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Abstract: Culture of neuroblastoma cells in a medium of low-thiamine concentration (6 n M ) and in the presence of the transport inhibitor amprolium leads to the appearance of overt signs of necrosis; i.e., the chromatin condenses in dark patches, the oxygen consumption decreases, mitochondria are uncoupled, and their cristae are disorganized. Glutamate formed from glutamine is no longer oxidized and accumulates, suggesting that the thiamine diphosphate-dependent α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase activity is impaired. When thiamine (10 µ M ) is added to the cells, the O2 consumption increases, respiratory control is restored, and normal cell and mitochondrial morphology is recovered within 1 h. Succinate, which is oxidized via the thiamine diphosphate-independent succinate dehydrogenase, is also able to restore a normal O2 consumption (with respiratory control) in digitonin-permeabilized thiamine-deficient cells. Our results therefore suggest that the slowing of the citric acid cycle is the main cause of the biochemical lesion induced by thiamine deficiency as observed in Wernicke's encephalopathy.  相似文献   

The effect of the calcium channel blocker nimodipine on the previously described regional cerebral acidosis accompanying thiamine deficiency was investigated. Local cerebral pH (LCpH) and blood flow (LCBF) were separately determined autoradiographically in normal and 16-day thiamine-deficient rats administered the calcium antagonist drug and compared to appropriate controls. Nimodipine did not modify LCpH in normal brain. In thiamine deficiency, nimodipine significantly raised LCpH in 5 of 17 structures evaluated, two of which, the medial dorsal nucleus of the thalamus and the mammillary body, are vulnerable to the development of histological lesions in this condition. Although the calcium blocker augmented LCBF in normal brain, it had no effect on the hyperperfusion already present by day 16 of thiamine deprivation. Thus, the pH changes we are reporting are probably not related to an effect on cerebral perfusion, but could have resulted from an improved ability of the brain to reduce its proton load in the presence of nimodipine. These results may have wider therapeutic implications than in thiamine deficiency alone.  相似文献   

The current study measured extracellular fluid (ECF) levels of excitatory amino acids before and during the onset of thiamine deficiency-induced pathologic lesions. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were treated with daily pyrithiamine (0.25 mg/kg i.p.) and a thiamine-deficient diet (PTD). Microdialysates were simultaneously collected from probes inserted acutely via guide cannulae into right paracentral and ventrolateral nuclei of thalamus and left hippocampus of PTD and pair-fed controls. Hourly samples were collected from unanesthetized and freely moving animals. Basal levels obtained at a prelesion stage (day 12 of PTD treatment) were unchanged from levels in pairfed controls. In samples collected 4–5 h after onset of seizures (day 14 of PTD), the levels of glutamate were elevated an average 640% of basal levels in medial thalamus and 200% in hippocampus. Glutamine levels declined, taurine and glycine were elevated, and aspartate, GABA, and alanine were unchanged during this period. Within 7 h after seizure onset glutamine was undetectable in both areas, whereas glutamate had declined to ~200% in thalamus and 70% in hippocampus. No significant change in glutamate, aspartate, or other amino acids was observed in dialysates collected from probes located in undamaged dorsal-lateral regions of thalamus. Number of neurons within ventrolateral nucleus of thalamus was significantly greater in PTD animals in which the probe was dialyzed compared with nondialyzed, suggesting that removal of excitatory amino acids was protective. No significant pathologic damage was evident in hippocampus. Pretreatment with MK-801 completely blocked the rise of ECF glutamate and significantly reduced the pathologic damage within thalamus of PTD rats and produced a significant decrease in ECF glutamate in control rats.  相似文献   

Thiamine phosphate esters (thiamine monophosphate-TMP; thiamine diphosphate-TDP and thiamine triphosphate-TTP) were measured as their thiochrome derivatives by High Performance Liquid Chromatography in the brains of pyrithiamine-treated rats at various stages during the development of thiamine deficiency encephalopathy. Severe encephalopathy was accompanied by significant reductions of all three thiamine phosphate esters in brain. Neurological symptoms of thiamine deficiency appeared when brain levels of TMP and TDP fell below 15% of normal values. Activities of the TDP-dependent enzyme -ketoglutarate dehydrogenase were more severely reduced in thalamus compared to cerebral cortex, a less vulnerable brain structure. On the other hand, reductions of TTP, the non-cofactor form of thiamine, occurred to a greater extent in cerebral cortex than thalamus. Early reductions of TDP-dependent enzymes and the ensuing metabolic pertubations such as lactic acidosis impaired brain energy metabolism, and NMDA-receptor mediated excitotoxicity offer rational explanations for the selective vulnerability of brain structures such as thalamus to the deleterious effects of thiamine deficiency.  相似文献   

