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Book reviewed in this article:
Aspects of Tropical Mycology , Eds S. Isaac, J. C. Frankland, R. Watling & A. J. S. Whalley
The Tapetum. Cytology, Function, Biochemistry and Evolution , M. Hesse, E. Pacini and M. Willemse (eds.). Plant Systematics and Evolution, Supplementum 7
Tropical Alpine Environments. Plant Form and Function . eds P. W. Rundel, A. P. Smith and F. C. Meinzer
A Ravision of Tabernaemontana (part two). The New World Species . A. J. M. Leeuwenberg  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1966,65(3):405-415
The Morphology of Gymnosperms . By K. R. S porne
The Rice Blast Disease
An Account of the Herbaria of the Department of Botany in the University of Oxford . By H ermia N. C lokie
Chemical Microbiology . By A nthony H. R ose
Pflanzenschutzmittel-Rückstände . By H ans M aier -B ode
The State and Movement of Water in Living Organisms . Edited by G. E. F ogg
Teach Yourself Genetics . By R. J. B erry
Floral Biology . By M ary S. P ercival
Vascular Plants: Form and Function . By F. B. S alisbury and R. V. P arke
Nonvascular Plants: Form and Function . By W. T. D oyle
The Molds and Man . By C lyde M. C hristensen
Spore Liberation . By C. T. I ngold  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1996,134(4):709-713
Books reviewed in this article:
The Peroxisome: a Vital Organdie. By C. M asters and D. C rane
Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation. Ed. by P. H. G raham , M. J. S adowsky and C. P. V ance
Structure and Function of Roots. Ed. by F. B aluška , M. Č amprová , O. G ašparí -K ová and P. W. B arlow
Nuclear Techniques in Soil-Plant Studies for Sustainable Agriculture and Environmental Preservation.
Biological Control: Benefits and Risks. Ed. by H. M.T. H okkanen and J. M. L ynch
Long-term Experiments in Agricultural and Ecological Sciences. Ed. by R. A. L eigh and A. E. J ohnston  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1993,125(3):649-649
Plant Membranes: a Biophysical Approach to Structure, Development and Senescence. By Y. Y. L eshem , with additional contributions by R. L. S hewfelt , C. M. W illmer and O. P antoja .
Methods in Plant Biochemistry (Series Eds. P. M. D ey and J. B. H arborne ); Vol. 7: Terpenoids. Ed. by B. V. C harlwood and D. V. B anthorpe .
CHCD Dictionary of Natural Products on CD-ROM.
Plant Molecular Systematics. By D. J. C rawford .
Physiology – Breeding of Winter Cereals for Stressed Mediterranean Environments. (Physiologie – Sélection des céréales d'hiver en conditions méditerranéennes). Ed. by E. A cevedo , A. P. C onesa , P. M onneveux and J. P. S rivastava .
Plant Genetic Manipulation for Crop Protection. Ed. A. M. R. G atehouse , V. A. H ilder and D. B oulter .
In vitro Culture of Trees. By J. M. B onga and P. von A derkas .
Flechten als Bioindikatoren. Integriertes biologisches Meβsystem der Luftverschmutzung für das Schweizer Mittelland . By R olf H erzig and M artin U rech .
Evolution and Function of Heterostyly. Ed. by S. C. H. B arrett .
Wild Plants of Glasgow. By J. H. D ickson .  相似文献   

