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Cyatta abscondita, a new genus and species of fungus-farming ant from Brazil, is described based on morphological study of more than 20 workers, two dealate gynes, one male, and two larvae. Ecological field data are summarized, including natural history, nest architecture, and foraging behavior. Phylogenetic analyses of DNA sequence data from four nuclear genes indicate that Cyatta abscondita is the distant sister taxon of the genus Kalathomyrmex, and that together they comprise the sister group of the remaining neoattine ants, an informal clade that includes the conspicuous and well-known leaf-cutter ants. Morphologically, Cyatta abscondita shares very few obvious character states with Kalathomyrmex. It does, however, possess a number of striking morphological features unique within the fungus-farming tribe Attini. It also shares morphological character states with taxa that span the ancestral node of the Attini. The morphology, behavior, and other biological characters of Cyatta abscondita are potentially informative about plesiomorphic character states within the fungus-farming ants and about the early evolution of ant agriculture.  相似文献   

The efficient investment of resources is often the route to ecological success, and the adaptability of resource investment may play a critical role in promoting biodiversity. The ants of the “hyperdiverse” genus Pheidole produce two discrete sterile castes, soldiers and minor workers. Within Pheidole, there is tremendous interspecific variation in proportion of soldiers. The causes and correlates of caste ratio variation among species of Pheidole remain enigmatic. Here we test whether a body size threshold model accounts for interspecific variation in caste ratio in Pheidole, such that species with larger body sizes produce relatively fewer soldiers within their colonies. We evaluated the caste ratio of 26 species of Pheidole and found that the body size of workers accounts for interspecific variation in the production of soldiers as we predicted. Twelve species sampled from one forest in Costa Rica yielded the same relationship as found in previously published data from many localities. We conclude that production of soldiers in the most species-rich group of ants is regulated by a body size threshold mechanism, and that the great variation in body size and caste ratio in Pheidole plays a role in niche divergence in this rapidly evolving taxon.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships of five taxa of Clivia, one probablenew species plus four recognized species, and three outgroupspecies were studied using sequences of the nuclear ribosomal5S non-transcribed spacer and the internal transcribed spacer(ITS) of 45S rDNA. Analysis of the data sets separately generatedsome well-supported groupings and congruent phylogenies. Cliviaminiata and C. gardenii are closely related. ‘Robust Gardenii’,the putative new species, is a sister clade of this group. Clivianobilis is distantly related to these three taxa and C. caulescensoccupies an intermediate position between the two groups. Chromosomelocations and distribution patterns of the 5S nuclear ribosomalgene in the species of Clivia were investigated using fluorescenceinsitu hybridization (FISH). In all species, only one pair of5S rDNA signals was observed. These were located on the shortarm of chromosome 8, at the position of the interstitial C-bands.The phylogenies obtained from the DNA sequences together withthe chromosome data accumulated here and previously publishedinformation on the location of the 45S rDNA sites have beenused to postulate evolutionary trends in Clivia chromosomes.Copyright 2001 Annals of Botany Company Clivia, chromosome evolution, 45S and 5S rDNA, ITS, FISH, molecular phylogeny  相似文献   

