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SecA is a translocation ATPase that drives protein translocation. D209N SecA, a dominant-negative mutant, binds ATP but is unable to hydrolyze it. This mutant was inactive to proOmpA translocation. However, it generated a translocation intermediate of 18 kDa. Further addition of wild-type SecA caused its translocation into either mature OmpA or another intermediate of 28 kDa that can be translocated into mature by a proton motive force. The addition of excess D209N SecA during translocation caused a topology inversion of SecG. Moreover, an intermediate of SecG inversion was identified when wild-type and D209N SecA were used in the same amounts. These results indicate that multiple SecA molecules drive translocation across a single translocon with SecG inversion. Here, we propose a revised model of proOmpA translocation in which a single catalytic cycle of SecA causes translocation of 10-13 kDa with ATP binding and hydrolysis, and SecG inversion is required when the next SecA cycle begins with additional ATP hydrolysis.  相似文献   

HBHA is a mycobacterial cell surface protein that mediates adhesion to epithelial cells and that has been implicated in the dissemination of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) from the site of primary infection. In this work, we demonstrate that HBHA is able to bind G-actin whereas its shorter form, deprived of the lysine-rich C-terminal region (HBHAΔC), does not bind. Consistently, interaction of actin with HBHA is competitive with heparin binding. Notably, we also observe that HBHA, but not HBHAΔC, clearly hampers G-actin polymerisation into F-actin filaments. Since Mtb escapes from the phagosome into the cytosol of host cells, where it can persist and replicate, HBHA is properly localised on the bacterial surface to regulate the dynamic process of cytoskeleton formation driven by actin polymerisation and depolymerisation.  相似文献   

The Sec-dependent translocation pathway that involves the essential SecA protein and the membrane-bound SecYEG translocon is used to export many proteins across the cytoplasmic membrane. Recently, several pathogenic bacteria, including Mycobacterium tuberculosis, were shown to possess two SecA homologs, SecA1 and SecA2. SecA1 is essential for general protein export. SecA2 is specific for a subset of exported proteins and is important for M. tuberculosis virulence. The enzymatic activities of two SecA proteins from the same microorganism have not been defined for any bacteria. Here, M. tuberculosis SecA1 and SecA2 are shown to bind ATP with high affinity, though the affinity of SecA1 for ATP is weaker than that of SecA2 or Escherichia coli SecA. Amino acid substitution of arginine or alanine for the conserved lysine in the Walker A motif of SecA2 eliminated ATP binding. We used the SecA2(K115R) variant to show that ATP binding was necessary for the SecA2 function of promoting intracellular growth of M. tuberculosis in macrophages. These results are the first to show the importance of ATPase activity in the function of accessory SecA2 proteins.  相似文献   

The accessory Sec systems of streptococci and staphylococci mediate the transport of a family of large, serine-rich glycoproteins to the bacterial cell surface. These systems are comprised of SecA2, SecY2, and three core accessory Sec proteins (Asp1-3). In Streptococcus gordonii, transport of the serine-rich glycoprotein GspB requires both a unique 90-residue N-terminal signal peptide and an adjacent 24-residue segment (the AST domain). We used in vivo site-specific photo-cross-linking to identify proteins that interact with the AST domain during transport. To facilitate this analysis, the entire accessory Sec system of S. gordonii was expressed in Escherichia coli. The determinants of GspB trafficking to the accessory Sec system in E. coli matched those in S. gordonii, establishing the validity of this approach. When the photo-cross-linker was placed within the AST domain, the preprotein was found to cross-link to SecA2. Importantly, no cross-linking to SecA was detected. Cross-linking of the N-terminal end of the AST domain to SecA2 occurred regardless of whether Asp1-3 were present. However, cross-linking to the C-terminal end was dependent on the Asps. The combined results indicate that full engagement of the AST domain by SecA2 is modulated by one or more of the Asps, and suggest that this process is important for initiating transport.  相似文献   

