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Augmentatory actions among Cl- currents (ICl) induced by gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), pentobarbital (PB), and homopantothenic acid (HOPA) were investigated in isolated frog sensory neurons after suppression of Na+, K+, and Ca2+ currents using a suction pipette technique which combines internal perfusion with voltage clamp. GABA-sensitive neurons responded to both PB and HOPA, and the responses behaved as a simple Cl- electrode and reversed at the Cl- equilibrium potential (ECl). The dose-response curve for GABA-induced Cl- conductance was sigmoidal with the GABA concentration producing a half-maximum response (4.2 X 10(-5) M). Both GABA and HOPA dose-response curves shifted to the left in the presence of PB, though the facilitatory action of PB on GABA- and HOPA-induced ICl was more effective in the former. There was a significant facilitatory interaction between GABA- and HOPA-induced ICl. It is concluded that HOPA affects the GABA-GABA or PB-PB receptor interactions.  相似文献   

Intracellular recordings were obtained from hippocampal pyramidal neurons maintained in vitro. Measurements were made of the conductance change induced by iontophoretically applied gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and, using voltage-clamp techniques, of inhibitory postsynaptic currents resulting from activation of inhibitory pathways. Analysis of GABA iontophoretic charge-response curves indicated that there was considerable variation among neurons with respect to the slope of this relation. The placement of the GABA-containing pipette did not appear to be responsible for the observed variation, since vertical repositioning of the pipette did not alter the slope of the charge-response relationship. Steady iontophoresis of GABA from one barrel of a double-barreled pipette markedly affected the charge-response relation obtained when short pulses were applied to the other barrel. The curve was shifted to the left, and the slope was decreased. Concomitantly, the enhanced GABA-induced responses were prolonged. Similar alterations in GABA responsiveness were observed when the uptake blocker, nipecotic acid, was iontophoretically applied. Furthermore, bath application of saline containing a reduced sodium concentration (25% of control) also produced a prolongation of GABA-mediated responses. Under voltage clamp, inhibitory postsynaptic currents were observed to have biphasic decays. The initial, fast decay was prolonged by an average of 18% by nipecotic acid, whereas the later, slow phase was prolonged by 23%. The results of these studies support the hypothesis that a saturable GABA uptake system is responsible for the observed variation in the charge-response curves and, in turn, underlies the apparent sensitizing effect of excess GABA application. The results also suggest that a reduction of transmitter uptake affects the time course of inhibitory postsynaptic currents in the hippocampus.  相似文献   

Summary Pregnant rats were exposed to absorbed doses of 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 Gy of60Co- rays either on day 8 or on day 12 p.c.. The embryos were collected on day 18 p.c.. Irradiations both on day 8 and 12 p.c. result in a dose dependent decrement of weight. The effect is larger for irradiation on day 8 p.c.. Caryometric studies of the neurons in the trigeminal ganglion show, on the other hand, that the reduction of nuclear sizes in this tissue is more substantial for an irradiation on day 12 p.c. when the ganglion is in a stage of formation. Cytophotometric determinations of the Feulgen-DNA content and determination of the RNA content by staining with chromic gallocyanin in combination with ribonuclease digestion lead to the conclusion that the irradiation induces no significant hyperploidy and that the irradiated neurons have the nuclear RNA content that is normal at this stage of gestation. This applies both to the irradiations on day 8 and on day 12 p.c.  相似文献   

