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Several lines of evidence implicate sexual isolation in both initiating and completing the speciation process. Although its existence is straightforward to demonstrate, understanding the evolution of sexual isolation requires identifying the underlying phenotypes responsible so that we can determine how these have diverged. Here, we study geographic variation in female mate preferences for male sexual displays in the fly Drosophila subquinaria. Female D. subquinaria that are sympatric with its sister species D. recens discriminate strongly against both D. recens and allopatric conspecific males, whereas females from allopatric populations do not. Furthermore, female mate preferences target at least in part a suite of cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) in males and geographic variation in CHCs mirrors the pattern of mate discrimination. In this study, we quantify female mate preferences for male CHCs from populations that span the geographic range of D. subquinaria. We find that the direction of linear sexual selection varies significantly between populations that are sympatric versus allopatric with D. recens in a pattern of reproductive character displacement. Differences in preference partially align with existing differences in CHCs and patterns of sexual isolation, although discrepancies remain that suggest the involvement of additional traits and/or more complex, nonlinear preference functions.  相似文献   

Mate preferences are abundant throughout the animal kingdom with female preferences receiving the most empirical and theoretical attention. Although recent work has acknowledged the existence of male mate preferences, whether they have evolved and are maintained as a direct result of selection on males or indirectly as a genetically correlated response to selection for female choice remains an open question. Using the native Australian species Drosophila serrata in which mutual mate choice occurs for a suite of contact pheromones (cuticular hydrocarbons or CHCs), we empirically test key predictions of the correlated response hypothesis. First, within the context of a quantitative genetic breeding design, we estimated the degree to which the trait values favoured by male and female choice are similar both phenotypically and genetically. The direction of sexual selection on male and female CHCs differed statistically, and the trait combinations that maximized male and female mating success were not genetically correlated, suggesting that male and female preferences target genetically different signals. Second, despite detecting significant genetic variance in female preferences, we found no evidence for genetic variance in male preferences and, as a consequence, no detectable correlation between male and female mating preferences. Combined, these findings are inconsistent with the idea that male mate choice in D. serrata is simply a correlated response to female choice. Our results suggest that male and female preferences are genetically distinct traits in this species and may therefore have arisen via different evolutionary processes.  相似文献   

Although females are traditionally thought of as the choosy sex, there is increasing evidence in many species that males will preferentially court or mate with certain females over others when given a choice. In the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, males discriminate between potential mating partners based on a number of female traits, including species, mating history, age, and condition. Interestingly, many of these male preferences are affected by the male''s previous sexual experiences, such that males increase courtship toward types of females that they have previously mated with and decrease courtship toward types of females that have previously rejected them. Dmelanogaster males also show courtship and mating preferences for larger females over smaller females, likely because larger females have higher fecundity. It is unknown, however, whether this preference shows behavioral plasticity based on the male''s sexual history as we see for other male preferences. Here, we manipulate the sexual experience of Dmelanogaster males and test whether this manipulation has any effect on the strength of male mate choice for large females. We find that sexually inexperienced males have a robust courtship preference for large females that is unaffected by previous experience mating with, or being rejected by, females of differing sizes. Given that female body size is one of the most common targets of male mate choice across insect species, our experiments with Dmelanogaster may provide insight into how these preferences develop and evolve.  相似文献   

Mate preferences are costly and are thought to evolve due to the direct and/or indirect benefits they provide. Such costs and benefits may vary in response to intrinsic and extrinsic factors with important evolutionary consequences. Limited attention has been given to quantifying such variation and understanding its causes, most notably with respect to the direction and strength of preferences for multivariate sexual displays. In Drosophila serrata, female preferences target a pheromone blend of long‐chain cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs). We used a factorial design to test whether female age and mating status generated variation in the strength and direction of sexual selection on male CHCs. Replicate choice mating trials were conducted using young and old females (4 or 10 days post‐emergence) that were either virgin or previously mated. The outcome of such trials is known to capture variation in female mate preferences, although male–male interactions may also contribute. Directional sexual selection on male CHCs was highly significant within each treatment, but there was little evidence of any variation among treatments. The absence of treatment effects implies that the multivariate combination of male CHCs preferred by females was constant with respect to female age and mating status. To the extent that male–male interactions may also contribute, our results similarly imply that these did not vary among treatments groups. With respect to D. serrata mate preferences, our results suggest that either plasticity with respect to age and mating status is not beneficial to females, or preference expression is somehow constrained.  相似文献   