《Journal of neurochemistry》1978,31(6):1553-1555
Book Review in This Article:
The Endorphins Advances in Biochemical Psychopharmacology, Vol. 18 (Editors E. C osta & M. T rabucchi )
Structure and Function of Cells by C. R. H opkins
Mechanisms, Regulation and Special Functions of Protein Synthesis in the Brain (Editors S. R oberts , A. L ajtha & W. H. G ispen )
Progress in Neurobiology (Editors G. A. K erkut & J. W. P hillis )  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1958,57(1):135-144
Book reviewed in this article:
The Biological Action of Growth Substances . (Symposium of the Society of Experimental Biology XI.) Edited by H. K. P orter .
Plant Vims Serology. By R. E. F. M atthews .
Illustrated Moss Flora of Fennoscandia , Vol. I. Hepaticae. By S igfrid A rnell .
Illustrated Moss Flora of Feniioscandia , Vol. II. Musci. Fasc. II. By E lsa N yholm .
Annual Review of Plant Physiology . Vol. VIII. Edited by A. S. C rafts .
Dictionary of Microbiology . By M. B. J acobs , M. J. G erstein and W. G. W alter .
The Origin of the African Flora . By A. S. B oughey .
Die Entstehung der Kulturpflanzen . By F. S chwanitz .
Die kartographische Darstellung der Vegetation des Creux du Van-Gebietes ( Jura des Kantons Neuenburg ). By M. M oor and U. S chwarz .
Le Vacuome de la Cellule Végétale. Morphologic . By P ierre D angeard .
Genetic Mechanisms: Structure and Function . Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, Volume 21.
Handbuch der Pflanzenphysiologie (W. Ruhland, editor) Band VII. Stoffwechsel-physiologie der Fette und fettähnlicher Stoffe. By M. S teiner .
Plant Pathology. By J. C. W alkkr .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1973,72(2):425-431
Book Reviewed in this article:
The Quantitative Analysis Of Plant Growth. By G. C lifford E vans
Biologie végétale. 3 tomes. Dirigée par P. P. G rasse .
How Grasses Grow. By R. H. M. L anger .
A Guidebook to Microscopical Methods. By A. V. G rimstone and R. J. S kaer .
Arealkunde Floristich—historiche Geobotanik. By H einrich W alter . 2nd edition by H erbert S traka .
The Miocene Flora of Kreuzau, Western Germany. I. The Leaf Remains. By D avid K. F erguson .
An Introduction to Palynology. IV. Pollen and Spore Morphology/Plant Taxonomy: Pteridophyta (text and additional illustrations). By G. E rdtman and P. S orsa .
Function and Evolution of Behavior: an Historical Sample from the Pens of Ethnologists. Ed. by P eter H. K lopfer and J ack P. H ailman .
Plant Phenolics. By P ascal R ibereau -G ayon . Translated by E. C. Bate-Smith, J. B. Harborne, T. Swain and I. B. K. Richardson. Ed. by V. H. Heywood.  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1939,38(1):80-83
Book reviewed in this article
Plant Physiology. By N. A. M aximov , edited by R. B. H arvey and A. E. M urneek .
The Physiology of Plants. By W illiam S eifriz .
A Textbook of General Botany. By R. M. H olman and W. W. R obbins .
Plant Form and Function. By F. E. F ritsch and E. J. S alisbury .
Plant Physiology, with Reference to the Green Plant. By E. C. M iller , Ph.D.
The Vegetation of South Africa. By R. S. A damson , M.A., D.Sc.  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1972,71(4):763-771
Books reviewed in this article:
Plant Anatomy: Experiment and Interpretation , Part II, Organs. By E lizabeth G. C utter .
Genetics. By D. J. C ove .
The Structure and Life of Bryophytes. By E. V. W atson .
Underwater Science. Ed. by J. D. W oods and J. J. L ythgoe .
8ème Symposium Européen sur les Maladies à Virus des Arbres Fruitiers.
Evolution and Plants of the Past. By H. P. B anks .
Project Aqua. A Source Book of Inland Waters Proposed for Conservation. IBP Handbook No. 21. By H. L uther and J. R zóska .
Variation and Adaptation in Plant Species. By D. A. J ones and D. A. W ilkins .
Flora of Lesotho (Basutoland). By A my J acot G uillarmod .
Introduction to Biogeography. By B rian S eddon .
Trees: Structure and Function. By M. H. Z immerman and C. L. B rown ;
Flora of New Zealand , Volume II. By L. B. M oore and E. E dgar .  相似文献   

