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Mass spectrometry is a technique widely employed for the identification and characterization of proteins. The role of bioinformatics is fundamental for the elaboration of mass spectrometry data due to the amount of data that this technique can produce. To process data efficiently, new software packages and algorithms are continuously being developed to improve protein identification and characterization in terms of high-throughput and statistical accuracy. However, many limitations exist concerning bioinformatics spectral data elaboration. This review aims to critically cover the recent and future developments of new bioinformatics approaches in mass spectrometry data analysis for proteomics studies.  相似文献   

Over the decades, isotope-dilution mass spectrometry (IDMS) has been implemented extensively for accurate quantification of drugs, metabolites and peptides in body fluids and tissues. More recently, it has been extended for quantifying specific proteins in complex mixtures. In this extended methodology, proteins are subjected to endoprotease action and specific resultant peptides are quantified by using synthetic stable isotope-labeled standard (SIS) peptides and IDMS. This article outlines the utilities and applications of quantifying proteins by IDMS, emphasizing its complementary value to global survey-based proteomic studies. The potential of SIS peptides to provide quantitative insights into cell signaling is also highlighted, with specific examples. Finally, we propose several novel mass spectrometric data acquisition strategies for large-scale applications of IDMS and SIS peptides in systems biology and protein biomarker validation studies.  相似文献   

Several neuropeptide FF (NPFF)-related peptides, known as modulators of the opioid system, have been previously characterized in bovine and rodent brain. Reverse-phase high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) fractions of a human with normal pressure hydrocephalus cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), co-migrating with NPFF-related synthetic peptides, were characterized by capillary HPLC coupled on-line to nanospray ion trap tandem mass spectrometry. Two peptides present in the pro-NPFF(A) precursor, NPAF (AGEGLNSQFWSLAAPQRF-NH2) and NPSF (SLAAPQRF-NH2), were identified. The monitoring of NPFF-related peptides in human CSF can be helpful to understand their roles in pain sensitivity.  相似文献   

Introduction: The accurate and comprehensive determination of peptide hormones from biological fluids has represented a considerable challenge to analytical chemists for decades. Besides long-established bioanalytical ligand binding assays (or ELISA, RIA, etc.), more and more mass spectrometry-based methods have been developed recently for purposes commonly referred to as targeted proteomics. Eventually the combination of both, analyte extraction by immunoaffinity and subsequent detection by mass spectrometry, has shown to synergistically enhance the test methods’ performance characteristics.

Areas covered: The review provides an overview about the actual state of existing methods and applications concerning the analysis of endogenous peptide hormones. Here, special focus is on recent developments considering the extraction procedures with immobilized antibodies, the subsequent separation of target analytes, and their detection by mass spectrometry.

Expert commentary: Key aspects of procedures aiming at the detection and/or quantification of peptidic analytes in biological matrices have experienced considerable improvements in the last decade, particularly in terms of the assays’ sensitivity, the option of multiplexing target compounds, automatization, and high throughput operation. Despite these advances and progress as expected to be seen in the near future, immunoaffinity purification coupled to mass spectrometry is not yet a standard procedure in routine analysis compared to ELISA/RIA.  相似文献   


Context: Pre-eclampsia (PE) is a common hypertensive disorder of pregnancy that substantially affects maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality worldwide. The aetiology of the disease remains poorly understood with lack of reliable diagnostic tests. PE is a multisystem disorder so it is very unlikely that a single or a small group of biomarkers will accurately predict the disease. Mass spectrometry (MS) is indispensable analytical tool in protein analysis studies. MS-based proteomics have the ability to detect the entire protein complement to provide a useful window into a range of biological processes and allow the identification of differentially expressed proteins between samples.

Objective: The aim of this review is to summarise, discuss and evaluate the current predominant MS-based approaches applied for protein biomarker discovery. The paper also seeks to evaluate the current potential PE biomarkers described in the literature and identify issues that can guide future research.