Survival to low relative humidity is a complex adaptation, and many repeated instances of evolution to desiccation have been observed among Drosophila populations and species. One general mechanism for desiccation resistance is Cuticular Hydrocarbon (CHC) melting point. We performed the first Quantitative Trait Locus (QTL) map of population level genetic variation in desiccation resistance in D. melanogaster. Using a panel of Recombinant Inbred Lines (RILs) derived from a single natural population, we mapped QTL in both sexes throughout the genome. We found that in both sexes, CHCs correlated strongly with desiccation resistance. At most desiccation resistance loci there was a significant association between CHCs and desiccation resistance of the sort predicted from clinal patterns of CHC variation and biochemical properties of lipids. This association was much stronger in females than males, perhaps because of greater overall abundance of CHCs in females, or due to correlations between CHCs used for waterproofing and sexual signalling in males. CHC evolution may be a common mechanism for desiccation resistance in D. melanogaster. It will be interesting to compare patterns of CHC variation and desiccation resistance in species which adapt to desiccation, and rainforest restricted species which cannot.  相似文献   

Dietary composition is known to have profound effects on many aspects of animal physiology, including lifespan, general health, and reproductive potential. We have previously shown that aging and insulin signaling significantly influence the composition and sexual attractiveness of Drosophila melanogaster female cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs), some of which are known to be sex pheromones. Because diet is intimately linked to aging and to the activity of nutrient-sensing pathways, we asked how diet affects female CHCs and attractiveness. Here we report consistent and significant effects of diet composition on female CHC profiles across ages, with dietary yeast and sugar driving CHC changes in opposite directions. Surprisingly, however, we found no evidence that these changes affect female attractiveness. Multivariate comparisons among responses of CHC profiles to diet, aging, and insulin signaling suggest that diet may alter the levels of some CHCs in a way that results in profiles that are more attractive while simultaneously altering other CHCs in a way that makes them less attractive. For example, changes in short-chain CHCs induced by a high-yeast diet phenocopy changes caused by aging and by decreased insulin signaling, both of which result in less attractive females. On the other hand, changes in long-chain CHCs in response to the same diet result in levels that are comparable to those observed in attractive young females and females with increased insulin signaling. The effects of a high-sugar diet tend in the opposite direction, as levels of short-chain CHCs resemble those in attractive females with increased insulin signaling and changes in long-chain CHCs are similar to those caused by decreased insulin signaling. Together, these data suggest that diet-dependent changes in female CHCs may be sending conflicting messages to males.  相似文献   

Sexual signals in cactophilic Drosophila mojavensis include cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs), contact pheromones that mediate female discrimination of males during courtship. CHCs, along with male courtship songs, cause premating isolation between diverged populations, and are influenced by genotype × environment interactions caused by different host cacti. CHC profiles of mated and unmated adult flies from a Baja California and a mainland Mexico population of D. mojavensis reared on two host cacti were assayed to test the hypothesis that male CHCs mediate within‐population female discrimination of males. In multiple choice courtship trials, mated and unmated males differed in CHC profiles, indicating that females prefer males with particular blends of CHCs. Mated and unmated females significantly differed in CHC profiles as well. Adults in the choice trials had CHC profiles that were significantly different from those in pair‐mated adults from no‐choice trials revealing an influence of sexual selection. Females preferred different male CHC blends in each population, but the influence of host cactus on CHC variation was significant only in the mainland population indicating population‐specific plasticity in CHCs. Different groups of CHCs mediated female choice‐based sexual selection in each population suggesting that geographical and ecological divergence has the potential to promote divergence in mate communication systems.  相似文献   

Despite a dramatic increase in empirical estimates of phenotypic selection over the past two decades, we remain remarkably ignorant about variation in the multivariate fitness surfaces that shape the adaptive landscape. We develop a novel approach for quantifying patterns of spatial and/or temporal variation in multivariate selection that directly compares vectors of linear selection gradients (beta) and matrices of nonlinear selection gradients (gamma) that describe the multivariate fitness surface in each population. We apply this approach to estimates of sexual selection on a suite of cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) in males and females from nine geographic populations of Drosophila serrata. In males, variation in linear sexual selection was associated with the presence of the related species Drosophila birchii, suggesting that female mate preferences for male CHCs differ between sympatry and allopatry. This is consistent with previous experimental results suggesting that reproductive character displacement of male CHCs has resulted from selection caused by the presence of D. birchii. No significant associations were found for nonlinear sexual selection in males. In females, large-scale variation in both linear and nonlinear sexual selection was negatively associated with assumed-neutral population genetic structure, suggesting a key role for chance events in male mate preference divergence.  相似文献   

