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We present evidence of a possible case of self-medication in a lekking bird, the great bustard Otis tarda. Great bustards consumed blister beetles (Meloidae), in spite of the fact that they contain cantharidin, a highly toxic compound that is lethal in moderate doses. In addition to anthelminthic properties, cantharidin was effective against gastrointestinal bacteria that cause sexually-transmitted diseases. Although both sexes consumed blister beetles during the mating season, only males selected them among all available insects, and ingested more and larger beetles than females. The male-biased consumption suggests that males could use cantharidin to reduce their parasite load and increase their sexual attractiveness. This plausibly explains the intense cloaca display males perform to approaching females, and the meticulous inspection females conduct of the male''s cloaca, a behaviour only observed in this and another similar species of the bustard family. A white, clean cloaca with no infection symptoms (e.g., diarrhoea) is an honest signal of both, resistance to cantharidin and absence of parasites, and represents a reliable indicator of the male quality to the extremely choosy females. Our results do not definitely prove, but certainly strongly suggest that cantharidin, obtained by consumption of blister beetles, acts in great bustards as an oral anti-microbial and pathogen-limiting compound, and that males ingest these poisonous insects to increase their mating success, pointing out that self-medication might have been overlooked as a sexually-selected mechanism enhancing male fitness.  相似文献   

Oostdijk  Maartje  Sturlud&#;ttir  Erla  Santos  Maria J. 《Ecosystems》2022,25(5):1117-1134
Ecosystems - The Arctic may be particularly vulnerable to the consequences of both ocean acidification (OA) and global warming, given the faster pace of these processes in comparison with global...  相似文献   

Juvenile stages are often thought to be less resistant to thermal challenges than adults, yet few studies make direct comparisons using the same methods between different life history stages. We tested the resilience of juvenile stages compared to adults in 4 species of Antarctic marine invertebrate over 3 different rates of experimental warming. The species used represent 3 phyla and 4 classes, and were the soft-shelled clam Laternula elliptica, the sea cucumber Cucumaria georgiana, the sea urchin Sterechinus neumayeri, and the seastar Odontaster validus. All four species are widely distributed, locally abundant to very abundant and are amongst the most important in the ecosystem for their roles. At the slowest rate of warming used (1°C 3 days−1) juveniles survived to higher temperatures than adults in all species studied. At the intermediate rate (1°C day−1) juveniles performed better in 3 of the 4 species, with no difference in the 4th, and at the fastest rate of warming (1°C h−1) L. elliptica adults survived to higher temperatures than juveniles, but in C. georgiana juveniles survived to higher temperatures than adults and there were no differences in the other species. Oxygen limitation may explain the better performance of juveniles at the slower rates of warming, whereas the loss of difference between juveniles and adults at the fastest rate of warming suggests another mechanism sets the temperature limit here.  相似文献   

Antarctic notothenioid fish are characterized by their evolutionary adaptation to the cold, thermostable Southern Ocean, which is associated with unique physiological adaptations to withstand the cold and reduce energetic requirements but also entails limited compensation capacities to environmental change. This study compares the capacities of mitochondrial acclimation to ocean warming and acidification between the Antarctic nototheniid Notothenia rossii and the sub-Antarctic Lepidonotothen squamifrons, which share a similar ecology, but different habitat temperatures. After acclimation of L. squamifrons to 9°C and N. rossii to 7°C (normocapnic/hypercapnic, 0.2 kPa CO2/2000 ppm CO2) for 4–6 weeks, we compared the capacities of their mitochondrial respiratory complexes I (CI) and II (CII), their P/O ratios (phosphorylation efficiency), proton leak capacities and mitochondrial membrane fatty acid compositions. Our results reveal reduced CII respiration rates in warm-acclimated L. squamifrons and cold hypercapnia-acclimated N. rossii. Generally, L. squamifrons displayed a greater ability to increase CI contribution during acute warming and after warm-acclimation than N. rossii. Membrane unsaturation was not altered by warm or hypercapnia-acclimation in both species, but membrane fatty acids of warm-acclimated L. squamifrons were less saturated than in warm normocapnia−/hypercapnia-acclimated N. rossii. Proton leak capacities were not affected by warm or hypercapnia-acclimation of N. rossii. We conclude that an acclimatory response of mitochondrial capacities may include higher thermal plasticity of CI supported by enhanced utilization of anaplerotic substrates (via oxidative decarboxylation reactions) feeding into the citrate cycle. L. squamifrons possesses higher relative CI plasticities than N. rossii, which may facilitate the usage of energy efficient NADH-related substrates under conditions of elevated energy demand, possibly induced by ocean warming and acidification. The observed adjustments of electron transport system complexes with a higher flux through CI under warming and acidification suggest a metabolic acclimation potential of the sub-Antarctic L. squamifrons, but only limited acclimation capacities for N. rossii.  相似文献   