Conclusion: MS-based proteomics studies are promising alternatives to classical hypothesis-driven approaches to discover novel biomarkers and provide new insights into the underlying phathophysiological mechanisms of PE. This should aid in the early diagnosis of PE and the understanding of the aetiology of the disease.  相似文献   

蛋白质组学的兴起带动了质谱技术的快速发展,而质谱技术的进步则拓宽了蛋白质组学研究问题的广度.最近10年内,肽段或完整蛋白质在质谱仪中的裂解技术——电子捕获裂解(electron capture dissociation,ECD)与电子转运裂解(electron transfer dissociation,ETD)逐渐发展起来.ECD和ETD在蛋白质组学中的应用,特别是在蛋白质的翻译后修饰鉴定和自顶而下(Top-down)的完整蛋白质裂解研究中已经展示出了诱人的前景.对ECD和ETD的基本原理、质谱特点、仪器实现、数据解析算法与软件开发,以及在蛋白质组学中的应用进展等方面进行了比较系统全面的阐述,并对当前的研究问题、面临的技术挑战与未来的发展趋势等方面作了深入剖析.  相似文献   

Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) was used to measure the binding of Cu2+ ions to synthetic peptides corresponding to sections of the sequence of the mature prion protein (PrP). ESI-MS demonstrates that Cu2+ is unique among divalent metal ions in binding to PrP and defines the location of the major Cu2+ binding site as the octarepeat region in the N-terminal domain, containing multiple copies of the repeat ProHisGlyGlyGlyTrpGlyGln. The stoichiometries of the complexes measured directly by ESI-MS are pH dependent: a peptide containing four octarepeats chelates two Cu2+ ions at pH 6 but four at pH 7.4. At the higher pH, the binding of multiple Cu2+ ions occurs with a high degree of cooperativity for peptides C-terminally extended to incorporate a fifth histidine. Dissociation constants for each Cu2+ ion binding to the octarepeat peptides, reported here for the first time, are mostly in the low micromolar range; for the addition of the third and fourth Cu2+ ions to the extended peptides at pH 7.4, K(D)'s are <100 nM. N-terminal acetylation of the peptides caused some reduction in the stoichiometry of binding at both pH's. Cu2+ also binds to a peptide corresponding to the extreme N-terminus of PrP that precedes the octarepeats, arguing that this region of the sequence may also make a contribution to the Cu2+ complexation. Although the structure of the four-octarepeat peptide is not affected by pH changes in the absence of Cu2+, as judged by circular dichroism, Cu2+ binding induces a modest change at pH 6 and a major structural perturbation at pH 7.4. It is possible that PrP functions as a Cu2+ transporter by binding Cu2+ ions from the extracellular medium under physiologic conditions and then releasing some or all of this metal upon exposure to acidic pH in endosomes or secondary lysosomes.  相似文献   

Analysis of protein glycosylation by mass spectrometry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is a growing pharmaceutical market for protein-based drugs for use in therapy and diagnosis. The rapid developments in molecular and cell biology have resulted in production of expression systems for manufacturing of recombinant proteins and monoclonal antibodies. These proteins are glycosylated when expressed in cell systems with glycosylation ability. For glycoproteins intended for therapeutic administration it is important to have knowledge about the structure of the carbohydrate side chains to avoid cell systems that produce structures, which in humans can cause undesired reactions, e.g., immunological and unfavorable serum clearance rate. Structural analysis of glycoprotein oligosaccharides requires sophisticated instruments like mass spectrometers and nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometers. However, before the structural analysis can be conducted, the carbohydrate chains have to be released from the protein and purified to homogeneity, and this is often the most time-consuming step. Mass spectrometry has played and still plays an important role in analysis of protein glycosylation. The superior sensitivity compared to other spectroscopic methods is its main asset. Structural analysis of carbohydrates faces several problems, however, due to the chemical nature of the constituent monosaccharide residues. For oligosaccharides or glycoconjugates, the structural information from mass spectrometry is essentially limited to monosaccharide sequence, molecular weight, and only in exceptional cases glycosidic linkage positions can be obtained. In order to completely establish an oligosaccharide structure, several other structural parameters have to be determined, e.g., linkage positions, anomeric configuration and identification of the monosaccharide building blocks. One way to address some of these problems is to work on chemical pretreatment of the glycoconjugate, to specifically modify the carbohydrate chain. In order to introduce specific modifications, we have used periodate oxidation and trifluoroacetolysis with the objective of determining glycosidic linkage positions by mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

