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Enhanced Virus Transformation of Hamster Embryo Cells In Vitro   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Since transformation of hamster cells in vitro by simian virus 40 (SV40) is a rare event in a homogeneously infected cell population, physiochemical studies of the events of virus transformation are difficult. Similarly, other deoxyribonucleic acid-containing oncogenic viruses produce transformed-cell foci in vitro with low efficiency. Sublethal doses of X-ray irradiation, as well as preincubation of hamster embryo cells with the radiomimetic analogue, 5-iododeoxyuridine, markedly sensitized hamster embryo cells to SV40 in vitro. Agents were used at dosages which neither produced lethality nor caused neoplastic transformation in the absence of virus. Embryo cells maintained in vitro for long periods of time became increasingly more sensitive to SV40 transformation. Radiation also stimulated transformation by adenovirus 31. Delay in the addition of virus to preirradiated cells reduced the susceptibility to transformation by SV40 which was observed for cells infected immediately after irradiation, suggesting that radiation repair mechanisms or, possibly, release from radiation-induced "mitotic delay" may interfere with the process of neoplastic conversion by SV40.  相似文献   

Influenza A viruses are enveloped, segmented negative single-stranded RNA viruses, capable of causing severe human respiratory infections. Currently, only two types of drugs are used to treat influenza A infections, the M2 H+ ion channel blockers (amantadine and rimantadine) and the neuraminidase inhibitors (NAI) (oseltamivir and zanamivir). Moreover, the emergence of drug-resistant influenza A virus strains has emphasized the need to develop new antiviral agents to complement or replace the existing drugs. Influenza A virus has on the surface a glycoprotein named hemagglutinin (HA) which due to its important role in the initial stage of infection: receptor binding and fusion activities of viral and endosomal membranes, is a potential target for new antiviral drugs. In this work we designed nine peptides using several bioinformatics tools. These peptides were derived from the HA1 and HA2 subunits of influenza A HA with the aim to inhibit influenza A virus infection. The peptides were synthetized and their antiviral activity was tested in vitro against several influenza A viral strains: Puerto Rico/916/34 (H1N1), (H1N1)pdm09, swine (H1N1) and avian (H5N2). We found these peptides were able to inhibit the influenza A viral strains tested, without showing any cytotoxic effect. By docking studies we found evidence that all the peptides were capable to bind to the viral HA, principally to important regions on the viral HA stalk, thus could prevent the HA conformational changes required to carry out its membranes fusion activity.  相似文献   

Myxoma virus (MYXV) is a well-established oncolytic agent against different types of tumors. MYXV is also known for its immunomodulatory properties in down-regulating major histocompatibility complex (MHC) I surface expression (via the M153R gene product, a viral E3-ubiquitin ligase) and suppressing T cell killing of infected target cells. MHC I down-regulation, however, favors NK cell activation. Brain tumors including gliomas are characterized by high MHC I expression with impaired NK activity. We thus hypothesized that MYXV infection of glioma cells will promote NK cell-mediated recognition and killing of gliomas. We infected human gliomas with MYXV and evaluated their susceptibility to NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity. MYXV enhanced NK cell-mediated killing of glioma cells (U87 cells, MYXV vs. Mock: 51.73% vs. 28.63%, P = .0001, t test; U251 cells, MYXV vs. Mock: 40.4% vs. 20.03%, P .0007, t test). Using MYXV M153R targeted knockout (designated vMyx-M153KO) to infect gliomas, we demonstrate that M153R was responsible for reduced expression of MHC I on gliomas and enhanced NK cell-mediated antiglioma activity (U87 cells, MYXV vs. vMyx-M153KO: 51.73% vs. 25.17%, P = .0002, t test; U251 cells, MYXV vs. vMyx-M153KO: 40.4% vs. 19.27, P = .0013, t test). Consequently, NK cell-mediated lysis of established human glioma tumors in CB-17 SCID mice was accelerated with improved mouse survival (log-rank P = .0072). These results demonstrate the potential for combining MYXV with NK cells to effectively kill malignant gliomas.  相似文献   