Adaptation to novel conditions beyond current range boundaries requires the presence of suitable sites within dispersal range, but may be impeded when emigrants encounter poor habitat and sharply different selection pressures. We investigated fine-scale spatial heterogeneity in ecological dynamics and selection at a local population boundary of the annual plant Gilia tricolor. In two years, we planted G. tricolor seeds in core habitat, margin habitat at the edge of the local range, and exterior habitat in order to measure spatial and temporal variation in habitat quality, opportunity for selection, and selection on phenotypic traits. We found a striking decline in average habitat quality with distance from the population core, yet some migrant seeds were successful in suitable, unoccupied microsites at and beyond the range boundary. Total and direct selection on four out of five measured phenotypic traits varied across habitat zones, as well as between years. Moreover, the margin habitat often exerted unique selection pressures that were not intermediate between core and exterior habitats. This study reveals that a combination of ecological and evolutionary forces, including propagule limitation, variation in habitat quality and spatial heterogeneity in phenotypic selection may reduce opportunities for adaptive range expansion, even across a very local population boundary.  相似文献   

Divinyl reductase (DVR) converts 8-vinyl groups on various chlorophyll intermediates to ethyl groups, which is indispensable for chlorophyll biosynthesis. To date, five DVR activities have been detected, but adequate evidence of enzymatic assays using purified or recombinant DVR proteins has not been demonstrated, and it is unclear whether one or multiple enzymes catalyze these activities. In this study, we systematically carried out enzymatic assays using four recombinant DVR proteins and five divinyl substrates and then investigated the in vivo accumulation of various chlorophyll intermediates in rice (Oryza sativa), maize (Zea mays), and cucumber (Cucumis sativus). The results demonstrated that both rice and maize DVR proteins can convert all of the five divinyl substrates to corresponding monovinyl compounds, while both cucumber and Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) DVR proteins can convert three of them. Meanwhile, the OsDVR (Os03g22780)-inactivated 824ys mutant of rice exclusively accumulated divinyl chlorophylls in its various organs during different developmental stages. Collectively, we conclude that a single DVR with broad substrate specificity is responsible for reducing the 8-vinyl groups of various chlorophyll intermediates in higher plants, but DVR proteins from different species have diverse and differing substrate preferences, although they are homologous.Chlorophyll (Chl) molecules universally exist in photosynthetic organisms. As the main component of the photosynthetic pigments, Chl molecules perform essential processes of absorbing light and transferring the light energy in the reaction center of the photosystems (Fromme et al., 2003). Based on the number of vinyl side chains, Chls are classified into two groups, 3,8-divinyl (DV)-Chl and 3-monovinyl (MV)-Chl. The DV-Chl molecule contains two vinyl groups at positions 3 and 8 of the tetrapyrrole macrocycle, whereas the MV-Chl molecule contains a vinyl group at position 3 and an ethyl group at position 8 of the macrocycle. Almost all of the oxygenic photosynthetic organisms contain MV-Chls, with the exceptions of some marine picophytoplankton species that contain only DV-Chls as their primary photosynthetic pigments (Chisholm et al., 1992; Goericke and Repeta, 1992; Porra, 1997).The classical single-branched Chl biosynthetic pathway proposed by Granick (1950) and modified by Jones (1963) assumed the rapid reduction of the 8-vinyl group of DV-protochlorophyllide (Pchlide) catalyzed by a putative 8-vinyl reductase. Ellsworth and Aronoff (1969) found evidence for both MV and DV forms of several Chl biosynthetic intermediates between magnesium-protoporphyrin IX monomethyl ester (MPE) and Pchlide in Chlorella spp. mutants. Belanger and Rebeiz (1979, 1980) reported that the Pchlide pool of etiolated higher plants contains both MV- and DV-Pchlide. Afterward, following the further detection of MV- and DV-tetrapyrrole intermediates and