Abstract: The report concerns mechanisms for the increase of extracellular levels of ethanolamine and phosphoethanolamine in CNS regions, such as the hippocampus, in transient brain ischemia, hypoglycemia, seizures, etc. l -Serine (2.5–10 m M ), d -serine (10 m M ), or ethanolamine (10 m M ) was administered for 20 min via a microdialysis tubing to the hippocampus of unanesthetized rabbits. The concentrations of primary amines were determined in the dialysates. When levels were elevated 10–100 times in the extracellular fluid, l -serine caused a dose-dependent increase of the concentration of extracellular ethanolamine. Ethanolamine caused a corresponding, although somewhat smaller, increase in serine levels. Furthermore, l -serine also induced an increased concentration of phosphoethanolamine that was delayed in time relative to the peak of ethanolamine. d -Serine was as effective as l -serine in raising ethanolamine levels but had no effect on phosphoethanolamine. Ethanolamine, but not l -serine, also increased extracellular glutamate/aspartate levels in an MK-801-dependent fashion. A similar effect, but delayed in time, was observed with d -serine. These effects were inhibited by MK-801. The concentrations of other amino acids were not significantly affected. The characteristics of the effects are suggestive of base exchange reactions between serine and ethanolamine and between ethanolamine and serine glycerophospholipids, respectively, in neuronal plasma membranes.  相似文献   

The distribution of thiamine, thiamine phosphoesters, and the thiamine pyrophosphate synthetizing [thiamine-pyrophosphokinase (TPKase)] as well as hydrolyzing [thiamine pyrophosphatase (TPPase) and thiamine monophosphatase (TMPase)] enzymes was determined in neuronal and glial enriched fractions prepared from rat brain. Nucleoside diphosphatases [inosine diphosphatase (IDPase) and uridine diphosphatase (UDPase)] and nucleoside monophosphatases [uridine monophosphatase (UMPase) and inosine monophosphatase (IMPase)] were also determined. Thiamine and thiamine mono- and pyrophosphate were present in neuronal enriched fractions at concentrations 2.8, 3.6, and 4.6 times higher than in glial fractions. TMPase was found only in glial enriched fractions, whereas the levels of TPKase, UMPase, IMPase, IDPase, UDPase, and TPPase were 2.0-, 2.2-, 1.3-, 2.8-, 3.7-, and 20.8-fold higher in neuronal than in glial fractions.  相似文献   

Sprague-Dawley dams were fed either a protein-calorie deficient or control diet from day 5 to day 21 after parturition. The concentrations of seven amino acids (aspartate, glutamate, gamma-aminobutyric acid, glycine, glutamine, serine, and taurine) were determined in brain regions from 17-day-old undernourished offspring and from 35-day-old rehabilitated rats. The brain regions examined were the cortex, cerebellum, corpus striatum, hippocampus, hypothalamus, brainstem, and midbrain. At 17 days of age, taurine was the amino acid with the highest concentration, whereas at 35 days glutamate had the highest concentration. This change was due to the fact that the concentration of taurine decreased significantly in all brain regions between 17 and 35 days, whereas the concentration of glutamate remained high or increased somewhat in all brain regions except the hypothalamus and brainstem. When the age-matched offspring of control and undernourished rats were compared, several interesting and significant differences were found. The concentrations of glutamate and aspartate were significantly lower (decreased 16-34%) in the cerebellum, brainstem, cortex, and midbrain in 17-day-old undernourished rats. The aspartate level was also significantly decreased in the corpus striatum and hypothalamus in 17-day-old offspring. However, the deficiencies of aspartate and glutamate were transient and reversible. In contrast, the concentration of taurine was increased in the hypothalamus (31%) and hippocampus (12-33%) at both 17 and 35 days of age and in the midbrain (17%) at 17 days. Other transient abnormalities in amino acid levels were found in undernourished offspring. The results of these experiments suggest that undernutrition during lactation causes delayed CNS development, which is manifested in altered concentrations of the neurotransmitters aspartate, glutamate, and taurine.  相似文献   

