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Targeted inactivation of neurons by expression of toxic gene products is a useful tool to assign behavioral functions to specific neurons or brain structures. Of a variety of toxic gene products tested, tetanus neurotoxin light chain (TNT) has the least severe side effects and can completely block chemical synapses. By using the GAL4 system to drive TNT expression in a subset of chemo‐ and mechanosensory neurons, we detected walking and flight defects consistent with blocking of relevant sensory information. We also found, for the first time, an olfactory behavioral phenotype associated with blocking of a specific subset of antennal chemoreceptors. Similar behavioral experiments with GAL4 lines expressing in different subsets of antennal chemoreceptors should contribute to an understanding of olfactory coding in Drosophila. To increase the utility of the GAL4 system for such purposes, we have designed an inducible system that allows us to circumvent lethality caused by TNT expression during early development. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol 50: 221–233, 2002; DOI 10.1002/neu.10029  相似文献   

Targeted inactivation of neurons by expression of toxic gene products is a useful tool to assign behavioral functions to specific neurons or brain structures. Of a variety of toxic gene products tested, tetanus neurotoxin light chain (TNT) has the least severe side effects and can completely block chemical synapses. By using the GAL4 system to drive TNT expression in a subset of chemo- and mechanosensory neurons, we detected walking and flight defects consistent with blocking of relevant sensory information. We also found, for the first time, an olfactory behavioral phenotype associated with blocking of a specific subset of antennal chemoreceptors. Similar behavioral experiments with GAL4 lines expressing in different subsets of antennal chemoreceptors should contribute to an understanding of olfactory coding in Drosophila. To increase the utility of the GAL4 system for such purposes, we have designed an inducible system that allows us to circumvent lethality caused by TNT expression during early development.  相似文献   

Woodley CM  Peterson MS 《Oecologia》2003,136(1):155-160
An organism's daily activities are affected by predation and predation risk that have behavioral and physiological costs, which translate into long-term population and community consequences. We tested the hypothesis that the perception of predation risk from sand seatrout, Cynoscion arenarius, affects the behavior, and immediate and intermediate physiological responses of longnose killifish, Fundulus majalis. We further hypothesized that prey responses change if prey are buffered by artificial submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), a potential refuge from predators. Experiments were conducted to quantitatively estimate the behavior, plasma cortisol (PC) concentration, mass-specific oxygen consumption, and short-term growth rate changes relative to full, partial, and no visual exposure to the predator. The partial visual exposure treatment involved the use of artificial SAV. Our results indicate that there are significant behavior and physiological responses of longnose killifish to predation threat. Longnose killifish in the full visual and partial exposure treatments displayed different behaviors than the control treatments by shifting towards the rear of the aquaria. In addition, longnose killifish in the full visual exposure compared to the partial exposure and the control treatments responded by exhibiting an elevation of PC and mass-specific oxygen consumption rate, and through decreased short-term growth. These responses were less intense in the partial exposure, when artificial SAV was present. The significance of this study is that it examines a suite of responses from cellular to the whole-organism level as they are affected by predation threat and modified by the presence or absence of artificial SAV.  相似文献   

Schoppik D  Nagel KI  Lisberger SG 《Neuron》2008,58(2):248-260
Neural activity in the frontal eye fields controls smooth pursuit eye movements, but the relationship between single neuron responses, cortical population responses, and eye movements is not well understood. We describe an approach to dynamically link trial-to-trial fluctuations in neural responses to parallel variations in pursuit and demonstrate that individual neurons predict eye velocity fluctuations at particular moments during the course of behavior, while the population of neurons collectively tiles the entire duration of the movement. The analysis also reveals the strength of correlations in the eye movement predictions derived from pairs of simultaneously recorded neurons and suggests a simple model of cortical processing. These findings constrain the primate cortical code for movement, suggesting that either a few neurons are sufficient to drive pursuit at any given time or that many neurons operate collectively at each moment with remarkably little variation added to motor command signals downstream from the cortex.  相似文献   

The computational processes by which attention improves behavioral performance were characterized by measuring visual cortical activity with functional magnetic resonance imaging as humans performed a contrast-discrimination task with focal and distributed attention. Focal attention yielded robust improvements in behavioral performance accompanied by increases in cortical responses. Quantitative analysis revealed that if performance were limited only by the sensitivity of the measured sensory signals, the improvements in behavioral performance would have corresponded to an unrealistically large reduction in response variability. Instead, behavioral performance was well characterized by a pooling and selection process for which the largest sensory responses, those most strongly modulated by attention, dominated the perceptual decision. This characterization predicts that high-contrast distracters that evoke large responses should negatively impact behavioral performance. We tested and confirmed this prediction. We conclude that attention enhanced behavioral performance predominantly by enabling efficient selection of the behaviorally relevant sensory signals.  相似文献   