The emergence of tuberculosis (TB) produced by multi-drug resistance (MDR) and extensively-drug resistance (XDR) Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), encourages the development of new antituberculous compounds, as well as the identification of novel drug targets. In this regard, plasma membrane P-type ATPases are interesting targets because they play a crucial role in ion homeostasis and mycobacterial survival. We focused on Mtb CtpF, a calcium P-type ATPase that responds to a broad number of intraphagosomal conditions, as a novel target. In this study, we evaluated the capacity of cyclopiazonic acid (CPA), a well-known inhibitor of the sarco-endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA), to inhibit the ATPase activity of CtpF and the Mtb growth demonstrating that CtpF is a druggable target. A homology modeling of CtpF was generated for molecular docking studies of CtpF with CPA and key pharmacophoric features were identified, which were used to perform a pharmacophore-based virtual screening of the ZINC database, and to identify CtpF inhibitor candidates. Molecular docking-based virtual screening and MM-BGSA calculations of candidates allowed identifying six compounds with the best binding energies. The compounds displayed in vitro minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) ranging from 50 to 100 μg/mL, growth inhibitions from 29.5 to 64.0% on Mtb, and inhibitions of Ca2+-dependent ATPase activity in Mtb membrane vesicles (IC50) ranging from 4.1 to 35.8 μM. The compound ZINC63908257 was the best candidate by displaying a MIC of 50 μg/mL and a Ca2+ P-type ATPase inhibition of 45% with IC50 = 4.4 μM. Overall, the results indicate that CtpF is a druggable target for designing new antituberculous compounds.  相似文献   

The first structure for a member of the DUF3349 (PF11829) family of proteins, Rv0543c from Mycobacterium tuberculosis, has been determined using NMR-based methods and some of its biophysical properties characterized. Rv0543c is a 100 residue, 11.3 kDa protein that both size exclusion chromatography and NMR spectroscopy show to be a monomer in solution. The structure of the protein consists of a bundle of five α-helices, α1 (M1 – Y16), α2 (P21 – C33), α3 (S37 – G52), α4 (G58 – H65) and α5 (S72 – G87), held together by a largely conserved group of hydrophobic amino acid side chains. Heteronuclear steady-state {1H}–15N NOE, T1, and T2 values are similar through-out the sequence indicating that the backbones of the five helices are in a single motional regime. The thermal stability of Rv0543c, characterized by circular dichroism spectroscopy, indicates that Rv0543c irreversibly unfolds upon heating with an estimated melting temperature of 62.5 °C. While the biological function of Rv0543c is still unknown, the presence of DUF3349 proteins predominately in Mycobacterium and Rhodococcus bacterial species suggests that Rv0543 may have a biological function unique to these bacteria, and consequently, may prove to be an attractive drug target to combat tuberculosis.  相似文献   

A cysteine was introduced into the FG-loop (P187C) of CYP51 from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MT) for selective labeling with BODIPY and fluorescence energy transfer (FRET) analysis. F?rster radius for the BODIPY-heme pair was calculated assuming that the distance between the heme and Cys187 in solution corresponds to that in the crystal structure of ligand free MTCYP51. Interaction of MTCYP51 with azole inhibitors ketoconazole and fluconazole or the substrate analog estriol did not influence the fluorescence, but titration with the substrate lanosterol quenched BODIPY emission, the effect being proportional to the portion of substrate bound MTCYP51. The detected changes correspond to approximately 10A decrease in the calculated distance between BODIPY-Cys187 and the heme. The results confirm (1) functional importance of conformational motions in the MTCYP51 F/G segment and (2) applicability of FRET to monitor them in solution.  相似文献   