Summary 1. Intracellular and voltage-clamp recordings were obtained from a selected population of neuroscretory (ns) cells in the X organ of the crayfish isolated eyestalk. Pulses of -aminobutyric acid (GABA) elicited depolarizing responses and bursts of action potentials in a dose-dependent manner. These effects were blocked by picrotoxin (50 µM) but not by bicuculline. Picrotoxin also suppressed spontaneous synaptic activity.2. The responses to GABA were abolished by severing the neurite of X organ cells, at about 150 µm from the cell body. Responses were larger when the application was made at the neuropil level.3. Topical application of Cd2+ (2 mM), while suppressing synaptic activity, was incapable of affecting the responses to GABA.4. Under whole-cell voltage-clamp, GABA elicited an inward current with a reversal potential dependent on the chloride equilibrium potential. The GABA effect was accompanied by an input resistance reduction up to 33% at a –50 mV holding potential. No effect of GABA was detected on potassium, calcium, and sodium currents present in X organ cells.5. The effect of GABA on steady-state currents was dependent on the intracellular calcium concentration. At 10–6 M [Ca2+]i, GABA (50 µM) increased the membrane conductance more than threefold and shifted the zero-current potential from–25 to–10 mV. At 10–9 M [Ca2+]i, GABA induced only a 1.3-fold increase in membrane conductance, without shifting the zero-current potential.6. These results support the notion that in the population of X organ cells sampled in this study, GABA acts as an excitatory neurotransmitter, opening chloride channels.  相似文献   

In the frog spinal cord primary afferent depolarization (PAD) constitutes a powerful inhibitory control mechanism. It has been suggested that -aminobutyric acid (GABA) is the transmitter substance involved in the genesis of PAD. In these studies we show that maximal glutamic acid decarboxylase activity is localized roughly 400–600 m from the dorsal surface, and that correlates well with the intraspinal distribution of field potentials associated with PAD. Measurement of GABA in serial spinal cord sections cut in a dorsal-ventral direction shows that high levels of GABA are seen at 400–600 m, with a peak at 800 m from the dorsal surface. Stimulation at frequencies shown to produce PAD augments the release of endogenous GABA from a superfused frog hemicord preparation.  相似文献   

The small-diameter (<25 μm) and large-diameter (>30 μm) sensory neurons of the dorsal root ganglion (DRG) express distinct combinations of tetrodotoxin sensitive and tetrodotoxin-resistant Na(+) channels that underlie the unique electrical properties of these neurons. In vivo, these Na(+) channels are formed as complexes of pore-forming α and auxiliary β subunits. The goal of this study was to investigate the expression of β subunits in DRG sensory neurons. Quantitative single-cell RT-PCR revealed that β subunit mRNA is differentially expressed in small (β(2) and β(3)) and large (β(1) and β(2)) DRG neurons. This raises the possibility that β subunit availability and Na(+) channel composition and functional regulation may differ in these subpopulations of sensory neurons. To further explore these possibilities, we quantitatively compared the mRNA expression of the β subunit with that of Na(v)1.7, a TTX-sensitive Na(+) channel widely expressed in both small and large DRG neurons. Na(v)1.7 and β subunit mRNAs were significantly correlated in small (β(2) and β(3)) and large (β(1) and β(2)) DRG neurons, indicating that these subunits are coexpressed in the same populations. Co-immunoprecipitation and immunocytochemistry indicated that Na(v)1.7 formed stable complexes with the β(1)-β(3) subunits in vivo and that Na(v)1.7 and β(3) co-localized within the plasma membranes of small DRG neurons. Heterologous expression studies showed that β(3) induced a hyperpolarizing shift in Na(v)1.7 activation, whereas β(1) produced a depolarizing shift in inactivation and faster recovery. The data indicate that β(3) and β(1) subunits are preferentially expressed in small and large DRG neurons, respectively, and that these auxiliary subunits differentially regulate the gating properties of Na(v)1.7 channels.  相似文献   

The peptidic ANG II receptor antagonists [Sar(1),Ile(8)]ANG II (sarile) or [Sar(1),Thr(8)]ANG II (sarthran) are known to decrease arterial pressure and sympathetic activity when injected into the rostral part of the ventrolateral medulla (VLM). In anesthetized rabbits and rats, the profound depressor and sympathoinhibitory response after bilateral microinjections of sarile or sarthran into the rostral VLM was unchanged after prior selective blockade of angiotensin type 1 (AT(1)) and ANG-(1---7) receptors, although this abolished the effects of exogenous ANG II. Unlike the neuroinhibitory compounds muscimol or lignocaine, microinjections of sarile in the rostral VLM did not affect respiratory activity. Sarile or sarthran in the caudal VLM resulted in a large pressor and sympathoexcitatory response, which was also unaffected by prior blockade of AT(1) and ANG-(1---7) receptors. The results indicate that the peptidic ANG receptor antagonists profoundly inhibit the tonic activity of cardiovascular but not respiratory neurons in the VLM and that these effects are independent of ANG II or ANG-(1---7) receptors.  相似文献   