An Introduction to Bacterial Physiology. By E velyn L. O ginsky and W. W. U mbreit.
The Cell Nucleus. Edited by J. S. M itchell.
Behaviour and Evolution. Edited by anne R oe and G eorge G aylord S impson.
The Mango. By L. B. S ingh.
The Balkan Lake Ohrid and its Living World. By S inia S tanković.
An Introduction to the Biology of Micro-organisms. By L. E. H awker , A. H. L inton , B. F. F olkes and M. J. C arlile.
The Chemistry of Nucleic Acids. By D. O. J ordan.
The Structure and Function of Muscle. In three volumes—edited by G. H. B ourne.
Planzenpathogene Bakterien. By C. S tapp.
Physical Chemistry for Students of Pharmacy and Biology. 2nd ed. By S. C. W allwork.
The Control of Growth and Form. A Study of the Epidermal Cell in an Insect. By V. B. W igglesworth.  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1989,112(1):169-173
Advances in Botanical Research . Vol. 14. Ed. by J. A. C allow .
Inorganic Nitrogen Metabolism . Ed. by W. R. U llrich , P. J. A paricio , P. J. S yrett and F. C astillo .
A Centry od Nitrogen Fixation Research . Ed. by F. J. B ergersen and J. R. P ostgate .
Horizons in Lichenology . Ed. by D. H. D alby , D. L. H awksworth and S. L. J ury .
Introduction to Ecological Biochemistry , By J. B. H arborne .
Russell's Soil Conditions and Plant Growth, Ed. by A lan W ild .
Disease and Plant Population Biology . By J. J. B urdon.
Molecular Determinants of Plant Diseases . Ed. by S. N ishimura , C. P. V ance and N. D oke.
British Fungus Flora, Agrics and Boleti 5. Strophariaceae & Coprinaceae P.P.: Hypholoma, Melanotus, Psilocybe, Stropharia, Lacrymaria & Panaeolus, Psilocybe, Stropharia, Lacrymaria & Panaeolus, By R W atling and M. N. G regory .
Mechanisms of Woody Plant Defenses Against Insects . Ed. by W. J. M attson , J. L evieux and C. B ernard -D agan .
Air Pollution and Acid Rain. The Biological Impact . By A. W ellburn .
The Australian Paniceae (Paniceae) . By R. D. W erster .
Kew Index for 1986 . Compiled by R.A. D avies and K.M. L loyd .
Kew Index for 1987 . Compiled by R. A. D avies and K. M. L loyd .
Index Kewensis Supplement XVII . Compiled by J. L. M. P inner , T. A. B ence , R. A. D avies and K. M. L loyd .
Index Kewensis Supplement XVIII . Compiled by J. L. M. P inner , T. A. B ence , R. A. D avies and K. M. L loyd . Edited by R. A. D avies .
The Botany of Mangroves . By P. B. T omlinson .
Floweroing Plants in West Africa . By M argaret S teentoft .
Plants in Danger . By S. D. D avies  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
A nti -T uberculous D rugs . H andbook of E xperimental P harmacology , Volume 84 (1988). Edited by K. Bartmann.
B acterial E ndotoxins : P athophysiological E ffects , C linical S ignificance and P harmacological C ontrol (1988). Edited by J. Levin, H.R. Buller, J.W. ten Cate, S.J.H. van Deventer & A. Sturk.
A L aboratory M anual for L egionella (1988). Edited by T.G. Harrison & A.G. Taylor.
M arine M icrobiology (1988). By B. Austin.
B acterial E nergy T ransduction (1988). Edited by C. Anthony.
S ingle C ell O il (1988). Edited by R.S. Moreton.
D iagnostic T echniques in M edical P arasitology (1988). By S.L. Fleck & A.H. Moody.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
M ycotoxins (1974). Edited by I. F. H. Purchase.
C owan and S teel's M anual for the I dentification of M edical B acteria (1974). S. T. Cowan.
A C olour A tlas of M icrobiology (1975). R. J. Olds.
M embranes and their C ellular F unctions (1974). J. B. Finean, R. Coleman & R. H. Michell.
S ingle C ell P rotein (1974). Edited by P. Davis.
W riting S cientific P apers in E nglish (1975). Maeve O'Connor & F. P. Woodford.
M icrobiology Vol. I (1975). Edited by V. A. Sherin & L. S. Smirnova.  相似文献   

