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Factors related to micromovements at bone-implant interface have been studied because they are considered adverse to osseointegration. Simplifications are commonly observed in these FEA evaluations. The aim of this study was to clarify the influence of FEA parameters (boundary conditions and bone properties) on the stress distribution in peri-implant bone tissue when micromovements are simulated in implants with different geometries. Three-dimensional models of an anterior section of the jaw with cylindrical or conical titanium implants (4.1 mm in width and 11 mm in length) were created. Micromovement (50, 150, or 250 μm) was applied to the implant. The FEA parameters studied were linear vs. non-linear analyses, isotropic vs. orthogonal anisotropic bone, friction coefficient (0.3) vs. frictionless bone-implant contact. Data from von Mises, shear, maximum, and minimum principal stresses in the peri-implant bone tissue were compared. Linear analyses presented a relevant increase of the stress values, regardless of the bone properties. Frictionless contact reduced the stress values in non-linear analysis. Isotropic bone presented lower stress than orthogonal anisotropic. Conical implants behave better, in regard to compressive stresses (minimum principal), than cylindrical ones, except for nonlinear analyses when micromovement of 150 and 250 μm were simulated. The stress values raised as the micromovement amplitude increased. Non-linear analysis, presence of frictional contact and orthogonal anisotropic bone, evaluated through maximum and minimum principal stress should be used as FEA parameters for implant-micromovement studies.  相似文献   

BackgroundIn a dental implant/bone system, the design factors affect the value and distributions of stress and deformations that plays a pivotal role on the stability, durability and lifespan of the implant/bone system.ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to compare the influence of different abutment designs on the biomechanical behavior of one-piece zirconia dental implants and their surrounding bone tissues using three-dimensional finite element analysis.MethodsA three-dimensional geometrical model of a zirconia dental implant and its surrounding bone tissue were created. The occlusal loading force applied to the prosthetic abutments was a combination of 114.6 N in the axial direction, 17.1 N in the lingual direction and 23.4 N toward the mesial direction where these components represent masticatory force of 118.2 N in the angle of approximately 75° to the occlusal plane.ResultsThe system included implant abutment Model 01 showed a decrease of 9.58%, 9.92% and 3.62% at least in the average value of maximum von Mises stress compared to Model 02, Model 03 and Model 04 respectively. The results also showed that the system included implant abutment Model 01 decreases the average value of maximum deformation of 16.96%, 7.17% and 9.47% at least compared to Model 02, Model 03 and Model 04 respectively.ConclusionThe one-piece zirconia dental implant abutment Model 01 presents a better biomechanical behavior in the peri-implant bone than others. It can efficiently distribute the applied load and present more homogeneous behavior of stress distribution and has less deformation than others, which will enhance the stability of implant/bone system and prolong its lifespan.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of implant inclinations and load times on stress distributions in the peri-implant bone based on immediate- and delayed-loading models. Four 3D FEA models with different inclination angle of the posterior implants (0°, 15°, 30°, 45°) were constructed. A static load of 150?N in the multivectoral direction was applied unilaterally to the cantilever region. The stress distributions in the peri-implant bone were evaluated before and after osseointegration. The principal tensile stress (σmax), mean principal tensile stress (σmax), principal compressive stress (σmin) and mean principal compressive stress (σmin) of the bone and micromotion at the contact interface between the bone and implants were calculated. In all the models, peak principal stresses occurred in the bone surrounding the left tilted implant. The highest σmax and σmin were all observed in the 0° model for both immediate- and delayed-loading models. And the 0° and 15° models showed higher σmax and σmin values. The 0°models showed the largest micromotion. The observed stress distribution was better in the 30° and 45° models than in the 0° and 15° models.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of pontic and cantilever designs (mesial and distal) on 3-unit implant-retained prosthesis at maxillary posterior region verifying stress and strain distributions on bone tissue (cortical and trabecular bones) and stress distribution in abutments, implants and fixation screws, under axial and oblique loadings, by 3D finite element analysis. Each model was composed of a bone block presenting right first premolar to the first molar, with three or two external hexagon implants (4.0 × 10 mm), supporting a 3-unit splinted dental fixed dental prosthesis with the variations: M1 – three implants supporting splinted crowns; M2 – two implants supporting prosthesis with central pontic; M3 – two implants supporting prosthesis with mesial cantilever; M4 – two implants supporting prosthesis with distal cantilever. The applied forces were 400 N axial and 200 N oblique. The von Mises criteria was used to evaluate abutments, implants and fixation screws and maximum principal stress and microstrain criteria were used to evaluate the bone tissue. The decrease of the number of implants caused an unfavorable biomechanical behavior for all structures (M2, M3, M4). For two implant-supported prostheses, the use of the central pontic (M2) showed stress and strain distributions more favorable in the analyzed structures. The use of cantilever showed unfavorable biomechanical behavior (M3 and M4), mainly for distal cantilever (M4). The use of three implants presented lower values of stress and strain on the analyzed structures. Among two implant-supported prostheses, prostheses with cantilever showed unfavorable biomechanical behavior in the analyzed structures, especially for distal cantilever.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to predict time-dependent bone remodeling around tissue- and bone-level dental implants used in patients with reduced bone width. The remodeling of bone around titanium tissue-level, and titanium and titanium–zirconium alloy bone-level implants was studied under 100 N oblique load for one month by implementing the Stanford theory into three-dimensional finite element models. Maximum principal stress, minimum principal stress, and strain energy density in peri-implant bone and displacement in x- and y- axes of the implant were evaluated. Maximum and minimum principal stresses around tissue-level implant were higher than bone-level implants and both bone-level implants experienced comparable stresses. Total strain energy density in bone around titanium implants slightly decreased during the first two weeks of loading followed by a recovery, and the titanium–zirconium implant showed minor changes in the axial plane. Total strain energy density changes in the loading and contralateral sides were higher in tissue-level implant than other implants in the cortical bone at the horizontal plane. The displacement values of the implants were almost constant over time. Tissue-level implants were associated with higher stresses than bone-level implants. The time-dependent biomechanical outcome of titanium–zirconium alloy bone-level implant was comparable to the titanium implant.  相似文献   