The genus Listeria includes (i) the opportunistic pathogens L. monocytogenes and L. ivanovii, (ii) the saprotrophs L. innocua, L. marthii, and L. welshimeri, and (iii) L. seeligeri, an apparent saprotroph that nevertheless typically contains the prfA virulence gene cluster. A novel 10-loci multilocus sequence typing scheme was developed and used to characterize 67 isolates representing six Listeria spp. (excluding L. grayi) in order to (i) provide an improved understanding of the phylogeny and evolution of the genus Listeria and (ii) use Listeria as a model to study the evolution of pathogenicity in opportunistic environmental pathogens. Phylogenetic analyses identified six well-supported Listeria species that group into two main subdivisions, with each subdivision containing strains with and without the prfA virulence gene cluster. Stochastic character mapping and phylogenetic analysis of hly, a gene in the prfA cluster, suggest that the common ancestor of the genus Listeria contained the prfA virulence gene cluster and that this cluster was lost at least five times during the evolution of Listeria, yielding multiple distinct saprotrophic clades. L. welshimeri, which appears to represent the most ancient clade that arose from an ancestor with a prfA cluster deletion, shows a considerably lower average sequence divergence than other Listeria species, suggesting a population bottleneck and a putatively different ecology than other saprotrophic Listeria species. Overall, our data suggest that, for some pathogens, loss of virulence genes may represent a selective advantage, possibly by facilitating adaptation to a specific ecological niche.Population genetics-based and phylogenetic studies have greatly contributed to the understanding of the evolutionary history and ecology of bacterial pathogens. In particular, multilocus sequence analyses (MLSA) and single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-based population genetics research have revealed the microevolutionary patterns of species complexes like the Bacillus cereus complex (12) or the microevolution of well-known pathogens like Yersinia pestis (2), Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi (57), and Mycobacterium tuberculosis (18). One of the common findings of these studies is that obligate pathogens generally have a genetically clonal population structure as inferred by MLSA (1), while the population structure of free-living facultative pathogenic bacteria is characterized by relatively high genetic variability (12, 70). It has been hypothesized that these differences in population structure are related to the fact that some obligate pathogens represent epidemic clones (38), i.e., clonal lineages whose members have an epidemiological advantage compared to other lineages and are therefore able to quickly spread within the population. Because this dispersal of the members of an epidemic clone occurs rapidly, there is not enough time to accumulate mutations.In this paper we present a phylogenetic and population genetics study of the genus Listeria. This genus consists of six closely related pathogenic (L. monocytogenes and L. ivanovii) and nonpathogenic (L. innocua, L. welshimeri, L. seeligeri, and a newly described species, L. marthii) species as well as a distantly related species, L. grayi (22). Another new species, L. rocourtiae, has been recently reported (33), but isolates were not available for inclusion in the study reported here. Because of the distant phylogenetic relatedness of L. grayi to the other Listeria species, it has been suggested that this species should be put in a separate genus, Murraya (63); L. grayi was thus not included in our study reported here. L. monocytogenes and L. ivanovii are facultative pathogens of warm-blooded animals and are the causative agents of a severe infectious disease, listeriosis (67). While L. monocytogenes has a wide host range, including humans, the host range of L. ivanovii seems to be largely restricted to ruminants, in particular sheep (13), even though some human listeriosis cases caused by L. ivanovii have been reported (34).Key virulence genes in Listeria include (i) six genes (prfA, plcA, hly, mpl, actA, and plcB) clustered in a genomic element, designated the prfA virulence cluster or the Listeria pathogenicity island (LiPI), and (ii) members of the internalin family (61). Genes in the prfA cluster encode functions that that are necessary for inter- and intracellular motility and intracellular survival in the host cell. While some internalin genes encode proteins essential for host cell invasion (e.g., inlA and inlB) (3), inlC has recently been shown to encode a protein critical for cell-to-cell spread (52), and the functions of a number of other internalin proteins still remain to be elucidated (40). A number of internalin genes are also organized in clusters, including the inlAB operon, the inlGHE operon (which can also be present as an inlGC2DE or as an inlC2DE operon), which is found in L. monocytogenes and an L. ivanovii species-specific pathogenicity island encoding sphingomyelinase and numerous internalins (13). Importantly, the presence or absence of the prfA cluster and virulence characteristics can also be used to classify Listeria species and clades into three groups, including (i) species that do contain the prfA virulence cluster and are known pathogens, like L. monocytogenes and L. ivanovii, (ii) species that lack the prfA virulence cluster and are nonpathogenic (L. marthii and L. welshimeri), and (iii) species in which the presence of the prfA virulence cluster varies by strain. The last group contains L. seeligeri, which is nonpathogenic, although the majority of strains in the population contain the prfA virulence cluster (69), and L. innocua, which is also nonpathogenic, and although most strains lack the prfA virulence cluster, a small proportion of strains do carry this cluster (31, 68). The facts that the genus Listeria contains closely related nonpathogenic and pathogenic species and that strains with and without the prfA cluster within the same species make this genus an interesting model system for studies on the evolution of pathogenicity in opportunistic environmental pathogens. In addition, an improved understanding of the phylogeny and evolution of pathogenic and nonpathogenic Listeria spp. will also help in the development of appropriate assays for the specific detection and identification of human and animal pathogenic Listeria strains as well as regulations and intervention strategies that specifically target pathogenic species and strains.  相似文献   

