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Mediating Nationalism and Archaeology: A Matter of Trust?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recognizing that the past is a property of value, archaeologists have traditionally presented themselves as "trustees" of that property. Yet they have in fact become contractors who try to divorce themselves from the consequences of their work. The two roles are very different, and there is much to be gained from re-creating the idea of archaeological trusteeship. A trustee is a disinterested protector of property for the beneficiaries; a contractor is responsible only to the signatories to the contract and has no impartial obligations. Recognizing the distinction is crucial to the argument that archaeologists can "make a difference" in how cultural property is negotiated.  相似文献   

Many biological machines function in discrete steps, and detection of such steps can provide insight into the machines’ dynamics. It is therefore crucial to develop an automated method to detect steps, and determine how its success is impaired by the significant noise usually present. A number of step detection methods have been used in previous studies, but their robustness and relative success rate have not been evaluated. Here, we compare the performance of four step detection methods on artificial benchmark data (simulating different data acquisition and stepping rates, as well as varying amounts of Gaussian noise). For each of the methods we investigate how to optimize performance both via parameter selection and via prefiltering of the data. While our analysis reveals that many of the tested methods have similar performance when optimized, we find that the method based on a chi-squared optimization procedure is simplest to optimize, and has excellent temporal resolution. Finally, we apply these step detection methods to the question of observed step sizes for cargoes moved by multiple kinesin motors in vitro. We conclude there is strong evidence for sub-8-nm steps of the cargo’s center of mass in our multiple motor records.  相似文献   

Although people often refer to quality of life and there is a respectable research tradition to establish it, the meaning of the term is unclear. In this article we qualitatively study an intervention of which the quantitative effects are documented as indecisive. We do this in order to learn more about what the meaning of the term quality of life means when it is studied in daily life. With the help of these findings we reflect on the intricacies of objectifying and measuring quality of life using quantitative research designs. Our case is the feeding tube for patients suffering from ALS, a severe motor neuron disease that rapidly and progressively incapacitates patients. We studied how these patients, who lived in the Netherlands, anticipated and lived with a feeding tube in the course of their physical deterioration. Our analysis shows that the quality of life related to the feeding tube has to be understood as a process rather than as an outcome. The feeding tube becomes a different thing as patients move through the various phases of their illness, due to changes in their condition, living circumstances, and concerns and values. There are very different appreciations of the way the feeding tube changes the body’s appearance and feel. Some patients refuse it because they feel it disfigures their body, whereas others are indifferent to its appearance. Our conclusion is that these differences are difficult to grasp with a quantitative study designs because ‘matters of taste’ and values are not distributed in a population in the same ways as physiological responses to medication. Effect studies assume physiological responses to be more or less the same for everyone, with only gradual differences. Our analysis of quality in daily life, however, shows that what a treatment comes to be and how it is valued shows shows generalities for subgroups rather than populations.  相似文献   

Foraging behavior of bumblebees has been in the past analyzedfrom two major perspectives. On the one hand, behavioral mechanismshave been studied to learn more about the animal. On the otherextreme, the animal has been used incidentally to examine optimalforaging theory (O.F.T.). Major problems have arisen when theorydesigned to answer evolutionary questions was used to determineproximal mechanisms. While O.F.T. could be highly useful inmaking predictions to point out useful problems, the bottleneckto our understanding at the present resides in the lack of experimentsthat test alternative hypotheses. Whether or not a bumblebee worker's foraging behavior is adaptive(enhances fitness), however, or is optimal (maximizes fitness)cannot yet be resolved by observations or experimentation onindividual bees. However, calculations can show the potentialenergy costs and payoffs of alternative potential foraging behaviors.Rapid progress could be made by examining the mechanisms offoraging behavior that act to enhance foraging returns, withoutworrying about whether or not the behavior is "optimal."  相似文献   

