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Benzyladenine (BAP) uptake and metabolism were characterized during the key stages of shoot organogenesis in leaf explants of Petunia MD1. Using leaf explant transfer experiments, it was shown that exposure to 2.2 M BAP for 6, 8 or 10 days induced shoot formation on 27, 80 and 100% of the explants respectively, with a concomitant increase in the number of shoots per explant. BAP uptake and metabolism were characterized in leaf explants after 1, 3, 6 or 10 days exposure to [3H]BAP or 10 days exposure plus an additional 2 days on basal medium (10+2). BAP and 9--D-ribofuranosyl-BAP ([9R]BAP) were detected at days 1 and 3 only. Therefore, the BAP free base was not detectable during the shoot induction period between days 6 and 10, as defined by leaf transfer experiments. The BAP ribotide pool was largest on day 1 and decreased to day 10+2. It is possible that the BAP ribotide pool provided either the active cytokinin itself or acted as a short-term storage form for the active cytokinin in petunia shoot organogenesis. Other metabolites detected in petunia leaf tissue included 7--D-glucopyranosyl-BAP ([7G]BAP), 9--D-glucopyranosyl-BAP ([9G]BAP) and an unidentified metabolite C.Abbreviations BAP benzyladenine - [7G]BAP 7--D-glucopyranosyl-BAP - [9G]BAP 9--D-glucopyranosyl-BAP - [9R]BAP 9--D-ribofuranosyl-BAP - [9R-5P]BAP 5-monophosphate of [9R]BAP - [9R-5PP]BAP 5-diphosphate of [9R]BAP - [9R-5PPP]BAP 5-triphosphate of [9R]BAP - TEA Triethylamine This research was supported in part by NSF Grant DCB-8917378 to J.D.C. and USDA-CRGO Grant 89-37261-4791 to T.J.C.  相似文献   

C A Auer  J D Cohen 《Plant physiology》1993,102(2):541-545
Prior studies of benzyladenine (BA) metabolism in Petunia hybrida Vilm. leaf explants during shoot organogenesis revealed the presence of an abundant unidentified BA conjugate. The BA conjugate, compound C, made up to 39% of the total pool of BA conjugates in two Petunia lines and was associated with an increased shoot organogenic response when compared with a third Petunia line that did not produce any compound C. Structural analysis of compound C utilizing fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry, two methods of carbohydrate analysis, ultraviolet absorption spectra, and Fourier transform infrared spectra identified it as a new cytokinin conjugate, 6-benzylamino-9-[O-glucopyranosyl-(1-->3)-ribofuranosyl]-purine. Based on our prior biological studies and the similarity of this compound to related cytokinin conjugates, this disaccharide cytokinin conjugate may be part of the interconvertible pool of cytokinins active in Petunia shoot organogenesis.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the influence of ACC, AVG and 1-MCP on in vitro organogenesis of kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa) explants and on ethylene metabolism. Results indicated that increasing ethylene production and accumulation in the head space of the culture vessel by adding ACC to the culture medium inhibited organogenesis, except for rooting, which increased and stimulated ACC oxidase activity threefold, whereas AVG increased the length and number of shoots and leaves and inhibited about 80% ACC synthase activity compared with the reference explants. 1-MCP exerts a stimulatory effect analogous to AVG, increasing ACC synthase activity and organogenesis of kiwi explants. This effect is not reverted by the addition of ACC to the culture medium. Therefore, ethylene production and its accumulation in the headspace of the culture vessels seems to be responsible for the inhibition of shoot development as well as increasing rooting in in vitro cultured kiwi explants.  相似文献   

