. sinicum, which supports the assignment of the new species to the genus Cyclidium; (3) Cyclidium remains non-monophyletic with the addition of the new sequence.  相似文献   

Five new gall midge taxa of the subfamilies Porricondylinae and Lasiopterinae are described from the Late Eocene Rovno amber: Adsumyia integra gen. et sp. nov. (Dicerurini), Gratomyia inexigentis gen. et sp. nov. (Holoneurini), Winnertzia recusata sp. nov. (Winnertziini), Kovaleviola injusta gen. et sp. nov., and Spungisiola insuperabilis gen. et sp. nov. (Brachineurini).  相似文献   

A new tribe, two new genera, and seven new species of click beetles are described: Pollostelaterini, trib. nov., Pollostelater baissensis, gen. et sp. nov. from the Lower Cretaceous of Transbaikalia (Baisa locality), five new species in the genus Cryptocoelus Dolin et Nel C. sinitshenkovae, sp. nov. (Romanovka locality), C. shcherbakovi, sp. nov., C. baissensis, sp. nov., C. lukashevichae, sp. nov., C. dolini, sp. nov. (all from Baisa locality), and Turonelater giganteus, gen. et sp. nov. from the Turonian of Southern Kazakhstan (Kzyl-Dzhar locality).  相似文献   

New taxa of detached seeds are described from the Kungurian (Lower Permian) of the Middle Cis-Urals: Laevigatospermum compressum gen. et sp. nov., Hirsutospermum paniculatum gen. et sp. nov., Rugosospermum callosum gen. et sp. nov., and Craspedosperma filiferum sp. nov. The systematic position of the new taxa is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary From sandy beaches of the Bay of Bengal (Indian Ocean) three interstitial species are described and discussed: Anthohydra psammobionta gen. et. spec. nov., a new solitary hydropolyp (Fig. 1), as well as two Pseudovermis-species, viz. P. soleatus spec. nov. and P. indices spec. nov., the latter of which is closely related to the brazilian P. salamandrops.  相似文献   

The following three species of parastiticascomycetes are described, illustrated and discussed in detail:Octosporella ptilidii spec. nova (Pezizales) onPtilidium ciliare from Switzerland,Nectria mnii spec. nova (Hypocreales) onPlagiomnium medium from Switzerland, andPhilobryon anuliferum gen. et spec. nov. (Dothideales) onPleurozia gigantea from New Guinea. The species are known only from the type collections. It is shown that the hyphae present an array of important characters which deserve the same attention as the fruiting bodies.
Frau Prof. Dr.Elisabeth Tschermak-Woess zu ihrem 70. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   

Gall midges from Santonian amber of Yantardakh (Taimyr Peninsula) are investigated for the first time. Eight new genera and eight new species belonging to five tribes of the subfamily Micromyinae (Lestremiidae) are described. These are Caputmunda yantardakhica gen. et sp. nov. (Catochini), Cretoperomyia taimyrica gen. et sp. nov. (Peromyiini), Palaeostrobliella dmitrii gen. et sp. nov., Yantardakhiella pusilla gen. et sp. nov., and Zherikhiniella pedicellata gen. et sp. nov. (Strobliellini), Menssana norilsk gen. et sp. nov. (Micromyini), and Cretomycophila ekaterinae gen. et sp. nov., and Corporesana khatanga gen. et sp. nov. (Aprionini). A representative of Porricondylinae (Cecidomyiidae, Porricondylinae, Holoneurini) is recorded. The diagnoses based on morphometric parameters of tribes and previously established genera are emended. The species composition of gall midges from three Cretaceous amber faunas of different ages are analyzed.  相似文献   

Five dormice species belonging to five genera have been recognized at Eichkogel:Vasseuromys thenii nov. spec., Muscatdinus pliocaenicus Kowalski 1963,Myomimus dehmi (De Bruijn 1966),Glirulus lissiensis HuguEnEy & Mein 1965 and a glirid gen. et spec, indet. Petauristinae, Eomyidae and most of the Gliridae representing almost half to the Eichkogel rodent species are thought to have inhabited moist woodlands.  相似文献   

A new coelomycetous fungus Exosporodiella phoenixesa gen. et spec, nov., has been described and illustrated from the leaves of Phoenix from India.  相似文献   

