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Four high-affinity monoclonal antibodies (MAb) which react specifically with the low molecular weight (LMW) fragment of bovine type IX collagen (BIX) have been produced in mice. On the basis of the ability of these MAb to cross-react with type IX collagen purified from human, rat, and chick cartilage and to inhibit one another in a competitive inhibition assay, we conclude that the MAb D1-9, B3-1, and B2-7 recognize unique epitopes, whereas MAb B4-5 recognizes the same epitope as B3-1. None of the MAb reacted with bovine type I, II, and XI collagen. MAb D1-9 and B3-1 were tested for their ability to bind to tissue antigen, using an immunohistochemical assay system. Positive immunoperoxidase reactions were observed in the perichondrocytic regions of human and rat costochondral cartilage. Positive responses were also detected in rat auricular cartilage, as well as in tissue obtained from the middle and inner ears of rats and mice. This report demonstrates the relative ease of producing MAb to heterologous type IX collagen and the utility of these MAb for localizing type IX collagen in cartilage and cartilage-like tissues.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies against amyloid fibril protein AA were produced by cell fusion of murine P3 X 63-Ag8.653 myeloma cells with spleen cells of immunized Balb/c mice. To increase immunogenicity, protein AA was coupled to horseradish peroxidase (HRP) or human high molecular weight kininogen (HMWK). Using micro-ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent essay) seven hybridoma cell lines secreting antibodies that specifically bind to protein AA have been selected and cloned. When applied to formalin-fixed paraffin sections of a variety of different amyloid types using immunoperoxidase methods, five monoclonal antibodies bound specifically and strongly to amyloid only of the AA type. Since a series of different AA-amyloids could be stained, these reagents may be used to routinely diagnose AA-amyloidosis in tissue sections. A monoclonal antibody against HRP has also been produced that has been utilized to develop a monoclonal peroxidase-antiperoxidases (PAP) complex. When three immunoperoxidase methods were compared, the sensitivity of a conventional rat PAP was comparable to the monoclonal PAP complex, but the latter was easier to handle. Both methods were more sensitive than the indirect immunoperoxidase technique.  相似文献   

In previous experiments, three pepsin-resistant fragments of type IV collagen were isolated from chicken gizzards and designated 7S, F3, and (F1)2F2 (Mayne, R., and Zettergren, J. G. (1980) Biochemistry 19, 4065-4072). In the present experiments, a series of monoclonal antibodies to type IV collagen were prepared, each one of which recognized an epitope present in only one of the three fragments. A high molecular weight fraction of type IV collagen (designated 7S + arms (215 nm)) was isolated after agarose gel filtration and characterized by electron microscopy after rotary shadowing and by gel electrophoresis. Analysis of 7S + arms (215 nm) by inhibition enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay demonstrated the presence of the epitopes for 7S and F3 but not for (F1)2F2. This result, therefore, provides additional evidence that the order of the pepsin-resistant fragments of chicken type IV collagen is 7S-F3-(F1)2F2.  相似文献   

The location of the epitopes for monoclonal antibodies against chicken type IV and type V collagens were directly determined in the electron microscope after rotary shadowing of antibody/collagen mixtures. Three monoclonal antibodies against type IV collagen were examined, each one of which was previously demonstrated to be specific for only one of the three pepsin-resistant fragments of the molecule. The three native fragments were designated (F1)2F2, F3, and 7S, and the antibodies that specifically recognize each fragment were called, respectively, IA8 , IIB12 , and ID2 . By electron microscopy, monoclonal antibody IA8 recognized an epitope located in the center of fragment (F1)2F2 and in tetramers of type IV collagen at a distance of 288 nm from the 7S domain, the region of overlap of four type IV molecules. Monoclonal antibody IIB12 , in contrast, recognized an epitope located only 73 nm from the 7S domain. This result therefore provides direct visual evidence that the F3 fragment is located closest to the 7S domain and the order of the fragments must be 7S-F3-(F1)2F2. The epitope for antibody ID2 was located in the overlap region of the 7S domain, and often several antibody molecules were observed to binding to a single 7S domain. The high frequency with which antibody molecules were observed to bind to fragments of type IV collagen suggests that there is a single population of type IV molecules of chain organization [alpha 1(IV)]2 alpha 2(IV), and that four identical molecules must form a tetramer that is joined in an antiparallel manner at the 7S domain. The monoclonal antibodies against type V collagen, called AB12 and DH2 , were both found to recognize epitopes close to one another, the epitopes being located 45-48 nm from one end of the type V collagen molecule. The significance of this result still remains uncertain, but suggests that this site is probably highly immunoreactive. It may also be related to the specific cleavage site of type V collagen by selected metalloproteinases and by alpha-thrombin. This cleavage site is also known to be located close to one end of the type V molecule.  相似文献   

Luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) was conjugated to bovine thyroglobulin and used to immunize a BALB/c mouse. Spleen lymphocytes were subsequently fused to SP2/0 myeloma cells and two of the resulting hybridoma clones were found to produce high titer antibodies to LHRH (HU4H and HU11B); both belonged to the IgG1 subclass. Characterization of the monoclonal antibodies revealed that HU4H and HU11B have conformational and sequential specificity to LHRH, respectively, and that neither one shows significant immunoactivity with pro-LHRH. The value of these antibodies in immunocytochemical applications is demonstrated by their ability to cause intense specific staining of LHRH neuronal cell bodies and fibers in brain sections from several mammalian species.  相似文献   

A series of monoclonal antibodies was prepared against the pepsin-resistant fragment of type IX collagen designated HMW. One of these antibodies (called 2C2) was selected for further analysis. Antibody 2C2 showed no cross-reactivity with other collagen types by inhibition enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. It recognized an epitope present in native HMW, but failed to recognize any of the three chains of HMW fractionated after denaturation followed by reduction and alkylation of interchain disulfide bridges. Electron microscopic observations after rotary shadowing showed that the location of the epitope for antibody 2C2 was close to the carboxy-terminus of HMW. Immunofluorescent staining of sections of embryonic and adult cartilage with antibody 2C2 after removal of proteoglycans by testicular hyaluronidase digestion showed that type IX collagen is distributed throughout the cartilage matrix, and is not present in other connective tissues or skeletal muscle. The intact type IX collagen molecule, which was secreted by a suspension culture of freshly isolated embryonic chick chondrocytes, was recognized by rotary shadowing in the presence of antibody 2C2 after first precipitating the procollagens from the culture medium with ammonium sulfate (30%). Two different collagenous molecules were present in the precipitate: a longer molecule of type II procollagen (average length, 335 nm) with both amino- and carboxy-propeptides still remaining uncleaved, and a shorter molecule (average length, 190 nm) which was identified as type IX collagen. Antibody 2C2 consistently bound to the shorter molecules at a site located 136 nm from a distinctive knob at one end of the molecule, and did not bind to any specific site on the type II procollagen molecules. The structure of the intact type IX collagen molecule with the location of both collagenous and noncollagenous domains was as predicted after converting the nucleotide sequence of a cDNA clone encoding for one of the chains of type IX collagen to an amino acid sequence (Ninomiya, Y., and B. R. Olsen, 1984, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 81:3014-3018).  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody, IV-IA8, generated against chicken type IV collagen has been characterized and shown to bind specifically to a conformational-dependent site within a major, triple helical domain of the type IV molecule. Immunohistochemical localization of the antigenic determinant with IV-IA8 revealed that the basement membranes of a variety of chick tissues were stained but that the basement membrane of the corneal epithelium showed little, if any, staining. Thus, basement membranes may differ in their content of type IV collagen, or in the way in which it is assembled. The specificity of the antibody was determined by inhibition ELISA using purified collagen types I-V and three purified molecular domains of chick type IV collagen ([F1]2F2, F3, and 7S) as inhibitors. Only unfractionated type IV collagen and the (F1)2F2 domain bound the antibody. Antibody binding was destroyed by thermal denaturation of the collagen, the loss occurring at a temperature similar to that at which previous optical rotatory dispersion studies had shown melting of the triple helical structure of (F1)2F2. Such domain-specific monoclonal antibodies should prove to be useful probes in studies involving immunological dissection of the type IV collagen molecule, its assembly within basement membranes, and changes in its distribution during normal development and in disease.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies were prepared against pulmonary surfactant apoproteins which were isolated from lung lavages of patients with alveolar proteinosis with the following steps: solubilization of the surface-active fraction by Triton X-100, delipidation with butanol-ethanol extraction followed by column chromatographies on Blue-Sepharose and DEAE-Toyopearl in the presence of dithiothreitol. The fraction including 62 and 36 kDa proteins, i.e., pulmonary surfactant apoproteins, was used for the immunization. Monoclonal antibodies against the pulmonary surfactant apoproteins were prepared using hybridoma technology. The monoclonal antibodies prepared, PC6 and PE10, recognized the same proteins, i.e., 62 and 36 kDa proteins, in the patients' lavages. They also recognized 37 and 34 kDa proteins in human lung lavage and amniotic fluid. Quantitation of the apoproteins by enzyme-immunoassay using the monoclonal antibodies has been developed. A combination of PC6 and PE10 was found to be useful for a two-site sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), where it gave a good dose response and was capable of measuring 10-1280 ng of the apoprotein/ml. The specificity of the monoclonal antibodies in animal species was tested by this sandwich ELISA. The results indicated that the monoclonal antibodies obtained in this study are specific for the human lung.  相似文献   

