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I study the relation between orphanhood and fertility patterns in young adults using a longitudinal survey from the city of Cape Town, South Africa. The data set combines two survey waves with a year-by-year life history calendar that records key outcomes (e.g., schooling, work, fertility). It also provides information on so-called ‘parental investments’ (time and material support), family background, and literacy and numeracy test scores. I find that orphans exhibit significantly higher rates of teenage pregnancy. In particular, teenage motherhood is 19% points more likely among (female) orphans. These results suggest that orphanhood may leave a long-lasting ‘imprint’ in terms of premature fertility, especially in teenage females.  相似文献   

Recent popular works have represented Muslim fertility as dangerously high, both a cause and consequence of religious fundamentalism. This article uses comparative, statistical methods to show that this representation is empirically wrong, at least in West Africa. Although religion strongly inflects reproductive practice, its effects are not constant across different communities. In West African countries with Muslim majorities, Muslim fertility is lower than that of their non-Muslim conationals; in countries where Muslims are in the minority, their apparently higher reproductive rates converge to those of the majority when levels of education and urban residence are taken into account. A similar pattern holds for infant mortality. By contrast, in all seven countries, Muslim women are more likely to report that their most recent child was wanted. The article concludes with a discussion of the relationship between autonomy and fertility desires.  相似文献   

A new species, Lanasaurus scalpridens , is erected from a partial lower jaw from the Redbeds of South Africa. The validity of conclusions drawn by other workers in this field is questioned.  相似文献   

A case of disseminating sporotrichosis from South Africa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequences were obtained from representatives of five populations of the Cape galaxias Galaxias zebratus . Four highly distinct genotypes were revealed, with sequence divergence values ranging from 5.8 to 13.8%. Some of the pairwise divergences are the highest yet reported for cytochrome b within a fish species, and are more typical of interspecific and intergeneric comparisons. In contrast, the low genetic divergence (0.3%) between two recently recorded populations from the Krom and Gamtoos (Kouga) Rivers indicates recent gene flow. Parsimony analysis consistently produced a tree with the population from the Olifants River on the west coast as ancestral and eastern populations as progressively more derived. Estimated divergence times for the Olifants population range from 4.4 to 6.6 million years ago. The findings suggest that another detailed revision is required to determine whether these divergent populations represent a single species or a species complex.  相似文献   



HIV prevalence and incidence among sexually active women in peri-urban areas of Ladysmith, Edendale, and Pinetown, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, were assessed between October 2007 and February 2010 in preparation for vaginal microbicide trials.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Sexually active women 18–35 years, not known to be HIV-positive or pregnant were tested cross-sectionally to determine HIV and pregnancy prevalence (798 in Ladysmith, 1,084 in Edendale, and 891 in Pinetown). Out of these, approximately 300 confirmed non-pregnant, HIV-negative women were subsequently enrolled at each clinical research center (CRC) in a 12-month cohort study with quarterly study visits. Women in the cohort studies were required to use a condom plus a hormonal contraceptive method. HIV prevalence rates in the baseline cross-sectional surveys were high: 42% in Ladysmith, 46% in Edendale and 41% in Pinetown. Around 90% of study participants at each CRC reported one sex partner in the last 3 months, but only 14–30% stated that they were sure that none of their sex partners were HIV-positive. HIV incidence rates based on seroconversions over 12 months were 14.8/100 person-years (PY) (95% CI 9.7, 19.8) in Ladysmith, 6.3/100 PY (95% CI 3.2, 9.4) in Edendale, and 7.2/100 PY (95% CI 3.7, 10.7) in Pinetown. The 12-month pregnancy incidence rates (in the context of high reported contraceptive use) were: 5.7/100 PY (95% CI 2.6, 8.7) in Ladysmith, 3.1/100 PY (95% CI 0.9, 5.2) in Edendale and 6.3/100 PY (95% CI 3.0, 9.6) in Pinetown.


