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记述采自贵州宽阔水保护区的钩(虫责)属l新种:巨刺钩(虫责)Kamimuria grandispinata Du &Sun,sp.nov.,该新种的阳茎特征与长刺钩虫责K.longispina Wu相似,但长刺钩(虫责)阳茎囊背面近端部有1膜质突起,上面生有粒状微刺,而新种阳茎囊背面近端部是1个近似三角形的刺斑,无突起...  相似文献   

The alimentary canal formation in the stonefly, Kamimuria tibialis (Plecoptera : Perlidae) is described. The stomodaeum is formed as in other insect embryos. The proctodaeum is derived from the ectodermal fold an the caudal end of the embryo without the contribution of the amnion. The 3 Malpighian tubules develop from the blind end of the proctodaeum. The rectal pad is formed by the thickening of the dorsal wall of the proctodaeum. The midgut epithelium rudiment arises only from the blind end of the proctodaeum, i.e. it is completed by unipolar formation instead of bipolar. The yolk cells do not contribute to the formation of the midgut epithelium. The alimentary canal is transformed during the 1st nymphal instar and becomes functional in the next instar. The stomodaeum is differentiated into 3 parts: pharynx, oesophagus, and proventriculus. The midgut becomes shortened and its epithelium is well developed. Gastric caeca with tapering processes are formed.  相似文献   

The diet of an undescribed species of Kamimuria was investigated in Tai Po Kau Forest Stream, Hong Kong, by comparing larval gut contents with the array of available prey living on and among cobble substrates. Diets were dominated by chironomids and philopotamid caddisflies, with Baetidae, Heptageniidae, Hydropsychidae and Simuliidae comprising secondary dietary items. These six taxa made up 94% of the prey individuals eaten by Kamimuria. Data analysis using a selectivity index revealed that these stoneflies fed indiscriminately, eating individual prey taxa in proportion to their availability in the environment. Large and small Kamimuria exploited essentially the same prey. A comparison of the diet of Kamimuria with the diets of four sympatric Odonata indicated that the degree of interspecific similarity was determined by the extent of overlap in microhabitat use. Diets of Euphaea decorata (Zygoptera) larvae, which live under cobbles, were most similar to Kamimuria. This is the first – albeit limited – study of the gut contents of a tropical Asian stonefly. The results suggest that these predators have the potential to limit benthic invertebrate abundance but, because Kamimuria larvae feed unselectively, community structure may not be affected by their activities.  相似文献   

Three new species of Oriental Perlini are described and Agnetina aequalis (Banks) and A. quadrituberculata (Wu) are redescribed. Agnetina jarai sp. n. (Vietnam), Togoperla shan sp. n. (Thailand), and Tyloperla schmidi sp. n. (Assam), are described, compared with related congeners, and male holotypes are designated for each species.  相似文献   

After a study of the type material of Baetis nexus Navás, 1918 and a comparison with Hungarian specimens of Baetis pentaphlebodes Ujhelyi, 1966 it is concluded that the two nominal species are synonyms and that B. nexus is the valid name.  相似文献   

Biochemical Genetics - The complete mitogenome sequence of the Great Frigatebird, Fregata minor was sequenced for the first time in this study. The mitogenome (16,899 bp) comprises of 13...  相似文献   

Genus Agnetina Klapálek, 1907 is removed from synonymy with Dinocras Klapálek, 1907 and synonymy between Agnetina and Phasganophora Klapálek, 1914 is established. A list of presently recognised nominal species of Agnetina is provided. For all west palaearctic species, i.e., A. elegantula (Klapálek), A. senilis Klapálek, A. werneri (Kempny), comb, n., lectotypes are designated. Distinctive characters of these three species are described, external male genitalia and eggs are illustrated. Asian A. brevipennis (Navás), comb, n., is briefly compared. A. dubia nom. n. is proposed to replace A. brevipennis Klapálek, 1921 (not Navás, 1912), a doubtful Asian species. A. pedata (Koponen, 1949) and A. undaata (Klapálek, 1921) are considered possible synonyms of A. senilis. which is for the first time recorded from Central Asia (Baikal area).  相似文献   