We developed a panel of highly specific monoclonal antibodies (MAb) against dog Type V collagen. Each antibody showed differential reactivities towards Type V collagen from other species. All the antibodies were highly reactive in conventional ELISA, as well as with electroblots of collagen after polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis using non-denaturing conditions. The MAb were shown to be suitable for the immunohistological detection of Type V collagen in tissue sections, although this normally required pre-treatment of sections with 50 mM acetic acid. In particular, the antibodies were shown to be useful for examining samples of a collagen-based biomaterial, a vascular prosthesis, after explant from evaluation in an animal model. This showed that Type V collagen was most prominent in regions of new tissue formation within the neointima, close to the inner surface of the prosthesis. The broad spectrum of differential reactivities allows the antibodies to be used for a wide range of experimental models. These MAb therefore provide a novel approach for the evaluation of biomaterial performance, particularly for collagen-based implants.  相似文献   

Two monoclonal antibodies of types IgG2b and IgG2a, anti-spermine-(Spm)-1 (ASPM-1) and anti-Spm-2 (ASPM-2) respectively were found among five clones of murine monoclonal antibodies, which were raised against Spm conjugated with bovine serum albumin via the cross-linker N-(-maleimidobutyryloxy) succinimide (GMBS). Antibody specificity was evaluated by a recently developed ELISA binding test, and led to the study of tissue sections by immunocytochemistry (ICC). ASPM-1 showed exclusive immunoreactivity with Spm, with the exception of a negligible cross-reactivity (2.0%) with spermidine (Spd). ASPM-2, on the other hand, reacted almost equally with acetylspermine (Ac-Spm) and N 1-acetylspermidine (N1-Ac-Spd) but with none of the other polyamine-related compounds tested. Complete agreement was obtained with the results of immunoblot analysis. Furthermore, results for antibody specificity obtained with the ELISA inhibition test and ICC model experiments using Sepharose gel beads strongly suggested that ASPM-1 recognizes the Spm molecule possessing at least a free terminal primary amino group, while ASPM-2 recognizes the Spm molecule acylated at both the terminal primary amino groups. An ICC method using ASPM-2 produced strong staining for polyamines (PAs) in the cytoplasm (but very few in the nuclei) of two different tumor cell lines and protein- or peptide-secreting cell systems, including exocrine and endocrine cell types; ASPM-1 showed immunoreactivity only with the tumor cell lines. These results strongly suggest that ASPM-2 may be useful for studies on actively proliferating and neoplastic cells, supporting our previously proposed idea that in immunocytochemistry PAs were converted to a variety of PA derivatives during the fixation process.  相似文献   