Males of the fly Drosophila melanogaster initially court mated, unreceptive females but later develop an avoidance reaction against them and even become temporally unresponsive to virgin females. This conditioned inhibition has been described as an associative process, the conditioned stimulus being a mixture of pheromones on the female's cuticle. To assess the evolutionary significance of courtship conditioning we recorded and analysed the male's behaviour during the conditioning process. The time traces of individual males were marked by an abrupt behavioural change. The time he spent courting suddenly decreased, and the frequency of ‘turn-away’ events at the same time sharply increased. Thus, the gradual decline of courtship observed as a group average does not reflect a slow change in motivation of the individual male but rather the interindividual differences of an active, experience-guided all-or-none decision to stop courting and to avoid the female. Three recently collected D. melanogaster strains were each maintained under two distinct mating conditions. Males were kept together with females for either ca. 2 weeks or 18 h. After 21 generations males of the two regimes differed markedly in their behaviour towards mated females. With long interaction periods between males and females, selection favoured courtship conditioning, while with short periods no such selection was observed. Slowly recovering receptivity of mated females may be needed for the maintenance of courtship conditioning. Courtship conditioning in D. melanogaster appears to be a fitness-relevant behaviour adapted to high-density populations with females mating a second time.  相似文献   

The well-known phenotypic diversity of male sexual displays, and the high levels of genetic variation reported for individual display traits have generated the expectation that male display traits, and consequently male mating success, are highly evolvable. It has not been shown however that selection for male mating success, exerted by female preferences in an unmanipulated population, results in evolutionary change. Here, we tested the expectation that male mating success is highly evolvable in Drosophila bunnanda using an experimental evolution approach. Female D. bunnanda exhibit a strong, consistent preference for a specific combination of male cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs). We used female preference to select for male mating success by propagating replicate populations from either attractive or unattractive males over 10 generations. Neither the combination of CHCs under sexual selection (the sexual signal) nor male mating success itself evolved. The lack of a response to selection was consistent with previous quantitative genetic experiments in D. bunnanda that demonstrated the virtual absence of genetic variance in the combination of CHCs under sexual selection. Persistent directional selection, such as applied by female mate choice, may erode genetic variance, resulting in multitrait evolutionary limits.  相似文献   

Processes that affect the evolution of female preferences or male display traits involved in mating decisions in different geographic areas have the potential to result in within-species divergence. This could occur via reinforcement of mate recognition in species using the same traits for species recognition and sexual selection. Sympatric individuals experience reinforcement of female preferences and male display traits, whereas allopatric individuals do not, creating the potential for divergent sexual selection in sympatric and allopatric populations. Sexual selection operates on the cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) of Drosophila serrata, and reinforcement on the CHCs of populations sympatric with D. birchii. Here, we manipulate sexual selection in D. serrata populations generated by hybridizing natural sympatric and allopatric populations. Under the influence of sexual selection, male CHCs evolved from an intermediate phenotype to resemble an allopatric phenotype, which was driven by female choice. Additionally, female choice resulted in evolution of an allopatric female preference, so that allopatric males were preferred to sympatric males. Allopatric CHCs and preferences represent a sexual selection optimum via female choice. Sympatric populations display suboptimal phenotypes relative to their allopatric conspecifics. The combination of reinforcement and sexual selection can therefore generate divergence in female preferences and male display traits.  相似文献   

The coevolution of extravagant male traits and female mate preferences is a central tenet of sexual selection theory. In lineages in which males have developed more elaborate sexual characters, females favour the most extreme expression of the trait. In some taxa, however, ornamental displays have evolved from more to less exaggerated states. Under these circumstances, it is unclear whether females show preferences for an ancestral male condition or for the current, less elaborate display. Here, we tested female mate preferences relative to male ornamental coloration in two species of cardueline finch (the American goldfinch, Carduelis tristis, and pine siskin, Carduelis pinus) that have evolved less elaborate carotenoid-based colour displays from more elaborately coloured ancestral states. We presented females of each species with a choice of males having either large patches of red colour (the elaborate, ancestral condition) or with species-typical patches of yellow colour (the less elaborate, derived state). Female goldfinches and siskins showed consistent preferences for the natural colour displays of males, and not for the more elaborate, ancestral colour pattern. Previous research on another cardueline finch taxon (a subspecies of the house finch, Carpodacus mexicanus griscomi), however, showed that females prefer more elaborate, ancestral coloration to the current form of reduced colour expression. The lack of congruence between male trait expression and female trait preference in the lineage with the most recently derived reduction in trait expression suggests that there may be evolutionary lags in the correspondence between male traits and female preferences. A shift in the expression of male coloration appears to be the first step towards the evolution of reduced colour displays in these finches.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the influence of female size on mating success in Drosophila melanogaster. The results that were obtained from experiments performed in mating chambers allowed us to confirm the results of previous studies, demonstrating higher mating success of larger D. melanogaster males, and to conclude that female size also affects mating success, either when considering a single male or two competing males. We observed that the advantage for larger males depends on their size relative to that of the female, demonstrating a previously unknown role for female size in mating behavior studies. This effect of female size on mating success depends on various factors: males take longer to initiate courtship toward larger females, large females receive more wing vibrations from males prior to mating, and large females tend to keep moving for longer periods during male courtship. The importance of this finding is discussed in the context of recent reports on sexual conflict in D. melanogaster, in which males were observed to depress fitness in females as a result of intercourse.  相似文献   

