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水分胁迫下扶芳藤幼苗保护酶活性和渗透调节物质的变化   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
扶芳藤(Euonymus fortunei(Turcz.)Hand.-Mazz)作为北方城市园林的新优攀援藤本和地被植物越来越受到重视,新品系的抗逆性筛选工作迫在眉睫。本文采用聚乙二醇(PEG-6000)模拟水分胁迫的方法,测定其生理指标,研究水分胁迫对扶芳藤不同品系幼苗叶片保护酶活性和渗透调节物质的影响,旨在摸索出这些生理指标与植物抗旱性的关系。研究结果表明,随着模拟干旱时间的延长,扶芳藤幼苗叶片中相对含水量(RWC)逐步下降,保护酶活性上升,脯氨酸和可溶性糖含量急剧上升,并且抗旱性强的品系保护酶活性和渗透调节物质含量较高。  相似文献   

抗旱和不抗旱的小麦幼苗叶片与根系,在1MPaPEG渗透胁迫下释出乙烯和生成内源腐胺、亚精胺和精胺的数量增加。当增加2mmol钴离子处理6h和12h后,乙烯生成显著受到抑制,而亚精肢和精胺呈现进一步增加。表明钴离子阻遏了氨基环烷羧酸向乙烯转变的途径,并为多胺合成提供了更多的底物,从而有利于提高小麦抗衰老和抗旱的能力,抗旱品种表现更为明显。  相似文献   

渗透胁迫对棉花根和下胚轴PM脂肪酸组分和ATPase的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
实验结果表明:棉花根和下胚轴PM脂肪酸主要由棕榈酸(16:0),硬脂酸(18:0),亚油酸(18:2)和亚麻酸(18:3)组成。用-0.3MPa和-1.1MPa根际胁迫,棉花根和下胚轴PM饱和脂肪酸含量增加,不饱和脂肪酸和不饱和指数(IUFA)降低,这几种组分中棕榈酸含量上升较大,亚麻酸含量下降较大。胁迫处理使膜透性增高,脂肪酸组分发生变化,致使PM H^+-ATPase,Ca^++-ATP-as  相似文献   

聚乙二醇溶液处理玉米(Zea m eys L.)幼苗根系,引起叶片电解质渗漏,丙二醛含量增加,叶绿素降解,水分耗失加快,光合速率、光合电子传递活性减少和暗呼吸速率增高。叶面喷施6-苄基氨基嘌呤及2,6-二丁基甲酚、没食子酸丙酯和抗坏血酸等抗氧化剂,可缓解渗透胁迫引起的膜损伤,具有一定的保护作用。  相似文献   

利用不同渗透势的培养液模拟土壤干旱条件,研究了玉米杂交种“中单2号”在此条件下的生长和生理的变化。实验表明,各指标对于渗透胁迫的变化敏感性顺序为叶片延伸速率、叶水势、脯氨酸含量>净光合速率>相对透性。玉米幼苗在渗透胁迫下具有一定的生理适应能力,表现在一定的渗透胁迫范围内随胁迫时间的延长,生长、生理变化有趋于缓和或恢复的趋势。  相似文献   

Freshly isolated tobacco mesophyll protoplasts had contentsof K$, Cl and Na$ slightly higher (on a cell basis) thanthe original leaf tissue, and had a high K$/Na$ ratio similarto that of the leaf tissue. Influxes of these ions into theprotoplasts were of similar magnitudes to the correspondingfluxes in leaf tissue when compared on the basis of the respectiveplasmalemma surface areas. In both systems the K$ influx wasstrongly inhibited by CN and by DNP. These results suggestthat the ion relations of the freshly isolated mesophyll protoplastswere similar to those of the original leaf tissue and that isolatedmesophyll protoplasts should be a useful system for the studyof ion transport processes in leaf cells.  相似文献   

