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黄彬  庞启平  叶英  刘晓泉 《四川动物》2007,26(2):397-399
本文报道版纳鱼螈的排泄系统和生殖系统的整体解剖。版纳鱼螈的肾长而窄,并分叶;雌雄体的生殖腺外观形态基本相同而且分叶;雌雄体的生殖管外观形态基本相同;泄殖腔衍生成雄体的交配器或非繁殖时雌体的子宫,但繁殖时雌体的子宫会退化;有卵36~40粒。  相似文献   

采用常规解剖学和组织学方法对版纳鱼螈Ichthyophis bannanica的泌尿系统进行研究.结果表明,版纳鱼螈泌尿系统包括中肾、输尿管、膀胱.版纳鱼螈的中肾由肾小体和肾小管组成,无皮质、髓质之分,肾小体主要分布在肾脏背外侧缘,肾小管由颈段、第1近曲小管、第2近曲小管、间段、第1远曲小管、第2远曲小管和集合管组成;输尿管位于两肾外侧缘,其上皮由前端的单层立方上皮过渡到后端的假复层上皮;膀胱为泄殖腔膀胱,内壁具有发达的绒毛,绒毛上皮为变移上皮.  相似文献   

对胎生蜥Lacerta vivipara的排泄和生殖系统进行了解剖观察.胎生蜥的排泄系统由肾脏、输尿管和泄殖腔组成,左肾较右肾稍大,但在位置上没有明显差别;雄性生殖系统由精巢、输精管、附睾和半阴茎组成,左侧精巢位置较右侧稍接近身体前部且稍大;雌性生殖系统南卵巢和输卯管组成,左右卵巢在大小上无明显差别,但左侧卵巢比右侧卵巢略接近身体前部.对繁殖期和繁殖期后的生殖系统比较显示,生殖腺在繁殖期明显增大.胎生蜥的生殖系统与其他卵生和卵胎生类蜥蜴无明显差别.  相似文献   

以我国特有的珍稀濒危两栖动物版纳鱼螈(Ichthyophis bannanica)为材料,采用传统的脊椎动物骨骼标本制作技术与透明骨骼标本制作技术相结合的方法,对其骨骼系统进行了形态学研究,并与其他无足目和两栖动物相比较,探讨版纳鱼螈的亲缘关系和进化地位。结果表明,版纳鱼螈成体具头骨41枚,椎骨108~115枚,肋骨101~108枚,无四肢骨。头骨、椎骨和肋骨均具有适应于穴居、掘穴和夜行性习性的特征。版纳鱼螈与双带鱼螈(I.glutinosus)的头骨极为相似,却具有比Dermophis mexicanus的头骨更原始的特征。  相似文献   

版纳鱼螈Ichthyophis bannanicus 是蚓螈类在我国分布的唯一物种,目前已知分布在云南、广西和广东的部分地区.本研究获得4个版纳鱼螈种群的87个个体的线粒体DNA细胞色素6基因1 000 bp序列,对序列变异、遗传多样性、种群结构和种群动态进行了分析.经比对后87个序列发现39个(3.9%)多态性位点,共定义了22个单倍型.序列分析结果显示版纳鱼螈种群单倍型多样性和核苷酸多样性与其它两栖动物接近,说明版纳鱼螈各种群仍保持一定的遗传多样性水平.单倍型网络关系图和系统发生分析均显示来自云南和两广地区的版纳鱼螈分歧明显,已形成了不同的进化谱系.种群遗传结构分析也显示来自云南的勐腊种群与两广各种群之间显著的遗传差异,这提示分布在云南与两广地区的版纳鱼螈应作为不同的管理单元(MU)进行保护.综合两种中性检验(Fu's Fs=9.44,P=0;Tajima's D=1.88,P=0.013)和种群增长指数(g=5415.03±297.55)分析的结果表明,两广地区的版纳鱼螈可能经历近期的种群扩张事件.  相似文献   

版纳鱼螈Ichthyophis bannanicus是蚓螈目Gymnophiona在我国分布的唯一物种.由于长期以来缺乏对版纳鱼螈的分布范围及演化历史等信息的了解,本研究通过分子遗传学的方法,就其分布、起源及扩散等内容进行了探讨.结果发现,我国境内的版纳鱼螈均属同一物种,尚未出现种的分化.研究中明确证实了版纳鱼螈在泰国和越南的分布,提示了版纳鱼螈在中南半岛广为分布,甚至可能达到马来西亚境内.结果还提示水系对版纳鱼螈的分布具有较大的影响,尤其在湄公河水系中表现的最为明显.现有的信息提示版纳鱼螈有可能起源于中南半岛,并沿着澜沧江-湄公河水系、红河-珠江水系、克拉地峡-马来半岛3个方向扩散.我国境内的版纳鱼螈主要分布在云南南部地区和两广丘陵以南,来自这两大分布区的个体之间的遗传差异明显,应属于不同的进化显著单元.  相似文献   