Primary cultures of adult rat dorsal root ganglia (DRG) sensory neurons were used to determine whether bradykinin and prostaglandins E? (PGE?), E? (PGE?) or I? (PGI?) stimulate long-term calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) mRNA accumulation and peptide release. Treatment (24 h) of neurons with either bradykinin or PGE?, significantly increased CGRP mRNA content and iCGRP release. However, PGE? or PGI? was without effect. Exposure of the cultured neurons to increasing concentrations of bradykinin or PGE? demonstrated that the stimulation of CGRP expression was concentration-dependent, while time-course studies showed that maximal levels of CGRP mRNA accumulation and peptide release were maintained for at least 48 h. Treatment of the neuronal cultures with a bradykinin B? receptor antagonist significantly inhibited the bradykinin-induced increase in CGRP expression and release. In addition, preincubation of neuronal cultures with the cyclooxygenase inhibitor indomethacin did not alter the PGE?-mediated stimulation of CGRP but blocked completely the bradykinin-induced increase in CGRP production. Therefore, these data indicate that bradykinin and PGE? can regulate the synthesis and release of CGRP in DRG neurons and that the stimulatory effects of bradykinin on CGRP are mediated by a cyclooxygenase product(s). Thus, these findings suggest a direct relationship between chronic alterations in bradykinin/prostaglandin production that may arise from pathophysiological causes and long-term changes in CGRP expression.  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) is a cytokine involved in many metabolic responses in both normal and pathological states. Considering that the effects of TNFα on hepatic gluconeogenesis are inconclusive, we investigated the influence of this cytokine in gluconeogenesis from various glucose precursors. TNFα (10 μg/kg) was intravenously injected in rats; 6 h later, gluconeogenesis from alanine, lactate, glutamine, glycerol, and several related metabolic parameters were evaluated in situ perfused liver. TNFα reduced the hepatic glucose production (p < 0.001), increased the pyruvate production (p < 0.01), and had no effect on the lactate and urea production from alanine. TNFα also reduced the glucose production (p < 0.01), but had no effect on the pyruvate production from lactate. In addition, TNFα did not alter the hepatic glucose production from glutamine nor from glycerol. It can be concluded that the TNFα inhibited hepatic gluconeogenesis from alanine and lactate, which enter in gluconeogenic pathway before the pyruvate carboxylase step, but not from glutamine and glycerol, which enter in this pathway after the pyruvate carboxylase step, suggesting an important role of this metabolic step in the changes mediated by TNFα.  相似文献   

Do neurons in the vertebrate CNS migrate on laminin?   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
P Liesi 《The EMBO journal》1985,4(5):1163-1170
In adult rat brain the extracellular matrix glycoprotein, laminin, is found only in basement membranes, but is transiently expressed by astrocytes after brain injury. Here, I show that laminin also appears in immature brain cells during CNS development, and that its presence coincides with phases of neuronal migration. In early embryos, laminin is seen throughout the whole thickness of the forming brain, and is apparently synthesized by the cells, as judged by its intracytoplasmic localization. As development proceeds, intracellular laminin becomes restricted to the periventricular regions while punctate deposits of laminin follow the course of vimentin-positive radial glial fibers. In most brain regions, the adult pattern of laminin expression is achieved by birth. In the post-natal rat cerebellum, however, laminin is detected in external granule cells, in Purkinje cells, and in punctate deposits along the radial Bergmann glial fibers. By day 24 after birth, when the migration of external granule cells is complete, all laminin immunoreactivity disappears from these structures. The transient expression of laminin in regions where neurons are migrating raises the possibility that laminin plays a role in neuronal migration during CNS development.  相似文献   