Influenza pandemics can spread quickly and cost millions of lives; the 2009 H1N1 pandemic highlighted the shortfall in the current vaccine strategy and the need for an improved global response in terms of shortening the time required to manufacture the vaccine and increasing production capacity. Here we describe the pre-clinical assessment of a novel 2009 H1N1 pandemic influenza vaccine based on the E. coli-produced HA globular head domain covalently linked to virus-like particles derived from the bacteriophage Qβ. When formulated with alum adjuvant and used to immunize mice, dose finding studies found that a 10 µg dose of this vaccine (3.7 µg globular HA content) induced antibody titers comparable to a 1.5 µg dose (0.7 µg globular HA content) of the licensed 2009 H1N1 pandemic vaccine Panvax, and significantly reduced viral titers in the lung following challenge with 2009 H1N1 pandemic influenza A/California/07/2009 virus. While Panvax failed to induce marked T cell responses, the novel vaccine stimulated substantial antigen-specific interferon-γ production in splenocytes from immunized mice, alongside enhanced IgG2a antibody production. In ferrets the vaccine elicited neutralizing antibodies, and following challenge with influenza A/California/07/2009 virus reduced morbidity and lowered viral titers in nasal lavages.  相似文献   

Canine distemper virus (CDV) exhibits a profound lymphotropism that causes immunosuppression and increased susceptibility of affected dogs to opportunistic infections. Similar to human measles virus, CDV is supposed to inhibit terminal differentiation of dendritic cells (DCs), responsible for disturbed repopulation of lymphoid tissues and diminished antigen presenting function in dogs. In order to testify the hypothesis that CDV-infection leads to an impairment of professional antigen presenting cells, canine DCs have been generated from peripheral blood monocytes in vitro and infected with CDV. Virus infection was confirmed and quantified by transmission electron microscopy, CDV-specific immunofluorescence, and virus titration. Flow cytometric analyses revealed a significant down-regulation of the major histocompatibility complex class II and co-stimulatory molecules CD80 and CD86 in CDV-infected DCs, indicative of disturbed antigen presenting capacity. Molecular analyses revealed an increased expression of the immune inhibitory cytokine interleukin-10 in DCs following infection. Results of the present study demonstrate that CDV causes phenotypical changes and altered cytokine expression of DCs, which represent potential mechanisms to evade host immune responses and might contribute to immune dysfunction and virus persistence in canine distemper.  相似文献   

Genotype 1 hepatitis E viruses (HEVs) are restricted to primate hosts, whereas genotype 3 HEVs predominantly infect swine, in addition to primates. In order to identify possible determinants of the host range, infectious recombinant viruses and chimeras of a genotype 1 isolate and a genotype 3 isolate were compared for their ability to infect versus transfect cultured human HepG2/C3A cells and swine LLC-PK cells. The patterns of luciferase expression from virus replicons containing the Gaussia luciferase gene in place of the viral ORF2 or ORF3 genes demonstrated that translation of the ORF2 capsid gene of genotype 1 virus is severely inhibited in swine kidney cells compared to its translation in rhesus macaque kidney or human liver cells. Therefore, this virus may produce insufficient capsid protein for optimal assembly in swine cells. Infectivity assays with a virus containing a chimeric capsid protein confirmed that amino acids 456 to 605 of the virus capsid protein comprised the virus receptor-binding region and suggested that genotype 1 viruses may be prevented from infecting swine because genotype 1 viruses are unable to enter swine cells. Rhesus macaque cells appeared to be better than human cells for growing the genotype 1 virus. These cell and virus combinations may serve as a useful in vitro model with which to study determinants of the natural host range of this virus.  相似文献   

Influenza virus is the cause of significant morbidity and mortality, posing a serious health threat worldwide. Here, we evaluated the antiviral activities of Cryptoporus volvatus extract on influenza virus infection. Our results demonstrated that the Cryptoporus volvatus extract inhibited different influenza virus strain replication in MDCK cells. Time course analysis indicated that the extract exerted its inhibition at earlier and late stages in the replication cycle of influenza virus. Subsequently, we confirmed that the extract suppressed virus internalization into and released from cells. Moreover, the extract significantly reduced H1N1/09 influenza virus load in lungs and dramatically decreased lung lesions in mice. And most importantly, the extract protected mice from lethal challenge with H1N1/09 influenza virus. Our results suggest that the Cryptoporus volvatus extract could be a potential candidate for the development of a new anti-influenza virus therapy.  相似文献   