We performed a molecular phylogenetic study based on the nuclear ribosomal internal and external transcribed spacer (ITS and ETS). Thirty-one annualMedicagospecies were included in the study, representing more than half of the genus and 85% of the annuals of the genus. Major incongruences were found between phylogenetic relationships and morphological classification of the genus. Morphological and cytological traits were mapped onto the phylogeny. The most parsimonious reconstruction suggested an ancestral spiny state and a recurrent transition from spiny to spineless state. From the ancestral state of 2n=16, three loss events of chromosomes must have occurred leading to the same specific number of 14 chromosomes whereas species having 30 chromosomes form a monophyletic clade.  相似文献   

The circadian clock is a core molecular mechanism that allows organisms to anticipate daily environmental changes and adapt the timing of behaviors to maximize efficiency. In social insects, the ability to maintain the appropriate temporal order is thought to improve colony efficiency and fitness. We used the newly sequenced fire ant (Solenopsis invicta) genome to characterize the first ant circadian clock. Our results reveal that the fire ant clock is similar to the clock of the honeybee, a social insect with an independent evolutionary origin of sociality. Gene trees for the eight core clock genes, period, cycle, clock, cryptochrome-m, timeout, vrille, par domain protein 1 & clockwork orange, show ant species grouping closely with honeybees and Nasonia wasps as an outgroup to the social Hymenoptera. Expression patterns for these genes suggest that the ant clock functions similar to the honeybee clock, with period and cry-m mRNA levels increasing during the night and cycle and clockwork orange mRNAs cycling approximately anti-phase to period. Gene models for five of these genes also parallel honeybee models. In particular, the single ant cryptochrome is an ortholog of the mammalian-type (cry-m), rather than Drosophila-like protein (cry-d). Additionally, we find a conserved VPIFAL C-tail region in clockwork orange shared by insects but absent in vertebrates. Overall, our characterization of the ant clock demonstrates that two social insect lineages, ants and bees, share a similar, mammalian-like circadian clock. This study represents the first characterization of clock genes in an ant and is a key step towards understanding socially-regulated plasticity in circadian rhythms by facilitating comparative studies on the organization of circadian clockwork.  相似文献   

Four strains of a novel ascomycetous yeast species were recovered from the frass of wood-boring beetles collected from the Baotianman Nature Reserve and the Laojieling Nature Reserve in Henan Province, China. This species produced unconjugated and deliquescent asci with hemispheroid or helmet-shaped ascospores. Analysis of gene sequences for the D1/D2 domain of the large subunit (LSU) rRNA, as well as analysis of concatenated gene sequences for the nearly complete small subunit (SSU) rRNA and D1/D2 domain of the large subunit (LSU) rRNA placed the novel species in a small clade including only one recognised species, Candida insectamans, in the family Debaryomycetaceae (Saccharomycotina, Ascomycota). DNA sequence analyses demonstrated that the novel species was distinct from all currently recognised teleomorphic yeast genus. The name Hemisphaericaspora nanyangensis gen nov., sp. nov. is proposed to accommodate the novel genus and species. The new genus can be distinguished from closely related teleomorphic genera Lodderomyces and Spathaspora through sequence comparison and ascospore morphology. The ex-type strain of H. nanyangensis is CBS 13020T ( = CICC 33021 = NYNU 13717). Furthermore, based on phenotypic and genotypic characteristics, C. insectamans is transferred to the newly described genus as Hemisphaericaspora insectamans comb. nov., in accordance with the changes in the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi and plants.  相似文献   