The ion relations of isolated mesophyll cells from Antirrhinumleaf tissue were compared with the corresponding propertiesof the freshly excised leaf tissue. Both systems showed activeinfluxes of K+ and Cl, and the permeabilities of thecells to K+ and to Cl were similar to those of the leaftissue. However, the contents of K+ and Cl in the isolatedcells were much less than in the leaf tissue, and the permeabilityof the cells to Na+ was much higher. The results suggested thatthe isolation procedure had some reversible effects on the transportproperties of the cells and also some irreversible effects.Comparison with other results suggested that the magnitudesof these effects depend on the species of plant being used.It was concluded that isolated mesophyll cells can be usefulin the study of the ion transport processes which occur in leaves,provided that certain precautions are taken in the isolationof the cells and in the conditions of their use.  相似文献   

Abstract— Axoplasmic transport in guanethidine sympathectomized and control rats was investigated by monitoring the accumulations of various enzyme activities proximal to a ligature placed on the sciatic nerve. Sympathectomy affected the accumulations of three different mitochondrial enzymes quite differently: the accumulation of monoamine oxidase (MAO, EC activity was inhibited 65% or more, that of hexokinase (HK, EC activity was only inhibited 26%, while accumulation of glutamic dehydrogenase (GDH, EC activity was unaffected by Sympathectomy. Accumulation of AChE (EC activity was depressed 40%, but accumulations of the activities of the lysosomal enzyme, acid phosphatase (acid P'tase, EC, and of the cytosolic enzyme, choline acetyltransferase (CAT, EC were unchanged.
Despite impressive inhibition of MAO accumulation, the intrinsic activity of this enzyme in sciatic nerve was unaffected by Sympathectomy. The existence in nerve of isozymes of MAO was demonstrated using the inhibitors clorgyline and deprenyl. Transported MAO activity was almost entirely type A; intrinsic activity was 2/3 type A and 1/3 type B.
The differential response of the accumulations of the three mitochondrial enzyme activities measured was interpreted to indicate the existence, within neurons, of mitochondria with different enzyme complements.  相似文献   

Rates of O2 exchange and of CO2 fixation by viable freshly isolatedmesophyll protoplasts were similar to those of the originalleaf tissue. Changes in pH and the addition of various uncouplersand inhibitors had similar effects on these processes in protoplastsand in leaf tissue. Prolonged incubation of the protoplastsand of the leaf tissue caused similar marked changes in theirrates of O2 exchange. The results show that freshly isolatedmesophyll protoplasts should provide a suitable system for thequantitative study of many of the physiological and biochemicalprocesses of leaf cells.  相似文献   

The occurrence of cyanobacterial blooms has been re-ported in fresh water all over the world~[1].Cyanobacterial bloom in ponds and reservoirs are associated with adverse ef-fects on organisms.including acute toxicity in animals and cases of illness in humans when the toxins released into the aquatic environment after cyanobacterial cell lysis~[2].  相似文献   

为了研究不同碳氮比对生物絮团形成及对日本沼虾(Macrobrachium nipponense)生长、抗氧化酶和消化酶的影响,设置5个不同实验组[对照组(不做任何添加),碳氮比10组(C/N10)、碳氮比15组(C/N15)、碳氮比20组(C/N20)和碳氮比25组(C/N25)],每组设三重复;将初始体重(0.25±0.03) g的日本沼虾置于不同碳氮比的玻璃缸(30 cm×40 cm×100 cm)中,进行50d的饲养实验。研究结果表明,随着碳氮比升高,生物絮团含量有上升趋势,生物絮团含量C/N20>C/N25>C/N15>C/N10, C/N20生物絮团最多,生物絮团体积和总固体悬浮物分别为(328.67±7.09) mL/L和(40.33±1.53) mg/L而C/N10几乎没有生物絮团产生, C/N15和C/N25有少量生物絮团,但含量显著低于C/N20。对照组的氨氮和亚硝酸氮浓度持续升高, C/N10和C/N25的氨氮和亚硝酸氮浓度有较大波动,先升高后降低,随后又有升高的趋势,氨氮和亚硝酸氮浓度分别高于2和1.5 mg/L, C/N15和C/N20的氨氮和...  相似文献   