Herpesvirus infection of placenta may be harmful in pregnancy leading to disorders in fetal growth, premature delivery, miscarriage, or major congenital abnormalities. Although a correlation between human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) infection and abortion or low birth weight in children has been suggested, and rare cases of in utero or perinatal HHV-8 transmission have been documented, no direct evidence of HHV-8 infection of placenta has yet been reported. The aim of this study was to evaluate the in vitro and in vivo susceptibility of placental cells to HHV-8 infection. Short-term infection assays were performed on placental chorionic villi isolated from term placentae. Qualitative and quantitative HHV-8 detection were performed by PCR and real-time PCR, and HHV-8 proteins were analyzed by immunohistochemistry. Term placenta samples from HHV-8-seropositive women were analyzed for the presence of HHV-8 DNA and antigens. In vitro infected histocultures showed increasing amounts of HHV-8 DNA in tissues and supernatants; cyto- and syncitiotrophoblasts, as well as endothelial cells, expressed latent and lytic viral antigens. Increased apoptotic phenomena were visualized by the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated deoxyuridine nick end-labeling method in infected histocultures. Ex vivo, HHV-8 DNA and a latent viral antigen were detected in placenta samples from HHV-8-seropositive women. These findings demonstrate that HHV-8, like other human herpesviruses, may infect placental cells in vitro and in vivo, thus providing evidence that this phenomenon might influence vertical transmission and pregnancy outcome in HHV-8-infected women.  相似文献   

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), a lymphomagenic human herpesvirus, colonises the host through polyclonal B cell-growth-transforming infections yet establishes persistence only in IgD+ CD27+ non-switched memory (NSM) and IgD CD27+ switched memory (SM) B cells, not in IgD+ CD27 naïve (N) cells. How this selectivity is achieved remains poorly understood. Here we show that purified N, NSM and SM cell preparations are equally transformable in vitro to lymphoblastoid cells lines (LCLs) that, despite upregulating the activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID) enzyme necessary for Ig isotype switching and Ig gene hypermutation, still retain the surface Ig phenotype of their parental cells. However, both N- and NSM-derived lines remain inducible to Ig isotype switching by surrogate T cell signals. More importantly, IgH gene analysis of N cell infections revealed two features quite distinct from parallel mitogen-activated cultures. Firstly, following 4 weeks of EBV-driven polyclonal proliferation, individual clonotypes then become increasingly dominant; secondly, in around 35% cases these clonotypes carry Ig gene mutations which both resemble AID products and, when analysed in prospectively-harvested cultures, appear to have arisen by sequence diversification in vitro. Thus EBV infection per se can drive at least some naïve B cells to acquire Ig memory genotypes; furthermore, such cells are often favoured during an LCL''s evolution to monoclonality. Extrapolating to viral infections in vivo, these findings could help to explain how EBV-infected cells become restricted to memory B cell subsets and why EBV-driven lymphoproliferative lesions, in primary infection and/or immunocompromised settings, so frequently involve clones with memory genotypes.  相似文献   

We have observed that of the 10 AAV serotypes, AAV6 is the most efficient in transducing primary human hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), and that the transduction efficiency can be further increased by specifically mutating single surface-exposed tyrosine (Y) residues on AAV6 capsids. In the present studies, we combined the two mutations to generate a tyrosine double-mutant (Y705+731F) AAV6 vector, with which >70% of CD34+ cells could be transduced. With the long-term objective of developing recombinant AAV vectors for the potential gene therapy of human hemoglobinopathies, we generated the wild-type (WT) and tyrosine-mutant AAV6 vectors containing the following erythroid cell-specific promoters: β-globin promoter (βp) with the upstream hyper-sensitive site 2 (HS2) enhancer from the β-globin locus control region (HS2-βbp), and the human parvovirus B19 promoter at map unit 6 (B19p6). Transgene expression from the B19p6 was significantly higher than that from the HS2-βp, and increased up to 30-fold and up to 20-fold, respectively, following erythropoietin (Epo)-induced differentiation of CD34+ cells in vitro. Transgene expression from the B19p6 or the HS2-βp was also evaluated in an immuno-deficient xenograft mouse model in vivo. Whereas low levels of expression were detected from the B19p6 in the WT AAV6 capsid, and that from the HS2-βp in the Y705+731F AAV6 capsid, transgene expression from the B19p6 promoter in the Y705+731F AAV6 capsid was significantly higher than that from the HS2-βp, and was detectable up to 12 weeks post-transplantation in primary recipients, and up to 6 additional weeks in secondary transplanted animals. These data demonstrate the feasibility of the use of the novel Y705+731F AAV6-B19p6 vectors for high-efficiency transduction of HSCs as well as expression of the b-globin gene in erythroid progenitor cells for the potential gene therapy of human hemoglobinopathies such as β-thalassemia and sickle cell disease.  相似文献   