Two new genera and five new species of Lower Permian radiolarians, Arcoclathrata alekseevi gen. et sp. nov., Entactinia pinrasensis sp. nov., Microporosa rozhnovi gen. et sp. nov., M. aktastensis sp. nov., and Somphoentactinia saecularis sp. nov., from the Southern Urals and Northern Mugodzhary are described. The new spherical radiolarian taxa belong to three orders: Entactiniata, Cancelliata, and Spongiata of two classes, Sphaerellaria and Spumellaria.  相似文献   

A new subfamily of ichneumonids, Palaeoichneumoninae, is described from the Lower Cretaceous of Transbaikalia (Baisa locality) and Mongolia (Bon Tsagan and Kholbotu Gol localities). The new subfamily is intermediate between the archaic subfamily Tanychorinae and the Recent Ichneumonidae. It includes 12 new species, described in three new genera: Palaeoichneumon freja gen. et sp. nov., P. ornatus sp. nov., P. danu sp. nov., P. micron sp. nov., P. mirabilis sp. nov., P. tenebrosus sp. nov., P. townesi sp. nov., Rudimentifera mora gen. et sp. nov., R. suspecta sp. nov., Dischysma maculata gen. et sp. nov., D. similis sp. nov., and D. ramulata sp. nov.  相似文献   

New taxa of the insect order Eoblattida from the Upper Carboniferous of Russia are described, including Narkemina kata sp. nov., Narkeminopsis inversa sp. nov., Carbonokata storozhenkoi gen. et sp. nov., Tshunoptera ampla gen. et sp. nov., and Evenkiophlebia collucata gen. et sp. nov. from the Chunya locality (Krasnoyarsk Region), Narkemulla sibirica gen. et sp. nov. from the Chunya and Izykhskie Kopi localities, Khakassia (all Cnemidolestidae), and Izykhia tridentis gen. et sp. nov. from Izykhskie Kopi (?Spanioderidae). Narkeminuta permiana gen. et sp. nov. (Cnemidolestidae) is described from the Kedrovka locality (Kemerovo Region; Lower Permian), and Issadische maximum gen. et sp. nov. (Eoblattida incertae familiae) is descriobed from the Isady locality (Vologda Region; Upper Permian). Permeoblatta borealis Rasnitsyn et Aristov, 2010 (Idelinellidae) from Isady is redescribed.  相似文献   

New taxa of Ensifera and Caelifera orthopterans (Insecta, Orthoptera), from the families Gryllotalpidae [Marchandiinae, subfam. nov. (Lower Cretaceous)], Haglotettigoniidae [?Haglotettigonia aenigmatosa, sp. nov. (Lower Cretaceous)], Tettigoniidae [Meconematinae: Archixizicus occidentalis, gen. et sp. nov. (Eocene), Eogrigoriora gracilis, gen. et sp. nov. (Eocene), Miophlugis rostratus, gen. et sp. nov. (Miocene)], Stenopelmatidae [Siinae: Electrosia baltica, gen. et sp. nov. (Eocene); Gryllacridinae: Plesiolarnaca prior, gen. et sp. nov. (Eocene)] and Tridactylidae [Mongoloxyinae: Birmitoxya intermedia, gen. et sp. nov. (Upper Cretaceous). The Eocene species Lipotactes martynovi Zeun. and L. bispinatus Weidn. are transferred to the genus Eomortoniellus Zeun. (Tettigoniidae: Tympanophorinae); Prorhaphidophora zeuneri Chop. and P. tachycinoides Chop. are transferred to the genus Protroglophilus Gor. (Rhaphidophoridae: Protroglophilinae). The Eocene species E. handlirschi Zeun., species of the genus Protroglophilus, and a possible member of the genus Succinotettix Piton (Tetrigidae: Tetriginae), as well as a Miocene representative of the genus Archaeoellipes Heads (Tridactylidae: Tridactylinae) are also discussed.  相似文献   

New Archaeocyatha genera and species, Turgorocyathus elegans gen. et sp. nov., Angustocyathus porus gen. et sp. nov., Flossocyathus squamosus gen. et sp. nov., Rotundocyathus oimuranicus sp. nov., and Carinacyathus inopinatus sp. nov., from the type sections of the Atdabanian Stage of the Lower Cambrian of the Siberian Platform are described.  相似文献   

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