Stem explants, excised from greenhouse-grown Begonia rex plants, were cultured on basal medium (T. Murashige and F. Skoog, Physiol. Plant. 15: 473–497, 1962) contained in sterile Petri dishes. The medium was supplemented with benzyladenine (0.1 mg 1−1) naphthaleneacetic acid (0.01 mg 1−1) and, according to experimental requirements, with either sucrose (3%) or mannitol (3%). Histochemical and biochemical examination of the starch content of the explant was carried out over several days. There was no starch deposition or organogenesis in tissue cultured on mannitol and carbohydrate-free growth medium. The most dramatic finding was the heavy accumulation of starch in tissue cultured on sucrose medium. This copious accumulation preceded any organ formation and was mainly in regions which ultimately gave rise to shoot primordia. The heavy build-up of starch preceding organogenesis was also observed when explants previously cultured on mannitol medium were transferred to medium containing sucrose. During shoot primordia development there was a decrease in the starch content of the cultured tissue indicating the utilization of the polyglucan in the organogenic process.  相似文献   

The filamentous non-N2-fixing cyanobacterium Phormidium laminosum (strain OH-1-p.Cl1) was able to utilize glutamine as the sole nitrogen source. The addition to ammonium-grown cultures of the irreversible inhibitor of glutamine synthetase activity L-methionine-D, L-sulfoximine (MSX) inhibited cell growth. Supplying glutamine to the culture restored cell growth. This re-established growth was not due to interference by glutamine of MSX uptake by the cells, since glutamine synthetase (GS, EC activity remained completely inhibited by MSX even when glutamine was simultaneously present. Both glutamine and ammonium exerted a negative effect on nitrate reductase (NR. EC and nitrite reductase (NiR, EC in vivo. This negative effect was reversed by MSX. When glutamine was added to MSX-treated cells, intracellular glutamine level was high, but the activity of both reductases remained at a high level. These results suggest that the presence of the active form of glutamine synthetase is required for the in vivo prevention of nitrate assimilation caused by ammonium and glutamine.  相似文献   

Thiol groups were introduced to dermal bovine collagen (DBC) by the reaction with gamma-thiobutyrolactone. Thiolated DBC reacted with 2-pyridyl disulfide group introduced to lysozyme to form DBC-lysozyme conjugate through disulfide bridge. The enzymatic activity of freshly prepared conjugate was almost unchanged during ten consecutive runs over one month. The DBC-lysozyme conjugate showed the maximum activity at pH 6.3, on the contrary, that of native lysozyme was pH 9.0. Thermal stability of lysozyme was enhanced by the conjugation with DBC. The present results showed that the conjugation using thiolated collagen could be one of the useful alternative approaches to modify collagen with bioactive molecules.  相似文献   

Actinidia deliciosa apical shoots were cultured in MS liquid medium with different benzyladenine (BA) pulses and using cellulose plugs as support for the explants. Abscisic acid (ABA), indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and some cytokinins (Cks) [zeatin (Z), dihydrozeatin (DHZ), zeatin riboside (ZR), dihydrozeatin riboside (DHZR), N6-isopentenyladenine (iP) and N6-isopentenyladenosine (iPR)] levels were measured in leaves from explants cultured both in the absence and in the presence of BA (4.4 μM) for 30 min, 1, 2 and 35 d. Analyses were carried out after three subcultures at the end of the multiplication phase and after 31 d in ex vitro conditions. A clear relationship between the endogenous content of phytohormones and the growth characteristic of kiwifruit microplants could be confirmed. Microplants with the best growth characteristic were those cultured in presence of BA during 1 d. They were characterised by higher contents of IAA than the others studied, as well as by higher values in the IAA/Cks and IAA/ABA ratios, both at the end of the multiplication phase and after the acclimatisation period. Taken all together, these ratios at the end of the multiplication phase could be used as growth indicators of A. deliciosa explants behaviour under ex vitro conditions.  相似文献   