M aintenance OF M icroorganisms . A M anual OF L aboratory M ethods (1984). Edited by B. E. Kirsop & J. J. S. Snell.
P rogress IN C linical AND B iological R esearch , V olume 181, G ermfree R esearch : M icroflora C ontrol AND ITS A pplication TO THE B iomedical S ciences (1985). Edited by B. S. Wostmann, J. R. Pleasants, M. Pollard
S pecial P ublications OF THE S ociety FOR G eneral M icrobiology , N umber 15, C omputer -A ssisted B acterial S ystematics (1985). Edited by M. Goodfellow, D. Jones & F. G. Priest.
R epairable L esions IN M icroorganisms (1984). Edited by A. Hurst & A. Nasim.
T he V irulence OF E scherichia C oli . R eviews AND M ethods (1985). Edited by M. Sussman.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Reproduction of Marine Invertebrates. Vol. VI. Echinoderms and Lophophorates, edited by A. C. Giese, J. S. Pearse and V. B. Pearse. Pacific Grove, California, U.S.A. The Butterflies of Kenya and their Natural History, by T. B. Larsen. The Land and Freshwater Molluscs of Suffolk, by I. J. Killeen. Ipswich, U.K. Flycatcher. Memoirs of an Amateur Entomologist by K. A. Spencer. Ecosystems of the World 24. Intertidal and Littoral Ecosystems, edited by A. C. Mathieson and P. H. Nienhuis. Revision of the Northeast Atlantic and Mediterranean Stylasteridae (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa), by Helmut Zibrowius and Stephen D. Cairns. Paris: Mémoires du Musée Nationale d'Histoire Naturellee, 1992. Animals and Disease. An Introduction to the History of Comparative Medicine, by L. Wilkinson. The Inevitable Bond. Examining Scientist-Animal Interactions, edited by H. Davis and D. Balfour. Martin Lister's English Spiders (1678), edited by J. Parker and B. Harley (translated by M. Davies and B. Harley)). The Ecology of Fishes on Coral Reefs, edited by P. F. Sale. San Diego, USA: The Lepidoptera: Form, Function and Diversity, by M. J. Scoble. Bats. A Community Perspective, by J. S. Findley. The Insects of Australia. A textbook for students and research workers, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation. Second Edition. Botanical monkeys, by E. J. H. Corner. The Biology of Millipedes, by S. P. Hopkin and H. J. Read. Mammals in the Palaearctic Desert: Status and Trends in the Sahara-Gobian Region, edited by J. A. McNeely and V. M. Neronov. Coelenterate Biology: Recent Research on Cnidaria and Ctenophora, edited by R. B. Williams, P. F. S. Cornelius, R. G. Hughes and E. A. Robson. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1991. Animal Behaviour, 4th ed., by A. Manning and M. S. Dawkins. Weevils, Naturalists' Handbook 16, by M. G. Morris. Insects on Cabbage and Oilseed Rape. Naturalists' Handbooks 18, by W. D. J. Kirk.  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1984,98(4):691-698
Books reviewed in this article:
Palaeoecology of Beringia . Ed. by D. M. H opkins , J. V. M atthews , C. E. S chweger and S. B. Y oung .
The Evolutionary Biology of Colonising Species . By P. A. P arsons .
Isolation of Membrances and Organelles from Plant Cells . Ed. By J. L. H all and A. L. M oore .
Collins Guide to Ferns, Mosses and Lichens of Britain and Northern and Central Europe . By H. M. J akas , assisted by A. K. M asselink .
The Diversity of Green Plants , By P. R. B ell and C. L. F. W oodcock .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1992,122(3):567-569
Plant Lectins. By A. P ustzai .
Techniques for the Rapid Detection of Plant Pathogens . Ed. by J. M. D uncan and L. T orrance .
Ecological Genetics and Air Pollution. Ed. by G. R. T aylor , Jr., L. F. P itelka and M. T. C legg .
Arctic Ecosystems in a Changing Climate. Ed. By F. S. C hapin III, R. L. J efferies , J. F. R eynolds , G. R. S haver , J. S voboda and E. W. C hu .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1995,131(2):288-289
Book reviewed in this article:
Plant Molecular Biology. Molecular Genetic Analysis of Plant Development and Metabolism. Ed. by G loria C oruzzi & P ere P uigdomégnech
Vacuum Methods in Electron Microscopy. By W. C. B igelow . Practical Methods in Electron Microscopy. Vol 15. Series Editor: Audrey M. G lauert .
The Fungi. By M ichael J. C arlile & S arah C. W atkinson .
Aspects of Tropical Mycology. Symposium of the British Mycological Society held at the University of Liverpool, April 1992. Edited by S. I saac , J. C. F rankland , R. W atling & A. J. S. W halley .
Belalong, A Tropical Rainforest. By T he E arl O f C ranbrook & D avid S. E dwards .
Ecology and Management of Invasive Riverside Plants. Ed. by L. C. D e W aal , L. E. C hild , P. M. W ade & J. H. B rock  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
C oncepts in V iral P athogenesis III (1989). Edited by A.L. Notkins & M.B.A. Old-stone.
A C olour A tlas of M eat I nspection (1990). By J. Infante Gil & J. Costa Durao.
P romiscuous P lasmids of G ram -N egative B acteria (1989). Edited by Christopher M. Thomas.
S hort P rotocols in M olecular B iology (1989). Edited by F.M. Ausubel et al.
G enetics of B acterial D iversity (1989). Edited by D.A. Hopwood & K.F. Chater.
Y east G enetics . A M anual of M ethods (1989). By J.F.T. Spencer, D.M. Spencer & I.J. Burce.
M etals and M icro -O rganisms (1989). By M.N. Hughes & R.K. Poole.
S eed -B orne D isease and S eed H ealth T esting of R ice (1989). By P. C. Agarwal, C.N. Mortensen & S.B. Mathur.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
The Analysis of Biological Populations MARK WILLIAMSON Pp. xi +180 + 63 figs. London: Edward Arnold, £4.00 (also available in paperback, price £2.00.) Reviewed by M. E. Solomon