EpsE is an ATPase that powers transport of cholera toxin and hydrolytic enzymes through the Type II secretion (T2S) apparatus in the gram-negative bacterium, Vibrio cholerae. On the basis of structures of homologous Type II/IV secretion ATPases and our biochemical data, we believe that EpsE is active as an oligomer, likely a hexamer, and the binding, hydrolysis, and release of nucleotide cause EpsE to undergo dynamic structural changes, thus converting chemical energy to mechanical work, ultimately resulting in extracellular secretion. The conformational changes that occur as a consequence of nucleotide binding would realign conserved arginines (Arg(210), Arg(225), Arg(320), Arg(324), Arg(336), and Arg(369)) from adjoining domains and subunits to complete the active site around the bound nucleotide. Our data suggest that these arginines are essential for ATP hydrolysis, although their roles in shaping the active site of EpsE are varied. Specifically, we have shown that replacements of these arginine residues abrogate the T2S process due to a reduction of ATPase activity yet do not have any measurable effect on nucleotide binding or oligomerization of EpsE. We have further demonstrated that point mutations in the EpsE intersubunit interface also reduce ATPase activity without disrupting oligomerization, strengthening the idea that residues from multiple subunits must precisely interact in order for EpsE to be sufficiently active to support T2S. Our findings suggest that the action of EpsE is similar to that of other Type II/IV secretion ATPase family members, and thus these results may be widely applicable to the family as a whole.  相似文献   

Kar2p, an essential Hsp70 chaperone in the endoplasmic reticulum of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, facilitates the transport and folding of nascent polypeptides within the endoplasmic reticulum lumen. The chaperone activity of Kar2p is regulated by its intrinsic ATPase activity that can be stimulated by two different nucleotide exchange factors, namely Sil1p and Lhs1p. Here, we demonstrate that the binding requirements for Lhs1p are complex, requiring both the nucleotide binding domain plus the linker domain of Kar2p. In contrast, the IIB domain of Kar2p is sufficient for binding of Sil1p, and point mutations within IIB specifically blocked Sil1p-dependent activation while remaining competent for activation by Lhs1p. Taken together, these results demonstrate that the interactions between Kar2p and its two nucleotide exchange factors can be functionally resolved and are thus mechanistically distinct.  相似文献   

Interleukin 1α (IL1α) plays an important role in several key biological functions, such as angiogenesis, cell proliferation, and tumor growth in several types of cancer. IL1α is a potent cytokine that induces a wide spectrum of immunological and inflammatory activities. The biological effects of IL1α are mediated through the activation of transmembrane receptors (IL1Rs) and therefore require the release of the protein into the extracellular space. IL1α is exported through a non-classical release pathway involving the formation of a specific multiprotein complex, which includes IL1α and S100A13. Because IL1α plays an important role in cell proliferation and angiogenesis, inhibiting the formation of the IL1α-S100A13 complex would be an effective strategy to inhibit a wide range of cancers. To understand the molecular events in the IL1α release pathway, we studied the structure of the IL1α-S100A13 tetrameric complex, which is the key complex formed during the non-classical pathway of IL1α release.  相似文献   

To identify antigens that would improve the accuracy of serological diagnosis of active tuberculosis, we cloned the genes encoding nine potentially immunogenic secreted or surface-associated proteins of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Recombinant proteins were reacted with sera from HIV-negative individuals with extrapulmonary tuberculosis (EP-TB) or HIV-positive individuals with pulmonary tuberculosis (TBH). Specific and high level antibody responses were obtained for four recombinant proteins, of which antigen GST-822 was recognized by 60% of EP-TB and 42% of TBH and antigen MBP-506 was recognized by 45% of EP-TB and 61% of TBH. These results suggest that these proteins are strong candidates as subunits in a polyvalent serodiagnostic test.  相似文献   

Acid-sensing ion channels are cation channels activated by external protons and play roles in nociception, synaptic transmission, and the physiopathology of ischemic stroke. Using luminescence resonance energy transfer (LRET), we show that upon proton binding, there is a conformational change that increases LRET efficiency between the probes at the thumb and finger subdomains in the extracellular domain of acid-sensing ion channels. Additionally, we show that this conformational change is lost upon mutating Asp-238, Glu-239, and Asp-260, which line the finger domains, to alanines. Electrophysiological studies showed that the single mutant D260A shifted the EC50 by 0.2 pH units, the double mutant D238A/E239A shifted the EC50 by 2.5 pH units, and the triple mutant D238A/E239A/D260A exhibited no response to protons despite surface expression. The LRET experiments on D238A/E239A/D260A showed no changes in LRET efficiency upon reduction in pH from 8 to 6. The LRET and electrophysiological studies thus suggest that the three carboxylates, two of which are involved in carboxyl/carboxylate interactions, are essential for proton-induced conformational changes in the extracellular domain, which in turn are necessary for receptor activation.  相似文献   