Atherosclerosis is usually the underlying cause of a fatal event such as myocardial infarction or ictus. The atherome plaque develops silently and asymptomatically within the arterial intima layer. In this context, the possibility to analyze the molecular content of arterial tissue while preserving each molecule’s specific localization is of great interest as it may reveal further insights into the physiopathological changes taking place. Mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) enables the spatially resolved molecular analysis of proteins, peptides, metabolites, lipids and drugs directly in tissue, with a resolution sufficient to reveal molecular features specific to distinct arterial structures. MSI represents a novel ex vivo imaging tool still underexplored in cardiovascular diseases. This review focuses on the MSI technique applied to cardiovascular disease and covers the main contributions to date, ongoing efforts, the main challenges and current limitations of MSI.  相似文献   

A new procedure to selectively identify disulfide-containing peptides in extracts of biological tissues is described. Disulfide-containing peptides are detected by their UV absorbance and electrochemical (EC) activity after chromatographic separation, and subsequently identified by fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry (FABMS). This combination of fractionation by HPLC and selective detection is attractive because it is rapid, highly specific for disulfide-containing peptides, and applicable to all disulfide-containing peptides that may be present in complex biological mixtures. Useful procedures for applying the method are demonstrated with tissue extracts from bovine pituitary and catfish pancreas. In addition to finding the expected disulfide-containing peptides, evidence for two forms of catfish insulin are presented. The merits of this and other methods used to detect peptides in similar tissue extracts are discussed.  相似文献   

The search for biomarkers is driven by the increasing clinical importance of early diagnosis. Reliable biomarkers can also assist in directing therapy, monitoring disease activity and the efficacy of treatment. In addition, the discovery of novel biomarkers might provide clues to the pathogenesis of a disease. The dynamic range of protein concentrations in body fluids exceeds 10 orders of magnitude. These huge differences in concentrations complicate the detection of proteins with low expression levels. Since all classical biomarkers have low expression levels (e.g., prostate-specific antigen: 2–4 µg/l; and CA125: 20–35 U/ml), new developments with respect to identification and validation techniques of the low-abundance proteins are required. This review will discuss the current status of profiling cerebrospinal fluid using mass spectrometry-based techniques, and new developments in this area.  相似文献   

There has been an impressive emergence of mass spectrometry based technologies applied toward the study of proteins. Equally notable is the rapid adaptation of these technologies to biomedical approaches in the realm of clinical proteomics. Concerted efforts toward the elucidation of the proteomes of organ sites or specific disease state are proliferating and from these efforts come the promise of better diagnostics/prognostics and therapeutic intervention. Prostate cancer has been a focus of many such studies with the promise of improved care to patients via biomarkers derived from these proteomic approaches. The newer technologies provide higher analytical capabilities, employ automated liquid handling systems, fractionation techniques and bioinformatics tools for greater sensitivity and resolving power, more robust and higher throughput sample processing, and greater confidence in analytical results. In this prospects, we summarize the proteomic technologies applied to date in prostate cancer, along with their respective advantages and disadvantages. The development of newer proteomic strategies for use in future applications is also discussed.  相似文献   