We describe the complete mitochondrial genome of a small-scaled forest agamid(Pseudocalotes microlepis), which is 17 873 bp in size, containing 13 PCGs, 2 r RNAs, 22 t RNAs and non-coding regions. The mitogenome has a typical gene order among squamates. 13 PCGs include 2 start codons(ATG and ATA), 3 stop codons(TAG, TAA and AGG), and an incomplete stop codon(T-). Codon usage analyses showed that CUA-Leu1 and CGG-Arg are the most frequently and rarely used codon, respectively. All 22 t RNAs were predicted to form canonical cloverleaf secondary structures, except for two t RNAs(t RNACys and t RNASer(AGY)) lacking the dihydorouridine(DHU) arm. The large noncoding region(control region) is 2 687 bp long(28.3% T, 18.2% C, 42.3% A, and 11.2% G), with four different types of repeating sequences. The phylogenetic tree resulting from BEAST analyses based on concatenated 2 r RNAs and 13 PCGs in sequence revealed that the newly sequenced P. microlepis, where the genus Acanthosaura were aggregated. Together with Calotes versicolor, they constitute the subfamily Draconinae.  相似文献   

The identity of Perlesta nitida is reviewed and demonstrated to be a valid species. The male is redescribed with an emphasis on internal genitalia, and the egg stage is described for the first time. Morphological features distinguishing P. nitida from similar species are provided. New distributional records of additional Perlesta species are reported.  相似文献   

Eggs of Pteronarcys californica Newport were incubated at fixed temperatures between 5 and 20°C in the laboratory and at field temperatures in the Crowsnest River, Alberta. The regression of rate of development on temperature between 5–15°C gave a developmental zero of 3.125°C. Within the range 10–20°C, highest hatching success and fewest days to median hatch occurred at 15.0 or 17.5°C, but physiological time (day-degrees) for egg hatching increased with temperature throughout, markedly so above 15°C. A minimum of 182 days was required for 50% hatch in the laboratory, with no observable development for approximately 80 days. Eggs placed in the river on 25 May 1993 started to hatch on 17 October 1993, and the pulse of larval recruitment in the field population occurred between April and August, 11 to 15 months after oviposition. Eggs hatched over periods of 130–322 days at different temperatures in the laboratory, and over an 11-month period in the field. The placement of diapause early in embryonic development is suggested as a cause of extended recruitment. The variety of embryonic development in Plecoptera is briefly reviewed.  相似文献   

The genus Phanoperla (=Dyaperla Banks, 1939) (Plecoptera: Perlidae: Perlini) is revised and generic diagnoses are provided for adults and larvae. Diagnostic and constitutive characters of the tribe Neoperlini are discussed, and Chinoperla Zwick, 1980, is shown to be the closest relative of Phanoperla. Many past misidentifications of Phanoperla species have been corrected by the use of characters recently recognized as important, namely the structure of the internal genitalia of male and female specimens and particularly the complex pattern of spines on the male penial sac made visible by eversion of this structure, and details of sculpturing of the egg chorion.
The following species of Phanoperla are recognized: amorpha sp.n.; anomala (Banks, 1939); bakeri (Banks, 1924); ceylonica Kawai, 1975; comuta sp.n.; flaveola (Klapálek, 1921), comb.n. ( =clarissa (Banks, 1913), syn.n.), (=Neoperla hageni Banks, 1920, syn.n.), (= N.consimilis Banks, 1924, syn.n.); guttata sp.n.; himalayana Zwick, 1977 (= siwalika Harper, 1977); limosa (Hagen, 1858); maculata sp.n.; maindroni (Navas, 1926), comb.n.; malayana sp.n.; minutissima (Enderlein, 1909); nana sp.n.; nervosa Banks, 1939; nuwara Kawai, 1975; omega sp.n.; pallipennis (Banks, 1938); parva sp.n.; pumilio (Klapálek, 1921), comb.n.; peniculus Kawai, 1969a; schmidi sp.n.; sertispina Jewett, 1975; srilanka sp.n.; sumatrae sp.n.; testacea (Hagen, 1858); wedda sp.n. P.claggi (Banks, 1938) is a nomen nudum.
All species are (re-)described and figured; all primary types have been examined. A key to species is provided. Most species can be assigned to one of seven species groups which are defined.
Phanoperla is endemic to the Oriental Region. Species groups are generally widespread, but individual species are in most cases known only from restricted areas.  相似文献   