Tenofovir gel has entered into clinical trials for use as a topical microbicide to prevent HIV-1 infection but has no published data regarding pre-clinical testing using in vitro and ex vivo models. To validate our findings with on-going clinical trial results, we evaluated topical tenofovir gel for safety and efficacy. We also modeled systemic application of tenofovir for efficacy.

Methods and Findings

Formulation assessment of tenofovir gel included osmolality, viscosity, in vitro release, and permeability testing. Safety was evaluated by measuring the effect on the viability of vaginal flora, PBMCs, epithelial cells, and ectocervical and colorectal explant tissues. For efficacy testing, PBMCs were cultured with tenofovir or vehicle control gels and HIV-1 representing subtypes A, B, and C. Additionally, polarized ectocervical and colorectal explant cultures were treated apically with either gel. Tenofovir was added basolaterally to simulate systemic application. All tissues were challenged with HIV-1 applied apically. Infection was assessed by measuring p24 by ELISA on collected supernatants and immunohistochemistry for ectocervical explants. Formulation testing showed the tenofovir and vehicle control gels were >10 times isosmolar. Permeability through ectocervical tissue was variable but in all cases the receptor compartment drug concentration reached levels that inhibit HIV-1 infection in vitro. The gels were non-toxic toward vaginal flora, PBMCs, or epithelial cells. A transient reduction in epithelial monolayer integrity and epithelial fracture for ectocervical and colorectal explants was noted and likely due to the hyperosmolar nature of the formulation. Tenofovir gel prevented HIV-1 infection of PBMCs regardless of HIV-1 subtype. Topical and systemic tenofovir were effective at preventing HIV-1 infection of explant cultures.


These studies provide a mechanism for pre-clinical prediction of safety and efficacy of formulated microbicides. Tenofovir was effective against HIV-1 infection in our algorithm. These data support the use of tenofovir for pre-exposure prophylaxis.  相似文献   

An antigenic double mutant of rabies virus (challenge virus standard [CVS] strain) was selected by successive use of two neutralizing antiglycoprotein monoclonal antibodies, both specific for antigenic site III. This mutant differed from the original virus strain by two amino acid substitutions in the ectodomain of the glycoprotein. The lysine in position 330 and the arginine in position 333 were replaced by asparagine and methionine, respectively. This double mutant was not pathogenic for adult mice. When injected intramuscularly into the forelimbs of adult mice, this virus could not penetrate the nervous system, either by the motor or by the sensory route, while respective single mutants infected motoneurons in the spinal cord and sensory neurons in the dorsal root ganglia. In vitro experiments showed that the double mutant was able to infect BHK cells, neuroblastoma cells, and freshly prepared embryonic motoneurons, albeit with a lower efficiency than the CVS strain. Upon further incubation at 37°C, the motoneurons became resistant to infection by the mutant while remaining permissive to CVS infection. These results suggest that rabies virus uses different types of receptors: a molecule which is ubiquitously expressed at the surface of continuous cell lines and which is recognized by both CVS and the double mutant and a neuron-specific molecule which is not recognized by the double mutant.  相似文献   

Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infection of endothelial cells resulted in increased adhesion of the cells to peripheral blood leukocytes. It was demonstrated by flow cytometry that increased adhesiveness parallels the increased expression of cell surface adhesion molecules (ELAM-1, ICAM-1, VCAM-1). The increased adhesion of PMN and T-lymphocytes was due to upregulation in the expression of ELAM-1 and ICAM-1. The upregulation of VCAM-1 resulted in the increased adhesiveness of monocytes and T-lymphocytes to HCMV-infected HUVEC. The increased adhesiveness to leukocytes was caused by HCMV replication since endothelial cells exposed to HCMV-free supernatants and UV-inactivated HCMV did not show any increase in adhesiveness to any of the leukocytes tested.  相似文献   