Diabetic foot is an invalidating complication of diabetes that can lead to foot ulcers. Three-dimensional (3D) finite element analysis (FEA) allows characterizing the loads developed in the different anatomical structures of the foot in dynamic conditions. The aim of this study was to develop a subject specific 3D foot FE model (FEM) of a diabetic neuropathic (DNS) and a healthy (HS) subject, whose subject specificity can be found in term of foot geometry and boundary conditions. Kinematics, kinetics and plantar pressure (PP) data were extracted from the gait analysis trials of the two subjects with this purpose. The FEM were developed segmenting bones, cartilage and skin from MRI and drawing a horizontal plate as ground support. Materials properties were adopted from previous literature. FE simulations were run with the kinematics and kinetics data of four different phases of the stance phase of gait (heel strike, loading response, midstance and push off). FEMs were then driven by group gait data of 10 neuropathic and 10 healthy subjects. Model validation focused on agreement between FEM-simulated and experimental PP.  相似文献   

Finite element (FE) modelling has been proposed as a tool for estimating fracture risk and patient-specific FE models are commonly based on computed tomography (CT). Here, we present a novel method to automatically create personalised 3D models from standard 2D hip radiographs. A set of geometrical parameters of the femur were determined from seven ap hip radiographs and compared to the 3D femoral shape obtained from CT as training material; the error in reconstructing the 3D model from the 2D radiographs was assessed. Using the geometry parameters as the input, the 3D shape of another 21 femora was built and meshed, separating a cortical and trabecular compartment. The material properties were derived from the homogeneity index assessed by texture analysis of the radiographs, with focus on the principal tensile and compressive trabecular systems. The ability of these FE models to predict failure load as determined by experimental biomechanical testing was evaluated and compared to the predictive ability of DXA. The average reconstruction error of the 3D models was 1.77 mm (±1.17 mm), with the error being smallest in the femoral head and neck, and greatest in the trochanter. The correlation of the FE predicted failure load with the experimental failure load was r2=64% for the reconstruction FE model, which was significantly better (p<0.05) than that for DXA (r2=24%). This novel method for automatically constructing a patient-specific 3D finite element model from standard 2D radiographs shows encouraging results in estimating patient-specific failure loads.  相似文献   

