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Fangchinoline is a bisbenzylisoquinoline alkaloid isolated from Radix Stephaniae tetrandrae S. Moore. Fangchinoline and its structure analogue, tetrandrine, exhibited direct binding affinity with recombinant human proteasome β1 subunit and also inhibited its activity in vitro. In cultured prostate PC-3 cells and LnCap cells, fangchinoline could dose-dependently inhibit cell proliferation and caspase-like activity of cellular proteasome which was mediated by proteasome β1 subunit. The inhibitive effect of fangchinoline on caspase-like activity of proteasome was also observed in purified human erythrocyte 20S proteasome. In PC-3 cells, fangchinoline induced cell cycle arrest at G0/G1 phase and apoptosis. Treatment of PC-3 tumor-bearing nude mice with fangchinoline inhibited tumor growth, induced apoptosis and also caused decrease in proteasome activities in tumor xenografts. Dose-dependent and time-dependent accumulation of ubiquitinated proteins and important proteasome substrates such as p27, Bax and IκB-α were observed in fangchinoline-treated cells. Over-expression of proteasome β1 subunit by plasmid transfection increased sensitivity of cells to the cytotoxicity of fangchinoline while knockdown of proteasome β1 subunit ameliorated cytotoxicity of fangchinoline in PC-3 cells. Results of the present study suggested that proteasome inhibition was involved in the anti-cancer effects of fangchinoline. Fangchinoline and its structure analogues might be new natural proteasome inhibitors targeting β1 subunit.  相似文献   

The regulation of integrins expressed on leukocytes must be controlled precisely, and members of different integrin subfamilies have to act in concert to ensure the proper traffic of immune cells to sites of inflammation. The activation of β2 family integrins through the T cell receptor or by chemokines leads to the inactivation of very late antigen 4. The mechanism(s) of this cross-talk has not been known. We have now elucidated in detail how the signals are transmitted from leukocyte function-associated antigen 1 and show that, after its activation, the signaling involves specific phosphorylations of β2 integrin followed by interactions with cytoplasmic signaling proteins. This results in loss of β1 phosphorylation and a decrease in very late antigen 4 binding to its ligand vascular cell adhesion molecule 1. Our results show how a member of one integrin family regulates the activity of another integrin. This is important for the understanding of integrin-mediated processes.  相似文献   

Epidemiological evidence suggests that obesity is associated with inflammation of the respiratory tract and the pathogenesis of asthma. The purpose of this study was to examine the role of phospholipase D1 (PLD1) in leptin-induced expression of the proinflammatory cytokine, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, and to suggest a molecular link between obesity and respiratory tract inflammation. We investigated whether leptin, a typical adipocytokine, plays a role in the expression of TNF-α through increased PLD1 activity in Raw 264.7. Leptin enhanced the activity of PLD1 through activation of PLCγ and Src, while PLD1 siRNA decreased the leptin-induced expression and production of TNF-α. Leptin-induced PLD activation was also inhibited by a PLCγ inhibitor (PAO) and Src kinase inhibitor (PP2), indicating that PLCγ and Src kinase are upstream activators of PLD1. Down-regulation of PLD1 also completely blocked activation of p70S6K, an activator of JNK. Leptin-induced expression of TNF-α was also prevented by inhibition of p70S6K and JNK. Taken together, these results indicate that PLD1 acts as an important regulator of leptin-induced expression of TNF-α by participating in the PLCγ/Src/PLD1/PA/p70S6K/JNK pathway.  相似文献   