Emotions are increasingly inferred linguistically from online data with a goal of predicting off-line behavior. Yet, it is unknown whether emotions inferred linguistically from online communications correlate with actual changes in off-line activity. We analyzed all 886,000 trading decisions and 1,234,822 instant messages of 30 professional day traders over a continuous 2 year period. Linguistically inferring the traders’ emotional states from instant messages, we find that emotions expressed in online communications reflect the same distributions of emotions found in controlled experiments done on traders. Further, we find that expressed online emotions predict the profitability of actual trading behavior. Relative to their baselines, traders who expressed little emotion or traders that expressed high levels of emotion made relatively unprofitable trades. Conversely, traders expressing moderate levels of emotional activation made relatively profitable trades.  相似文献   

Mitochondria play a central role not only in energy generation but also for apoptosis. A key step in mitochondrial apoptosis is the release of mitochondrial proteins, most importantly cytochrome c. This release is orchestrated by the pro- and anti-apoptotic members of the Bcl-2 protein family. The functions of these Bcl-2 family members are clear in terms of order and of principle: the pro-apoptotic BH3-only protein group contains the triggers, which cause the activation of the effectors Bax and Bak, while the anti-apoptotic Bcl-2-like proteins prevent this activation. However, the molecular details are still insufficiently clear and the proposed models have certain gaps and are partly contradictory. We have recently presented evidence that targeting to mitochondria of at least one BH3-only protein is essential for its pro-apoptotic functions. Here we discuss how this mechanism might fit into and expand existing models and speculate about the potential implications of this finding.  相似文献   

Honey bee colonies are highly dependent upon the availability of floral resources from which they get the nutrients (notably pollen) necessary to their development and survival. However, foraging areas are currently affected by the intensification of agriculture and landscape alteration. Bees are therefore confronted to disparities in time and space of floral resource abundance, type and diversity, which might provide inadequate nutrition and endanger colonies. The beneficial influence of pollen availability on bee health is well-established but whether quality and diversity of pollen diets can modify bee health remains largely unknown. We therefore tested the influence of pollen diet quality (different monofloral pollens) and diversity (polyfloral pollen diet) on the physiology of young nurse bees, which have a distinct nutritional physiology (e.g. hypopharyngeal gland development and vitellogenin level), and on the tolerance to the microsporidian parasite Nosema ceranae by measuring bee survival and the activity of different enzymes potentially involved in bee health and defense response (glutathione-S-transferase (detoxification), phenoloxidase (immunity) and alkaline phosphatase (metabolism)). We found that both nurse bee physiology and the tolerance to the parasite were affected by pollen quality. Pollen diet diversity had no effect on the nurse bee physiology and the survival of healthy bees. However, when parasitized, bees fed with the polyfloral blend lived longer than bees fed with monofloral pollens, excepted for the protein-richest monofloral pollen. Furthermore, the survival was positively correlated to alkaline phosphatase activity in healthy bees and to phenoloxydase activities in infected bees. Our results support the idea that both the quality and diversity (in a specific context) of pollen can shape bee physiology and might help to better understand the influence of agriculture and land-use intensification on bee nutrition and health.  相似文献   