Mated Drosophila melanogaster females show a decrease in mating receptivity, enhanced ovogenesis, egg-laying and activation of juvenile hormone (JH) production. Components in the male seminal fluid, especially the sex peptide ACP70A stimulate these responses in females. Here we demonstrate that ACP70A is involved in the down-regulation of female sex pheromones and hydrocarbon (CHC) production. Drosophila G10 females which express Acp70A under the control of the vitellogenin gene yp1, produced fewer pheromones and CHCs. There was a dose-dependent relationship between the number of yp1-Acp70A alleles and the reduction of these compounds. Similarly, a decrease in CHCs and diene pheromones was observed in da > Acp70A flies that ubiquitously overexpress Acp70A. Quantitative-PCR experiments showed that the expression of Acp70A in G10 females was the same as in control males and 5 times lower than in da > Acp70A females.Three to four days after injection with 4.8 pmol ACP70A, females from two different strains, exhibited a significant decrease in CHC and pheromone levels. Similar phenotypes were observed in ACP70A injected flies whose ACP70A receptor expression was knocked-down by RNAi and in flies which overexpress ACP70A N-terminal domain. These results suggest that the action of ACP70A on CHCs could be a consequence of JH activation. Female flies exposed to a JH analog had reduced amounts of pheromones, whereas genetic ablation of the corpora allata or knock-down of the JH receptor Met, resulted in higher amounts of both CHCs and pheromonal dienes.Mating had negligible effects on CHC levels, however pheromone amounts were slightly reduced 3 and 4 days post copulation. The physiological significance of ACP70A on female pheromone synthesis is discussed.  相似文献   

The evolutionary basis for female mate choice in lek mating systems has been a common subject of research in animal behaviour. Because males apparently provide only gametes to females in lekking species, most research has focused on possible indirect (genetic) benefits that females might gain by discriminating among males. Despite the emphasis on indirect benefits, it has been recognized that females in non-resource-based systems such as leks could potentially gain direct benefits via mate choice if males varied in fertilization abilities, for example. Previous evidence has shown that females of a lekking Hawaiian Drosophila, D. grimshawi, vary in fecundity when mated to certain males, and that females possess preferences for vigorously courting males. This study tests the hypothesis that D. grimshawi females gain direct benefits by preferentially mating with more sexually vigorous males. Male courtship vigour (performance of wing and head-under-wing displays) and the consequences of female choice on offspring production were evaluated separately using different females. Unexpectedly, matings involving more vigorously courting males resulted in fewer offspring being produced. Reduced offspring number resulted because females laid fewer eggs when mating with males having greater courtship success. These results are discussed in light of sexual conflict and possible multiple mating by females. Females also demonstrated considerable variation in mating behaviour and behavioural variation was correlated with mating benefits. Copyright 2003 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.   相似文献   

Male mate choice has been reported in the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, even though males of this species were previously thought to maximise their fitness by mating with all available females. To understand the evolution of male mate choice it is important to understand variation in male mating preferences. Two studies, using different stock populations and different methods, have reported contrasting patterns of variation in male mate choice in D. melanogaster. Two possible explanations are that there are evolved differences in each stock population or that the methods used to measure choice could have biased the results. We investigated these hypotheses here by repeating the methods used in one study in which variable male mate choice was found, using the stock population from the other study in which choice was not variable. The results showed a significant resource-independent male preference for less fecund, smaller females, which contrasts with previous observations of male mate choice. This indicates that different selection pressures between populations have resulted in evolved differences in the expression of male mate choice. It also reveals phenotypic plasticity in male mate choice in response to cues encountered in each choice environment. The results highlight the importance of variation in male mate choice, and of identifying mechanisms in order to understand the evolution of mate choice under varying ecological conditions.  相似文献   