Chronic thiamine deprivation in the rat leads to ataxia, loss of righting reflex and neuropathological damage to lateral vestibular nucleus. Before onset of neurological symptoms, transketolase (TK) activities were found to be selectively reduced by 25% in lateral vestibular nucleus and surrounding pons. Further progression of thiamine deprivation resulted in a generalized reduction in TK activity. Measurement of enzyme activity in the presence of added TPP cofactor in vitro did not lead to normalisation of enzyme activities suggesting loss of apoenzyme. Administration of thiamine to symptomatic thiamine-deprived rats resulted in reversal of neurological symptoms and to normalisation of defective TK activities in less vulnerable structures such as cerebral cortex striatum and hippocampus; reduction of TK activity, however, persisted in brainstem and cerebellar regions. Pyrithiamine treatment results, within 3 weeks, in loss of righting reflex, convulsions and more widespread neuropathological damage compared to that observed following thiamine deprivation. TK activity was found to be significantly decreased before the onset of neurological symptoms in all brain regions and appearance of symptoms was accompanied by more severe reductions of TK. In contrast to chronic thiamine deprivation, TK activities following pyrithiamine treatment were: (i) equally reduced in magnitude in vulnerable and non-vulnerable brain structures, (ii) unchanged following reversal of neurological abnormalities by thiamine administration.  相似文献   

Abstract: When neuroblastoma cells were transferred to a medium of low (6 n M ) thiamine concentration, a 16-fold decrease in total intracellular thiamine content occurred within 8 days. Respiration and ATP levels were only slightly affected, but addition of a thiamine transport inhibitor (amprolium) decreased ATP content and increased lactate production. Oxygen consumption became low and insensitive to oligomycin and uncouplers. At least 25% of mitochondria were swollen and electron translucent. Cell mortality increased to 75% within 5 days. [3H]PK 11195, a specific ligand of peripheral benzodiazepine receptors (located in the outer mitochondrial membrane) binds to the cells with high affinity ( K D = 1.4 ± 0.2 n M ). Thiamine deficiency leads to an increase in both B max and K D. Changes in binding parameters for peripheral benzodiazepine receptors may be related to structural or permeability changes in mitochondrial outer membranes. In addition to the high-affinity (nanomolar range) binding site for peripheral benzodiazepine ligands, there is a low-affinity (micromolar range) saturable binding for PK 11195. At micromolar concentrations, peripheral benzodiazepines inhibit thiamine uptake by the cells. Altogether, our results suggest that impairment of oxidative metabolism, followed by mitochondrial swelling and disorganization of cristae, is the main cause of cell mortality in severely thiamine-deficient neuroblastoma cells.  相似文献   

Abstract: The concentration of glutamine increases in the brain after hepatectomy. In the present studies the conversion of intravenously given [14C]acetate to [14C]glutamate and [14C]glutamine was studied in control rats and in rats at 6 h after complete hepatectomy. The incorporation of label into glutamate was only slightly inhibited, but the further incorporation into glutamine was greatly inhibited, after hepatectomy. These data, and previous data using [14C]glucose as precursor, indicate that synthesis of glutamine in brain is inhibited after hepatectomy, and suggest that its concentration must increase because degradation is inhibited to an even greater extent.  相似文献   

A simple and rapid method based on the NADH-linked reduction of a tetrazolium dye was described for the determination of pyruvate dehydrogenase activity in rat brain homogenates. The method (method 3) gave a value of 36.06 +/- 1.24 nmol of pyruvate utilised/min/mg of whole brain protein. This value was higher than that obtained by measurement of the rate of decarboxylation of [1-14C]pyruvate (15.10 +/- 0.88 nmol/min/mg of protein; method 1) and was comparable with the rate of transfer of acetyl groups to an arylamine (39.04 +/- 1.32 nmol/min/mg of protein; method 2). A critique of the values reported by others by different methods was given. The pyruvate dehydrogenase activity in the mitochondria isolated from rat brain was in the "active" (nonphosphorylated) form. A deficiency of thiamine in rats was produced by treatment with pyrithiamine, an antagonist of thiamine. This treatment resulted in abnormal neurological signs, such as ataxia and convulsions. The measurement of the total activity of pyruvate dehydrogenase in the brain by all three methods showed no significant change in the enzymic activity in thiamine-deficient rats after treatment with pyrithiamine. The activities of the enzyme in the brains of pair-fed animals were similar to those in the controls.  相似文献   