The complete sequence of the mitochondrial genome of Leptorhynchoides thecatus (Acanthocephala) was determined, and a phylogenetic analysis was carried out to determine its placement within Metazoa. The genome is circular, 13,888 bp, and contains at least 36 of the 37 genes typically found in animal mitochondrial genomes. The genes for the large and small ribosomal RNA subunits are shorter than those of most metazoans, and the structures of most of the tRNA genes are atypical. There are two significant noncoding regions (377 and 294 bp), which are the best candidates for a control region; however, these regions do not appear similar to any of the control regions of other animals studied to date. The amino acid and nucleotide sequences of the protein coding genes of L. thecatus and 25 other metazoan taxa were used in both maximum likelihood and maximum parsimony phylogenetic analyses. Results indicate that among taxa with available mitochondrial genome sequences, Platyhelminthes is the closest relative to L. thecatus, which together are the sister taxon of Nematoda; however, long branches and/or base composition bias could be responsible for this result. The monophyly of Ecdysozoa, molting organisms, was not supported by any of the analyses. This study represents the first mitochondrial genome of an acanthocephalan to be sequenced and will allow further studies of systematics, population genetics, and genome evolution.Reviewing Editor: Dr. Rafael Zardoya The entire genome sequence has been deposited with the GenBank Data Libraries under-accession number AY562383.  相似文献   

记述中国钮虫责属 Acroneuria Pictet昆虫 4种 ,其中包括 2新种 :莫氏钮虫责Acroneuria morsei,sp.nov.和多锥钮虫责 Acroneuria multiconata,sp.nov.。模式标本存扬州大学植物保护系昆虫标本室 ( YU)和西北农林科技大学昆虫博物馆 ( NW-STUAF)。  相似文献   

Delayed egg hatching can influence the survival of aquatic insects by reducing exposure to competitors, predators, parasites, or unfavorable environmental conditions. We examined egg development in a Colorado population of the stonefly, Megarcys signata (Plecoptera: Perlodidae), whose larvae inhabit high altitude streams in the Rocky Mountains of western North America. Five-thousand fertilized eggs were collected from 40 different females and incubated in the East River, Gunnison County, Colorado, until late fall, at which time unhatched eggs were transported to incubation chambers in Ithaca, New York. We used three different combinations of photoperiod and temperature (10L:14D, 4°C; 10L:14D, 8°C; 8L:16D, 8°C) in an attempt to induce hatching. Eggs in the treatments with temperatures elevated above normal winter temperatures in the East River (8°C) began developing after 6 months, whereas eggs in the treatment most closely simulating natural stream conditions (4°C) did not hatch after 10 months of incubation. Our data indicate that this population of Megarcys signata has an extended egg stage that persists for almost a year, and that it is semivoltine at these elevations of 2885 and 2895 meters.  相似文献   

The gut content composition of three species of the superfamily Perloidea, Marthamea selysii (Pictet, 1842), Dinocras cephalotes (Curtis, 1827), and Siphonoperla torrentium (Pictet, 1842), from northwestern Spain is analyzed and described. The quantity of food found in all adults of M. selysii and D. cephalotes was very low. Spores of fungi and pollen of angiosperms were the most abundant components in the diet of M. selysii. Pollen of angiosperms, followed by fungal spores, detritus, and animal matter were the most abundant components in the diet of both sexes of D. cephalotes. The adult diet of both sexes of S. torrentium consists mainly of pollen and agrees with data of the previous studies on this same species in other areas. Our results also show that the consumption of animal matter could be a way to get a nutritional complement and is more common than previously considered in adult stoneflies. The obtained data support the hypothesis that adult feeding is less important for large stoneflies (as M. selysii and D. cephalotes) than for other smaller Perloidea (as S. torrentium), but feeding habits in these large Plecoptera could not be as negligible as previously supposed.  相似文献   

The diet of Perla madritensis, endemic species of the northern half of the Iberian Peninsula, is described for the first time by means of a study carried out in north-western Spain. As other species of the genus Perla, this taxon behaves mainly as predator, with Chironomidae, followed by Baetidae, being the most abundant prey in its gut. Shifts in diet composition were detected in relation to size in this species, with smaller prey being replaced by larger ones such as Simuliidae and Leptophlebiidae when the nymphs become larger.  相似文献   

记述采自中国陕西佛龙的瘤属Tyloperla 1新种:双凹瘤Tyloperla bihypodroma Du, sp. nov.,该种与尖突瘤Tyloperla attenuata 很相近,但前者第8背板近后缘形成1个隆起脊、其中部有1凹陷,后者则在背板中部形成1近圆形的隆起、其上的锥状感觉器比前者多;前者第9背板中央微凹、其前缘骨化明显、极小的锥状感觉器稀少,后者中部有1丛明显的锥状感觉器;前者翅透明,后者翅微烟褐色。新种的模式标本保存在扬州大学昆虫标本馆。  相似文献   

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