The Mycobacterium tuberculosis genome harbors a striking number (>40) of toxin-antitoxin systems. Among them are at least seven MazF orthologs, designated MazF-mt1 through MazF-mt7, four of which have been demonstrated to function as mRNA interferases that selectively target mRNA for cleavage at distinct consensus sequences. As is characteristic of all toxin-antitoxin systems, each of the mazF-mt toxin genes is organized in an operon downstream of putative antitoxin genes. However, only one of the seven putative upstream antitoxins (designated MazE-mt1 through MazE-mt7) has significant sequence similarity to Escherichia coli MazE, the cognate antitoxin for E. coli MazF. Interestingly, the M. tuberculosis genome contains two independent operons encoding E. coli MazE orthologs, but they are not paired with mazF-mt-like genes. Instead, the genes encoding these two MazE orthologs are each paired with proteins containing a PIN domain, indicating that they may be members of the very large VapBC toxin-antitoxin family. We tested a spectrum of pair-wise combinations of cognate and noncognate Mtb toxin-antitoxins using in vivo toxicity and rescue experiments along with in vitro interaction experiments. Surprisingly, we uncovered several examples of noncognate toxin-antitoxin association, even among different families (e.g. MazF toxins and VapB antitoxins). These results challenge the “one toxin for one antitoxin” dogma and suggest that M. tuberculosis may enlist a sophisticated toxin-antitoxin network to alter its physiology in response to environmental cues.  相似文献   

Even being a bacterial purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP), which normally shows hexameric folding, the Mycobacterium tuberculosis PNP (MtPNP) resembles the mammalian trimeric structure. The crystal structure of the MtPNP apoenzyme was solved at 1.9 A resolution. The present work describes the first structure of MtPNP in complex with phosphate. In order to develop new insights into the rational drug design, conformational changes were profoundly analyzed and discussed. Comparisons over the binding sites were specially studied to improve the discussion about the selectivity of potential new drugs.  相似文献   

N-Acetyl-glucosamine-1-phosphate uridyltransferase (GlmU), a bifunctional enzyme involved in bacterial cell wall synthesis is exclusive to prokaryotes. GlmU, now recognized as a promising target to develop new antibacterial drugs, catalyzes two key reactions: acetyl transfer and uridyl transfer at two independent domains. Hitherto, we identified GlmU from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (GlmUMtb) to be unique in possessing a 30-residue extension at the C terminus. Here, we present the crystal structures of GlmUMtb in complex with substrates/products bound at the acetyltransferase active site. Analysis of these and mutational data, allow us to infer a catalytic mechanism operative in GlmUMtb. In this SN2 reaction, His-374 and Asn-397 act as catalytic residues by enhancing the nucleophilicity of the attacking amino group of glucosamine 1-phosphate. Ser-416 and Trp-460 provide important interactions for substrate binding. A short helix at the C-terminal extension uniquely found in mycobacterial GlmU provides the highly conserved Trp-460 for substrate binding. Importantly, the structures reveal an uncommon mode of acetyl-CoA binding in GlmUMtb; we term this the U conformation, which is distinct from the L conformation seen in the available non-mycobacterial GlmU structures. Residues, likely determining U/L conformation, were identified, and their importance was evaluated. In addition, we identified that the primary site for PknB-mediated phosphorylation is Thr-418, near the acetyltransferase active site. Down-regulation of acetyltransferase activity upon Thr-418 phosphorylation is rationalized by the structures presented here. Overall, this work provides an insight into substrate recognition, catalytic mechanism for acetyl transfer, and features unique to GlmUMtb, which may be exploited for the development of inhibitors specific to GlmU.  相似文献   

