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Luttge BG  Moyer RW 《Journal of virology》2005,79(14):9168-9179
The orthopoxvirus serpin SPI-1 is an intracellular serine protease inhibitor that is active against cathepsin G in vitro. Rabbitpox virus (RPV) mutants with deletions of the SPI-1 gene grow on monkey kidney cells (CV-1) but do not plaque on normally permissive human lung carcinoma cells (A549). This reduced-host-range (hr) phenotype suggests that SPI-1 may interact with cellular and/or other viral proteins. We devised a genetic screen for suppressors of SPI-1 hr mutations by first introducing a mutation into SPI-1 (T309R) at residue P14 of the serpin reactive center loop. The SPI-1 T309R serpin is inactive as a protease inhibitor in vitro. Introduction of the mutation into RPV leads to the same restricted hr phenotype as deletion of the SPI-1 gene. Second-site suppressors were selected by restoration of growth of the RPV SPI-1 T309R hr mutant on A549 cells. Both intragenic and extragenic suppressors of the T309R mutation were identified. One novel intragenic suppressor mutation, T309C, restored protease inhibition by SPI-1 in vitro. Extragenic suppressor mutations were mapped by a new procedure utilizing overlapping PCR products encompassing the entire genome in conjunction with marker rescue. One suppressor mutation, which also rendered the virus temperature sensitive for growth, mapped to the DNA polymerase gene (E9L). Several other suppressors mapped to gene D5R, an NTPase required for DNA replication. These results unexpectedly suggest that the host range function of SPI-1 may be associated with viral DNA replication by an as yet unknown mechanism.  相似文献   

K J Dunn  C C Yuan    D G Blair 《Journal of virology》1993,67(8):4704-4711
We have characterized the restriction mechanism for RD114 virus replication in embryonic feline cells (FeF). By comparing growth properties of the virus in FeF cells with its behavior in a fetal feline glial cell line (G355) permissive for RD114, we showed that both cell lines were readily infectible by virus grown in permissive cells and that no significant differences in viral integration or viral RNA expression could be detected. However, analysis of viral protein expression revealed differences in viral env gene processing in the two cell types. Envelope precursor pR85 was produced, but the expected processed gp70 product was detectable only in permissive (G355) cells. An envelope product of 85 kDa was packaged into virions produced by FeF cells, while virions produced by G355 cells contained the expected RD114 gp70. While the gp85 env-containing virions were infectious for permissive G355 cells, they were unable to infect FeF cells. The block to infection by the gp85-containing particles in FeF cells could be abrogated by treatment with the glycosylation inhibitor tunicamycin. Our results indicate that restriction of RD114 virus involves a novel mechanism dependent on two factors: altered glycosylation of the envelope to a gp85 form and an altered RD114 receptor in FeF cells.  相似文献   

J Dong  M G Roth    E Hunter 《Journal of virology》1992,66(12):7374-7382
We have investigated what protein sequences are necessary for glycoprotein incorporation into Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) virions by utilizing the hemagglutinin (HA) protein of influenza virus. Two chimeric HA genes were constructed. In the first the coding sequence for the signal peptide of the RSV env gene product was fused in frame to the entire HA structural gene, and in the second the hydrophobic anchor and cytoplasmic domain sequences of the HA gene were also replaced with those from the RSV env gene. Both chimeric genes, expressed from a simian virus 40 expression vector in CV-1 cells, yielded functional HA proteins that were transported to the cell surface and were able to bind to erythrocytes. When the genes were expressed in combination with the RSV gag-pol gene region in QT6 cells by using a vaccinia virus-T7 expression/complementation system, virions that efficiently incorporated either chimeric protein were assembled. This result indicated that the presence of the RSV env membrane anchor and cytoplasmic sequences did not facilitate HA glycoprotein incorporation into virions. The presence of the RSV env signal sequence allowed the chimeric HA genes to be substituted into the RSV-derived BH-RCAN.HiSV viral genome in place of the RSV env gene. Both chimeric genomes yielded infectious virus that could infect human and avian cells with equal efficiency. These experiments demonstrate that a foreign glycoprotein, efficiently incorporated into virions lacking a native glycoprotein, can confer a broadened host range on the virus. Moreover, because the HA of influenza virus requires the acidic pH of the endosome in order to be activated, these results imply that foreign proteins can modify the normal route of entry of this avian retrovirus.  相似文献   