their biosynthetic interconversion in tissues and extracts of different plants (Belanger and Rebeiz, 1982; Duggan and Rebeiz, 1982; Tripathy and Rebeiz, 1986, 1988; Parham and Rebeiz, 1992, 1995; Kim and Rebeiz, 1996), a multibranched Chl biosynthetic heterogeneity was proposed (Rebeiz et al., 1983, 1986, 1999; Whyte and Griffiths, 1993; Kolossov and Rebeiz, 2010).Biosynthetic heterogeneity refers to the biosynthesis of a particular metabolite by an organelle, tissue, or organism via multiple biosynthetic routes. Varieties of reports lead to the assumption that Chl biosynthetic heterogeneity originates mainly in parallel DV- and MV-Chl biosynthetic routes. These routes are interconnected by 8-vinyl reductases that convert DV-tetrapyrroles to MV-tetrapyrroles by conversion of the vinyl group at position 8 of ring B to the ethyl group (Parham and Rebeiz, 1995; Rebeiz et al., 2003). DV-MPE could be converted to MV-MPE in crude homogenates from etiolated wheat (Triticum aestivum) seedlings (Ellsworth and Hsing, 1974). Exogenous DV-Pchlide could be partially converted to MV-Pchlide in barley (Hordeum vulgare) plastids (Tripathy and Rebeiz, 1988). 8-Vinyl chlorophyllide (Chlide) a reductases in etioplast membranes isolated from etiolated cucumber (Cucumis sativus) cotyledons and barley and maize (Zea mays) leaves were found to be very active in the conversion of exogenous DV-Chlide a to MV-Chlide a (Parham and Rebeiz, 1992, 1995). Kim and Rebeiz (1996) suggested that Chl biosynthetic heterogeneity in higher plants may originate at the level of DV magnesium-protoporphyrin IX (Mg-Proto) and would be mediated by the activity of a putative 8-vinyl Mg-Proto reductase in barley etiochloroplasts and plastid membranes. However, since these reports did not use purified or recombinant enzyme, it is not clear whether the reductions of the 8-vinyl groups of various Chl intermediates are catalyzed by one enzyme of broad specificity or by multiple enzymes of narrow specificity, which actually has become one of the focus issues in Chl biosynthesis.Nagata et al. (2005) and Nakanishi et al. (2005) independently identified the AT5G18660 gene of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) as an 8-vinyl reductase, namely, divinyl reductase (DVR). Chew and Bryant (2007) identified the DVR BciA (CT1063) gene of the green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium tepidum, which is homologous to AT5G18660. An enzymatic assay using a recombinant Arabidopsis DVR (AtDVR) on five DV substrates revealed that the major substrate of AtDVR is DV-Chlide a, while the other four DV substrates could not be converted to corresponding MV compounds (Nagata et al., 2007). Nevertheless, a recombinant BciA is able to reduce the 8-vinyl group of DV-Pchlide to generate MV-Pchlide (Chew and Bryant, 2007). Recently, we identified the rice (Oryza sativa) DVR encoded by Os03g22780 that has sequence similarity with the Arabidopsis DVR gene AT5G18660. We also confirmed that the recombinant rice DVR (OsDVR) is able to not only convert DV-Chlide a to MV-Chlide a but also to convert DV-Chl a to MV-Chl a (Wang et al., 2010). Thus, it is possible that the reductions of the 8-vinyl groups of various Chl biosynthetic intermediates are catalyzed by one enzyme of broad specificity.In this report, we extended our studies to four DVR proteins and five DV substrates. First, ZmDVR and CsDVR genes were isolated from maize and cucumber genomes, respectively, using a homology-based cloning approach. Second, enzymatic assays were systematically carried out using recombinant OsDVR, ZmDVR, CsDVR, and AtDVR as representative DVR proteins and using DV-Chl a, DV-Chlide a, DV-Pchlide a, DV-MPE, and DV-Mg-Proto as DV substrates. Third, we examined the in vivo accumulations of various Chl intermediates in rice, maize, and cucumber. Finally, we systematically investigated the in vivo accumulations of Chl and its various intermediates in the OsDVR (Os03g22780)-inactivated 824ys mutant of rice (Wang et al., 2010). The results strongly suggested that a single DVR protein with broad substrate specificity is responsible for reducing the 8-vinyl groups of various intermediate molecules of Chl biosynthesis in higher plants, but DVR proteins from different species could have diverse and differing substrate preferences even though they are homologous.  相似文献   