The aim of study was to evaluate the stress distribution in implant-supported prostheses and peri-implant bone using internal hexagon (IH) implants in the premaxillary area, varying surgical techniques (conventional, bicortical and bicortical in association with nasal floor elevation), and loading directions (0°, 30° and 60°) by three-dimensional (3D) finite element analysis. Three models were designed with Invesalius, Rhinoceros 3D and Solidworks software. Each model contained a bone block of the premaxillary area including an implant (IH, Ø4 × 10 mm) supporting a metal-ceramic crown. 178 N was applied in different inclinations (0°, 30°, 60°). The results were analyzed by von Mises, maximum principal stress, microstrain and displacement maps including ANOVA statistical test for some situations. Von Mises maps of implant, screws and abutment showed increase of stress concentration as increased loading inclination. Bicortical techniques showed reduction in implant apical area and in the head of fixation screws. Bicortical techniques showed slight increase stress in cortical bone in the maximum principal stress and microstrain maps under 60° loading. No differences in bone tissue regarding surgical techniques were observed. As conclusion, non-axial loads increased stress concentration in all maps. Bicortical techniques showed lower stress for implant and screw; however, there was slightly higher stress on cortical bone only under loads of higher inclinations (60°).  相似文献   

Due to its significance in tooth movement, the stress/deformation field of periodontium and the alveolar bone remodeling process, periodontal ligament (PDL) cannot be excluded from the studies investigating dental biomechanics regarding its excessive deformability. Therefore, many analytical and numerical researches are carried out to simulate its response and to create a constitutive model via experiments intending to discover the material properties of PDL. The aim of this study is to formulate a user specified contact model that can be used in conjunction with finite element (FE) software and reflects PDL’s influence on neighboring structures based on the currently available information, without requiring an actual volumetric finite element mesh of ligament. The results show good agreement with available experimental tooth mobility data. Smooth stress fields are obtained on the tooth root and alveolar bone, which is a significant aspect in bone-remodeling studies. The advantage of simulating PDL as a contact model at the interface of tooth root and the alveolar process instead of a solid-meshed FE model with poor geometric morphology and/or very dense mesh is expected to save pre/post-processing workforce, to increase the accuracy and to contribute to the smoothness of interface stress distributions.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of cartilage endplate (CEP) calcification and the injection of intervertebral disc (IVD) cells on the nutrition distributions inside the human IVD under physiological loading conditions using multiphasic finite element modeling. The human disc was modeled as an inhomogeneous mixture consisting of a charged elastic solid, water, ions (Na+ and Cl), and nutrient solute(oxygen,glucose and lactate) phases. The effect of the endplate calcification was simulated by a reduction of the tissue porosity (i.e., water volume faction) from 0.60 to 0.48. The effect of cell injection was simulated by increasing the cell density in the nucleus pulposus (NP) region by 50%, 100%, and 150%. Strain-dependent transport properties(e.g., hydraulic permeability and solute diffusivities) were considered to couple the solute transport and the mechanical loading. The simulation results showed that nutrient solute distribution inside the discis maintained at a stable state during the day and night. The physiological diurnal cyclic loading does not change the nutrient environment in the human IVD. The cartilage endplate plays a significant role in the nutrient supply to human IVD. Calcification of the cartilage endplate significantly reduces the nutrient levels in human IVD. Therefore, in cell based therapy for IVD regeneration, theincreased nutrient demand as a result of cell injection needs to be addressed. Excessive numbers of injected cells may cause further deterioration of the nutrient environment in the degenerated disc. This study is important for understanding the pathology of IVD degeneration and providing new insights into cell based therapies for low back pain.  相似文献   