The single gene reassortant virus that derives its PB2 gene from the avian influenza A/Mallard/NY/78 virus and remaining genes from the human influenza A/Los Angeles/2/87 virus exhibits a host range restriction (hr) phenotype characterized by efficient replication in avian tissue and failure to produce plaques in mammalian Madin-Darby canine kidney cells. The hr phenotype is associated with restriction of viral replication in the respiratory tract of squirrel monkeys and humans. To identify the genetic basis of the hr phenotype, we isolated four phenotypic hr mutant viruses that acquired the ability to replicate efficiently in mammalian tissue. Segregational analysis indicated that the loss of the hr phenotype was due to a mutation in the PB2 gene itself. The nucleotide sequences of the PB2 gene of each of the four hr mutants revealed that a single amino acid substitution at position 627 (Glu-->Lys) was responsible for the restoration of the ability of the PB2 single gene reassortant to replicate in Madin-Darby canine kidney cells. Interestingly, the amino acid at position 627 in every avian influenza A virus PB2 protein analyzed to date is glutamic acid, and in every human influenza A virus PB2 protein, it is lysine. Thus, the amino acid at residue 627 of PB2 is an important determinant of host range of influenza A viruses.  相似文献   

Fusarium oxysoporum f. sp. radicis-cucumerinum (Forc) is able to cause disease in cucumber, melon, and watermelon, while F. oxysporum f. sp. melonis (Fom) can only infect melon plants. Earlier research showed that mobile chromosomes in Forc and Fom determine the difference in host range between Forc and Fom. By closely comparing these pathogenicity chromosomes combined with RNA-sequencing data, we selected 11 candidate genes that we tested for involvement in the difference in host range between Forc and Fom. One of these candidates is a putative effector gene on the Fom pathogenicity chromosome that has nonidentical homologs on the Forc pathogenicity chromosome. Four independent Forc transformants with this gene from Fom showed strongly reduced or no pathogenicity towards cucumber, while retaining pathogenicity towards melon and watermelon. This suggests that the protein encoded by this gene is recognized by an immune receptor in cucumber plants. This is the first time that a single gene has been demonstrated to determine a difference in host specificity between formae speciales of F. oxysporum.  相似文献   

We have investigated how truncation of the cytoplasmic domain of the transmembrane (TM) glycoprotein of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) modulates the host range of this virus. Termination codons were introduced into the env gene of SIVmac239 which resulted in the truncation of the transmembrane protein from a wild-type 354 amino acids (TM354) to 207 (TM207) and 193 (TM193) amino acids. Expression of the wild-type and mutant env genes from a simian virus 40-based vector resulted in normal biosynthesis and processing of the glycoproteins to gp130 and gp41 or the truncated TM proteins (gp28 and gp27). When expressed on the surface of COS-1 cells, all three glycoproteins mediated fusion of both CEMX174 and HUT78 cells. Virions containing the wild-type and mutant glycoproteins were capable of efficient replication in macaque peripheral blood lymphocytes and CEMX174 cells; in contrast, only virions that contained TM207 were capable of rapid infection of HUT78 cells. Both truncated glycoproteins were capable of efficiently mediating infection of both CEMX174 and HUT78 cells by an env-deficient human immunodeficiency virus. The wild-type SIV glycoprotein, however, was unable to mediate human immunodeficiency virus infection of HUT78 cells when assayed with this system. An analysis of the protein composition of SIV released from infected CEMX174 cells showed that the mutant virions contained significantly higher levels of glycoprotein compared with the wild type. These results demonstrate that truncation of the SIV cytoplasmic domain removes a block at the level of glycoprotein-mediated virus entry into HUT78 cells and points to a role for glycoprotein density in determining virus tropism.  相似文献   