In the last several years, significant progress has been made in the development of microfluidic-based analytical technologies for proteomic and drug discovery applications. Chip-based nanoelectrospray coupled to a mass spectrometer detector is one of the recently developed analytical microscale technologies. This technology offers unique advantages for automated nanoelectrospray including reduced sample consumption, improved detection sensitivity and enhanced data quality for proteomic studies. This review presents an overview and introduction of recent developments in chip devices coupled to electrospray mass spectrometers including the development of the automated nanoelectrospray ionization chip device for protein characterization. Applications using automated chip-based nanoelectrospray ionization technology in proteomic and bioanalytical studies are also extensively reviewed in the fields of high-throughput protein identification, protein post-translational modification studies, top-down proteomics, biomarker screening by pattern recognition, noncovalent protein–ligand binding for drug discovery and lipid analysis. Additionally, future trends in chip-based nanoelectrospray technology are discussed.  相似文献   

Introduction: Protease activity plays a key role in a wide variety of biological processes including gene expression, protein turnover and development. misregulation of these proteins has been associated with many cancer types such as prostate, breast, and skin cancer. thus, the identification of protease substrates will provide key information to understand proteolysis-related pathologies.

Areas covered: Proteomics-based methods to investigate proteolysis activity, focusing on substrate identification, protease specificity and their applications in systems biology are reviewed. Their quantification strategies, challenges and pitfalls are underlined and the biological implications of protease malfunction are highlighted.

Expert commentary: Dysregulated protease activity is a hallmark for some disease pathologies such as cancer. Current biochemical approaches are low throughput and some are limited by the amount of sample required to obtain reliable results. Mass spectrometry based proteomics provides a suitable platform to investigate protease activity, providing information about substrate specificity and mapping cleavage sites.  相似文献   

We describe a liquid chromatography (LC) tandem mass spectrometry (MS-MS) method for the determination of 5-methyltetrahydrofolic acid (5-methylTHF) and folic acid concentrations and enrichments in human plasma. It was used to study absorption and initial metabolism in five volunteers with two simultaneously administered oral test doses ([(13)C(6)]folic acid in capsules and [(2)H(2)]folic acid in a drink). [(13)C(5)]5-methylTHF and [(2)H(4)]folic acid were used as internal standards. Plasma samples (2 ml) were purified using folate binding protein affinity columns, followed by a concentration step. After LC separation, folates were detected using positive electrospray ionization MS-MS under multiple reaction monitoring conditions. Calibrations were linear for 5-methylTHF over the range 1.2 x 10(-11) (=limit of detection) to 3.2 x 10(-7)mol/L and for folic acid over the range 5 x 10(-10) (=limit of detection) to 4.5 x 10(-8)mol/L. For 5-methylTHF concentration in plasma, intraassay coefficient of variation was within 8.6% (and for unlabeled 5-methylTHF it was within 2.8%) and interassay coefficient of variation was within 9.0%. For folic acid concentrations these coefficient of variations were within 7.5% and within 6.5%, respectively. The [(13)C(6)] and [(2)H(2)] isotopomers of folic acid and 5-methylTHF were measured in the plasma of each volunteer for 8h. After accounting for the time delay due to capsule opening, the modeling results showed no significant differences in absorption time, first pass effect, and elimination rate in the folic acid test doses in capsule or drink. We conclude that LC-MS-MS offers increased sensitivity for quantification of plasma concentrations and enrichments of 5-methylTHF and folic acid and is applicable to stable-isotope studies in humans.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) has evolved into the main proteome discovery technology. Up to several thousand proteins can now be reliably identified from a sample and the relative abundance of the identified proteins can be determined across samples. However, the remeasurement of substantially similar proteomes, for example those generated by perturbation experiments in systems biology, at high reproducibility and throughput remains challenging. Here, we apply a directed MS strategy to detect and quantify sets of pre‐determined peptides in tryptic digests of cells of the human pathogen Leptospira interrogans at 25 different states. We show that in a single LC–MS/MS experiment around 5000 peptides, covering 1680 L. interrogans proteins, can be consistently detected and their absolute expression levels estimated, revealing new insights about the proteome changes involved in pathogenic progression and antibiotic defense of L. interrogans. This is the first study that describes the absolute quantitative behavior of any proteome over multiple states, and represents the most comprehensive proteome abundance pattern comparison for any organism to date.  相似文献   