A library of monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against Drosophila ovarian antigens was established. Each of the MAbs was characterized by its immunohistochemical binding pattern to sections from egg chambers at various stages of oogenesis. Sixteen of the 18 MAbs were found to bind to antigens in mature oocytes. Among the 16 antigens, two were also located in cytoplasm of cell types in the egg chamber other than the oocyte, at all stages of oogenesis. Four made their appearance in nurse cell cytoplasm at mid-vitellogenic stages and shifted to oocyte cytoplasm at a later stage, and ten appeared at the vitellogenic stage and confined their distribution to oocyte cytoplasm. All these antigens were distributed evenly in cytoplasm of mature oocytes. However, some of these antigens were noticed to change their distribution during early embryogenesis as to be localized in a specific region of embryos.  相似文献   

Two monoclonal antibodies have been characterized as being against avian type VI collagen. By competition ELISA, the antibodies bound to the native type VI collagen molecule but not to its separated chains or to any of the other native collagen types tested. By rotary shadowing analysis of complexes of antibody-type VI collagen monomers, one of the antibodies (VI-EC6) has been shown to bind to a site in the triple helical domain of the molecule. The site at which this antibody binds to the dimeric form of type VI collagen is consistent with the previously proposed model for a supramolecular organization of the molecule (Furthmayr et al., Biochem j 211 (1983) 303) in which the monomers are arranged in an antiparallel, slightly staggered overlap. Immunofluorescence analyses of sections of chicken eyes and skeletal muscle demonstrate that type VI collagen is a major component of most stromal matrices.  相似文献   

Glutamate is widely distributed in the central nervous system (CNS) and is present in greater amounts than any other putative neurotransmitter. To study its distribution in the CNS, a monoclonal antibody was raised against gamma-L-glutamyl-L-glutamic acid (gamma-Glu-Glu) conjugated to keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH) using glutaraldehydeborohydride. By use of this antibody, indirect immunoperoxidase staining was observed in CNS tissue fixed with carbodiimide to form gamma-Glu-Glu from glutamate and post-fixed with glutaraldehyde or paraformaldehyde. In contrast, immunoreactivity was quite low in tissues fixed only with glutaraldehyde. Absorption controls indicated that the staining of carbodiimide-fixed tissue could be inhibited by micromolar concentrations of gamma-Glu-Glu but not by other small molecules. Using ELISA, the antibody reacted strongly with the gamma-Glu-Glu/KLH conjugate used to immunize the mouse, but not with other small molecules conjugated to KLH. The reactivity of the antibody with the gamma-Glu-Glu/KLH conjugate on ELISA was inhibited by free gamma-Glu-Glu in micromolar concentrations, but not by similar dipeptides or amino acids. Dense immunocytochemical staining was observed in cortical pyramidal cells, cerebellar granule cells, and the cochlear nuclei. Staining with this monoclonal antibody correlated well with other methods of localizing glutamate in the CNS.  相似文献   

Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) from 1-day chicken brain was enriched over 2000-fold by affinity chromatography using N-methylacridinium-Sepharose. This preparation was used to prepare monoclonal antibodies (mAb) directed against AChE, of which two were extensively characterised for further application. Both mAbs bound to the enzyme from the chicken with high affinity (Kd approximately 8 X 10(-10) M) and one mAb, in addition, recognised AChE from quail brain and muscle. Neither mAb cross-reacted with mammalian or fish AChE. Both mAbs recognised AChE in the endplate region of adult chicken skeletal muscle and bound with equal affinity to the three major oligomeric forms found in early ambryonic muscle. One mAb was used to immunopurify chicken brain AChE to homogeneity (over 12000-fold enrichment), with nearly complete recovery of the enzyme and without detectable proteolytic breakdown. The other mAb recognised AChE after immunoblotting and was used to screen crude brain extracts from individual chickens for allelic variations. Evidence is presented to show that two allelic forms occur, represented in SDS-PAGE by a doublet polypeptide of Mr approximately 110,000, this pattern is maintained after deglycosylation of the N-linked oligosaccharides. This variation was found throughout development and in both the brain and the muscle of individuals. We conclude that the gene encoding the catalytic subunit of chicken AChE is polymorphic with either one or two equally active alleles being expressed.  相似文献   