Abstract: 2-Amino-7-phosphonoheptanoic acid, an antagonist of excitation caused by dicarboxylic amino acids with a selective action on N -methyl-d-aspartate receptors, has been administered in an anticonvulsant dose (1 mmol/kg i.p.) to fed or fasted rats and mice. The drug impaired motor activity in fasted mice. Glucose and amino acids were determined in dissected regions of brain fixed by microwave irradiation. Glucose content was low in the brains of fasted rats and mice but was restored to normal (fed) concentration 45 min after the administration of 2-amino-7-phosphonoheptanoic acid in fasted mice. In fed animals, 2-amino-7-phosphonoheptanoic acid did not change brain aspartate concentration. In fasted animals, aspartate concentration was raised in most brain regions. In fasted rats and mice, 2-amino-7-phosphonoheptanoic acid significantly increased glutamine in rat cortex and mouse striatum, decreased glutamate content in rat striatum, and decreased aspartate concentration in all regions except mouse cortex and striatum. GABA levels were significantly decreased in rat striatum and hippocampus. These changes are consistent with an increased synaptic release of glutamate and aspartate following blockage of their post-synaptic action at selected sites.  相似文献   

Treatment of rats with the central thiamine antagonist, pyrithiamine, results in severe neurological symptoms such as loss of righting reflex. Measurement of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) content of brain tissue from symptomatic pyrithiamine-treated (PT) rats revealed significant reductions in thalamus, cerebellum, and pons. GABA content of cerebral cortex, however, was unaltered. Activities of the thiamine-dependent enzyme alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase (alpha KGDH) were reduced in parallel with the GABA changes. On the other hand, activities of the GABA-synthetic enzyme glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) remained within normal limits, with the exception of a small but significant decrease in thalamus of symptomatic PT rats. Affinities and densities of high-affinity [3H]muscimol binding sites on crude cerebral membrane preparations from symptomatic PT rats were unchanged. Thiamine administration to symptomatic animals resulted in correction of abnormal righting reflexes and in normalization of decreased GABA levels and reduced alpha KGDH activities in cerebellum and pons. Thalamic GABA levels and alpha KGDH activities, on the other hand, remained significantly lower than normal. These results suggest that the reversible symptoms of pyrithiamine treatment may result from imparied GABA synthesis in cerebellum and pons of these animals. Similar mechanisms may play a role in the pathogenesis of the reversible symptoms of Wernicke's encephalopathy in man.  相似文献   

Regional Reductions of Transketolase in Thiamine-Deficient Rat Brain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract: Thiamine deficiency impairs oxidative metabolism and causes metabolic encephalopathy. An early reduction in transketolase (TK) activity may be an important pathogenic event. To assess the role of TK, we have delineated the regional/cellular distribution of TK protein and mRNA in adult rat brain in pyrithiamine-induced thiamine deficiency. TK activity declined in both vulnerable and spared regions. Immunoblots showed a parallel reduction of TK protein. With a few exceptions, immunocytochemistry indicated an overall decline of TK immunoreactivity and the decrease was not specific to vulnerable areas. In contrast to the pronounced, general decline of TK protein, in situ hybridization revealed a regional decrease of 0–25% of TK mRNA in thiamine deficiency. Northern blots indicated a similar level of TK mRNA in whole brain in thiamine deficiency. These results show that the decline of TK activity results from a proportional decrease of TK protein, and the deficiency may be due to an instability of TK protein or an inhibition of TK mRNA translation. The lack of correlation of the distribution, and the absence of specific alteration, of TK in affected regions suggest that the reduced TK may not be linked directly to selective vulnerability in thiamine deficiency.  相似文献   

Abstract: The K+-stimulated, Ca2+-dependent release of glutamate, aspartate, -γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), alanine, taurine, and glycine was measured in slices of cerebella obtained from control, and granule cell-, granule cell plus stellate cell-, or climbing fiber-deficient cerebella of the rat. The 55 mm -K+-stimulated release of glutamate and GABA was 10-fold greater in the presence of Ca2+ than in its absence. The stimulated release of aspartate was 4-fold higher when Ca2+ was present in the bathing media, while the value for alanine was twice as high as the amount obtained in the absence of Ca2+. There was no stimulated release of either taurine or glycine from the cerebellar slices. Increasing the Mg2+ concentration to 16 HIM inhibited the K+-stimulated, Ca2+-dependent release of glutamate, GABA, aspartate, and alanine 85% or more. The K+-stimulated, Ca2+ dependent release of glutamate, aspartate, and alanine from x-irradiated cerebella deficient in granule cells was reduced to 50–57% of control value. Additional x-irradiation treatment, which further reduced the cerebellar granule cell population and also prevented the acquisition of stellate cells, decreased the release of glutamate by 77%, aspartate by 66%, alanine by 91%, and, in addition, decreased the release of GABA by 55%. The K+-stimulated, Ca2+-dependent release of glutamate, aspartate, GABA, and alanine was not changed in climbing fiber-deficient cerebella obtained from 3-acetylpyridine-treated rats. The data support a transmitter role for GABA and glutamate in the cerebellum, but do not support a similar function for either taurine or glycine. The data also suggest that alanine and aspartate may be co-released along with glutamate from granule cells.  相似文献   