Termites, their Recognition and Control W. VICTOR HARRIS Pp. xiii + 186 + 56 plates. Bristol: Longmans. £4.50 (2nd ed., 1971). Reviewed by P. E. Howse

Basic Natural History WILLIAM B. NUTTING Pp.xiii + 386 New York and London: Macmillan. $6.50. Reviewed by John Mattocks

Function and Evolution of Behavior: An Historical Sample from the Pens of Ethologists Edited by P. H. KLOPFER and J. P. HAILMAN Pp. x+404. London: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. £2.95. Reviewed by P. J. B. Slater

Biology of Bone N. M. HANCOX Pp. viii +199 + 81 figs Cambridge: University Press. £6.40. Reviewed by Rufus Clarke

Life, Form and Function C. V. BREWER and C. D. BURROW Pp.281. London: Macmillan. Soft cover, £1.20; hard cover, £1.50. Reviewed by J. A. Barker

The Assessment of Population Affinities in Man Edited by J. S. WEINER and J. HUIZINGA Pp. xii + 224 with 64 text tables and 31 text figs. London : Oxford University Press. Price £6.00. Reviewed by Paul H. Harvey

School Projects in Natural History Edited by the DEVON TRUST FOR NATURE CONSERVATION Pp. 180. London: Heinemann Educational Books. £2.00. Reviewed by John Mattocks  相似文献   

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