2012年12月至2013年2月对版纳鱼螈(Ichthyophis bannanicus)的冬眠进行初步研究,发现5条版纳鱼螈(包括成体和亚成体)在4个冬眠洞穴内冬眠,其越冬地选择在距离水源不远的溪流岸边或者平缓的山坡,能够自行打洞或者利用其他动物废弃的洞穴进行冬眠。版纳鱼螈主要是以单栖的方式冬眠,身体呈S形或者圆形。  相似文献   

版纳鱼螈脑的解剖学与组织学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用光镜对蚓螈目(Gymnophiona)物种版纳鱼螈(Ichthyophis bannanicus)脑的解剖和组织结构进行观察。结果表明,版纳鱼螈脑可分为端脑、间脑、中脑和延脑4个部分,端脑由嗅球、副嗅球和大脑半球构成。嗅球发达,有两对嗅神经;大脑半球呈长椭圆形,为脑的主要部分;间脑腹面向后以漏斗连有扁平勺状的垂体;中脑椭圆形;没有小脑;延髓有较大弯曲。本文同时就上述结构特征与其他两栖动物相比较,探讨了在神经系统演化中版纳鱼螈脑的结构的原始性。  相似文献   

《四川动物》编辑部:感谢您在过去一年里的对我的关心和支持!2006年5月我在贵刊2006年25卷2期发表《版纳鱼螈研究进展》,同年在《动物学杂志》41卷4期发表《版纳鱼螈的骨骼系统》。自这两文发表以来,我收到了数位关心该研究方向的读者来信,共同反映一个问题:《版纳鱼螈研究进展》一文“2.7骨骼研究”一段中提到“国内尚无学者关注版纳鱼螈的骨骼研究,国外仅有MtthewW.Colbert和David Canatella 2004年采用CT扫描的方法展示了版纳鱼螈头骨的三维结构,并制作成了动画电影“,而在《版纳鱼螈的骨骼系统》之前言部分又说:”到目前为止国内外尚…  相似文献   

版纳鱼螈外周血细胞观察   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
以濒危两栖动物版纳鱼螈(Ichthyophis bannanica)为材料,应用瑞氏-姬姆萨混合染色法与血细胞计数法观察并统计了版纳鱼螈各种外周血细胞的形态特征和数量比例.结果表明,版纳鱼螈的外周血液中红细胞数量较多,呈卵圆形、椭圆形、梭形和梨形,平均含量为2.57 ×105个/mm3.白细胞数量较少,多呈近圆形,平均含量为0.72×103个/mm3.白细胞中,淋巴细胞最多,其次为单核细胞、嗜中性粒细胞、嗜碱性粒细胞和嗜酸性粒细胞.血栓细胞数量较少,常数个集合在一起.同时,将此研究结果与鱼类、爬行类和其他两栖类的血细胞比较,进而探讨了版纳鱼螈的进化地位.  相似文献   

We investigated the structure of the male reproductive system in Ichthyophis supachaii. The testis comprises a series of mulberry‐like lobes, each of which contains testis lobules occupied by germ cysts. A single cyst consists of synchronously developing germ cells. Six spermatogenic cell types, viz. primary spermatogonia, secondary spermatogonia, primary spermatocytes, secondary spermatocytes, spermatids and spermatozoa, have been identified and described. Notably, the testis of I. supachaii encompasses specific organization patterns of spermatids and spermatozoa during spermiogenesis. Spermiating cysts rupture and release spermatozoa to the collecting ducts, which are subsequently transported to the sperm duct, Wolffian duct and cloaca. We report for the first time ciliated cells in the epithelium of the caecilian Wolffian duct. The cloaca is divided into the urodeum and phallodeum. The urodeum has ciliated and glandular epithelia at its dorsolateral and ventral regions, respectively, as the lining of its internal surface. The muscular phallodeum is lined by ciliated epithelium. Paired Mullerian ducts lie parallel to the intestine and join the cloaca. The posterior portion of the duct is modified as the Mullerian gland. The most posterior region is non‐glandular and lined by ciliated epithelium. Our findings contribute further to information on the reproductive biology of caecilians in Thailand.  相似文献   