In the past few decades, in the marine realm in particular, the use of molecular tools has led to the discovery of hidden taxonomic diversity, revealing complexes of sister species. A good example is the red algal genus Asparagopsis. The two species (A. armata and A. taxiformis) recognized in this genus have been introduced in many places around the world. Within the nominal species A. taxiformis, previous molecular analyses have uncovered several lineages, suggesting the existence of sister species or subspecies. Although the genus has been well studied in some regions (e.g., the Mediterranean Sea and Hawaii), it remains poorly investigated in others (e.g., South Pacific). Our study mainly focused on these latter areas to clarify lineages and better determine lineage status (i.e., native vs. introduced). A total of 188 specimens were collected from 61 sites, 58 of which had never been sampled before. We sequenced the DNA from samples for three markers and obtained 112 sequences for the chloroplastic RuBisCo spacer, 118 sequences for the nuclear LSU rRNA gene, and 174 for the mitochondrial spacer cox2-3. Phylogenetic analyses using all three markers suggested the existence of two cryptic sister species with the discovery of a new clade within A. armata. This clade was found only in Western Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand, and is thus restricted to a subregional biogeographic unit. We also discovered a new, fifth lineage for A. taxiformis restricted to the South Pacific and Western Australia. Except for this newly described lineage, all other lineages showed a global distribution influenced by introduction events. These results illustrate the difficulty in accurately defining cosmopolitan species. Our findings also highlight the need for targeted (i.e., in poorly studied areas) and geographically extensive sampling efforts when studying taxa that have been introduced globally and that are likely to hide species complexes.  相似文献   

Plant functional traits underlie vegetation responses to environmental changes such as global warming, and consequently influence ecosystem processes. While most of the existing studies focus on the effect of warming only on species diversity and productivity, we further investigated (i) how the structure of community plant functional traits in temperate grasslands respond to experimental warming, and (ii) whether species and functional diversity contribute to a greater stability of grasslands, in terms of vegetation composition and productivity. Intact vegetation turves were extracted from temperate subalpine grassland (highland) in the Eastern Pyrenees and transplanted into a warm continental, experimental site in Lleida, in Western Catalonia (lowland). The impacts of simulated warming on plant production and diversity, functional trait structure, and vegetation compositional stability were assessed. We observed an increase in biomass and a reduction in species and functional diversity under short-term warming. The functional structure of the grassland communities changed significantly, in terms of functional diversity and community-weighted means (CWM) for several traits. Acquisitive and fast-growing species with higher SLA, early flowering, erect growth habit, and rhizomatous strategy became dominant in the lowland. Productivity was significantly positively related to species, and to a lower extent, functional diversity, but productivity and stability after warming were more dependent on trait composition (CWM) than on diversity. The turves with more acquisitive species before warming changed less in composition after warming. Results suggest that (i) the short-term warming can lead to the dominance of acquisitive fast growing species over conservative species, thus reducing species richness, and (ii) the functional traits structure in grassland communities had a greater influence on the productivity and stability of the community under short-term warming, compared to diversity effects. In summary, short-term climate warming can greatly alter vegetation functional structure and its relation to productivity.  相似文献   