Virus infection may induce host cell death by apoptosis, but some DNA viruses are capable of preventing this process. RNA viruses were thought not to display anti-apoptotic activities, as their spread appears to benefit from a rapid induction of cell death. Here, we report an antiapoptotic activity in the Picornavirus Coxsackievirus B4 (CVB4). CVB4 infection of HeLa cells induced negligible apoptosis over a period of 10 h. However, infected cells developed resistance to drug-induced apoptosis using staurosporine and actinomycin D and to death receptor-induced apoptosis using tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand. Despite this resistance, the apoptotic machinery was nonetheless fully activated in these drug-treated infected cells because the levels of pro-caspase-3 processing to its active form were similar to control cells. However, the DEVDase (Asp-Glu-Val-Asp protease) activity of the processed caspase was significantly inhibited in the virus-infected staurosporine-treated cells compared with drug treatment alone. Likewise, extracts of CVB4-infected cells suppressed recombinant caspase-3 activity in vitro. Immunoprecipitation of activated caspase-3 from radiolabeled virus-infected cells revealed the co-precipitation of a 48-kDa protein that was tentatively identified as viral protein 2BC. Recombinant caspase-3 was found to co-precipitate with virus protein 2BC. Finally, when protein 2BC was expressed in HeLa cells, both staurosporine-induced apoptosis and in vitro caspase-3 DEVDase activity were significantly reduced. Taken together these data imply that CVB4 infection suppresses apoptosis through virus protein 2BC associating with caspase-3 and inhibiting its function. Thus, 2BC is the first reported RNA virus inhibitor of apoptosis protein.  相似文献   

We isolated a strain of normal goat fibroblasts which was uniquely selective in that it allowed the replication of xenotropic murine leukemia virus but not polytropic recombinant murine leukemia virus. In addition, feline leukemia virus type A replication was severely diminished in these goat cells, whereas feline leukemia virus type B and feline endogenous RD114-CCC viruses replicated efficiently. No other known cells exhibit this pattern of virus growth restriction. These goat cells allow the study of xenotropic murine leukemia virus in mixtures which also contain recombinant murine leukemia virus and may be helpful in eliminating feline leukemia virus type which often coexists in feline sarcoma or leukemia virus mixtures with other feline leukemia virus types.  相似文献   

The experimental host range of Odontoglossum ringspot virus (ORSV), a member of the tobamoviruses, includes several species of Nicotiana , but not N. sylvestris . However, ORSV was able to replicate in protoplasts from N. sylvestris leaves. By using the green fluorescent protein (GFP) as a marker inserted into ORSV, it was found that a small number of single epidermal cells became infected in mechanically inoculated leaves, but the virus did not move cell to cell. The ORSV movement protein (MP) and coat protein (CP) were examined for their ability to effect movement by substitution into Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) hybrids. Both proteins and the 3' non-translated region (NTR) of ORSV allowed movement of TMV hybrids in N. sylvestris . These results suggested that the inability of ORSV to move in N. sylvestris was due to the replicase gene or the 5'NTR. One possibility was that the replicase gene could indirectly affect movement by failing to produce subgenomic (sg) RNAs for expression of MP or CP, but this appeared not to be the case as ORSV replicated and produced MP and CP sgRNAs, both of which were translated in N. sylvestris protoplasts. Additionally, genomic RNA was encapsidated into virions in N. sylvestris protoplasts. Because the 5'NTR permitted efficient replication and production of replicase proteins, these findings suggest that the replicase of ORSV is responsible for the defect in cell-to-cell movement of ORSV in N. sylvestris .  相似文献   

T Stacy  M Chamberlain    C N Cole 《Journal of virology》1989,63(12):5208-5215
Simian virus 40 (SV40) deletion mutants dlA2459 and dlA2475 express T antigens that lack the normal carboxy terminus. These mutants are called host range/helper function (hr/hf) mutants because they form plaques at 37 degrees C on BSC-1 and Vero monkey kidney cell lines but not on CV-1p monkey kidney cells. Wild-type SV40 can provide a helper function to permit growth of human adenoviruses in monkey kidney cells; the hr/hf mutants cannot. Progeny yields of hr/hf mutants are also cold sensitive in all cell lines tested. Patterns of viral macromolecular synthesis in three cell lines (Vero, BSC-1, and CV-1) at three temperatures (40, 37, and 32 degrees C) were examined to determine the nature of the growth defect of hr/hf mutants. Mutant viral DNA replication was similar to that of the wild type in all three cell lines, indicating that the mutations affect late events in the viral lytic cycle. In mutant-infected Vero cells, in which viral yields were highest, late mRNA levels were similar to those observed during wild-type infection. Levels of viral late mRNA from mutant-infected CV-1 and BSC-1 cells at 32 and 37 degrees C were reduced relative to those of wild-type-infected cells. The steady-state level of the major viral capsid protein, VP1, in mutant-infected CV-1 cells was reduced to the same extent as was late mRNA. The synthesis of agnoprotein could not be detected in mutant-infected CV-1 cells but was readily detected in CV-1 cells infected by wild-type SV40. Primer extension analyses indicated that most late mRNAs from mutant-infected CV-1 cells utilize start sites downstream from the major wild-type cap site (nucleotide 325) and the agnoprotein initiation codon (nucleotide 335). These results indicate that deletion of the carboxyl-terminal domain of T antigen affects viral late mRNA production, both quantitatively and qualitatively. The agnoprotein is detected late in the wild-type SV40 lytic cycle and is thought to play a role in the assembly or maturation of virions. Reduced hr/hf progeny yields could result from decreased capsid protein synthesis and, in the absence of detectable levels of agnoprotein, from inefficient use of available capsid proteins.  相似文献   