In this study of electrically-evoked auditory brain-stem responses (EABRs) elicited by cochlear nucleus stimulation, 3 waves were identified after the initial wave that is directly initiated by the electric stimulus. Varying the rate of periodic stimulation or the interval between pairs of stimuli revealed that the shorter the latency of a wave, the faster it recovered from activation (i.e. shorter refractory period). The slow recovery of the third wave and an accompanying contribution to the second wave could be accounted for by postsynaptic generation in the two medial superior olivary nuclei (MSO); the faster recovery of another contribution to the second wave by generation in an axonal tract bending around the contralateral MSO; and the fastest recovery of the first wave by another axonal pathway having larger axons. Comparison with the relative latencies and spatial distribution of an acoustically-evoked auditory brain-stem response (AABR) indicated that the third wave corresponds to wave V, the second to wave IV (called IVb), and the first to a wave that precedes wave IV (called IVa). The anatomical interpretations for the two later waves of the EABR are consistent with most of the extant data on the neural generators of AABR waves IV and V. Thus, the present data and analysis strengthen the identification of the electrically evoked responses as EABRs and provide a firmer foundation for intra-operative EABR monitoring to assist auditory brain-stem implant placement.  相似文献   

Environmental change can result in substantial shifts in community composition. The associated immigration and extinction events are likely constrained by the spatial distribution of species. Still, studies on environmental change typically quantify biotic responses at single spatial (time series within a single plot) or temporal (spatial beta diversity at single time points) scales, ignoring their potential interdependence. Here, we use data from a global network of grassland experiments to determine how turnover responses to two major forms of environmental change – fertilisation and herbivore loss – are affected by species pool size and spatial compositional heterogeneity. Fertilisation led to higher rates of local extinction, whereas turnover in herbivore exclusion plots was driven by species replacement. Overall, sites with more spatially heterogeneous composition showed significantly higher rates of annual turnover, independent of species pool size and treatment. Taking into account spatial biodiversity aspects will therefore improve our understanding of consequences of global and anthropogenic change on community dynamics.  相似文献   

Experience-dependent plasticity of receptive fields in the auditory cortex has been demonstrated by electrophysiological experiments in animals. In the present study we used PET neuroimaging to measure regional brain activity in volunteer human subjects during discriminatory classical conditioning of high (8000 Hz) or low (200 Hz) frequency tones by an aversive 100 dB white noise burst. Conditioning-related, frequency-specific modulation of tonotopic neural responses in the auditory cortex was observed. The modulated regions of the auditory cortex positively covaried with activity in the amygdala, basal forebrain and orbitofrontal cortex, and showed context-specific functional interactions with the medial geniculate nucleus. These results accord with animal single-unit data and support neurobiological models of auditory conditioning and value-dependent neural selection.  相似文献   

When the axons of primary sensory neurons project into the embryonic mammalian spinal cord, they bifurcate and extend rostrocaudally before sending collaterals to specific laminae according to neuronal subclass. The specificity of this innervation has been suggested to be the result both of differential sensitivity to chemorepellants expressed in the ventral spinal cord and of the function of Ig-like neural cell adhesion molecules in the dorsal horn. The relationship between these mechanisms has not been addressed. Focussing on the pathfinding of TrkA+ NGF-dependent axons, we demonstrate for the first time that their axons project prematurely into the dorsal horn of both L1 and TAG-1 knockout mice. We show that axons lacking TAG-1, similar to those lacking L1, are insensitive to wild-type ventral spinal cord (VSC)-derived chemorepellants, indicating that adhesion molecule function is required in the axons, and that this loss of response is explained in part by loss of response to Sema3A. We present evidence that TAG-1 affects sensitivity to Sema3A by binding to L1 and modulating the endocytosis of the L1/neuropilin 1 Sema3A receptor complex. However, TAG-1 appears to affect sensitivity to other VSC-derived chemorepellants via an L1-independent mechanism. We suggest that this dependence of chemorepellant sensitivity on the functions of combinations of adhesion molecules is important to ensure that axons project via specific pathways before extending to their final targets.  相似文献   

Motor behaviors require animals to coordinate neural activity across different areas within their motor system. In particular, the significant processing delays within the motor system must somehow be compensated for. Internal models of the motor system, in particular the forward model, have emerged as important potential mechanisms for compensation. For motor responses directed at moving visual objects, there is, additionally, a problem of delays within the sensory pathways carrying crucial position information. The visual phenomenon known as the flash-lag effect has led to a motion-extrapolation model for compensation of sensory delays. In the flash-lag effect, observers see a flashed item colocalized with a moving item as lagging behind the moving item. Here, we explore the possibility that the internal forward model and the motion-extrapolation model are analogous mechanisms compensating for neural delays in the motor and the visual system, respectively. In total darkness, observers moved their right hand gripping a rod while a visual flash was presented at various positions in relation to the rod. When the flash was aligned with the rod, observers perceived it in a position lagging behind the instantaneous felt position of the invisible rod. These results suggest that compensation of neural delays for time-varying motor behavior parallels compensation of delays for time-varying visual stimulation.  相似文献   