The sleep sequence: i) non-REM sleep, ii) REM sleep, and iii) wakefulness, is stable and widely preserved in mammals, but the underlying mechanisms are unknown. It has been shown that this sequence is disrupted by sudden REM sleep onset during active wakefulness (i.e., narcolepsy) in orexin-deficient mutant animals. Phospholipase C (PLC) mediates the signaling of numerous metabotropic receptors, including orexin receptors. Among the several PLC subtypes, the β4 subtype is uniquely localized in the geniculate nucleus of thalamus which is hypothesized to have a critical role in the transition and maintenance of sleep stages. In fact, we have reported irregular theta wave frequency during REM sleep in PLC-β4-deficient mutant (PLC-β4−/−) mice. Daily behavioral phenotypes and metabotropic receptors involved have not been analyzed in detail in PLC-β4−/− mice, however.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Therefore, we analyzed 24-h sleep electroencephalogram in PLC-β4−/− mice. PLC-β4−/− mice exhibited normal non-REM sleep both during the day and nighttime. PLC-β4−/− mice, however, exhibited increased REM sleep during the night, their active period. Also, their sleep was fragmented with unusual wake-to-REM sleep transitions, both during the day and nighttime. In addition, PLC-β4−/− mice reduced ultradian body temperature rhythms and elevated body temperatures during the daytime, but had normal homeothermal response to acute shifts in ambient temperatures (22°C–4°C). Within the most likely brain areas to produce these behavioral phenotypes, we found that, not orexin, but group-1 metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR)-mediated Ca2+ mobilization was significantly reduced in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (LGNd) of PLC-β4−/− mice. Voltage clamp recordings revealed that group-1 mGluR-mediated currents in LGNd relay neurons (inward in wild-type mice) were outward in PLC-β4−/− mice.


These lines of evidence indicate that impaired LGNd relay, possibly mediated via group-1 mGluR, may underlie irregular sleep sequences and ultradian body temperature rhythms in PLC-β4−/− mice.  相似文献   

The co-culturing of insulinoma and islet-derived endothelial cell (iEC) lines results in the spontaneous formation of free-floating pseudoislets (PIs). We previously showed that iEC-induced PIs display improved insulin expression and secretion in response to glucose stimulation. This improvement was associated with a de novo deposition of extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins by iECs in and around the PIs. Here, iEC-induced PIs were used to study the expression and posttranslational modification of the ECM receptor integrin β1. A wide array of integrin β subunits was detected in βTC3 and NIT-1 insulinomas as well as in primary islets, with integrin β1 mRNA and protein detected in all three cell types. Interestingly, the formation of iEC-induced PIs altered the glycosylation patterns of integrin β1, resulting in a higher molecular weight form of the receptor. This form was found in native pancreas but was completely absent in monolayer β-cells. Fluorescence-activated cell sorting analysis of monolayers and PIs revealed a higher expression of integrin β1 in PIs. Antibody-mediated blocking of integrin β1 led to alterations in β-cell morphology, reduced insulin gene expression, and enhanced glucose secretion under baseline conditions. These results suggest that iEC-induced PI formation may alter integrin β1 expression and posttranslational modification by enhancing glycosylation, thereby providing a more physiological culture system for studying integrin-ECM interactions in β cells.  相似文献   



During androgen ablation prostate cancer cells'' growth and survival become independent of normal regulatory mechanisms. These androgen-independent cells acquire the remarkable ability to adapt to the surrounding microenvironment whose factors, such as neurotransmitters, influence their survival. Although findings are becoming evident about the expression of α1A-adrenoceptors in prostate cancer epithelial cells, their exact functional role in androgen-independent cells has yet to be established. Previous work has demonstrated that membrane lipid rafts associated with key signalling proteins mediate growth and survival signalling pathways in prostate cancer cells.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In order to analyze the membrane topology of the α1A-adrenoceptor we explored its presence by a biochemical approach in purified detergent resistant membrane fractions of the androgen-independent prostate cancer cell line DU145. Electron microscopy observations demonstrated the colocalisation of the α1A-adrenoceptor with caveolin-1, the major protein component of caveolae. In addition, we showed that agonist stimulation of the α1A-adrenoceptor induced resistance to thapsigargin-induced apoptosis and that caveolin-1 was necessary for this process. Further, immunohistofluorescence revealed the relation between high levels of α1A-adrenoceptor and caveolin-1 expression with advanced stage prostate cancer. We also show by immunoblotting that the TG-induced apoptosis resistance described in DU145 cells is mediated by extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERK).