土壤干旱条件下氮素营养对玉米内源激素含量影响   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:8  
张岁岐  山仑 《应用生态学报》2003,14(9):1503-1506
在田间持水量分别保持于35%、55%和75%±5%的土壤水分条件下,利用盆栽实验研究了土壤干旱和氮素营养对玉米内源激素和气孔导度的影响.结果表明,土壤干旱下氮素营养明显降低了玉米根系木质部汁液ABA浓度,而正常供水下施氮处理间则无显著差异(施氮处理仍较低),同时测定的叶片ABA浓度则呈相反的变化趋势,表现为干旱下施氮处理要高于不施氮处理;施氮处理木质部汁液中ZRs浓度应低于相应的不施氮处理,在调控气孔行为方面并未表现拮抗ABA作用;3种土壤水分条件下,施氮玉米叶片的气孔导度均高于不施氮处理,与木质部汁液ABA浓度呈负相关,说明施氮处理较低的根源ABA浓度是导致其气孔导度较大的主要原因.  相似文献   

Endogenous cytokinin and benzyladenine (BA) metabolites were studied in kiwifruit explants grown on solidified and liquid Murashige and Skoog media supplemented with BA. The same proliferation rate was observed in both media. However, in the liquid medium the release from apical dominance was faster and the growth rate was higher than on solid medium. At the same time the number of vitrified shoots increased considerably in the liquid cultures. Exogenous BA was transformed into 9-β-D-glucopyranosyl-BA ([9G]BA), 7-β-D-glucopyranosyl-BA ([7G]BA). 7-β-D-ribofura-nosyl-BA ([9R]BA) and the 51-monophosphate of [9R]BA ([9R-51P]BA). The proportion of active forms (BA, [9R-51P]BA and [9R]BA) in respect to total BA metabolites, was generally higher in shoots from liquid than from solid media. An exception was found at day 20 when this balance was inverted. Endogenous cytokinins in kiwifruit shoots were measured by enzyme-linked immuno sorbent assay (ELISA). The content of natural cytokinins was influenced by the levels of active forms of BA.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed to determine the influence of gibberellic acid (GA3) and benzyladenine (BA) on organogenesis of lsquo;Crimson Giantrsquo; Easter cactus [Hatiora gaertneri (Regel) Barthlott] phylloclades cultured in vitro. The numbers of flower buds and new phylloclades increased linearly as BA concentration increased from 0 to 444.1 micro;M. GA3 increased the number of new phylloclades when present in moderate concentrations (2.9 or 28.9 micro;M), but inhibited flower bud formation when present in concentrations as low as 0.3 micro;M. The inhibitory effect of GA3 on flower bud formation was diminished when the medium was amended with BA at 44.4 or 444.1 micro;M. Explants cultured in media that contained 288.7 micro;M GA3 produced fewer organs (new phylloclades plus flower buds) compared to those cultured in media with 0, 0.3, 2.9, or 28.9 micro;M GA3. BA and GA3 concentrations also affected the percentage of explants with flower buds and the percentage of explants with new phylloclades. This study shows that organogenesis in H. gaertneri can be controlled by varying the concentrations of BA and GA3 in the culture medium.  相似文献   

We tested the influence of different types of food on the fitnessof Daphnia longispina during a period of poor resources by comparingthe growth and reproduction of individuals fed on differentdiets. When Daphnia were under starvation conditions, both dissolvedorganic carbon and metabolic products enhanced bacterial growth,and the cladoceran produced 15 neonates and survived for the55 days of experiment. In the natural water, the edible foodconsisted essentially of bacteria and heterotrophic flagellates,which enabled the cladoceran to grow and reproduce. In waterenriched with Cryptomonas (an alga) or Chilomonas (a heterotrophicflagellate), the daphnid growth rates increased considerablyfrom generation to generation, but later in the time courseof the experiment with Chilomonas than with Cryptomonas. Thisalga enhanced the phosphorus:carbon ratio. The primiparous daphnidsfed with Cryptomonas were smaller than those fed with the heterotrophicflagellate and enrichment with the heterotrophic flagellatealso enhanced reproduction. In Lake Tazenat, when the algalbiomass was insufficient to support the Daphnia life cycle,the heterotrophic organisms were an essential food source. Whenfeeding essentially on bacteria, Daphnia has the capacity togrow and reproduce at very low food concentrations, and thisis important in determining its fitness under competitive conditions.  相似文献   