HIV prevalence and incidence remain high in peri-urban areas of KwaZulu-Natal.  相似文献   

Makapansgat Limeworks Cave is a well-known Australopithecus africanus bearing locality that has spawned a considerable amount of paleoecological research because of its hominin component. Most recently, the paleoecology of this Plio-Pleistocene site has been studied by determining the diet and habitat of other extinct taxa, particularly the bovids. The diets of seven bovids (Aepyceros sp., Gazella vanhoepeni, Makapania broomi, Parmularius braini, Redunca darti, Tragelaphus sp. aff. T. angasii, and Tragelaphus pricei) have now been classified using taxonomic uniformitarianism, ecomorphology, stable carbon isotopes, and mesowear analysis. Here, dental microwear is applied to the same bovids for additional comparison and to further elucidate the strengths and weaknesses of each method. The different dietary proxy methods noted provide a temporal continuum, with genetic signals such as ecomorphology and taxonomic uniformitarianism indicating behavioral adaptations over geologic time, while nongenetic data such as stable carbon isotopes and mesowear reflect different aspects of average diet over extended portions of an animal's life, and dental microwear provides dietary snapshots.Microwear separated an extant baseline of ten bovid species into expected dietary categories and the Makapansgat bovids clearly fell into two groups with the same degree of separation as between extant grazers and browsers. The results indicate that a multidisciplinary approach produces a more accurate and robust reconstruction of past diets. In sum, the microwear analysis is in-line with the isotope and mesowear results, which suggest a stronger browsing component than either taxonomic uniformitarianism or ecomorphology imply.  相似文献   

Powerful categories of evidence for symbolically mediated behaviour, variously described as ‘modern’ or ‘cognitively modern’ human behaviour, are geometric or iconographic representations. After 40,000 years ago such evidence is well documented in much of the Old World and is widely considered as typifying ‘modern human culture,’ but earlier evidence is rare. In Africa, this includes two deliberately engraved ochre pieces from c. 75,000 year old levels at Blombos Cave, Western Cape, South Africa and the greater than 55,000 year old incised ostrich egg shell from the Diepkloof shelter, located in the same province. Here we report on thirteen additional pieces of incised ochre recovered from c. 75,000-100,000 year old levels at Blombos Cave. These finds, taken together with other engraved objects reported from other southern African sites, suggest that symbolic intent and tradition were present in this region at an earlier date than previously thought.  相似文献   

We report the oldest fossil evidence of osteophagia by terrestrial invertebrates on both the Asian and African continents. Bones attributable to the Middle Jurassic dinosaur Chuanjiesaurus (Dinosauria: Sauropoda) were found with post-mortem insect modification in the Chuanjie Formation, Yunnan Province, China. The morphology of the borings closely matches the ichnogenus Cubiculum. Based on the lack of bioglyphs observed in Cubiculum ornatus, a new ichnospecies is proposed here. The new trace fossil, Cubiculum inornatus isp. nov., is interpreted to have been constructed for pupation by an unknown taxon of insect. Additionally, we report even older borings from Early Jurassic dinosaur bones of the Elliott Formation in the Karoo Basin, which represent the second oldest occurrence of insect traces in bone from continental settings. Both trace fossils sites have palaeogeographic implications for the origins and dispersal of osteophagia amongst terrestrial invertebrates during the Mesozoic. These discoveries push back the antiquity of pupation in animal bones by more than 100 million years to the Middle Jurassic, indicating that this behaviour, and osteophagy more generally, originated early in the Mesozoic, roughly comparable with the origination of insect pupation in woody substrates (Late Triassic).  相似文献   

Early putative vascular plants from the type locality of Dutoitea maraisia , in Lower Devonian sediments from South Africa are described. The plants, assigned to three species of Dutoitea , are similar in morphology to Cooksonia from the northern hemisphere. The taxonomic status of the plants is discussed and it is suggested that Cooksonia is a later synonym of Dutoitea .  相似文献   