The natural polyphenolic compound resveratrol (trans-3,4', 5-trihydroxystilbene) is shown to prevent apoptosis (programmed cell death) induced in human erythroleukemia K562 cells by hydrogen peroxide and other unrelated stimuli. Resveratrol reversed the elevation of leukotriene B4 (from 6.40 +/- 0.65 to 2.92 +/- 0.30 pmol.mg protein-1) and prostaglandin E2 (from 11.46 +/- 1.15 to 8.02 +/- 0.80 nmol.mg protein-1), induced by H2O2 challenge in K562 cells. The reduction of leukotriene B4 and prostaglandin E2 correlated with the inhibition of the 5-lipoxygenase activity, and the cyclooxygenase and peroxidase activity of prostaglandin H synthase, respectively. Resveratrol also blocked lipoperoxidation induced by hydrogen peroxide in K562 cell membranes. Resveratrol was found to act as a competitive inhibitor of purified 5-lipoxygenase and 15-lipoxygenase and prostaglandin H synthase, with inhibition constants of 4.5 +/- 0.5 microM (5-lipoxygenase), 40 +/- 5.0 microM (15-lipoxygenase), 35 +/- 4.0 microM (cyclooxygenase activity of prostaglandin H synthase) and 30 +/- 3.0 microM (peroxidase activity of prostaglandin H synthase). Altogether, the results reported here suggest that the anti-apoptotic activity of resveratrol depends on the direct inhibition of the main arachidonate-metabolizing enzymes.  相似文献   

In murine 17 Cl 1 cells persistently infected with murine coronavirus mouse hepatitis virus strain A59 (MHV-A59), expression of the virus receptor glycoprotein MHVR was markedly reduced (S. G. Sawicki, J. H. Lu, and K. V. Holmes, J. Virol. 69:5535-5543, 1995). Virus isolated from passage 600 of the persistently infected cells made smaller plaques on 17 Cl 1 cells than did MHV-A59. Unlike the parental MHV-A59, this variant virus also infected the BHK-21 (BHK) line of hamster cells. Virus plaque purified on BHK cells (MHV/BHK) grew more slowly in murine cells than did MHV-A59, and the rate of viral RNA synthesis was lower and the development of the viral nucleocapsid (N) protein was slower than those of MHV-A59. MHV/BHK was 100-fold more resistant to neutralization with the purified soluble recombinant MHV receptor glycoprotein (sMHVR) than was MHV-A59. Pretreatment of 17 Cl 1 cells with anti-MHVR monoclonal antibody CC1 protected the cells from infection with MHV-A59 but only partially protected them from infection with MHV/BHK. Thus, although MHV/BHK could still utilize MHVR as a receptor, its interactions with the receptor were significantly different from those of MHV-A59. To determine whether a hemagglutinin esterase (HE) glycoprotein that could bind the virions to 9-O-acetylated neuraminic acid moieties on the cell surface was expressed by MHV/BHK, an in situ esterase assay was used. No expression of HE activity was detected in 17 Cl 1 cells infected with MHV/BHK, suggesting that this virus, like MHV-A59, bound to cell membranes via its S glycoprotein. MHV/BHK was able to infect cell lines from many mammalian species, including murine (17 Cl 1), hamster (BHK), feline (Fcwf), bovine (MDBK), rat (RIE), monkey (Vero), and human (L132 and HeLa) cell lines. MHV/BHK could not infect dog kidney (MDCK I) or swine testis (ST) cell lines. Thus, in persistently infected murine cell lines that express very low levels of virus receptor MHVR and which also have and may express alternative virus receptors of lesser efficiency, there is a strong selective advantage for virus with altered interactions with receptor (D. S. Chen, M. Asanaka, F. S. Chen, J. E. Shively, and M. M. C. Lai, J. Virol. 71:1688-1691, 1997; D. S. Chen, M. Asanaka, K. Yokomori, F.-I. Wang, S. B. Hwang, H.-P. Li, and M. M. C. Lai, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92:12095-12099, 1995; P. Nedellec, G. S. Dveksler, E. Daniels, C. Turbide, B. Chow, A. A. Basile, K. V. Holmes, and N. Beauchemin, J. Virol. 68:4525-4537, 1994). Possibly, in coronavirus-infected animals, replication of the virus in tissues that express low levels of receptor might also select viruses with altered receptor recognition and extended host range.  相似文献   