In true leaves of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L., cv. Berbukskaya) 11-day-old seedlings, pretreatment with 1.6 mM chlorocholine chloride (CCC) resulted in the improved photosystem II (PSII) tolerance to UV-B radiation, an increase in the contents of cytokinins, ABA, and H2O2, but a decrease in the content of gibberellins. It is suggested that development of increased PSII tolerance to UV-B under the influence of CCC is partially related to the increase in the contents of ABA, cytokinins, and UV-absorbing pigments in the leaves of pretreated plants.  相似文献   

Multiple shoots were produced from nodal explants of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) by a two-step procedure: a 6- to 8-day exposure to 0.11–0.22 µM thidiazuron (TDZ) in liquid Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium followed by culture on agar-solidified MS medium supplemented with 2.2 µM 6-benzyladenine (BA) and 1.6 M gibberellic acid (GA3). TDZ caused the nodal explants to expand and this expansion (growth) continued during culture with BA and GA3. From this expanded explant, clusters of buds and fasciated stems developed continuously and these gave rise to shoots. The shoot proliferation process was open-ended, yielding an average of 31.5 shoots per nodal explant after 10 weeks of culture with genotype CG 1–56. A positive response was also obtained from seven other genotypes evaluated with this protocol.Abbreviations BA 6-benzyladenine - BM basal medium - DPU 1,3-diphenylurea - GA3 gibberellie acid - 2iP isopentenyladenine - MSM multiple shoot medium - NAA 1-naphthaleneacetic acid - PGR plant growth regulator - TDZ thidiazuron - Z zeatin  相似文献   

The presence of 1–10 M aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG) or 5–30 M AgNO3 markedly enhanced shoot regeneration from cotyledon and hypocotyl cultures of eight recalcitrant Brassica campestris and B. juncea genotypes tested. Expiants of B. campestris ssp. chinensis and ssp. parachinensis grown with a high AVG concentration (20 M), regenerated poorly. All cytokinins tested were equally effective in promoting shoot formation, except that kinetin was inhibitory to shoot regeneration from hypocotyls of B. campestris ssp. pekinensis (cv. Wong Bok). Both AgNO3 and AVG had no effect on percent rooting and number of roots per rooted cutting of Wong Bok, White Sun and Leaf Heading, but AgNO3 was inhibitory to rooting of India Mustard. However, root elongation of all cuttings was markedly inhibited by AVG at concentrations of 5 and 10 M.Abbreviations AVG aminoethoxyvinylglycine - BA benzyladenine - IBA indole-3-butyric acid - 2ip 6-{ie195-01}-{ie195-02}-dimethylallylamino purine - MS Murashige and Skoog - NAA naphthaleneacetic acid  相似文献   

Today microalgae represent a viable alternative source for high-value products. The specie Chlorella protothecoides (Cp), heterotrophically grown, has been widely studied and provides a high amount of lutein and fatty acids (FA) and has a good profile for biodiesel production. This work studies carotenoid and FA production by autotrophic grown Cp. Cp was grown until the medium’s nitrogen was depleted, then diluted in NaCl solution, resulting in nutritional, luminosity, and salinity stresses. Different NaCl concentrations were tested (10, 20, 30 g/L) at two different dilutions. After dilution, a color shifting from green to orange-red was noticed, showing carotenoid production. The best production of both carotenoids and FA was attained with a 20 g/L NaCl solution. The total carotenoid content was 0.8 % w/w (canthaxanthin (23.3 %), echinenone (14.7 %), free astaxanthin (7.1 %), and lutein/zeaxanthin (4.1 %)). Furthermore, the total lipid content reached 43.4 % w/w, with a FA composition of C18:1 (33.64 %), C16:0 (23.30 %), C18:2 (11.53 %), and less than 12 % of C18:3, which is needed to fulfill the biodiesel quality specifications (EN 14214).  相似文献   