Here we report the first evaluation of T-cell responses upon a second acellular pertussis booster vaccination in Dutch children at 9 years of age, 5 years after a preschool booster vaccination. Blood samples of children 9 years of age were studied longitudinally until 1 year after the second aP booster and compared with those after the first aP booster in children 4 and 6 years of age from a cross-sectional study. After stimulation with pertussis-vaccine antigens, Th1, Th2 and Th17 cytokine responses were measured and effector memory cells (CCR7-CD45RA-) were characterized by 8-colour FACS analysis. The second aP booster vaccination at pre-adolescent age in wP primed individuals did increase pertussis-specific Th1 and Th2 cytokine responses. Noticeably, almost all T-cell responses had increased with age and were already high before the booster vaccination at 9 years of age. The enhancement of T-cell immunity during the 5 year following the booster at 4 years of age is probably caused by natural boosting due to the a high circulation of pertussis. However, the incidence of pertussis is high in adolescents and adults who have only received the Dutch wP vaccine during infancy and no booster at 4 years of age. Therefore, an aP booster vaccination at adolescence or later in these populations might improve long-term immunity against pertussis and reduce the transmission to the vulnerable newborns. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Controlled-Trials.com ISRCTN64117538.  相似文献   

Surplus chimpanzees live in research laboratories where they will likely remain for the rest of their lives. An alternative to laboratory housing is an outdoor enclosure in a warm climate. Before construction, researchers should conduct a vegetation survey because chimpanzees use vegetation daily. Chimp Haven, Inc. is developing a chimpanzee sanctuary in Caddo Parish, Louisiana, and we conducted a vegetation survey at the site to 1) characterize the abundance and structure of vegetation; 2) identify plants with utility as food, nesting material, or tools; 3) determine the abundance and distribution of useful vegetation; and 4) identify any possibly hazardous vegetation. We established 48 plots, quantified the woody vegetation, and identified potentially useful and hazardous plant species from the published literature. Vegetation at the site was secondary growth from logging of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda), the most abundant tree. Other abundant trees included oak (Quercus spp.), elm (Ulmus spp.), sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), and maple (Acer spp.). Small plants (1–9.9 m tall) constituted 95% of all vegetation. Forty-one of 64 plant species have edible vegetative parts, while 35 species have edible reproductive parts. We identified 55 potential nesting trees by size (dbh ≥ 25 cm) and 4 species used as tools by captive great apes. Useful vegetation was concentrated in areas with topographic relief or in a floodplain, while flat areas with fields had less. We recommend that the floodplain be cropped for fruit and browse and enclosures encompass areas with relief and fields, creating a diverse habitat.  相似文献   

Human onchocerciasis, caused by the filarial nematode Onchocerca volvulus, is controlled almost exclusively by the drug ivermectin, which prevents pathology by targeting the microfilariae. However, this reliance on a single control tool has led to interest in vaccination as a potentially complementary strategy. Here, we describe the results of a trial in West Africa to evaluate a multivalent, subunit vaccine for onchocerciasis in the naturally evolved host-parasite relationship of Onchocerca ochengi in cattle. Naïve calves, reared in fly-proof accommodation, were immunised with eight recombinant antigens of O. ochengi, administered separately with either Freund''s adjuvant or alum. The selected antigens were orthologues of O. volvulus recombinant proteins that had previously been shown to confer protection against filarial larvae in rodent models and, in some cases, were recognised by serum antibodies from putatively immune humans. The vaccine was highly immunogenic, eliciting a mixed IgG isotype response. Four weeks after the final immunisation, vaccinated and adjuvant-treated control calves were exposed to natural parasite transmission by the blackfly vectors in an area of Cameroon hyperendemic for O. ochengi. After 22 months, all the control animals had patent infections (i.e., microfilaridermia), compared with only 58% of vaccinated cattle (P = 0.015). This study indicates that vaccination to prevent patent infection may be an achievable goal in onchocerciasis, reducing both the pathology and transmissibility of the infection. The cattle model has also demonstrated its utility for preclinical vaccine discovery, although much research will be required to achieve the requisite target product profile of a clinical candidate.  相似文献   