Naturally loaded carbon-11 was used to study in vivo the dynamicsof translocation. It was found that translocation displayedstrong short-term sensitivity to source chilling, source anoxia,disturbance of the osmotic balance of stem apoplast, and apexshading but that it seemed indifferent to metabolic inhibitorsand stem anoxia. Plant-wide water stress effected a long-termdisruption of translocation which was reversed only slowly whenthe stress was relieved. These experiments generally supporta mass flow theory, but indicate that there is a close couplingbetween translocation streams from different sources.  相似文献   

根系受渗透胁迫时杨树(Populus×euramericana  相似文献   

Regulation of H Excretion : EFFECTS OF OSMOTIC SHOCK   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Osmotic shock, a 15-minute plasmolysis followed by a 15-minute rehydration in the cold, is a nondestructive technique which inhibits fusicoccin-stimulated H+ excretion from oat mesophyll cells (Avena sativa L.). Osmotic shock also causes a loss of intracellular solutes and stimulates H+ uptake, but osmoregulation can still occur, and enhanced H+ uptake is observed only at low external pH. It is concluded that osmotic shock interferes directly with the excretion of H+ rather than affecting only H+ or counter ion uptake.  相似文献   

以含有内生真菌的黑麦草(Lolium perenne L.)种子为材料,采用4 ℃冰箱内和20 ℃培养箱内保存18个月的方式分别构建内生真菌侵染(EI)和内生真菌非侵染(EF)的黑麦草种群,通过比较EI和EF种群在正常条件下(对照)和渗透胁迫条件下种子发芽、幼苗生长等方面的差异,探讨内生真菌对其宿主植物的直接和间接影响。结果表明:在对照和胁迫条件下,EI种子的发芽势及发芽率均明显高于EF种子,而在重度胁迫下EI植株的叶延伸速率、根系总长度高于EF植株。内生真菌对宿主植物分蘖数和生物量的变化没有促进作用,但  相似文献   

 以含有内生真菌的黑麦草(Lolium perenne L.)种子为材料,采用4 ℃冰箱内和20 ℃培养箱内保存18个月的方式分别构建内生真菌侵染(EI)和内生真菌非侵染(EF)的黑麦草种群,通过比较EI和EF种群在正常条件下(对照)和渗透胁迫条件下种子发芽、幼苗生长等方面的差异,探讨内生真菌对其宿主植物的直接和间接影响。结果表明:在对照和胁迫条件下,EI种子的发芽势及发芽率均明显高于EF种子,而在重度胁迫下EI植株的叶延伸速率、根系总长度高于EF植株。内生真菌对宿主植物分蘖数和生物量的变化没有促进作用,但  相似文献   

盐分和水分胁迫对盐地碱蓬幼苗渗透调节效应的研究   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
利用不同浓度NaCl和等渗PEG处理40d龄的盐地碱蓬(Suaedasalsa(L.)Pal.)幼苗,10d后测定植株中主要有机溶质和无机离子的含量及叶片渗透势和渗透调节能力。结果表明,NaCl处理的无机离子总含量急剧增加,其中Na+、Cl-增加最多,占总计算渗透势(COP)的71%~88%,总无机离子占COP的95%~97%。而有机溶质总含量则稍有降低,约占COP的2%~5%。PEG处理使有机溶质(氨基酸、糖、有机酸)含量明显增加,特别是氨基酸占COP的9%。不同处理的实测渗透势(MOP)均小于COP,说明在这些条件下,还有其它的渗透剂参与盐地碱蓬幼苗的渗透调节。结果还表明,盐地碱蓬幼苗的渗透调节能力随外界盐浓度的增大而增加。  相似文献   

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