Leaf net CO2 uptake and leaf photosynthetic capacity were investigated in micropropagated 41B grapevine rootstock (Vitis vinifera‘Chasselas’×Vitis berlandieri, Mill. De Gr.) plants grown in the presence of four sucrose concentrations (6.25, 12.5, 25.0 or 37.5 g l?1). Sucrose concentration in the medium during growth in vitro did not affect the leaf photosynthetic performance of plants neither before nor after transplantation. The maximum photosynthetic rate, measured as CO2-dependent O2 evolution, was 7.3 µmol m?2 s?1 before transplanting and 15.4 µmol m?2 s?1 one month after transplantation. The maximum quantum yield of O2 evolution (on the basis of incident light) was about 0.07 for all sucrose treatments both before and after transplantation. Dry biomass before transplanting was highest in plants grown with 25.0 or 37.5 g l?1 sucrose in the medium. One month after transplantation the highest dry biomass was also observed for the same treatments. Survival of plants was 100% for all treatments. Leaf conductance to water vapour was always higher in plants before than after transplantation. Both before and after transplanting it increased with increasing light intensity and decreased slightly with increasing CO2 molar ratio in in vitro plants. Stomata of plants before transplantation were unresponsive to vapour pressure deficit. In vitro plants experience an acute water stress when they are maintained with the whole root system in water and exposed to ambient controlled conditions in a growth chamber. However, there was no wilting of the leaves when similar plants with roots cut off were left in the same conditions. Hydraulic conductivity was low at both root and shoot-root connection levels. It is likely that water supply could be limiting during transplantation because of the low root and root-stem connection conductivity. Water uptake by roots rather than water loss from the shoots would be of primary importance for the maintenance of water balance during acclimatisation.  相似文献   

A simple and efficient protocol for obtaining organogenesis from mature nodal explants of Citrus macrophylla (alemow) and Citrus aurantium (sour orange) has been developed by optimizing the concentrations of the plant growth regulators, the incubation conditions, the basal medium and by the choice of explant. In order to optimize the plant growth regulator balance, explants were cultured in the regeneration medium supplemented with several N 6-benzyladenine (BA) concentrations or with 2 mg?l?1 BA in combination with kinetin (KIN) or 1-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA). The presence of BA was found to be essential for the development of adventitious buds; the best results were obtained using BA at 3 and 2 mg?l?1 for alemow and sour orange, respectively. The combination of BA with KIN or NAA in the culture medium decreased the regeneration frequency, with respect to the use of BA alone. The effect of three different basal media was rootstock-dependent. For C. macrophylla the best results were obtained with Woody Plant Medium or Driver and Kuniyuki Walnut Medium (DKW). However, for C. aurantium, although high percentages of regenerating explants were obtained independently of the basal medium used, the highest number of buds per regenerating explants was obtained with DKW medium. Attempts were made to identify the type of explants which had a higher regeneration ability using particular regions along the mature shoots of C. macrophylla. When nodal segments, where the buds were completely removed, and internode segments were compared, the highest percentage of responsive explants was obtained with nodal segments. The existence of a morphogenetic gradient along the shoot was observed and the organogenic efficiency was highest when explants from the apical zone were used. Incubation in darkness for 3 or 4 wk was essential for regeneration process in both rootstocks.  相似文献   

During the 1975 British Everest Expedition, which made the first ascent of the south-west face, observations were made in relation to mountain sickness and the appearance of retinal changes. Two Sherpas with cerebral oedema and one Briton with pulmonary oedema were treated. Retinal haemorrhages occurred in four out of six Britons who were newcomers to altitudes over 6000 m (19 685 ft) but in only two out of 14 Britons who had previously visited these altitudes. Intraocular pressures during ascent to 6000 m were within normal limits. The relevance of the ocular findings to acclimatisation in previous years was examined, the results supporting the hypothesis of a "carry-over" effect from previous visits to high altitude.  相似文献   

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