Being an obligate aerobe, Mycobacterium tuberculosis faces a number of energetic challenges when it encounters hypoxia and environmental stress during intracellular infection. Consequently, it has evolved innovative strategies to cope with these unfavorable conditions. Here, we report a novel flavohemoglobin (MtbFHb) from M. tuberculosis that exhibits unique features within its heme and reductase domains distinct from conventional FHbs, including the absence of the characteristic hydrogen bonding interactions within the proximal heme pocket and mutations in the FAD and NADH binding regions of the reductase domain. In contrast to conventional FHbs, it has a hexacoordinate low-spin heme with a proximal histidine ligand lacking imidazolate character and a distal heme pocket with a relatively low electrostatic potential. Additionally, MtbFHb carries a new FAD binding site in its reductase domain similar to that of D-lactate dehydrogenase (D-LDH). When overexpressed in Escherichia coli or Mycobacterium smegmatis, MtbFHb remained associated with the cell membrane and exhibited D-lactate:phenazine methosulfate reductase activity and oxidized D-lactate into pyruvate by converting the heme iron from Fe(3+) to Fe(2+) in a FAD-dependent manner, indicating electron transfer from D-lactate to the heme via FAD cofactor. Under oxidative stress, MtbFHb-expressing cells exhibited growth advantage with reduced levels of lipid peroxidation. Given the fact that D-lactate is a byproduct of lipid peroxidation and that M. tuberculosis lacks the gene encoding D-LDH, we propose that the novel D-lactate metabolizing activity of MtbFHb uniquely equips M. tuberculosis to balance the stress level by protecting the cell membrane from oxidative damage via cycling between the Fe(3+)/Fe(2+) redox states.  相似文献   

The Mycobacterium tuberculosis extracellular zinc metalloprotease 1 (Zmp1) has been proposed to play a key role in phagosome maturation and to enhance the survival of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the host. Consequently, small molecule inhibitors of Zmp1 are of pivotal importance as a tool to better understand the pathogenicity of Zmp1 and as lead candidates for pharmacological intervention. Here we combined in silico structure-based inhibitor design with biochemical studies to discover and characterize the first potent competitive Zmp1 inhibitor showing a Ki of 94 nM and a high selectivity for Zmp1 with respect to human Neprilysin.  相似文献   

The Mycobacterium tuberculosis genome harbors an unusually large number of toxin-antitoxin (TA) modules. Curiously, over half of these are VapBC (virulence-associated protein) family members. Nonetheless, the cellular target, precise mode of action, and physiological role of the VapC toxins in this important pathogen remain unclear. To better understand the function of this toxin family, we studied the features and biochemical properties of a prototype M. tuberculosis VapBC TA system, vapBC-mt4 (Rv0596c-Rv0595c). VapC-mt4 expression resulted in growth arrest, a hallmark of all TA toxins, in Escherichia coli, Mycobacterium smegmatis, and M. tuberculosis. Its expression led to translation inhibition accompanied by a gradual decrease in the steady-state levels of several mRNAs. VapC-mt4 exhibited sequence-specific endoribonuclease activity on mRNA templates at ACGC and AC(A/U)GC sequences. However, the cleavage activity of VapC-mt4 was comparatively weak relative to the TA toxin MazF-mt1 (Rv2801c). Unlike other TA toxins, translation inhibition and growth arrest preceded mRNA cleavage, suggesting that the RNA binding property of VapC-mt4, not RNA cleavage, initiates toxicity. In support of this hypothesis, expression of VapC-mt4 led to an increase in the recovery of total RNA with time in contrast to TA toxins that inhibit translation via direct mRNA cleavage. Additionally, VapC-mt4 exhibited stable, sequence-specific RNA binding in an electrophoretic mobility shift assay. Finally, VapC-mt4 inhibited protein synthesis in a cell-free system without cleaving the corresponding mRNA. Therefore, the activity of VapC-mt4 is mechanistically distinct from other TA toxins because it appears to primarily inhibit translation through selective, stable binding to RNA.  相似文献   

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