A novel, MS-based approach for the relative quantification of proteins, relying on the derivatization of primary amino groups in intact proteins using isobaric tag for relative and absolute quantitation (iTRAQ) is presented. Due to the isobaric mass design of the iTRAQ reagents, differentially labeled proteins do not differ in mass; accordingly, their corresponding proteolytic peptides appear as single peaks in MS scans. Because quantitative information is provided by isotope-encoded reporter ions that can only be observed in MS/MS spectra, we analyzed the fragmentation behavior of ESI and MALDI ions of peptides generated from iTRAQ-labeled proteins using a TOF/TOF and/or a QTOF instrument. We observed efficient liberation of reporter ions for singly protonated peptides at low-energy collision conditions. In contrast, increased collision energies were required to liberate the iTRAQ label from lysine side chains of doubly charged peptides and, thus, to observe reporter ions suitable for relative quantification of proteins with high accuracy. We then developed a quantitative strategy that comprises labeling of intact proteins by iTRAQ followed by gel electrophoresis and peptide MS/MS analyses. As proof of principle, mixtures of five different proteins in various concentration ratios were quantified, demonstrating the general applicability of the approach presented here to quantitative MS-based proteomics.  相似文献   

We report the design, chemical synthesis, and structural and functional characterization of a novel reagent for protein sequence analysis by the Edman degradation, yielding amino acid derivatives rapidly detectable at high sensitivity by ion-evaporation mass spectrometry. We demonstrate that the reagent 3-[4'(ethylene-N,N,N-trimethylamino)phenyl]-2-isothiocyanate is chemically stable and shows coupling and cyclization/cleavage yields comparable to phenylisothiocyanate, the standard reagent in chemical sequence analysis, under conditions typically encountered in manual or automated sequence analysis. Amino acid derivatives generated with this reagent were detectable by ion-evaporation mass spectrometry at the subfemtomole sensitivity level at a pace of one sample per minute. Furthermore, derivatives were identified by their mass, thus permitting the rapid and highly sensitive determination of the molecular nature of modified amino acids. Derivatives of amino acids with acidic, basic, polar, or hydrophobic side chains were reproducibly detectable at comparable sensitivities. The polar nature of the reagent required covalent immobilization of polypeptides prior to automated sequence analysis. This reagent, used in automated sequence analysis, has the potential for overcoming the limitations in sensitivity, speed, and the ability to characterize modified amino acid residues inherent in the chemical sequencing methods that are currently used.  相似文献   

Introduction: Exploring post-translational modifications (PTMs) with the use of mass spectrometry (PTMomics) is a rapidly developing area, with methods for discovery/quantification being developed and advanced on a regular basis. PTMs are highly important for the regulation of protein function, interaction and activity, both in physiological and disease states. Changes in PTMs can either cause, or be the result of a disease, making them central for biomarker studies and studies of disease pathogenesis. Recently, it became possible to study multiple PTMs simultaneously from low amount of sample material, thereby increasing coverage of the PTMome obtainable from a single sample. Thus, quantitative PTMomics holds great potential to discover biomarkers from tissue and body fluids as well as elucidating disease mechanisms through characterization of signaling pathways.

Areas covered: Recent mass spectrometry-based methods for assessment of the PTMome, with focus on the most studied PTMs, are highlighted. Furthermore, both data dependent and data independent acquisition methods are evaluated. Finally, current challenges in the field are discussed.

Expert commentary: PTMomics holds great potential for clinical and biomedical research, especially with the generation of spectral libraries of peptides and PTMs from individual patients (permanent PTM maps) for use in personalized medicine.  相似文献   

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