Testicular structure of 9 species and sperm head morphology of 19 species of Cottidae were observed in order to clarify relationships between morphological characteristics of the male reproductive organ and reproductive mode (copulation or non-copulation). Morphological structure of the testis was divided into the following five types based on the sperm transfer and reservoir system: (1) a non-duct type in which the sperm duct is not a distinct exterior structure, but the tube for sperm transport traverses along the testis as an interior structure; (2) an anterior duct type with distinct anterior sperm ducts traversing along the testis; (3) a posterior duct type with distinct anterior sperm ducts traversing along the dorsal hilus of testis and posterior sperm ducts extending to the rear of the testis; (4) an anterior duct posterior vesicle type with distinct anterior sperm ducts traversing along the testis, and the right and left sperm ducts fusing in the rear of testis, forming the seminal vesicle; (5) a non-duct posterior vesicle type in which sperm ducts do not accompany the testis, and the testis and seminal vesicle are connected directly or through posterior sperm ducts. It is thought that in Cottidae the non-duct type of reproductive organ is primitive, and the anterior duct type is common to all non-copulating species. The testes and accompanying seminal vesicle were seen only in copulating species. Sperm head morphology was divided into three types according to the length/width ratio: oval type ≤2, intermediate type >2 and ≤3, and slender type >3. The type of sperm head corresponded closely to the reproductive mode; non-copulating species had oval sperm head, and copulating species had intermediate or slender ones. These results suggest that the structure of the testis and the morphology of the sperm head evolved from testes with anterior sperm ducts and oval sperm heads to testes with an associated seminal vesicle and slender sperm heads in association with the evolution from non-copulatory to copulatory reproduction in Cottidae.  相似文献   

Five reproductive classes of cobia Rachycentron canadum , caught along the Gulf of Mexico and the south-east Atlantic coast of the U.S.A., are described during the annual reproductive cycle. These are based upon changes in the testicular germinal epithelium and the stages of germ cells that are present: early maturation, mid maturation, late maturation, regression and regressed. During early maturation, the germinal epithelium is continuous from the testicular ducts to the periphery of the testis and active spermatogenesis occurs throughout the testis. In mid maturation, the germinal epithelium near the ducts becomes discontinuous, but it remains continuous distally. In late maturation, a discontinuous germinal epithelium extends all along the lobules to the testicular periphery; lobules are swollen with sperm and there is minimal spermatogenesis. The regression class is characterized by a discontinuous epithelium throughout the testis, sperm storage and widely scattered spermatocysts. Spermatogonial proliferation also occurs along the lobule walls and at the periphery of the testis. In regressed testes, spermatogonia exist only in a continuous or discontinuous germinal epithelium, although residual sperm are nearly always present in the lobules and ducts. The presence or absence of sperm is not an accurate indicator of reproductive classes. At the periphery of the testis in the regression and regressed classes, the distal portions of lobules elongate as cords of cells containing spermatogonia and Sertoli cells. All reproductive classes can be identified in paraffin sections, although plastic sections provide better resolution. Using maturation classes defined by changes in the germinal epithelium to describe testicular development and spermatogenesis gives a more accurate picture than does using the traditional terminology.  相似文献   

Abstract The ultrastructure of unicellular accessory glands (= prostate glands) and external male ducts of the cestode Cylindrotaenia hickmaniare described. Accessory glands open into the lumen of the external common sperm duct (= external vas deferens). The gland cells contain abundant endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi bodies and secretory bodies, and have elongate necks that pierce the apical cytoplasm of the duct. Cell contact with the apical cytoplasm of the sperm duct is mediated by septate desmosomes. Accessory glands secrete spherical particles, with a diameter of approximately 70 nm, that adhere to spermatozoa. The roles of these accessory glands may relate to activity of the sperm or development of the female system after insemination. Paired sperm ducts arise from testes, and unite to form a common sperm duct. Each duct consists of a tubular anucleate cytoplasmic region which is supported by nucleated cytons that lie sunken in the parenchyma. The apical cytoplasm of the paired sperm ducts (= vasa efferentia) possesses apical microvilli and abundant mitochondria, but few other cytoplasmic features. The apical cytoplasm of the common sperm duct possesses sparse apical microvilli and numerous electronlucent vesicles. The male gonoducts form an elongate syncytium which is markedly polarized along the length of the ducts. The ducts also display apical–basal polarity in that sunken nucleated cytons support the apical cytoplasm which in turn has distinct basal and apical domains.  相似文献   