To clarify the modulation of dragon's blood on the tetrodotoxin-resistant (TTX-R) sodium currents in dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons and explore its corresponding material basis for the efficacy, using whole-cell patch clamp technique, the effects of dragon's blood and the combined effects of three components (cochinchinenin A, cochinchinenin B, and loureirin B) extracted from dragon's blood on the TTX-R sodium currents in acute-isolated DRG neurons of rats were observed. According to the operational definition of material basis for the efficacy of TCM established, the material basis of the modulation on the TTX-R sodium currents in DRG neurons of dragon's blood was judged from the experimental results. The drug interaction equation of Greco et al. was used to assess the interaction of the three components extracted from dragon's blood. This investigation demonstrated that dragon's blood suppressed the peak TTX-R sodium currents in a dose-dependent way and affected the activations of TTX-R sodium currents. The effects of the combination of cochinchinenin A, cochinchinenin B, and loureirin B were in good agreement with those of dragon's blood. Although the three components used alone could modulate TTX-R sodium currents, the concentrations of the three components used alone were respectively higher than those used in combination when the inhibition rates on the TTX-R sodium currents of them used alone and in combination were the same. The combined effects of the three components were synergistic. These results suggested that the interference with pain messages caused by the modulation of dragon's blood on TTX-R sodium currents in DRG neurons may explain some of the analgesic effect of dragon's blood and the corresponding material basis for the efficacy is the combination of cochinchinenin A, cochinchinenin B, and loureirin B.  相似文献   

Using whole-cell patch clamp technique on the membrane of freshly isolated dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons, the effects of dragon’s blood resin and its important component loureirin B on tetrodotoxin-sensitive (TTX-S) voltage-gated sodium currents were observed. The results show that both blood resin and loureirin B could suppress TTX-S voltage-gated sodium currents in a dose-dependent way. The peak current amplitudes and the steady-state activation and inactivation curves are also made to shift by 0.05% blood resin and 0.2 mmol/L loureirin B. These results demonstrate that the effects of blood resin on TTX-S sodium current may contribute to loureirin B in blood resin. Perhaps the analgesic effect of blood resin is caused partly by loureirin B directly interfering with the nociceptive transmission of primary sensory neurons.  相似文献   

Copyright by Science in China Press 2004 Dragons blood resin is one of famous precious Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which has been widely applied in clinical treatment of cardiovascular disease, cervical spondylosis, gynecological disease, etc., due to its actions of dissipating blood stasis, eas-ing pain, arresting bleeding, promoting tissue regen-eration and wound healing[1]. At present, the investi-gation on the pharmacological mechanism of blood resin is concentrated on promoting…  相似文献   

Using whole-cell patch clamp technique on the membrane of freshly isolated dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons, the effects of dragon’s blood resin and its important component loureirin B on tetrodotoxin-sensitive (TTX-S) voltage-gated sodium currents were observed. The results show that both blood resin and loureirin B could suppress TTX-S voltage-gated sodium currents in a dose-dependent way. The peak current amplitudes and the steady-state activation and inactivation curves are also made to shift by 0.05% blood resin and 0.2 mmol/L loureirin B. These results demonstrate that the effects of blood resin on TTX-S sodium current may contribute to loureirin B in blood resin. Perhaps the analgesic effect of blood resin is caused partly by loureirin B directly interfering with the nociceptive transmission of primary sensory neurons.  相似文献   

The effects of bis(adenosyl-5)oligophosphates on cation conductance-promoting ATP receptors at the somatic membrane of rat sensory ganglia neurons were investigated. Both bis(adenosyl-5)tetraphosphate and bis(adenosyl-5)pentaphosphate act as partial agonists of ATP receptors at saturating concentration and activate ionic currents of almost one order of magnitude below the amplitude of peak ATP-activated currents. Combined application of these two substances to the neuron produces a considerable decline in the amplitude of ATP-activated ionic currents, competing with ATP for common binding sites.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 427–431, July–August, 1988.  相似文献   

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