Abstract: A dramatic, time-dependent loss of l -glutamine was observed in mouse and rat hippocampal slices equilibrated in normal artificial CSF under static (no-flow) and super-fused (constant-flow) conditions. Concomitant with the decline in l -glutamine, there was a significant, but less pronounced, decrease in levels of the neurotransmitter amino acids, γ-aminobutyric acid, l -aspartate, and l -glutamate. The disappearance of l -glutamine was a result of diffusion from the tissue to the artificial CSF rather than chemical or biochemical transformation. The loss of amino acids from the hippocampal slices was prevented to different degrees by the addition of 0.5 m M exogenous l -glutamine to the artificial CSF. The levels of newly synthesized amino acids were also determined, because they may be more indicative of the neuronal activity than the total tissue levels of amino acids. The effects of perturbations in glutamine (length of the equilibration time and addition of exogenous. glutamine) on newly synthesized glutamate were more pronounced under 4-aminopyridine-stimulated than control (unstimulated) conditions. Therefore, a loss of l -glutamine from the hippocampal slices may have neurophysiological effects and warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

The metabolism of acetate was investigated in the nerve-electroplaque system of Torpedo marmorata. In intact fragments of electric organ, radiolabeled acetate was incorporated into acetylcholine (ACh), acetylcarnitine (ACar), and three amino acids: aspartate, glutamate, and glutamine. These compounds were identified by TLC, high-voltage electrophoresis, column chromatography, and enzymic tests. The system responsible for acetate transport and incorporation into ACh displayed a higher affinity but a lower Vmax than that involved in the synthesis of ACar and amino acids. Choline, when added to the medium, increased the rate of acetate incorporation into ACh but decreased (at concentrations greater than 10(-5) M) that into ACar and amino acids. Monofluoroacetate slightly depressed ACh and ACar synthesis from external acetate but inhibited much more the synthesis of amino acids. During repetitive nerve stimulation, the level of the newly synthetized [14C]ACh was found to oscillate together with that of endogenous ACh, but the level of neither [14C]ACar nor the 14C-labeled amino acids exhibited any significant change as a function of time. This means that there is probably no periodic transfer of acetyl groups between ACh and the investigated metabolites in the course of activity. Acetate metabolism was also tested in the electric lobe (which contains the cell bodies of the neurons innervating the electric organ) and in Torpedo synaptosomes (which are nerve terminals isolated from the same neurons). Radioactive pyruvate and glutamine were also assayed in some experiments for comparison with acetate. These observations are discussed in connection with ACh metabolism under resting and active conditions in tissues where acetate is the preferred precursor of the neurotransmitter.  相似文献   

The cellular distribution of free amino acids was estimated in primary cultures (14 days in vitro) composed principally of cerebellar interneurones or cerebellar and forebrain astrocytes. In cultured neural cells, the overall concentration of amino acids resembled that found in brain at the corresponding age in vivo. In the two neural cell types, there were marked differences in the distribution of amino acids, in particular, those associated with the metabolic compartmentation of glutamate. In neuronal cell cultures, the concentrations of glutamate, aspartate, and gamma-aminobutyric acid were, respectively, about three, four, and seven times greater than in astrocytes. By contrast, the amount of glutamine was approximately 65% greater in astroglial cell cultures than in interneurone cultures. An unexpected finding was a very high concentration of glycine in astrocytes derived from 8-day-old cerebellum, but the concentrations of both serine and glycine were greater in nerve cell cultures than in forebrain astrocytes. The essential amino acids threonine, valine, isoleucine, leucine, tyrosine, phenylalanine, histidine, lysine, and arginine were all present in the growth medium, and small cellular changes in the contents of some of these amino acids may relate to differences in their influx and efflux during culturing and washing procedures. The present results, together with our previous findings, provide further support for the model assigning the "small" compartment of glutamate to glial cells and the "large" compartment to neurones, and also underline the metabolic interaction between these two cell types in the brain.  相似文献   

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