目的:通过三维有限元分析方法来观察并比较3种不同弹性模量钛合金股骨假体在羊股骨置换模型中von-Mises应力分布的情况。方法:采用64排螺旋CT对一健康成年羊的下肢股骨进行全长的CT扫描,扫描层厚为0.5 mm,扫描所得的数据存储为DICOM文件。将得到的DICOM文件导入到CT图像分析软件Mimics 10.0,然后利用Mimics 10.0软件来生成股骨的骨质点云数据,再将生成的骨质点云数据导入到Simpleware分析软件,通过机械加工反求中的复杂曲面造型技术建立起精确的三维实体模型。对三维实体模型进行网格划分,确定了髓腔的形状,并根据羊下肢股骨髓腔的形状设计了作者实验用的羊股骨假体模型,然后在ANSYS 12.1软件中进行网格划分。给予加载缓慢行走载荷以及扭转载荷,分析并比较羊股骨以及3种不同弹性模量钛合金股骨假体在股骨置换模型中von-Mises应力分布的情况。结果:在缓慢行走载荷以及扭转载荷条件下,3种不同弹性模量钛合金股骨假体von-Mises应力分布变化趋势一致,假体的柄颈结合部以及假体柄上1/3为应力集中区域。3种不同弹性模量的最大应力集中点均位于柄颈结合部,60 GPa弹性模量的股骨假体植入后假体的最大应力最小(37.8 MPa、29.1 MPa),股骨的最大应力最大(12.6 MPa、24.5 MPa);80 GPa的次之,假体的最大应力(38.4 MPa、33.4 MPa),股骨的最大应力(12.5 MPa、24.5 MPa);110 GPa的股骨假体植入后假体的最大应力最大(38.9 MPa、38.1 MPa),股骨的最大应力最小(12.3 MPa、24.5 MPa)。60 GPa弹性模量的股骨假体植入后的假体最大位移和相对位移均最小(缓慢行走载荷下假体最大位移为0.551 mm、相对位移为0.008 mm,扭转载荷下假体最大位移为0.730 mm、相对位移为0.011 mm)。结论:较低弹性模量的钛合金股骨假体(60 GPa)由于其弹性模量更接近于骨组织的弹性模量,股骨假体与股骨间的"应力遮挡"效应较小,更有利于应力在股骨假体及股骨间的传递,增加了股骨假体的早期稳定性,延长了其临床寿命。  相似文献   

Background: There is lack of further observations on the microstructure and material property of callus during bone defect healing and the relationships between callus properties and the mechanical strength. Methods: Femur bone defect model was created in rabbits and harvested CT data to reconstruct finite element models at 1 and 2 months. Three types of assumed finite element models were compared to study the callus properties, which assumed the material elastic property as heterogeneous (R-model), homogenous (H-model) or did not change from 1 to 2 months (U-model). Results: The apparent elastic moduli increased at 2 months (from 355.58 ± 132.67 to 1139.30 ± 967.43 MPa) in R-models. But there was no significant difference in apparent elastic moduli between R-models (355.58 ± 132.67 and 1139.30 ± 967.43 MPa) and H-models (344.79 ± 138.73 and 1001.52 ± 692.12 MPa) in 1 and 2 months. A significant difference of apparent elastic moduli was found between the R-model (1139.30 ± 967.43 MPa) and U-model group (207.15 ± 64.60 MPa) in 2 months. Conclusions: This study showed that the callus structure stability remodeled overtime to achieve a more effective structure, while the material quality of callus tissue is a very important factor for callus strength. At the meantime, this study showed an evidence that the material heterogeneity maybe not as important as it is in bone fracture model.  相似文献   


Dental restoration adhering to the cavity exhibits fundamentally different load transfer mechanisms from non-adhering restorations. It is therefore questionable that traditional cavity designs are optimal from a purely mechanical point of view when working with composite materials. Drawing from general engineering experience, it can be hypothesised that smooth, well rounded designs with bevelled margins are superior. A finite element model is used in the present investigation to determine the stress field in four different cavity designs as it develops during the curing of the restoration. The results show that a significant reduction of the stress along the adhesive interface between the tooth and the restoration can be achieved through the use of a rounded cavity shape. They also show that the adoption of bevelled margins leads to a reduction of the stress concentration at this location. These results are confirmed by a set of experimental results published in the literature. It is concluded that adhering restorations will perform better from a mechanical point of view if an appropriate cavity shape is selected.  相似文献   

Coronary stent fracture is still an unresolved issue in the field of minimally invasive cardiovascular interventions due to its high rate of incidence and uncertain clinical consequences. Recent studies, based on clinical data, proved that there are several factors which can be identified as independently responsible of coronary stent fracture. Among these, calcifications, which increase the local stiffness and heterogeneity of atherosclerotic plaques, seem to play a major role. From a mechanical point of view, stent fracture in coronary arteries is triggered by the cyclic loading of pulsatile blood pressure combined with the movement of cardiac wall.  相似文献   

The theory of poroelasticity is extended to include physico-chemical swelling and used to predict the transient responses of normal and degenerate articular cartilage to both chemical and mechanical loading; with emphasis on isolating the influence of the major parameters which govern its deformation. Using a new hybrid element, our mathematical relationships were implemented in a purpose-built poroelastic finite element analysis algorithm (u–π–c fortran program) which was used to resolve the nature of the coupling between the mechanical and chemical responses of cartilage when subjected to ionic transport across its membranous skeleton. Our results demonstrate that one of the roles of the strain-dependent matrix permeability is to limit the rate of transmission of stresses from the fluid to the collagen-proteoglycan solid skeleton in the incipient stages of loading, and that the major contribution of the swelling pressure is that of preventing any excessive deformation of the matrix.  相似文献   