Polyclonal antisera against prostaglandins (PGs) are widely used for the assessment of the biological role of these mediators, but even the most specific contain antibodies against the major metabolites and degradation products of the haptens employed. To overcome this inherent problem we produced monoclonal antibodies (mAs) against PGE2, PGF2 alpha and 6-keto-PGF1 alpha using the somatic cell hybridization technique. The mAs against 6-keto-PGF1 alpha and PGF2 alpha proved to be highly specific, but allowed only for moderate detection limits (1-2 ng) in conventional fluid phase radioimmunoassays (RIAs). One of the mAs against PGE2 permitted a 100-fold improvement in the detection limit while being almost devoid of cross-reactivity with metabolites and other structurally related PGs. These results show that highly specific mAs against PGs can be produced to improve the available RIA technique for PG quantification.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify a monoclonal antibody (MAb) suitable for use in the immunocytochemical localization of prolactin in rat tissues. We took advantage of the conservation of certain amino acid sequences in prolactin among species by examining the crossreactivity patterns of five MAb, originally generated to ovine prolactin, with rat prolactin by enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA), Western blot analysis, and immunocytochemistry. Two of five antibodies (17D9 and 6F11) showed reactivity with 100 ng of immobilized rat prolactin (NIH RP-3) by ELISA, 6F11 reacting more strongly than 17D9. Only 6F11 reacted with prolactin in lysates of GH4C1 rat pituitary tumor cells by Western blot analysis. When we examined the crossreactivity of the MAb with rat prolactin in monolayer cultures of GH4C1 cells by indirect immunofluorescence, we found that both 17D9 and 6F11 reacted strongly with the cultures. The distribution of staining with 17D9 or 6F11 was coincident with staining with a polyclonal antiserum to rat prolactin. Preabsorption of the antibodies with a 20-fold excess of purified rat prolactin abolished the staining of GH4C1 cell cultures with either antibody. Therefore, we have selected from a series of MAb raised to ovine prolactin two antibodies (17D9 and 6F11) that react specifically with rat prolactin in immunocytochemical studies, whereas 6F11 also reacts strongly with rat prolactin by ELISA and Western blot analysis.  相似文献   

The formylpeptide receptor (FPR), previously found only on polymorphonuclear leukocytes and monocytes/macrophages, responds to both synthetic N-formyl oligopeptides and those produced by bacteria. The cDNA for human FPR has been cloned and a rabbit polyclonal antiserum directed against a synthetic 11-amino-acid peptide corresponding to the deduced carboxy-terminus has been produced. We have now extensively characterized and used the antibody to detect FPR on normal human tissues and cell types. The receptor antigen is present on some epithelial cells, especially those with a secretory function, and on some endocrine cells, e.g., follicular cells of the thyroid and cortical cells of the adrenal. Liver hepatocytes and Kupffer cells are positive. Smooth muscle and endothelial cells are also generally positive. In the brain and spinal cord, the neurons of the motor, sensory, and cerebellar systems, and those of the parasympathetic and sympathetic systems stain positively. These data suggest that the putative endogenous agonist for FPR or an antigenically similar receptor reacts with cellular targets in the neuromuscular, vascular, endocrine, and immune systems.  相似文献   

Several guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) for Rho-GTPases have been identified, all of them containing a Dbl homology (DH) and pleckstrin homology (PH) domain, but exhibiting different specificities to the Rho family members, Rho, Rac and Cdc42. We report here that KIAA0380, a protein with a tandem DH/PH domain, an amino-terminal PDZ domain and a regulator of G protein signalling (RGS) homology domain, is a specific GEF for RhoA, but not for Rac1 and Cdc42, as determined by GDP release, guanosine 5'-O-(3-thio)triphosphate (GTPgammaS) binding and protein binding assays. When expressed in J82 cells, DH/PH domain-containing forms of KIAA0380 induced actin stress fibers, whereas expression of the RGS homology domain prevented lysophosphatidic acid (LPA)-induced stress fiber formation.  相似文献   

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