The Evolution of Cultural Diversity:. Phylogenetic Approach . Ruth Mace, Clare J. Holden, and Stephen Shennan, eds. Oxford, U.K.: Cavendish Publishing, 2005. 291 pp.  相似文献   

Many cancers are aneuploid. However, the precise role that chromosomal instability plays in the development of cancer and in the response of tumours to treatment is still hotly debated. Here, to explore this question from a theoretical standpoint we have developed an agent-based model of tissue homeostasis in which to test the likely effects of whole chromosome mis-segregation during cancer development. In stochastic simulations, chromosome mis-segregation events at cell division lead to the generation of a diverse population of aneuploid clones that over time exhibit hyperplastic growth. Significantly, the course of cancer evolution depends on genetic linkage, as the structure of chromosomes lost or gained through mis-segregation events and the level of genetic instability function in tandem to determine the trajectory of cancer evolution. As a result, simulated cancers differ in their level of genetic stability and in their growth rates. We used this system to investigate the consequences of these differences in tumour heterogeneity for anti-cancer therapies based on surgery and anti-mitotic drugs that selectively target proliferating cells. As expected, simulated treatments induce a transient delay in tumour growth, and reveal a significant difference in the efficacy of different therapy regimes in treating genetically stable and unstable tumours. These data support clinical observations in which a poor prognosis is correlated with a high level of chromosome mis-segregation. However, stochastic simulations run in parallel also exhibit a wide range of behaviours, and the response of individual simulations (equivalent to single tumours) to anti-cancer therapy prove extremely variable. The model therefore highlights the difficulties of predicting the outcome of a given anti-cancer treatment, even in cases in which it is possible to determine the genotype of the entire set of cells within the developing tumour.  相似文献   

The study of rates of nucleotide substitution in RNA viruses is central to our understanding of their evolution. Herein we report a comprehensive analysis of substitution rates in 50 RNA viruses using a recently developed maximum likelihood phylogenetic method. This analysis revealed a significant relationship between genetic divergence and isolation time for an extensive array of RNA viruses, although more rate variation was usually present among lineages than would be expected under the constraints of a molecular clock. Despite the lack of a molecular clock, the range of statistically significant variation in overall substitution rates was surprisingly narrow for those viruses where a significant relationship between genetic divergence and time was found, as was the case when synonymous sites were considered alone, where the molecular clock was rejected less frequently. An analysis of the ecological and genetic factors that might explain this rate variation revealed some evidence of significantly lower substitution rates in vector-borne viruses, as well as a weak correlation between rate and genome length. Finally, a simulation study revealed that our maximum likelihood estimates of substitution rates are valid, even if the molecular clock is rejected, provided that sufficiently large data sets are analyzed. Received: 23 February 2001 / Accepted: 3 July 2001  相似文献   

Haemophilus ducreyi, the etiologic agent of chancroid, has been previously reported to show genetic variance in several key virulence factors, placing strains of the bacterium into two genetically distinct classes. Recent studies done in yaws-endemic areas of the South Pacific have shown that H. ducreyi is also a major cause of cutaneous limb ulcers (CLU) that are not sexually transmitted. To genetically assess CLU strains relative to the previously described class I, class II phylogenetic hierarchy, we examined nucleotide sequence diversity at 11 H. ducreyi loci, including virulence and housekeeping genes, which encompass approximately 1% of the H. ducreyi genome. Sequences for all 11 loci indicated that strains collected from leg ulcers exhibit DNA sequences homologous to class I strains of H. ducreyi. However, sequences for 3 loci, including a hemoglobin receptor (hgbA), serum resistance protein (dsrA), and a collagen adhesin (ncaA) contained informative amounts of variation. Phylogenetic analyses suggest that these non-sexually transmitted strains of H. ducreyi comprise a sub-clonal population within class I strains of H. ducreyi. Molecular dating suggests that CLU strains are the most recently developed, having diverged approximately 0.355 million years ago, fourteen times more recently than the class I/class II divergence. The CLU strains'' divergence falls after the divergence of humans from chimpanzees, making it the first known H. ducreyi divergence event directly influenced by the selective pressures accompanying human hosts.  相似文献   