The humoral immune response critically relies on the secondary diversification of antibodies. This diversification takes places through somatic remodelling of the antibody genes by two molecular mechanisms, Class Switch Recombination (CSR) and Somatic Hypermutation (SHM). The enzyme Activation Induced Cytidine Deaminase (AID) initiates both SHM and CSR by deaminating cytosine residues on the DNA of immunoglobulin genes. While crucial for immunity, AID-catalysed deamination is also the triggering event for the generation of lymphomagenic chromosome translocations. To address whether restricting the levels of AID expression in vivo contributes to the regulation of its function, we analysed mice harbouring a single copy of the AID gene (AID+/−). AID+/− mice express roughly 50% of normal AID levels, and display a mild hyperplasia, reminiscent of AID deficient mice and humans. Moreover, we found that AID+/− cells have an impaired competence for CSR and SHM, which indicates that AID gene dose is limiting for its physiologic function. We next evaluated the impact of AID reduction in AID+/− mice on the generation of chromosome translocations. Our results show that the frequency of AID-promoted c-myc/IgH translocations is reduced in AID+/− mice, both in vivo and in vitro. Therefore, AID is haploinsufficient for antibody diversification and chromosome translocations. These findings suggest that limiting the physiologic levels of AID expression can be a regulatory mechanism that ensures an optimal balance between immune proficiency and genome integrity.  相似文献   

Leflunomide as an immunosuppressive drug is generally used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. It inhibits DHODH (dihydroorotate dehydrogenase ), which is one of the essential enzymes in the de novo pyrimidine biosynthetic pathway. Here we showed that leflunomide significantly reduced cell proliferation and self-renewal activity. Annexin V-FITC/PI staining assay revealed that leflunomide induced S-phase cell cycle arrest, and promoted cell apoptosis. In vivo xenograft study in SCID mice showed that leflunomide inhibited tumor growth and development. We also observed that DHODH was commonly expressed in neuroblastoma. When treated with leflunomide, the neuroblastoma cell lines BE(2)-C, SK-N-DZ, and SK-N-F1 showed dramatic inhibition of DHODH at mRNA and protein levels. Considering the favorable toxicity profile and the successful clinical experience with leflunomide in rheumatoid arthritis, this drug represents a potential new candidate for targeted therapy in neuroblastoma.  相似文献   

Increasing clinical lines of evidence have shown the coinfection/superinfection of porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) and classical swine fever virus (CSFV). Here, we investigated whether PCV2 and CSFV could infect the same cell productively by constructing an in vitro coinfection model. Our results indicated that PCV2-free PK15 cells but not ST cells were more sensitive to PCV2, and the PK15 cell line could stably harbor replicating CSFV (PK15-CSFV cells) with a high infection rate. Confocal and super-resolution microscopic analysis showed that PCV2 and CSFV colocalized in the same PK15-CSFV cell, and the CSFV E2 protein translocated from the cytoplasm to the nucleus in PK15-CSFV cells infected with PCV2. Moreover, PCV2-CSFV dual-positive cells increased gradually in PK15-CSFV cells in a PCV2 dose-dependent manner. In PK15-CSFV cells, PCV2 replicated well, and the production of PCV2 progeny was not influenced by CSFV infection. However, CSFV reproduction decreased in a PCV2 dose-dependent manner. In addition, cellular apoptosis was not strengthened in PK15-CSFV cells infected with PCV2 in comparison with PCV2-infected PK15 cells. Moreover, using this coinfection model we further demonstrated PCV2-induced apoptosis might contribute to the impairment of CSFV HCLV strain replication in coinfected cells. Taken together, our results demonstrate for the first time the coinfection/superinfection of PCV2 and CSFV within the same cell, providing an in vitro model to facilitate further investigation of the underlying mechanism of CSFV and PCV2 coinfection.  相似文献   