Based on studies of the influence of X-chromosomes on the viability of Drosophila melanogaster exposed to cadmium, and on the role of X-linked genes on copper homeostasis, we examined the effect of copper sulfate (CuSO4) on offspring viability using three independent, inbred D. melanogaster crosses (ensuring identical autosomes for males and females within each cross). Each cross was performed with attached X-chromosome females and males with a single X-chromosome. As female D. melanogaster have less metallothionein RNA expression than males, we predicted fewer female offspring than male offspring in crosses exposed to CuSO4, even though females have two copies of X-chromosome genes, possibly resulting in overdominant heterozygosity. In two of three crosses, CuSO4 caused significantly higher numbers of male offspring compared to female offspring. We hypothesized that these gender-based viability differences to copper exposure are caused by X-chromosome ploidy and X-linked genetic variation affecting metallothionein expression. Observed differential offspring viability responses among crosses to copper exposure also showed that different genetic backgrounds (autosomal and/or X-chromosome) can result in significant differences in heavy metal and metallothionein regulation. These results suggest that the effect of copper on offspring viability depends on both genetic background and gender, as both factors can affect the regulation of metallothionein proteins as well as homeostasis of biologically necessary heavy metals.  相似文献   

Adaptive mate choice by females is an important component of sexual selection in many species. The evolutionary consequences of male mate preferences, however, have received relatively little study, especially in the context of sexual conflict, where males often harm their mates. Here, we describe a new and counterintuitive cost of sexual selection in species with both male mate preference and sexual conflict via antagonistic male persistence: male mate choice for high-fecundity females leads to a diminished rate of adaptive evolution by reducing the advantage to females of expressing beneficial genetic variation. We then use a Drosophila melanogaster model system to experimentally test the key prediction of this theoretical cost: that antagonistic male persistence is directed toward, and harms, intrinsically higher-fitness females more than it does intrinsically lower-fitness females. This asymmetry in male persistence causes the tails of the population''s fitness distribution to regress towards the mean, thereby reducing the efficacy of natural selection. We conclude that adaptive male mate choice can lead to an important, yet unappreciated, cost of sex and sexual selection.  相似文献   

Non-random female mating preferences may contribute to the maintenance of phenotypic variation in color polymorphic species. However, the effect of female preference depends on the types of male traits used as signals by receptive females. If preference signals derive from discrete male traits (i.e., morph-specific), female preferences may rapidly fix to a morph. However, female preference signals may also include condition-dependent male traits. In this scenario, female preference may differ depending on the social context (i.e., male morph availability). Male tree lizards (Urosaurus ornatus) exhibit a dewlap color polymorphism that covaries with mating behavior. Blue morph males are aggressive and defend territories, yellow males are less aggressive and defend smaller territories, and orange males are typically nomadic. Female U. ornatus are also polymorphic in dewlap color, but the covariation between dewlap color and female behavior is unknown. We performed an experiment to determine how female mate choice depends on the visual and chemical signals produced by males. We also tested whether female morphs differ in their preferences for these signals. Female preferences involved both male dewlap color and size of the ventral color patch. However, the female morphs responded to these signals differently and depended on the choice between the types of male morphs. Our experiment revealed that females may be capable of distinguishing among the male morphs using chemical signals alone. Yellow females exhibit preferences based on both chemical and visual signals, which may be a strategy to avoid ultra-dominant males. In contrast, orange females may prefer dominant males. We conclude that female U. ornatus morphs differ in mating behavior. Our findings also provide evidence for a chemical polymorphism among male lizards in femoral pore secretions.  相似文献   

Cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) play an essential role in mate recognition in insects but the form and intensity of sexual selection on CHCs has only been evaluated in a handful of studies, and never in a natural population. We quantified sexual selection operating on CHCs in a wild population of sagebrush crickets, a species in which nuptial feeding by females imposes an unambiguous phenotypic marker on males. Multivariate selection analysis revealed a saddle-shaped fitness surface, suggesting a complex interplay between the total abundance of CHCs and specific CHC combinations in their influence on female choice. The fitness surface resulting from two axes of disruptive selection reflected a trade-off between short- and long-chained CHCs, suggesting that males may be sacrificing some level of desiccation resistance in favour of increased attractiveness. There was a significant correlation between male body size and total CHC abundance, suggesting that male CHCs provide females with a reliable cue for maximizing benefits obtained from males. Notwithstanding the conspicuousness of males’ acoustic signals, our results suggest that selection imposed on males via female mating preferences may be far more complex than previously appreciated and operating in multiple sensory modalities.  相似文献   

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