运用分支分类学方法对天南星属进行了系统发育分析,以天南星属13个组为13个分支分类单位,选择菖蒲属作为外类群,从天南星属植物特征中选取13个性状作为建立数据矩阵的基本资料,并以外类群比较和通行的形态演化规律为依据这些性状进行极化,采用改进后的最大同步法和最小平行进化法进行分类运算,按照最简约的原则,选出演化长度较短的最大同步法谱分支图,作为本文讨论的基础,并在此基础上,探讨了天南星属各组的系统关系。  相似文献   

This paper reports chromosome numbers of ten species and one variety of the genus Campylotropis from China (Table 1, Plate 1 ). They are C. argentea Schindl., C. bonatiana( pamp: ) Schindl., C. henryi Schindl., C. hirtella (Franch.)Schindl., C. macrocarpa(Bunge )Rehd., C. diversifolia( Hemsl. )Schindl., C. polyantha (Franch.) Schindl., C. polyantha( Franch. )Schindl. var. leiocarpa ( Pamp. ) Pet. -Stib., c. prainii ( Coll. et Hemal. ) Schindl., C. pinetorum (kurz)Schindl. ssp. velutina (Dunn)Schindl., c. trigonoclada(Franch. ) Schindl. The chromosome numbers of these ten species are all 2n= 22 or n= 11, but a few individuals in C. polyantha(Franch. )Schindl. var. leiocarpa(Pamp. )Pet. -Stib., were found aneuploid with 2n=23. The chromosome numbers of c. polyantha and C. macrocarpa have been reported by Maw-shing (1986)andLee(1972), while those of all the other species are first reported.  相似文献   

Shell matrix proteins (SMPs) that are embedded within calcified layers of mollusc shells are believed to play an essential role in controlling the biomineral synthesis and in increasing its mechanical properties. Among the wide diversity of mollusc shell textures, nacro-prismatic shells represent a tremendous opportunity for the investigation of the SMP evolution. Indeed, nacro-prismatic texture appears early in Cambrian molluscs and is still present in the shell of some bivalves, gastropods, cephalopods and very likely also, of some monoplacophorans. One key question is to know whether these shells are constructed from similar matrix protein assemblages, i.e. whether they share a common origin. Most of the molecular data published so far are restricted to two genera, the bivalve Pinctada and the gastropod Haliotis. The shell protein content of these two genera are clearly different, suggesting independent origins or considerable genetic drift from a common ancestor. In order to describe putatively conserved mollusc shell proteins, here we have investigated the SMP set of a new bivalve model belonging to another genera, the edible mussel Mytilus, using an up-to-date proteomic approach based on the interrogation of more than 70,000 EST sequences, recently available from NCBI public databases. We describe nine novel SMPs, among which three are completely novel, four are homologues of Pinctada SMPs and two are very likely homologues of Haliotis SMPs. This latter result constitutes the first report of conserved SMPs between bivalves and gastropods. More generally, our data suggest that mollusc SMP set may follow a mosaic pattern within the different mollusc models (Mytilus, Pinctada, Haliotis). We discuss the function of such proteins in calcifying matrices, the molecular evolution of SMP genes and the origin of mollusc nacro-prismatic SMPs.  相似文献   

本研究报道单肠目Rhabdocoela斯库台科Scutariellidae斯库台涡虫属Scutariella新种:中国斯库台涡虫,新种Scutariella sinensis sp.nov.,对其进行了形态学、分子系统学等研究。新种的主要鉴别特征:(1)二支卵黄腺在背部两侧沿肠管分布,在近肠后部愈合,整体呈"U"型;(2)生殖孔位于肠前端腹侧;(3)咽腺丰富,位于咽肠交界处的两侧;(4)精巢、卵巢位于肠道前1/3腹侧。新种的18S rDNA和28S rDNA分子系统发生研究首次提供了切头类斯库台科的分子数据,确定切头亚目Temnocephalida的分类地位及该亚目与吸虫类的进化关系。  相似文献   

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