Functional genomics of neural and behavioral plasticity   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
How does the environment, particularly the social environment, influence brain and behavior and what are the underlying physiologic, molecular, and genetic mechanisms? Adaptations of brain and behavior to changes in the social or physical environment are common in the animal world, either as short-term (i.e., modulatory) or as long-term modifications (e.g., via gene expression changes) in behavioral or physiologic properties. The study of the mechanisms and constraints underlying these dynamic changes requires model systems that offer plastic phenotypes as well as a sufficient level of quantifiable behavioral complexity while being accessible at the physiological and molecular level. In this article, I explore how the new field of functional genomics can contribute to an understanding of the complex relationship between genome and environment that results in highly plastic phenotypes. This approach will lead to the discovery of genes under environmental control and provide the basis for the study of the interrelationship between an individual's gene expression profile and its social phenotype in a given environmental context.  相似文献   

Several ungulate populations have become overabundant worldwide, resulting in ecological and social effects. Wildlife managers must establish effective population control programs to mitigate these negative influences. Hunting is a significant mortality factor for ungulates, which exhibit sensitive behavioral responses toward hunting activities. Wildlife managers need a comprehensive understanding of the ungulate responses to different hunting pressures across seasons. We developed a conceptual method to evaluate multiple behavioral responses to human hunting pressures and applied this to sika deer (Cervus nippon) in Hokkaido, Japan, during August and November in 2015. We measured flight behavior, spatial avoidance, and temporal activity shift during non-hunting and hunting seasons in 4 regions with different hunting pressures. Although we did not observe a clear difference in flight initiation distance among study areas or seasons, sika deer showed significant spatial avoidance during the hunting season in areas with high hunting pressure. Furthermore, sika deer were more active at night in areas with higher hunting pressures, regardless of the season. Collectively, these results suggest that sika deer responded to hunting pressure by changing diel activity to nocturnal throughout the year and avoiding risky areas (i.e., around hunting roads) during hunting season, rather than by increasing flight distance when they encounter humans. Our method can be used for a more efficient population control program for wildlife managers, as it considers the spatiotemporal variations of flexible ungulate behaviors in response to hunting pressures.  相似文献   

Mouse model research is proliferating because of its readiness for genetic manipulation. Little is known about pulmonary vagal afferents in mice, however. The purpose of this study was to determine whether their pulmonary afferents are similar to those in large animals. Single-unit activity was recorded in the cervical vagus nerve of anesthetized, open-chest, and mechanically ventilated mice. We evaluated airway sensory activity in 153 single units; 141 were mechanosensitive, with 134 inflation receptors and 7 deflation receptors. The remaining 12 receptors were chemosensitive and mechanically insensitive, showing low basal firing frequency and behaving like C-fiber or high-threshold Adelta-receptors. In separate studies, phrenic activity was recorded as an index of respiratory drive to assess pulmonary reflexes. Lung inflation produced a typical Hering-Breuer reflex, and intravenous injection of phenylbiguanide produced the typical chemoreflex resulting in apnea, bradycardia, and hypotension. These reflexes were blocked by bilateral vagotomy. We conclude that mice possess a similar set of airway sensors and pulmonary reflexes as typically found in larger animals.  相似文献   

In hypoxia, gray mullet surface to ventilate well-oxygenated water in contact with air, an adaptive response known as aquatic surface respiration (ASR). Reflex control of ASR and its behavioral modulation by perceived threat of aerial predation and turbid water were studied on mullet in a partly sheltered aquarium with free surface access. Injections of sodium cyanide (NaCN) into either the bloodstream (internal) or ventilatory water stream (external) revealed that ASR, hypoxic bradycardia, and branchial hyperventilation were stimulated by chemoreceptors sensitive to both systemic and water O2 levels. Sight of a model avian predator elicited bradycardia and hypoventilation, a fear response that inhibited reflex hyperventilation following external NaCN. The time lag to initiation of ASR following NaCN increased, but response intensity (number of events, time at the surface) was unchanged. Mullet, however, modified their behavior to surface under shelter or near the aquarium edges. Turbid water abolished the fear response and effects of the predator on gill ventilation and timing of ASR following external NaCN, presumably because of reduced visibility. However, in turbidity, mullet consistently performed ASR under shelter or near the aquarium edges. These adaptive modulations of ASR behavior would allow mullet to retain advantages of the chemoreflex when threatened by avian predators or when unable to perceive potential threats in turbidity.  相似文献   

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