In conclusion, we propose that α1A-adrenoceptor stimulation in androgen-independent prostate cancer cells via caveolae constitutes one of the mechanisms contributing to their protection from TG-induced apoptosis.  相似文献   

The tyrosine phosphatase inhibitor BpV(phen) stimulated a concentration-dependent increase of phospholipase C (PLC) activity in bovine adrenal medullary chromaffin cells. This response was accompanied by an increase in PLCgamma1 tyrosine phosphorylation and its cytosketetal translocation. Insulin, at high concentrations, stimulated PLC activity to a similar extent as BpV(phen), a response that was also accompanied by an increase in PLCgamma1 translocation but not its tyrosine phosphorylation. BpV(phen) strongly enhanced the insulin-stimulated increase in PLC activity and caused a small rise in PLCgamma1 translocation above that seen with insulin alone. Despite the synergistic rise in activity PLCgamma1 tyrosine phosphorylation did not increase beyond that seen with BpV(phen) alone. These results indicate that PLCgamma1 activation in chromaffin cells may be more closely associated with its cytoskeletal translocation than its tyrosine phosphorylation although other factors may also be important for activation of enzyme activity.  相似文献   


Rat C6 glioma cells have both β1- and β2-adrenergic receptors in ~ 7:3 ratio. When the cells were exposed to the β-adrenergic agonist isoproterenol, there was a rapid sequestration of up to 50% of the surface receptor population over a 30-min period as measured by the loss of binding of the hydrophilic ligand [3H] CGP-12177 to intact cells. Using the β2-selective antagonist CGP 20712A to quantify the proportion of the two subtypes, it was found that although both β1 and β2 receptors were sequestered, the latter were sequestered initially twice as fast as the former. More prolonged agonist exposure led to a down-regulation of ~ 90% of the total receptor population by 6 h as measured by the loss of binding of the more hydrophobic ligand [125I] iodocyanopindolol to cell lysates. The two subtypes, however, underwent down-regulation with similar kinetics. Treatment of the cells with agents that raise cyclic AMP levels such as cholera toxin and forskolin resulted in a slower, but still coordinated down-regulation of both subtypes. Thus, there appears to be both independent and coordinate regulation of endogenous β1-and β2-adrenergic receptors in the same cell line.  相似文献   

In ischemic acute kidney injury, renal blood flow is decreased. We have previously shown that reperfused, transplanted kidneys exhibited ischemic injury to vascular endothelium and that preservation of peritubular capillary endothelial integrity may be critical to recovery from ischemic injury. We hypothesized that bone marrow–derived (BMD) endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) might play an important role in renal functional recovery after ischemia. We tested this hypothesis in recipients of cadaveric renal allografts before and for 2 weeks after transplantation. We found that the numbers of circulating CD34-positive EPCs and CD146-positive endothelial cells (ECs) decreased immediately after ischemia–reperfusion. In renal allograft tissues obtained 1 hr after reperfusion, CD34-positive cells were more frequently observed along the endothelial lining of peritubular capillaries compared with non-ischemic controls. Moreover, 0–17.5% of peritubular capillary ECs were of recipient origin. In contrast, only 0.1–0.7% of tubule cells were of recipient origin. Repeat graft biopsy samples obtained 35 and 73 days after transplant did not contain capillary ECs of recipient origin, whereas 1.4% and 12.1% of tubule cells, respectively, were of recipient origin. These findings suggest that BMD EPCs and ECs may contribute to endothelial repair immediately after ischemia–reperfusion. (J Histochem Cytochem 58:687–694, 2010)  相似文献   



We investigated the role of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases (PDEs) in the spatiotemporal control of intracellular cAMP concentrations in rat aortic smooth muscle cells (RASMCs).