The finite element method was used to analyze heat transfer within a section of the forearm while exposed to different ambient conditions and with different metabolic states. The three-dimensional model accounts for the different material properties of bone, muscle and blood and incorporates a single artery-vein pair for counter-current heat exchange. The geometry of the model was developed from anatomical cross-sectional images of the forearm. The model was used to determine the effects or rest vs. exercise, free vs. forced surface convection and 0°C vs. — 20 °C external temperatures. The results of the model were compared to experimental data and the model exhibits qualitatively correct behaviour. This model can be used to study hyperthermia, burns and cryogenic freezing of tissue.  相似文献   

Human adipose-derived stem cells (hASC) exhibit multilineage differentiation potential with lineage specification that is dictated by both the chemical and mechanical stimuli to which they are exposed. We have previously shown that 10% cyclic tensile strain increases hASC osteogenesis and cell-mediated calcium accretion. We have also recently shown that primary cilia are present on hASC and that chemically-induced lineage specification of hASC concurrently results in length and conformation changes of the primary cilia. Further, we have observed cilia length changes in hASC cultured within a collagen I gel in response to 10% cyclic tensile strain. We therefore hypothesize that primary cilia may play a key mechanotransduction role for hASC exposed to tensile strain. The goal of this study was to use finite element analysis (FEA) to determine strains occurring within the ciliary membrane in response to 10% tensile strain applied parallel, or perpendicular, to cilia orientation. To elucidate the mechanical environment experienced by the cilium, several lengths were modeled and evaluated based on cilia lengths measured on hASC grown under varied culture conditions. Principal tensile strains in both hASC and ciliary membranes were calculated using FEA, and the magnitude and location of maximum principal tensile strain determined. We found that maximum principal tensile strain was concentrated at the base of the cilium. In the linear elastic model, applying strain perpendicular to the cilium resulted in maximum strains within the ciliary membrane from 150% to 200%, while applying strain parallel to the cilium resulted in much higher strains, approximately 400%. In the hyperelastic model, applying strain perpendicular to the cilium resulted in maximum strains within the ciliary membrane around 30%, while applying strain parallel to the cilium resulted in much higher strains ranging from 50% to 70%. Interestingly, FEA results indicated that primary cilium length was not directly related to ciliary membrane strain. Rather, it appears that cilium orientation may be more important than cilium length in determining sensitivity of hASC to tensile strain. This is the first study to model the effects of tensile strain on the primary cilium and provides newfound insight into the potential role of the primary cilium as a mechanosensor, particularly in tensile strain and potentially a multitude of other mechanical stimuli beyond fluid shear.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to measure the failure risk of a crown depending on the cusp angle. Three all-ceramic crown models consisting of CH (high incline), CM (middle incline), and CL (low incline) are designed. Stress is applied to the crown with Loading case-1 (top of cusp tip) and Loading case-2 (middle of cusp ridge) with the use of FEA software. In Loading case-1 and case-2, the CH showed the highest Maximum Principal Stress (MPS) while the CL showed the lowest MPS. The cusp angle is an influential factor affecting stress distribution in dental crowns.  相似文献   

Several experimental and computational studies have investigated the effect of bone fragment impact on the spinal cord during trauma. However, the effect of the impact velocity of a fragment generated by a burst fracture on the stress and strain inside the spinal cord has not been computationally investigated, even though spinal canal occlusion and peak pressure at various impact velocities were provided in experimental studies. These stresses and strains are known factors related to clinical symptoms or injuries. In this study, a fluid-structure interaction model of the spinal cord, dura mater, and cerebrospinal fluid was developed and validated. The von-Mises stress distribution in the cord, the longitudinal strain, the cord compression and cross-sectional area at the impact center, and the obliteration of the cerebrospinal fluid layer were analyzed for three pellet sizes at impact velocities ranging from 1.5 m/s to 7.5 m/s. The results indicate that stress in the cord was substantially elevated when the initial impact velocity of the pellet exceeded a threshold of 4.5 m/s. Cord compression, reduction in cross-sectional area, and obliteration of the cerebrospinal fluid increased gradually as the velocity of the pellet increased, regardless of the size of the pellet. The present study provides insight into the mechanisms underlying spinal cord injury.  相似文献   

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