Herpesviruses are capable of several types of infection of a host cell. To investigate the early events which ultimately determine the nature of the virus-host cell interaction, a system was established utilizing temperature-sensitive mutants of herpes simplex virus type 2. Four mutants have been isolated which fail to induce cytopathic effects and do not replicate at 39 C in hamster embryo fibroblast cells. At least one mutant is virus DNA negative. Since intracellular complementation is detectable between pairs of mutants, a virus function is known to be temperature sensitive. However, all four mutants induce cytopathic effects and replicate to parental virus levels in rabbit kidney cells at 39 C. This suggests that a host cell function, lacking or nonfunctional in HEF cells but present in rabbit kidney cells at 39 C, is required for the replication of these mutants in hamster embryo fibroblasts cells at 39 C. Therefore, we conclude that these mutants are both temperature sensitive and exhibit host range properties.  相似文献   

This report demonstrates that in addition to interferons and cytokines, members of the TGF beta superfamily such as Mullerian inhibiting substance (MIS) and activin A also regulate IRF-1 expression. MIS induced IRF-1 expression in the mammary glands of mice in vivo and in breast cancer cells in vitro and stimulation of IRF-1 by MIS was dependent on activation of the NF kappa B pathway. In the rat mammary gland, IRF-1 expression gradually decreased during pregnancy and lactation but increased at involution. In breast cancer, the IRF-1 protein was absent in 13% of tumors tested compared with matched normal glands. Consistent with its growth suppressive activity, expression of IRF-1 in breast cancer cells induced apoptosis. Treatment of breast cancer cells with MIS and interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) co-stimulated IRF-1 and CEACAM1 expression and synergistic induction of CEACAM1 by a combination of MIS and IFN-gamma was impaired by antisense IRF-1 expression. Furthermore, a combination of IFN-gamma and MIS inhibited the growth of breast cancer cells to a greater extent than either one alone. Both reagents alone significantly decreased the fraction of cells in the S-phase of the cell cycle, an effect not enhanced when they were used in combination. However, MIS promoted IFN-gamma-induced apoptosis demonstrating a functional interaction between these two classes of signaling molecules in regulation of breast cancer cell growth.  相似文献   

Arthritogenic alphaviruses are emerging arthropod-borne viruses that occasionally cause sporadic to global outbreaks all over the world. Many environmental factors including xenobiotics have been identified as capable of influencing the spread, the susceptibility and the outcome of viral infection. Among them cadmium is a toxic non-essential heavy metal and a prevalent environmental contaminant. In the present study we evaluated the effect of cadmium exposure on alphavirus infection in vitro. We infected Human Embryonic Kidney (HEK) 293 cells in the presence of cadmium chloride (CdCl2) with Sindbis virus. Cell viability, apoptosis and viral growth were then examined. Our data show that effective doses of cadmium decreased the virus mediated-cell death by inhibition of apoptosis. Moreover, virus growth in HEK 293 cells was also reduced by CdCl2 treatment. Altogether our results demonstrate that cadmium triggers a protective response which renders HEK 293 cells resistant against Sindbis virus infection.  相似文献   

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