The newly identified retrovirus—the xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV)—has recently been shown to be strongly associated with familial prostate cancer in humans (A. Urisman et al., PLoS Pathog. 2:e25, 2006). While that study showed evidence of XMRV infection exclusively in the prostatic stromal fibroblasts, a recent study found XMRV protein antigens mainly in malignant prostate epithelial cells (R. Schlaberg et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 106:16351-16356, 2009). To help elucidate the mechanisms behind XMRV infection, we show that prostatic fibroblast cells express Xpr1, a known receptor of XMRV, but its expression is absent in other cell lines of the prostate (i.e., epithelial and stromal smooth muscle cells). We also show that certain amino acid residues located within the predicted extracellular loop (ECL3 and ECL4) sequences of Xpr1 are required for efficient XMRV entry. Although we found strong evidence to support XMRV infection of prostatic fibroblast cell lines via Xpr1, we learned that XMRV was indeed capable of infecting cells that did not necessarily express Xpr1, such as those of the prostatic epithelial and smooth muscle origins. Further studies suggest that the expression of Xpr1 and certain genotypes of the RNASEL gene, which could restrict XMRV infection, may play important roles in defining XMRV tropisms in certain cell types. Collectively, our data reveal important cellular determinants required for XMRV entry into different human prostate cells in vitro, which may provide important insights into the possible role of XMRV as an etiologic agent in human prostate cancer.Prostate cancer is the most common male malignancy in Western countries and the second most common cause of cancer-related deaths in males worldwide (15, 24). The known risk factors for prostate cancer are hormones (i.e., androgens), diet, sex, and race, as well as environmental and genetic factors (27). A recent study suggests that susceptibility to prostate cancer can be influenced by the genetic variations associated with an antagonistic coevolution, which occurs between a specific host locus (RNASEL), known to be involved in antiviral innate immune defense, and a viral pathogen (38). Indeed, several epidemiologic studies have supported the involvement of the RNASEL gene in the prostate cancer etiology (4, 5, 30, 31), whereas other studies do not (9, 22, 34, 43). Some studies have reported that individuals with a single mutated copy of the RNASEL gene have a 50% increased risk for prostate cancer, whereas those with homozygous mutant RNASEL alleles have a 2-fold-increased risk of prostate cancer (5).The RNASEL gene encodes for the RNase L protein, a constitutively expressed latent endoribonuclease, which mediates the interferon-inducible 2-5A system against viral and/or cellular double-stranded RNAs (8, 16, 20, 23, 49, 50). The RNase L “Q” variant allele (R462Q) shows a 3-fold decrease in catalytic activity compared to the wild-type enzyme (5, 44). The possible association of mutant RNASEL alleles with human prostate cancers suggests an enhanced susceptibility of prostate tissues to a viral agent. This hypothesis has led to the recent identification of a new human retrovirus, xenotropic murine leukemia virus (MuLV)-related virus (XMRV), in 40% of prostate cancer patients with the QQ variant alleles of RNASEL compared to 1.5% among heterozygous (RQ) and wild-type (RR) RNASEL carriers (41). XMRV virus infection appears to be susceptible to inhibition by interferon and its downstream effector RNase L protein (7). However, a recent study has provided some evidence to show that XMRV infection is independent of the RNASEL genotype (34), suggesting that population differences and/or other environmental or genetic factors may influence the impact of RNASEL on prostate cancer development.The XMRV genome is 8,185 nucleotides in length and shares up to 95% overall nucleotide sequence identity with known xenotropic MuLVs (41). One receptor for xenotropic MuLVs is Xpr1, a 696-amino-acid protein with multiple transmembrane-spanning domains (2). Expression of this protein in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells that are not known to express Xpr1 endogenously confers an enhanced susceptibility of these cells to xenotropic MuLV infection (2). Infection of hamster and mouse cells with XMRV-like virus that is derived from a prostate cancer cell line (22Rv1) also requires Xpr1 as a receptor (18). Earlier studies have demonstrated the importance of certain residues located within the putative third and fourth extracellular loops (ECL3 and ECL4) of Mus dunni''s Xpr1 in conferring infection by xenotropic MuLVs (25). Furthermore, it has been shown that the specific and common receptor determinants for xenotropic and polytropic murine retroviruses are simultaneously present in discrete domains of a single Xpr1 protein (42). In the present study, we characterized for the first time the important molecular determinants on Xpr1 required for XMRV infection and investigated the role of RNase L in restricting XMRV infection of various human prostate cancer and noncancerous cell lines.  相似文献   

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