The comparative morphology of the gonads and fat bodies of members of 17 genera and 46 species of caecilians (Amphibia: Gymnophiona) is described and analyzed. Comparison is made with the morphology of salamanders and frogs in order to elucidate evolutionary trends and relationships within the order Gymnophiona and within the class Amphibia. The structure of the testis lobes and transverse and longitudinal ducts is described based on gross dissection and histological investigation. The pattern of spermatogenesis and interstitial tissue changes are described and compared with those of other amphibians. A trend toward fusion of testis lobes is analyzed. The characteristics of the seasonal reproductive cycle of male Gymnopis m. proxima are described, and evidence for cyclic reproductive activity in other forms is presented. The morphology of the ovaries and ova is described. Size of ovary and size and number of ova is dependent on the state of maturation of the ova. Some evidence for seasonal ovum production and breeding is presented. Fat body morphology is found to be correlated with size, nutrition, and gonad condition, as in other amphibians.  相似文献   

In many birds, the male reproductive tract is asymmetric with the left testis being larger than the right one. Coucals (Centropodidae) represent an exception as the asymmetry is typically reversed. Here, we describe the functional morphology of the reproductive tract of the African Black Coucal (Centropus grillii), a bird species with reversed sex-roles and a classical polyandrous mating system. In this species, the left testis has been reduced to a tiny, disk-like vestige that in almost all cases examined was not visible macroscopically. The vestigial left testis apparently does not participate in sperm production but has retained a vestigial left excurrent duct system. By contrast, the right deferent duct was engorged with sperm, suggesting a sperm storage function. Both deferent ducts opened on the tip of spectacularly long, erectile deferent duct papillae into the urodaeum of the male cloaca. Behavioural observations suggest that they may function as “pseudophalli”. Testis mass represented 0.49% of body mass, less than half the size of other classical polyandrous bird species. Assuming moderate to high levels of sperm competition this represents a paradox. Heavy demands on the energy budget while caring for altricial young may have prevented males from maintaining two testes and large bilateral sperm storage devices. Reduced testis mass may be compensated for by frequent transfer of small amounts of sperm. Female Black Coucals have not evolved any corresponding cloacal specializations, but like all other birds have sperm storage tubules.  相似文献   

The changes that take place in the efferent ducts during the major phases of the reproductive cycle of birds were studied morphologically using standard histological, morphometric, and ultrastructural methods in prepuberal, sexually mature and sexually active, and sexually mature but sexually inactive domestic fowl (Gallus domesticus), drake (Anas platyrhynchos), and guinea fowl (Numida meleagris). Profound structural and dimensional changes occurred in both segments (proximal and distal) of the efferent ducts and, in particular, in the nonciliated (Type I) cell of the proximal duct of sexually mature but inactive birds. The subapical tubulovacuolar system was markedly atrophic in nonciliated (Types I and II) cells and the numerous round dense globules of Type I cells that normally occurred in sexually active birds were replaced by fewer and more pleomorphic bodies containing lipofuscin granules in sexually resting birds. Lipid droplets, few and extremely large in inactive drakes but numerous and smaller in size in guinea fowls and domestic fowls, occurred in the Type I cell at both infra- and supranuclear levels of resting but not in prepuberal or sexually active birds. Ciliated cells in both segments of the ducts exhibited fewer and less profound phase-dependent changes ultrastructurally. Generally, the Type I cells of the proximal efferent duct appeared to be more sensitive to androgen deprivation than the Type II cell of the distal efferent duct or ciliated cells in both ducts. These morphologically phase-dependent features of the efferent ducts of birds may be used, together with or independent of testicular changes, in the determination of the status of the testis and epididymis of a male bird with regard to the reproductive cycle, especially in seasonally breeding species.  相似文献   

This study deals with the histomorphology of the mesonephros in male and female Neurergus microspilotus. The slender and narrow kidneys are positioned in the retro peritoneal position up against the ventral aspect of vertebral column and may extend the length from the esophagus-stomach junction to cloaca. The kidney in both sexes is composed of sexual(anterior) and pelvic(posterior) parts. The duct of sexual kidney is a narrow duct which is lying alongside its lateral edge. In the female, it is connected to the ureters and then the duct of defi nitive kidney. Before entering the cloaca, two ureters are joined together and open to the apex of the cloaca. In the male, after entering the sexual kidney, the sperm leave the testis through efferent ducts, then these ducts join together and eventually form Bidder's duct. The Bidder's duct joins the Bowman's capsule of the nephrons in the sexual kidney and the nephrons make collecting ducts which are fi lled with both sperm and urine. After leaving the kidney, all the collecting ducts are connected to the Wolffi an duct. Wolffi an duct joins the ureters(merge from defi nitive kidney) just before entering the cloaca. Based on serial paraffi n sections, nephrons consist of a fi ltration unit, the Malpighian corpuscle, and a renal tubule, which can be divided into 4 morphologically distinct segments: proximal tubule(first and second segment), distal tubule, and collecting tubule. Collecting tubules merge and form a branch system that opens into collecting ducts.  相似文献   

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