《Endocrine practice》2016,22(6):716-725
Objective: Obesity is less prevalent in Asian subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in contrast to Caucasians. Whether higher axial bone mineral density (BMD) often reported in T2DM is independent of body mass index (BMI) has not been clearly shown. BMD characterization in T2DM patients with hip fractures has also not been performed. We compared the BMD of Asian diabetic and nondiabetic patients with new hip fractures and explored how BMD was influenced by BMI.Methods: We included 255 diabetic and 148 nondiabetic patients. BMD adjusted for age; BMI; race; sex; renal function; and use of statins, proton pump inhibitors, steroids, anticonvulsants, and calcium and/or vitamin D supplements were compared between the groups. We were particularly interested in the BMD comparison between underweight diabetics and nondiabetics with hip fractures.Results: The presence of T2DM was associated with higher BMD (g/cm2) at the femoral neck (0.527 ± 0.103 vs. 0.491 ± 0.102, P<.01) and lumbar spine [LS] (0.798 ± 0.147 vs. 0.723 ± 0.156, P<.01). This association persisted after adjustment for multiple confounding variables including BMI. The age-, BMI-, and sex-adjusted LS BMD was higher in underweight (BMI <18.5 kg/m2) diabetics compared to similar weight nondiabetics (0.733 ± 0.126 vs. 0.649 ± 0.131 g/cm2, P = .014).Conclusion: T2DM is independently associated with higher axial BMD in patients with new hip fractures. The finding of higher BMD even in underweight diabetics with hip fractures compared to their nondiabetic counterparts suggests that higher BMD in subjects with T2DM is not due to higher BMI.Abbreviations:BMD = bone mineral densityBMI = body mass indexCV = coefficient of variationDXA = dual-energy X-ray absorptiometryHbA1c = glycated hemoglobinIGF-1 = insulin growth factor-1LS = lumbar spine25(OH)D = 25-hydroxyvitamin DT2DM = type 2 diabetes mellitus  相似文献   

A complete understanding of the spatio-temporal variation in phenotypic traits in natural populations requires a combination long-term field studies with experiments using captive animals. Field studies allow the formulation of realistic hypotheses, but have the disadvantage that they do not allow the complete control of many potential confounding variables. Studies with captive animals allow tests of hypotheses that cannot be examined in the field, but have the disadvantage that artificial environments may provoke abnormal behaviour. Long-term studies that follow simultaneously captive and wild bird populations are rare. In a study lasting several years, we show here the unexpected patterns that two populations with a similar breeding time in the wild have non-overlapping breeding times in outdoor aviaries, and that two wild populations separated by a short geographical distance show differences in the expression of natural behaviour in captivity. The experimental design used is exceptional in the sense that the captive populations were held at similar latitudes and altitudes as the wild populations. Our case study shows that studies with captive animals can lead to wrong conclusions if they are carried out without population field studies, and without knowledge of the natural habits and habitats of the species involved. To examine the reliability of experiments with captive animals, comparisons with findings from population field studies are essential.  相似文献   

Objective: Obesity is most common in the United States among women of ethnic minority groups (black and Hispanic). Researchers have hypothesized that these subcultures are more accepting of overweight figures. The purpose of this study was to examine body image and body size assessments in a large community sample of men and women. Research Methods and Procedures: Participants were 801 women and 428 men: 23% Asian, 45% Hispanic, 17% black, and 15% white. The figure rating scale was used to rate: body dissatisfaction, attractive male and female shapes, acceptable female size, and perceptions of underweight to obese female figures. Results: Controlling for age, education, and body weight, no ethnic differences were found for men. Asian women reported less body dissatisfaction than the other groups. Women were more dissatisfied with their size than men and chose thinner female figures as attractive and acceptable. Discussion: Ethnicity, independent of age, education, and body weight, does not influence preference for female and male shapes or tolerance for obesity.  相似文献   

Schubert L 《Bioethics》2004,18(4):361-378
Pharmacogenetics is a rapidly expanding area of research exploring the relationship between inter-individual genetic variation and drug response, with the goal of developing genetically optimised therapies. Slippery slope arguments claim that a particular action should be rejected (or supported) because it might be the first step onto a slippery slope leading to undesirable (or desirable) consequences. In this article, several slippery slope arguments relevant to the context of pharmacogenetics are evaluated under consideration of underlying reasons for their popularity. The author concludes that although the examined arguments are unconvincing as slippery slope arguments, they do matter in this context. While positive slippery slope arguments serve as a driving force to fuel the development of pharmacogenetics, their negative counterparts play an important role to sensitise policy makers and the public to potential problems.  相似文献   