Methodology/Principal Findings

The rank order of PDE families contributing to global cAMP-PDE activity was PDE4> PDE3  =  PDE1. PDE7 mRNA expression but not activity was confirmed. The Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET)-based cAMP sensor, Epac1-camps, was used to monitor the time course of cytosolic cAMP changes. A pulse application of the β-adrenoceptor (β-AR) agonist isoproterenol (Iso) induced a transient FRET signal. Both β1- and β2-AR antagonists decreased the signal amplitude without affecting its kinetics. The non-selective PDE inhibitor (IBMX) dramatically increased the amplitude and delayed the recovery phase of Iso response, in agreement with a role of PDEs in degrading cAMP produced by Iso. Whereas PDE1, PDE3 and PDE7 blockades [with MIMX, cilostamide (Cil) and BRL 50481 (BRL), respectively] had no or minor effect on Iso response, PDE4 inhibition [with Ro-20-1724 (Ro)] strongly increased its amplitude and delayed its recovery. When Ro was applied concomitantly with MIMX or Cil (but not with BRL), the Iso response was drastically further prolonged. PDE4 inhibition similarly prolonged both β1- and β2-AR-mediated responses. When a membrane-targeted FRET sensor was used, PDE3 and PDE4 acted in a synergistic manner to hydrolyze the submembrane cAMP produced either at baseline or after β-AR stimulation.


Our study underlines the importance of cAMP-PDEs in the dynamic control of intracellular cAMP signals in RASMCs, and demonstrates the prominent role of PDE4 in limiting β-AR responses. PDE4 inhibition unmasks an effect of PDE1 and PDE3 on cytosolic cAMP hydrolyzis, and acts synergistically with PDE3 inhibition at the submembrane compartment. This suggests that mixed PDE4/PDE1 or PDE4/PDE3 inhibitors would be attractive to potentiate cAMP-related functions in vascular cells.  相似文献   

The regulation of integrin-mediated adhesion is of vital importance to adaptive and innate immunity. Integrins are versatile proteins and mediate T cell migration and trafficking by binding to extracellular matrix or other cells as well as initiating intracellular signaling cascades promoting survival or activation. The MAPK pathway is known to be downstream from integrins and to regulate survival, differentiation, and motility. However, secondary roles for canonical MAPK pathway members are being discovered. We show that chemical inhibition of RAF by sorafenib or shRNA-mediated knockdown of B-Raf reduces T cell resistance to shear stress to α4β1 integrin ligands vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1) and fibronectin, whereas inhibition of MEK/ERK by U0126 had no effect. Microscopy showed that RAF inhibition leads to significant inhibition of T cell spreading on VCAM-1. The association of α4β1 integrin with the actin cytoskeleton was shown to be dependent on B-Raf activity or expression, whereas α4β1 integrin affinity for soluble VCAM-1 was not. These effects were shown to be specific for α4β1 integrin and not other integrins, such as α5β1 or LFA-1, or a variety of membrane proteins. We demonstrate a novel role for B-Raf in the selective regulation of α4β1 integrin-mediated adhesion.  相似文献   