In the spring and summer of each year, large patches of submersed aquatic macrophytes overgrow the bottom of the alluvial Warta River downstream of a large dam reservoir owing to water management practices. Environmental variables, macroinvertebrates (zoobenthos and epiphytic fauna, zooplankton) and fish abundance and biomass were assessed at this biologically productive habitat to learn intraseasonal dynamics of food types, and their occurrence in the gut contents of small-sized roach, dace, perch, ruffe and three-spined stickleback. Gut fullness coefficient, niche breadth and niche overlap indicated how the fishes coexist in the macrophytes. Chironomidae dominated in the diet of the percids. However, ruffe consumed mostly benthic chironomids, while perch epiphytic chironomids and zooplankton. The diet of dace resembled that in fast flowing water although this rheophilic species occurred at unusual density there. The generalist roach displayed the lowest gut fullness coefficient values and widest niche breadth; consequently, intraspecific rather than interspecific competition decided the fate of roach. Three-spined stickleback differed from the other fishes by consuming epiphytic simuliids and fish eggs. The diet overlap between fishes reaching higher gut fullness coefficient values was rather low when the food associated with the submersed aquatic macrophytes was most abundant; this is congruent with the niche overlap hypothesis that maximal tolerable niche overlap can be higher in less intensely competitive conditions.  相似文献   

Survey of eighteen islands in the Stockholm archipelago from 1884–1908 was re-examined during 1996–1998 to investigate how island size, degree of isolation and human impact affect the species number, extinction and immigration rates of terrestrial vascular plants. Cattle grazing and haymaking was widely and commonly in practice on the islands, but became less intensive since the 1920s and ceased during the 1960s. In the first survey species number was positively correlated with area and negatively correlated with distance to mainland. This pattern was similar in the later survey. However, the number of surrounding islands was positively correlated with island specific species number. During the period from the first to the second survey twenty species disappeared and ninety-three appeared as new. The increased abundance of trees, bushes and shade tolerant herbs suggest that this increase in species number is the effect of an ongoing succession in the landscape. The absolute extinction rate was negatively correlated with island size and distance to mainland, while the immigration rate was positively correlated to island size. The extinction rate was negatively correlated with the distance to mainland probably due to an earlier more intense cultural exploitation closer to the mainland. Our measure of human impact, the presence of houses on islands, was not related to terrestrial plant species number or extinction rate. However, there was a trend for the immigration rate to be higher on islands with houses in 1942 than those without, indicating the importance of human activities for dispersal and/or recruitment.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) can function as signaling molecules, regulating key aspects of plant development, or as toxic compounds leading to oxidative damage. In this article, we show that the regulation of ROS production during megagametogenesis is largely dependent on MSD1, a mitochondrial Mn-superoxide dismutase. Wild-type mature embryo sacs show ROS exclusively in the central cell, which appears to be the main source of ROS before pollination. Accordingly, MSD1 shows a complementary expression pattern. MSD1 expression is elevated in the egg apparatus at maturity but is downregulated in the central cell. The oiwa mutants are characterized by high levels of ROS detectable in both the central cell and the micropylar cells. Remarkably, egg apparatus cells in oiwa show central cell features, indicating that high levels of ROS result in the expression of central cell characteristic genes. Notably, ROS are detected in synergid cells after pollination. This ROS burst depends on stigma pollination but precedes fertilization, suggesting that embryo sacs sense the imminent arrival of pollen tubes and respond by generating an oxidative environment. Altogether, we show that ROS play a crucial role during female gametogenesis and fertilization. MSD1 activity seems critical for maintaining ROS localization and important for embryo sac patterning.  相似文献   

Superficial similarities among unrelated species are often a result of convergent evolution and can cause considerable taxonomic confusion. A case in point is Satyrium eurycalcaratum , described here as a new species, which has been confused with several other Satyrium spp. with similar long‐spurred, white flowers. A phylogenetic analysis, based on molecular data, indicated that S. eurycalcaratum is not closely related to any of the species with which it has been previously confused. A comparative analysis of morphological characters in the seven South African Satyrium spp. with long‐spurred, white flowers showed that each of these, including S. eurycalcaratum , is characterized by a unique combination of traits. Despite the similarity in pollination syndrome characters, such as spur length and flower colour, variation in rostellum structure was particularly pronounced and four distinctive forms were present. There was no phylogenetic signal in patterns of interspecific rostellum variation, as some closely related species had different rostella, whereas some distantly related species shared similar rostellum structures. We therefore conclude that the use of rostellum traits in conjunction with phylogenetic evidence can resolve species delimitations among orchid species that share the same pollination syndrome. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 166 , 417–430.  相似文献   

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