Anti‐predator behavior can alter the dynamics of prey populations, but little is known about the rate at which anti‐predator behavior is lost from prey populations following predator removal. The Channel Islands differ in whether they have historically contained a top predator, the Island Fox (Urocyon littoralis), in evolutionary time (approximately 6200–10 000 yr). On a historically fox‐containing island and two historically fox‐free islands in 2007, I deployed live traps that contained olfactory cues of fox predators (fox feces), olfactory cues of an herbivore (horse feces) or a no‐feces control. Due to a captive breeding program, foxes on the historically fox‐containing island were effectively removed from 1998 to 2004. Rodents from one of the historically fox‐free islands did not respond to fox cues, whereas rodents on the historically fox‐containing island were more likely to be captured in a control trap and less likely to be captured in a fox‐cue trap. Results from the other historically fox‐free island that experienced a recent population bottleneck and period of captive rearing exhibited a preference for horse‐scented traps. These results suggest that, on islands where foxes are the primary predators, anti‐predator behavior in response to olfactory cues is not likely to be rapidly lost by short‐term removals of foxes, although the nature of anti‐predator behavior may depend upon founder events and recent population dynamics (e.g. population bottlenecks or several generations in captivity).  相似文献   

? Here, we examined whether fungal endophytes modulated host plant responses to light availability. First, we conducted a literature review to evaluate whether natural frequencies of endophyte symbiosis in grasses from shaded habitats were higher than frequencies in grasses occupying more diverse light environments. Then, in a glasshouse experiment, we assessed how four levels of light and the presence of endophyte symbioses affected the growth of six grass species. ? In our literature survey, endophytes were more commonly present in grasses restricted to shaded habitats than in grasses from diverse light environments. ? In the glasshouse, endophyte symbioses did not mediate plant growth in response to light availability. However, in the host grass, Agrostis perennans, symbiotic plants produced 53% more inflorescences than nonsymbiotic plants at the highest level of shade. In addition, under high shade, symbiotic Poa autumnalis invested more in specific leaf area than symbiont-free plants. Finally, shade increased the density of the endophyte in leaf tissues across all six grass species. ? Our results highlight the potential for symbiosis to alter the plasticity of host physiological traits, demonstrate a novel benefit of endophyte symbiosis under shade stress for one host species, and show a positive association between shade-restricted grass species and fungal endophytes.  相似文献   

During everyday life we move around busy environments and encounter a range of obstacles, such as a narrow aperture forcing us to rotate our shoulders in order to pass through. In typically developing individuals the decision to rotate the shoulders is body scaled and this movement adaptation is temporally and spatially tailored to the size of the aperture. This is done effortlessly although it actually involves many complex skills. For individuals with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) moving in a busy environment and negotiating obstacles presents a real challenge which can negatively impact on safety and participation in motor activities in everyday life. However, we have a limited understanding of the nature of the difficulties encountered. Therefore, this current study considered how adults with DCD make action judgements and movement adaptations while navigating apertures. Fifteen adults with DCD and 15 typically developing (TD) controls passed through a series of aperture sizes which were scaled to body size (0.9-2.1 times shoulder width). Spatial and temporal characteristics of movement were collected over the approach phase and while crossing the aperture. The decision to rotate the shoulders was not scaled in the same way for the two groups, with the adults with DCD showing a greater propensity to turn for larger apertures compared to the TD adults when body size alone was accounted for. However, when accounting for degree of lateral trunk movement and variability on the approach, we no longer saw differences between the two groups. In terms of the movement adaptations, the adults with DCD approached an aperture differently when a shoulder rotation was required and then adapted their movement sooner compared to their typical peers. These results point towards an adaptive strategy in adults with DCD which allows them to account for their movement difficulties and avoid collision.  相似文献   

Concanavalin A and anti-α-d-glucose antibodies form precipitin complexes with antigens havingα-d-glucose as terminal units. The sedimentation rates, molecular weights, gel electrophoretic mobilities, isoelectric points, and immunoglobulin type of Con A andα-Ab have been determined. The interactions of the compounds with antigens in the presence of potential inhibitors have been compared. The data show that the interaction of Con A with glucose units occurs with hydrogen bonding at hydroxyl groups at C1, 3,4, and 6 and van der Waals bonding at the pyranose ring oxygen. In theα-Ab complex with glucose units, in addition to the above bond types, a hydrogen bond at the hydroxyl at C2 occurs and this bond is essential for interaction.  相似文献   



Current (1999) World Health Organization guidelines recommend giving routine antibiotics (AB) for all children with severe acute malnutrition (SAM), even if they have uncomplicated disease with no clinically obvious infections. We examined the evidence behind this recommendation.