Regulation by the NK and T cell surface receptor CD244 in mice and humans depends both on engagement at the cell surface by CD48 and intracellular interactions with SAP and EAT-2. Relevance to human disease by manipulating CD244 in mouse models is complicated by rodent CD2 also binding CD48. We distinguish between contributions of mouse CD244 and CD2 on engagement of CD48 in a mouse T cell hybridoma. CD2 and CD244 both contribute positively to the immune response as mutation of proline-rich motifs or tyrosine motifs in the tails of CD2 and CD244, respectively, result in a decrease in antigen-specific interleukin-2 production. Inhibitory effects of mouse CD244 are accounted for by competition with CD2 at the cell surface for CD48. In humans CD2 and CD244 are engaged separately at the cell surface but biochemical data suggest a potential conserved intracellular link between the two receptors through FYN kinase. We identify a novel signaling mechanism for CD244 through its potential to recruit phospholipase C-γ1 via the conserved phosphorylated tyrosine motif in the tail of the adaptor protein EAT-2, which we show is important for function.The CD2 family of cell surface receptors is differentially expressed on immune cells (1, 2) and is involved in regulating both innate and adaptive immunity (3). These receptors have related extracellular immunoglobulin superfamily domains and interact either homophilically or heterophilically within the CD2 family (1, 2). The CD2 family contains a subgroup of receptors termed the SLAM family that have a conserved tyrosine signaling motif in their cytoplasmic region TXYXX(I/V) referred to as an immunoreceptor tyrosine-based switch motif (ITSM).2 The SLAM family of receptors include CD244 (2B4), NTB-A (Ly-108), CD319 (CRACC, CS-1), CD150 (SLAM), CD84, and CD229 (Ly-9). Defects in signaling and aberrant expression of these receptors have been implicated in several immunodeficiency and autoimmune disorders in humans and mice (48). Within the SLAM family, CD244 is unusual in that it shares its ligand CD48 with the receptor CD2 in rodents, whereas in humans CD2 has evolved to interact with CD58 (9). The affinity of CD244 for CD48 in rodents is 6–9-fold higher than the still functionally relevant CD2/CD48 interaction (10). CD244 and CD2 have different cytoplasmic regions comprised of tyrosine motifs or proline-rich motifs, respectively.CD244 is predominantly found on NK cells and cytotoxic T cells and primarily characterized as an activating receptor (1115). CD2 is found on the same cells as CD244 but is also expressed on all T cells, both activated and resting, and has an activating or costimulatory function upon engagement of ligand (9). The tyrosine motifs found in the cytoplasmic tail of CD244 have been shown to bind the SH2 domains of cytoplasmic adaptor proteins SAP and EAT-2 and FYN kinase (1618) and are important to its function (5, 1921). In contrast to SH2 interactions of CD244, several SH3 domain-mediated interactions have been reported for the cytoplasmic region of CD2 including CD2AP/CMS, CIN85, FYN, and LCK (2226).The activating function of CD244 was called into question when a study using cells from a CD244 knock-out mouse showed that CD244 had an inhibitory effect as loss of CD244 resulted in enhanced NK killing of target cells (27). This suggested that previous results in mice where positive effects were seen may have been due to blocking CD244 ligand engagement as opposed to cross-linking with antibodies against CD244 (27). This has led to proposals that there are differences in function between mouse and human CD244 as there is more evidence to suggest that human CD244 is a positive regulator enhancing cytotoxicity and cytokine production (13, 15, 28). However, other more recent studies have shown the mouse CD244/CD48 interaction to be important for cytokine production and effector functions such as cytotoxicity against tumor targets in CD244-deficient mice (29). Long and short forms of CD244 have been cloned from mice with the short form being described as activating and the long form inhibitory (27, 30). Only the long form of CD244 is present in humans and is regarded as activating (14).Positive signaling by CD244 has been attributed to the recruitment of SAP (18), which is a signaling adaptor molecule comprised of a single SH2 domain encoded by the SH2D1A gene and has the ability to recruit the kinase FYN by binding its SH3 domain (31, 32). Loss of the SAP/FYN interaction can lead to X-linked lymphoproliferative disease in humans (17). The molecular basis of in vitro inhibitory effects observed with CD244 in mice on ligation with mAb or ligand remains elusive (33). Protein tyrosine and inositol phosphatases have been reported to associate with CD244 (18, 19, 34) but our studies using surface plasmon resonance found them to be very weak and unlikely to bind competitively compared with the SAP family of adaptors or FYN (16). The SAP-related adaptor EAT-2 has been reported to have an active inhibitory effect that is dependent on tyrosine motifs in the tail of EAT-2 (35) but its mechanism is not understood. The only interaction reported for the tail of EAT-2 is with FYN kinase and studies overexpressing EAT-2 in a T cell hybridoma resulted in increased IL-2 production upon antigen stimulation (16).The conservation between mouse and human CD244 cytoplasmic regions and associated adaptors suggests that both function in a similar way. We have explored the main difference between mouse and human CD244, which is the extracellular interaction through CD48 ligation in the mouse. This has revealed that inhibitory effects of CD244 ligation in mice can be due to competition between CD244 and CD2 for CD48. We have also found that the adaptor protein EAT-2 binds PLCγ1 providing a molecular basis for the important role CD244 plays in regulating cellular cytotoxicity (13, 36). We demonstrate that there is a potentially shared signaling mechanism through the FYN kinase that links CD2 and CD244 intracellularly even though in humans CD2 and CD244 no longer share a cell surface ligand.  相似文献   

Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channels that permit cellular calcium influx are essential in calcium-mediated modulation of cellular signaling. Although the regulation of voltage-dependent L-type calcium channels is linked to many factors including cAMP-dependent protein kinase A (PKA) activity and actin cytoskeleton, little is known about the detailed mechanisms underlying the regulation in osteoblasts. Our present study investigated the modulation of L-type calcium channel activities through the effects of forskolin on actin reorganization and on its functional interaction with actin binding protein actinin 4. The results showed that forskolin did not significantly affect the trafficking of pore forming α1c subunit and its interaction with actin binding protein actinin 4, whereas it significantly increased the expression of β3 subunit and its interaction with actinin 4 in osteoblast cells as assessed by co-immunoprecipitation, pull-down assay, and immunostaining. Further mapping showed that the ABD and EF domains of actinin 4 were interaction sites. This interaction is independent of PKA phosphorylation. Knockdown of actinin 4 significantly decreased the activities of L-type calcium channels. Our study revealed a new aspect of the mechanisms by which the forskolin activation of adenylyl cyclase - cAMP cascade regulates the L-type calcium channel in osteoblast cells, besides the PKA mediated phosphorylation of the channel subunits. These data provide insight into the important role of interconnection among adenylyl cyclase, cAMP, PKA, the actin cytoskeleton, and the channel proteins in the regulation of voltage-dependent L-type calcium channels in osteoblast cells.  相似文献   

Murine ESb and MDAY-D2 lymphoma cells are highly metastatic, in particular to the liver, and are highly invasive in hepatocyte cultures. This may involve adhesion to hepatocyte surface-associated fibronectin (Kemperman et al., 1994, Cell Adh. and Communic. 2:45). Both ESb and MDAY-D2 cells express the fibronectin receptor α4β1, and MDAY-D2 cells in addition also α5β1. Yet, adhesion of ESb cells to fibronectin was low, and MDAY-D2 cells did not adhere at all, but adhesion of both cells was stimulated by phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) and Mn2+. In ESb cells, this adhesion was mediated by α4β1. In MDAY-D2 cells, however, only α5β1was involved, despite β4β1levels similar to ESb cells. The α4β1integrin was functional since it mediated adhesion of MDAY-D2 cells to VCAM-1. An α5β1-negative variant of MDAY-D2 adhered to fibronectin and this was mediated by α5β1. These results indicate that α4β1function in these cells is suppressed in the presence of α5β1. Adhesion of ESb cells to hepatocytes was inhibited by anti-α4antibody, but only by 30%, and fibronectin adhesion was found to have no role in the interaction of MDAY-D2 cells with hepatocytes. This suggests that α4β1and α5β1function is not activated during this interaction.

The 9EG7 antibody against mouse β1integrin was described to inhibit β1integrins (Lenter et al., 1993, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 90, 9051). In contrast, we observed that β1stimulated Printegrin function: Adhesion of ESb and MDAY-D2 cells not only to fibronectin, but also to laminin was induced or enhanced.  相似文献   