A small piroplasm was detected in blood smears from lions (Panthera leo) in the Kruger National Park (KNP; Republic of South Africa) during 1991/1992. The parasite was identified provisionally as Babesia felis, but sera from these lions tested negative to B. felis antigen in the indirect immunofluorescent antibody test (IFAT). Blood from an infected lion was subsequently subinoculated into a domestic cat and two leopards in an attempt to identify the parasite. A lion also was infected with B. felis (from a cat). Serum samples collected from these animals were tested against B. felis, the KNP small piroplasm, and Cytauxzoon felis antigen in the IFAT. The serological results indicate that the KNP small piroplasm isolated from the lion is probably a distinct species from B. felis and C. felis.  相似文献   

The skull of a small anomodont therapsid, from the Tapinocephalus Assemblage Zone (Abrahamskraal Formation, Beaufort Group, Upper Permian) in Northern Cape Province, South Africa, represents a new basal dicynodont and is described in detail. Colobodectes cluveri gen. et sp. nov. is distinguished from other dicynodonts by an anteroposteriorly extensive caniniform process, parietals that were broadly overlapped posterolaterally by posterodorsal processes of the postorbitals, diverging anterior palatal ridges, and a dorsoventrally low foramen magnum. A phylogenetic analysis indicates that Colobodectes is the basalmost member of a dicynodont clade that excludes Eodicynodon . This position is not particularly strong, as two additional steps are needed to make Colobodectes and Eodicynodon oosthuizeni exchange places on the most parsimonious tree. Another discovery of the phylogenetic analysis is that there is little basis for recognizing Eodicynodon oelofseni as the closest relative of E. oosthuizeni . The former species is identified as the sister taxon of a clade that includes the latter and all other dicynodonts.  相似文献   

Carex rainbowii (Cariceae, Cyperaceae), a new species from the Drakensberg mountains (KwaZulu-Natal province), is described and illustrated. It was found in the shady understory of the Afromontane forest in the Cathedral Peak area. An additional, nearby population was also identified based on previously collected herbarium material. Morphological and molecular (cpDNA 5′trnK intron and nrDNA ITS and ETS sequences) data were used to evaluate the taxonomic status of these populations and shed light on their systematic placement. Our data strongly support their taxonomic identity and inclusion in Carex sect. Sylvaticae. The new species can be readily distinguished from other related taxa mainly by the frequently androgynecandrous terminal spike, dense female spikes, hyaline glumes, as well as by some quantitative features. This finding implies a considerable biogeographic disjunction from the mainly Eurasian-North African range of the remaining species of sect. Sylvaticae, a pattern also found in the related sections Ceratocystis, Rhynchocystis and Spirostachyae. Comments are provided on previous misidentifications of C. rainbowii as the closely related Carex sylvatica. Data pertinent to the conservation status of the species are provided.  相似文献   

Nematode parasites from Burchell's zebras in South Africa   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Twenty-five Burchell's zebras (Equus burchelli antiquorum) which were culled at monthly intervals in the Kruger National Park were examined for helminths. Twenty-nine species of nematodes belonging to the families Atractidae, Habronematidae, Onchocercidae, Oxyuridae, Strongylidae, Strongyloididae and Trichostrongylidae were recovered. The cyathostomes (small strongyles) most abundant were Cyathostomum tetracanthum, Cylicostephanus calicatus, Cylindropharynx sp. (? C. intermedia Theiler, 1923) and Cylicocyclus auriculatus. Cyathostomum alveatum, Cyathostomum montgomeryi, Cylicostephanus calicatus and Cylindropharynx sp. (? C. intermedia Theiler, 1923) were the most prevalent cyathostomes (small strongyles) while Craterostomum acuticaudatum was the most prevalent of the large strongyles. Of all the species recovered those most abundant were Crossocephalus viviparus and Probstmayria vivipara with intensities of 100 to 3,857,772 and 18,400 to 104,120,467, respectively. Four new species, two Triodontophorus spp. (Strongylidae) and two Habronema spp. (Habronematidae) were identified. Furthermore, this study furnishes a first report of Triodontophorus minor in zebras. The fourth stage cyathostomes as well as the adults of 11 of the 14 species were present in significantly greater intensities in autumn and winter.  相似文献   

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