Methods and Findings

OVID-MEDLINE, EMBASE, COCHRANE, GLOBAL-HEALTH, CINAHL, POPLINE, AFRICA-WIDE-NiPAD, and LILACS were searched for AB efficacy, bacterial resistance, and infection rates in SAM. Following PRISMA guidelines, a systematic review and meta-analysis were performed. Three randomised controlled trials (RCT), five Cochrane reviews, and 37 observational studies were identified. One cohort-study showed no increase in nutritional-cure and mortality in uncomplicated SAM where no AB were used. (p>0.05). However, an unpublished RCT in this setting did show mortality benefits. Another RCT did not show superiority of ceftriaxone over amoxicilllin for these same outcomes, but adressed SAM children with and without complications (p = 0.27). Another RCT showed no difference between amoxicillin and cotrimoxazole efficacies for pneumonia in underweight, but not SAM. Our meta-analysis of 12 pooled susceptibility-studies for all types of bacterial isolates, including 2767 stricly SAM children, favoured amoxicillin over cotrimoxazole for susceptibility medians: 42% (IQR 27–55%) vs 22% (IQR 17–23%) and population-weighted-means 52.9% (range 23–57%) vs 35.4% (range 6.7–42%). Susceptibilities to second-line AB were better, above 80%. Prevalence of serious infections in SAM, pooled from 24 studies, ranged from 17% to 35.2%. No study infered any association of infection prevalence with AB regimens in SAM.


The evidence underlying current antibiotic recommendations for uncomplicated SAM is weak. Susceptibility-studies favour amoxicillin over cotrimoxazole. However, given that these antibiotics have side-effects, costs, and risks as well as benefits, their routine use needs urgent testing. With reliable monitoring, we believe that there is sufficient equipoise for placebo controlled RCTs, the only robust way to demonstrate true efficacy.  相似文献   

BackgroundSome cancer survivors develop second primary cancers. However, differences in prognosis between patients who have and have not had prior cancer have not been established. We examined and compared the prognoses of such patients.MethodsUsing the record-linked database of the population-based Cancer Registry of Osaka Prefecture and Vital Statistics in Japan, we identified patients aged ≥ 40 years who were diagnosed with stomach (n = 70,946), colorectal (n = 60,582), or lung (n = 58,016) cancers during 1995–2009. We defined these cancers as index cancers. Patients were classified into three groups according to history of prior cancer and interval between diagnosis of index and prior cancer: single (no prior cancer or interval of ≥10 years), synchronous (interval ≤3 months), and metachronous (interval 3 months to 10 years). The 5-year prognosis from index cancer diagnosis was investigated using the Kaplan–Meier method and log-rank test.Results5-year prognoses of patients with synchronous stomach and colorectal cancers were significantly worse than that of patients with single primary, about 60 % of these patients’ deaths being attributable to the prior cancer. In contrast, 5-year prognoses of patients with metachronous primaries were not significantly worse, except for men with colorectal cancer. The percentages of index cancer deaths were 1.7–4.3 times those for non-index cancer deaths.ConclusionA prior cancer contributed to an inferior prognosis in patients with synchronous stomach and colorectal cancers. The prognoses of patients with metachronous primaries were more affected by the index than by the prior cancer, whereas most of them had similar or better prognoses than did patients with a single primary. This finding would help to relieve cancer survivors’ anxiety about their development and prognosis of metachronous second primary cancer.  相似文献   

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