Patients with Malignant Mesothelioma (MM) develop unidentified auto-antibodies to MM tumour antigens. This study was conducted to identify the targets of MM patient auto-antibodies in order to try to understand more of the anti-tumour response and to determine if these antibodies might be helpful for diagnosis or prognostication. Using MM patient sera in a Western immunoblott screening strategy, no common immunoreactive proteins were identified. The sera from one long-term survivor recognised a protein band of 50–60 kDa present in cell lysates from four of five MM cell lines tested. The immunoreactive proteins in this band were identified by 2D electrophoretic separation of a MM cell line protein lysate, followed by analysis of excised immunoreactive proteins on a MALDI TOF mass spectrometer and peptide mass fingerprinting. The immunoreactive proteins identified were vimentin (accession gi55977767) and the ATP synthase (F1-ATPase) beta chain (accession gi114549 and gi47606749). ELISA assays were developed for antibodies to these proteins. Neither vimentin (median and 95% CI 0.346; 0.32–0.468 for MM patients, 0.327; 0.308–0.428 for controls) nor ß-F1-ATPase (0.257; 0.221–0.453 for MM patients, 0.263; 0.22–0.35 for controls) showed significant differences in autoantibody levels between a group of MM patients and controls. Using a dichotomized antibody level (high, low) for these targets we demonstrated that vimentin antibody levels were not associated with survival. In contrast, high ß-F1-ATPase antibody levels were significantly associated with increased median survival (18 months) compared to low ß F1 ATPase antibody levels (9 months; p = 0.049). Immunohistochemical analysis on a MM tissue microarray showed cytoplasmic staining in 28 of 33 samples for vimentin and strong cytoplasmic staining in14 and weak in 16 samples for ß-F1-ATPase. Therefore antibodies to neither vimentin nor ß-F1-ATPase are useful for differential diagnosis of MM, however high antibody levels to ß-F1-ATPase may be associated with increased survival and this warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) promotes tissue fibrosis via the receptor-specific Smad pathway and non-canonical pathways. We recently reported that TGF-β1-stimulated collagen expression by cultured kidney cells requires integrin-dependent activation of focal adhesion kinase (FAK) and consequent ERK MAP kinase activity leading to Smad3 linker region phosphorylation. Here, we defined a role for αvβ3-integrin in this non-canonical pathway. A human kidney tubular cell line in which β1-integrin was knocked down (β1-k/d) demonstrated enhanced type I collagen mRNA expression and promoter activity. A second shRNA to either αv-integrin or β3-integrin, but not to another αv-binding partner, β6-integrin, abrogated the enhanced COL1A2 promoter activity in β1-k/d cells. Although αvβ3-integrin surface expression levels were not different, αvβ3-integrins colocalized with sites of focal adhesion significantly more in β1-k/d cells, and activated αvβ3-integrin was detected only in β1-k/d cells. Further, the collagen response was decreased by a function-blocking antibody or a peptide inhibitor of αvβ3-integrin. In cells lacking αvβ3-integrin, the responses were attenuated, whereas the response was enhanced in αvβ3-overexpressing cells. Rac1 and ERK, previously defined mediators for this non-canonical pathway, showed increased activities in β1-k/d cells. Finally, inhibition of αvβ3-integrin decreased Rac1 activity and COL1A2 promoter activity in β1-k/d cells. Together, our results indicate that decreasing β1 chain causes αvβ3-integrin to become functionally dominant and promotes renal cell fibrogenesis via Rac1-mediated ERK activity.  相似文献   

(1) Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in central nervous system are thought to be new targets for Alzheimer’s disease. However, the most involved nicotinic receptor subtype in Alzheimer’s disease is unclear. α4β2 receptor is the most widely spread subtype in brain, involving in several important aspects of cognitive and other functions. We constructed cell line by transfecting human amyloid precursor protein (695) gene into SH-EP1 cells which have been transfected with human nicotinic receptor α4 subunit and β2 subunit gene, to observe effects of α4β2 receptors activation on β-amyloid, expecting to provide a new cell line for drug screening and research purpose. (2) Liposome transfection was used to express human amyloid precursor protein (695) gene in SH-EP1-α4β2 cells. Function of the transfected α4β2 receptors was tested by patch clamp. Effects of nicotine and epibatidine (selective α4β2 nicotinic receptor agonist) on β-amyloid were detected by Western blot and ELISA. Effects of nicotine and epibatidine on amyloid precursor protein (695) mRNA level were measured using real-time PCR. (3) Human amyloid precursor protein (695) gene was stably expressed in SH-EP1-α4β2 cells; Nicotine (1 μM) and epibatidine (0.1 μM) decreased intracellular and secreted β-amyloid in the cells; and activation of α4β2 receptors did not affect amyloid precursor protein (695) mRNA level. (4) These results suggest that the constructed cell line, expressing both amyloid precursor protein (695) gene and human nicotinic receptor α4 subunit and β2 subunit gene, might be useful for screening specific nicotinic receptor agonists against Alzheimer’s disease. Alteration of Aβ level induced by activation of α4β2 nAChR in our study might occur at a post-translational level.  相似文献   

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